Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...

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Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story...

                   Summer 2021
                Volume 61 No. 2
We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
CONTENTS                                                               June, July, August 2021

 3             Spring 2021 Photos                                   14

                                                                                    An Update from Mwandi
                                                                                    Formula for LifeTM
 4             Honduras Agape Foundation

 6             Stephen Ministry                                     15

                                                                                    Presbyterian Women
                                                                                    Prayer Shawl Ministry
		             ACTS Birthday Store

    7          Buildings & Grounds Rejuvenation                     16              Church Updates and Information

    8          Educational Opportunities                            18

                                                                                    Thank You Notes
                                                                                    Member Updates
   10          Purposeful Education
                                                                        20          Summer Worship Calendar
   12          Reflections on our 2021 Stars

         PUBLICATIONS                                           CONTACT INFORMATION
The deadline for the September/October/November 2021           Pastor/Head of Staff
newsletter is 12:00 noon on Wednesday, August 18. We           Pastor for Compassionate Ministries             Holly Shoaf-O’Kula
would love to hear your story!                                 Pastor for Connectional Community                  Terry Wimberley
Please send your information via email to Anna Derr at         Director of Music                                  Daniel Hamilton or leave it in the                 Director of Purposeful Education                    Andrea Paschal
“Newsletter” box in the office hallway.                        Director of Operations                         Chris Jolicoeur-Smith
Watch for Weekly Updates in your email!                        Program Ministry Assistant/Creative Specialist    Joanna Hamilton
                                                               Organist/Accompanist                                     Kathy Clark
Please follow the church:                                      Preschool Director                                   Mary Maddrey
Facebook -                              Publications Specialist                                   Anna Derr
Instagram - @aikenpres                                         Financial Secretary                                   Debby Dugan
Sign up for our church app! Download "My Church by             Administrative Assistant                                Zoë Andrews
Pushpay" from your phone or tablet's app store and enter       Kitchen Coordinator (volunteer)                         Sandy Evans
this keyword: FPCAIKEN APP.
If you no longer wish to receive a hard copy of the                     224 Barnwell Avenue NW, Aiken, SC 29801-3904
newsletter because you read it online, please let the church                            (803) 648-2662
office know.                                                            e-mail:
Thank you to Joanna Hamilton of JLHamilton Photography                        Website:
for capturing many of our church photos.
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Spring 2021

Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
                               in Quimistan, Honduras
    Thanks to the generous support of so
    many, including First Presbyterian Church
    members and Mission Committee, several
    homes of Agape Promise students that
    were either severely damaged or destroyed
    when the two hurricanes (November/
    December 2020) hit have been repaired
    or are in the process of being rebuilt.

    HAF'S special hurricane assistance
    request raised about $33,000. Those
    resources are being used to repair/rebuild
    homes such as you see below, rebuild
    village water towers, repair schools,
    provide meals, etc. Light of the Valley
    School (photo below) was flooded,
    and that resulted in the need for all new
    desks plus repainting of interior walls.      Recently, the Honduras Agape Foundation provided new Bibles to
    Maynor Castello, HAF mission leader in        Agape Promise students. Their reply was:
    Quimistan, and a group of AP students
    painted the walls and built desks for the             Muchas gracias;
    students and teachers. Hurricane funds                es el mejor regalo de todos.
    bought white boards, cleaning supplies,
                                                          Thank you very much;
    and other necessary items that were                   it is the best gift of all.
    washed away by the flood waters. Though
    most classes are still on virtual learning,   The HAF Agape Promise (AP) program provides education support,
    there is in-class learning one day a week     Christian youth discipleship, and personal encouragement for
    as seen in the photo below.                                                           Honduras students. This
                                                                                          includes weekly Christian
                                                                                          youth group meetings and
                                                                                          Christian service opportunities
                                                                                          for AP students to be witnesses
                                                                                          for Christ through such
                                                                                          activities as delivering food,
                                                                                          teaching VBS, and holding
                                                                                          youth activities functions.

                                                            Light of the Valley School
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Denilson Muñoz is an Agape Promise
student whose family lost their house due to
the hurricane flooding. With the donations
received, HAF has built the family a new home.
The new home is a basic concrete block home
with a metal roof and a concrete floor that cost
$6,000 to build (see pictures). The family
is very pleased to have a new home for their
family! They recently sent a thank you letter
to HAF for the help that HAF has provided for
their family.
                                                         During construction

                                                                               Dear brothers and sisters of the Honduras Agape
                                                                                    Through this letter, we want to thank you.
                                                                               Through your help, we have a house made of concrete
                                                                               blocks and with many comforts where we can live calm
                                                                               and happy.
                                                                                    We are a family with limited economic resources,
                                                                               but thanks to your Foundation today we can live
                                                                                    We pray to God for each one of you, to all who
                                                                               are part of this great Foundation, which is a great
                                                                               blessing. Greetings to all of you. May God bless you
                                                                               always. May he fill you with health, with life, so that
 The Muñoz Portillo family in front of their new house                         you continue to help those who need the most, just as
                                                                               you helped us.
                                                                                    Muñoz Portillo Family

                                           Tejeras children receiving coloring sheets
                                           and colored pencils in their regular food
                                          bags. They are not able to return to Sunday
                                           morning Sunday School, due to Covid-19.

Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Our Entire Congregation Plays an Important Role
                in Stephen Ministry at First Presbyterian
    We all experience challenges in life—times when we could benefit from care and support. Stephen Ministers can
                                             P E O PLE
    provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty. We ask for your prayers for
                                        FO             �
    hope and healing to hurting people through our Stephen Ministry. We ask for your prayers for our Stephen Ministers
    as they walk along beside their care receivers. We ask for you to make a referral if you or someone you know could
    possibly benefit from Stephen Ministry.

                                      How to Make a Stephen Ministry Referral

    1.   Be aware of what Stephen Ministry is and does.
    2.   Listen carefully for the need for a Stephen Minister.
    3.   If you feel there is a need, speak to the person about Stephen Ministry.

                                                                                                UGH PE
    4.   Ask permission to speak to the Referrals Coordinators (Linda McGurer or Holly Shoaf-O’Kula).
    5.   Contact the Referrals Coordinators.
    6.   Pray for your referral.
    7.   Know that the Referral Coordinators are grateful for your referral and since Stephen Ministry is a confidential
         caring relationship, they are unable to provide you with any follow-up information.

                                            What Happens After You Refer

    1. Referrals Coordinator contacts and meets with the potential care receiver, assessing the appropriateness for

       Stephen Ministry.

       appropriate).                   C H                                         LE       P
    2. Referrals Coordinator prayerfully considers the care receiver’s needs and assigns a Stephen Minister (if

    3. Referrals Coordinator informs the care receiver of assignment.
    4. Stephen Minister sets up a time to meet and the caring ministry continues from there.

                                             We are ALL Referral Ministers

                                        ACTS Birthday Store
                       Plans are being made for the ACTS Birthday Store to reopen this fall! We
                       encourage you to start purchasing and donating gifts for this mission project
                       so that the store can be fully stocked. Toys and gifts for all ages through 18
                       would be helpful. We will have a box available at the church. Stay tuned for
                       more information!

Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
The Buildings & Grounds Rejuvenation Project
                                                                           Committee has been busy reviewing the
                                                                           various items that need to be addressed on the
                                                                           church's physical facilities. The committee is
                                                                           comprised of Jeffrey Reynolds, Cameron Scott,
                                                                           Denny McGurer, Chick Warner, and Chris
                                                                           Jolicoeur-Smith, Director of Operations. The
                                                                           project's beautiful new logo, designed by our
                                                                           Publications Specialist Anna Derr, represents
                                                                           our church façade and the slogan, courtesy
                                                                           of Rev. Terry Wimberley, complements our
                                                                           church theme of "adding a new chapter to an
                                                                           old story".

                                                                           Many of our planned enhancements will begin
                                                                           once the Preschool is off for the summer and
                                                                           the next newsletter will have before & after
                                                                           photos to show our progress. If you have any
                                                                           questions about the project, please feel free to
                                                                           contact Chris at the church office.

                                                               The Way of Love at First Presbyterian Church
                                            As with every Christian, we at First Presbyterian Church of Aiken affirm that "God
                                            is Love" and that in Jesus our Savior the greatest of all commandments is the
                                            commandment to "love one another." Based upon this universal Christian tenet, we
                                            are exploring the "Way of Love" curriculum developed by our kindred denomination,
                                            The Episcopal Church, U.S.
                                                                            What is the Way of Love?
                                            The Way of Love is a way of life. More than a program or curriculum, it is a return
                                            to the ancient pathways and Rules of Life that followers of Jesus have observed for
                                            centuries. They knew the power of commitment to a core set of practices – Turn,
                                            Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest – and the power of gathering in a small group
                                            where you find love and support for living into these commitments. If we hope to
                                            not only worship Jesus but to grow more like him and bear his redeeming love in the
                                            world, we can adopt a rule of life like the Way of Love and find a community with
                                            which to practice it.
                                                  What does the class involve?
The Way of Love class is online from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. until June 30. The class has already begun, but it's not too late to
participate! Sessions include the languages of love, the rule of life, turning to love, learning to love, prayer and love, worship
and love, blessing and love, and going and resting in love. Classes are accessed via Zoom (Link:
41620406?pwd=STRlZVlXUytieDd6aGdvekJOc1kydz09 | Meeting ID: 894 4162 0406 | Passcode: 055216). The instructor is Terry
Wimberley, and all class materials are supplied online. We encourage you to become a part of this interesting class and explore
how you and others want to be loved, what love in Christ is all about and how to make Christ’s love your rule of life.
                             Course link:
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Vacation Bible School
                                                                           Kick-Off: Sunday, June 27
                                                                                  June 28-30
                                                                                5:30 - 8:00 PM
                                                           VBS is going to look different this year: it’s a church family affair!
                                                           Sunday, June 27, we will gather for a community picnic at 5:30
                                                           p.m. Everyone is invited as the theme will be introduced with a
                                                           fun activity. Monday through Wednesday, June 28-30, VBS will
                                                           begin with a meal at 5:30 p.m. Church members and families
                                                           will enjoy VBS fun together through Bible stories, crafts, science,
                                                           music, and recreation. We will conclude by 8:00 p.m. Due to
                                                           current restrictions, we cannot allow children to participate
                                                           without an accompanying adult, so please bring the whole
                                                           family. Register online at We will also be
                                                           collecting monetary donations for Formula for LifeTM and jelly for
                                                           ACTS. If you are interested in helping with VBS, please contact
                                                           Co-Directors Katie Kucharski or Melissa Patterson.

