Watch Dogs by Isaac Nelson

Page created by Dustin Garza

                             Watch Dogs           by Isaac Nelson
        Roger was walking to his new job. The building wasn’t a pretty sight to see. He felt
awkward going into this building because it was so run down looking. On the inside, there were
high tech computers and gadgets everywhere. Everyone was busy doing something.
        He had grown up in Chicago and it felt like home to him. The city was always bustling
with activity. Roger’s mother recently died from cancer and his father wanted him to get a job.
        Someone was approaching him. “You must be the new guy,” the person said. This man
was very slim and skinny. “I’m supposed to show you around the place. So let us begin.
        “This is the main area where you will receive your missions. Each door on either side
goes to each agent’s headquarters. You shouldn’t be disturbed by or disturb other agents and
their team’s. That elevator over there leads to the Chief's office. Welcome to RJ Agency,” the
slim man said and started to walk away.
        “What does that stand for? RJ?” Roger asked.
        “It stands for Ruthless Justice,” he answered, “This is a secret organization. We’re
technically undercover cops but with more experience and gadgets.”
        “Thanks,” said Roger.
        Roger walked over to where the secretary was and asked which room was his. “It’s
number 9,” she answered, pointing to a white door. He walked over to it and opened the door.
There was only a bunk and computer desk with a chair. In the chair was a guy with blonde hair
and a beard. He also wore glasses.
        “Oh, hi there. You must be my new partner. My names Carl,” he said. They shook hands.
        “At least someone can tell me their name,” Roger replied. He sat down on the bunk.
        “Here’s some equipment you’re going to need,” said Carl and handed him a cellphone, a
handgun, a plastic flip-stick, and some hand cuffs.
        “What’s the cellphone for,” said Roger, “I already have one.”
        Carl looked at him and said, “This isn’t any phone, this is something I made. You can
hack into everything in the city.”
        “Hack? Everything?” asked Roger.
        “Yes,” Carl said.
        Roger studied everything Carl gave him. He flipped the plastic stick in and out. Roger
turned on the phone. Instantly a window popped up and Roger started moving stuff around. The
window on Carl’s computer started to move too.
        “Does everyone have one of these?” Roger asked.
        “No,” answered Carl, “Let’s get you a uniform.” They walked out into the main area and
opened another door a little ways from theirs. Inside were overcoats, bandanas, and baseball
        “This is a pretty interesting uniform,” said Roger, “What are the bandanas for?”
“They are for covering your face when you go on missions,” Carl said, “And no you will
not look like a bank robber. We are not thieves.”
        Roger took each piece of the uniform and tried it on. The overcoat was long and brown.
The bandana was black with a strange silver design on it. The baseball cap was a dark navy blue.
Each piece fit perfectly.
        “All right buddy, let’s get you on out there and catch some criminals,” said Carl. They
headed out the door. Roger went over to one of the people who gave the missions. He had to
look for a man in a red sports jacket. The information Roger got said that he has stolen items,
carries a knife, was wanted for murder, and was recently seen on 42nd street.
        Roger walked out the front door of the building. After walking a ways, he called over a
cab. Roger got out at 42nd street and paid the cab driver. “Now,” Roger said to himself, “Where
are you?”
        He hacked into the security cameras that were on the buildings. Roger soon found the
man he was looking for. He walked down to the fourth alley and turned the corner. Roger heard
voices, mostly a male voice talking, and then a scream. He jumped around the next corner, pulled
out his gun, put his mask up, and fired a couple shots.
        They didn’t hit but they scared the guy away. He was running. Roger chased after him.
They ran through the alley way and up the next street. Apparently, there was a get away car
waiting for him. The guy hurriedly opened the door and got in. They drove off.
        Roger didn’t know what to do. Then he saw the stop lights and quickly hacked into that
system. He turned all the lights green and all the cars crashed into each other. Roger seized this
chance to catch the crooks. He quickly ran to the car as soon as the criminals were getting out.
