PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB

Page created by Ronald Matthews
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB
JULY 2021           JULY 2021

            PRIMETIME           PRIMETIME

                                  Rick Steves
                                  Best of
                                  the Alps
                                   July 3, 7pm

                                Pictured: Hiking path along the Seceda ridgeline in Italy’s
                                Dolomites. Photo courtesy of Rick Steves’ Europe.
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB
     1 THURSDAY                                            Kelly Corrigan James Corden/Jennifer Garner

    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |              5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend
       OPB+ Ka Hana Kapa Follow present-day              6:00 OPB The Legacy List With Matt Paxton
       kapa makers. (Also Fri 4am)                          A Whale of a Time/East Hampton, NY
                           8:00 OPB Oregon Art           7:00 OPB Rick Steves Best of the Alps Join                                      © Mainstreet Pictures LTD
                           Beat Woven Together. The         Rick on an alpine adventure. (Also Sun
                           Bautista family brings four
                           generations of weaving
                                                            9am) | OPB+ Dancing on the Shoulders of
                                                            Giants Dancers interpret the arrival of the
                           tradition to Oregon.             first Africans to English North America.             Season 4
      (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+ Human: The World
      Within Sense. Learn how our senses define          8:00 OPB Masterpiece Sanditon, Ep 1. A coach            In the series’ most dramatic season,
      reality. (Also Sat 12am)                              accident brings Charlotte to a struggling            Cassie and Sunny investigate a
                                                            seaside town. (Also Mon 12am) | OPB+                 cold case with alarming links to
    8:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho Urban Wildlife. Witness          Hemingway A Writer (1899–1929). Examine
       the relationship between Idaho’s people and                                                               the police force. Can the force ever
                                                            the life and work of Ernest Hemingway.
       urban wildlife. (Also Sun 6:30pm)                                                                         really be trusted, and will Cassie
                                                         9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders The Incident at               and Sunny find themselves on the
    9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private                Cooper Hill, Pts 1&2. A forest ranger suffers a
       Investigators This Cursed Hand. An actor                                                                  wrong side of the law?
                                                            strange death.
       finds a dismembered hand. (Also Sun 2am) |                                                                Sunday, July 11, 9pm
       OPB+ Twice Born: Stories From the Special         10:00 OPB+ POV Raising Bertie. Three boys come
                                                           of age in rural North Carolina. (Also Sun 12am)       OPB
       Delivery Unit Ep 1. Step inside the medical
       frontier of fetal surgery. (Also Sat 1am)         10:35 OPB Hillary Everest. Hillary and Tenzing
    10:00 OPB Inspector Morse The Settling of              Norgay aim for the peak of Mount Everest.
      the Sun. A student is killed at Oxford college.    11:30 OPB On Story Telling True Crime Stories |      7:30 OPB+ Museum Access The La Brea Tar Pits
      (Also Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &                      OPB+ Reel South Santuario                            and Museum, Los Angeles, CA
      Company (Also Fri 5am)
                                                                                                              8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Vintage Kansas
    11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)                                                                     City (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Expedition With
                                                          4 SUNDAY                                               Steve Backshall Borneo: Dark Shadow (Also
    11:30 OPB+ Variety Studio: Actors on Actors          5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |             Sun 6pm)
       (Also Sat 2:30am)                                    OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions
                                                                                                              9:00 OPB Oregon Experience William Gladstone
                                                            A History of Chocolate, Pt 2
                                                                                                                 Steel. Steel became known as ‘The Father of
     2 FRIDAY                                            5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+                    Crater Lake.’ (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+ Rick
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |                 Rick Steves’ Europe Greece’s Peloponnese             Steves Best of the Alps (R-Also Sun 7pm)
       OPB+ Royal House of Windsor Adapt or Die.         6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Woven Together (R) |        9:30 OPB Oregon Experience The Spirit of Tek.
       Explore how the British royal family survived        OPB+ Expedition With Steve Backshall                 Follow the early history of a homegrown
       four generations of crisis.                          Mexico: Flooded Caves                                company. (Also Wed 2:30am)
    8:00 OPB The Woman in White Ep 4. Count              6:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho Urban Wildlife (R)            10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Recut Newport,
       Fosco and Sir Percival set their plan into                                                               Pt 6 (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &
       motion. (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington          7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show
                                                                                                                Company (Also Tue 5am)
       Week (Also Sun 4:30pm OPB)                           Desserts (Also Sun 7/11 12am) | OPB+
                                                            Slovakia: Treasures in the Heart of Europe        10:30 OPB POV The Neutral Ground. Go inside
    8:30 OPB+ History With David Rubenstein                                                                     New Orleans’ fight over monuments. (Also
       Peter Baker & Susan Glasser (Also Sun 1pm)        8:00 OPB A Capitol Fourth Celebrate America’s
                                                                                                                Wed 3:30am)
                                                            birthday with music and fireworks. (Also
    9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 8, Ep 5.               Sun 9:30pm) | OPB+ Eyes on the Prize              11:00 OPB+ Standing on Sacred Ground
       A husband experiences inexplicable pain.             Mississippi: Is This America? 1963–1964/Bridge       Pilgrims & Tourists. Indigenous shamans
       (Also Mon 2am) | OPB+ Searching for the              to Freedom 1965 (Also Tue 7/06 12am)                 resist government projects. (Also Wed 2am)
       Standing Boy of Nagasaki Researchers
       attempt to identify a young boy photographed      9:30 OPB A Capitol Fourth (R-Also Tue 1am)
       after the bombing of Nagasaki.                    10:00 OPB+ AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural             6 TUESDAY
    10:00 OPB Line of Separation Ep 4. The town is         Exchange Mama Africa: Miriam Makeba! (Also         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
      thrown into disarray. (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+          Tue 7/06 2am)                                         OPB+ Nature Pandas: Born to Be Wild
      Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)                  11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 5, Ep 6.       8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Children of the
    11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home Cloud Break.             Geoffrey Charles makes a desperate plan.             Revolution. Featuring Lupita Nyong’o, Carmelo
       George considers selling the farm. (Also Mon         (Also Tue 4am) | OPB+ Women, War & Peace             Anthony and Ana Navarro. (Also Thu 1am) |
       4am) | OPB+ Frontline Germany’s Neo-Nazis            Wave Goodbye to Dinosaurs. Meet courageous           OPB+ Life at the Waterhole Ep 2. Nocturnal
       and the Far Right (R-Also Mon 2am)                   women fighting for human rights.                     activity brings a new predator. (Also Sun 3pm)
                                                                                                              9:00 OPB The Latino Experience Ep 1. A
     3 SATURDAY                                           5 MONDAY                                               collection of short films explores Latino/a/x
                                                                                                                 identity in the U.S. (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+
    5:00 OPB This Old House Back to Narragansett         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |
                                                                                                                 Gorongosa Park: Rebirth of Paradise Battle
       (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Tell Me More With              OPB+ A Wider World (Also Tue 5am OPB)
                                                                                                                 Lines (Also Sun 4pm)

