Westchester Village of - MARCH, 2023

Westchester Village of - MARCH, 2023
Village of
MARCH, 2023




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Westchester Village of - MARCH, 2023
2   MARCH 2023
Westchester Village of - MARCH, 2023
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From the desk of Acting Village President Nick Steker

Election season puts a buzz in the air
  There is no doubt that there is a buzz in the   by the Mayor or Village President. The             President is $15,000.                             residents count on the manager to provide
air with the upcoming April election. This        Village President and six Board members              How can council-manager government              complete and objective information about
is by far one of largest pools of candidates      adopt policy, but it is the Village Manager        benefit my community?                             local operations, discuss the pros and cons of
that I can ever remember running. This is a       that delivers the government services                A city, town, or county benefit from the        alternatives, and offer an assessment of the
good thing. I am glad to see people willing       based on the policies. Westchester’s form          council-manager form of government in a           long-term consequences of their decisions.
to step-up and try to be the change they are      of government CANNOT be changed by a               number of important ways:                         Appointed managers serve at the pleasure
seeking in their community. It is easy to post,   Board or Village President and can only be           1. Political power is concentrated in the       of the governing body. They can be fired by
gossip, or point to what you see as missteps      changed by the voters through a referendum.        entire governing body. The mayor and              a majority of the council, consistent with
or mistakes, but until you are in the seat you    The International City/County Management           council share legislative functions               local laws, or any employment agreements
cannot see it through the same lens. I will       Association (ICMA) provides some common              2. Policy making resides with elected           they may enter into with the council. The
be moving back to my elected position as          questions and answers regarding this.              officials, while oversight of the day-to-day      manager makes policy recommendations
Trustee for my remaining two years and will         How does the Village Manager form of             operations of the community resides with          to the council for consideration and final
continue to serve with Trustees Slavic and        government work?                                   the manager. In this way, the elected officials   decision. The manager is bound by whatever
Morales. The rest of the Board will be new          The elected Board of Trustees represent          are free to devote time to policy planning        action the council takes, and control is always
faces in new positions. Good luck to all. I       their community and develop a long-                and development                                   in the hands of the elected representatives of
look forward to working with you.                 range vision for its future. They establish          3. The manager carries out the policies         the people.
  With the recent retirement of our Acting        policies that affect the overall operation         established by the elected governing body           What is the role of the Village Board?
Village Manager Greg Hribal, the Board            of the community and are responsive to             with an emphasis on effective, efficient, and       The Village Board is the community’s
unanimously selected Dawn Wucki-                  residents’ needs and wishes. To ensure that        equitable service delivery                        legislative and policymaking body. Power
Rossbach as the new Acting Village Manager        these policies are carried out and that the          4. Because decisions on policy and the          is centralized in the elected council,
for the next 120 days. By the conclusion of       entire community is equitably served, the          future of the community are made by the           which, for example, approves the budget
the 120 days, the new Village Board will have     governing body appoints a professional             entire governing body rather than a single        and determines the tax rate. The council
been seated and can appoint a permanent           manager based on his/her education,                individual, council-manager governments           also focuses on the community’s goals,
person for the position. Dawn comes highly        experience, skills, and abilities (and not their   more often engage and involve their               major projects, and such long-term
recommended from her previous employers           political allegiances). If the manager is not      residents in decision making. Residents           considerations as community growth, land
which include, the Village of Maple Park,         responsive to the governing body, it has the       guide their community by serving on boards        use development, capital improvement
where she served as Village Administrator.        authority to terminate the manager at any          and commissions, participating in visioning       and financing, and strategic planning.
Dawn also served as Business Manager              time by a majority vote.                           and strategic planning, and designing             The council hires a professional manager
for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office with           What is the role of the Village President?       community-oriented local government               to     implement         the    administrative
budgetary control over $72 million dollars          In Village Manager form of government            services. All of Westchester’s Commissions        responsibilities related to these goals and
in funds. Dawn started her professional           communities, typically the Village President       and Boards have been filled over the past         supervises the manager’s performance. A
career in Carpentersville where she served        is a voting member of the city council who         few months with motivated, community-             Village Trustee has little more authority than
as Acting Village Manager and Community           presides at council meetings, represents           oriented individuals who bring much insight       any other individual citizen. Westchester
Development Director. Dawn’s diverse              the city in intergovernmental relationships,       to their positions.                               Village Board members are part-time and
background made her an excellent candidate        appoints members of citizen advisory                 What is the role of the Village Manager         make $5,000 annually.
for the position, and we look forward to her      boards and commissions (with the                   under council-manager government?                   Examples of other local municipalities that
meeting all of you.                               advice and consent of council), facilitates          The manager is hired to serve the council       are manager/council forms of government
  With any election cycle comes the age-          communication          and      understanding      and the community and brings to the local         include Brookfield, Lagrange, Lagrange Park,
old question about what does the Village          between elected and appointed officials,           government the benefits of his/her training       Elmwood Park, Western Springs, Naperville,
President do? What does the Village Manager       and assists the council in setting goals           and experience in administering municipal         Villa Park, Riverside, Lombard, Oak Park,
do? What does the Board do? Westchester           and advocating policy decisions. The               or county projects and programs. The              Northlake, Maywood, Lyons, Hinsdale,
is a Village Manager form of government.          Village President does NOT run day to day          manager prepares a budget for the council’s       Elmhurst, and Downers Grove.
The Village Manager’s Office administers          operations of village staff and is only a PART-    consideration; recruits, hires, terminates,         https://www.iml.org/file.cfm?key=14434
municipal government activities on a day-         TIME position in Westchester. He or she            and supervises government staff; serves as
to-day basis and coordinates the operations       does NOT appoint any department heads.             the council’s chief advisor; and carries out
of ALL the departments. This is NOT done          The yearly salary for Westchester Village          the council’s policies. Council members and

