What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book

Page created by Lawrence Jennings
What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
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What’s on
Spring Courses

What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
Arts and crafts for wellbeing
    For anyone wanting some creative time out in a supportive and friendly environment.
    You can try something new and get tips on developing your confidence and techniques
    with our expert tutors. We offer a range of courses for all abilities whether you are a total
    beginner or have some experience.
    All courses are for 6 weeks. Contact the local adult community education centre for
    more information and to book a place.

      Art – Painting and Drawing                      Sugarcraft
      Develop your drawing and                        Learn how to create
      painting skills in a variety of                 wonderful sugarcraft
      techniques including                            decorations to make your
      watercolour, acrylics, oil,                     cakes extra special
      charcoal, inks, pencil and                      £79/£70/£40
      mixed media                                     Clay Cross ACE Centre
      £79/£71/£40                                     Starts Wednesday 08 January and
      Clay Cross ACE Centre                           26 February
      Starts Tuesday 07 January and 25 February       7pm to 9pm
      9.45am to 11.45am                               Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield
      Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield                Starts Friday 10 January and 28 February
      Starts Tuesday 07 January and 25 February       10am to 12noon
      10am to 12noon or 1pm to 3pm
      Starts Friday 10 January and 28 February
      10am to 12noon

                                                      Develop the skills to work with clay to
                                                      produce a variety of individually designed
      Floristry                                       pieces of work
                                                      Clay Cross ACE Centre
      Discover and learn which flowers and foliage    Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February
      to use to make beautiful arrangements as        12.45pm to 2.45pm NEW!
      gifts for family and friends or for your home   £57/£50/£17
      £72/£65/£36                                     Starts Tuesday 07 January and 25 February
      Bolsover ACE Centre                             9.45am to 11.45am or 7pm to 9pm
      Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February        Starts Wednesday 08 January and
      12.45pm to 2.45pm                               26 February
      Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield                9.45am to 11.45am or 1pm to 3pm or
      Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February        7pm to 9pm
      9.30am to 11.30am                               £79/£71/£40

What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
                                                  Anyone who wants to learn
                                                  the colourful and creative
                                                  art of weaving, using table
                                                  looms to explore different
                                                  weaving techniques and
                                                  stitches. This course is
                                                  suitable for beginners
                                                  Clay Cross ACE Centre
                                                  Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February
                                                  9.45am to 11.45am

Sewing and Home Crafts for Pleasure
and Wellbeing
Learn how to make clothes for yourself and
family, soft furnishing for your home including
curtains; pelmets; cushions; blinds; bed linen;
garment making and/or alterations, recycling      Upholstery
old clothes and fabric                            Learn how to upholster a project of your
£79/£71/£40                                       choice; how to select the best materials for
Bolsover ACE Centre                               the project; how to use a selection of tools; a
Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February          range of skills and techniques
10am to 12noon
Starts Wednesday 08 January and                   £79/£71/£40
26 February                                       Clay Cross ACE Centre
6.30pm to 8.30pm                                  Starts Wednesday 08 January and
Starts Thursday 09 January and 27 February        26 February
9.30am to 11.30am                                 4pm to 6pm or 7pm to 9pm
Clay Cross ACE Centre
Starts Tuesday 07 January and 25 February         Creative Textile Workshops
9.30am to 11.30am
                                                  Develop knowledge and
Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield                  skills in tools, materials
Starts Wednesday 08 January and
26 February                                       and a range of different
7pm to 9pm                                        textile techniques
                                                  including appliqué,
Patchwork and Quilting                            felting, beading and
                                                  buttons, dying, tassels
Learn how to develop skills and confidence to     and edging and printing. Embellish
produce patchwork and or/quilting for the         cushions or design wall hangings and
home and/or garment making. There will be         pictures
an emphasis on recycling old clothes and
                                                  Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield
£79/£71/£40                                       Starts Tuesday 07 January and 25 February
Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield                  1pm to 3pm
Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February          Starts Friday 10 January and 28 February
10am to 12noon                                    10am to 12noon or 1pm to 3pm

What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
Fitness, health and wellbeing
    Getting active is one of the best ways that you can improve your overall health and
    wellbeing. Regular exercise not only improves the way you feel on a daily basis but can
    also prevent some serious health conditions.
    We offer a range of fitness courses for all levels of fitness and abilities.
    All courses are for 6 weeks. Contact Clay Cross Adult Community Education Centre
    for more information and to book a place.

