2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Page created by Clarence Berry
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
2019 Course Dates

             Tel. 01278 437145
             Email learingcurve@sompar.nhs.uk
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Basic Wound Management
Who is this course aimed at?                   Your Trainer
Open to all Healthcare Professionals (RN’s,
AP’s and HCA’s)                                Somerset Partnership’s Tissue
                                               Viability Team who will be
                                               supported with external speakers
It will be particularly helpful to:
                                               and industry partners, which will
Healthcare Professionals involved in Basic     involve an interactive quiz.
Wound Care

                                                     Sessions are as follows:

                                               1st April—Minehead Community Hosp
What are the learning outcomes?
 To Understand skin and the skin’s
                                                1st May—The Exchange, Bridgwater

       function.                                30th Sept—South Petherton Hospital

 To learn   the wound healing process          28th Nov—Frome Community Hosp

 To   complete an holistic wound assessment    2nd Dec—The Exchange, Bridgwater

 To   understand barriers to wound healing         The cost of this course is
                                                      £40.00 per person.
 To   understand leg ulcer management
                                                   To include refreshments,
 To learn how to   manage skin tears
                                                   hand-outs and certificate
 There will be documentation  and Market               of attendance.
       Place with Companies included on
       Somerset’s Wound Formulary and             learningcurve@sompar.nhs.uk
                                                                    01278 437145
                                                       Training you can Trust
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Advanced Wound Management
Who is this course aimed at?                 Your Trainer
Qualified Staff
                                             Somerset Partnership’s Tissue
                                             Viability Team who will be
Purpose of this course:
                                             supported with external speakers
Theoretical knowledge in Negative Pressure   and industry partners, which will
Wound Therapy and Larvae Therapy             involve an interactive quiz.
Expanding their knowledge and ability to
manage wounds that are more complex.

                                                  Sessions are as follows:

What are the learning outcomes?              23rd April—Frome Community Hosp

 Negative Pressure Wound   Therapy               12th July—the Exchange,
 Larvae Therapy

                                              12th Nov—South Petherton Hosp
 Fungating   Wounds

 Infected wounds andother complex               The cost of this course is
     wound care issues                             £40.00 per person.

                                                 To include refreshments,
                                                 hand-outs and certificate
                                                      of attendance.


                                                                 01278 437145

                                                    Training you can Trust
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day
Who is this course aimed at?                    Your Trainer
Open to all Healthcare Professionals.
It will be particularly helpful to:             Conference style study day led by
                                                the Tissue Viability Team (Somerset
Healthcare Professionals that are involved in
                                                Partnership) with external speakers,
direct patient care.
                                                Industry Partners and an interactive
What are the learning outcomes?                            Sessions are:
 Pressure   Refresher
                                                     10th May—The Exchange,
 SSKINFramework (to include sessions on                       Bridgwater
     Skin Inspection, Surfaces, Keep
                                                 25th June—Long Sutton Golf Club
     Moving, Incontinence (difference
     between PU and moisture lesions and             19th Sept—The Exchange,
     Nutrition (dietician)                                     Bridgwater
 Safeguarding
                                                 11th Dec—South   Petherton Hosp
 Market Place of companies with relevant
     products and a quiz.                           The cost of this course is
                                                      £40.00 per person.

                                                    To include refreshments,
                                                    handouts and certificate
                                                         of attendance.


                                                                    01278 437145

                                                      Training you can Trust
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Bladder Health Promotion
 Who is this course aimed at?                    Your Trainer
 This course is for all trained staff who wish   A team of Specialist Nurses delivers
 to improve their understanding of bladder       this course from our Continence
 function, providing to tools to assess, treat   Service; they have advanced
 and manage bladder dysfunction. Guidelines      knowledge and skills in the
 state that Community Teams, Community           management of individuals with
 Hospitals and Nursing Homes must have a         Urinary and Faecal dysfunction.
 member of staff suitably trained to carry out
 a Continence Assessment.
 What are the learning outcomes?
                                                        Sessions are delivered at
  Understand  the aspects of anatomy and
      physiology relevant to the lower                 The Exchange, Bridgwater:
      urinary tract.                                       27th February 2019
  Gain knowledge about the   impact and                        17th April 2019
      effect urinary dysfunction has on
      patients, carers and health service                       12th June 2019

