Well Being Bulletin - Biddenham International School & Sports ...

Well Being Bulletin - Biddenham International School & Sports ...
Well Being                                            JANUARY

I hope this newsletter finds you safe and well. We wanted to reach out in
  these difficult times and let you know how things have been going with
remote learning. Thank you again for all your support, please have a look
              at our website for more information on wellbeing.

   This lockdown feels very different to the last full lockdown and we
 wanted to offer our support whenever it is needed. The students have
  risen to the challenge of learning remotely, attendance has been
   fantastic and staff have adapted to working from home creating
  resources that can be used remotely and having fun with students
                          engaging in this way.
 Many staff are also homeschooling their own children and appreciate
    seeing our students so engaged and interested in what they are
   learning, it makes everything worthwhile. As one member of staff
   commented recently “It feels so important to be doing this, to be
  keeping lessons alive and reaching out to our students. It genuinely
makes me so happy to see them and I think part of that is seeing them
  happy, too.” We understand the difficulties that you as families are
encountering and hope that some of the resources in this newsletter will
 Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need any help and guid-
ance. Please stay safe and look after each other and thank you again.
                            Clare Warburton
Well Being Bulletin - Biddenham International School & Sports ...
A simple way we look at            Tier 1 - Universal (for everybody)
wellbeing is feeling happy,
comfortable and healthy.         • Health and well being curriculum
At Biddenham International           in essential life skills (ELS) and
school we consider your child’s         weekly wellbeing tutor time
wellbeing to be vitally                         activities
important, as research has       • Student and parent advice via our
consistently shown that there is                  website
a clear link between wellbeing               • Self care tips
and academic performance
                                     Tier 2 - Children who may be
and achievement.
                                      vulnerable to mental health
There are a variety of ways in
                                       • In house school support
which we aim to support young
                                        • Sixth form mentoring
people’s wellbeing at
                                  • Tutor time sessions in sanctuary
Biddenham International School
                                   • Sanctuary support (drop ins or
and we hope this section of the
                                            one to one support)
website also supports you to
                                     • Kooth (online counselling)
understand your child’s well
being as well as give them the
tools to maintain their own
wellbeing.                          Tier 3 - Moderate to more severe
                                      mental health difficulties. Specialist
If you do have any concerns            services available to Biddenham
about your child’s well being                      students
please don’t hesitate to contact       Bedford Open Door counselling
their tutor or Head of Year.                       CAMHS
https://bedsveru.org/wp-content/up-         School Nursing service
loads/2021/01/Parents-support-docu-                CHUMS
                                                  Early Help
Well Being Bulletin - Biddenham International School & Sports ...
Activities and resources
YEAR 7                               https://www.penguin.co.uk/podcasts.
                                     Online books, activities, podcasts and
I am incredibly proud of             interviews with authors.
Year 7 and how they have
adapted to online learning.          https://virtual-library.culturalservic-
Their attendance to both tutor       beds_libraries/coronavirus_bbc.htm
sessions and lessons is excellent.
Teachers are particularly            We are encouraging students to read
impressed with the                   for pleasure at least three times a
determination and resilience         week. With current restrictions, they
shown by the students. I think it    are unable to visit the library but they
is also safe to say that their       can sign up online and borrow books
enthusiasm brightens up our          using the ‘select and collect’ service.
day - in addition to their
fabulous class work, we have         https://www.nhm.ac.uk/
enjoyed seeing pets, favourite       The official website of the ‘Natural
books, christmas presents and        History Museum’. We can’t have days
younger siblings to name a few!      out but there’s nothing stopping
Please do have a conversation        students from taking a virtual tour
with your child about their          of the museum and finding out more
learning and ask them to show        about:
their work to you. We would like
to ensure students are               -    Dinosaurs
accessing their sessions on time     -    How to make a volcano at home
and also, that they are speaking     -    Making a sun print
to their tutor or subject teachers   -    Cross stitching a dodo
if they are struggling.              -    Making a bird feeder

Thank you for your continued         These are just a few examples of the
support.                             fantastic resources they can access!
                                     Students can send an image of what
Mrs Gill                             they have created to their tutors.
Head of Year 7
Well Being Bulletin - Biddenham International School & Sports ...

YEAR 8                                WHEN WORKING ON LINE

Attendance to tutor time and
lessons has been very high and
the engagement in lessons has
delighted the teaching staff.