     Cookery – No Carb, Low Carb NEW
     Trying to eat fewer carbs? Come and join
     this 6 week course which will introduce you
     to ‘no carb, low carb’ recipes. With guidance
     from our experienced tutor, gain the
     confidence to recreate what you have
     learned at home
                                                        Tap Dancing
     Bolsover ACE Centre
     Starts Thursday 09 January and 27 February         Discover and learn how tap dancing can
     9.30am to 11.30am                                  build strength in your legs and feet in
                                                        addition to increasing flexibility in the hips,
                                                        knees and ankles
                                                        Clay Cross ACE Centre
                                                        Starts Wednesday 08 January and
                                                        26 February
                                                        6pm to 7pm (Intermediate)
                                                        Starts Wednesday 08 January and
                                                        26 February
     Keep Fit                                           7pm to 8pm (Beginners)
     Discover and learn how to develop fitness
     through movement and maintain your
     mobility, balance and mental co-ordination
     Clay Cross ACE Centre
     Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February
     10am to 11am
                                                        Discover and learn how yoga can and
                                                        improve your posture, flexibility and
                                                        Clay Cross ACE Centre
                                                        Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February
                                                        1.30pm to 3pm

            This course is on special offer! Book with a friend who hasn’t learned with us before or
4            not learned with us in the past 3 years and buy one place, get one free!
What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
February half term
Bolsover Adult Community Education Centre – 01629 537912
Sugarcraft Workshop
Aprons and babies’ bibs.

Monday 17 February 10am to 3pm
Fees: £30 (some resources included)
Creative Recycled Crafts for Families
FREE fun creative session to share with your family
Wednesday 19 February, 10am to 12noon
Watercolour Painting Workshop
Wednesday 19 February, 10am to 3pm
Fees: £29/£25/£9

Holmewood Training and Skills for
Construction Centre, Clay Cross –
01629 537108
Garden Fantastic Zero Plastic!
Learn how to make planters from a variety of designs
using upcycled wooden pallets. Let your design skills
loose in our large workshop with solid workbenches.
All tools and equipment and materials supplied.
Wednesday 19 February, 10am to 3pm
Fees: £24/£21/£7

   This course is on special offer! Book with a friend who hasn’t learned with us before or
    not learned with us in the past 3 years and buy one place, get one free!
What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
Making Choices
    Plan your learning
    FREE advice for anyone who wants
    to get into learning, to help you to:
    ■ choose what courses you want
       to do in the future
    ■ increase your confidence in
       making decisions
    ■ know your skills in English, maths, ICT
       and employability
    ■ set up your own learning plan
    Ask at your local adult community education centre to
    find out more and book onto a session.

    Did you know…?
    Learners enrolling onto vocational qualifications up to
    Level 2 who are employed and earn less than £16,009.50
    per year are entitled to full fee remission (you can come
    on the course for FREE!). To confirm eligibility, you must
    provide a wage slip dated within three months of the
    learning start date, or current employment contract, which
    states your gross monthly/annual wages. Contact your
    local centre for more information.
      Look out for the symbol throughout this brochure
       to see which courses this applies to.

What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
Recycling Craft Workshops
Our new recycling craft workshops are all about
exchanging ideas and enthusiasm to make
something new out of something old. Have great
fun and be inspired by the many ways you can
re-use unwanted stuff. Our workshops introduce
you to fantastic ways to transform unwanted
things into something to cherish. Each session has
a theme (e.g. paper, textile, jam jars, plastic bottles),
tips on how to recycle effectively and projects to have a go at. With
wonderful creative ideas and lots of tips come along and have a go.
Bolsover ACE Centre
Starts Thursday 09 January and 27 February, 9.30am to 11.30am
Clay Cross ACE Centre
Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February, 9.30am to 11.30am