        Roger had to shoot one in the leg to slow him down. He was closing in on the other one
and flipped out his plastic stick. Roger jumped on the man and conked him on the head to knock
him out. He put the handcuffs on both of guys.
        Roger had to get back somehow, so he got in the criminals car and drove back to HQ. He
blindfolded both of them so then they couldn’t see what building the RJ HQ was in. Roger
dragged them inside.
        “Nice job new guy,” said the women who gave him the mission, “Not bad for your first
        “Yeah, thanks,” Roger said as he quickly moved to his room.
        “Congrats, buddy,” said Carl as he came in, “Did you use the phone?”
        “Did it work?”
        “What did you use it on?”
        “I used it on some security cameras and a stoplight,” Roger answered, “I feel bad for the
people in the car accident. I hope they’re okay.” After his exciting first day on the job, he went to
the bunk and fell asleep.
The next couple months went by fast. The missions seemed too easy for Roger. He was
catching crooks left and right. It seemed like they were everywhere. And his cellphone made it
all the easier. Now all he did was walk around the city. Roger was a watch dog now.
         He was on a mission to follow this lady who was a teacher and that she might be involved
in a crime. Roger’s phone had a percent bar that was rising. 30%. 40%. Roger jumped over a
small fence into a parking lot and ducked behind a car. The percent bar switched to a guy who
was standing around the corner. The bar jumped to 80%.
         The man stepped around the corner and said, “Give me your money.”
         “You better back off or I’ll call the cops,” the lady shot back.
         The man pulled out a knife and grabbed the lady. “Give me your money!” he yelled.
         At this point Roger stood up and walked around the car with his gun out. The thief got
scared and started to run. Roger chased after him. They ran across the street and to another alley.
The guy jumped over the tall fence that separated the ‘yards’ of the two apartment buildings. As
Roger was jumping over the fence, Roger overrode an electric box and the explosion knocked
the runaway off his feet. Roger ran over and put handcuffs on the runaway.
         For some reason the cops were after him. “Put your hands up and get on the ground!!”
Roger started running forward. A cop was driving down the street. Roger quickly hacked into the
police-safety system and right before the police car reached him, six black, waist high columns
shot up out of the cross walks. The car crashed into one and went flying into the air.
         Roger turned to the left and ran down that street. Another police car was driving up the
road. Roger pulled out his pistol and shot out the tires. The vehicle swerved around him and
crashed into a stop light. Roger ran to a different alleyway. He started climbing up the building.
Once as he got to the top he realized he had nowhere else to go. A train was coming on one of
those raised railways.
          He stopped the train with his phone. Roger jumped onto the top of the train and it started
moving again. He relaxed on top of the train as it headed toward a train station. It was 3:37 pm
by the time the train reached the station.
          Roger jumped off the top and a couple “Oh my’s” were said. He decided to go back to
HQ and take a nap. Even though the walk was long, he wanted to enjoy the fresh air. He saw the
children playing in the park, the trees, the fountain in the middle of the pond, and the squirrel
collecting his dinner. It was 4:45 pm when he got back to RJ HQ.
         He walked in and headed to his room. Carl was on the computer doing some research.
Roger climbed up to the top bunk and started reading a magazine. After a couple minutes, Carl
jumped up from his chair.
         “What the...,” he said as he backed up. The screen was all screwed up with a window that
said, ‘S36’. “I was just doing research and then this popped up.”
         Roger looked outside of their room. All the computers in the main room looked exactly
the same as Carl’s.
         “That’s strange,” Roger said, “I thought this was a secret organization. Someone must
have hacked into the RJ system.”
Then a loud buzzer sounded and a red light started flashing. “Prison Breakout! Prison
Breakout!” said a voice over a loudspeaker. Agents started running out the door to the prison.
        “I think I’ll stay here and find out what’s wrong with system,” Carl said.
        “Me too,” said Roger.