2   JULY 2021
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at
                                          R = Repeat within a week
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted
                                          Full schedule and VOD at
                                                                                           = Program premiere
                                                                                           = Watch online at
                                                                                         Programs are subject to change      weekdays
10:00 OPB Frontline Boeing’s Fatal Flaw. See
  what led to the seismic failure of Boeing’s
                                                                    9 FRIDAY                                                 MONDAY – FRIDAY
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
  737-Max. (Also Fri 11pm OPB+) | OPB+
                                                                     OPB+ Royal House of Windsor Love and                      6:30 OPB Kids Programs (until noon)
  Amanpour & Company (Also Wed 5am)
                                                                     Duty. Princess Elizabeth visits South Africa
11:00 OPB Eyes on the Prize Awakenings                               on a fraught royal tour.                                  7am OPB+ NHK Newsline
   1954–1956. Individual acts of courage inspire
                                                                  8:00 OPB The Woman in White Ep 5. Walter
   Black Southerners. (Also Thu 4am) | OPB+                                                                                    7:30 OPB+ Sit & Be Fit (M/W/F);
                                                                     risks everything. (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+
   Age of Nature Awakening (Also Thu 2am)                                                                                           Classical Stretch (Tu/Th)
                                                                     Washington Week (Also Sun 4:30pm OPB)
                                                                  8:30 OPB+ History With David Rubenstein                      8am OPB+ Sewing & Knitting
 7 WEDNESDAY                                                         H.W. Brands (Also Sun 1pm)
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |                                                                                        8:30 OPB+ Quilting
                                                                  9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 8, Ep 6.
   OPB+ Pacific Heartbeat The Australian Dream
                                                                     Lucille cares for a teen mother. (Also Mon
                                                                     2am) | OPB+ American Experience Ruby                      9am OPB+ Painting
8:00 OPB Nature Wild Florida. Population
   growth threatens Florida’s wild paradise.                         Ridge. The 1992 FBI siege helped launch the
   (Also Fri 1am) | OPB+ Rise and Fall of the                        modern militia movement.                                 10am OPB+ Woodworking (M/W/Th);
   Brown Buffalo Oscar Zeta Acosta was a                                                                                           This Old House (Tu/F)
                                                                  10:00 OPB Line of Separation Ep 5. Town
   countercultural icon. (Also Fri 12am)
                                                                    conflicts become personal. (Also Mon 3am) |               10:30 OPB+ Food & Cooking
9:00 OPB NOVA Cuba’s Cancer Hope. Discover the                      OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)
   world’s latest cancer therapy. (Also Fri 2am) |                                                                            11am OPB+ Nature (M); NOVA (Tu);
                                                                  11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home All That
   OPB+ Aretha! Queen of Soul (Also Fri 1am)                                                                                       America Revealed (W); First
                                                                     Lies Ahead. Douglas’ estranged son visits
9:30 OPB+ The Cheech Take a look at a national                       Elizabeth. (Also Mon 4am) | OPB+ Frontline                    Civilizations (Th); Oregon Field
   icon’s love affair with art. (Also Fri 1:30am)                    Boeing’s Fatal Flaw (R-Also Mon 2am)                          Guide (F)

