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TEST LEVEL(S) © dmitri popv NEWSLETTER LEVEL(S): A COMMUNITY OF MORE organisations and evidencing the huge political and industry support Level(s) has gathered. THAN 130 BUILDING PROJECTS IN Speeches were made by Commissioner Karmenu 21 NATIONS Vella, DG Environment Deputy Director-General In April 2018, the European Commission officially Joanna Drake, DG Growth Director Gwenole opened the two-year testing phase for Level(s) to Cozigou, and senior speakers from governments, organisations looking to be part of Europe’s shift investors, developers, engineers, architects towards circular and lifecycle thinking. and manufacturers - showing Level(s) is really bringing together the full sector value-chain. All The aim of the testing phase is to support the conference speeches and presentations can stakeholders across the construction and real be viewed on the conference website. estate value chain, from investors, to developers, designers and manufacturers; in testing the Level(s) indicators on their building projects. The A conference report including case studies from feedback from the testing phase will inform the the test phase will be published shortly on the final version of the Level(s) framework - to be Level(s) website. launched in spring 2020. In anticipation of this, please see what Lutron, one of the testers, is communicating on their THE LEVEL(S) TEST CONFERENCE market: The December conference on the testing of Press release and article in Electrical Times. Level(s) was a huge success, hosting over 150 Environment
LEVEL(S): OVERVIEW OF THE TESTING PHASE The experience with sustainable building rating tools or lifecycle Of the projects testing Level(s), 74 are residential and 62 are non-residential - which provides important balance in terms of the community shaping Level(s). assessment varies between the organisations testing Level(s) having substantial experience 41% 7 74 having some M aj or r en ov ation New To tal 43% experience LUXEMBOURG DENMARK having no experience 16% CZECH REPUBLIC NETHERLAND 0 FINLAND BELGIUM The type of organisations leading Level(s) testing projects SWEDEN moreover varies across the construction and real estate value chain. UNITED KINGDOM 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 LITHUANIA Academic/research institution 28 FRANCE Design team member, e.g. architect 37 Public authority 15 13 POLAND Construction product manufacturer 13 SPAIN Property developer/investor 11 NGO 10 ROMANIA Construction company 9 PORTUGAL Consulting services 7 Trade association 3 GREECE Building or product certifier 2 GERMANY Asset manager 1 ITALY CROATIA SLOVENIA AUSTRIA MALTA
COMING EVENTS • GreenBuild, Amsterdam. This session, on the 19 March, will discuss how Level(s) ties into certification schemes and vice versa. See program here. • DG Environment and the World Green Building Council will host a high level policy conference event on Level(s) at Green Week on 16 May. More information on this session will be uploaded shortly here. • The World Green Building Council will host an invite only Brussels workshop on Level(s) and addressing embodied CO2 emissions on 3 May. For further details, contact: europe@worldgbc.org LEVEL(S) AT PREVIOUS EVENTS • World Corrosion Congress EUROCORR Bâtiment Durable, in Lyon in October. Listen 2018, in September, in Krakow, Poland. to an interview in French on Level(s). An interview with Josefina Lindblom from • Low carbon roadmap seminar, organised the European Commission was published in by the Concrete Initiative at the European Materialy Budowlane, monthly, no 11/2018 Parliament in Brussels in October. See article. and at the end of this newsletter. • The Initiative “Growth in Transition” in • The Slovenian Green Building Council Vienna, Austria, in November. organised its 3rd sustainable conference in September in Ljubljana. Check out a short • COP24 in Katowice, Poland in December: video in Slovenian and English. • The symposium on Building Action, • The Irish Green Building Council organised a organised by the Global Alliance for