        Roger started tracing the hack. It stopped at an old building by the docks. “I’m going out
to the docks,” Roger said.
        “Okay,” said Carl.
        Roger headed out the back door to where the vehicles were. He got in a white Porsche
and drove to the docks. Once as he got there, he parked the car away from the building. Roger
got out and walked across the road to it. There were some security cameras on the old
warehouse. Roger blocked them out.
        Inside, a guy watching the camera screens got on his walky-talky. “Hey, Jimmy, check on
the security cameras outside.”
        “Yeah, sure, okay.”
        Luckily for Roger, he was already inside. There were four guards in the room. Roger cut
the lights. Everything went black. He put on his night vision glasses and knocked down two
guys. The other two were up on the catwalks.
        “What happened?!” a thug asked.
        “I don’t know. Some idiot probably fell asleep and...Uhh!” Roger had knock the other
thug to ground.
        “Who’s there?” the first thug said into the dark.
        A couple seconds later, Roger slammed into the thug and was holding him by the throat.
“Who are you working for?” he asked.
        “I won’t tell you,” the thug spat out.
        “Well, you don’t have to,” Roger replied as he looked at his phone. Then he knocked the
thug out.
        Roger pulled up a map of the building. Following a path, he headed for what looked like
the security room. As he came closer, he heard voices. Roger stopped right outside the door.
        “Something or someone is in this building,” said a man with a husky voice, “I’ve tried to
contact the boys in the main room, but it seems they aren’t there.”
        “Does S36 know?” said a squeakier voice.
        “No,” the first guy said, “I hope she doesn’t.”
        That was the information he needed. Roger put a small explosive on the door. When it
exploded, he ran into the room and grabbed the first person he saw.
        “Who told you to hack into the RJ systems?!” Roger yelled at them.
        “What’s RJ?” the man said.
        “None of your business. Who do you work for?”
        “S36. She told us a password and said we would be rewarded,” he said.
        “Where is your boss?”
        “She a program that can talk.”
“Where is your boss?!” Roger said getting angry at the man.
         “Uh... She’s in the tall black building at the east side of town.”
         At that, Roger ran out of the old warehouse. He called Carl. “I know where the program
is,” he said.
         “Great!” Carl said.
         “I’m going to need your help.”
         “With what?”
         “The thing that hacked us is a program. I know nothing about programs. I’ll come and get
         Roger walked back to his car and got in. Carl was waiting outside the RJ HQ. He got in
and they drove off.
         “So where are we going?” Carl asked.
         “To the tall black building at the east side of town,” answered Roger.
         They drove across town for awhile. The city of Chicago is very large. It was easy to spot
the black mamba of a building. When they were getting closer, a thug on a rooftop appeared and
shot at the white Porsche with an RPG. Roger swerved the car out of the way of the rocket and
sped up. The black building was closing in fast. The thug on the roof they passed shot another
rocket at them again.
         The rocket hit the back of the car. As the car flew through the air, Roger hit the eject
button. Him and Carl flew right into the black building’s glass windows. They crashed through
and luckily there wasn’t anyone the room.
         “Nice entrance,” said Carl.
         “Yeah,” Roger said, “I’m guessing that the program must be at the top of the building.
There will probably be guards everywhere, so be careful. I’m going to need you.”
         The two walked to the door and opened it. They checked to see if anyone was in the
hallway. It was clear. Roger moved out to the next corner and looked around. It was clear again.
They headed toward the stairs.
         “Shh,” Roger said to Carl as he point up the stairs. There was a guard at the top. Roger
aimed his gun at him and fired. The guard fell.
         When they reached the top, Roger said “You should grab his weapon so you can protect
         “Alright,” Carl said picking it up.
         They continued down the next hallway, keeping an eye out for any more guards. “What
floor are we on?” Carl asked, keeping his voice low.
         “79,” Roger answered, “Avoid the elevator's. That would give away our position and the
thugs might cut the cable.”