                  Summer City Serve 2021                                      Members participating for the week of
                                                                              June 13-18 are:
We are excited to have a group of nine students and two chaperones              Carly Brown		           Chaperones:
participating in a week-long mission trip this summer. This short-term          Katie Brown		           Andrea Paschal
mission experience will invite participants to practice the commandment         Brandon Luther          Jacob Williams
God gives to show love and hospitality to our neighbors. Each day               Jacob Luther
provides the chance to live in solidarity with neighbors who are                Lauren Luther
experiencing marginalization based on things out of their control at            Connor Patterson
two different sites per day. Please pray for these participants as they         Zachary Patterson
step outside their comfort zone to meet and fellowship with people from         Kendall Starks
all walks of life and encounter social issues that are challenging and          Joshua Woods
complex, possibly a new experience for them.
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Child, Youth, and Worker Protection
         Did you know First Presbyterian has a Child, Youth, and Worker Protection Policy?
         How does this impact the church? Why do we do this?

In February, Session approved a new Child, Youth, and              How do I apply to be a volunteer? Complete a Staff and
Worker Protection Policy to guide our actions as we care           Volunteer Application Form agreeing to a Background
for the children and youth under 18 while participating in         Check. Printed copies are at the church office or available
activities at FPCA. The policy purpose states                      on the children and youth pages of the church website.
                                                                   Return the application to Andrea Paschal, Director of
  “First Presbyterian Church, Aiken (FPCA) is committed to         Purposeful Education, or to Chris Jolicoeur-Smith, Director
  providing a safe place for all children, youth, and adults       of Operations. Once an application has been submitted, a
  who attend any activity or ministry. Recognizing trust is        training video will be emailed about abuse awareness. This
  fundamental to the well-being of the Christian community,        video is the first part of training for our policy.
  FPCA adopts these policies and procedures not only to
  maximize safety and prevent child abuse from occurring           To learn more about our Protection Policy, plan to join us
  within its church community, but also to guide and protect       on Wednesday, August 18, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the
  volunteers and employees from unwarranted allegations            Fellowship Hall.
  of child abuse. FPCA covenants to educate everyone
  concerning FPCA protection procedures and, as God’s              Mark 10:14-16 states,
  people, to nurture, love, and care for children, youth and        “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
  adults to experience God’s kingdom in a safe place.”              for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the
                                                                    truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a
As we begin to emerge from Covid and activities with                little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his
children and youth increase, it is important to put our best        arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
practices in place. This policy will guide how we proceed.
                                                                   We believe all children and youth are a gift of God and
Volunteers are an integral part of all the ministries at           depend on adults for safety and security. Jesus welcomed
FPCA, especially when it comes to our children and youth.          children and encouraged us to welcome them in his name.
Best practices as described in the new policy include two          We hope for a church where we take seriously our baptismal
unrelated adults with each group of children or youth; a           vow to nurture all children committed to our care and where
positive approach to discipline by using clear, consistent         adults and children alike share in ministry. YOU are a vital
and age-appropriate limits; upholding appropriate and              part of extending God’s love to our youngest and younger
faithful communications while at church or in relation to all      disciples.
church participants and activities in person or via all forms of
electronic communications; communications between adults
and youth should be via a public platform and employ the
two-to-one rule.

Volunteer opportunities are available at all levels – regular
gatherings like teaching Sunday school or helping with
Youth gatherings, on a rotating basis like volunteering in the
Nursery or Sunday morning activities; one-time opportunities
such as hosting/volunteering for a specific event like Vacation
Bible School, Parent’s Night Out, Youth Lock-in, etc.
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Summer 2021 Volume 61 No. 2 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...