Acting 4 Life – Performance
Skills for Beginners
If you’re new to the performing arts this unique
course offers lots of opportunities for you to explore
your creativity in a fun and friendly environment.
Learning to work with and use performance
techniques is a great way to build self-confidence,
release creative potential and improve life skills.
Bolsover ACE Centre
Starts Wednesday 08 January and 26 February, 1.30am to 3pm
Clay Cross ACE Centre
Starts Wednesday 08 January and 26 February, 10.30am to 12noon
What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
Easter activities and
    DIY wedding
    Bolsover Adult Community Education Centre – 01629 537912
    Wednesday 08 April and Thursday 09 April
    Save money and make your own unique wedding decorations at a
    fraction of the cost.
    Floral (Floristry)
    Hand-tie bridal bouquet, button holes, child’s wand
    and corsage
    Wednesday 08 April, 12.30pm to 3.30pm
    £30 (some resources included)
    Sugarcraft Cookie Favours
    Wednesday 08 April, 10am to 3pm
    £30 (some resources included)
    Sewing Crafts
    Ring cushion, chair decorations, etc.
    Thursday 09 April, 1pm to 3pm
    £15 (some resources included – not the rings!)
    Thursday 09 April, 10am to 3pm
    £40 (all resources included)
    Wedding Photography
    Thursday 09 April, 10am to 1pm
    Watercolour Painting Workshop
    Wednesday 08 April, 10am to 3pm
    Family Learning – Easter Crafts
    FREE fun creative session to share with your family
    Decorate a bun, make an Easter basket and more
    Wednesday 08 April, 9.30am to 11.30am
            This course is on special offer! Book with a friend who hasn’t learned with us before
8            or not learned with us in the past 3 years and buy one place, get one free!
What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
Going to France or Spain this year on holiday?
Come and learn some of the language.
Courses are for 6 weeks. Contact the local adult community education
centre for more information and to book a place.
Spanish for Beginners
Bolsover ACE Centre
Starts Wednesday 08 January and 26 February
6pm to 8pm

Spanish – All Abilities
Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield
Starts Thursday 09 January and 27 February
7pm to 9pm

French – All Abilities
Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield
Starts Monday 06 January and 24 February
10am to 12noon

What's on Spring Courses 2020 - Book
Learning for
 young people
 Programmes for young people aged
 14–19 that help build confidence
 and gain skills and qualifications
 for the world of work.
 n Lots of hands on and active learning
 n Personal support and careers advice
 n Maths and English to help you move on up
 n Qualifications that are recognised by
 n Work experience
 n Opportunities for enrichment activities
    including trips and employer visits
    throughout the year
 14–19 Personalised Study Programme (available in each centre):
 Part time learning in our adult classes with individual support. Plenty
 of options and venues to choose from.
 To find out more about these programmes and discuss your
 options, contact your local adult community education centre:
 Bolsover ACE Centre – 01629 537912
 Clay Cross ACE Centre – 01629 537108
 Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield – 01629 535002

Derbyshire Council County
National Careers Service
access points
FREE drop-in sessions in a variety of locations throughout Derbyshire.
Impartial information, advice and guidance from qualified Careers
Coaches to help you make decisions about work and learning.
  Bolsover ACE Centre – Wednesdays, 10am to 12noon
  Clay Cross ACE Centre – Thursdays, 1pm to 3.30pm
  Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield – Mondays, 1pm to 3.30pm
  Shirebrook ACE Centre – Fridays, 10am to 12noon
One to one appointments are also available.
Contact 01629 532430 for more information.

Making the most of
                       6 week
your digital camera introduction
£79/£71/£40                                            course
Clay Cross ACE Centre
Starts Wednesday 08 January and
26 February
6.30pm to 8.30pm

Be your own boss!
 Are you unemployed and thinking about
 self-employment? We can provide the advice
 and guidance you’ll need to get started.
 Book your FREE place on our two day Being
 your Own Boss workshop. Places are available
 at our adult community education centres
 across Derbyshire.
 Our fun, engaging and informative workshops
 are delivered by qualified Business Advisors
 and on successful completion, you will gain a
 nationally recognised qualification.
 Topics include:
 n Key considerations of starting a business
 n Preparations before you start
 n Managing money, accessing funding
 For more information, get in touch on 01629 537108 or

 Hunloke ACE Centre,

                              Key to centre facilities
 Bolsover ACE Centre
                                  Level/ramped entrance        Lift available

                                  Disabled persons toilet      Disabled persons car
 Shirebrook ACE Centre
                                  Facilities for deaf people   Crèche facilities
                                  Facilities for blind/
                                  partially sighted            WiFi availability
 Clay Cross ACE Centre

