Sycamore Academy Catch-up Premium Funding (2020-2021)
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Sycamore Academy Catch-up Premium Funding (2020-2021) 1
‘Catch up’ Planning Statement The government has announced £650 million will be shared across state primary and secondary schools over the 2020/21 academic year. This is expected to equate to approximately £80 per pupil. Whilst head teachers will decide how the money is spent, the government expects this to be spent on small group tuition for whoever needs it. This one-off grant to support pupils in state education recognises that all young people have lost time in education as a result of the pandemic, regardless of their income or background. Separately, a National Tutoring Programme, worth £350 million, will increase access to high-quality tuition for the most disadvantaged young people over the 2020/21 academic year. This will help accelerate their academic progress and prevent the gap between them and their more affluent peers widening. The funding is not available for interventions that remove pupils during the lessons and should only be targeted at morning, lunch or afterschool learning that is additional to the core teaching offer. 2
Strategy for 2020-21 1. Summary information ‘Catch up’ Grant Academy SYCAMORE Academic Year 2020-21 Total Catch up budget £32480 Number of pupils 420 Initial evaluations and assessments of gaps/barriers for groups of pupils 2. Barriers to future good attainment Significant proportion of families with limited or no access to online platforms Porosity of language, experiences and aspirations within the community Resilience and writing stamina has reduced during remote learning and will require daily development Fine motor skills in KS1 require focussed development to restore/build some pupils skills Handwriting in KS2 requires regular practise opportunities in order to build stamina, legibility and quality of presentation Phonics catch up support required to enable Y1 to progress towards their phonic screening target Year 2 phonics resit pupils (current Y3) require additional phonics support Accuracy of spelling is a barrier to children achieving ARE/GDS Year 3 and 4 (previous y2 and y3) have had the longest period of time out of school/away from direct face to face teaching and their learning stamina has reduced which could result in them finding it harder to meet ARE/GDS expectations Writing stamina and the quantity of outcome has reduced during remote learning Rapid recall of multiplication tables and development of mathematical computation skills Slow recall of multiplication tables in Year 4 which presents a potential barrier for scheduled Multiplication Test outcomes Evidence of place value gaps in a number of year groups 3
Concentration and stamina for learning has reduced for some pupils Some pupils are showing signs they will require emotional support as they readjust post lockdown and to school routines Funding Rationale Phase 1 At Sycamore Academy, the decision has been made to extend the school day for all pupils from Foundation 2 to Year 6 by 15 minutes This has been implemented to ensure that all pupils in those year groups have access to teacher led catch up teaching which is in addition to the school day. Each child will participate in 5 x15 minute session each week. These catch up sessions will work on a rolling program and will be focused upon the age appropriate skills of English and Maths. These sessions are outside of the school day. This phase will not incur additional costs, as Sycamore’s teaching staff will lead it Phase 2 Following a period of whole school catch up and AFL, we will move into 1:1 tuition. This planned to meet the specific needs of small groups of Learners who have further catch up gaps. These gaps will be identified through whole class teaching of catch up plans £10,000 of the funding is to be allocated to the purchase of IT to support precision led intervention £22,480 of the funding is to be allocated to 1:1, small group tutoring which will take place before-school, at lunchtimes and after-school. 4
Foundation 2 What do we want to How are we going to deliver Rationale: What are the How will it be Cost? Intended Impact achieve? it? priorities for your year monitored group? Provide simple Briefly evaluate impact Identified evaluation How will the intervention or breakdown of of intervention against or assessment as provision be delivered Refer to research from EEF or proportionate or the identified baseline other research to justify the full costs outcomes choice of strategy F2 children will have fallen behind in phonics. Daily 20-minute discrete jolly Phonics is fundamental to teach Through phonic Therefore, teaching of phonics sessions. reading and writing skills. assessments on entry the seven-week cycle Daily signing in sessions. and on week 8 of the will start w/c 21st Sep. phonic cycle. We expect 75% of children to make significant progress in the five phonics skills within the first seven- week cycle. F2 children will have Daily whole class maths Basic maths skills are Through mathematics fallen behind in maths sessions linked to number fundamental to future learning. assessments on entry skills. Therefore, sense. and after the nine week teaching of the nine- Daily small group maths cycle. week number cycle from sessions linked to number 0-9 is essential. sense. We expect 75% of Teaching of specific maths skills children to make weekly: significant progress Monday measures linked to maths skills by Tuesday Time 5
the end of the nine-week Wednesday Pattern maths cycle. Thursday Shape Friday Finance 6