                                                                                                                        by Andrea Paschal
EDUCATION          at First Presbyterian Church of Aiken, South Carolina
According to Merriam-Webster, the          The Vision and Mission for Purposeful       It has been my privilege to be here in
definition of purpose as a noun is “the    Education created by the Vision             the FPCA family to learn more about
reason why something is done or used;      Task Force team in 2020 share this          this family of faith and determine how
the aim or intention of something.” As     understanding of Purposeful Education.      best to work with you to live into the
a verb, purpose is “the aim or goal of a   “A culture of Christian Education           vision and mission set forth. We had
person: what a person is trying to do,     at FPCA that offers age-related             the opportunity to learn alongside
become.” A blog article from September     and lifelong Christian educational          Stephanie Caro from Ministry Architects
4, 2019, on          opportunities based on Reformed             to imagine what this might look like in
shares “Purpose creates meaning,           Theology so that our FPCA community         our setting. Many members spent time
offers a sense of direction and helps      will continue to grow in our relationship   with us to dream and imagine a variety
guide our paths, behavior and our          with God and our relationships with one     of items with Stephanie’s help.
goals when applied to our lives.”          another.” “Provide opportunities
One definition of education is “an         for relevant instruction focused on
enlightening experience.”                  growing new disciples and equipping
                                           mature saints.”

Core Educational Competencies identified for our
community of faith are:
 • Understand the basics of the Bible – Know the layout of
    the Bible and the most prominent stories.
 • Apply tenants of faith to life – Learn and understand how
    God intends for us to live and being guided by our faith
    in daily decisions.
 • Know how to pray – Become comfortable in prayer and
    talking to God.
 • Belong to Christ – Build a personal relationship with
    Christ, based on Scripture about God’s love.
 • Continue to be lifelong worshipers – Participate in a
    community of faith, hopefully from cradle to grave.

Three-year big goals identified for our program are:
• Develop a Mentor/Mentee Ministry
• Update classroom technology on campus
• Create a system of providing retreats of all types

Program evaluations brought these to the surface:
• Youth Group
• Youth Sunday School
• Children’s Sunday School
• Thirsty Theologians/Pop Up Bible Studies

So, where do we begin? The challenges of the past 14
months have allowed us to reevaluate what it means to be a
community of faith. As we move forward, there is more work
to do to create a vibrant Purposeful Education Ministry. Maria
Harris, an internationally acclaimed religious educator, is
cited in Planning for Christian Education Formation by Israel
Galindo and Marty C. Canady saying “the total life of the
congregation [is] the primary religious education curriculum
for any congregation. Her work frames a congregation’s
‘course of the church’s life’ through the practices of teaching
(didache), worship (leitourgia), community (koinonia),
proclamation (kerygma), and service or outreach (diakonia).”
First Presbyterian embodies all this framework and
experiences. Living into the Vision and Mission listed above
necessitates Purposeful Education Ministry to avail itself of
the knowledge existing in this congregation. We would like to
create Architect teams for Adult, Youth and Children to build
specific, age-related education opportunities. Prayers for
this process are appreciated as we move forward. Purposeful
Education Ministry will be offering up prayers for you, as the
community of faith, and how you might be involved in the
coming ministry.
Reflections on our 2021 Stars
     Kendall, Franklin, Avery, and Sloane Buchanan

When we first received our star, we thought it may have been
a mistake. How in the world were we to ponder visitation in a
time when social distancing and quarantining were the norm?
It almost seemed as if this word was meant as a joke.
 We truly had no idea how to even start pondering visitation.

So, instead, we chose to find a way to make it present for us.
Avery made a rainbow that we placed on our refrigerator
with the star just above it. For over a month, its meaning was
simply that of a star peeking out from a rainbow.

But, over time, we've come to realize that visitation can
mean so much more than we ever realized. This pandemic           These are the tiny moments of visitation that may have
has taught us the power of the small moments that we             otherwise passed us by.
previously missed.
                                                                 We have so much to be grateful for as a church. Our
Appreciating the rush of getting out of the house to get to      incredible staff and volunteers have found new and exciting
the 11:00 a.m. service, which was impossible a year ago, to      ways to allow us to stay connected and continue to visit with
worship with our church family. Getting to find new ways         each other despite the challenges of Covid-19.
to connect as a church through outdoor hikes in Hitchcock
Woods or thanksgivings jar decorating on the side lawn.          Our family has found that pausing to appreciate these
Seeing Avery run around on the front lawn with our church's      small moments have now made that star shine brightly over
youth while we celebrated Brian and the entire Coulter family.   the rainbow.
George and Sheila Krist                                                 Marie Tewkesbury

