Easter Hill United Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, Pastor May 1, 2022 Our Mission is to know Christ and to make Christ Known ...

Page created by Dana Daniel
Easter Hill United Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, Pastor May 1, 2022 Our Mission is to know Christ and to make Christ Known ...
Easter Hill United Methodist Church
        Rev. Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, Pastor
                      May 1, 2022
Our Mission is to know Christ and to make Christ Known

Easter Hill United Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, Pastor May 1, 2022 Our Mission is to know Christ and to make Christ Known ...
Worship Celebration |Third Sunday of Easter | Year C
   May 1, 2022 | 10:00 a.m. | The star () indicates where we are to stand.
CALL TO WORSHIP                                   Mr. Adolphus Benjamin
 OPENING HYMN                                    p. 272, AAHH
“Amazing Grace”
“Just Wanna Praise You”
PRAYER HYMN                                       p. 348, UM Hymnal
“Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling”
PASTORAL PRAYER                                   Pastor Dale
     Prayer requests via online @ www.easterhill.org/prayer

     How to make your offering via the “Giving link @ www.easterhill.org/giving”
OFFERTORY PRAYER                                  Mr. Adolphus Benjamin
Pastor Dale: It’s offering time.
Church:      Praise the Lord!
OFFERTORY SONG                                    p. 667, AAHH
“Yes, Lord”
PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING                            Pastor Dale
MOMENT WITH THE CHILDREN                          Mrs. Vicki Carr Trotter
John 21: 1-19                                     Mr. Adolphus Benjamin
Acts 9: 1-6                                       Ms. Deborah Orukari
MUSICAL SELECTION                                 Voices of Easter Hill
“Trust and Obey”
THE SERMON                                        Pastor Dale
The Great Thanksgiving
Easter Hill United Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, Pastor May 1, 2022 Our Mission is to know Christ and to make Christ Known ...
COMMUNION SELECTION                                p. 264, AAHH
“At the Cross”
 CLOSING SONG                                     p. 349, UM Hymnal
“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
CLOSING BENEDICTION                                Pastor Dale

SPECIAL OFFERING THIS SUNDAY!!!                    Today May 1, 2022

The Adult Bible Study will continue on Wednesday, May 4 at 1p. We will
meet in person in the Beulah Room. Contact Barbara Scott with any
questions. We Make the Road by Walking, by Brian McLaren will be the
book used for study.

We are bringing back the Voices of Easter Hill (Choir). Our next rehearsal will be on
Friday, May 6, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. If you have any questions contact our Music
Director, Rev. Mark Wilson. Covid-19 protocols will be observed while singing.

                           SATURDAY, MAY 21 | 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                           The training will take place at West Contra Costa Unified
                           School District Adult Education Alvarado Campus, 5625
                           Sutter Avenue, Richmond, California. It will be In Person
                           with COVID requirements honored. If you are interested

contact Jackie Alexander at 510.231.0563
Easter Hill United Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, Pastor May 1, 2022 Our Mission is to know Christ and to make Christ Known ...
We want to celebrate all Class of 2022 graduates at
Easter Hill United Methodist Church.
If you know of or have a graduating youth of any
grade level in your home or family, please contact the church office at (510) 235-
4226 or via e-mail eumc1234@sbcglobal.net and let us know what school and
grade they are graduating from.
               The weekly ElderTech Academy sessions will resume this week. If
               you would like to join a tutoring session, please let the church office
               know your email address so you can be emailed the Zoom invitation.
               Class: Thursdays and Fridays at 11 a.m.

Laity Equipped and Transformed to Serve the Church and World | Is God calling
                          you to deeper faith and service? Is the Spirit stirring your
                          heart to seek something more? The Lay Servant Ministry
                          (LSM) Training offers classes to equip, transform, and
                          mobilize the laity to serve the church and world. It all begins
                          with the Basic Lay Servant Ministry courses, which help you
                          discover your calling and gifts. Offered three times this year,
these courses are Now open for registration to new and current leaders and anyone
who wishes to deepen their discipleship. In addition, these courses are also available
to certified lay servants who need to meet their recertification requirements. All
classes are via Zoom. To see the schedule for 2022 visit:

