What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston

Page created by Melanie Harrington
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
 What’s On   20
        On 2022
   November 2021 - December 2022

     Ope n A l l Y e a r !

                     BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832
                     BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com
     @gorlestonpav   SAT NAV: NR31 6PP
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                     Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

                       BOOKING INFORMATION                                                                                         CONTACT & FIND US

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Disabled facilities are available and the entire     Tickets will be held for up to 7 working days        Telephone: (01493) 662832            Mon-Thurs, 11am - 3pm
theatre is on one level and fully accessible.        from the date of booking. All tickets must be        Website: pavtheatre.com
                                                     paid for 7 days prior to performance. Tickets        Email: info@pavtheatre.com           Other days and times subject to performances.
If you do have specific seating requirements         which remain unpaid will be released for sale.
(i.e. wheelchairs or walkers) please alert a
member of the booking staff at the time of           Refund Policy
                                                     We regret that tickets cannot be exchanged or
Book Online                                          money refunded (cash or credit card), although
                                                     the Box Office will, where possible, offer
Visit www.pavtheatre.com to select your              returned tickets for resale for a small handling
seats and buy tickets online, 24 hours a day.        charge of £2 per ticket. In these situations,
                                                     the sale of the theatre’s own tickets will take
Payment Methods                                      priority.

We welcome all major credit and debit cards          Family/Group Tickets
over the telephone and in person.
                                                     Family tickets consist of 2 adults and 2 children
Online and Telephone bookings will incur a           and are only available for certain performances.
£1.50 booking fee.                                   Group rates may also be applicable for some
                                                     performances. Please contact the Box Office for
                                                     more details.

                                                     Friends of the Theatre
Gift Vouchers
                                                     Friends of the Theatre will receive up to a 10%
Gift vouchers can be purchased in                    discount off the advertised ticket price, which is
denominations of £5 and can be redeemed              applied at the time of booking. Other benefits
against any performance. Please contact the          also included.
Box Office for more details.
                                                     Car Parking
Gift Vouchers are also available to purchase
through our website.                                 There is plenty of free car parking available
                                                     right outside the Theatre. We also have coach
                                                     parking facilities.

   2   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832         BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                    Follow us online:             @gorlestonpav    3
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                           Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

                                                                                                                  Weds 8th 		  10.30am         2.00pm                     CHRISTMAS DAY                       CLOSED
        Peter Pan                    Christmas Crackers                     Joe Ringer Band                       Thurs 9th    10.30am         7.00pm
                                                                            Christmas Show                        Fri 10th 			                 6.00pm                     Sun 26th 		          2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                                                                  Sat 11th 		   2.00pm         6.00pm                     Mon 27th 		          2.00pm         6.00pm
Dusmagrik Young People’s             Stage Door Youth Theatre return     Following on from a sell-out run
                                                                                                                  Sun 12th      2.00pm         6.00pm                     Tues 28th            2.30pm         7.00pm
Theatre Company present this         to the Pavilion with a fun filled   in 2019, popular vocalist Joe
                                                                                                                  Mon 13th 		  10.30am                                    Weds 29th            2.30pm         7.00pm
musical classic Based on J M         ‘CHRISTMAS CRACKER’ of a            Ringer, his band and some of the
                                                                                                                  Tues 14th 		 10.30am         2.00pm                     Thurs 30th           2.30pm         7.00pm
Barrie’s play written in 1904.       show, with Music, Dance, and        region’s top vocal talent return
                                                                                                                  Weds 15th    10.30am         7.00pm                     Fri 31st 		          2.00pm
                                     Christmassy drama.                  to the Pavilion Theatre with their
                                                                                                                  Thurs 16th		 10.30am
‘Peter Pan’ is the story of the                                          much-loved festive spectacular.
                                                                                                                  Fri 17th 		         No performances                     NEW YEAR’S DAY                      CLOSED
boy who refuses to grow up and       We visit Whoville and meet the
                                                                                                                  Sat 18th 		   2.00pm         6.00pm
who takes children Wendy John        Grumpy Green Grinch, Alice will     Find yourself transported to
                                                                                                                  Sun 19th 		   2.00pm         6.00pm                     Sun 2nd 		           2.00pm         6.00pm
and Michael on an adventure          fall into a winter wonderland and   a magical winter wonderland
                                                                                                                  Mon 20th      2.30pm         7.00pm
over the moonlit rooftops of         Cinderella will once again meet     as Joe and his amazing team
                                                                                                                  Tues 21st     2.00pm         6.00pm                                       TICKET PRICES
Edwardian London, through a          her magical fairy godmother!        of vocalists take you on a
                                                                                                                  Weds 22nd     2.00pm         6.00pm                     Adult                                     £13
galaxy of stars and on to the lush                                       journey through all your festive
                                                                                                                  Thurs 23rd    2.00pm         6.00pm                     Concessions                               £11
forests of Neverland.                Just a few of the wonderful         favourites. From Bing to Buble,
                                                                                                                  Fri 24th      2.00pm                                    Children                                   £9
                                     shows to get you all warm and       Silent Night to Fairytale of New
                                                                                                                                                                          Family Ticket (2A,2C)                     £42
                                     cozy and in the mood for a          York and Mariah to Slade - this
                                     magical Christmas!                  traditional treat for all the family
                                                                         is not to be missed!

Thurs 18th Nov            7:30pm

                                                                                                                              Pervy Peter Pan
Fri 19th Nov              7:30pm     Fri 26th Nov             7:30pm
Sat 20th Nov              2:00pm     Sat 27th Nov             7:30pm                                            Thu 28th February        7:30pm
Sat 20th Nov              7:30pm     Sun 28th Nov             2:00pm                                            Fri 1st March            7:30pm                                          Thu 21st March            7:30pm
                                                                         Thurs 16th Dec              8:00pm     Sat 2nd March            7:30pm     Sat 9th March            7:30pm      Fri 22nd March            7:30pm
Tickets                       £13    Tickets                      £12                                           Sun 3rd March            2:00pm                                          Sat 23rd March            7:30pm
                                                                         Tickets                         £19
Student                       £10    Conc./Student                £10
                                                                         Concessions                     £17                           THE£10
                                                                                                                                               Tickets ADULT PANTOMIME
                                                                                                                                                                    Tickets                                           £11

                                                                                                                                                                           18+ ONLY!
Child (15 & under)             £8    Child                         £6                                           Tickets                        Children         £10
                                                                                                                                                                                         Concessions                  £10
                                                                                                                                       STRICTLY FOR ADULTS!!
                                                                                                                          The original ADULT PANTOMIME returns bringing you the STRICTLTY ADULT 18+ PANTOMIME