Year 1 What do we want to How are we going to What is the rationale for this How will it be Cost? Progress/ Impact achieve? deliver it? chosen strategy monitored Provide simple Briefly evaluate impact Identified evaluation or How will the intervention or Refer to research from EEF or breakdown of of intervention against assessment as baseline provision be delivered? other research to justify the proportionate or the identified outcomes choice of strategy full costs 5 X 20 min session per Letter formation, pencil grip Phase Leaders Observations/focus Fine motor skills week and pencil control children/work (wk 1- rolling program) 1Y/1B whole class & SLT Evidence of improved fine motor skills Letters/ 5 X 20 min session per Blending and recognising the Phase Leaders Observations/focus sounds/phonics week sounds on the sound strip children/work (wk 2 rolling program) 1Y/1B whole class & SLT Evidence of progress within the phonics phases To rehearse speaking X 1 10 min session per Social skills, sentence Phase Leaders Observations/focus in sentences week (group of 6) rehearsal talking (oracy), children/work evidence 1Y- Alice weds pm singing songs and listening 1B- Carol weds pm skills & SLT Pupils will speak with increased confidence- recorded using talking tins 7
X 1 20 min session per Speech and language, sounds Phase Leaders Observations/focus Communication, week (group of 5) of words children/work evidence Speech and Language 1Y/1B – Fri pm & SLT Number formation and 5 X 20 min session per Forming numbers correctly Phase Leaders Observations/focus recognition week and the right way around. children/work 1Y/1B whole class Correct place value Evidence of improved & SLT number formation Pupils recognition and recall increased 8
Year 2 What do we want to How are we going to deliver What is the rationale for this How will it be Cost? Progress/ Impact achieve? it? chosen strategy monitored Refer to research from EEF or Provide simple Briefly evaluate impact of Identified evaluation or How will the intervention or other research to justify the breakdown of intervention against the assessment as baseline provision be delivered? choice of strategy proportionate or identified outcomes full costs Catch up reading 2Y and 2B have x 2 different Support needed for reading Phase Leaders Observations and /work comprehension groups each - 20 min fluency, speed and evidence- checking the sessions per week comprehension skills (VIPERS) children are applying it in Children who have the lessons fallen behind in reading Additional sessions per comprehension and are week with TA (group of 6) & SLT Ongoing mini assessments working below ARE to demonstrate progress where they would have been at the EXS at the end of Year 1. Week 1 rolling program Catch up writing 2Y and 2B have x 2 different Support needed for letter Phase Leaders Observations and /work groups each- 20 min formation, fluency, sentence evidence- checking the Children who have structure and punctuation children are applying it in fallen behind in writing Additional sessions per & SLT the lessons and are working below week with TA (group of 6) ARE where they would have been at the EXS at Week 2 rolling program the end of Year 1. 9
Catch up maths 2Y and 2B have x 2 different Support needed for missed Phase Leaders Observations and /work groups each- 20 min content in Year 1 - place value, evidence- checking the sessions per week (groups number bonds, addition and & SLT children are applying it in Children who have of 6) subtraction the lessons fallen behind in maths and are working below ARE where they would Week 3 rolling program have been at the EXS at the end of Year 1. Catch up SPAG 2B and 2Y have x 2 different Support needed for missed Phase Leaders Observations and /work groups each- 20 min punctuation and grammar evidence- checking the Children who have sessions per week (groups objectives from Year 1 children are applying it in fallen behind in spelling, of 6) & SLT the lessons punctuation and grammar and are Week 4 rolling program working below ARE where they would have been at the EXS at the end of Year 1. Precision OOYG X 1 20 min session per week Support needed with following Observations and /work (group of 3) instructions and fine motor evidence- checking the (Specific to x4 children skills-Visual speed games children are applying it in in the year group the lessons 10
Year 3 What do we want to How are we going to What is the rationale for this How will it Cost? Progress/ Impact achieve? deliver it? chosen strategy be Refer to research from EEF or monitored Provide simple Briefly evaluate impact of Identified evaluation or How will the intervention other research to justify the breakdown of intervention against the assessment as baseline or provision be delivered? choice of strategy proportionate identified outcomes. or full costs. Time/frequency/adults involved To improve mathematical 5x 15 min sessions 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Phase Improved recall in fluency by ensuring children’s Rapid recall even out of leaders mathematics lessons knowledge of 2, 5 and 10 times Whiteboard work, ascending order. tables are secure. Mathletics, Hit the button Afl of whiteboard, oral and Mini assessments to and other interactive games. SLT demonstrate progress games, test at end of Assessment test at end of week. week to see if focus shift to next area. Children’s lack of grip of 4s’s (Maths, spelling/writing and and 8’s led us to check reading 3 week rolling knowledge of times tables program) from last year. To improve spelling 5x 15 min sessions Distance learning of phonics Phase Children’s phonics accuracy by revisiting has resulted in leaders knowledge more complete spelling patterns from Whiteboard work, intermittent/uneven and secure, enabling them Summer 2 Y2 sounding out, flashcards, achievement of phonics from to sound out unknown sound buttons, sentences last year. SLT words with confidence. To achieve ARE in writing children need to be spelling with increased accuracy 11
