Page created by Nicholas Chavez

Health Guide
We all know how important our health is to our lives. The Quebec health system can seem
 complex for newcomers. Following a growing demand for help and support in this process,
  we have created this guide. It will be useful whether you are posted or releasing from the
                                  Canadian Armed Forces.

Access to a family physician may be quite limited. This guide provides you with information
on how to find a family physician, as well as other gateways to the health care system (emer-
gency rooms, CLSCs, drop-in clinics). We recommend that you check the information as it is
                                      subject to change.

                                 Valcartier Family Centre
                                          Building 93
                               PO Box 1000, Station Forces
                              Courcelette, Quebec, G0A 4Z0
                                       418 844-6060
                                Toll Free: 1 877 844-6060
                                     Fax: 418 844-3959

                                      © Valcartier Family Centre, 2020

          This document was inspired by the Health Guide created by the MFRC Montreal Region.
RAMQ (RÉGIE DE L’ASSURANCE                         Termination of the RAMQ waiting
MALADIE DU QUÉBEC)                                 period for members of military
RAMQ is a Quebec government agency under           families who are posted
the Ministry of Health and Social Services.        In response to a request from the Canadian
Its mission is to administer the public health     Armed Forces, please note that when a
and drug insurance plans as well as to inform      member is assigned to another Canadian
the public, manage eligibility for individuals,    province or territory, his or her family members
remunerate health professionals and ensure         (spouse and children) who have settlement
the secure flow of information. It is also         status will become eligible for public health
responsible for issuing health insurance           care upon their arrival in their host province as
cards, which allow access to public health         they are now exempt from the 90-day waiting
care services.                                     period planned in the regulations for the entire
                                                   population. To demonstrate this situation, the
How to get a health insurance card                 family must provide the document issued by
Here is a link describing how to obtain a          the Canadian Armed Forces containing the
health insurance card:                             assignment instructions (posting message).
citizens/health-insurance/registration/            You will receive your card within 7 to 10
Pages/how-to-register.aspx                         business days following the receipt of your
                                                   completed request. If you require health care
You must call RAMQ or visit one of their           in the meantime, you can use the health care
offices during office hours in order to obtain a   services covered by RAMQ by requesting a
registration form.                                 registration confirmation. This can be done in
                                                   person at a RAMQ office or by phone.
By phone:
Québec City: 418-646-4636
Elsewhere in Quebec: 1-800-561-9749

Quebec reception Desk
787, boulevard Lebourgneuf
Québec (Québec) G2J 1C3

The Régie’s reception desk is located in the
offices of Services Québec and the Société de
l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).
Photos for all persons age 14 or over can be
taken on site (fees will apply). In addition,
copies of original documents required for each
person’s registration can be made on site.
REGISTER WITH A FAMILY DOCTOR                        (Website in French only. Certain health
To facilitate access to a family physician, there    resources are not covered.)
is a centralized waiting list: Québec Family
Doctor Finder. Simply complete the form online       LandingPage/en.html
or by phone. Afterwards, your application will       (Note that this service may be charged)
be evaluated and you will be contacted when
a family doctor is assigned to you.                  HOW DOES A DROP-IN MEDICAL
                                                     VISIT WORK?
It should be noted that the waiting period           It is advisable to call the clinic where you wish
for the award of a family doctor can be              to have a consultation in order to know their
considerable. Family physicians are not              method of operation. For some clinics, you
allocated on a first come, first served basis, but   have to call the day before at 8 pm or 9 pm
rather on the basis of the level of vulnerability    to get an appointment, while others ask you
of patients.                                         to call the same day. In addition, some clinics
                                                     operate in the same way as emergency rooms,
To register online and to learn more about           depending on the priority of the consultation,
the different ways to find a family doctor in        meaning that a patient who comes after you
Quebec, consult the following link:                  could see the doctor before you.
mesures-daide/inscription-aupres-d-un-               CONSULTING THE EMERGENCY
medecin-de-famille/                                  ROOM
                                                     Do you need to go to the emergency room?
To register for the Family Doctor Finder, call       For help finding the emergency room with the
1-844-666-2727                                       shortest wait times, consult the following link:
FIND A FAMILY DOCTOR BY                    
YOURSELF                                             (Website in French only)
You can also try looking for a family doctor
yourself. You can call in medical clinics or         For a list of emergency rooms in the Québec
family medicine groups near you to see if they       City region, consult the following link:
are accepting new patients. Here is where you        https://www.ciusss-capitalenationale.
will find their contact details:                          durgence/urgence-lhopital (Website in
ressources/consultations-medicales-sans-             French only)
                                                     Did you know? The cost of transport by
FIND A CLINIC NEAR YOU                               ambulance is not covered by the Régie de
Here are some resources that can help you            l’assurance maladie du Québec. Please
find a medical clinic:                               contact Urgences santé for more information.               Also check with your insurer, you may be
Pages/home.aspx                                      reimbursed for ambulance costs.     
ressources/consultations-medicales-sans-             information-au-public/combien-coute-un-
rendez-vous/                                         transport/ (Website in French only)
24/7 Resources                                     Centre de prévention du suicide de
                                                   Québec / Suicide Prevention Centre
Info-Santé 8-1-1                                   1 866 APPELLE (277-3553)
If you are worried about your health and want
a professional opinion from home, you can          (Website in French only)
contact Info-Santé by calling 8-1-1. A nurse
will be able to answer your questions, tell you    Direction de la protection de la
if you need to see a doctor and refer you to       jeunesse – Centre jeunesse de Québec
the nearest point of service for you.              / Youth protection services                   418 661-3700 or 1 800 463-4834
finding-a-resource/consult-a-professional/         (to report a situation)
info-sante-811/                                    https://www.ciusss-capitalenationale.
Info-Social 8-1-1                                  jeunesse(Website in French only)
Psychosocial consultation available 24/7
by phone. This service is available to anyone      Centre antipoison / Poison control
needing information, intervention, guidance, a     centre
referral to appropriate resources a professional   1 800 463-5060
opinion or advice regarding social services.       https://www.ciusss-capitalenationale.         
finding-a-resource/consult-a-professional/         capq-accueil
info-sante-811/                                    (Website in French only)