10:00 OPB Wonders of Mexico Mountain                                                                                          11:30 OPB+ Oregon Experience (F)
  Worlds. Experience life and culture in the                        10 SATURDAY
  Sierra Madre. (Also Fri 3am) | OPB+                                                                                         12pm OPB Painting | OPB+ Portrayal
                                                                  5:00 OPB This Old House Scandinavian Modern
  Amanpour & Company (Also Thu 5am)                                                                                                and Perception (M); Between the
                                                                       (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Marathon
11:00 OPB How We Got to Now With Steven                              Reconnecting Roots, continued (until 7pm)                     Covers (Tu); Canada Files (W); In
   Johnson Clean. Uncover extraordinary ideas                                                                                      the Americas (Th); My World Too
                                                                  5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend                                    (F)
   that made modern life possible. (Also Fri
   4am) | OPB+ Philly D.A. Ep 4. The team                         6:00 OPB Roadtrip Nation: Do It Differently
   pursues probation reform. (Also Fri 2am)                                                                                   12:30 OPB Food & Cooking | OPB+
                                                                  7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Florentine Delights                  Growing Bolder (M); GZero World
                                                                     and Tuscan Side Trips/Paris: Regal and Intimate                (Tu); Latinas (W); Chavis
 8 THURSDAY                                                          (Also Sun 9am) | OPB+ Great Museums                            Chronicles (Th); Asian American
                                                                     Elevated Thinking: The High Line in New York City              Life (F)
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) | OPB+
   Inside the Foreign Office Keeping Power and                    8:00 OPB Masterpiece Sanditon, Ep 2. Lady
   Influence. Follow Britain’s civil servants at work.               Denham aims to secure a match for her                     1pm OPB+ DW News
                                                                     nephew. (Also Mon 12am) | OPB+ Hemingway
8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Carving a New Path.                                                                                   1:30 OPB Travel | OPB+ DW: The Day
                                                                     The Avatar (1929–1944). Hemingway reports
   For sculptor Wataru Sugiyama, spirits guide
                                                                     on the Spanish Civil War.
   his work. (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+ Human:
                                                                                                                               2pm OPB Kids Programs (until 6pm) |
   The World Within Birth. Learn the story of                     9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Breaking the                           OPB+ BBC Outside Source (M–
   human reproduction. (Also Sat 12am)                               Chain, Pts 1&2. Barnaby and Nelson enter the                  Th); BBC Today (F)
                                                                     world of cycling.
8:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho Trailblazers. Meet the
   trailblazers who maintain Idaho’s trails for                   10:00 OPB+ POV Love Child. A couple decides to               2:30 OPB+ BBC World News America
   free. (Also Sun 6:30pm)                                          flee Iran with their son. (Also Sun 12am)
                                                                                                                               3pm OPB+ News & Public Affairs
9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private                          10:30 OPB Hillary Home. Hillary marries Louise.
   Investigators Beware the Ides of March. A
                                                                  11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With Megan                 3:30 OPB+ NHK Newsline
   psychic believes someone is trying to kill her.
                                                                     Amram | OPB+ Reel South Lumpkin, GA
   (Also Sun 2am) | OPB+ Twice Born: Stories
                                                                                                                               4pm OPB+ PBS NewsHour
   From the Special Delivery Unit Shelly’s baby
   undergoes surgery inside the womb. (Also                         11 SUNDAY                                                  5pm OPB+ Travel
   Sat 1am)
                                                                  5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
10:00 OPB Inspector Morse The Last Bus to                            OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions The                  5:30 OPB+ Food & Cooking (until 7pm)
  Woodstock. Morse investigates a secretary’s                        History of Water
  death. (Also Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &                                                                                      6pm OPB This Old House (M/Tu);
  Company (Also Fri 5am)                                          5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
                                                                                                                                   Travel (W/Th/F)
                                                                     Rick Steves’ Europe Copenhagen
11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)
                                                                  6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Carving a New Path                  6:30 OPB BBC Outside Source
11:30 OPB+ Variety Studio: Actors on Actors                          (R) | OPB+ Expedition With Steve Backshall                     (M–Th); BBC Today (F)
     (Also Sat 5am OPB)                                              Borneo: Dark Shadow (R)
                                                                                                                                                             JULY 2021   3
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB
                                       6:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho Trailblazers (R)                  avert an economic crisis. (Also Fri 11pm
                                                                                                OPB+) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also
                                       7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show Pies
                                                                                                Wed 5am)
                                          (Also Sun 7/18 12am) | OPB+ Rick Steves
                                          Best of the Alps (R)                                11:00 OPB Eyes on the Prize Fighting Back
                                                                                                 1957–1962. Go inside the 1957 battle over
                                       8:00 OPB Lucy Worsley’s Royal Photo Album See
                                                                                                 school integration. (Also Thu 4am) | OPB+
                                          how the British royal family shaped their image
                                                                                                 Age of Nature Understanding (Also Thu 2am)
                                          with photography. (Also Tue 1am) | OPB+ Eyes
                                          on the Prize The Time Has Come 1964–1966/
                                          Two Societies 1965–1968 (Also Tue 12am)              14 WEDNESDAY
                                       9:00 OPB Masterpiece Unforgotten: Season 4,            7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am)
                                          Ep 1. See callout on page 2. (Also Tue 2am)            | OPB+ Pacific Heartbeat For My Father’s
                                       10:00 OPB Professor T (UK) Anatomy of a
                                         Memory. Professor T helps crack the police’s                                8:00 OPB Nature Super
                                         toughest cases in the UK version of this                                    Hummingbirds. Witness
                                         thrilling series. (Also Tue 3am) | OPB+                                     the fast-paced world of
                                         AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange                                     hummingbirds. (Also
                                         Mama Colone (Also Tue 2am)                                                  Fri 1am) | OPB+ Driving
                                                                                                While Black: Race, Space and Mobility in
                                       11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 5, Ep 7.
                                                                                                America (Also Fri 12am)
                                          Ross is driven to vengeance. (Also Tue 4am) |
                                          OPB+ Women, War & Peace The Trials of               9:00 OPB NOVA Meteor Strike. In 2013, a
                                          Spring. Three Egyptian women put their lives           7,000-ton asteroid crashed into the Earth’s
                                          on the line.                                           atmosphere. (Also Fri 2am)
                                                                                              10:00 OPB Wonders of Mexico Burning North.
                                        12 MONDAY                                               Meet the animals of the Sonoran and
                                                                                                Chihuahuan deserts. (Also Fri 3am) | OPB+
                                       7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ A Wider
                                                                                                Amanpour & Company (Also Thu 5am)
                                          World (Also Tue 5am OPB)
     Pride & Prejudice                 8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Vintage Charlotte
                                                                                              11:00 OPB How We Got to Now With Steven
                                                                                                 Johnson Time. Innovators advanced our
                                          (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Expedition With
     on OPB Passport                      Steve Backshall Bhutan: White Water (Also
                                          Sun 6pm)
                                                                                                 modern notions of time. (Also Fri 4am) |
                                                                                                 OPB+ Philly D.A. Ep 5. A murder spike has
                                                                                                 fingers pointing at Krasner. (Also Fri 2am)
     Stream it by August 31            9:00 OPB Oregon Experience The Modoc War.
                                          Look back on one of the costliest American-
                                          Indian wars. (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+
                                                                                               15 THURSDAY
      There is always something to        Magical Land of Oz Land. Follow Australian          7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) | OPB+
      watch on-demand with OPB            animal life. (Also Sun 7pm)                            Inside the Foreign Office Brave New World.
                                                                                                 Diplomats prepare for the post-Brexit world.
      Passport’s extensive library     10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Recut
                                         American Stories, Pts 1&2 (Also Wed 3am) |           8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Postcards From the
      of shows.                          OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Tue 5am)                  Pandemic. See how artists responded to this
                                                                                                 crisis with inventive and powerful work.
      And for a limited time you can   11:00 OPB POV Landfall. After Hurricane Maria,
                                                                                                 (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+ Fast-Forward: Look
                                          Puerto Ricans prepare for a social inflection
      binge-watch the beloved and                                                                Into Your Future Families take a proactive
                                          point. (Also Wed 4am) | OPB+ Standing
                                                                                                 look at aging. (Also Sat 12am)
      timeless adaptation of Jane         on Sacred Ground Profit & Loss. Uncover
                                          industrial threats to Native life. (Also Wed 2am)   8:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho State of Change.
      Austen’s classic romance,                                                                  Idahoans find reasons for unease and
      Pride & Prejudice, starring                                                                optimism. (Also Sun 6:30pm)
                                        13 TUESDAY
      Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.                                                          9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private
                                       7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
                                                                                                 Investigators No More Cakes and Ale. Frank
                                          OPB+ Nature Australian Bushfire Rescue
                                                                                                 and Lu must track down a witness. (Also Sun
      Activate and log in to           8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots The Eye of the                2am) | OPB+ Super Skyscrapers One World
      OPB Passport using the              Beholder. Featuring artists Alejandro G. Inarritu      Trade Center (Also Sat 1am)
                                          and Marina Abramovic. (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+
      free PBS Video App, or at                                                               10:00 OPB Inspector Morse The Ghost in the
                                          Life at the Waterhole Ep 3. Rain creates a
                                                                                                Machine. A man vanishes with his paintings., to stream         lush grazing pasture. (Also Sun 3pm)
                                                                                                (Also Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &
      Pride & Prejudice before it      9:00 OPB The Latino Experience Ep 2. A girl              Company (Also Fri 5am)
      goes away!                          makes an image-altering decision. (Also
                                                                                              11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)
                                          Thu 2am) | OPB+ Gorongosa Park: Rebirth
                                          of Paradise Roaring Back (Also Sun 4pm)             11:30 OPB+ Variety Studio: Actors on Actors
                                                                                                   (Also Sat 5am OPB)
                                       10:00 OPB Frontline The Power of the Fed. When
                                         COVID struck, the Federal Reserve tried to