            Foresight                                                            Language
                                                                                Oh, My Lucky Stars!
With anticipation, I opened the bag,
pulled out the star, and saw the word
                                                  Anticipating worship last January on Epiphany Sunday, I was most intrigued
foresight. Since then it has been on the
                                                  by the white gift bag when I sat down, and glancing around I noticed white
kitchen counter. As I see it, I ponder the
                                                  gift bags on all the pews. Hearing once again the scripture of the wise men
word (such a challenging one!) and its
                                                  following the star, Mike Loftus explained our “stars” - an opportunity to play
meaning. Also, I think of the person whose
                                                  with a word and an opportunity to pray for a star family this coming year.
name is on the back.
                                                  My star word language gives me the opportunity to explore words and word
In reflecting on the word, I have thought
                                                  meanings. I practice with oxymorons, onamonapias, puns, riddles, proverbs
of how having foresight has affected my
                                                  and so on. Later on, I may even dabble in
life, and I challenge you to do likewise.
The ability to look ahead, to plan ahead,
                                                  I was most pleasantly “star”-tled when I opened my white bag thinking, “Oh
and to move forward with confidence
                                                  my lucky stars!” My imagination took me to a variety of little songs that I
is so important as we all strive to live
                                                  could improvise:
purposeful lives. Using good judgment
is imperative as we think and plan so we                                 Twinkly, twinkle, you’re my “Star!”
can to be prepared as much as we can for                                   Bet you wonder who we are.
the future. The ability to look forward and
                                                  Okay, a little stretch but as my imagination was running wild, I thought I
be prudent gives us power to shape our
                                                  better get “star”-ted. I found star stickers and star cards and began sending
futures. We are being accountable with
                                                  little monthly anonymous greetings.
our actions for what lies ahead.
                                                                              Star wonder, star bright
Given all that, we are not alone in guiding                               You are our star we pray tonight.
our futures. We cannot create and shape
                                                  I was having fun and wondered if they were.
our future by ourselves. Empowered by
our faith, being in the Word, being in                                      When I pray upon a star
prayer, and seeking a Christian and Godly                              Makes no difference where they are…
community, we are strengthened and
                                                  Suddenly in March, my star family announced that they observed a star in
given courage to live into the future. As
                                                  the western sky (not really but it fits with Epiphany) and they were moving! I
we live our lives, may we be cognizant of
                                                  revealed myself earlier than I originally thought I would and though they have
the true vision and guidance that comes
                                                  left Aiken, I continue prayers for wisdom to discern God’s guidance. As long
from living as God would have us live.
                                                  as a Starbucks is nearby, I can send them a card for a latte fun.

          The Biblical word on the front of the star is for your pondering throughout this year. How might your “star
          word” inform your life this year? The name of the household on the back of the star are those for whom you
          can pray throughout the year. You are most welcome to let them know you are praying for them. Perhaps at
          some point they might have a specific prayer request they’d like to share with you.

An Update from Mwandi                         by Bruce Eberhard

Having not heard from the usual sources        the Scottish Government is convinced
of the American Board or Lawrence              of the need. These plants run in the
Kamba, this newsletter item relies solely on   $250,000 range so they are not cheap.
information from Keith and Ida Waddell,        Home oxygen concentrators are not very
the Scottish missionaries in Mwandi.           effective for critical cases.
Their correspondence is dated April 30.
At a meeting of the Churches Health            Zambia is also experiencing trouble
Association of Zambia (CHAZ) it was            getting PPE as the more advanced
brought home just how vulnerable Zambia        countries carry out their vaccination
is to Covid-19 without any vaccine.            programs. As Keith puts it, “It is indeed
Zambia has a rollout plan for vaccinations     an ill-divided world. Today the UK has
but no vaccine. They are slated for            already issued 35 million doses of vaccine
the Astra Zeneca and J&J vaccines but          with nearly 80% of adults covered."
neither has arrived. They don’t expect any
until well into May. Meanwhile they are        On a happier note! The Waddells have
bracing for an uptick in cases as the cold     two adopted youngsters, Ellie and Mubita,
weather season approaches and the most         who each suffered hardships earlier in
vulnerable are unvaccinated.                   life. All are in Mwandi now and doing
                                               well. Mubita has a job! The village has
As with the rest of the world, a lack of       acquired a machine for making concrete
oxygen is key to management of most            blocks, and Mubita and four others are
Covid hospital admissions. One hospital        making blocks for semi-detached doctors’
was able to use the concept paper written      houses. As Keith puts it, "This is a first for
by Ida to successfully obtain an oxygen        Mwandi; the production by machine of a
plant from the Scottish Government.            manufacturing operation in which able
Mwandi was not successful when they            bodied and challenged individuals work
first submitted the concept, but now           together."
                                                                                                      Mubita in his new work suit

                                                Many thanks to our generous members who contributed to the $5,000
                                                donor-matching offer from an anonymous member. Donations slightly
                                                exceeded $5,000, and this initiative raised $10,000 of the $18,000 that
                                                we send to Mwandi each year to buy infant formula. If other members
                                                want to make additional donor-matching offers, please notify Debby
                                                Dugan how much you will match. Ida Waddell and the babies at
                                                Mwandi will greatly appreciate your love and generosity.