Balancing the daily challenges of
family life, while trying to engage
our children in online learning is
always going to be difficult, and

I know that my children have
made several unplanned visits
to my online lessons asking for
“snacks” (have they always
consumed so much food during
the school day?!) or occasionally
the doorbell has rang with a
parcel, but we adapt and carry
on. I know the year group has a
similar mindset with their lessons
and it is to be commended.

So please continue to praise their
engagement in the lessons,
ensure they have some fresh air to
help with their mental health and
please feel free to approach your
child’s tutor if you have concerns
or questions.

Mr Evans
Head of Year 8
Well Being Bulletin - Biddenham International School & Sports ...
YEAR 9                                         Whilst you are at home
                                          together it might be worth looking
                                                    at some of the
We find ourselves in a very different          following activities as a
kind of lockdown this time, without                     family:
the nice weather to distract us.

I hope that the year 9 students
                                          Home court app - keeps us active
following their full timetables has       whilst we are inside, with game
given some much needed                    and challenges (available via the
structure to remote learning. The         app store)
students are working incredibly
hard within their live lessons and
completing some brilliant work. It        https://gamesnight.macmillan.org.uk
is great when they feel so proud          quizzes and escape rooms set up
of what they have produced that           by Macillan, they ask for a
they send it to their tutors or myself.
Many students are continuing to
                                          donation but not a specific
complete coursework that will set         amount.
them up for their GCSE grades in
the years to come.                        www.sportengland.org - lots of tips
I understand that we will all find
                                          on how to keep active, and activity
some days harder than others, but         challenges.
hope that the students feel able to
reach out to a trusted member of          The book of hopes - a book
staff during their hard days. They
could speak to their tutor during
                                          written with 110 children’s
their morning session, complete           authors last lockdown.
one of the regular questionnaires         https://literacytrust.org.uk
coming out from me or attend
a drop in session on a Thursday
lunchtime (via the notices class-
                                          Please do not hesitate to get in
room). We are all here to help            contact with me if you have any
them, they need only tell us.             queries or concerns, or if you
Mrs Stephenson
                                          require any support at this time.
Head of Year 9
YEAR 10                             Helpful resources and activities

I am so pleased with the
attendance and engagement of        ‘Extraordinary Unplugged’ by
our Year 10 students during the     IvyHouse - a podcast series
Online Learning period.
                                    exploring success and setting
The number of emails I have         realistic expectations of
received praising RS groups, Art    yourself
classes, English projects and IT
and Computing sessions has
been astronomical!                  www.themix.org.uk
The adaptability and resilience     Essential Life Support for
shown by all is admirable, and      Under 25s
such high levels of engagement
and interaction are fantastic
during such a tricky period.        https://www.bl.uk/
I would like to thank our Year 10   The British Library Website
students for their commitment,
but I would also like to extend
these thanks to the families and    https://virtual-library.cultural-
friends who are supporting Year     services.net/cgi-bin/vlib.sh
10 along the way.                   Bedford Borough Council’s
If any student is struggling or
                                    Virtual Library (sign up and use
having difficulty with their        is free for residents in Bedford!)
Chromebook I would like to
encourage them to reach out to
their form tutor via email to
receive support and guidance.       Kooth.com Mental Health
                                    Support for Young People
Thank you again for your
continued support.

Miss Lilley Moncrieff
Head of Year 10
YEAR 11                            Here are activities you and your
                                   child could engage in together

This lock down has been
tougher with the colder
weather and shorter days,
however I feel year 11 have
taken the bull by the horns        Here is some advice to support
and stepped up to the              your child in lock down, from
challenge.                         mental health concerns, to making
                                   sure they stick to the rules without
From starting the day at 8am       impacting on your relationship
with their tutors discussing how
they are feeling and ways
to cope with their emotional
health to engagement and
interaction with their subject     home-during-lockdown
teachers. I hope you as
parents have also noticed a        https://youngminds.org.uk/
better and more productive         find-help/for-parents/support-
routine.                           ing-your-child-during-the-coronavi-
It is a tough time especially
with the uncertainty around
                                   Here is some advice to support
their GCSE and BTEC
qualifications, please
                                   your child when they return to
encourage your child to            school
attend all of their lessons,
 complete work set and not to      https://www.priorygroup.
worry about communicating          com/blog/managing-chil-
with their teachers when they      dren-s-fears-around-return-
are stuck, we are here to help.    ing-to-school-after-coronavi-
Abi Speight
Head of Year 11
                                                 Sixth Form Additional Information