4   JULY 2021
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at
                                          R = Repeat within a week
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted
                                          Full schedule and VOD at
                                                                                           = Program premiere
                                                                                           = Watch online at
                                                                                         Programs are subject to change      weekENDs
 16 FRIDAY                                                        5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
                                                                     Rick Steves’ Europe Denmark: Beyond                     SATURDAYS
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |                              Copenhagen                                              6-10am OPB Kids Programs | OPB+ News,
   OPB+ Royal House of Windsor Enter the                                                                                            Politics & Business
   Outsider. Prince Phillip revamps the royals’                   6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Postcards From the
   public image.                                                     Pandemic (R) | OPB+ Expedition With Steve                10am OPB Gardening | OPB+ Marathons
                                                                     Backshall Bhutan: White Water (R)                             Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire (7/3);
8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Mother of                                                                                         Reconnecting Roots (7/10); American
   Pearl. Frankie partners with an unlikely ally.                 6:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho State of Change (R)
                                                                                                                                   Woodshop (7/17); Baking With Julia
   (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington Week                          7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show                           (7/24); Christina Cooks (7/31)
   (Also Sun 4:30pm OPB)                                             Puddings (Also Sun 7/25 12am) | OPB+
                                                                     Magical Land of Oz Land (R)                              11:30 OPB Sewing & Quilting
8:30 OPB+ History With David Rubenstein
   Joanne Freeman (Also Sun 1pm)                                  8:00 OPB Lucy Worsley’s Royal Palace                         1pm OPB Cooking

9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 8, Ep 7. Sister                     Secrets Tour London’s most extraordinary                  3pm OPB Motorweek
   Frances is assigned her first solo birth. (Also                   palaces. (Also Tue 1am) | OPB+ Eyes on the
                                                                     Prize Power! 1966–1968/The Promised Land                  3:30 OPB Woodworking
   Mon 2am) | OPB+ Icon: Music Through the
   Lens On Camera. Enter the world of live music                     1967–1968 (Also Tue 12am)                                 4:30 OPB This Old House
   photography. (Also Sun 12pm OPB)                               9:00 OPB Masterpiece Unforgotten: Season 4,

