Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School

Page created by Dave Phillips
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
Westside Christian
Wave Weekly
December 8, 2020

In this edition:
    Giving Tree gifts due on Friday
    Cookie sale
    The Fields Are Ripe expansion
    Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year
    Virtual following Christmas break
    Intent to call
    We are hiring!
    Lost and Found
    Calendar of Events - Casual Day this Friday!
    Save the date
    Classroom notes

                                 Giving Tree gifts due on Friday
                                 Are you looking for a way to make an impact on a family in need this
                                 Christmas? Christmas gives us the opportunity to display the
                                 amazing love of Christ with those in our community who are hurting,
                                 needing a little help, and could use some extra blessings.

                                 We normally love to shop for speci c presents chosen from the
                                 Giving Tree, but this year we need to go a different direction. We are
                                 asking that you purchase gift cards for an individual or family
                                 instead. The gift cards are to speci c businesses and indicated for
                                 speci c members in each family (e.g., Mom - $25 Target; Boy - $15
                                 Walmart). There are still about 55 unclaimed gifts left on the
                                 Giving Tree. In order for us to distribute the cards in time for
                                 families to use them to purchase their gifts for Christmas, we need
                                 the gift cards turned in by this Friday. Please include a note
                                 indicating the family number and individual for whom the gift was
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
Go to st-andrew-online.org/givingtree to view the list of gift cards
                                  still needing to be purchased and sign up to participate. Due to the
                                  great need in the community, Friends of Westside has decided to
                                  fully partner with St. Andrew community Giving Tree and will not
                                  have a separate Giving Tree for the school. Please feel free to email
                                  FOW President Carrie Kornstedt if you have questions.

Cookie sale
Mix, chill, roll, cut, bake... whew! That's a lot of work and takes so much time. Why not have Bakery
Dew LLC do the work for you?!

Order your Christmas Cookie Kit today! Two Kit sizes: 16 or 32 sugar cookie cutouts with frosting and
sprinkles for $25 or $45! Cookie Kits will be delivered to you curbside during student pick-up on
December 18.

Pre-orders only at www.bakerydew4you.com or email bakerydew4you@gmail.com. Proceeds go
toward The Fields Are Ripe expansion campaign: you get cookies, Westside gets new classrooms,
everyone wins!

The Fields Are Ripe Expansion

This is such an exciting time to be part of the ministry here at Westside
Christian School, as we look forward to our upcoming building
expansion that will add some much needed space for our growing
school. Please take a few moments to watch the a video that shares our vision for this project and
          ii f                i i
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
We rejoice in all that God is doing here through his people. We pray that this ministry expansion project
will be a blessing to our current students and their families as well as many more in years to come.
May God continue to use us to reach and serve the children in our community.

Thank you for all that you do to support our mission.

Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year
Wow, can you believe we're talking about enrollment for next school year already?! Current Westside
families and members of St. Andrew will have the opportunity to secure their child(ren)'s seat(s) at
Westside during our early enrollment period, January 11 - 17.

Open enrollment will begin on Tuesday, January 19. All enrollments received on and after January 19
will be processed in the order they are received. This is true for new and existing families, so don't miss
the early enrollment period.

Virtual following Christmas break
We pray you had a successful start to this week of virtual learning. Reach out to your child's teacher if
you experience any issues. Please monitor yourself and your child(ren) for COVID-19 symptoms. If
symptoms develop, we ask that you keep your child(ren) at home and get tested.

Christmas break
Westside Christian School students in grades K - 8 will also engage in virtual learning following
Christmas break, from January 5 - 8. Our preschool will be open; however, preschool families that will
be traveling or gathering with others to celebrate the holidays will be required to keep their preschool
student at home. Preschool families, please let your child's teacher know if your child will be learning
from home or if your child will be at school.

We will send learning materials home with students on the last day of school prior to Christmas break.

As with this week of virtual learning, the week following Christmas break is meant to be spent at
home. Our hope is that this will allow those who traveled or met with family and friends an opportunity
to quarantine at home while monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms. If symptoms develop, parents
should keep their children at home and get tested.