                                                 Having this time is a great opportunity to
                                                 consider potential career pathways and
                                                 opportunities.To help with this then do
We hope that you are all well and                not forget to access your Unifrog account,
have adjusted to this latest                     there are a number of activities and
lockdown.                                        questionnaires there for you to consider
We understand the challenges and                 possible careers;
difficulties that you are all facing and         https://www.unifrog.org/
appreciate that everyone has a different
set of circumstances to cope with.
                                                 For those of you in Year 12 considering
Please feel assured that we are here to          university applications then now is a great
help and support you all through these
uncertain times. It is especially challenging    time to look at and get used to the ar-
for those students that were expecting to        ray of information available on the UCAS
sit exams this summer and as soon as we
know how the grading process is going to
                                                 website, you will be using a great deal in
work then we will write to you to let you        the months to come;
know.                                            https://www.ucas.com/
So far we have been immensely proud of
the way that the sixth form students have        If you have been finding life in lockdown
adapted and engaged with their online
learning. The attendance has been
                                                 challenging then do not forget you can
magnificent and we hope that this                reach out on Kooth;
continues. One of the key aspects to all of      https://www.kooth.com/
this is our communication with each other,
we will do our utmost to ensure that you
are all well informed of any changes that        Please also do not forget the importance
will have an effect on your learning but         of getting outside to exercise and have a
please make sure that you stay in contact
with your staff. This may be just to check       break from your screens, mobile phones
in with your tutor to have a chat or to let      included!!
subject teachers know that you are having
internet problems, but the more we know
the more we will be able to help.                https://www.bedford.gov.uk/parking-roads-
If you have any worries or concerns then         and-travel/walking-and-cycling/
please feel free to email me at
alan.brown@mybiddenham.com and we                promoted-walks/
will get back to you as soon as possible.

Take good care of yourselves and your
                                                 You could also try a family workout;
families and stay safe.                          https://www.youtube.com/user/thebody
Mr. Brown
Head of Sixth Form
Additional                      https://www.net-aware.org.uk/
 Information                      This website allows parents/
                                  carers to search a social media/
                                  gaming platform and find out
The following is advice and       the age rating and tips on how
information for students,         to keep your child safe online
parents, carers and families.     when they are accessing these
https://specialprojects.news24.   A recent article highlights the
com/coronavirus/lockdown-         safety risks around the site
activities/index.html             ‘Among us’.
                                  More information about this can
Here is some advice to support    be found on
your child in lock down, from     https://www.familiesonline.
mental health concerns, to        co.uk/news/warning-as-chil-
making sure they stick to the     dren-sent-sexual-and-abu-
rules without impacting on your   sive-messages-on-among-us?fb-
relationship                      clid=IwAR1VuJm_vHtOE-ydqTaX-
https://www.barnardos.org.uk/     KM1LU0ndB92Bls
staying-home-during-lockdown      Here are some tips to support
                                  you in maintaining a healthy
https://youngminds.org.uk/        sleep routine for your child:
find-help/for-parents/support-    https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/
ing-your-child-during-the-coro-   sleep-and-tiredness/healthy-
navirus-pandemic/                 sleep-tips-for-children/

Here is some advice to support    https://youngminds.org.uk/find-
your child when they return to    help/looking-after-yourself/coro-
school                            navirus-and-mental-health/
https://www.priorygroup.          This site has tips, advice and
com/blog/managing-chil-           guidance on where young
dren-s-fears-around-return-       people can get support for their
ing-to-school-after-coronavi-     mental health during the
rus-lockdown                      coronavirus pandemic.
Dubmash is a video editing
mobile app where you can
make short videos. It allows
users to post their ‘dubsmashes’
to their profile and follow others.
The minimum age for Dubsmash
is 13+ and this is with supervision
of a parent or guardian. Please
follow this link to find out more
about keeping your child safe

The PSHE Association have
granted their Quality Mark to
‘Values, Money and Me’, a free
online resource from Experian
to help KS1 and KS2 pupils
explore the world of money and
economic wellbeing.
Values, Money and Me contains
10 character-led story units,
each of which centres on a
storybook with accompanying
downloadable lesson plans and
classroom materials, as well as
online interactive quizzes and
games. Pupils following the lives      Website and
                                      support forum
and Here are Here experiences
of the stories’ characters, who
are all dealing with dilemmas
and challenges around money.
me.co.uk                              www.nshn.co.uk
For information about Domestic
You can also read