10:00 OPB Line of Separation Ep 6. Friedrich                         Ep 2. Cassie and Sunny identify potential
  and Anna face their greatest challenge. (Also                      suspects. (Also Tue 2am)
  Mon 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company                              10:00 OPB Professor T (UK) A Fish Called                   6-9am OPB Kids Programs | OPB+
  (Also Mon 5am)                                                    Walter. A librarian is poisoned. (Also Tue                     Lifestyles
11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home Death Comes                          3am) | OPB+ AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural                 8am OPB+ The Great British Baking
   as an End. Jack begins his political campaign.                   Exchange The Faces We Lost (Also Tue 2am)                      Show
   (Also Mon 4am) | OPB+ Frontline The Power                      11:00 OPB Masterpiece Poldark: Season 5, Ep 8.               9am OPB Rick Steves’ Europe | OPB+
   of the Fed (R-Also Mon 2am)                                       Ross faces enemies at home and abroad.                        Ka Hana Kapa (7/4); Inside the
                                                                     (Also Tue 4am) | OPB+ Women, War & Peace                      Foreign Office (7/11, 7/18, 7/25)
                                                                     Naila and the Uprising. Go inside the
 17 SATURDAY                                                         Palestinian struggle for freedom in 1987.                10am OPB Nature | OPB+ Royal House
5:00 OPB This Old House Upgrading Old School                                                                                       of Windsor
   (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Marathon American                                                                                    11am OPB NOVA | OPB+ Independent
   Woodshop, continued (until 7pm)                                  19 MONDAY                                                      Lens Day in the Life of America (7/4);
5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend                                     7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ A Wider                             Rise and Fall of Buffalo Brown
                                                                     World (Also Tue 5am)                                          (7/11); Driving While Black (7/18);
6:00 OPB Shelter Me Building Inspiration. Hear                                                                                     Slavery By Another Name (7/25)
   uplifting stories about the human-animal                       8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Vintage Omaha
   bond.                                                             (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Expedition With                    Noon OPB Great Performances Joyce
                                                                     Steve Backshall Greenland: Ice Mountain                       DiDonato (7/4); Gloria Estefan
7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Paris: Embracing                        (Also Sun 6pm)                                                (7/11); Icon: Music Through the
   Life and Art/London: Historic and Dynamic (Also                                                                                 Lens (7/18, 7/25) | OPB+ Aretha!
   Sun 9am) | OPB+ Miracle Body: Breaking                         9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Bill Bowerman.
                                                                                                                                   Queen of Soul (7/11)
   Limits Follow the life of celebrated wheelchair                   Bowerman was a legendary coach and
                                                                     co-founder of NIKE. (Also Wed 2am) |                     12:30 OPB+ POV Shorts (7/4); Cheech
   Paralympian Tatyana McFadden.
                                                                     OPB+ Magical Land of Oz Ocean. Australia’s                     (7/11); Sound and Sole (7/25)
8:00 OPB Masterpiece Sanditon, Ep 3. Young                           three surrounding oceans create a unique                  1pm OPB Great Performances Wozzeck
   Stringer presses Tom for money. (Also Mon                         environment. (Also Sun 7pm)                                   (7/4); Roots of Latin Jazz (7/18);
   12am) | OPB+ Hemingway The Blank Page
                                                                  9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Vortex. The                           Classic Albums A Night at the
   (1944–1961). Hemingway faces a declining
                                                                     infamous rock festival was a political                        Opera (7/25) | OPB+ History with
   mental condition.
                                                                     diversion. (Also Wed 2:30am)                                  David Rubenstein
9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders A Dying Art, Pts 1&2.
                                                                  10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Recut Out of                     1:30 OPB Beyond the Canvas (7/11) |
   Art imitates death in a new investigation.
                                                                    This World, Pts 1&2 (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+                       OPB+ Searching for the Standing
10:00 OPB+ POV Advocate. An Israeli lawyer                          Amanpour & Company (Also Tue 5am)                               Boy of Nagasaki (7/4); American
  defends Palestinians. (Also Sun 12am)                                                                                             Experience Ruby Ridge (7/11);
                                                                  11:00 OPB POV Stateless. An attorney                              Icon: Music Through the Lens
10:30 OPB Hillary Race to the Pole. Ed decides                       advocates for Dominicans of Haitian descent                    (7/18, 7/25)
  to try to reach the South Pole.                                    stripped of their citizenship. (Also Wed
                                                                     4am) | OPB+ Standing on Sacred Ground                     2pm OPB Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards
11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With Virgil                                                                                      2020 (7/11); Great Performances
   Williams | OPB+ Reel South Unmarked                               Fire & Ice. Indigenous customs protect
                                                                     biodiversity. (Also Wed 2am)                                  Now Hear This: Vivaldi (7/18);
                                                                                                                                   Aleksandra Kurzak & Roberto
 18 SUNDAY                                                                                                                         Alagna (7/25)
                                                                    20 TUESDAY                                                 2:30 OPB+ Seat at the Table
5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
   OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Great                     7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
                                                                                                                               3pm OPB News & Public Affairs (until
   Art Undiscovered                                                  OPB+ Nature The Alps: The High Life
                                                                                                                                   6pm) | OPB+ Nature & Wildlife
                                                                                                                                   (until 5pm)
                                                                                                                                                              JULY 2021
                                                                                                                                                              APRIL 2019    5
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB
    8:00 OPB In Their Own Words Pope Francis.             Niall Ferguson’s Networld Disruption.                7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe North England’s
       Learn what led Jorge Bergoglio to the highest      Explore the history of social networks and              Lake District and Durham/Venice: City of Dreams
       office in the Catholic Church. (Also Thu           their influence on our lives. (Also Sat 12am)           (Also Sun 9am) | OPB+ Debt of Honor:
       1am) | OPB+ Operation Maneater Great White                                                                 Disabled Veterans in American History
                                                        8:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho Living With Wildfire.
       Shark. Experts test ways to prevent shark           Wildfire is now a fact of life in the mountains     8:00 OPB Masterpiece Sanditon, Ep 4. Lord
       attacks. (Also Thu 12am)                            and on the prairie. (Also Sun 6:30pm)                  Babington courts Esther. (Also Mon 12am) |
    9:00 OPB The Latino Experience Ep 3. A                                                                        OPB+ American Experience The Blinding of
                                                        9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private
       Guatemalan truck driver and pastor copes                                                                   Isaac Woodard. This act of racial violence by
                                                           Investigators The Offered Fallacy. The PIs
       with the pandemic. (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+                                                                   police ignited a fight for civil rights.
                                                           must prove that they are being framed. (Also
       Operation Wild Ep 1. An ingenious idea may          Sun 2am) | OPB+ Super Skyscrapers                   9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Saints and
       help save giant pandas. (Also Thu 1am)              Building the Future (Also Sat 1am)                     Sinners, Pts 1&2. The discovery of a Saint’s
    10:00 OPB Frontline Leaving Afghanistan.                                                                      bones causes a stir.
                                                        10:00 OPB Inspector Morse The Last Enemy.
      Uncover the consequences of America’s               Morse investigates a professor’s death. (Also        10:00 OPB+ POV Midnight Traveler. A family
      withdrawal from Afghanistan. (Also Fri              Sun 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company                     flees from the Taliban. (Also Sun 12am)
      11pm OPB+) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company                (Also Fri 5am)
      (Also Wed 5am)                                                                                           10:30 OPB Hillary Heartbreak. A plane crash
                                                        11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)                 upends Hillary’s life.
    11:00 OPB Eyes on the Prize Ain’t Scared of
       Your Jails 1960–1961. ‘Freedom Riders’ try to    11:30 OPB+ Variety Studio: Actors on Actors            11:30 OPB On Story On Writing Veep | OPB+
       desegregate interstate buses. (Also Thu 4am) |        (Also Sat 5am OPB)                                   Reel South All Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk
       OPB+ Age of Nature Changing (Also Thu 2am)
                                                         23 FRIDAY                                              25 SUNDAY
     21 WEDNESDAY                                       7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |                5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |                OPB+ Royal House of Windsor Shadow of a                OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions How
       OPB+ Pacific Heartbeat Stan                         King. Prince Charles tries to avoid romantic           To Sell the Art You Create
    8:00 OPB Nature The Serengeti Rules. Surprising                                                            5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+
       discoveries transform our understanding of       8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Ladies in                Rick Steves’ Europe Istanbul
       nature and ecology. (Also Fri 1am) | OPB+           Red. Frankie and Trudy are hired to root out
                                                                                                               6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Folding in Energy (R)
       Slavery By Another Name This film                   communists. (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+
                                                                                                                  | OPB+ Expedition With Steve Backshall
       dismantles the myth that American slavery           Washington Week (Also Sun 4:30pm OPB)
                                                                                                                  Greenland: Ice Mountain (R)
       ended with the Emancipation Proclamation.        8:30 OPB+ History With David Rubenstein
       (Also Fri 12am)                                     Henry Louis Gates Jr. (Also Sun 1pm)
    9:00 OPB NOVA Asteroid: Doomsday or Payday?         9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 8, Ep 8.
       Entrepreneurs dream up potentially profitable       Valerie and Trixie testify in a court case. (Also
       mining operations on asteroids. (Also Fri 2am)      Mon 2am) | OPB+ Icon: Music Through the
    9:30 OPB+ Sound and Sole Arthur Grimes                 Lens On the Road. Hear the tales of devoted
       recounts his dance journey.                         tour photographers. (Also Sun 12pm OPB)

