Welcome RAMC! Research Administration Modernization Committee - University of Rochester

Page created by Josephine Lynch
Welcome RAMC! Research Administration Modernization Committee - University of Rochester
Welcome RAMC!
Research Administration Modernization Committee
Welcome RAMC! Research Administration Modernization Committee - University of Rochester
Time         Topic                   Speakers

5 minutes    Intro/Agenda Review     Gunta Liders
                                     Associate VP for Research Administration, Office of Research and
                                     Project Administration (ORPA)
10 minutes   Welcome                 Rick Waugh
                                     Vice Provost for Research & Project Sponsor
                                     Steve Dewhurst
                                     Vice Dean for Research, SMD/Associate Vice President for Health
                                     Sciences Research
10 minutes   Background & Progress   Gunta

25 minutes   Demonstration           Anthony Beckman & Brenda Kavanaugh
                                     Associate Directors, Research and Project Administration, ORPA
10 minutes   Wrap Up/Questions &     Gunta, All
Welcome RAMC! Research Administration Modernization Committee - University of Rochester
Rick and Steve
Welcome RAMC! Research Administration Modernization Committee - University of Rochester


 The IORA system already contains Click IRB.

   Grants (for all sponsored projects) and
Agreements modules will be added mid-2020.
Welcome RAMC! Research Administration Modernization Committee - University of Rochester
The Future: Ability to See “The Big Picture”
Eventually, a PI Portal will allow researchers to review standard research metrics.

                                                        Sample 1 from Cornell University
Timeline: IORA Grants & Agreements Implementation

                                      Jan – Feb 2020
May – July 2019                                   Feb – Apr 2020                       Late Summer 2020

             July 2019 – Jan 2020                                     Apr – Jun 2020

  Planning    Iterative Development    Preview/    End-to-End Test/
                     & Testing         Feedback    User Acceptance
                                                                         Training        Go-Live

        Engagement of UR Community

                                                                          Support & Continuous

 Communications and Change Management Activities
Progress to Date
 Added Agreements module to scope
 Met with Arizona State University on lessons
  learned/insight (Nov 18, 19)
 Collaboration with ORACS team on business processes
  opportunities and integration with Workday
 Design specifications and development in
  progress/ongoing, working with key stakeholders
  including Dean’s Offices, ORACS, Axiom, OnCore
  team, HR, Advisory Committee, etc.
 Communications and engagement planning and
  execution underway (ORPA Kickoff, RAMC Kickoff,
  website, FAQs, training plans, department reviews, etc.)
Ongoing Activities
   Hold discussions on Internal Proposal Deadline, Budgeting / Axiom
    (collaboration underway with Budgeting & Finance teams), and System Tags
   Integration decisions & business process improvements, working with
    ORACS, Axiom and other teams
   Rick and Gunta meeting with key stakeholders and committees to gain
    support and solicit feedback (MedSAC, CDC, and many others)
   Continue workshops with other teams/departments/groups (Dean’s Office,
    ORACS, PIs, Institutional Reporting, RARA, RAMC, River Rats, OnCore
    team, Finance, HR, etc.)
   Super user identification/engagement
   Testing of environment
   Outreach to other universities using Huron for lessons learned/insight
    (Princeton & University of Buffalo)
   Continue Communications & Change Management planning and execution
Demonstration of IORA
We need your help!
Super Users
 Responsibilities
    Must be CLASP-certified
    Time commitment is up to 5 hours/week beginning mid-
     February/early March
    Will be involved in testing and process development
    Must communicate status back to departments and share
     feedback to the project team
    May assist with training needs

   If you’re interested in being a super user or would like
   to volunteer someone from your department, please
   email iora@Rochester.edu or let us know before you
   leave today!
We need you!

                                      Share your ideas with us.

 You play a                           Stay involved & informed. We
                                      will reconvene again in March.

 critical role
 in success                           Communicate with your
                                      colleagues, faculty and us!
and change!

                                      Recognize this is a big change
                                      and will take time to adjust.

                 IORA Project Website: rochester.edu/iora-project/grants/
                 Email the team: iora@Rochester.edu
                           Invite us to your department meetings!
Please complete the short survey Anthony will email to
               you after the meeting!

 Take an IORA water bottle and flyer with you and be
           sure to sign the attendee list.
Thank you!
Research: A Priority
“The environment of a great
research university creates great
opportunity – not just in the learning
itself, but how that learning
translates into understanding and

As president, I will focus on
supporting and sustaining research
at every level. Because it is through
the knowledge derived from
research that we fulfill our mission to
make the world ever better.”

- Sarah Mangelsdorf, President, University of Rochester, Inaugural Address
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