What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral

Page created by Raul Green
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
What’s On
                 Spring 2022
      Your guide to events, family-friendly
    activities and new visitor experiences at
               Canterbury Cathedral

Kids Go
until 31 October 2022
*Visitor entry. T&Cs apply
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
Visitor opening times and the availability of events and
 activities may change at short notice due to funerals,
   weddings, services or exceptional circumstances.
                                                            Holy Week and
    Please check our website prior to your visit for
                closures and restrictions.                  Easter Services
All events and activities will be staged in line with any   Everyone is welcome to join our services.
    social distancing guidelines in place at the time.

                                                            Palm Sunday
                                                            Sun, 10 April 2022
                                                            Join us for the first day of Holy Week, as we
                                                            commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into
                                                            10.50 Eucharist with Procession of Palms, Nave

                                                            Maundy Thursday
                                                            Thu, 14 April 2022
                                                            Maundy Thursday is the day during Holy
                                                            Week that commemorates the Washing of
                                                            the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus with the
                                                            11.00 Chrism Eucharist with Renewal of Vows
                                                                   and Blessing of Oils, Quire
                                                            19.30 Sung Eucharist with Washing of Feet, Quire
The Cathedral takes the safety and security of all our
  worshippers and visitors very seriously. If you are       Good Friday
 coming to the Cathedral, please be aware that as a         Fri, 15 April 2022
condition of entry we reserve the right to search any
                                                            On Good Friday we remember the
              bags or luggage on arrival.
                                                            crucifixion of Jesus and the sacrifice he made
        For more information, please contact:               for us with a solemn day of services.
          Cathedral House, The Precincts,                   09.30 Singing of the Passion, Devotion at the
              Canterbury, CT1 2EH                                   Cross and Communion from the
               +44 (0) 1227 762862
                                                                    Reserved Sacrament, Quire
        enquiries@canterbury-cathedral.org                  12.00 Three Hours Devotion, Quire
          www.canterbury-cathedral.org                      17.30 Choral Evensong, Quire
  Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: @CburyCathedral            19.30 Choral Reflection with Fauré’s Requiem,
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
Easter Eve
Sat, 16 April 2022                                 Holy Week and
The Easter Eve Vigil marks the first
celebration of Eastertide. This atmospheric
candlelit service moves from darkness to
                                                   Easter Events
light as we rejoice at Christ’s resurrection.
17.30 Choral Evensong, Quire                       Passiontide Talks: For
21.00 Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter, Nave    Everything in Life there is a
Easter Day                                         Mon 11,Tue 12, Wed 13 April 2022,
Sun, 17 April 2022                                 19.00, Quire
Alleluia! Christ is risen! On Easter Sunday        Inspired by a text from the book of
all are welcome to join us as we celebrate         Ecclesiastes, during Holy Week The Very
the joy of Christ’s resurrection.                  Revd Robert Willis, Dean of Canterbury,
                                                   and The Rt Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin,
08.10 Sung Eucharist, Quire*
                                                   Bishop of Dover, will explore the different
09.15 Said Matins, Jesus Chapel                    experiences of life as we reflect on our
11.00 Sung Eucharist led by The Archbishop of      experience of pandemic and recovery.
        Canterbury, Nave
15.00 Choral Evensong, Quire*                      No need to book, all are welcome to attend.
                                                   Each talk will also be live streamed on YouTube.
*Services will be broadcast live on BBC Radio.
Congregation must be seated 15 minutes
before the service begins.
On Good Friday, the Cathedral will be open
                                                   Easter Sunday Lunch
                                                   Sun, 17 April 2022
for services only. On Easter Day, the Cathedral
                                                   Bring the family to enjoy a special three-
church will be open for services only but there    course à la carte lunch with coffee in
will be free access to our grounds and Cloister.   Canterbury Cathedral Lodge’s delightful
                                                   Refectory Restaurant.
Other Special Services
Ascension Day Eucharist 26 May 2022                After lunch, there will be an Easter Egg
                                                   hunt for the children (big or small!) in the
Pentecost Eucharist 5 June 2022                    beautiful Campanile garden.