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and understanding as we work together to mitigate the
spread of COVID-19 at Westside.

Note to preschool families
Westside will not provide school lunch or Extended Care during these virtual learning days. Preschool
families who will be sending their child to school will need to pack a lunch.

Intent to call
Letter of intent
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
Last Sunday, a voters meeting was held and it was unanimously approved to extend a letter of intent
to call Ms. Emily Frey as our middle school Science and Math teacher, pending her graduation and
ful llment of all responsibilities for student teaching. Emily is a student at Wisconsin Lutheran College
(WLC) and is currently student teaching with us. We pray for her as she deliberate where to serve,
knowing that the Lord will bless her work and the growth of His kingdom through her efforts.

Call meeting
The Board of Directors has called a voters meeting, which will be held at 12:30 PM this Sunday, to issue
a letter of intent to call Mr. Levi Schriefer as a 4th grade teacher upon successful completion of his
student teaching. Mr. Schriefer is in his nal semester at WLC, majoring in Education and Spanish, and
is engaged to Ms. Emily Frey. We became aware of Levi's experiences and gifts in teaching through our
contacts at WLC and believe he would be a great t for our growing school's needs at this time.

We are hiring!
Preschool Teacher
WCS is looking for a quali ed candidate who would be interested in lead
teaching 5 afternoons a week (11:30-3:30 PM) in our 4K program. Ideal
candidates would have preschool experience and Elem. Ed. degree or
have taken early childhood certi cation classes, demonstrate a
willingness to cooperate with other staff, and a joy for working with
children. WELS membership is ideal. If you or someone you know is
interested in learning more, contact Principal Meredith Pucci.

Classroom Assistant
WCS will be adding another part time classroom assistant to our team! This position will focus on
supporting teachers while they continue to provide both in-person and virtual learning options. This
position would not necessarily include direct instruction with students, but would have a greater
emphasis on preparing classroom materials, videotaping the teacher’s lessons, making copies, and
uploading assignments for virtual learners. Candidates would have a minimum of one year working
with students in an educational setting, demonstrate a willingness to cooperate with other adults, and
a joy for supporting students of all ages. WELS membership is ideal. If you or someone you know is
interested in learning more, contact Principal Meredith Pucci.

Are you interested in a part-time* position to help keep church and school squeaky clean this school
year? We still have one opening for a part-time janitor. Please contact Lead Custodian Stephanie Grow
if you're interested in learning more.

* Weeknight or early morning janitor | 8-12 hours per week | Monday-Thursday

Substitute teachers
Westside could use a few more people to step in from time to time as substitute teachers. If you have a
passion for education and would like to support our ministry in this way, please reach out to Principal
Meredith Pucci.

Lost and Found!
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
Our lost and found bin is over owing. Below are pictures of all the items that have collected. If you
recognize any of them, please email Stacy Bernd.