  Understand different types of bladder                  20th September 2019
      dysfunction                                           14th January 2020
  Awareness of theassessment tools to
      treat and manage bladder dysfunction
                                                      The cost of this course is
                                                        £30.00 per person.
  Gain a greater knowledge of the
      treatment and management                        To include refreshments,
“Very well presented and appropriate
                                                      handouts and certificate
length of time”
                                                           of attendance.
“Trainers were friendly, knowledgeable”

                                                                         01278 437141
                                                         Training you can Trust
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Bowel Health Promotion
                    Assessment, Treatment and Management Options
Who is this course aimed at?                           Your Trainer
This course is for all staff who wish to               This course is delivered by a team of
improve their understanding of bowel                   Specialist Nurses from our
function, providing tools to assess, treat and         Continence Service; they have
manage bowel dysfunction. Guidelines state         A   advanced knowledge and skills in
that Community Teams, Community                        the management of individuals with
Hospitals and Nursing Homes must have a                Urinary and Faecal dysfunction.
member of staff suitably trained to carry out
a Continence Assessment
What are the learning outcomes?
                                                            Sessions are delivered at
 Understand the aspects of anatomy and
       physiology relevant to bowel function               The Exchange, Bridgwater:

 Gain knowledge about the impact and effect                      27th March 2019
       bowel dysfunction has on patients, carers
       and the health service                                      15th May 2019

   Gain knowledge of the causes and symptoms                   10th September 2019
       of bowel dysfunction
                                                                6th December 2019
 Awareness of the assessment tools to treat
                                                                 14th February 2020
       and manage bowel dysfunction

 Gain a greater knowledge of the treatment                The cost of this course is
       and management options available                  £30.00 per person. To include
 Understand the professional and registration
       issues concerning bowel care and rectal             hand-outs and certificate
       interventions                                            of attendance.

 to appreciate the importance of an integrated            learningcurve@sompar.nhs.uk
       continence service within Somerset and
       the role of the assessor                                               01278 437145
                                                               Training you can Trust
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Catheterisation and Catheter Care
Who is this course aimed at?                    Your Trainer

This course is for all staff who wish to        This course is delivered by a team of
improve their knowledge of Catheterisation      Specialist Nurses from our
and Catheter Care. It will provide theory       Continence Service, they have
based learning along with practical tools to    advanced knowledge and skills in
manage patients requiring a catheter. This is   the management of individuals with
a practical session using simulated models      urinary and faecal dysfunction.
and visual aids. Guidelines state that
Community Teams, Community Hospitals                 Sessions are delivered at
and Nursing Homes must have a member of
staff suitably trained to carry out a            The Exchange, Bridgwater on the
Continence Assessment.                                   following dates:

                                                         30th January 2019
What are the learning outcomes?
                                                           13th May 2019
 Understand the aspects of anatomy and
     physiology relevant to the lower urinary           11th September 2019
                                                         21st October 2019
 Gain knowledge about the impact and effect
     catheterisation has on patients, carers              20th March 2020
     and the health service.

 Understand Professional and Registration           The cost of this course is
     issues concerning catheterisation.                £30.00 per person.
 Gain knowledge and understanding of
                                                     To include refreshments,
     procedures concerning male, female and
     suprapubic catheterisation.                     hand-outs and certificate
                                                          of attendance.
 Greater awareness of catheter care and
     common catheter problems.                       learningcurve@sompar.nhs.uk

 To appreciate the importance of an                                    01278 437141
     integrated continence service within
     Somerset and the role of the assessor.
                                                          Training you can Trust
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Dementia - Behaviour that Challenges Us
       This two-day course supports the latest guidance from the Department of Health
  Positive and Proactive Care: reducing the need for restrictive interventions (April 2014), in
           relation to the appropriate use of restrictive interventions and promoting
           preventative approaches to ‘challenging behaviour’ rather than restraint.
      Bringing together the expertise of clinical psychologists, specialist care dementia
   nurses and clinical nurse specialists in the Prevention and Management of Violence and
       Aggression (PMVA), this course provides a comprehensive training package that
     increases understanding, enhances confidence and improves an individual’s ability
                   to manage challenging behaviour safely and successfully.
   This course is specifically aimed at those working with older adults. We are developing a
  Challenging Behaviour course for those who work within a Learning Disability Setting, if you
    are interested in hearing more about this course when it is available please contact us.
DAY 1: Our training team will guide you             DAY 2: Explore how our behaviour can
through a systematic assessment process             exacerbate challenging behaviours and
that will enable you to better understand           what we can do to de-escalate difficult
what a person may be communicating                  situations. The focus is to affirm the
through behaviours such as, aggression,             importance in protecting staff under the
wandering, sexual disinhibition and                 Health and Safety at Work Act (1974),
shouting. In this way, we hope to reduce            providing them with the knowledge and
the need for the client to behave in this           practical skills to carry out safe holding
way, whilst also reducing the degree by             techniques; ensuring the risk of injury to
wish you experience being ‘challenged’ by           both the individual with dementia and
these behaviours.                                   the staff caring for them is reduced.