Improve your digital skills
Do you want to improve your computer knowledge and understanding or
develop your skills further? These courses offer you the opportunity to take
a qualification at Level 1 or Level 2, or to work on
a non-qualification course.
All learners are invited to our Making Choices
session prior to starting the course to find out
your level of working and to help decide on the
options available to you.
Contact the local adult community
education centre for further information
and course fees.
Bolsover ACE Centre – 01629 537912
Course title                     Day(s)          Time        Weeks   Start Date
Improve your Digital Skills      Monday    9.30am to 11.30am  20     06/01/2020
Improve your Digital Skills      Monday       1pm to 3pm      20     06/01/2020
Improve your Digital Skills     Thursday      1pm to 3pm      30     09/01/2020
Clay Cross ACE Centre – 01629 537108
Course title                     Day(s)          Time        Weeks   Start Date
Advance your Digital Skills      Monday    9:30am to 11.30am  36     06/01/2020
Improve your Digital Skills     Tuesday    9.30am to 11.30am  36     07/01/2020
Advance your Digital Skills     Tuesday       1pm to 3pm      36     07/01/2020
Improve your Digital Skills
                                Tuesday       5pm to 7pm      36     07/01/2020
for Work
Improve your Digital Skills    Wednesday 9.30am to 11.30am    36     08/01/2020
Improve your Digital Skills    Wednesday      1pm to 3pm      36     08/01/2020
Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield – 01629 535002
Course title                     Day(s)          Time        Weeks   Start Date
Improve your Digital Skills     Monday     9.30am to 11.30am  36     06/01/2020
Advance your Digital Skills     Monday     9.30am to 11.30am  36     06/01/2020
Improve your Digital Skills     Monday        1pm to 3pm      36     06/01/2020
Advance your Digital Skills     Tuesday    9.30am to 11.30am  36     07/01/2020
Improve your Digital Skills
                               Wednesday 9.30am to 11.30am    36     08/01/2020
for Work

Build a
 career in
 Gain essential skills for working in the industry and work towards a
 nationally recognised qualification. Learn from our specialist tutors in
 our construction trades centre in Holmewood, near Clay Cross.
 Multiple Skills Level 1: Hands on course to learn a variety of
 construction crafts.
 n                                              n Tiling
 n                                              n Decorating
   Laying slabs
 n                                              n Guttering
 For more information, contact 01629 537108 or email

 Holmewood Training and Construction Centre – 01629 537108
 Course title                             Day(s)               Time        Wks Start Date
 Construction Skills (Multi)
                                   Wednesday/Thursday 9.30am to 4pm         12    08/01/2020
 Level 1

          These courses may be free if you are employed and earn less than £16,009.50 per year.
ESOL (English for Speakers
of other Languages)
Our ESOL (English for Speakers of other
Languages) courses are for anyone whose first
language is not English. Course content is
related to everyday life and work.
There are no entry requirements but all
students will need a short assessment and
interview before they can enrol.
Get in touch with the local adult
community education centre for more
Bolsover ACE Centre – 01629 537912
Course                                              Fee Fee Fee
              Day(s)             Time        Wks                         Start Date
title                                                A      B      C
          Wednesday and 11am to 2pm and             Contact centre for
ESOL                                          24                         06/01/2020
             Thursday      9.30am to 11.30am             details
Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield – 01629 535002
Course                                             Fee Fee Fee
              Day(s)             Time        Wks                         Start Date
title                                                A     B      C
                                                   Contact centre for
ESOL         Thursday        1pm to 3pm       20                         07/01/2020
                                                   Contact centre for
ESOL         Thursday        1pm to 3pm       20                         07/01/2020
Doe Lea Resource Centre, Chesterfield – 01629 535002
Course                                             Fee Fee Fee
              Day(s)            Time         Wks                         Start Date
title                                                A     B      C
            Monday and        9.30am to            Contact centre for
ESOL                                          30                         04/01/2020
              Friday           11.30am                  details
Shirebrook ACE Centre – 01629 537576
Course                                             Fee Fee Fee
              Day(s)            Time         Wks                         Start Date
title                                                A     B      C
                              9.15am to            Contact centre for
ESOL         Tuesday                          20                         07/01/2020
                               11.15am                  details
                             11.15am to            Contact centre for
ESOL         Tuesday                          20                         07/01/2020
                               1.15pm                   details