         They continued up through each floor, carefully. When they reached level 90, Roger had
an idea. Since he was a watch dog, he could carry more equipment. “We’re going to use the
elevators,” he said, “but we won’t be in the elevator.”
         “Oh,” agreed Carl.
Roger and Carl walked over to an elevator door. They had to open it with their bare
hands. When they opened it, Roger gave Carl a grappling gun. Luckily the elevator was at the
very top. Roger shot at the bottom of the elevator. He was whizzed up quickly. Carl went next.
Then, Roger swung over to the 91th floors elevator door. He opened it and Carl swung through.
         “Alright lets go,” said Roger. They walked down the hallway and to the stairs. Suddenly,
an explosion happened. Roger and Carl were thrown against the wall. Roger got up and saw that
a helicopter shot through the wall. He quickly moved Carl away and out of firing range.
         Then he ran around the corner, fired some shots at the driver, and then jumped.
Everything seemed like it was moving in slow motion as Roger flew towards the helicopter.
Then he slammed into the front of the chopper. He crawled around the front and to the side of the
chopper. Roger opened the door, shot his grappling gun at the driver’s foot, and then crawled in.
He tied up the driver.
         Roger flew the chopper near the hole in the building. “Carl! Jump in!” Roger yelled.
         Carl ran. He jumped and landed in the belly of the helicopter.
         “You okay?” Roger asked.
         “I’m going up to the roof.”
         Roger flew up to the top of the building and landed. Roger and Carl got out. “I have
another idea,” said Roger, “We are going to go in through the top.”
         “Oh dear,” Carl said.
         Roger pulled out some explosives and set them on the roof. “They will go off in ten
seconds,” Roger said, “That should give us enough time to get to cover.”
         Roger set the bomb and ran to cover. Carl did the same.
         Instead of a roof, there was a big gaping hole. Roger climbed down. They only blew into
the attic. Carl came down as well. Roger started cutting a hole in the floor of the attic.
         “What are you doing?” Carl asked.
         “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m going through the top,” said Roger, “I’m
dropping in.”
         Roger fell through and landed in the room below. In the room was a sort of super
computer. Standing near it was a life size holographic person. It turned around to see what
         “Ah, welcome Roger,” it said.
         Getting up, Roger said, “How do you know my name?”
         “Oh, I’ve been watching you,” she said, “Run around and put my little minions in jail.”
         “So your S36,” he said.
         “Yes. I am Sierra 36,” she said, “Now I have a surprise for you.”
         She pointed at a robot behind her. The robot started glowing and then charged at Roger.
The robot hit Roger and he went flying out the window. The robot jumped after him.
Meanwhile, Carl started hacking into the S36 program and was fighting with her as
Roger and the robot were falling down the side of the building. They were flipping over each
other. Roger was on top and started beating on the robot with his plastic stick. He started
smacking off pieces of metal. Then his stick broke.
         “Oh great,” Roger said.
         He started ripping pieces of metal off. Then the robot grabbed him and threw him back
into the building. Roger was being cut up by all the glass. He landed. Hard. And it hurt. Pieces of
glass went into his back. The robot came in through the glass. Roger quickly got up and ran
toward the hunk of metal. The robot knocked him back. He got up again, everything hurting. The
robot took another swing at him, but Roger jumped onto the arm. He ran up and kick of the
robot’s head.
         “Ow,ow,ow,” Roger said.
         The robot fell to the ground. Roger ripped of the jetpack and flew back up to the 100th
         Inside, Carl was almost about to destroy the program.
         “I’m almost done,” he said to Roger.
         “She’s slowly fading,” Roger said.
         Then a big explosion happened. Roger and Carl went flying out of the building, again.
Carl was falling. Roger flew after him and grabbed him right before a piece of debris was about
to fall on him. Then he landed on a nearby rooftop.
         The building started to pancake.
         “Lets get out of here,” Carl said.
         Roger flew back to the RJ HQ. Luckily all the prisoners were back in prison and the
world was saved from disaster.
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