Centralised information and referral               Canadian Forces Member Assistance
service 2-1-1                                      Program / Veterans Affairs Canada
If you want to know what community resources       Assistance Service
are available to you in relation to your           1 800 268-7708
physical or psychological condition, you can
contact 2-1-1. A facilitator can direct you to     national-defence/services/guide/
the right resource. You can also consult the       programs-canadian-forces/cfmap.html
online search tool.
http://www.211quebecregions.                       Family Information Line (for the military
ca/?Ln=en-CA                                       community)
                                                   1 800-866-4546
Centre de crise                          
418 688-4240 ( Québec)                             Stay-Connected/Family-Information-Line/
1 866 411-4240 ( Portneuf et Charlevoix)           Connect-With-Us.aspx
(Website in French only)                           Info-Santé 8-1-1
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES                            Association des médecins psychiatres
You need to consult a health and social          du Québec / Quebec Psychiatrists
services professional? You can consult the       Association
directories of each of the professional orders   514 350-5128
to obtain the contact information of qualified (Website in French only)
professionals.                                   Ordre des orthophonistes et
                                                 audiologistes du Québec / Quebec
You can check with your insurance                Speach Therapists and Audiologists
company, some consultation fees from health      Association
professionals can be refunded!                   1 888 232-9123
                                        (Website in French only)
Ordre des psychologues du Québec /
Quebec Psychologists Association                 Association des pédiatres du Québec /
1 800 561-1223                                   Quebec Pediatricians Association                       514 350-5127
(Website in French only)               
                                                 (Website in French only)
Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des
thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux               Ordre des psychoéducateurs et
du Québec / Quebec Social Workers                psychoéducatrices du Québec /
and Family and Couple’s Therapists               Quebec Psychoeducators Association
Association                                      1 877 913-6601
1 888 731-9420                                                   (Web site in French only)
(Website in French only)
                                                 Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec /
Ordre des dentistes du Québec /                  Quebec Chiropractors Association
Quebec Dentists Association                      1 888 655-8540
1 800 361-4887                                                en
                                                 Here are the two insurance companies for the
Association des orthodontistes du                Public Service Health Care Plan:
Québec / Quebec Orthodontists
                                                 Public Service Health Care Plan (Sun
514 282-2756
                                                 1 888 757-7427
                                                 To download claim forms:
Ordre des optométristes du Québec /    
Quebec Optometrists Association                  documents.aspx
1 888 499-0524                              Great West (Dental insurance only)
(Website in French only)                         1 800 957-9777
To download claim forms:                           A family medicine clinic associated with             a faculty of academic medicine and
your-family/forms/group-claim-forms/               dedicated primarily to the training of
standard-claims-forms/                             family medicine residents in the context
                                                   of primary care and research in this field.
We recommend that you consult your insurer         In addition to its teaching and research
for eligible expenses before committing to a       vocation, it offers medical care and services
health professional.                               and participates in the development of the
                                                   professional discipline. You will most likely
MINISTÈRE DE LA SANTÉ ET DES                       receive medical care from resident
SERVICES SOCIAUX DU QUÉBEC                         doctors, who are supervised by the medical
For more information about the Quebec              team in place. As with a GMF, you must be
health care system, what resources are             registered at the clinic to be able to see a
available to you, facts concerning your health     doctor, with or without an appointment.
and the health of your loved ones, visit the
department’s website or the Portail Santé          medecine-familiale/ (Website in French only)
mieux-être.               A Centre intégré de santé et de
php                                                services sociaux (CISSS) or a Centre                          intégré universitaire de santé et de
                                                   services sociaux (CIUSSS) is:
SOME TERMS EXPLAINED                               A regional body whose mandate is to provide
A family medicine group (GMF) is:                  community care and services to the population
A clinic that brings together doctors and nurses   of its territory. This range of services ranges
who provide comprehensive health care              from prevention to end-of-life care.
monitoring. You must be registered at the clinic
to access this service. To register, you must      In general, the CIUSSS of the Capitale-
apply directly to a GMF or fill out the Family     Nationale offers its population the following
Physician Access Form.                             care and services:
                                                     • Public health prevention and promotion
A network clinic (or GMF-network) is:                   activities
A GMF with an increased front-line service           • General and specialized medical care
offering for semi-urgent needs and simple            • Psychosocial services
urgent needs. In addition to the services            • Current health services (immunization,
offered in GMFs, super clinics must offer walk-         withdrawal, nursing)
in consultations, radiology and blood sampling       • Adaptation, rehabilitation, reintegration
7 days a week to patients who do not have               and social integration services
a family physician or are enrolled in another        • Coaching and support to the entourage
GMF.                                               https://www.ciusss-capitalenationale.     
et-services-de-sante/organisation-des-             (Website in French only)
(Website in French only)
                                                   YOU ARE EXPECTING A CHILD? YOU
A family medicine unit (UMF) is:
PLAN ON HAVING A CHILD?                              Clinique prénatale du Jeffery Hale -
Hospitals specialised in obstetrics:                 Saint Brigid’s*
                                                     1250, chemin Sainte-Foy
Centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval             Québec (Québec) G1S 2M6
(CHUL)                                               418 684-5333
2705, boulevard Laurier                              * for English-speaking parents
Québec (Québec) G1V 4G2
418 525-4444                                         BIRTH CENTRES (FOLLOW-UP AND
                                                     DELIVERY WITH A MIDWIFE)
Hôpital Saint-François d’Assise                      Maison de naissance de la Capitale-
10, rue de l’Espinay                                 Nationale
Québec (Québec) G1L 3L5                              Centre de santé et services sociaux de la
418 525-4444                                         Vieille-Capitale
                                                     1280, 1re Avenue
For a virtual tour of these two hospitals            Québec (Québec) G1L 3K9
obstetrics department:                               418 651-7453
me-preparer-a-accoucher/preparation-                 Maison de naissance Mimosa
prenatale.aspx (Website in French only)              Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux
CLINICS OFFERING PREGNANCY                           182, rue Saint-Romuald
FOLLOW-UP                                            Lévis (Québec) G6W 3G9
We suggest you check with clinics in your            418 839-0205
area even if you don’t have a family doctor.
Some doctors offer pregnancy follow-ups. In          Download the guide From Tiny Tot to Toddler:
addition, you can contact the CHUL for more
information and access to a doctor to monitor
your pregnancy. The following is a list of clinics
that offer pregnancy follow-up.