Trinity Sunday Eucharist 12 June 2022              See www.canterburycathedrallodge.org for
                                                   further details.To book, please email us at
Corpus Christi Eucharist 16 June 2022              stay@canterburycathedrallodge.org or call
                                                   01227 865350.
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
Platinum Jubilee                                   Friends
celebrations                                       Talk: From
                                                   Princess to
FRIENDly Platinum Prom                             Queen
                                                   Tue, 31 May 2022, 14.30
with The Central Band of the                       Clagett Auditorium
Royal British Legion                               Discover how the childhood experiences
Sat, 28 May 2022, 18.00, Nave                      of Elizabeth influenced her role as Queen,
Tickets £20 (£10 children under 12)*               wife and mother once she was crowned.
Kick off your Jubilee festivities with a
celebration of Royal Music in honour of            Tickets: £8 Friends, £10 non-members. Book
The Friends of Canterbury Cathedral’s First        via Eventbrite, see our website for further
Friend on the Roll, Her Majesty The Queen.         details.

Our music will be led by The Central Band
of the Royal British Legion. Expect patriotic
                                                   Pentecost Eucharist with
favourites, including Land of Hope and Glory,      Jubilee Prayers
Rule Britannia, and Jerusalem, as well as a        Sun, 5 June 2022, 11.00
selection of modern classics!                      On Pentecost Sunday, our usual Eucharist
                                                   will include prayers for our Queen,
                  Handheld flags and               as we mark the official day of Jubilee
                   bunting are very much           celebrations.
                    encouraged, and will be
                     available to purchase
                     on the day.
                                                        Commemorate the Historic
                      For more information and                Anniversary with a
                     to purchase tickets, please                    Jubilee Mug!
                      see our website.
                                                                                ONLY £14.99
                           * Ticket prices
                             include a non-                                Available to purchase
                              refundable                                    from the Canterbury
                               booking fee of                                    Cathedral Shop,
                               £1.50 per ticket.                               online and instore.
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
Young Explorers
NEW: Gregory Gargoyle’s
Easter Trail - FREE*
Fri, 8 April - Sat, 16 April 2022
This Easter help Gregory Gargoyle
complete our new Easter Trail. Everyone
who completes the trail correctly and in full
can return it to the Shop to claim an Easter

Easter Chough Activity with                     Stone Week - FREE*
Wildwood - FREE*                                Mon, 30 May - Wed, 1 June 2022
Tue 5,Thu 7, Fri 8, April 2022,                 10.30-15.30
11.00-15.30                                     Have you got what it takes to
According to myth, the red-billed chough        be a Cathedral stonemason?
(pronounced chuff) got it’s red beak            Find out this half term at our
and feet from paddling in the blood of          drop-in sessions led by the
Archbishop Thomas Becket after his murder       Canterbury Cathedral
in Canterbury Cathedral! This Easter, join      Stonemasonry team, where
us and our friends from local wildlife park,    you will have the opportunity
Wildwood, for fun and chough-themed             to carve your initials using
activities, including making your very own      traditional medieval techniques!
origami chough to take home.
                                                Medieval Canterbury Pageant
NEW: Gregory Gargoyle’s                         Sat, 2 July 2022
                                                Hear ye, hear ye! Canterbury Medieval
Royal Trail - FREE*                             Pageant returns for more, free, medieval
From May 2022
                                                mayhem for all ages (even middle ages!).
As we celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of
                                                Please visit www.canterburymedievalpageant.
our Queen – the longest-reigning British
                                                co.uk for more details.
monarch – find Gregory Gargoyle’s
clues to discover how Kings and Queens          *Visitor entrance charges apply. Children must be
throughout history have made their mark on      accompanied at all times.
Canterbury Cathedral!
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
Making History:
Church, State and Conflict                    Exhibition highlights
                                                                     The Black Prince’s Helm
A major new free* exhibition
                                                                                  This battle armour
exploring the complex, and often                                                  belonged to famed
violent, story of Church-State                                                       medieval warrior,
relations through the centuries                                                     Edward The Black
                                                                                 Prince, and is one of
*Visitor entrance charges apply.                                                 only twenty genuine
Children must be accompanied at all times.                                     examples in the world
                                                                                to survive to this day.