Thinking of working with
 children or young adults?
 Working with children and young people is a fulfilling and
 rewarding career. If you are thinking about working
 in childcare or would like to update or progress your
 skills, we have a range of course on offer this Spring.
 For all Level 2 and Level 3 courses you will be
 required to have English and maths qualifications.
 Please bring them with you to the information session
 you attend.
 Get in touch with the local adult community education centre for more
 information and to book on an information session.
 Clay Cross ACE Centre – 01629 537108
 Course title             Day(s)           Time    Wks      Fee A Fee B Fee C      Start Date
 Children and Young
                                        9.15am to             Contact centre for
 People’s Workforce      Tuesday                    72                             07/01/2020
                                         12.45pm                   details
 Social Care Level 3
                                       12.45pm to             Contact centre for
 Teaching and Learning   Tuesday                    34                             07/01/2020
                                          3.15pm                   details
 in Schools Level 2
 Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield – 01629 535002
 Course title             Day(s)           Time    Wks      Fee A Fee B Fee C      Start Date
 Childcare Information                  9.30am to
                        Wednesday                    1       FREE   FREE    FREE   12/02/2020
 Session                                 11.30am
 Specialist Support for
                                                              Contact centre for
 Teaching and Learning    Monday       1pm to 4pm   48                             06/01/2020
 in Schools Level 3
                                                              Contact centre for
 Teaching and Learning Thursday      6pm to 8.30pm  34                             09/01/2020
 in Schools Level 2
 Specialist Support for
                                                              Contact centre for
 Teaching and Learning Thursday        6pm to 9pm   48                             09/01/2020
 in Schools Level 3
 Children and Young
 People’s Mental         Thursday 6.30pm to 8.30pm 12        £85     £32     £32   09/01/2020
 Health Awareness
 Children's Learning
                                        9.15am to             Contact centre for
 and Development           Friday                   72                             18/01/2020
                                         12.15pm                   details
 (EYE) Level 3
 Understanding Autism                   9.30am to
                           Friday                   12       £85     £32     £32   10/01/2020
 Level 2                                 12noon
        These courses may be free if you are employed and earn less than £16,009.50 per year.
       You may be able to apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to cover the cost of this course.
16      Subject to availability.
Move into work
Aimed at all levels of learners who would like to develop
skills and knowledge in preparation for employment or
further study in childcare or catering.
Bolsover ACE Centre – 01629 537912
Course title          Day(s)         Time        Wks     Fee A   Fee B   Fee C    Start Date
Move into Working
                                  9.30am to                Contact centre for
in the Catering     Wednesday                     10                              08/01/2020
                                   11.30am                      details
Clay Cross ACE Centre – 01629 537108
Course title          Day(s)         Time        Wks     Fee A   Fee B   Fee C    Start Date
Move into Working
                                  9.30am to                Contact centre for
in the Childcare     Tuesday                      10                              07/01/2020
                                   11.30am                      details
Move into Working
                                  9.30am to                Contact centre for
in the Catering     Wednesday                     10                              08/01/2020
                                   11.30am                      details

How to Manage your Stress
n   Do you know what the symptoms of your stress are?
n   How to develop coping strategies for your stress?
n   Are you emotionally resilient?
n   How do you cope with difficult situations?
Clay Cross ACE Centre – 01629 537108
Course title          Day(s)         Time        Wks     Fee A Fee B Fee C        Start Date
How to Manage                                              Contact centre for
                     Tuesday     1pm to 4pm        4                              14/01/2020
your Stress                                                     details

Developing Confidence
for Work and Education
This course will help you build your confidence for the move to work or
Clay Cross ACE Centre – 01629 537108
Course title          Day(s)         Time        Wks     Fee A   Fee B   Fee C    Start Date
                                                           Contact centre for
Confidence for Work  Tuesday     1pm to 4pm        4                              25/02/2020
and Education