    10:00 OPB Secrets of the Dead Hannibal in           10:00 OPB Professor T Season 3, Heir to the
      the Alps. A team of experts investigate how         Throne, Pt 1. Professor T faces a tough new
      Hannibal and his troops attacked Rome. (Also        environment. (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+
      Fri 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also            Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)
      Thu 5am)                                          11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home Lie Deep.
    11:00 OPB How We Got to Now With Steven                Jack goes missing. (Also Mon 4am) | OPB+
       Johnson Glass. The innovators of glass              Frontline Leaving Afghanistan (R-Also Mon
       revolutionized art and science. (Also Fri 4am)      2am)
       | OPB+ Philly D.A. Ep 6. Philadelphia                                                                                            © Chicago Historical Society
       residents are fed up with the opioid crisis.
                                                         24 SATURDAY
       (Also Fri 2am)                                                                                             American Masters
                                                        5:00 OPB This Old House Outside Details (Also
                                                           Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Life After Sight People                Buddy Guy
     22 THURSDAY                                           experiencing vision loss face an ever-                 Dive into the career of the
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |                changing world.
                                                                                                                  legendary blues guitarist, a pioneer
       OPB+ Inside the Foreign Office Brits in          5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend | OPB+                      of Chicago’s West Side sound and
       Trouble. Diplomats aid Brits overseas.              Learning To Drive A young man with Down                major influence on rock titans like
                       8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat            syndrome yearns to learn how to drive.
                                                                                                                  Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton.
                       Folding in Energy. An origami    6:00 OPB Shelter Me Soul Awakened | OPB+                  Featuring new performances and
                       convention brings together          Employment Matters Eps 1&2. See how
                       artists and lovers of the                                                                  interviews with John Mayer, Carlos
                                                           companies can benefit from hiring employees
                       Japanese paper folding art.                                                                Santana and more.
                                                           with disabilities.
                          (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+                                                                   Tuesday, July 27, 9pm