                                                                                                                 Fri 10th 		                           9:30pm            Sun 19th 		                          9:30pm
                                                                                                                 Sat 11th 		                           9:30pm            Weds 22nd		                          9:30pm
                                                                                                                 Sun 12th 		                           9:30pm            Thurs 23rd		                         9:30pm
                                                                                                                 Fri 17th		                            9:30pm
                                                                                                                 Sat 18th 		                           9:30pm                             Ticket Prices
                                                                                                                                                                         Adults                                     £15

  4    BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832         BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                           Follow us online:                  @gorlestonpav      5
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                                 Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

          Aladdin                        A Sparkle in Time                   Money for Nothing                           Ladies Night                        Strictly Murder                        The Dreamers
         The Panto                           Reloaded                                                                                                         Murder Mystery
Triple T Productions are thrilled      Following the success of A           ‘Undoubtedly the BEST                  Our stunning female vocalists                                                Formerly “ Freddie and The
to be returning to the Pavilion,       Sparkle in Time, January 2020,       Dire Straits Tribute Band in           perform the greatest hit songs                                               Dreamers “, The Dreamers
(after an enforced break) with a       Charley Green and Louise             Europe’                                from the worlds biggest female                                               remain one of the best known
full cast for this year’s fun-filled   Griffiths are again directing                                               artistes.                             Things are heating up in the           named bands on the sixties
                                                                            ‘Money for Nothing’ was formed                                               finals of the St Mark’s Ballroom       music circuit. Changes to
family pantomime ‘Aladdin’.            for GTC and bring you a revue
                                                                            in 2000 as a tribute to one of         This energetic and colourful          and Latin dance championships.         personnel over the past 50
                                       which is a journey of iconic film
                                                                            the world’s premier rock bands         show features the iconic music        The local TV station are covering      years were of course inevitable
 With an original and funny            and stage tunes to reload your
                                                                            - Dire Straits. The abundant           of Whitney Houston, Gloria            the championships and before           but one member Alan Mosca
script from award winning write        memories from the past to the
                                                                            energy and the excellence and          Gaynor, Sister Sledge, Kylie          dancing begins, they have              remains in the band today. He
Alan P. Frayn, this refreshingly       present.                                                                                                          arranged interviews with all
                                                                            musicality of their performance        and so many more. It’s an                                                    has been in the band for over
new, laugh-a-minute show adds                                                                                                                            finalists.
                                                                            makes Money for Nothing                unforgettable, energy fuelled                                                40 years.
another dimension to the great         Spreading joy with bangers
                                                                            a ‘must see’ for any rock              night to remember no matter
panto classic                          such as Flashdance, Fame and                                                                                      The interviews uncover
                                                                            enthusiast or Dire Straits fan.        which generation was the                                                     Come along and enjoy an
                                       Footloose with an added touch                                                                                     squabbles over sequins,
                                                                                                                   soundtrack to your youth.                                                    Evening with The Dreamers and
Bursting with comedy, audience         of Sparkle.                                                                                                       frenzies over feathers, and            sit back and enjoy the music,
                                                                            Featuring all the hits from
participation, slapstick mayhem,                                            their first ever single ‘Sultans       It’s the ultimate playlist of chart   a tussle with the tango, but           Alan’s stories of his time with
a vibrant mix of singing and                                                of Swing’ to ‘Brothers in Arms‘,       hits spanning 50 years of female      nobody would ever have                 Freddie, comedy and a visit
dancing and all the traditional                                             ‘Walk of Life’ and their last single   music so lets welcome back Girl       thought it would end in a              back to the good old days. This
pantomime fun, this promises                                                released in 1992 ‘The Bug’.            Power as once again it’s Ladies       murder on the dance floor!             show is not to be missed.
to be a panto full of eastern                                                                                      Night…oh what a night!                Enter Detective Holmes to help
promise!                                                                                                                                                 the audience solve the case...

Fri 7th Jan                 7:30pm     Thu 20th Jan              7:30pm                                                                                  In aid of the Pavilion Theatre
Sat 8th Jan                 2:00pm     Fri 21st Jan              7:30pm                                                                                  Restoration Fund.
Sat 8th Jan                 7:30pm     Sat 22nd Jan              7:30pm
Sun 9th Jan                 2:00pm                                                                                                                       Fri 4th Feb                7:30pm      Sat 12th Feb               7:30pm
                                       Tickets                        £14   Fri 28th Jan               7:30pm      Sat 29th Jan              7:30pm      Sat 5th Feb                7:30pm
Tickets                          £12   Children                        £7                                                                                                                       Tickets                       £18
Child / Student                   £6   Family                         £35   Tickets                        £20     Tickets                       TBC     Tickets                           £6   Children                       £6

  6     BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832          BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                                Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav      7
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                       Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