Presbyterian Women
                                                2021 Birthday Offering Recipients
                                                  Garden Gate Ranch, Inc. Garden Gate Ranch is a Christian organization that provides safe
                                                        Education Center housing and restorative and transitional services for sexually-exploited
                                                             Renovation women and their children. In the spring of 2020, Garden Gate Ranch
                                       opened a newly reconditioned home that was expected to reach full                                                                                               Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth;
                                                       Des Moines, Iowa capacity within a few months. Garden Gate Ranch inhabits a large                                                                                                      break forth, O mountains, into singing!
                                                               $150,000 area and plans are in place to fully utilize this area to support women
                                                                        and their children. The Birthday Offering will assist Garden Gate                                                                                                For the LORD has comforted the people,
                                                                        Ranch in their mission by providing a separate education center for                                                                                                   and will have compassion on suffering ones.
                                                                        programming, therapeutic services and vocational rehabilitation.                                                                                                                                         Isaiah 49:13*

                                                              Memorial DriveLocated in the most diverse square mile in North America,
                                                              Ministries, Inc.
                                                                            Memorial Drive Ministries, Inc., a partnership between the
                                                           Gymnasium CapitalPresbytery of Greater Atlanta and six other churches, provides a
                                                              Improvements  welcoming environment for the vibrant ministries that call the
                                                Memorial Drive campus home. The Birthday Offering grant will
                                                   Stone Mountain, Georgia provide a desperately needed roof to replace one that leaks onto the
                                                                   $77,061 gymnasium floor where sewing, karate, dance, frisbee, badminton,
                                                                            basketball and other after-school activities take place. This costly
                                                                            but necessary fix will ensure that Memorial Drive Ministries can
                                                                            continue to provide a place of welcome to diverse worshipping
                                                                            communities and innovative community services.

                                                          Nkhoma MissionThe Nkhoma Mission Hospital in Nkhoma, Malawi (located
                                                                        in southeastern Africa) offers affordable, accessible healthcare
                                                          Women’s Healthservices for all, inspired by the love of Jesus Christ. The Birthday
                                                     Center/OBGYN Theatre
                                                                        Offering grant will provide funds to build an obstetrics and
                                        gynecology-specific operating room next to the existing prenatal
                                                        Nkhoma, Malawi and maternity wards. This new theater will help decrease delays
                                                              $129,145 and reduce maternal deaths caused by having to move patients a
                                                                        significant distance across the hospital’s grounds. This theater
                                                                        expansion will aid in the hospital’s goals of becoming more
                                                                        self-sustainable by expanding the surgical services that are offered
                                                                        and living into its vision of being a leader in quality, Christian
                                                                        healthcare and training in Malawi.

                                                  Learn more about the Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women
                                                        by visiting

                                              *New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission.

Presbyterian Women met for our final        Our next year’s study promises to
                                                                                     We are grateful once again for your
Bible study lesson last week. Paul Ebel     engage us as we learn What My            contributions to our PW Birthday
led the study, reviewing the year-long      Grandmothers Taught Me: Learning from    Offering. At this writing, donations are
study, Into the Light: Finding Hope         the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of      $1055 and are used for major mission
Through Prayers of Lament, and 14 ladies    Jesus. Please stay tuned as we again     projects in the United States and
were in attendance and 1 joined in with     adjust, hoping to return to our familiar around the world.
Zoom. Even during the pandemic, we          meeting days and
learned to adjust our in-person study       times. The information        “Sing for joy, O heavens,
with masks and social distancing while      will be publicized in         and exult, O earth; break
maintaining our fellowship and in-          the fall edition of this      forth, O mountains, into
depth study. We were reminded that          newsletter and through        singing! For the Lord has
God is and will always be fully present,    our churchwide weekly         Comforted the people, and
and we can use lament to broaden and        connections emails. All       wilL have compassion on
enrich our prayer lives.                    women of the church are suffering ones.” Isaiah 49:13
                                            invited to attend.

      Prayer Shawl Ministry                                                                                                                         WELCoME NEWBORN BABIES!

