We build leaders who transform industries - NACS

Page created by Melissa Grant
We build leaders who transform industries - NACS
We build leaders
who transform
We build leaders who transform industries - NACS
What Our                                                       Contact:
                                                               Brandi Mauro

                                                               Education Program Manager
                                                               (703) 518-4223

Are Saying

  “Thanks for
   the need.”
                      “Mentally             typical thought
                       powerful and
“The trigger                                                  “Best program
that drives                “Thank you
                            for being a
                                                               I’ve taken
                                                               so far in my
change.”                   champion
                            for women’s
                                             “My head
                                              is still         entire career.”

   “Interesting to
    meet industry                                                    “I plan on
    peers from           “Eager to         “Exceeded my               attending
                                                                      Cornell next.”
    different parts
   of the world.”
                          implement        expectations.”
                          what I’ve

                                             “Broadened my
“Helped me
 better understand
                                             of marketing.”
                                                              from start
 the industry.”                                               to finish.”
We build leaders who transform industries - NACS
You have real-world experience. You have everything
that has gotten you to this point in your career. Every interaction, piece of
information, instinct and lesson learned.

You are a leader.

And now — you are a leader surrounded by times of transformation, disruption
and opportunity.

Who will you be after attending an Ivy League program designed specifically
for you — a senior level executive in the convenience industry?

You will be a better leader. A stronger, more cognizant leader, attuned to these
times, these challenges and these immense opportunities. We guarantee you’ll
walk away with something that enhances your ability to lead.                       The NACS Master of Convenience
At NACS, with 60 years of industry-rich experience, we have formulated these       designation acknowledges the leaders
courses to empower our members and our industry as a whole. We are proud           from around the globe who have invested
that our courses have become sought-after across the industry, and even more
proud of the attending leaders, and those who have triumphantly gained their       in their personal leadership development
Master of Convenience designation.                                                 and attended 3 or more NACS Executive
Thank you for leading the way.                                                     Education Programs.

Henry Armour, Ph.D.
President & CEO, NACS
                                                                                   For questions, contact:
                                                                                   Brandi Mauro, Education Program Manager
                                                                                   bmauro@convenience.org | (703) 518-4223
We build leaders who transform industries - NACS
July 25-29, 2021
The Dyson School
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY

Endowed by:

August 1-6, 2021                       July 25-29, 2021
The Wharton School                     The Dyson School
University of Pennsylvania             Cornell University
Philadelphia, PA                       Ithaca, NY
Endowed by:                                                                            Attendee Profile:
                                       Leadership is a set of abilities with which
                                       a lucky few are born. They’re the natural
                                       relationship builders, master negotiators and         Director
                                       persuaders, agile and strategic thinkers, and
                                       seekers of new ideas. The good news is that
                              Live     these abilities can be developed. Developed                      Manager
October 26-28 +              Virtual
                                       for senior-level retail management, this                          31%
November 2-4, 2021                                                                        CEO/VP
Yale School of Management
                                       program is designed to inspire, inform
                                       and level-up your leadership skills. Foster
                                                                                           24%      Other
New Haven, CT

Endowed by:
                                       new ways of thinking and responding to                       6%
                                       challenges, and confirm your position as a
                                       visionary leader.
                                       During this program, convenience                companies include:
                                       leaders can:                                    + Circle K Stores Inc.
                                       + Reflect on and refine leadership skills      + Ipiranga Produtos de
October 31-                            + Prepare for the demands of key                 Petróleo S/A
November 5, 2021                          company roles                                + Kum & Go, L.C.
MIT Sloan School
of Management                          + Receive a 360-degree feedback                + Mirabito Energy Products/
Cambridge, MA                             assessment and individual coaching             Quickway
                                       + Engage in group case studies that build      + Reitan Convenience AS
Supported by:
                                          a network of peers
                                       + Hear from top industry leaders
                                          speaking on today’s biggest challenges
                                          in the workforce

                                       The program has been customized for the
November 14-19, 2021                   convenience and fuel retailing industry, and
Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University                is administered by faculty in the Charles H.
Evanston, IL                           Dyson School of Applied Economics and
                                       Management, recently ranked in the top 10       Endowed by
Endowed by:
                                       best undergraduate business schools by U.S
                                       News and World Report.

                                       Review the full curriculum and reserve your
                                       seat: convenience.org/ExecEd/Cornell
We build leaders who transform industries - NACS