                                             Hubert Walter’s
                                             These beautiful slippers
                                             belonged to Hubert
                                             Walter who was
                                             Archbishop between 1193
                                             and 1205. They are so
                                             special that he was actually
                                             buried wearing them!

                                                                            The Canterbury Cross
                                                                               A significant example of
                                                                                Anglo-Saxon Christian
                                                                               art with connections to
                                                                              the religious and cultural
                                                                                 heritage of the city of
                                                                                   Canterbury and the
                                                                                 Anglican Communion.
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
Exhibitions                            Viewing Gallery:
                                       Crafting the Cathedral
 Discover our FREE*                    A must for model enthusiasts and fans
                                       of architecture, this exhibition features
 exhibition spaces at                  exquisite 1:720 scale replicas of famous
       the Cathedral                   cathedrals, crafted in cardboard and wood,
                                       between 1840-1850, by model maker
   *Visitor entrance charges apply.    William Gorringe.
 Children must be accompanied at
                          all times.
                                       Water Tower Corridor:
                                       Chalices, Flagons and Patens
                                       Church practice through the centuries has
                                       been full of variety, and this can be seen in
                                       the objects used in worship, from simple
                                       communion cups to decorated chalices.

                                       Water Tower: Monastic Life
                                       In this interactive exhibition in the
                                       Cathedral’s newly-restored Water Tower,
                                       discover what day-to-day life was like for
                                       Canterbury’s monks.
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
Talks and Tours
Discover the Cathedral’s
history, spaces and secrets
with our expert tour guides

Cathedral Tour:The Inside
                                                 Listen to 1,400
                                                 years of history
Duration: 75 minutes                             Audio Tour App
Cost: £5 per person                              Duration: Approx 1 hour
Available 11.00 & 14.00, Mon - Sat               Cost: £2.50 per download
Discover the story of Canterbury Cathedral       Discover the Cathedral’s unique and
through its soaring architecture.                fascinating history with this self-guided
                                                 tour that you download to your phone.
Stained Glass Tour
Duration: 60 minutes                             To purchase a download, please ask our staff.
Cost: £5 per person                              Headphones are not provided, but are
Available 12.00, Mon - Sat                       available to purchase in the Canterbury
Enjoy an insight in to these beautiful and       Cathedral Shop.
unique treasures of the Cathedral.

To book, please ask our staff when you arrive.
                                                 COMING SOON
Library Tours
Duration: 45 minutes
                                                 Media Guide
See available dates on our website
                                                 With interactive activities, and unique
Cost: £8 per person
                                                 behind-the-scenes material - including
Visit our magnificent Howley-Harrison
                                                 interviews with our clergy, craftspeople,
Library to view a display of highlights from
                                                 and heritage specialists - the media guide
our unique printed collections.
                                                 allows you to discover the Cathedral’s
                                                 story like never before.
To reserve your place, phone 01227 865330 or
email archives@canterbury-cathedral.org.
                                                 Available from April 2022.
Visit not suitable for children under 12.
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
Talks and Tours
A Day Exploring the Gardens
of Canterbury Cathedral
Mon, 23 May 2022, 10.00-17.00
Mon, 27 June 2022, 10.00-17.00
The Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
Cost: £59 per person
Enjoy a fascinating day exploring gardens
and garden history at the Cathedral. The day
includes a talk with our Head Gardener and
a chance to see a selection of relevant items
from our Archive and Library.
A two-course hot lunch at the Cathedral
Lodge, and an afternoon tea will also be

Email events@canterburycathedrallodge.org or
call 01227 865350 to book.