   For more information please visit the            • Dana Bax (Public Servant Party of               Write- in Candidates:                             • Travis Morris (Public Servant Party of
 Village of Westchester, or the Cook County       Westchester)                                        • Greg Hribal                                    Westchester)
 Clerk’s websites.                                  • Sophia Collins (Independent)                    • Lowell Seida                                    • Vanessa Sanchez (Public Servant Party
   Village of Westchester Website: https://               Village of Westchester Village                     Westchester Public Library                of Westchester)
 westchester-il.org/government/village-                       President Candidates                                Board Candidates                      • Michael O. Wright (Public Servant Party
 clerk/elections                                    On the Ballot:                                    On the Ballot:                                   of Westchester)
   Cook County Clerk’s Office Website:              • Tracy Jennings (Public Servant Party of         • Greg Christoff (Independent)                    • Gia Marie Benline (Independent)
 https://www.cookcountyclerkil.gov/               Westchester)                                        • Christine Kuffel (Independent)                  • Victoria Vann (Independent)
 elections/current-elections/view-all-              •Daniel        “Danny”       Maldonado            Write-in Candidates:                              • Ryan Wright (Independent)
 candidates                                       (Independent)                                       • Stephanie Pedersen                              • Kevin Canfield (Independent)
             Village of Westchester                 • Kevin R. McDermott (Independent)                     Village of Westchester Board of              • Peter Marzano (Independent)
              Clerk Candidates                      • Edward S. Lezza Jr. (Independent)                         Trustees Candidates                     • Sherby J. Miller (Independent)
   On the Ballot:                                   • David S. Galandak (Independent)                 On the Ballot:
Westchester Village of - MARCH, 2023
4          MARCH 2023