Ongoing assessments and spellings individualised where appropriate To increase reading fluency 5 x 15 min reading Children need to increase Phase Independent timed session through skimming and sessions their stamina and fluency leaders to demonstrate progress scanning comprehension when reading aloud and skills Children to record in each comprehending what they session. have read SLT Differentiated texts – 60 second reads for LA. This will build independence in applying basic skills. 12
Year 4 What do we want to How are we going to deliver What is the rationale for this How will it be Cost? Intended Impact achieve? it? chosen strategy monitored Refer to research from EEF or Provide simple Briefly evaluate impact of How will the intervention or other research to justify the breakdown of intervention against the Identified evaluation provision be delivered? choice of strategy proportionate or identified outcomes. or assessment as full costs. baseline Time/frequency/adults involved Approx. 19% of 15 minutes a day with CT. In preparation for the National Mini assessment to children working at Whole class. 5x15mins testing at the end of year 4. Phase leaders demonstrate improved 4WTS and below Lack of continuous learning of recall across the year group Additional small group timetables from last year. sessions with TA for WTS Lack of fluency and confidence SLT Children to have improved Timetables pupils when recalling multiplications. knowledge of TTRockstars – when multiplications. Ipads are available Speed tables Children increase their Range of activities to speed when reiterating support all time tables multiplications. Reassess after autumn 1, to see if more time needs inputting, but will occur throughout the remainder of the year. SPaG Ensure children catch up with See improvement in Differing activities elements that may have been written work, as children 15 minutes each day. forgotten or were not directly Phase leaders will bring SPaG elements Whole class. in taught in school. into their written work and 13
Support in writing understand the impact they during English SLT have on their work. sessions and other 2 interventions per week writing lessons. with TA. Groups of 6. To improve quality of Additional 15 minutes for written work and set children working below catch up on elements year group. that were missed 30 minutes a week for from previous year. group. To increase spelling 5 x 15 min spelling sessions Children have returned to Phase leaders Children will spell with accuracy in order to school with spelling accuracy increased accuracy. improve ARE writing gaps. In order to achieve Assessed written outcomes outcomes improved writing outcomes SLT will demonstrate spelling catch up is required progressions 14
Year 5 What do we want to How are we going to What is the rationale for this How will it be Cost? Intended Impact achieve? deliver it? chosen strategy monitored Refer to research from EEF or Provide simple Briefly evaluate impact Identified evaluation or How will the intervention or other research to justify the breakdown of of intervention against assessment as baseline provision be delivered? choice of strategy proportionate or the identified full costs. outcomes. Time/frequency/adults involved Year 5 – spellings Daily personalised spellings Spellings are a significant Phase leaders On-going assessment in the morning linked to barrier to age-related against national The majority of the handwriting – alongside expectations in writing. curriculum spellings. class are not scoring Oxford Owl programme of SLT within even a lower KS2 support. On-going assessment and Regularly sending expectation bracket. individualised spellings of this home updated On-going 1:1 assessment to kind will have a dramatic assessment scores to This is a significant ensure those they are effect on progress, including parents. barrier to achieve an practising are those that children’s confidence levels in age-related standard in need their direct focus. their writing and in their Identify children who writing. presentation of work – as will need additional Parental support – sharing spellings are linked to support in school on assessment data and the handwriting. spellings – due to lack year group these spellings of parental are from. In the past, this involvement at home. has had a dramatic effect on spellings and as a result on writing results. Year 5 comprehension X5 Talk for Reading sessions Children lack independence Phase leaders Impact measured in the per week (whole class) with and their lack of resilience is written answers a heavy focus on identifying effecting their ability to apply children provide. 15
Children are not question types and building in test conditions – SLT accessing texts at an stamina. conversations with previous In their ability to age-related level. They teacher (5Y). engage with year 5 are unfamiliar with the Children to record in each texts independently. differences between session. questions texts In their ability to sit an (retrieval, inference Differentiated texts – 60 age-related paper at etc). Chn need to learn second reads for LA. This the end of the autumn the skills of identifying will build independence in term. question types and how applying basic skills. to answer them. Drama/actions/linking to Building stamina images and pictures used in reading lengthy texts Talk for Reading to build and applying skills to skills in developing a mental different questions image. types. On-going AFL Set time identified in the This allows children to fill the Phase leaders This will be reviewed at timetable for TA support – T gap before the next lesson in a the end of the half In order to reach age- identified. sequence enabling them to term. related some children keep pace with their peers. SLT will need regular -evidence in books support in different areas and across a range of skills. EEF research shows the impact of instant AFL feedback and intervening in a timely manner. 16