Learning Outcomes                                  Learning Outcomes
 To introduce a structured and                     Recognise and understand pre-assault
 comprehensive model for challenging                 cues and indicators and the need to
 behaviour in those with dementia                    non-violent postures
 To show how this assessment can be used           Understand the legal framework for self
 to understand why the behaviour might               defence
 be occurring                                       Implement instinctive physical responses
 To illustrate how this understanding can           when faces with potentially violent
 be used to develop positive, pro-active             situations
 and person centred interventions                   The safe removal of walking aids
                                                                    Training you can Trust
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Epilepsy and Rescue Medication (Introduction)
Who is this course aimed at?                        Your Trainer
This training course is aimed at carers who
work with adults with learning disabilities         This training is delivered by the
and professional / support staff who may            Community Team for Adults with
come into contact and have to care for              Learning Disabilities employed by
people with epilepsy.                               Somerset Partnership NHS
                                                    Foundation Trust.
What are the learning outcomes?                            Sessions are delivered at
 Define Epilepsy; look   at its prevalence and          The Exchange, Bridgwater:
     its causes
                                                             20th February 2019
 Explore thecauses of seizures and their
     different types                                          20th March 2019

 Look at
        the assessment, treatment and                              8th May 2019
     management of epilepsy                                    29th May 2019

                                                                   3rd July 2019
   “A great training experience, thanks”                        24th July 2019
   “I feel so much more confident now”                       4th September 2019
        “Informative yet enjoyable”                         18th September 2019
     The cost of this course is
                                                             6th November 2019
       £30.00 per person.
                                                             27th November 2019
     To include refreshments,
     hand-outs and certificate                    learningcurve@sompar.nhs.uk
          of attendance.
                                                                     01278 437145
2019 Course Dates - Tel. 01278 437145 Email - Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Epilepsy and Rescue Medication (Refresher)
Who is this course aimed at?                    Your Trainer
This training course is aimed at carers who
work with adults with learning disabilities     This training is delivered by the
and professional/support staff who may          Community Team for Adults with
come into contact and have to care for          Learning Disabilities, employed by
people with epilepsy.                           Somerset Partnership NHS
                                                Foundation Trust

It is recognised that the administration of
Buccal Midazolam is an emergency                      Sessions are delivered at
treatment, which may or may not be used
on a regular basis. The frequency with which      The Exchange, Bridgwater on the:
individuals use the procedure will have an
                                                          23rd January 2019
effect on their level of skill and confidence
What are the learning outcomes?                             17th April 2019

It will be particularly helpful to:                            5th June 2019
 Review the assessment, treatment and
                                                            19th June 2019
      management of epilepsy
                                                          14th August 2019
 Inform staff how to safely administer
     Buccal Midazolam and other rescue                    17th October 2019
                                                         11th December 2019
IMPORTANT NOTE: To book a place on this
course you must have previously complete
an Introduction to Epilepsy training course,
                                                      The cost of this course is
if you require information regarding our                £20.00 per person.
Introductory course please contact the
                                                     To include refreshments,
                                                     hand-outs and certificate
        learningcurve@sompar.nhs.uk                       of attendance.
                          01278 437141
                                                  Training you can Trust
The Exchange, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, TA6 4RR

                                 Important Information
                                 Learning Curve is situated on the 3rd
                                 Floor of the building. There are a limited
                                 number of free parking spaces at The
                                 Exchange. There is a Pay & Display
                                 carpark next door at The Premier Inn.
                                 Within walking distance, there is a
                                 Budgens convenience store and free
                                 cashpoint as well as a Subway sandwich
                                 shop. There is also a café on the ground
                                 floor of The Exchange.