    These courses may be free if you are employed and earn less than £16,009.50 per year.
Achieve your
 potential in English and
 n   FREE courses
 n   Skills to help you in everyday life
 n   Join at any time for many classes
 n   Small, friendly groups
 n   Work at your own pace
 n   Gain nationally recognised qualifications
 All learners attend a Making Choices session prior to starting the
 course to find out their level of working and to help decide on the
 options available.
   Contact your local adult community education centre for
   more information.
Bolsover ACE Centre – 01629 537912
Course title              Day(s)             Time          Weeks     Start Date
Maths for Adults          Monday          1pm to 3pm        30       06/01/2020
Maths for Adults        Wednesday         1pm to 3pm        30       08/01/2020
English for Adults      Wednesday      9.15am to 11.15am    30       08/01/2020
English Improvers       Wednesday      9.30am to 11.30am    30       08/01/2020
Clay Cross ACE Centre – 01629 537108
Course title              Day(s)             Time          Weeks     Start Date
English for Adults        Tuesday      9.30am to 11.30am    30       07/01/2020
English for Adults        Tuesday         1pm to 3pm        30       07/01/2020
English for Adults      Wednesday         1pm to 3pm        30       08/01/2020
Maths for Adults          Monday       9.30am to 11.30am    30       06/01/2020
Maths for Adults          Monday          1pm to 3pm        30       06/01/2020
Maths for Adults        Wednesday      9.30am to 11.30am    30       08/01/2020
Hunloke ACE Centre, Chesterfield – 01629 535002
Course title              Day(s)             Time          Weeks     Start Date
English Improvers         Tuesday       9.30am to 12noon    30       07/01/2020
English for Adults       Thursday       10am to 12noon      30       09/01/2020
Maths for Adults        Wednesday         1pm to 3pm        30       08/01/2020
Shirebrook ACE Centre – 01629 537576
Course title              Day(s)             Time          Weeks     Start Date
English for Adults        Tuesday       1.30pm to 3.30pm    30       07/01/2020
English for Adults        Tuesday      12.30pm to 2.30pm    30       07/01/2020
Maths for Adults          Tuesday      9.30am to 11.30am    30       07/01/2020
Staveley Town Council (book via Hunloke ACE Centre) – 01629 535002
Course title              Day(s)             Time          Weeks     Start Date
English for Adults      Wednesday         1pm to 3pm        30       08/01/2020
Maths for Adults         Thursday         1pm to 3pm        30       09/01/2020

Course fees explained                                                               booking or payment this term. Please contact the
                                                                                    relevant adult community education centre to
Some of our qualification courses are free; others
                                                                                    enquire or book on a course.
have a full fee and a lower ‘concessions’ rate for
those on certain benefits. This may vary for                                        Payments can be made in person and some
different courses. For many of our ‘learning for                                    centres can also take card payments by phone.
pleasure’ courses we use three different fee bands:                                 For some courses you may be able to pay in
• Fee A: full fee                                                                   instalments; please ask when booking.
• Fee B: Derbyshire Gold Card holders                                               Please note: for many of our qualification courses
• Fee C: concessions for those on certain                                           there is an early withdrawal fee to cover our costs.
   benefits/allowances – please ask for details
There may be additional costs on some courses                                       Support available
for materials and exam/accreditation fees. This                                     Talk to us about your needs when enquiring
                                                                                    about a course – we will always work to meet the
should be indicated. If in doubt, please ask.
                                                                                    needs of each learner. If you are experiencing
Advanced Learner Loans                                                              financial difficulties, you may be able to apply for
For some of our Level 3 courses you may be able                                     help with exam fees or other costs. Some of our
to apply for a learner loan. You will be given                                      centres have a crèche, or we may be able to help
information about whether your course is                                            you with a childminder or nursery place.
eligible and how to apply.                                                          For detailed information about the support we
                                                                                    can provide, visit derbyshire.gov.uk/theguide
How to book and pay                                                                 or contact the centre.
Due to a major change of our information and                                        All additional support provided is based on individual
booking systems we are unable to offer online                                       assessment.

                         Adult community education centres
       Chesterfield – Hunloke – 01629 535002 hunloke.ace@derbyshire.gov.uk
             Bolsover – 01629 537912 bolsover.ace@derbyshire.gov.uk
           Shirebrook – 01629 537576 shirebrook.ace@derbyshire.gov.uk
            Clay Cross – 01629 537108 claycross.ace@derbyshire.gov.uk

For further information or to get a copy in a
community language, on audio tape or in large print,
please contact your local centre.
The details contained in this brochure are correct at the time of going to print.
However we may have to make changes, giving advance notice wherever possible.

Education & Skills
Funding Agency
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