                                                                                                                                                2-1-1 service
                                                                                                                                               Chicago and suburban Cook County residents now have
                                                                                                                                             access to a local 2-1-1 service—changing the landscape
                                                                                                                                             for how we meet the needs of our neighbors. 2-1-1 is a
                                                                                                                                             free, 24/7/365 service that connects people with essential
                                                                                                                                             health and social service support and information during
                                                                                                                                             times of non-emergency crisis and for everyday needs.
                                                                                                                                             *The 2-1-1 call center is not currently live, but will be
                                                                                                                                             available this winter.*
                                                                                                                                               Important for residents: Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.
                                                                                                                                               Call 3-1-1 or call your city or village office for municipal
                                                                                                                                             or local government services if 3-1-1 is not available in
                                                                                                                                             your community
                                                                                                                                               Call 9-8-8 for the suicide and crisis lifeline.
                                                                                                                                               For more information, visit; https://211metrochicago.
                                                                                                                                               What 2-2-1 Is
                                                                                                                                               • Easy to access, free helpline for citizens.
                                                                                                                                               • Information and Referral Resource helping people
                                                                                                                                             connect to food, housing, utility payment assistance,
                                                                                                                                             health care, transportation, child care, employment,
                                                                                                                                             mental health, disaster information and assistance, and
                                                                                                                                             much more.
                                                                                                                                               • Go-to resource for any essential health and social
                                                                                                                                             service needs, using easy to understand, accurate
                                                                                                                                             information while delivering a user friendly experience.

           Village branch collection will resume           and snow plow damage will resume this                              Program                      the plows by Public Works. If the snowfall
             the week of Monday, April 10-14th             spring, as weather permits.                        The Village will replace public sidewalk     is continuing, the restriction is in place
        May’s collection will be the week of the             The Public Works Department has              trip hazards this fall. We also offer a          until Public Works completes the plowing
    1st – 5th                                              been filling potholes with cold patch          50/50 shared cost sidewalk replacement           for the day. Please check the signs at the
        June’s collection will be the week of the          throughout the winter months, weather          program if the public sidewalk in front          corners of your block.
    5th – 9th                                              permitting. Please call Public Works at        and/or on the side of your residence is in         If you reside on a Secondary route, there
        Yard waste collection by Waste                     708-345-0041 to report potholes.               poor condition, but does not qualify as a        is no parking Sunday, Monday, Wednesday
    Management will begin Monday, April                           Westchester Tree Replacement            hazard. If you would like to replace it for      and Friday on the even numbered house
    3rd                                                                       Program                     any reason the Village will share the cost       side and no parking Tuesday, Thursday
        Waste Management – 1-800-796-9696                    A Village ordinance amendment passed         with you.                                        and Saturday on the odd numbered house
         • If your garbage or recycling was not           in October 2021 is allowing the Village            Please call Public Works at 708.345.0041     side after 2 inches of snowfall. Please
    picked up on your regular day, please call             to replant trees on parkways where tree        to have an evaluation done, and to register      check the signs at the corners and center
    Waste Management directly.                             removal has taken place, due to disease,       for squares. Both programs are first come,       of your block for guidance. (This includes
      • If you would like to request a new                storm damage, or premature death. As           first served.                                    ALL side streets not designated a Primary
    garbage or recycling receptacle, please                such, the Village has been doing this on                VILLAGE SNOW RESTRICTIONS               snow route.)
    call Waste Management directly.                        eligible parkways for three plantings now,         Public Works crews keep our streets free       If you have a Fire Hydrant on your
         • If you have large items that will not fit in   at no cost to the resident. This replacement   of snow and ice during the winter months.        parkway, please help keep the hydrant
    you receptacle (i.e. couch, chairs, tables,            program does not allow for residents to            Please assist us by observing the            clear of snow so that the Fire Department
    etc.,) please call Waste Management                    choose the species of tree planted, the        following:                                       may easily access the hydrant in case of
    directly to schedule a special collection.             location, the amount of trees planted, nor          • Place garbage cans 3 feet behind the     an emergency, and so that the snow plows
         The Waste Management’s “At Your                   are residents able to opt-out of having a      curb line- do not place them in the street.      may quickly identify the hydrants while
    Door Special Collection” service will pick             tree planted in the Village parkway in front    • Do not shovel or blow snow back into         plowing.
    up electronics, unwanted-potentially                   and/or side of their residence.                 cleared streets.                                  Public Works crews work hard to keep
    hazardous, and hard-to-recycle items                     If you would prefer to choose the               • Please observe the “NO PARKING             the Village streets clear and safe during
    from your home. That number is 1-800-                  species of the tree to be planted, this can     SNOW ROUTE” signs.                              these long winter months. We appreciate
    449-7587. The full list of items may be                be achieved through our 50/50 program.              -The snow portion of the signs will         your cooperation & please drive carefully!
    found           at    www.wmatyourdoor.com/            The resident can choose the tree from a         be enforced after 2 inches of snowfall            As always, residents are asked to call
    residential.                                           list provided by the Village, and will share    between December 1st and March 31st.            Public Works at 708.345.0041 or the Police
                         Public Works                      half of the cost of the tree and planting           If you reside on a Primary designated       (after 3:30pm M-F & on weekends) if an
       Parkway tree trimming by Sinnott Tree               with the Village. To request a 50/50 tree,      SNOW ROUTE, after 2 inches of snowfall          unusual amount of water is visible in the
    Service will continue this month.                      please call the Public Works Department         you must remove all vehicles from the           street or parkway. This could be a main
       Restoration of parkways that have been              at 708.345.0041.                                snow route. Vehicles must stay off the street   break or water leak that requires our
    damaged by sewer/ water excavations                         Westchester Sidewalk Replacement           until the streets are cleared thoroughly by     immediate attention.
Westchester Village of - MARCH, 2023
P olice
                                                   MARCH 2023   5