                                      December 11 - Casual day

                                  You might want to get these dates on your
                                  calendar NOW!
                                  12/22: Ugly Christmas sweater day
                                  12/23-1/4: Christmas break
                                  1/5-1/8: Virtual learning (K-8)
                                  1/11-1/17: Early enrollment period
                                  1/19: Open enrollment begins
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
Pre-K3 news                       4K news                        Kindergarten news
A quiet week in the Pre-K3        4K is enjoying the manger      This week we will begin
meant we could concentrate        scenes in our room, and we     working on the letter E
on how to take turns playing      sing "Away In a Manger"        sound with our Superkid
a board game. We mastered         often! We nished a             Ettabetta. Ettabetta received
the color and shape game          Kindness Chain and had a       a special book in the mail
quite nicely. It is not often     celebration thanking our       called Extra Special
you can hear hexagon and          classmates for being helpful   Exercises to Enjoy –
trapezoid repeatedly from 3-      and thoughtful.                Excellent, Entertaining, and
& 4-year-olds. We are                                            Educational. She especially
spending a lot of time now                                       liked this book because she
getting ready for Christmas.                                     loves puzzles, riddles, clues,
We will be making LOTS of                                        rhymes, games, and big
decorations to help celebrate                                    words that begin with the
the holiday and help us focus                                    letter E. She has been
on what it is really all about!                                  sharing a new puzzle with a
                                                                 new Superkid friend on each
                                                                 work page. Our class has
                                                                 been decoding these puzzles
                                                                 and games as well. The
                                                                 children have also been
                                                                 reading many new and
                                                                 exciting words. How
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
1st grade news                   2nd grade news                  3rd & 4th grade news
All the 1st grade students did   “It’s beginning to look a lot   This week the third graders
a great job learning at home     like Christmas, everywhere      did a great job of learning
last week. They met on Zoom      you look.” This includes the    virtually. Thank you for
throughout the week for          2nd grade classroom.            turning in assignments and
small group reading lessons      (Thank you, Mrs. Wood!) We      working with your child on
and watched videos made by       are enjoying some Christmas      ashcards! Next week they
Mrs. Renstrom for other          related activities these next   will learn the x9 facts and
subjects. It was not always      two weeks. Singing              work with dividing by 9.
easy and sometimes they          Christmas songs, writing
had to be creative (like         stories, and reading            This week the fourth graders
making their own die for a       Christmas books are just a      worked more on geometry.
game!), but they made it!        few examples. We also made      They learned about parallel
                                 a countdown Christmas           and perpendicular lines. Next
                                 chain...only 17 days to         week they will continue by
                                 Jesus’ birthday!                learning about the radius
                                                                 and diameter of a circle,
                                                                 triangles, and 3D shapes.
                                                                 Thank you for sending in
                                                                 work during the virtual week
                                                                 and helping your child log in
                                                                 on time.
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
Middle School: Religion          Middle School: Math             Middle School: ELA
and Social Studies               and Science                     5th grade is sharing what
5th Grade                        This week in Science 5th and    they've learned while reading
Religion: This week was have     6th are wrapping up the unit    non ction this week, and
been looking more at the         on Ecology with dioramas.       started thinking about what
miracles of Jesus. Yesterday,    The in person students will     they could write a research-
we started the story of Jesus    be presenting their projects    based argument essay on.
raising Jairus’ daughter from    to their peers on Tuesday!      6th grade is approaching
the dead.                        The 7th and 8th Science         their new non ction books
Social studies: We have just     class will be focusing on       with curiosity while asking
 nished up our unit on the       getting caught up on their      questions, and has begun
English colonies in America.     paper bodies after a week of    analyzing short stories in
We will be starting to look at   virtual learning.               preparation for writing
what life was like in those                                      literary essays. 7th and 8th
colonies this week! Then         The 5th, 7th, and 8th Math      grade Literature has started
after Christmas, we will start   classes are getting back on     examining other types of
the Revolutionary War.           their feet after a week of      non ction digital texts to
                                 distance learning. After        study deeper into the issues
6th Grade                        some solid review, they are     covered by their literary
Religion: This week we will      looking forward to proving      non ction books. 7th and
continue looking at the story    their knowledge with a test     8th Writing are seeing what
of Joseph. As of this week,      later this week.                it takes to write like a
Joseph went from being a                                         journalist in preparation for
slave, to being a servant, to    6th grade is still learning     their next edition of the
being a prisoner, and now he     virtually, but we are excited   student newspaper.
is second in command in          to see their faces in person
Egypt. Awesome story!            on Thursday!
Social Studies: This week we
will be looking at working
conditions and factories
during the late 1800’s and
early 1900’s. As the students
will come to learn, they were
very undesirable.

7th/8th Grades
Religion: This week we have
 nished up our talks about
dating and how to make God
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
pleasing choices regarding
dating. Moving forward this
week, we will discuss how to
make God pleasing decisions
with our money.
Social Studies: This week, we
have studied the life of
Muhammad and how the
religion of Islam spread
during his life. Later on this
week, we will see the lasting
impact of Muhammad on the
Middle East.
Westside Christian Wave Weekly - December 8, 2020 - Westside Christian School
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