                             Our ministry is always looking for ushers; men, women,
                             and youth; and the invitation is always extended. The
                             Easter Hill United Methodist Church Usher Board
                             cordially invites all congregation members and regular
                             attendees to join us in our commitment to the fulfillment
                             of service to God and the church. We are a team of
                             ordinary individuals working together as “…doorkeepers
                             in the house of God.” (Psalm 84:10).
If interested, please contact Samantha Webster 510.637.8014
Easter Hill United Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, Pastor May 1, 2022 Our Mission is to know Christ and to make Christ Known ...
        Every first Sunday of the month during the year, Easter Hill celebrates
        the Service of Holy Communion during the 10a worship service.
        Everyone is invited to the table of the Lord. The Communion Stewards
        are looking for stewards to volunteer their time at the 10a worship

The communion stewards perform such duties as: set up and break down the
communion elements in the Sanctuary, we assist with Baptism service, and any
other worship assistance that the Pastor needs. If you are interested, please contact
the church office at 510.235.4226 or eumc1234@sbcglobal.net



We will be meeting, in-person, June 10-13, 2022 at the SAFE Credit Union
Convention Center in Sacramento, utilizing the same spaces as ACS
2021. Legislative Sections will take place virtually from 6pm – 8pm on May
20th. Please note, while the sessions in June will be live streamed for viewing
purposes, there will not be a mechanism to allow for virtual participation other than
the Legislative Sections in May.
TO REGISTER VISIT: https://www.cnumc.org/eventdetail/13134569
My first assignment as Vice President of the United Methodist Women, was
to Chair Women’s Day. I might have Chaired Women’s Day, but it was the
Committee and Participants that made the day a Success. Rev. Marie
Wilson Johnson did an excellent job telling us to “Believe it.” We chose the
perfect Honorees, Venita Jones, Ashlee George, and Reverend Dorothy
Williams, who have earned these Honors and then some. The Easter Hill
Doves outdid themselves and the addition of Rev. Wilson-Johnson’s son to
the group was the “Icing on the cake.” The addition of the Sanctuary Pastel
Flowers gave the room a calm and beautiful atmosphere that all could
admire and enjoy. (Y’all know who did it!) The Ensemble and songs
provided by the Music Department were excellent! The Readers, read, the
young men Assisted, the Ushers, ushered, The greeters, greeted, and the
speakers, spoke! In conclusion, I cannot mention everyone, but the
Women’s Day Committee, which started planning about 6 weeks ago made
it all happen through zoom, in-person, emails, texts, and phone calls.
Thanks to all of you!