Meta cognition Quality first teaching. EEF research shows that Phase leaders This will be reviewed at Emphasis placed on enabling children to reflect on the end of the half EEF research shows unpicking learning how they learn best allows term. that enabling children behaviours and deep them to be more confident SLT to reflect on how they questioning/reflection. learners who make -evidence in books learn best allows them accelerated progress. to be more confident learners who make accelerated progress. Oracy Quality first teaching, across Children are speaking in short Phase leaders Children should be all lessons. sentences with limited confident speaking out Chn need to speak in vocabulary. loud, explaining their full sentences and be Vocabulary rich SLT opinions and/or prompted to expand on environment. methods. and explain their answers. Word of the day – linked to previous KS2 SATs papers. 5Y – additional Comprehension, word To ensure EAL and SEN pupils Phase leaders This will be reviewed at provision building, building a mental make progress and ensure the end of the half David – new picture, retrieval questions diverse needs are being met. term. start/limited English SLT Lexie – processing -evidence in books Estera - processing 17
Year 6 What do we want to How are we going to Rationale: What are the How will it be Cost? Progress/Impact achieve? deliver it? priorities for your year group? monitored Provide simple Briefly evaluate impact Identified evaluation or How will the intervention or Refer to research from EEF or breakdown of of intervention against assessment as baseline provision be delivered? other research to justify the proportionate or the identified choice of strategy full costs. outcomes. Year 6 – Spelling Grammar starters linked to Spellings are a significant Phase leaders On-going assessment ,Grammar and the lesson e.g. embedded barrier to age-related against national Punctuation clauses to describe the expectations in writing and curriculum character, using colons to SPAG SLT expectations In spelling,the majority separate main clauses. of the class are not Daily personalised spellings Children’s work will be SPAG assessments scoring within year 5 in the morning linked to assessed against Y6 writing termly to check expectation. handwriting – alongside objectives progress and Oxford Owl programme of attainment. This is a significant support. On-going assessment and barrier to achieve an Intervention groups to individualised spellings of this Spelling tests and age-related standard in provide additional support kind will have a dramatic assessment results writing and SPAG SATS for key children effect on progress, including available in the year children’s confidence levels in group assessment On-going 1:1 assessment to their writing and in their folder ensure those they are presentation of work – as practising are those that spellings are linked to Regularly sending need their direct focus. handwriting. home updated 18
assessment scores to parents. Year 6 comprehension X5 Talk for Reading sessions Children need to be able to Phase leaders Impact measured in the per week (whole class) focus during the reading time written answers Children need to be concentrating on VIPERS ( and to become more children provide. exposed to different follow MTP) independent. SLT text type to understand Reading comprehension x2 In their ability to TAP( Type, Audience, based on topic Children are not accessing engage with year 6 Purpose) Additional reading texts at an age-related level. texts independently. interventions to support Y6 They are unfamiliar with the differences between questions In their ability to sit an Children to record in each texts (retrieval, inference etc). age-related paper at session in their books. Children struggle to the end of the autumn understand the meaning of term( previous SATS the word from the text papers) Children need to become a fluent readers, being able to skim and scan the text to answer the questions correctly On-going AFL Set time identified in the Pre-teach will allow key Phase leaders Progress will be timetable for TA support – T children to fill the gap before reviewed at the end of In order to reach age- identified. the next lesson in a sequence the half term. related some children enabling them to keep pace SLT will need regular with their peers. Evidence in books/ support in different Ipads/Seesaw areas and across a range of skills. EEF research shows the impact of instant AFL 19
feedback and intervening in a timely manner. Oracy Quality first teaching, across Children are speaking in short Phase leaders Children should be all lessons. sentences with limited confident speaking out Children need to speak vocabulary and grammatically loud, explaining their in full sentences and be Vocabulary rich incorrect SLT opinions and/or prompted to expand on environment. methods. and explain their Vocabulary dispays and answers. questions available for the Recording of oracy children outcomes on talking Sentence STEMS dispayed tins/ipads. Word of the day – link to the topic/ text 20
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