Medieval History Weekend
Fri, 28 April - Sun, 1 May 2022                       Treat yourself
Cost: £10 per person per event in person,
£9 per person per event online                        (and the Cathedral)
Renowned historians and scholars will give
talks covering the entire medieval period.            Discover hundreds of unique products and
The Weekend is organised by the CCCU                   special gifts in-store and online with our
Centre for Kent History and Heritage in                              Cathedral Shop.
conjunction with the Canterbury Cathedral
Archives & Library, which will provide two            All profits go towards the upkeep of
tours.                                                       Canterbury Cathedral

For more details, and to book tickets, please visit
www.canterbury.ac.uk and search for ‘Medieval
History Weekend’.                                       www.cathedral-enterprises.co.uk
What's On - Kids Go - Canterbury Cathedral
FRIENDly Talks
The Friends are a part of the
Cathedral community who work
together to preserve this magnificent
building by contributing financially to
many vital projects.
                                                         Give the gift of
Tickets: £8 Friends, £10 non-members
Talk:The Miraculous Window
into History                                          The Friends are the Cathedral’s fan club.
Mon, 9 May 2022, 10.30                               They organise trips, tours, talks, and other
Clagett Auditorium                                              events for all ages.
Leonie Seliger, Director of the Stained Glass
Studio at Canterbury Cathedral, and Dr               Why not join as Family Friends in 2022 so
Rachel Koopmans of York University, will             the whole family can enjoy the Cathedral
update Friends on the latest discoveries and                for generations to come?
the changes proposed for one of the Miracle
Windows before it returns to the Cathedral
this autumn.                                       Get 15 months for
                                                  the price of 12 if you
                                                  join today and quote
Talk: Sweetness and Light:                               WO14
Bees, Wax, and Honey
Tue, 14 June 2022, 10.30
Clagett Auditorium
Terrie Chrones, food historian and member
of the International Association of Culinary
Professionals, returns to talk to Friends
about the importance of bees, wax, and
honey with examples of art, images, and
culinary history, including texts from the
Cathedral Library.

All events can be booked via Eventbrite,
please see our website for details.You can also
book on the phone, please call 01227 865292.
After your visit
 Join us for Choral Evensong
 17.30-18.15 daily
                                                  Stay at Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
 For more than 1,400 years, God has been          Enjoy the wonderful, unique experience of staying
 worshipped in Canterbury Cathedral.              in the beautiful grounds of Canterbury Cathedral.
                                                   Relax in an oasis of calm in the centre of the city
 Why not join us at 17.30 for daily Choral
 Evensong to experience this centuries-
 old tradition for yourself, and to enjoy the
 Cathedral’s world-class music making.

 All are welcome, and there is no charge
 to attend a service.

 Explore the other parts of
 Canterbury’s World Heritage
 After your visit to the Cathedral, why
 not explore the two other parts of
 Canterbury’s UNESCO World Heritage
 Site - St. Martin’s Church, the oldest
 church in England, and St Augustine’s
 Abbey, originally created as a burial place
                                                  Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
 for the Anglo-Saxon kings of Kent, and a         The Precincts, Canterbury,
 key site in the rebirth of Christianity after    Kent, CT1 2EH
                                                  Tel: 01227 865350
 the departure of the Romans.                     Email: stay@canterburycathedrallodge.org
 See www.martinpaul.org and
 www.english-heritage.org.uk for details.
                                                       ACCOMMODATION • EVENTS • MEETINGS
                                                      TRAINING • PARTIES • WEDDING RECEPTIONS
In a Strange Land
Fri, 17 June 2022, 19.30
Canterbury Cathedral

An Evening with Lemn Sissay
and Stile Antico                            Tickets
with oud player Rihab Azar                   from
A concert of words and music
about migration and exile

For more information and to book tickets,
please see www.canterburyfestival.co.uk/
How you can support
   Canterbury Cathedral
 We are enormously grateful for donations
 of any size to help the Cathedral’s mission,
           music and conservation.

     Here are some ways you can help:

Make an annual or monthly gift to help us plan
          ahead with confidence;

Give £750 or more per year to become a Becket
Patron and gain unique access to the Cathedral;

 Leave a gift in your Will and join our Augustine
                   Legacy Circle.

  For more information, and to give a gift,
 please visit www.canterbury-cathedral.org,
email fundraising@canterbury-cathedral.org
             or call 01227 865343.

                   Thank you
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