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry started in the fall of 2007, and so                                                                          Please be sure to let us know if you are expecting a new baby,
far we have made over 836 prayer shawls, and over 780 have                                                                             grandbaby, or great-grandbaby in your family! Some of our
been given away. We continue to pray for all those who have                                                                            Presbyterian Women have made beautiful knit baby items
received a prayer shawl. Prayer shawls are available to give to                                                                        which we’d like to share with you for your new family member!
anyone—church members and those who are not members of                                                                                 Let us know before the arrival time, so you'll have the gift
our church. Please let us know of someone who might enjoy                                                                              ready to deliver at your convenience!
receiving this special gift from our church.
                                                                                                                                       Please contact Robbie Knox to ask about getting baby items
Please contact Robbie Knox or the church office to ask about                                                                           or with your questions and suggestions.
getting a prayer shawl or to see how you can help!

An Update from the Interim Search Committee
The Interim Search Committee has
completed the Job Description and
Compensation Package for the Interim/
Transitional Pastor search after approval
by the Session and guidance from Trinity
Presbytery. We will now be entering
this information, along with a Ministry
Information Form, into the online portal
called Church Leadership Connection.
This will allow us to post our position
and begin to accept applications. It is
our hope that, by the end of June, we
will be ready to consider and interview
interested applicants.

Grace and Peace,

Frank Townsend, Chair

     Music Ministry

                                            It has been some time since our music programs have been able to operate on
                                            a “normal” schedule! I am grateful to all of our members who have contributed
                                            music to our worship services over the past year. We are still using mitigation
                                            protocols in our music ensembles but we are looking forward to taking steps
                                            toward resuming our music activities.

                                            This summer, I will be joined by a few members of FPCA at the Montreat
                                            Worship and Music conference in Montreat, North Carolina. This is always
                                            an exciting time where we are able to reflect and join in song at Anderson
                                            Auditorium. I look forward to sharing this experience with you when we return.

                                            Please stay up to date as the summer progresses and we make plans for the
                                            fall under future guidance for our fall ensembles!

                                            Daniel Hamilton
Hours                                               Our Book Group meets in the
The office of First                           church parlor at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome!
Presbyterian Church                                             June 21
will be going to summer                     The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict
hours beginning Friday,                                       along with
June 4. The new hours                      The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie
will be Monday through
                                                                July 26
Thursday from 9:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m.                                     Southern Girl by John Warley
and Friday from 9:00                                          August 23
a.m. until noon. These                            Anxious People by Frederik Backman
summer hours will
continue until Friday,
August 27.

                          Thank you for your many contributions so far this year. Here are the upcoming
                            items. Please leave your contributions in the baskets in the narthex wings.

                                  June                            July                    August
                            Macaroni & Cheese                  Toothpaste               Canned Fruit

Share your summer story!
        Where have you seen God this summer?
                                 Tag us on Facebook or Instagram (@aikenpres)
                                 or email

Thank You Notes
     Dear Church Family,                                              Dear First Presbyterian Church Family,
        George, while he was still with me, was very grateful for        I want to thank you for your prayers, cards, flowers and
     the meals and support provided.                                  meals during my recovery from recent neck surgery. I am
        I continue to be grateful for meals, calls, emails, cards,    blessed to have such a wonderful Church family.
     notes, and flowers. The extra assistance, kind thoughts, and        Priscilla Smith
     love have been deeply appreciated. I know George would
     agree we are blessed to be part of a wonderful church family.    First Pres Family,
        Thank you,                                                        Thank you so much for the precious baby blanket, jacket
        Marjorie Milne and family                                     and booties! It was very kind of you to remember us and our
                                                                      growing family. We hope to be in Aiken and get to visit again
     First Presbyterian Church,                                       soon! Thanks again!
         Thank you for the beautiful handmade blanket, jacket,            Melanie, Bishop, Chaney, Bo & Mackey Scott
     hat and booties. Our girl looks adorable in them! Thank you
     for the gift card as well-we were able to enjoy a fantastic      Dear Church family,
     Valentine's meal!                                                    It is with the utmost gratitude that Denny and I thank you
         Much love,                                                   for your generosity in helping my sister, Nina, rebuild after her
         Ryan, Amanda, and Brielle Maddrey                            devastating house fire. There have been donations of kitchen
                                                                      items, toiletries, gift cards, money, clothing, furniture, food
     Dear friends,                                                    and prepared meals and most of all your prayers for her, her
         I would like to thank all of you for the prayers, food,      grandson and a caregiver. It has been an abundant blessing
     flowers, cards and good thoughts.                                to her and to us! We are very blessed to be a part of this
         I still love my prayer shawl and my great-grandson is now    giving and caring congregation.
     six. So you know how much First Presbyterian Church has              With love and gratitude,
     been a part of my life.                                              Linda & Denny McGurer
         All are appreciated!
         Alice Hall                                                       Thank you to my Presbyterian brethren.
                                                                          None of you really know me, but you know my sister Linda
         Barbara Scott thanks First Presbyterian for the beautiful    McGurer and her husband Denny.
     flowers sent to her at Trinity Lutheran Home.                        I moved to the Aiken area in January, following the
                                                                      untimely death of my husband, Kelly, the previous May. My
     Dear members of First Presbyterian,                              house burned to the ground in March.
         Thank you so very much for the dinner you provided to us         The out pouring of support from your church people has
     last Friday night. The food was delicious and after the stress   been overwhelming. From casseroles, clothes, furniture and
     of the last month it was a complete relief to have food ready    gift cards your giving never seemed to stop. Thank you.
     for family coming in for the service. Mom's in heaven now            When we move beyond the consequences of Covid, and
     and joined Dad there on his birthday so God's plan is as it      I am comfortable with attending church in person, I hope to
     should be. Thank you for your support.                           meet you all in person. Whether I will remember what names
         Robin & Deno Verenes                                        go with which faces is another matter.
                                                                          Again thank you. May the grace of our Lord and his son,
                                                                      our savior, continue to be with you.
                                                                          Nina Biensen