Centre d’obstétrique et de gynécologie
de la Cité
4250, 1re Avenue, Galeries de Charlesbourg
Québec (Québec) G1H 2S5
418 654-0555

MAclinique Médicale Lebourgneuf
725, Boulevard Lebourgneuf
Québec, QC, G2J 0C4
418 626-1313
PLAN (QPIP)                                         Child assistance payment (provincial
What is the Québec Parental Insurance Plan?         allowances):
Effective January 1, 2006, the Québec               programmes/soutien_enfants/Pages/
Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) is a concrete        soutien_enfants.aspx
way for workers to better reconcile their family
and work responsibilities. It aims to financially   Canada child benefit (federal
support new parents, encourage them in their        allowances):
desire to have children and support them in
their willingness to devote more time to their      menu-eng.html
children in the first months of their lives.
                                                    Does your child have special needs? You may
The QPIP provides benefits to all workers           be eligible for additional financial assistance.
(employees and self-employed) who take              Please consult the eligibility criteria.
maternity, paternity, parental or adoption
leave.                                              supplement for handicapped children
                                                    (provincial allowances);
It replaces the maternity, parental and   
adoption benefits that were available to            enfant_handicape/supplement-enfant-
new parents in Quebec under the federal             handicape/Pages/criteres_admissibilite.
employment insurance system.                        aspx