Stop for the
school bus
  There have been numerous complaints
from the Westchester School District and
other School Bus services that vehicles are
traveling around Stopped School Busses
that have the STOP ARM out and lights
flashing while the busses are either loading
or unloading children.
  School Busses are equipped with video
camera systems that record thus proving
that vehicles are in violation of Illinois State
Laws regarding very dangerous hazard to
our Children’s safety.
  The penalty for this violation is very stiff.
If an Officer observes the violation and
stops a car, issues a citation, the driver
MUST appear in court and speak with
the Judge. The Officer will give testimony
stating that the vehicle and driver passed
the School Bus. The Officer most likely
will also have camera footage from the
Police vehicle, body worn camera and
the School Bus video that will all show the
violation. A conviction in court will result in
a suspension of your Driver’s License and a
fine of at least $300.00 for the first offence,
$1000.00 plus community service in the
amount set by the Court for any violations
after that.
  If you are not stopped by an Officer at
that time, you did not get away with it.
The School Bus video system did capture
footage of your violation and the registered
owner of the vehicle will be receiving a
notice and a fine which varies based on the
amount of previous violations.
  STOP for the School Bus!
  It will only take a minute of your time. It’s
not worth the safety of our Children.
Westchester Village of - MARCH, 2023
6       MARCH 2023

    WPTC news
  February raced by so quickly, it is hard to believe we are in March
already!! There are many exciting events coming again this month;
most notably, the return of TRIVIA NIGHT on the 31st! Gather your
team or sign up individually for this fun-filled night. Please see our
Facebook Page or Website for more information.
  March also brings our next WPTC meeting on the 1st and a couple
of restaurant fundraisers. We have Mattone’s on the 2nd and Panda
Express on the 14th.
  Last month students enjoyed our fun-filled Valentine’s parties
at WPS and WIS; as well as the WMS Valentine’s dance. WIS also
celebrated its mid-year mark with Popcorn Day! We appreciate the
volunteers that make these memorable moments possible. Your
support of the WPTC during our fundraisers is greatly appreciated.
February’s Nothing Bundt Cake Spirit Week and Jason’s Deli were
certainly delicious ways to show support.
  Please remember the WMS School Store has returned and will be
open once a month!! Dates will be announced on our Facebook page
and announcements are made during school to remind the students.
  Keep an eye out for upcoming events and Volunteer opportunities!

