SGM TRAINING DIRECTORY - State of Hawai'i - Hawaii State Department of Health

Page created by Joanne Valdez
SGM TRAINING DIRECTORY - State of Hawai'i - Hawaii State Department of Health
     State of Hawai’i

     Prepared by: Itai Bradshaw-Lang, Thaddeus Pham, and Steven Hobaica
                              1st Edition, July 2021
Aloha Kākou
Welcome to the first edition of the Hawai’i Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Training
Directory! This is a directory of trainings that, through a variety of lenses, aims to help providers
give identity-affirming services to sexual and gender minority individuals. These trainings are
typically free and often offer continuing education credits for their target audience.

Providers report struggling to find trainings that pertain to the SGM community. Compassion,
empathy, and commitment to equitable care are invaluable, but in order to be leveraged
effectively they must be paired with education.

“Through national and local data, we understand that culturally appropriate care is essential for
sustainable, meaningful, and positive health outcomes,” Thaddeus Pham (he/him), HDOH Co-
Chair of the SGM Workgroup.

The Training Directory pairs with the SGM Services Directory and a live Training and Events
Calendar. You can think of the Service Directory as a phone book of SGM-affirming people and
organizations who want to make their businesses safe spaces for individuals of all sexual and
gender identities. This Training Directory provides resources for people and organizations to
learn new skills and to hone existing skills for SGM-affirmative care. Both Directories are posted
for the community on the SGM Resource Hub.

The Training and Events Calendar can be found on the Hawai’i Department of Health SGM
Resource Hub. It is a compilation of live trainings, as well as community events. The SGM
Resource Hub is the first DOH website dedicated to resources for SGM (also known as lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other, or LGBTQ+) people in Hawai‘i, as well as their
loved ones and allies. The site was developed by the HDOH SGM Workgroup, a multi-sector
collaboration of various state agencies and community stakeholders, in partnership with the
HDOH Harm Reduction Services Branch.

Thoughts, comments, questions, or feedback? Email Itai Bradshaw-Lang at They would also love to hear from anyone who has
suggestions of trainings that should be included in this directory.

For more information on the HDOH SGM Workgroup, email Co-Chair Thaddeus Pham at

                                  Mālama Pono
Hawai’i SGM Training Directory First Edition                                                                            July 2021

                                               community for all of us. If you          health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual,
  LOCAL RESOURCES                              are interested in having the
                                               Lavender Clinic provide
                                                                                        transgender, queer, intersex, asexual,
                                                                                        and all sexual and gender minority
                                               training, please email our               (LGBTQIA+) people.
                                               clinical director at
HAWAII HEALTH &                                reneerumler@lavenderclinicha             Ready to transform your practice? Get
HARM REDUCTION                       , or call (808) 744-             in touch with us and let’s find out how
                                               3453                                     we can work together to help bring
CENTER (HHHRC)                                                                          expertise in LGBTQIA+-affirming care
                                          to your organization or event.

The HHHRC Training Institute aims to                                                    https://www.lgbtqiahealtheducation.
deliver quality, culturally-informed
courses that enhance your                          LIVE TRAININGS                       org/#connect

professional development. Our
trainings are open to individuals of all
educational, professional, and                 CALLEN-LORDE                             Spark*ED, Ignite
personal backgrounds who seek to
                                               COMMUNITY HEALTH                         Excellence in Sex
build their capacity in the areas of
social work, public health, and social         EDUCATION                                Education
justice. Many of our courses are
approved for continuing education
units (CEUs) for Certified Substance           Callen-Lorde provides trainings for      We are an online resource providing
Abuse Counselors through the Hawai‘i           non-profit organizations, hospitals,     virtual instructor-led professional
State Department of Health Alcohol             schools, health centers, and more.       development training for educators
and Drug Abuse Division, as well as            Our trainings are designed to share      and youth serving professionals.
for social workers through the                 best practices and promote cultural      Trainings are built on a racial equity
National Association of Social                 competency.                              and social justice framework and
Workers Hawai‘i Chapter.                                                                focus on the information, skills and
                                               All of our trainings are now taking      theory required to deliver impactful
Please see our website for a list of           place via Zoom.                          and inclusive sex education.
trainings offered and to sign up for                                                    We offer virtual instructor-led
our Training Institute mailing list.           If you are interested in scheduling a    trainings and self-paced eLearning
                                               training for your organization, please   courses.          contact our Community Health
te                                             Education Coordinator by emailing        LGBTQ+ Affirming and Inclusive
                                      or calling    Facilitation
                                               (212) 271-7185.
                                                                                        This introductory, virtual instructor-
The Lavender Clinic                                                                     led course focuses training
                                               and-training/                            professionals to enhance your skills to
                                                                                        create safe and affirming
The Lavender Clinic offers training in
                                                                                        environments for school-aged
Gender Diversity and Gender Diverse
                                                                                        LGBTQ+ young people. The training
Healthcare to various health-related           NATIONAL LGBTQIA+                        focuses on LGBTQ+ about LGBTQ+
professionals and any other
organization through an interactive            HEALTH EDUCATION                         language and vocabulary,
                                                                                        differentiating between and creating
live lecture-based format.                     CENTER                                   inclusive and affirming learning
                                                                                        environments, applying the theory of
Our goal is to help increase
                                                                                        intersectionality to lift up all
awareness, education, and                      We provide educational programs,         identities, and applying models to
more inclusive resources for                   resources, and consultation to health    respond to micro-aggressions.
gender expansive communities                   care organizations with the goal of
to create a safer and healthier                optimizing quality, cost effective
Hawai’i SGM Training Directory First Edition                                                                             July 2021