Your Sister-in Christ,
Karolyn Langston
Vice President, United Women in Faith
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE                              Inez Hughey, Sister of Jo Ann Lawson
                                                   Kaddara Humphrey, Granddaughter of A Greene
SPECIAL PRAYERS                                    Anita Husan, Cousin of D Orukari; Breast Cancer
Marsha Alexander, Sister of Regina & Jackie        Bobbie Ingram, Mother of Reginald Crowell
Dr. Robert Anderson                                Carla Jackson, Daughter of John McGill
Ernest Baffo Gyan                                  J.D. Johnson, Son of JC Webster
Linda Barrett, Sister of Romona Jones              Gwen Johnson & Granddaughter, Martina
Gussie Berry & Family                              Ron Johnson, Brother of Liz Johnson
Marian Berry                                       Venita Jones
Akbar & Jacqueline Bibb & family                   Diane Lane, Friend of Liz Johnson
Mary Billups Family                                Rev. Phil & Jo Ann Lawson
Joe J. Blacknell, Jr. Friend of Shanice Robinson   Monique Lee
Audrey Bowling, Neighbor of Shanice Robinson       Jamillah Long, Daughter of J Clark
Frank Byias, III, Nephew of Gloria Sewell Murphy   Rhonda Long and family
Nicole & George Capers, family of D. Bailey        Robert “Bob” Lowery
Kurt Carr, Brother of Vicki Carr-Trotter           Harriett McNair, Sister of Corann Withers
Ray Carter                                         James Mixon, Brother of Rev. D. Tibbs
Billye Cloud                                       Aaron Murphy, Grandson of Gloria Sewell Murphy
James Coleman, Brother of Jan Reed                 Leander A. Murphy, Son of Gloria Sewell Murphy
Kim Colwell, Friend of Kim Settles                 Janice Milburn, Friend of Liz Johnson
Blanche Cormier                                    Kay Nears, Friend of Louis Lock
Harris Families                                    Inema Orukari & Anume Orukari, Son & Daughter of
Alex Donald, Grandson of Gloria Sewell-Murphy      D Orukari
Melia Donald, (Granddaughter of G Sewell Murphy)   Gladys Perry
Stephanie Dabney, Loss of mother                   Louis Perry, Nephew of Gladys Perry
Verna Dabney & family                              Mary Phillips
Ellen Daniels Temple, Loss of Son                  Anita Provost, Sister of A Benjamin
Joan “JoJo” Daniels and Richard                    Nicole Pruitt, Friend of Kim Settles
Thelma Daniels                                     Sara Quimby, Niece of Aileen Gillem
Ben & Gwendolyn Davis                              Jan Reed
Christopher & Daphne Day, Family of D Bailey       Shanice Robinson
Mary Etter, Sister of Georgia Macon                Rev Lawrence Roberts, Brother of Pat Roberts
Cinqué Finnie, Friend of Juan Phelps               Patricia Roberts
Frank Fisher & family                              Anthony Sabral, Friend of Liz Johnson
Sandy (Lover) French                               Yolanda Samuels, Friend of Regina Sims
Brittney Foster                                    Jerry Scott, Bro in law of Barbara Scott
Tyehshia Foster, Friend of Shanice Robinson        David Sewell, Brother of Michael & Gloria Sewell
Marva Foster, Friend of Liz Johnson                Gloria Sewell-Murphy
Herma Gardere and family                           Bennie Smith and her daughter, Tracy
Vilma Garrett                                      Ernie Strickland, Relative of D. Bailey
George Gillem, Nephew of Aileen Gillem             Autumn Schwimmer
Renee Grant & family                               Christina Thuillier, Daughter of Walter & Kimberly
Ed & Arinel Greene                                 Melody Todd, Friend of J Alexander
Yvetta Griffin                                     Sherice Torres, Daughter of B Guillory
Brittany Ruffin Geertsen, Niece of M. Lourant      Lowell Walker, Fiancé of D Orukari
Shirley Haney                                      Pat West, Sister-in-law of M Lourant
Joyce Hason                                        Vivian West, Sister of M Lourant
Sharon Nash Haynes & son, Keith Haynes             Dana White
Eloise Hewitt                                      RECOVERY:
Andrea Hill                                        Dr. Robert Anderson, Ashlee George
Melva Hill, Sister of Venita Jones                 Charles Phillips, Denise Williams, and
Thelma Hill

                                                   Jean Williams

Sudan Holland, Grandson of Daphne Day
EVENTS AT EASTER HILL – May 2, 2022 – May 8 ,2022
Monday- May 2               10:30a Covenant Group– Via Zoom
                            7p Q Place -Via Zoom

Tuesday – May 3

Wednesday – May 4           1p Adult Bible Study – Via Zoom

Thursday – May 5            6p SPRC
                            7p Freedom School Steering Committee – Via Zoom

Friday- May 6

Saturday – May 7            9a Prayer Ministry– Via Zoom
Sunday – May 8              10a Mother’s Day Worship Service – In Person Attendance and Live Streamed on

Easter Hill United Methodist Church, 3911 Cutting Blvd., Richmond California 94804
STAFF                                                  CHURCH OFFICE HOURS
Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, Pastor                       Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Rev. Phil Lawson, Pastor Emeritus                      Telephone: 510-235-4226
Dr. Anthony Gordon, Co Senior Lay Servant              Facsimile: 510-235-2116
Linda Wright, Co Senior Lay Servant                    E-mail: eumc1234@sbcglobal.net
Rev. Dr. Doniel Mark Wilson, Director of Music         Pastor’s email: pastordale316@gmail.com
Audrey Cormier, Organist                               Web page: www.easterhill.org
Kimberly Harvey, Voices of Easter Hill
                                                       Rev. Minerva G. Carcaño, Resident Bishop
Joyce Clark, Administrative Assistant
                                                       Rev. Shinya Goto, District Superintendent
All creation is of sacred worth. All humans are sacred images of God. Easter Hill United Methodist Church
affirms, without reservation, Jesus’ life, and ministry of unconditional love. As an inclusive and nurturing family
of families, Easter Hill will continue to welcome and offer hospitality to all persons regardless of age, race,
gender orientation, religious, economic, educational, or social status.

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