6   JULY 2021
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1    R = Repeat within a week                          = Program premiere
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted     = Watch online at
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at   Full schedule and VOD at     Programs are subject to change

6:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho Living With Wildfire (R)                       A team helps an injured rhino. (Also Thu 1am)            Lewis works undercover. (Also Sun 3am) |
                                                                                                                               OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Fri 5am)
7:00 OPB The Great British Baking Show                            10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Wed
   Sweet Dough | OPB+ Magical Land of Oz                            5am)                                                     11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)
   Ocean (R)
                                                                  10:30 OPB Beyond the Canvas Making the                     11:30 OPB+ Variety Studio: Actors on Actors
8:00 OPB Secrets of Royal Travel Secrets of the                     Moment. Singer Rhiannon Giddens and                           (Also Sat 5am OPB)
   Royal Train. Climb aboard the luxurious British                  ensemble Ranky Tanky bridge story and
   Royal Train. (Also Tue 1am) | OPB+ Eyes on                       sound. (Also Thu 3:30am)
   the Prize Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More                                                                                      30 FRIDAY
                                                                  11:00 OPB Eyes on the Prize No Easy Walk
   1964–1972/A Nation of Law? 1968–1971 (Also                                                                                7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
                                                                     1961–1963. Follow Martin Luther King Jr.’s
   Tue 12am)                                                                                                                    OPB+ Royal House of Windsor Fire, Feud and
                                                                     rise as a leader. (Also Thu 4am) | OPB+ Hard
                                                                                                                                Fury. Examine Diana’s popularity and tragic
9:00 OPB Masterpiece Unforgotten: Season 4,                          Problems: The Road to the World’s
   Ep 3. Each suspect denies knowing the                             Toughest Math Contest (Also Thu 2am)
   victim. (Also Tue 2am)                                                                                                    8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Summer in
                                                                                                                                the City. The ladies enter the city’s upper
10:00 OPB Professor T (UK) Tiger Tiger.                             28 WEDNESDAY                                                crust. (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington
  Professor T uses unconventional negotiating
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |                       Week (Also Sat 6am)
  tactics. (Also Tue 3am) | OPB+ AfroPop:
                                                                     OPB+ Pacific Heartbeat Tokyo Hula
  The Ultimate Cultural Exchange While I                                                                                     8:30 OPB+ History With David Rubenstein
  Breathe, I Hope (Also Tue 2am)                                  8:00 OPB Nature Super Cats: Extreme Lives. See                Bhu Srinivasan
                                                                     cheetahs, snow leopards and a Canada lynx
11:00 OPB The Tunnel: Sabotage Ep 1. Elise                                                                                   9:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 9, Ep 1. An
                                                                     up close. (Also Fri 1am) | OPB+ Voces on
   and Karl investigate a mysterious abduction.                                                                                 alarming outbreak of diphtheria occurs. (Also
                                                                     PBS The Pushouts/Adios Amor: The Search for
   (Also Tue 4am) | OPB+ Women, War & Peace                                                                                     Mon 2am) | OPB+ Icon: Music Through the
                                                                     Maria Moreno (Also Fri 12am)
   A Journey of a Thousand Miles: Peacekeepers.                                                                                 Lens On the Record. Explore the evolution of
   Follow an all-female Bangladeshi police unit.                  9:00 OPB NOVA Creatures of Light. Learn why so                album cover art.
                                                                     many of the ocean’s creatures light up. (Also
                                                                                                                             10:00 OPB Professor T Season 3, Heir to the
                                                                     Fri 2am)
 26 MONDAY                                                                                                                     Throne, Pt 2. Professor T gains a powerful ally.
                                                                                         10:00 OPB Secrets of the                 (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ A Wider
                                                                                         Dead King Arthur’s Lost               Company
   World (Also Tue 5am OPB)
                                                                                         Kingdom. Evidence may link
                                                                                                                             11:00 OPB A Place To Call Home In Memoriam.
8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Vintage                                                       the legend of King Arthur to a
                                                                                                                                Anna considers a relationship with Henry.
   Savannah (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Expedition                                             trading village. (Also Fri 3am) |
                                                                                                                                (Also Mon 4am) | OPB+ Frontline Policing the
   With Steve Backshall Mexico: Maya                                                     OPB+ Amanpour & Company
                                                                                                                                Police 2020
   Underworld (Also Wed 12am)                                                            (Also Thu 5am)
9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Oregon Wine:                           11:00 OPB How We Got to Now With Steven
   Grapes of Place. In the 1960s, winegrowers                        Johnson Light. The pioneers of light altered             31 SATURDAY
   aspired to bring European grapes to the                           the world’s sleeping patterns. (Also Fri 4am) |         5:00 OPB This Old House Design Elements |
   Willamette Valley. (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+                          OPB+ Philly D.A. Ep 7. Krasner decides                     OPB+ Marathon Christina Cooks, continued
   Magical Land of Oz Human. Discover the                            whether to pursue murder charges against a                 (until 7pm)
   human impact on wildlife in Australia. (Also                      cop. (Also Fri 2am)
   Wed 1am)                                                                                                                  5:30 OPB PBS NewsHour Weekend
                                                                                                                             6:00 OPB Shelter Me 2020
10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Recut                                   29 THURSDAY
  Women’s Work, Pts 1&2 (Also Wed 3am) |                                                                                     7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Venice and Its
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) |
  OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Tue 5am)                                                                                        Lagoon/European Travel Skills, Pt 1 | OPB+
                                                                     OPB+ Prehistoric Road Trip Welcome to
11:00 OPB POV Mayor. How do you run a city if                                                                                   4 Wheel Bob Follow a wheelchair hiker’s
                                                                     Fossil Country
   you don’t have a country? (Also Wed 4am)                                                                                     attempt to cross the Sierra Nevada.
   | OPB+ Standing on Sacred Ground Islands                       8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Drawing From
                                                                                                                             8:00 OPB Masterpiece Sanditon, Ep 5. A worker
                                                                     History. Mark Hallett’s drawings, paintings
   of Sanctuary. Indigenous groups resist                                                                                       boycott threatens the annual cricket match. |
                                                                     and sculptures of dinosaurs and other
   cultural erosion. (Also Wed 2am)                                                                                             OPB+ American Experience Billy Graham.
                                                                     prehistoric animals have taken him from
                                                                                                                                Graham was one of the most influential
                                                                     Hollywood to India. (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+
                                                                                                                                Christian leaders of the 20th century.
 27 TUESDAY                                                          Niall Ferguson’s Networld Winner Takes All
                                                                     (Also Sat 12am)                                         9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Harvest of Souls,
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
                                                                                                                                Pts 1&2. Barnaby and Nelson unravel a
   OPB+ Nature The Alps: Winter’s Fortress                        8:30 OPB Outdoor Idaho Crafting a Living. Meet
                                                                                                                                complex feud.
                                                                     people who craft saddles, knives and more.
8:00 OPB In Their Own Words Chuck Berry.
                                                                     (Also Sun 6:30pm)                                       10:00 OPB+ POV Roll Red Roll. Uncover the root
   Explore the life of the man behind the music.
                                                                                                                               of high school sexual assault in America.
     (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+ Operation                              9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private
   Maneater Polar Bear. Experts try to keep                          Investigators Nothing Will Come of Nothing.             10:30 OPB Masterpiece Beecham House, Ep 1. A
   bears away from town. (Also Thu 12am)                             Lu and Frank search for a missing gambler.                former soldier tries to start a new life in Delhi.
                                                                     (Also Sun 2am) | OPB+ Super Skyscrapers
9:00 OPB American Masters Buddy Guy: Chase                                                                                   11:30 OPB On Story A Conversation With
                                                                     The Vertical City (Also Sat 1am)
   the Blues Away. See callout on page 6.                                                                                       Lawrence Kasdan | OPB+ Reel South
   (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+ Operation Wild Ep 2.                     10:00 OPB Inspector Morse Deceived By Flight.                 Sustained Outrage