The Addams Family                       Local Theatre                   The Snow Queen                        Bootleg Boss                      Lets Twist Again                    Waves of Laughter
Cantors Theatre School Center      The Pavilion Theatre is proud      D16 Performing Arts College       Bootleg Boss are a UK based          After the sell out shows of Hey       Non stop laughter with
of Performing Arts presents...     to present a fantastic showcase    present...                        seven-piece band that perform        Rock n Roll 1 and 2, Sam and          comedians to suit all tastes.
                                   of all of the talent that exists                                     the classic songs of Bruce           Hannah Street, The Lowrider           Starring a top host and
THE ADDAMS FAMILY, a               within four of our local theatre   From her ice palace at the very   Springsteen & The E Street Band.     City Rockers and The Rock             introducing some of the finest
comical feast that embraces        companies.                         top of the world, the wicked                                           n Roll dancers are back and           and funniest UK acts!
the wackiness in every family,                                        Snow Queen plans to turn          Formed in 2012 this                  performing LIVE with their
features an original story and     Following an almost impossible     everything to winter – no more    accomplished and exciting Live       favourite rock n roll hits for you    Host Ben Langley is best known
it’s every father’s nightmare:     year during COVID, the theatre     summer, no more sunshine, no      Band feature Kev Jamieson as         to sing and dance along to. Re-       for his cute-comedy persona and
Wednesday Addams, the              industry itself took a huge        more warmth, no more holidays     the vocal-singing, guitar-playing,   live the era where the greatest       for an appearance on Britain’s
ultimate princess of darkness,     hit and so too did our local       making sandcastles on the         harmonica-blowing, band-             songs of all time were born           Got Talent.
has grown up and fallen in love    theatrical groups.                 beach...                          leading, audience-engaging,          including hits from Elvis Presley,
with a sweet, smart young man                                                                           dance-inducing, singalong-           Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Neil        Geordie Richard Morton is a
from a respectable family– a       This production will raise         Join us for one of the most       inspiring Boss.                      Sedaka, Connie Francis, Roy           stalwart of the UK comedy
man her parents have never         vital money for four groups:       beautiful and most popular                                             Orbison and many more!                circuit. His bounding stage
met. Everything will change for    Dusmagrik, Stage Door              adaptations of Hans Christian     If you were born to run down                                               presence, catchy songs and
the whole family on the fateful    Youth Theatre, the Gorleston       Andersen’s fairytales.            backstreets, across badlands         This concert is in aid of Rotary      quick fire gags has made him a
night they host a dinner for       Theatre Company and Triple T       Guaranteed to put warmth into     and to go dancing in the dark in     Local Charities and The Pavilion      true circuit favourite.
Wednesday’s “normal” boyfriend     Productions.                       the coldest of hearts, however    a brilliant disguise, Bootleg Boss   Restoration Fund.
and his parents.                                                      young or old you are!             is the band you need to see.                                               Phil Reid is friendly, enthusiastic
                                   Come and enjoy a great night                                                                                                                    and his style instantly puts the
                                   of entertainment whilst raising                                                                                                                 audience at ease.
Fri 18th Feb            7:30pm
                                   money for such brilliant causes.
Sat 19th Feb            2:30pm
                                                                                                                                                                                   Suitable for ages 16 and over.
Sat 19th Feb            7:30pm                                        Sat 5th March           7:30pm
Sun 20th Feb            5:30pm     Sat 26th Feb             7:30pm    Sun 6th March           1:00pm
                                                                                                        Sat 12th March            8:00pm     Fri 18th March             7:30pm     Sat 19th March             8:00pm
Tickets                     £15    Tickets                      £12   Tickets                  £12.50
Child / Concession          £12    Children                      £6   Concessions               £8.50   Tickets                        £20   Tickets                         £22   Tickets                         £15

  8   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832        BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                      Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav         9
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                             Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

      BROADWAY                         Pavilion Players                         Alter Eagles                 The Day The Music                         Joe Longthorne                         Romeo & Juliet
      FAVOURITES!                                  Play                                                           Revived                                    His Life Story
The Chorus of St Cecilia full                                            The Alter Eagles are an            Buddy Holly meets Jerry Lee            Joe Longthorne MBE was one             The Gorleston theatre Company
company are thrilled to be back                                          experienced, authentic Eagles’     Lewis.                                 of the nation’s most loved             present William Shakespear’s
and sing again after a 2 year                                            tribute band.                                                             entertainers. Following a              Romeo + Juliet.
break from the Pavilion Theatre.    The Pavilion Players perform                                            Sometimes fiction is stranger          sensational career spanning
                                    multiple times every year to         Formed in 2003, they perform       than fact. Imagine if you will...      over 50 years with songs that          An age-old vendetta between
Favourite and popular Hit           raise vital funds for the Pavilion   the whole repertoire of Eagles’    with the snow storm raging on          filled the people’s hearts with        two powerful families erupts into
Musicals will be performed by       Theatre Restoration Fund.            tracks, from tasteful country      3rd February 1959 in Clear Lake        joy, Joe sadly passed away in          bloodshed.
the Choir, Juniors and Soloists!                                         rock - complete with full          Iowa an announcement was               2019.
Les Miserables, Phantom of the      Every production that the team       harmonies - through to hard        made grounding all flights.                                                   A young lovesick Romeo
Opera, There’s No Business Like     put together proves to be a          rocking numbers, showcasing                                               Now, with Audio Visual 4/7             Montague falls instantly in love
Showbusiness!                                                            the Eagles’ trademark duelling     Which meant Buddy Holly never          piece live band, fellow showman        with Juliet Capulet, who is due
                                    fantastic and unmissable watch,
                                                                         electric guitars.                  got on the plane and survived!         Michael George takes you on            to marry her father’s choice, the
                                    so whilst this production is still
                                                                                                            Imagine now that he has
                                    to be confirmed, it’s sure to be                                                                               a trip down memory lane, in            County Paris.
                                                                                                            teamed up with Jerry Lee Lewis
                                    a hit.                               The current set comprises                                                 honour of Mr Longthorne and
                                                                                                            tonight to repeat their explosive
                                                                         material from 35 years of                                                 his amazing achievements.              Destined for tragedy, follow the
                                                                                                            performance when they played
                                    In aid of the Pavilion Theatre       Eagles’ performances, up to and                                                                                  story of Romeo + Juliet in this
                                                                                                            together in Sydney Australia 3rd
                                    Restoration Fund.                    including 2007’s Long Road Out     February 1958 ...                      By popular demand and                  latest adaptation.
                                                                         Of Eden.                                                                  an endorsement from Joe’s
                                                                                                            Sit back and get ready to RAVE         personal management, Michael
                                                                                                            ON.                                    and his band singing songs that
                                                                                                                                                   take you from the infancy of
                                                                                                                                                   Joe’s career, right up to the later
Thurs 24th March         7:30pm                                                                             Sat 9th April              7:30pm      years.                                 Thu 21st April            7:30pm
Fri 25th March           7:30pm     Thurs 31st April           7:30pm                                                                                                                     Fri 22nd April            7:30pm
Sat 26th March           7:30pm     Fri 1st April              7:30pm                                       Tickets                        £20                                            Sat 23rd April            2:00pm
                                    Sat 2nd April              7:30pm    Fri 8th April            7:30pm                                           Sat 16th April             8:00pm      Sat 23rd April            7:30pm
Tickets                      £14                                                                            Early bird price of £18 if booked by
Concessions                  £12    Tickets                        £12   Tickets                      £20              end of March!               Tickets                          £20   Tickets                       TBC

 10    BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832        BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                            Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav       11
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                            Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