The QPIP is an income replacement plan: you         Child disability benefit (Federal
must have earned income to qualify for it.          allowances):
1 888 610-7727                                      agency/services/child-family-benefits/                      child-disability-benefit.html

                                                    Supplement for Handicapped Children

                                                    Supplement for Handicapped Children
Here are some tips to facilitate this milestone:

    Ask for a copy of your medical record.

    Consider asking for medication
    prescriptions or referrals to medical
    specialists you will need before you find a
    new family physician.

    If you do not intend to return to the area,
    do not forget to tell your family doctor
    to leave your place to someone who is

    Discuss continuity of care with your current

    For released or releasing members, contact
    your Veterans Affairs Canada clinical care
    manager to learn about available services
    or to apply for disability benefits:
    1 866 522-2122

    Check with your MFRC if there is a health
    guide or program to facilitate acces to
    health care.
NEED TO CONSULT FAST?                          PRIVATE MEDICAL CARE                           1050, chemin Sainte-Foy
We encourage you to check the                  The following clinics offer private            Québec (Québec) G1S 4L8
possibilities with the clinic of your          medical care (paid services):                  418 682-7511
area. You can visit the following
website to search for a clinic by              Cliniques médicales Lacroix                    Hôpital régional de
postcode:                                      418 871-1911                                   Portneuf                       https://                                       700, rue Saint-Cyrille
en/repertoire-ressources/                      cliniquesmedicaleslacroix.                     Saint-Raymond (Québec)
consultations-medicales-sans-                  com/en/                                        G3L 1W1
rendez-vous/                                                                                  418 337-4611
                                               La Cité Médicale
Network-clinic La Cité                         See beside for contact                         Jeffery Hale - Saint Brigid’s
Médicale                                       information.                                   1250, chemin Sainte-Foy
Clinic offering a walk-in service                                                             Québec (Québec) G1S 2M6
for people with or without a                   EMERGENCY ROOMS                                418 684-5333
family physician for the entire                Hôpital Chauveau                               * Bilingual Health Care
Québec City region.                            11 999, rue de l’Hôpital                         Québec (Québec) G2A 2T7                        Institut universitaire
(French only)                                  418 842-3651                                   de cardiologie et de
                                               * Monday to Sunday from 8 am to 10 pm          pneumologie de Québec
MAclinique Médicale                            * ER closest to the Valcartier Miliatry Base   2725, chemin Sainte-Foy
Lebourgneuf                                                                                   Québec (Québec) G1V 4G5
                                               Centre hospitalier de
725, boul. Lebourgneuf                                                                        418 656-4564
                                               l’Université Laval (CHUL)
Québec (Québec) G2J 0C4
                                               2705, boulevard Laurier
418-626-1313                                                                                  Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis
                                               Québec (Québec) G1V 4G2
                                                                                              143, rue Wolfe
                                               418 525-4444
Sainte-Foy                                     * Specialised in paediatrics                   Lévis (Québec) G6V 3Z1
2600, boul. Laurier, office 295                                                               418 835-7121
Québec (Québec) G1V 4T3                        Hôpital Saint-François
418 781-0480                                   d’Assise                                       MINOR EMERGENCIES
                                               10, rue de l’Espinay                           MAclinique Médicale
Charlesbourg                                   Québec (Québec) G1L 3L5                        Lebourgneuf
8500, boul. Henri-Bourassa,                    418 525-4444                                   725, Boulevard Lebourgneuf
office 250, Door #3                                                                           Québec, QC, G2J 0C4
Québec (Québec) G1G 5X1                        Hôtel-Dieu de Québec                           418-626-1313
418 781-1414                                   11, côte du Palais
                                               Québec (Québec) G1R 2J6                        Some hospitals specialize in
Clinique Médicale Val-Bélair 418 525-4444                                                     specific health areas. Find out
1147, boul. Pie-XI N, local 202                                                               more by contacting them.
Val-Bélair (Québec) G3K 2P8     Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus
418-767-2322                    1401, 18e Rue
                                Québec (Québec) G1J 1Z4
* We recommend that you call or check
                                               418 649-0252
the clinic website to learn more about their
functioning and hours of operation.
                                               Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement
You can also read