Weekly Update of COVID-19 Infections - Data exhibited here is only the figures related to Chiba residents announced by Chiba Municipal Government ...

Page created by Miguel Joseph
Weekly Update of COVID-19 Infections - Data exhibited here is only the figures related to Chiba residents announced by Chiba Municipal Government ...
Weekly Update of COVID-19 Infections
Data exhibited here is only the figures related to Chiba residents announced by Chiba Municipal Government.   As of May 20


                                                                                                                Weekly Update page 1
Weekly Update of COVID-19 Infections - Data exhibited here is only the figures related to Chiba residents announced by Chiba Municipal Government ...
Information about COVID-19 Vaccination (May 20)
  Vaccinations are mainly conducted individually at local medical institutions such as family doctors’ offices.

                                                Requests to City Residents
  Enough vaccines are secured for everyone who wishes to get vaccinated. Please do not make duplicate
  reservations at multiple medical institutions for more than two doses of actual vaccination. If you cannot
  show up for the appointment for any unavoidable reason, please contact the medical institution before the
  appointment date.

     People aged 65 and older                                     Consultation desk for seniors’ vaccination reservation is open
   Reservation methods and start dates for
   individual vaccinations vary depending on the       A face-to-face information desk is open for residents aged 65 and older about reservation
   medical institution. Check the available            methods and available medical institutions.
   medical institutions on “COVID-19 Vaccine
   Navi,” and please contact them directly after         Opening Hours:       9:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday
   they start accepting reservations.                    Opening Period:     Until Wednesday, June 30
                                                         Venues:      Daily Living consultation Desk (くらしの安心室) of each ward office:
    People aged under 65                                              Chuo (Qiball 11F), Hanamigawa (2F), Inage (2F), Wakaba (1F),
   Vaccination vouchers will be sent according to                     Midori (2F) and Mihama (1F).
   the age priority. Please wait for your voucher      *The consultation desk does NOT make reservations for vaccination.
   delivery. We appreciate your patience.              *The desk also does NOT provide medical consultation.

〇 Please refer to コロナワクチンナビ “COVID-19 Vaccine Navi”, the Chiba City website or the Chiba City
  Residential Newsletter, Special Edition ②, which was delivered to your home as an insert in major
  newspapers on Thursday, May 20.
                              Chiba City Corona Vaccine Call Center Phone: 0120-57-8970 Everyday 8:30-18:00 (including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays

                                                                                                                                   Weekly Update page 2
Requests from the Municipal Government to the Residents (May 20)

 The stricter measures to prevent spreading of COVID-19 have been extended to May 31 for three
 prefectures of the greater Tokyo region including Chiba.
 Amid concerns about the effects of mutant strains of COVID-19, we ask each and every resident to take
 preventive measures against infection thoroughly.

〇 Refrain from non-essential and non-urgent outings and travelling even during daytime.
  Only activities that are essential to daily life and health are exempt from restrictions.

〇 Strictly refrain from traveling across prefectural borders and to and from the areas under state of emergency.

〇 Please shop with a minimum number of people, avoid busy hours and follow entry limit restrictions at the shops.

〇 We requested restaurants to close at 8pm and not to serve alcoholic beverages throughout the day.

〇 Do not enter a restaurant without good reason after 8pm.
〇 When eating out, please use restaurants where thorough preventive measures are taken. Be sure to wear a mask
   when talking. Do not bring in alcoholic beverages

〇 Municipal facilities are now open in principle, but some of them continue to restrict usage at
  night. Some events and lectures/seminars may be cancelled or postponed. Please refer to the
  facilities’ websites or confirm with the facility managers or event organizers prior to your visit.

                                                                                                                   Weekly Update page 3
Current Status of Newly Infected Patients in the City (Date of confirmation)
                                                                                                                                                                                             As of May 16
 Head count

600                                                                                                                                                               581




                                                                                                                                                            197                                    206
200                                                                                                                                                                           180                      184
                                                                                                                                                        145                       147                139
                                                                                                                                                                                    127 127 129          112
                                                                                                                                                       86                                  95 103           105
100                                                                                                                                    73 70 79
                                                                                                    52 4242   59        60
                                                                                                                   43        48                   47
                            26 23 31                               34 29 36 41 32 36 30        35
                                                              23                          19                                      22
      1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8              2 1 11 1 0 1 2 0 2 9

                               ※The figures shown above are based only on the head count already announced, and are subject to change later.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Weekly Update page 4
Number of People Tested by Private/Public Institutions & Positive Rate of COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                              As of May 16
Number of people tested                                                                                                                                                  Rate of test positives (%)
   5000                                                                                                                                                                                       16.0

                                                                                                                                 13.3                                                         14.0

                                                                                                                             11.0 10.9

   3000     8.7                                                                                                                         8.9

   2500         7.1                                                                                                                                                                           8.0
                                                                                                                           6.6            6.6
   2000                                                                                                                5.8                                                 5.9   5.6
                                                                                                                                                 5.4                                          6.0
                                                                                                                                              4.5   4.5      4.3 4.3                    4.3
   1500                                                    4.0                                                       4.1                                                             4.0
                                                  3.84.0                         3.9
                                                                                       3.73.6 3.73.5        3.83.9                                     3.7      3.7    3.6
          3.4                                           3.4                                             3.3                                               3.4                       4.0
                                                                     3.02.9         3.1
                                                                              2.6            2.9                                                          2.8
                           1.7                                            1.6
                                               1.1                                                                                                                                            2.0
                      0.60.3            0.6
      0                                                                                                                                                                                       0.0

                                                                                       Date of Inspection Result

                                 Private Inspection Institutions                Prefectural Institute of Health & Environment                   Rate of test positives

                  ※The test results by private institutions are preliminary due to the reporting time lag, therefore, are subject to change later.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Weekly Update page 5
The Breakdown of Newly Infected Patients by Age

Last two weeks (May 3 to May 16, 2021)         Throughout the entire reporting period, the patients in their 20s
                                               recorded the highest infection ratio of 23% among all the new
                                               infection cases, and also the cumulative number of infected
                     Below 10
                                               patients per 100,000 population exceeded one thousand.
                                               There were noticeable infection cases reported among patients in
                                   10s         their 20s to 40s in the past two weeks.
            60s    Over 70
            6%       8%

            18%              30s

                                                                                                 Weekly Update page 6
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