       Forever Tenors                Summer Showtime                         Murder Mystery                           The Greatest                       The Carpenters                  Swinging Blue Jeans
                                          2022                                                                          Magician                           Experience                     and The Tornados
Fresh off the back of a successful   Gypsy Productions return in                                                The dazzling new Magic Show!         The Carpenters Experience is        The Swinging Blue Jeans
summer prom season, Forever          2022 to present the now famous                                                                                  the UK’s leading tribute to The     stormed the charts worldwide
Tenors are quickly building a        Summer Showtime spectacular.                                               An enigmatic, critically acclaimed   Carpenters.                         with “Hippy Hippy Shake” and
reputation as one of the most                                                                                   glance at the world’s most                                               other major hits including “Good
                                                                          The Pavilion Players return to
exciting new classical crossover     With Song, Dance & Comedy,                                                 engaging art form. Presented         Featuring the amazing voice         Golly Miss Molly”. Alan Lovell and
                                                                          present another fantastic night
duos to emerge from the UK.          Showtime has a full supporting                                             by the ‘most anticpated magical      of Maggie Nestor & 8 top class      his band are synonymous with
                                                                          of murder mystery fun.
Forever Tenors combine breath-       cast ready to dazzle you with                                              performer in a generation’, this     musicians.                          working up a party atmosphere
taking vocals with spell-binding     a fabulous night of seaside                                                spellbinding, 5 star rated show                                          that will have everyone up on
                                                                          If you haven’t joined us for one
orchestral arrangements and          entertainment.                                                             will leave you dumbfounded.          The Carpenters Experience has       their feet and dancing.
                                                                          of our murder mystery evenings
infectious Yorkshire charm.                                                                                                                          captured the sights and sounds
                                                                          before then you’re in for a treat!
                                     This is a feel-good factor show,                                           Directed by the late Paul Daniels,   of the amazing talents of Richard   The Tornados, of course had a
Forever Tenors’ UK Tour features     great value and very popular.                                              and presented by the magician        & Karen Carpenter featuring all     million selling worldwide hit with
                                                                          You’ll be transported to a
music from their sensational                                                                                    most fammous for jamming             the hits Close to you, We’ve only   the iconic TELSTAR. ‘60s pop and
                                                                          murder scene where you’ve
upcoming debut album. An             Cabaret style seating and a                                                the BBC’s switchboard after          just begun, Top of the world,       rock band who were the backing
                                                                          take part in figuring out what
on-stage band, which includes        drinks service at your table                                               correctly predicting the lottery     Rainy days & Mondays, Solitaire,    group for Billy Fury. They topped
                                                                          happened and enjoy some
a live string section, rounds        throughout the performance                                                 - this is a mind bending show        Goodbye to love plus many           the charts on both sides of the
                                                                          laughs along the way.
off Forever Tenors’ unique           all blends for a night not to be                                           which will transport you to a        more,                               Atlantic with the phenomenally
sound and promises to make           missed.                                                                    jaw-droppping world of light-                                            successful hit Telstar and went
                                                                          In aid of the Pavilion Theatre
this an evening you will always                                                                                 hearted hilarity, wonderment         This is a show not to be missed.    on to release a string of organ-
                                                                          Restoration Fund.
remember!                                                                                                       and mystery.                                                             and-guitar led instrumental
                                     Every Tuesday at 7:45pm from                                                                                                                        singles.
                                            May to October.

                                     Please call for details on Matinée
                                              performances.               Fri 6th May               7:30pm
Sat 30th April            7:30pm                                          Sat 7th May               7:30pm      Fri 13th May              8:00pm     Sat 14th May              8:00pm    Fri 20th May              7:30pm
                                     Tickets                        £20
Tickets                    £22.50    Children                       £10   Tickets                          £6   Tickets                       £20    Tickets                    £17.50   Tickets                       £22

  12    BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832        BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                            Follow us online:                 @gorlestonpav       13
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                               Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

   Seriously Collins                        Spotlight                             Soul Train                      The Show Must Go On                 Summer Showtime                        The Counterfeit 70’s
                                           D16 Showcase                                                             PIP Goes Platinum                      2022
The Phil Collins Tribute Show       D16 return to the Pavilion to       Soul Train will steam into                Come celebrate with us 70           Gypsy Productions return in            Having toured extensively with
is led by a charismatic front       present their annual showcase.      Gorleston with a fine feast of            years of incredible service and     2022 to present the now famous         The Counterfeit Sixties show
man with stunning vocals.                                               soulful gems.                             dedication from Her Majesty         Summer Showtime spectacular.           they now bring you their unique
Seriously Phil Collins has amazed   This production is full of                                                    the Queen! PIP is proud to go                                              Seventies show from a decade
audiences worldwide!                numbers from some of the most       Harking back to the wonderful             Platinum for this one night only    With Song, Dance & Comedy,             of glam rock through to new
                                    loved musical & movies and          days when the dance floor was             variety performance in tribute to   Showtime has a full supporting         wave music, and everything in
Featuring highly experienced        music inspired by cultures from     king, the show features a fun             our longest reigning monarch.       cast ready to dazzle you with          between. Featuring the music
professional musicians, Seriously   around the world.                   presentation of 60s and 70s soul                                              a fabulous night of seaside            of Slade, Sweet, T.Rex, The Bay
Phil Collins is the ultimate                                            classics. From early soul days of         In tribute to her Royal service,    entertainment.                         City Rollers and many, many
tribute. This lively none stop      A show not to be missed!            Tamla Motown, Stax and Atlantic           PIP will also be linking up with                                           more, they will take you through
show guarantees you a truly                                             records though to disco and               the Royal National lifeboat         This is a feel-good factor show,       a rollercoaster ride of the biggest
amazing experience both                                                 beyond as the show brings on              association to help raise money     great value and very popular.          70’s hits.
musically and visually. The                                             the good times.                           for a cause close to both the
band performs some of Phil                                                                                        coastal communities and the         Cabaret style seating and a            So whether you want to sit back
Collins biggest hits such as “In                                        Featuring classic hit songs by            Royal families heart.               drinks service at your table           and take a trip down memory
The Air Tonight”, “Sussudio”,                                           Stevie Wonder, Isley Brothers,                                                throughout the performance             lane, or get your glad rags
“You Can’t Hurry Love”, the very                                        Supremes, Gladys Knight, O’Jays           Special guests will be announced    all blends for a night not to be       on and boogie on down, this
memorable “Easy Lover” and                                              Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin              in the run up to the show. Follow   missed.                                uplifting show will take you on a
many many more.                                                         and many more great artists that          our Facebook page or website                                               nostalgic trip back to the 70’s!!
                                                                        still keep us singing and dancing.        performintpro.co.uk for more        Every Tuesday at 7:45pm from
                                                                                                                  exciting news and updates in the           May to October.
                                                                        Earlybird special price of £20 if         months ahead.
                                                                        purchased before 30th April!                                                  Please call for details on Matinée
Sat 21st May             7:30pm     Fri 27th May            7:30pm                                                Sat 4th June             8:00pm              performances.                 Sat 11th June             7:30pm
                                                                        Sat 28th May                7:30pm
Tickets                      £20    Tickets                    £12.50                                             Tickets                      £20    Tickets                          £20   Tickets                        £20
Children                     £10    Concessions                 £8.50   Tickets                             £23   Concessions                  £17    Children                         £10   Concessions                    £19