                                                                                                                      Worship Schedule for March
                                                                                                                      at Faith Lutheran Church,
                                                                                                                       1124 Westchester Blvd.
                                                                                                                    March 1 Lent Midweek service 3:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                    March 5 Divine Service at 9 a.m. with prayers
                                                                                                                  for Healing, Consolation and Hope Following
                                                                         Forum in not an                          Join us for prayers to heal our broken hearts,

                                                                         endorsement of
                                                                                                                  bodies and mind. Though we suffer, we cannot
                                                                                                                  be crushed because Jesus loves us and stands by
                                                                                                                  us. If you need prayers, please come. If you know

                                                                         any candidate                            a friend or family member who needs a healing
                                                                                                                  touch and especially those without Christ, invite
                                                                                                                  them. The service is about 15 minutes (a good
                                                                          The     Westchester     Community       start). Bible Study at 10:15 11 a.m, Service of
                                                                         Church, UCC, is committed to helping     Scripture, Prayers and Preaching at 11 a.m.
                                                                         our community be a healthier place.        March 8 Lent Midweek service 3:00 p.m.
                                                                          To this end, we are very glad to host     March 12 Divine Service at 9 am Bible Study
                                                                         any forum that invites all candidates    at 10:15 am Service of Scripture, Prayers and
                                                                         and gives our community a forum          Preaching at 11 a.m.
                                                                         to meet and then make informed             March 15 Lent Service at 3 p.m.
                                                                         decisions about candidates.                March 19 Divine Service at 9 a.m. Bible Study
                                                                          The church does not endorse any         at 10:15 a.m. Service of Scripture, Prayers and
                                                                         candidate at any time.                   Preaching at 11 a.m.
                                                                          This allows us to host events for the     March 22 Lent Service at 3 p.m.
                                                                         benefit of the entire community.           March 29 Diving Service at 9 a.m. Bible Study
                                                                                                                  at 10:15 am Service of Scripture, Prayers, and
                                                                                                                  Preaching at 11 a.m.
                                                                                                                    • Ruth Beierwaltes 708-531-0630 or email at
                                                                                                                    • Pastor Prentice: 708-650-4082
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F ire
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March is ‘Severe Weather
Preparedness Month’