August 1-6, 2021                                                                        October 26-28 +
The Wharton School                                                                      November 2–4, 2021
University of Pennsylvania                                                              Yale School of Management
Philadelphia, PA                                                                        Yale University
                                                        Attendee Profile:               New Haven, CT                                          Attendee Profile:
Balance sheets are black and white. The thinking
around finances, the insights, and the strategies                                       Unapologetic. Powerful. Respected. Authentic.
are where financial awareness (and associated                                           Women have unique strengths, and often they                         Manager
action) grows more informed, more confident,
                                                               27%          Manager
                                                                                        can harness an innate emotional intelligence that                     31%
more lucrative. Designed for executives who seek                                        allows a deeper breadth of understanding and
to maximize their financial adeptness and in turn,
                                                                             30%        clarity. This course is designed for women who             Director      CEO/VP
amp up their organizational value, this program is           CEO/VP        Analyst/     want to individually, and collectively bolster their
                                                                                                                                                   39%            24%
a sound investment that will pay future dividends.            26%           Other
                                                                                        leadership abilities, reinvigorate their companies
                                                                       Controller       and expand their networks of women leaders in                         Other
The curriculum embraces a “Quick Dash” c-store                           6%             the industry.                                                         6%
case study, using information from the NACS State
of the Industry Report®, allowing attendees to hone                                     During this program, convenience leaders will:
their skills through exercises such as forecasting,     Participating                   + Develop critical top team leadership skills and     Participating
revenue modeling, and inventory and acquisition         companies include:                 a refreshed sense of visionary thinking that        companies include:
impacts. (Attendees receive up to 20 CPE credits.)      +   Circle K Stores, Inc.          will energize your problem-solving skills and       + Circle K Stores, Inc.
                                                        +   Kum & Go, L.C.                 negotiation tactics                                 + OXXO, Inc.
This program helps convenience leaders:                 +   OXXO, Inc.                  + Refine strategic perspective and decision           + Pilot Travel Centers LLC
+ Develop strategic skills in the context of           +   Pilot Travel Centers LLC      making                                              + Shell International Oil
   financial leadership                                 +    Wawa, Inc.                 + Understand and hone personal leadership                Company Limited
+ Build a peer network with other leaders across                                          style through feedback assessments                  + Wawa, Inc.
   the industry                                                                         + Improve executive presence and leverage
+ Understand the strategic drivers of value creation                                      diversity to accelerate innovation
+ Learn how to create integrated financial                                             + Practice emotionally intelligent leadership
+ Cultivate a skill set that positively affects an                                     Administered by thought-leading faculty at Yale,
   organization’s bottom line                                                           the program provides the space for attendees to
+ Transition from information provider to                                              interact with like-minded women from diverse
   strategic partner                                                                    backgrounds seeking to add value to their
                                                                                        organizations and their careers.
Wharton is synonymous with finance and renowned
for its understanding of the intricacies and            Endowed by                      Review the full curriculum and reserve your            Endowed by
implications that affect corporate finance, pricing                                     seat: convenience.org/ExecEd/Yale
models and the growing shift from a product-driven
approach to a customer-centric focus.

Review the full curriculum and reserve your
seat: convenience.org/ExecEd/Wharton
We build leaders who transform industries - NACS
October 31 -                                                                            November 14-19, 2021
November 5, 2021                                                                        Kellogg School of Management
MIT Sloan School of Management                                                          Northwestern University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                                   Evanston, IL
Cambridge, MA                                         Attendee Profile:                                                                   Attendee Profile:
                                                                                        Organizations that focus on how their
Building on MIT’s prestigious reputation, this                                          customers experience their brand consistently
program delivers a curriculum customized                       CEO/VP                   outperform the competition. Through careful                   Manager
specifically for the needs of the innovation-driven             48%                     brand-cultivation, segmentation and value-
convenience industry. Senior executives will learn                                      based offerings, convenience leaders will
research-based management frameworks, and                                               refine the skills to deliver an outstanding           Other
take part in practical, hands-on application that
                                                        8%             Director         customer experience that keeps customers
                                                                                                                                            CEO/VP        Director
will enable them to build innovation capability            Manager      26%             coming back. Leaders who harness insights on
                                                                                                                                              15%          32%
and improve business. Consider sending a small              18%                         consumer preferences, representing consumer
team to develop and work on a project together.                                         wants and needs and developing a greater
                                                                                        level of strategic influence, translate success
This program will help convenience leaders:                                             to the organization.
+ Learn how to build an innovation culture –         Participating                                                                       Participating
   focused on skills, desire, freedom of action,      companies include:                During this program, convenience                  companies include:
   commitment and integrity                           + Core-Mark International, Inc.   leaders will:                                     + 7-Eleven, Inc.
+ Recognize and overcome mental models that          + Esmax Limitada                  + Identify where organizational growth will      + Ipiranga Produtos
   inhibit innovation                                 + Maverik, Inc.                      come from, meeting both customer and              de Petroleo S/A
+ Leverage the principles and processes of           + Pilot Travel Centers LLC           organizational needs                           + OXXO, Inc.
   design thinking                                    +S heetz, Inc.                   + Build and strengthen company brands            + YPF SA
+ Identify choices for responding to disruptive                                        + Optimize the customer experience and           + Shell International Oil
   competition                                                                             influence customer choices                        Company Limited
+ Apply innovative methods for designing work                                          + Gain and translate insights about
   and operating models that engage employees/                                             consumers’ goals, beliefs and behaviors
   create competitive advantage                                                            into an effective marketing strategy
+ Experience first-hand MIT’s entrepreneurial                                          + Learn how to lead and contribute to a
   innovation ecosystem                                                                    marketing-driven organization
                                                      Supported by                                                                        Endowed by
The power of innovation at MIT can’t be denied.                                         This program has been customized for the
A recent research study determined that                                                 convenience and fuel retailing industry, and
MIT alumni have created more than 30,000                                                is administered by faculty in the Kellogg
companies with over 4.6 million employees and                                           School of Management, ranked No. 3 (tie)
nearly $2 trillion in annual revenues. Move from                                        in Best Business Schools by US News and
ideas to impact after this week-long program.                                           World Report.

Review the full curriculum and reserve your                                             Review the full curriculum and reserve your
seat: convenience.org/ExecEd/MIT                                                        seat: convenience.org/ExecEd/Kellogg
We build leaders who transform industries - NACS
1600 Duke Street | Alexandria, VA 22314 | convenience.org/leadership
We build leaders who transform industries - NACS
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