Welcome to our New Members

Our Preschool Sunday events surely
looked a little different this year! We are
so grateful to Anna Derr for teaching our
Preschoolers some very cute songs and
Joanna Hamilton for filming our little singers
for our church service. The Preschool Staff
and Board would like to thank our Church
for the wonderful support of our Preschool
Online Auction! We were humbled by the
response of our congregation for bidding
on items and also the donations that were                              Marty and Larry Weltin
made to our program. Words just honestly
can’t express how lucky we are to have this                           348 West Pleasant Colony Drive
wonderful congregation supporting our                                         Aiken, SC 29803
Preschool, year after year! Congratulations                            Home Phone: (803) 513-2299
to Det and Lyanne Haislip for receiving the                         Larry's Mobile Phone: (813) 486-7111
Mary Hunter Award. We thank all of you for                         Marty's Mobile Phone: (813) 404-5410
your continued support of what we do here                            Larry's Email:
at First Presbyterian Preschool!                                   Marty's Email:
Blessed and Grateful!                            Marty (Martha D.) and Larry (William L.) Weltin moved to Aiken from
Mary Maddrey, Preschool Director                 Montgomery, AL, in May of 2020. Over their 46 plus years of marriage they
                                                 have also lived in Atlanta, Chicago, Florida, Northeast Ohio and Pinehurst,
                                                 NC. Marty is a native of Mobile, AL, and attended Mary Baldwin College
                                                 before graduating from the University of Alabama. Following graduation she
                                                 moved to Atlanta and worked in Securities and banking before meeting and
   Member Update                                 marrying Larry. They have a son residing in Atlanta who is an attorney.

        Carol Palmer's New Address               Larry grew up in Oak Park, IL, and graduated from Dartmouth College.
             Effective June 24                   Following his service as a Marine officer, he completed graduate work in
              53 Echols Bend                     journalism at the University of Missouri. Thereafter he embarked upon a 40
             Hiram, GA 30141                     plus year advertising career in Chicago, Atlanta and Ohio. He served as
              908-752-2353                       president of six different agencies while surviving 13 mergers and acquisitions.
                                                 From a previous marriage, Larry also has two daughters – one in Raleigh and
    If you have an update to your address,       another in Jacksonville, as well as three grandchildren.
        phone number, or email address,
        please let the church office know!       Larry and Marty retired in Florida; Pinehurst, NC; and Montgomery, AL,
                                                 before moving to Aiken. They have been members of PC(USA) congregations
                                                 for many years. Marty has served as a deacon and as a Stephen Minister.
                                                 Moreover, they have volunteered with Meals on Wheels, memory care centers,
                                                 nursing homes, hospitals and have also trained dogs for visits to these facilities.

Summer Worship
      JUNE                                                JULY                                                AUGUST
6 2nd Sunday after Pentecost                        4 6th Sunday after Pentecost                        1     10th Sunday after Pentecost
  Communion                                           Communion                                               Communion
13 3rd Sunday after Pentecost                       11 7th Sunday after Pentecost                       8 11th Sunday after Pentecost
20 4th Sunday after Pentecost                       18 8th Sunday after Pentecost                       15 12th Sunday after Pentecost
27 5th Sunday after Pentecost                       25 9th Sunday after Pentecost                       22 13th Sunday after Pentecost
                                                                                                        29 14th Sunday after Pentecost

First Presbyterian News
The First Presbyterian News (USPS-328-770) is published quarterly by First Presbyterian Church, 224 Barnwell Avenue NW, Aiken, SC 29801. Periodicals
postage paid at Augusta, GA, and additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The First Presbyterian News, 224 Barnwell Avenue NW, Aiken, SC 29801
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