From Junction 23, M5 Puriton
•   Take Bridgwater turning off motorway
•   At roundabout take 1st exit, signed Bridgwater A38
•   At next roundabout turn right into Express Park         At the mini roundabout turn left

From Junction 24, M5 Huntworth
•   Take Bridgwater turning off motorway
•   At roundabout take 1st exit, signed Bridgwater A38
•   At next roundabout take 2nd exit to Bridgwater
•   Continue along Taunton Road, until you come to the main traffic lights where you need to
    take a right turn
•   Continue along dual carriageway until you reach The Clink roundabout and continue
    straight ahead A38, signed M5
•   Through traffic lights to next roundabout
The Exchange, Bridgwater Parking – Crypton Business Park

Please note there are no parking spaces
available at The Exchange, except for disabled
colleagues. We do however have extensive free
parking at a nearby car park in Crypton
Business Park.

Crypton is situated on Bristol Road and is a 5-
minute walk from The Exchange.

If you are travelling from Dunball roundabout
(Junction 23), please continue straight over the
roundabout by the Shell garage. Crypton will be
on your left just after the used car dealership.

If you are travelling from Bridgwater Town
Centre Crypton will be on your right just after
the Volkswagen dealership.

 **The car park at The Exchange is now
monitored by an external company that will
issue car-parking tickets for those without a
valid parking permit. The costs of any fines will
be the responsibility of the individual incurring

When leaving the car park on foot head right up Bristol
road and you will see a pedestrian walkway to enter the
carpark of The Exchange.
    Allocated Parking Space to the left of the road as
    you enter the carpark.
Learning Curve shall provide training services in accordance with the following terms and conditions.

Bookings and Payments - All bookings will only be accepted via a Learning Curve Booking Form and are subject to availability,
bookings can only be considered confirmed when you are in receipt of our Booking Confirmation. Block bookings in advance
will be accepted without delegate name(s) at the discretion of the Learning Curve team. Learning Curve’s terms of payment are
within 30 days of invoice.

Cancellations - Changes to delegate names are accepted up to and including the date of training. Delegates who do not attend
will still be charged.

Cancellation Fees

     Number of working days’ notice                  % of course fee payable
  Over 10 working days                       0%
  6 to 10 working days                       50%
  0 – 5 working days                         100%
  Did Not Attend                             100%

In the event that it is necessary for Learning Curve to cancel or reschedule a course, as far as is practicable, at least five days
working notice shall be given. In such circumstances, alternative dates will be given, or where necessary a refund will be given.
Latecomers will not be permitted to undertake the training within 20 minutes of the start-time; however, they will still be
charged 100% of the fee.

Delegate behaviour - The Learning Curve Training Suites are based within the third floor of The Exchange. Visitors and NHS
staff are on site and therefore we respectfully ask that all delegates behave in a professional manner. We reserve the right to
exclude delegates, without a refund of fees, at any time if they cause significant disruption. Inappropriate behaviour will be
reported to the Booking Contact (detailed on the Booking Form) and if applicable the delegate’s organisation.

Parking – Parking is available at the venue, however spaces are limited so we do advise that delegates car-share where

Smoking – The Exchange is a public building and therefore smoking is not permitted within the building, this includes the use of
e-cigarettes. We ask that delegates please use the designated smoking areas.

Data Protection - Learning Curve will only use Personal Data for carrying out its obligations in accordance with the Data
Protection Act 1998 and that it will ensure that all reasonable and appropriate security measures are in place to protect
Personal Data.
Copyright - The materials featured within each course delivered under the Learning Curve brand (including any online material
and course books) are copyright protected material of Learning Curve unless otherwise indicated. Requests to use any material
of Learning Curve should be addressed to: Learning Curve, The Exchange, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, TA6 4RR -

Data Quality
Learning Curve is committed to providing a high standard of quality in the information it provides, all of our courses are
certificated and every effort has been made to ensure that information is accurate and up to date. Customers aware of
inaccuracies or outdated information should contact Learning Curve by e-mail at learningcurve@sompar.nhs.uk. Learning
Curve reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions at any time without notice.
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