F i r e C h i e f M i k e M av rogeorge

In Illinois, on any given week we
could see blue skies, thunderstorms,
and torrential rainfall. The changing
weather is second nature to many
of us, but as the calendar flips from
winter to spring, it is important
to not become complacent about
severe weather threats that exist in
our state.                                 a storm                                 impending weather and post-event        tiple ways to receive notifications
As part of Severe Weather Pre-             • Know the various weather watch-       information for all types of hazards    and updated information about
paredness Month, the Westchester           es/warnings/advisories                  including natural (earthquakes),        severe weather warnings. FEMA
Fire Department is encouraging our         Know the difference between a           environmental (chemical spills)         offers a free mobile app that pro-
community to prepare for severe            watch and a warning and act ac-         and public safety hazards (AMBER        vides fast and reliable weather alerts
weather. “Making our residents             cordingly:                              alerts). When an alert is issued for    from the National Weather Service
aware of severe weather hazards                                                    the programmed area, the device         (NWS). The app can be tailored to
and how to prepare for them is             Thunderstorms can produce dam-          will sound a warning alarm tone fol-    offer alerts for up to five different
important. We encourage all our            aging winds, deadly lightning, large    lowed by the essential information.     locations nationwide. The mobile
residents, businesses, and schools to      hail, flash flooding and tornadoes.     The information provided in these       app can also help you locate open
build a kit, practice your plan and        Illinois averages about 64 tornadoes    alerts will guide you through the ap-   shelters and critical disaster re-
be better prepared. During a vil-          each year. Tornadoes that strike at     propriate protective measures.          sources near you in the event of an
lage-wide disaster, there could be a       night are even more dangerous, like                                             emergency.
significant delay in first responders      the 2021 Father’s Day EF-3 tornado      The Village of Westchester uses
reaching you, so being prepared for        that struck DuPage County.              the CodeRED Emergency Noti-             For more information about what
that possibility is critical.” said Fire                                           fication System. The CodeRED®           to do before, during and after se-
Chief and Emergency Management             The National Weather Service and        Emergency Notification System is        vere weather, please visit:
Director Mike Mavrogeorge.                 state and local emergency manage-       a high-speed telephone communi-
We encourage all Westchester resi-         ment officials strongly encourage       cation service the Village uses to      Westchester CodeRED Registration:
dents to:                                  people to have a National Oceanic       notify residents and businesses of      https://www.westchester-il.org/
• Update your family communica-            and Atmospheric Administration          an emergency situation. We encour-      news/code-red-notification-system
tions plan                                 (NOAA) All Hazards Weather Ra-          age all residents to register for the   Illinois Emergency Management
• Make a severe weather prepared-          dio with battery backup. These ra-      CodeRED system.                         Agency (IEMA): www.Ready.Il-
ness plan                                  dios can be programmed to receive                                               linois.gov
• Build an emergency preparedness          alerts for specified counties to keep   Families are constantly on the go. It   NWS Chicago: https://www.
kit                                        you and your family apprised of         is critical for people to have mul-     weather.gov/lot/
• Identify your safe place to during
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S chool D i strict
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Ranked #1 mortgage broker in Illinois by Scotsman’s Guide in 2020 & 2021
16       MARCH 2023

Village sticker contest winners announced
  The Village of Westchester and Westchester       Westchester who donated Target Gift Cards       in this artwork is represented by the tree
Ecological Commission (GROW) would                 to each of the three winners.                   which is very beautiful in every season.
like to congratulate the three winners that          The Winning Entry in the 6th - 8th Grade      Congratulations Diana Lepak.
participated in the 2023 Village Sticker           art was titled: “The Beautiful Summer of          The Grand Prize Winner whose drawing
Contest.                                           Westchester”. The description she gave          will be the 2023 Village of Westchester Village
  The contest was opened to all students in        was, “this shows what summer feels like         Sticker, his art was titled, “My Friends at the
District 92 1/2 and three were chosen for          in Westchester”. It has dogs, butterflies,      Park”. The Description he gave was, “This
each age group. We would like to thank are         birds, bees, plants and trees of Westchester.   is a picture of me and my friends, enjoying
two Judges, Bethany Alexander and Bill Ernst       Congratulations Milena Schoff.                  the weather and playing in the park.”
both Westchester Residents who are involved          The Winning Entry in the 3rd - 5th grade      Congratulations Sebastian DeGuzman.
in nature their entire lives. We would also like   art was titled: “Nature is Always Beautiful”.
to thank Dig Right in Landscaping out of           The description she gave was, “nature

                                                                                                                                                     B y M i l e n a S c h off

                                                                                                                                                     B y D i a n a L e pa k

                                                                                                                                                     B y S e bast i a n D e G u z ma n

Village sticker prices
  Residents who own an antique vehicle and have a State of Illinois
antique license plate will now be able to purchase a $11 annual village
license fee rather than paying the $37 passenger vehicle fee. The
Village Board decided vehicles with State of Illinois antique plates are
meant to travel infrequently on the streets and should not be required
to pay the same fee as regular passenger vehicles that frequently use
the Village’s streets. Residents are reminded that they must purchase
a vehicle license for all vehicles housed in Westchester, as well as
for all vehicles that are registered through the State of Illinois with
a Westchester address. For example, vehicles that may be used at a
second residence that are registered to their Westchester address
are required to have a Westchester vehicle license. All vehicles on
Pelham St and Gardner Rd an additional “P” Parking Sticker - no
additional charge. Commercial Parking $75.00 (one per address)
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