 14    BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832        BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                               Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav       15
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                             Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

       The Union Gap                    Jonathan Wyatt                        THE MAGIC OF                      Stage Door Youth                       Pride @ The Pav                       The ELO Encounter
                                           Big Band                             MUSICALS                            Theatre
A fantastic show with the top        We love welcoming back the          Triple T Productions return to       Stage Door Youth Theatre return      Join us on this very special             Roll over Beethoven, because
harmony 60’s band UNION GAP.         Jonathan Wyatt Big Bang             the Pavilion with a celebration      to present their annual Summer       occasion as we celebrate the             the greatest tribute to Jeff
You will hear hit songs including    to the Pavilion and for this        of the very best of Musical          Showcase.                            Pavilion’s 121st Birthday and            Lynne’s Electric Light Orchestra
Young Girl, Lady Willpower,          performance they return with        Theatre from the West End                                                 everything Pride.                        is here, in an all live show
Woman Woman, Over You and            a bang, presenting another          and Broadway. ‘The Magic             After working hard throughout                                                 featuring soaring strings, striking
many more. You will be amazed        fabulous show full of big band      of Musicals’ was due to be           the year, the fantastic team         Pride @ The Pav is a show full of        vocal harmonies and playing
at the vocal harmonies and           classics.                           performed in 2020 but, like all      at Stage Door Youth Theatre          song, dance and comedy and in            all the much loved songs from
sound the band produces.                                                 other productions worldwide,         always present an amazing            celebration of Pride is also full of     ELO’s hit-filled library including
                                     If you love live music, then this   was brought to a halt.               showcase of their talents.           sparkle, glitter and sass!               Evil Woman, Telephone Line and
Ably supported by top local          is the show for you. Our stage                                                                                                                         Don’t Bring Me Down.
Showband, The Lowrider City          will be full of hugely talented     Triple T are back with a show        These shows are always a hit so      We are lucky to have many
Rockers, as seen in the Hey Rock     musicians and singers and after     that promises to be bigger and       whilst the final production is yet   special guests lined up who              The ELO Encounter promises
& Roll Show, with a super charity    every JWBB performance our          better than ever, with new and       to be confirmed, be sure to get      will be giving up their time to          a night filled with rock, roll and
raffle, and a percentage of ticket   audiences come out reeling.         old numbers from some of the         this one into your diaries.          perform in this special show to          Blue Skies that would make
sales also going to a nominated                                          world’s greatest musicals, that                                           help raise money for this very           even Mozart mambo and
charity, all makes for a night not   Get this one into your diaries,     will appeal to both young and                                             special building.                        Bach boogie! So Hold On Tight
to be missed.                        live big band at its best!          old. There’s nothing better than                                                                                   because Rock and Roll Is King
                                                                         a Triple T party, so come and join                                        In aid of the Pavilion Theatre           in a show that is guaranteed to
                                                                         their musical theatre celebration!                                        Restoration Fund.                        have you partying All Over The
                                                                         Fri 24th June             7:30pm
                                                                         Sat 25th June             2:00pm     Fri 1st July               7:30pm
                                                                         Sat 25th June             7:30pm     Sat 2nd July               2:00pm
Fri 17th June             7:30pm                                         Sun 26th June             6:00pm     Sat 2nd July               7:30pm                                             Sat 9th July               7:30pm
                                     Sat 18th June             7:30pm                                         Sun 3rd June               2:00pm    Fri 8th July                7:30pm
Tickets                      £18                                         Tickets                       £12                                                                                  Tickets                         £21
Concessions                £16.50    Tickets                    £19.50   Children/Student               £6    Tickets                       TBC    Tickets                            £15   Children                        £10

  16    BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832        BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                             Follow us online:                    @gorlestonpav        17
What's On 2022 Open All Year! - November 2021 - December 2022 - Pavilion Theatre Gorleston
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                     Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

                                                                                                        OPEN ALL YEAR

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18   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832   BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com
                                                                                  Follow us online:
                                                                                                                           to visit
                                                                                                                   @gorlestonpav  19
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                          Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