                                                                                                                                                                      JULY 2021     7
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Best of the Alps Rick Steves July 3, 7pm - OPB
                                           0896-6672) is published
                                           monthly by Oregon
                                           Public Broadcasting,
                                           7140 S Macadam
                                           Ave., Portland, OR
                                           97219. Periodicals
                                           paid at Portland, OR.
                                           Postmaster: Send
                                           address changes to
                                           OPB PRIMETIME,

                                           7140 S Macadam Ave.,
                                           Portland, OR 97219.

12am BBC World Service
 5am Morning Edition
 9am The Takeaway
10am Here and Now
11am Here and Now | FRI Science Friday
Noon Think Out Loud®
 1pm BBC Newshour
 2pm The World
 3pm All Things Considered
 6pm The Daily
 7pm Fresh Air | FRI It’s Been a Minute
 8pm Think Out Loud® (R)
 9pm 1A
10pm MON On the Media (R) | TUE Reveal |
     WED OPB Presents |
     THU Philosophy Talk |
     FRI The New Yorker Radio Hour
11pm BBC World Service

12am    BBC World Service
 5am    Weekend Edition
10am    Planet Money & How I Built This
11am    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me!
Noon    It’s Been a Minute (R)

                                                                                                          The Latino
 1pm    On the Media
 2pm    Snap Judgment

 3pm    Live Wire!
 4pm    Hidden Brain
 5pm    All Things Considered
 6pm    This American Life
 7pm    Radiolab                                                                                           july 6, 9pm
 8pm    The Moth
 9pm    Snap Judgment (R)                                                                              Pictured: Yanniel A. Arce Rivera in the short film
10pm    Sound Opinions                                                                                ‘The Blue Cape,’ part of The Latino Experience on July 6.
                                                                                                      Photo courtesy of Sheryl Loiz.
11pm    BBC World Service

12am    BBC World Service
 5am    Weekend Edition                      Coming in august
        The New Yorker Radio Hour (R)
                                             In Their Own Words
                                             Diana, Princess
Noon    TED Radio Hour
 1pm    Innovation Hub

                                             of Wales
 2pm    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me! (R)
 3pm    Throughline
 4pm    Latino USA
 5pm    All Things Considered                See how Diana defied expectations
 6pm    The Splendid Table                   and evolved into one of the most
 7pm    The Archive Project                  impactful icons of our time.
 8pm    On Being
 9pm    OPB Presents                                                                                                                       PA Images/ALAMY
10pm    Travel With Rick Steves
11pm    BBC Weekend
                                                              |      | | | 800.241.8123
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