                                               people whose gender does not              The Urgency to Advance Trauma-
  WEB ON DEMAND                                conform to common expectations.           Informed Approaches in Services for
                                                                                         Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)
                                          of Color
CARDEA SERVICES                                                                          This web-based training is designed to
                                               PrEP Counseling for Transgender and       increase knowledge and change
                                               Gender Non-Binary (TGNB) Clients          competency of clinical and nonclinical
Clinically Competent and Culturally
                                                                                         practices and strategies in using
Proficient Care for Transgender and
                                               Learn the basics of PrEP, barriers to     trauma-informed approaches in
Gender Nonconforming Patients
                                               care for TGNB clients, and ways to        services.
                                               provide PrEP counseling and care in a
Part 1: This course gives people who
                                               gender affirming manner to those
work in health care settings tools that
                                               clients.                                  /6787
will allow them to better understand
their patients’ needs so they can
provide culturally proficient care to
transgender and gender
                                               catalog_class/show/187304                 NATIONAL LGBTQIA+
nonconforming patients.                                                                  HEALTH EDUCATION          CENTER FOR DISEASE                        CENTER
catalog_class/show/192246                      CONTROL (CDC)
Part 2: Take this course to learn how                                                    We provide educational programs,
to provide culturally proficient,              PrEParing: PrEP for Providers and         resources, and consultation to health
evidence-based care to transgender             Patients                                  care organizations with the goal of
and gender nonconforming people.                                                         optimizing quality, cost effective
Topics include preventive care, health         This Johns Hopkins University course      health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual,
education and health promotion,                PrEPares you with essential               transgender, queer, intersex, asexual,
reproductive health services and               information, concepts and practical       and all sexual and gender minority
medical management of gender                   advice regarding PrEP from leaders in     (LGBTQIA+) people.
transition.                                    the field.
                                                                                         Access our extensive library of     webinars, publications, and more, and
catalog_class/show/217849                      /7502                                     earn CME credit on eligible materials.

Combination Prevention – Working               Sexual History Taking in The Clinical     https://www.lgbtqiahealtheducation.
with Clients to Stop HIV Transmission          Engagement with Men Who Have              org/#learn
                                               Sex with Men (MSM) of Color
Take this course and learn about the
new HIV prevention options and how             Sexual history taking is particularly     NATIONAL CHILD
to work with clients to help them              important for MSM of color in order
create a combination prevention plan.          to link them to services, like PrEP and
                                                                                         TRAUMATIC STRESS
                                               behavioral health, that will support      NETWORK
                                               their remaining HIV-negative, and to
catalog_class/show/214901                      strengthen the relationship between
                                               clients and healthcare providers.         Transforming Trauma in LGBTQ
Gender Diversity 101: Meeting                                                            Youth
Clients Where They are to Prevent    
HIV                                            /6703                                     This series offers concrete strategies
                                                                                         and recommendations for providers
Learn about the diversity in gender                                                      working with LGBTQ youth who have
and sexuality and how you can help                                                       experienced trauma, including how to
                                                                                         increase access to services, create a
Hawai’i SGM Training Directory First Edition                                                                           July 2021

safe environment for care, and work            Dr. Anderson Stills. During this 60-     Part 1:
with families and schools.                     minute webinar, Drs. McClain and
                                               Stills will discuss guidelines for       /events/yp10-update-webinar/          medical transition and psychiatry
php?categoryid=40                              support.                                 Part 2:
STANFORD MEDICINE                              p=desktop&v=AW4Vm06WYfI                  yogyakarta-principles-2/