Cliff Richards and The                    Elton the Music                   The Ultimate Tom                 Summer Showtime                             Steemy Dan                            Pure Queen
   Shadows Tribute                                                         Jones Tribute Show                     2022
                                      Elton John’s music has been part                                       Gypsy Productions return in
Cliff is played by Jimmy Jemain,                                          With his powerful voice Martin                                          Steemy Dan return to the              The tribute show to Queen &
                                      of the soundtrack to our lives.                                        2022 to present the now famous
Hank by Adam Knight & Bruce                                               was always told, “You sound                                             Pavilion a dynamic 10 piece,          Freddie Mercury, Mark has been
by Clive Bond (The Knights                                                likeTom Jones” and was             Summer Showtime spectacular.         based in East Anglia, performing      captivating audiences with his
                                      In this fitting tribute to the
Shadows)                                                                  endlessly asked to perform                                              faithful renditions of Steely Dan’s   award winning and breath taking
                                      prolific songwriter, Fraser                                            With Song, Dance & Comedy,
                                                                          a “TOM” song. Well one song                                             greatest hits including timeless      tribute act to Freddie Mercury
                                      Callaghan performs the classic                                         Showtime has a full supporting
Jimmy Jemain as Cliff Richard is                                          always led to another and soon                                          classics such as Rikki don’t          and Queen. With the untimely
                                      hits so beautifully it brings new                                      cast ready to dazzle you with
without question Europe’s finest                                          he was performing his complete                                          lose that number, Josie, Peg,         loss of the late great Freddie
                                      life to these timeless songs.                                          a fabulous night of seaside
and most Professional Tribute                                             Tom Jones Tribute Show all over                                         FM ( No static at all ), The Fez,     Mercury in 1991 there has
to the legend that is Cliff Richard                                       the world.                         entertainment.                       Haitian Divorce, Do It Again, Kid     always been a huge void to fill in
                                      Fraser’s voice is older than
and is the current UK No.1 and                                                                                                                    Charlemagne & many more.              popular music. So with endless
                                      his years and his warmth and                                           This is a feel-good factor show,
that’s Official.                                                          Since the success of the                                                                                      studies of live shows Mark has
                                      charm create an atmosphere                                             great value and very popular.
                                                                          “RELOAD” album, Sir Tom has                                             Having been described as              recreated the very essence of
                                      of pure delight to any audience
Jimmy Jemain has had the great                                            gained a new set of fans and                                            ‘the closest you can get to the       Freddie’s stage charisma!
                                      who shares his love of one of the                                      Cabaret style seating and a
pleasure of meeting Sir Cliff                                             Martin has blended the New                                              original thing’ the Band have
                                      worlds true legends of popular                                         drinks service at your table
Richard and the Shadows on                                                songs in with the Timeless                                              also received praise from             Mark has also supported named
                                      music.                                                                 throughout the performance
many occasions and Cliff and                                              Favourites.                                                             legendary session guitarist Elliot    acts such as, Suzie Quatro and
the Shadows are very proud of                                                                                all blends for a night not to be     Randall who played on many of         the Real Thing! If you want your
Jimmy Jemain’s portrayal of Cliff                                         IT’S NOT UNUSUAL for this          missed.                              Steely Dan’s original recordings      venue to be dancing and singing
and the Shadows.                                                          Show to sell out, so if you are                                         including ‘Reelin’ in the years’      the whole night away, then you
                                                                          DELILAH or you just love THE                                                                                  will be enriched by one of the
                                                                          GREEN GREEN GRASS OF HOME          Every Tuesday at 7:45pm from                                               greatest tribute shows of all
                                                                          then this is a great show for             May to October.                                                     time!
                                                                          you at this wonderful Theatre in
                                                                          Gorleston.                         Please call for details on Matinée
Sat 16th July              7:30pm
                                                                                                                      performances.               Fri 5th August            7:30pm      Sat 6th August            7:30pm
                                      Sat 23rd July              7:30pm   Sat 30th July            8:00pm
Tickets                        £21
                                                                                                             Tickets                        £20   Tickets                         £12   Tickets                       £21
Children                       £10
                                      Tickets                      £TBC   Tickets                      £20   Children                       £10   Concessions                     £10   Concessions                   £10

  20   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832          BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                        Follow us online:                  @gorlestonpav        21
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                      Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

 Waves of Laughter                     Counterfeit Quo                  ABBA THE REVIVAL                         Duran Duran                   Summer Showtime                           Everly & Friends
                                                                                                                  Experience                        2022
Prepare to laugh your socks off     Counterfeit Quo formed in Essex    The legend of ABBA lives on with    The Duran Duran Experience          Gypsy Productions return in            The Everly Brothers Everlys
and have your funny bone well       in early 1995 by four hardened     an incredible legacy of timeless    have been established as the        2022 to present the now famous         & Friends The Live Show The
and truly tickled at this great     Quo fans who set out to recreate   tunes and their undeniable place    premier Duran Duran tribute         Summer Showtime spectacular.           Temple Brothers, the UKs No.1
value, unpredictable evening        the dynamic Quo performances       in music history. The Swedish       band in the UK since 2012 and                                              Tribute to The Everly Brothers
that promises to be full of pure    of old.                            supergroup is as popular and        have performed in venues            With Song, Dance & Comedy,             are proud to announce an all
comedy and non-stop laughs!                                            well-loved today as it was in its   across the country.                 Showtime has a full supporting         new show.
                                    An adrenaline charged set          70’s heyday, with classic pop                                           cast ready to dazzle you with
Starring a host of the finest and   crashes its way through many       songs and dance floor beats         They are the exclusively selected   a fabulous night of seaside            The only show of it’s kind
funniest acts on the UK comedy      of Quo’s 22 top ten chart hits     familiar with generation after      Duran Duran tribute band since      entertainment.                         dedicated to the music of one
circuit today!                      including In The Army, Down        generation.                         2015 for appearing at Butlins                                              of the greatest harmony duo’s
                                    Down, Whatever You Want and                                            Absolute 80s/80s Weekender          This is a feel-good factor show,       the Everly Brothers. Just as the
Be prepared, get buckled up and     Rocking All Over The World,        Abba Revival are without a          events across the country           great value and very popular.          Everly Brothers were the Temple
get ready for one of the funniest   whilst still paying tribute to     doubt the best ABBA tribute         moving into their 7th year                                                 Brothers are real life brothers,
nights of your life!                glorious earlier albums like       band to emerge from the UK,         in 2021, supporting eighties        Cabaret style seating and a            their harmonies are unlike
                                    Piledriver, Hello and ‘Quo’.       selling out shows throughout the    favourites including: ABC, Go       drinks service at your table           anything ever heard, truly not to
Full line up to be announced,                                          UK and internationally for over 6   West, Kim Wilde, Rick Astley,       throughout the performance             be missed.
please follow our Facebook page     So what you get is Heads Down,     years, they are quite simply the    Tony Hadley and Johnny Hates        all blends for a night not to be
and website for announcements.      No-Nonsense Boogie played on       premium ABBA experience.            Jazz.                               missed.                                With Live Acoustic Guitars,
                                    the familiar beaten up green and                                                                                                                  Flawless Harmonies, A truly
                                    white Telecasters by the denim                                                                             Every Tuesday at 7:45pm from           impressive outing for all,
                                    clad likenesses of Status Quo.                                                                                    May to October.                 accompanied by special guest
                                                                                                                                                                                      star tributes. This spectacular
                                                                                                                                               Please call for details on Matinée     2 hour tribute show is simply
                                                                                                                                                        performances.                 unrivalled anywhere.
Sat 13th August           7:30pm    Sat 20th August         7:30pm     Fri 26th August          8:00pm     Sat 27th August          8:00pm
                                                                                                                                               Tickets                          £20   Sat 3rd September         7:30pm
Tickets                       TBC   Tickets                     £21    Tickets                      £20    Tickets                      £20    Children                         £10
                                                                       Children                     £10    Children                     £10                                           Tickets                       £20

  22   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832        BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                        Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav       23
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                           Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

       Jimmy Jones                    Country & Comedy                      Let There Be Rock                        Motown & Soul                       Bye Bye Baby                      Roy Orbison & The
                                                                                                                                                                                          Travelling Willburys
Jimmy Jones The Guvnor’s Last        Nigel ‘Boy’ Syer and Kevin Barry     Let There Be Rock UK - The             Understood as the longest          BYE BYE BABY present their            The late 1980’s saw the birth of
Stand Now with over 56 years in      return to give you an evening of     brainchild of a drummer...It says      serving former member of           JERSEY BOYS Tribute which tells       one of the most famous and
show business, Jimmy continues       Country & Comedy.                    a lot! Steve has loved AC/DC for       legendary group, The Drifters,     the remarkable rise to stardom        memorable Super groups of all
to be one of the UK’s best loved                                          a long time and always had the         Roy G Hemmings had worked          of one of the most successful         time, The Traveling Wilburys.
and most successful stand up         This promises to be a fun packed     ambition of putting together           alongside founder Johnny Moore     bands in pop music history.           Featuring five individual icons in
comedians. A true comedy             evening, full of fun and country     a really great tribute to, what        for more than 12 years.                                                  their own right, this formidable
legend to whom his fellow            songs. A winning combination to      many believe was, the classic AC/                                         Discover how four New Jersey          team created an album that
comics respectfully refer as -’The   share with friends. Early booking    DC lineup - when Bon was king!         The show is full of timeless       boys from the wrong side of           completely rocked the music
Guvnor’!                             is advised for this popular event.                                          songs performed with energy        the tracks invented their own         industry and sold over five
                                                                          So that’s exactly what he did. He      and sensitivity, creating          unique sound, were inducted           million copies worldwide.
Jimmy Jones was one of the                                                got together a bunch of blokes         emotions that touch the hearts     into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
originals when the early                                                  he happened to know, who also          of audiences everywhere.           and sold 100 million records          Now you can experience them in
Seventies saw the birth of                                                happened to be musicians, who          Audiences enjoy a musical array    worldwide.                            concert with this amazing tribute
long-running TV series The                                                also happened to love AC/DC...         of all-time greats: Get Ready,                                           show. With an easy relaxed style,
Comedians, followed by regular                                                                                   Sitting on the Dock of the Bay,    With spectacular performances         excellent vocals and musicality
spots on Battle of the Comics,                                            Let There Be Rock UK,                  Me & Mrs Jones, Under the          of all their hits, BYE BYE BABY       and a great respect for each
The Freddie Star Show, The Chas                                           entertaining any audience,             Boardwalk, Can’t Help Myself,      tribute to the JERSEY BOYS is         other’s talent, these guys will
and Dave Show and Six O’Clock                                             anywhere and bringing back the         My Girl, Save the Last Dance for   a magnificent interpretation          give you an amazing night of up-
Live.                                                                     old school rock of AC/DC with a        Me, and Love Train. A Show For     of Frankie Valli and the Four         tempo feel-good entertainment
                                                                          blistering two hour set stuffed        Everyone!                          Seasons.                              that will be like nothing you’ve
                                                                          full of all the best tracks from the                                                                            ever seen before.
                                                                          iconic Bon Scott Era.
                                     Fri 16th September        7:30pm
                                                                          Sat 17th September         7:30pm      Fri 23rd September       7:30pm    Sat 24th September       8:00pm       Fri 30th September        7:30pm
Sat 10th September        7:30pm     Tickets                   £14.50
                                     Concessions               £12.50     Tickets                         £15    Tickets                      £22   Tickets                         £22   Tickets                        £22
Tickets                       £21    Children                      £6     Concessions                     £13    Children                     £10   Children                        £10

  24   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832         BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                           Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav        25
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                          Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

The Upbeat Beatles                       Jonathan Wyatt                   Summer Showtime                      Summer Showtime                        Hey Rock N Roll 3                        Sweeney Todd
                                            Big Band                           2022                               LAST NIGHT SPECIAL!                                                      The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
The Upbeat Beatles are second         We love welcoming back the          Gypsy Productions return in          At the end of every Summer           They are back with a brand new        One of the darkest musicals
to none - powerhouse vocals,          Jonathan Wyatt Big Bang             2022 to present the now famous       season, our cast and staff get       show!                                 ever written, Sweeney Todd: A
precision harmonies and tight         to the Pavilion and for this        Summer Showtime spectacular.         an opportunity to let their hair                                           Musical Thriller is the unsettling
musicianship.                         performance they return with                                             down whilst raising money for        Featuring the talented duo            tale of a Victorian-era barber
                                      a bang, presenting another          With Song, Dance & Comedy,           our Restoration fund.                of Sam & Hannah Street, the           who returns home to London
The guys have an easy, happy          fabulous show full of big band      Showtime has a full supporting                                            incredible The Lowrider City          after fifteen years of exile to
rapport with any crowd, giving        classics.                           cast ready to dazzle you with        We STRONGLY encourage                Rockers and the stunning Rock         take revenge on the corrupt
them a reputation to be envied                                            a fabulous night of seaside          you to watch one of ‘normal’         n Roll Dancers, Hey Rock n Roll       judge who ruined his life. When
as the best in the business.          If you love live music, then this   entertainment.                       Showtime performances before         3 will guarantee to have you up       revenge eludes him, Sweeney
                                      is the show for you. Our stage                                           seeing this one - there will be      on your feet and singing along        swears vengeance on the entire
The show takes you through            will be full of hugely talented     This is a feel-good factor show,     surprises and jokes galore in this   with your favourite Rock n Roll       human race.
the Fab Four’s long and winding       musicians and singers and after     great value and very popular.        one off special!                     hits from Elvis Presley, Buddy
road from the early Cavern days       every JWBB performance our                                                                                    Holly, Chuck Berry, Neil Sedaka,      Perhaps composer/lyricist
through Beatlemania, America,         audiences come out reeling.         Cabaret style seating and a          In aid of the Pavilion Theatre       Connie Francis, Roy Orbison and       Stephen Sondheim’s most
Sergeant Pepper to Abbey Road,                                            drinks service at your table         Restoration Fund.                    many more!                            perfect score, Sweeney Todd is
with narrative and full multi-        Get this one into your diaries,     throughout the performance                                                                                      lush, operatic, and full of soaring
media presentation.                   live big band at its best!          all blends for a night not to be                                          This concert is in aid of Great       beauty, pitch-black comedy and
                                                                          missed.                                                                   Ormond Street Hospital                stunning terror. It’s one of the
If you love the Beatles you’ll love                                                                                                                 Children’s Charity.                   signal achievements of musical
this show, and if you don’t love                                                                                                                                                          theatre of the last fifty years.
the Beatles you’ll love this show!                                        Every Tuesday at 7:45pm from
                                                                                 May to October.                                                                                          Weds 26th October          7:30pm
                                                                                                                                                                                          Thurs 27th October         7:30pm
                                                                          Please call for details on Matinée      Wednesday 12th October,           Fri 14th October         7:30pm       Fri 28th October           7:30pm
Fri 7th October            7:30pm                                                  performances.                         7:45pm                     Sat 15th October         7:30pm       Sat 29th October           2:00pm
                                      Sat 8th October           7:30pm                                                                                                                    Sat 29th October           7:30pm
Tickets                        £22                                        Tickets                        £20   Tickets                       £20    Tickets                         £16
                                      Tickets                    £19.50   Children                       £10   Children                      £10    Concessions                     £14   Tickets                        TBC