                                               TGNC Sexual Health and Education         Gun Violence Against LGBT People
Teaching LGBTQ+ Health
                                               Sexuality is often a component that is   In April 2019, the Williams Institute
This curriculum is designed for faculty        missed when working with TGNC            released a report examining gun
members and health professions                 clients. Providers might make            violence against LGBT people,
educators at Stanford Medicine and             assumptions about their client’s         including suicides, homicides, and
beyond. The course goals are to                sexuality or feel ill-equipped to        other forms of gun violence. This
improve your knowledge, teaching               navigate questions and support           webinar discussed the findings of the
skills, and attitudes pertaining to the        regarding sexual health. In this         report, the potential implications of
provision of health care to LGBTQ+             webinar, sexuality educator and          this research for policies and
patients.                                      consultant, Erica Smith will review      interventions to reduce gun violence
                                               common misconceptions on sexuality       among LGBT people, and the specific            topics for TGNC clients and how          needs for future research and data.
ourses/teaching-lgbtq-health/                  providers can create open and
                                               supportive spaces for TGNC clients to
                                               express and discuss their sexual         /events/gun-violence-against-lgbt-
                                               health.                                  people/
HOSPITAL OF                          

                                               p=desktop&v=hzASSm2OER4                  UCSF PREVENTION
                                                                                        SCIENCE DEPARTMENT
K-12 Grade School Support                      UNIVERSITY OF                            OF MEDICINE
                                               CALIFORNIA, LOS
As the Education Coordinator,
Samantha King works alongside                  ANGELES (UCLA)                           Trans 101: Transgender People in
school districts to help support                                                        Everyday Work and Life
students transition and create gender
inclusive environments. During this            YP+10: Update on the Yogyakarta          Seven interactive, multi-media
talk, Samantha will cover best                 Principles                               modules covering core concepts
practices for supporting for                                                            related to transgender people and
transgender students, educational              The Yogyakarta Principles are a          communities.
challenges for LGBTQ students, and             universal guide to human rights
the framework for creating gender              related to sexual orientation, gender
inclusive school environments.                 identity, gender expression and sex      th/education/trans101
                                               characteristics which applies to all               United Nations member states. The        Acknowledging Gender and Sex:
p=desktop&v=qixPWRr8dME                        original Yogyakarta Principles were      Supporting Health Care Providers in
                                               drafted by human rights experts in       Serving Transgender Patients and
TGNC Medical & Psychiatry Support              2006 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in        Clients
                                               response to documented human
This webinar is hosted by Adolescent           rights abuses against LGBT people        The goal of this course is to help
Specialty Care Provider, Dr. Zachary           worldwide.                               health care providers improve the
McClain, and Adolescent Psychiatrist,                                                   overall health and well-being of
Hawai’i SGM Training Directory First Edition                                                                           July 2021

transgender people, such as by being           and others have more doctors who         Providing Inclusive, Respectful Care
able to collect the two-step gender            understand their medical needs.          to Your Gender Questioning,
and sex differentiation questions,                                                      Transgender, & Nonbinary Clients
using appropriate language and                 https://northwestahec.wakehealth.ed
explain to all patients why they are           u/courses-and-                           Helpful ways to support and best
being asked separate questions about           events/64625/klinefelter-syndrome-       serve trans and nonbinary clients.
their gender and sex.                          in-adults                                From the use of gender-neutral
                                                                                        language to office signage, this course                                                   is a great primer.
th/education/acknowledging-gender-             CENTER OF
                                               EXCELLENCE ON                            urses/free-ceu-transgender-
National Transgender HIV Testing                                                        nonbinary-clients
Day (NTHTD): April 18
                                               RACIAL AND ETHNIC
                                               MINORITY YOUNG
In the United States, it is estimated
that around 1.4 million adults identify        MEN WHO HAVE SEX                                      RADIO
as transgender. Transgender women              WITH MEN AND OTHER
are at high risk of having HIV and of
contracting HIV. Transgender women             LGBT POPULATIONS                         CHANNEL Q
of color, especially black/African
American and Hispanic/Latina
                                                                                        Channel Q is an LGBT lifestyle talk and
women, experience
                                                                                        top 40 radio network that airs on
disproportionately high rates of HIV.
                                               The CoE hosts 19 webinars relevant to and radio stations
There is a gap in research on HIV and
                                               providers working with LGBT clients.     throughout the United States.
transgender men; few studies have
                                               Examples include “Not Because Our
gathered HIV prevalence data for this
                                               Bodies Are Different: A Look at the      Channel Q's programming schedule
                                               Causes of LGBT Health Disparities"       consists of LGBT-centered talk shows,
                                               and “The Same, Only Scarier: Cancer      along with Dance/Top 40 music
                                               Care and the LGBT Communities”           afternoons, late nights, and
WAKE FOREST SCHOOL                                                                      lq
OF MEDICINE                                              PODCAST

Klinefelter Syndrome in Adults                 CLEARLY CLINICAL
This course is intended to help
healthcare providers with identifying,         Lifting LGBTQIA Voices of Color:
characterizing and managing                    Racism Among Gender & Sexual
Klinefelter Syndrome in adults, which          Minorities
is an underdiagnosed condition with
serious consequences. It will educate          A panel discussion about the
physicians on X&Y variations so that           intersection between racial and
patients with XYY, Trisomy X, XXYY             gender/sexual discrimination and the
                                               real-world impact of multiple minority

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