  26   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832          BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                          Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav        27
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                                                                             Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

  A Night of Variety                   Bootleg Shadows                      Pavilion Players                   Dusmagrik Young                      Stage Door Youth                            More
                                                                                        Play                  People’s Theatre Co.                      Theatre                           Available Online...
They say Variety is the Spice        This concert to raise funds for                                          The Dusmagrik Young People’s        Stage Door Youth Theatre
of Life and that must be true        the East Anglian Air Ambulance                                           Theatre company present their       present their annual autumn           Visit our website at pavtheatre.
for this feel good show of           charity 1083876 & The Pavilion                                           annual autumn performance.          performance.                          com to see our full up to date
incredibly talented performers       Theatre Restoration Fund charity    The Pavilion Players perform                                                                                   What’s On listing, as well as 24/7
creating a wonderful night of live   1142375                             multiple times every year to         Every year, the fantastic team      The team at Stage Door                ticket booking and much more.
entertainment.                                                           raise vital funds for the Pavilion   at Dusmagrik present a superb       consistently showcase their
                                     For anyone who loves the            Theatre Restoration Fund.            production, usually raising funds   fantastic talents with a Christmas    If you’d like to join the theatre’s
It’s a throwback to the great days   sounds of the 60s - and enjoys                                           for their chosen charities.         production and this year will be      Friends scheme, which gives
of the London Palladium when         a few laughs along the way,         Every production that the team                                           just as spectacular.                  discounts on tickets, bar drinks
Variety was king and you never       The Bootleg Shadows perform         put together proves to be a          These performances tend                                                   and much more, you can join
new what was coming next but,        a unique tribute concert that       fantastic and unmissable watch,      to sell out, so whilst the          With final production details yet     online for a small annual fee.
you could guarantee you were         encompasses The Shadows’            so whilst this production is still   final production is yet to be       to be confirmed this is one to
going to love it!                    amazing career from 1960 up         to be confirmed, it’s sure to be     confirmed this promises to be       add to your diaries.                  Full details of our restoration
                                     until the early 80s. Relive such    a hit.                               worth putting into your diaries.                                          project can also be found online,
And we are sure you will with        fantastic hits as Apache, Foot                                                                               Follow our social pages for           where you can make a donation
so many wonderful musical            Tapper, FBI, Man of Mystery,        In aid of the Pavilion Theatre       Follow our social pages for         further announcements.                to our cause and find out more
highlights taken from the last 50    Atlantis, Wonderful Land, Kon       Restoration Fund.                    further announcements.                                                    about what we’re planning for
years which combine to create        Tiki, Don’t Cry For Me Argentina,                                                                                                                  the next 5 years.
an evening full of laughs and        plus many, many more.
musical memories.                                                                                                                                                                       Also make sure that you
                                                                                                                                                                                        download our new Pavilion
                                                                                                                                                                                        Theatre App, which can be
                                                                         Thurs 10th Nov             7:30pm         17th - 19th November                24th - 27th November             found in the iOS App Store and
                                     Sat 5th November          7:30pm    Fri 11th Nov               7:30pm                                                                              Google Play Store!
                                                                         Sat 12th Nov               7:30pm    Performance times & ticket prices   Performance times & ticket prices
Fri 4th November          7:30pm
                                     Tickets                       £20                                                      TBC.                                TBC.
                                     Children                      £10   Tickets                        £12
Tickets                       TBC

  28   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832         BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                                                                         Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav          29
Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022                                                                             Theatre Gorleston // What’s On 2022

                                  SEATING PLAN

                                                                   Our famous traditional pantomime returns for 2022!
                                                                                                7th Dec - 31st Jan 2022
                                                                                  Follow our social pages for further announcements.

                                                                  Weds 7th 		  10.30am         7.00pm                   CHRISTMAS DAY                       CLOSED
                                                                  Thurs 8th 		 10.30am         7.00pm
                                                                  Fri 9th 			                  6.00pm                   Tues 26th 		          2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                  Sat 10th 		   2.00pm         6.00pm                   Weds 27th		           2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                  Sun 11th      2.00pm         6.00pm                   Thurs 28th            2.30pm         7.00pm
                                                                  Mon 12th 		  10.30am                                  Fri 29th              2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                  Tues 13th 		 10.30am                                  Sat 30th 		           2.30pm         7.00pm
                                                                  Weds 14th    10.30am         6.00pm                   Sun 31st 		           1.30pm         5.30pm
                                                                  Thurs 15th		 10.30am
                                                                  Fri 16th 		         No performances                   NEW YEAR’S DAY                      CLOSED
                                                                  Sat 17th 		   2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                  Sun 18th 		   2.00pm         6.00pm                                  TICKET PRICES TBC.
                                                                  Mon 19th      2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                  Tues 20th     2.30pm         7.00pm
                                                                  Weds 21st     2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                  Thurs 22nd    2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                  Fri 23rd      2.00pm         6.00pm
                                                                  Sat 24th      2.00pm

                                                                    ADULT PANTOMIME
                                                                                               STRICTLY FOR ADULTS!!

                                                                                                     18+ ONLY!
                                                                  The original ADULT PANTOMIME returns for 2022, bringing you the STRICTLTY ADULT 18+ PANTOMIME

                                                                  Fri 9th  		                       9:30pm             Sun 18th 		                          9:30pm
                                                                  Sat 10th 		                       9:30pm             Thurs 22nd		                         9:30pm
                                                                  Sun 11th 		                       9:30pm             Fri 23rd		                           9:30pm
                                                                  Fri 16th		                        9:30pm
                                                                  Sat 17th 		                       9:30pm                             Ticket Prices TBC.

30   BOX OFFICE: (01493) 662832     BOOK ONLINE: pavtheatre.com                                              Follow us online:                   @gorlestonpav   31
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