Level(s) workshop in October, where Level(s) Buildings and Construction. and how it could be applied at the Irish • The seminar “Towards a low-carbon and market was discussed with local building energy-efficient built environment to professionals. reach the Paris Agreement”, organised by • Plan national bâtiment durable, in France, Cembureau. organised the 7th Congrès National du SUSTAINABLE FINANCE We want to make you aware of the ongoing work on an emerging EU sustainable finance taxonomy – i.e. a list of economic activities that are considered as environmentally sustainable, designed to be used by investors. An invitation for feedback has been launched. The deadline for comments is 22 February 2019. Here is the link to the feedback form: https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/sustainable-finance-taxonomy_en Please scroll down to “Feedback – 1st round climate mitigation activities” and/or “Feedback – Usability of the Taxonomy” and click to enter EU Survey. In the “Activities” page, tick one or both of “F Construction and L Real estate activities”. For reference, see also the full downloadable version of the documentation (see pp. 101-108 for buildings). In case of questions: ec-teg-sf@ec.europa.eu Credits: Cover page: ©dmitri-popov ; ©Gettyimages
ZRÓWNOWAŻONE BUDOWNICTWO Level(s) – europejski system oceny środowiskowej budynków DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.11.12 Komisja Europejska (DG Environment + Joint Research Nadrzędnym celem Level(s) jest zapewnienie wspólnego Center JRC) opracowała nowe narzędzie dla zrównoważone- języka do analiz zrównoważonego budownictwa, opartego go budownictwa nazwane Level(s) – poziomy. Ma ono umoż- na normach. Powinien on umożliwiać podejmowanie działań liwić uproszczoną (niekomercyjną) ocenę budynków biuro- na poziomie budynku, które mogą wyraźnie przyczynić się wych i mieszkalnych w kontekście spełnienia przez nie kryte- do osiągnięcia szerszych celów europejskiej i krajowej poli- riów zrównoważonego budownictwa. Projekt modelu prze- tyki w dziedzinie środowiska i efektywności energetycznej. chodzi obecnie trzyletni okres testowy, w którym bierze udział Level(s) nie jest nowym systemem certyfikacji, lecz sposo- ok. 80 podmiotów ze wszystkich krajów UE. Proponowane bem komunikacji, czyli raportowania wyników oceny wskaźniki oceny budynków (m.in. LCA, LCC, etc.) nie są re- do szerokiego wykorzystania w budownictwie. Komisja wolucyjne, znane z prac normalizacyjnych CEN TC 350 ds. Europejska ma nadzieję na popularyzację tego dość prostego zrównoważonego budownictwa [1] oraz obecne w komercyj- narzędzia. We wrześniu br., podczas Światowej Konferencji nych metodach oceny budynków [2]. Wskaźniki oceny nawią- Eurocorr w Krakowe, przeprowadziłem wywiad z Josefiną zują do polityki środowiskowej, odpadowej i energetycznej Lindblom, wysokiej rangi pracownikiem Generalnej Dyrek- Komisji Europejskiej. Dotyczą m.in. wpływu budynku na cji ds. Środowiska w Komisji UE. Rozmowa dotyczyła wdro- zmiany klimatyczne (ekwiwalentne CO2), zużycia wody i ener- żenia oraz promowania przez Komisję Europejską dobrowol- gii, jakości powietrza wewnętrznego oraz efektywności wyko- nego systemu oceny efektywności środowiskowej budynków. rzystania zasobów naturalnych w cyklu życia budynku. Projekt Level(s) ma być ważnym krokiem w kierunku Literatura zwiększenia w Europie liczby budynków o wysokim standar- [1] Piasecki Michał. 2018. „Zrównoważone budownictwo w pracach norma- dzie efektywności środowiskowej. W przypadku pomyślnych lizacyjnych CEN i ISO w 2017 r.”. Materiały Budowlane 547 (3): 82 – 83. DOI: 10.15199/33.2018.03.33. wyników testów KE będzie mogła wesprzeć wdrożenie sys- [2] Piasecki Michał. 2010. „Metoda oceny budynku pod kątem zrównowa- temu ocen środowiskowych budynku w Europie, np. przygo- żonego rozwoju”. Materiały Budowlane 453 (5): 34 – 36. towując odpowiednią Dyrektywę ds. charakterystyki środowi- dr inż. Michał Piasecki skowej budynku lub wpływając na państwa członkowskie, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej; aby uwzględniły promowane wskaźniki w przepisach budow- Zakład Fizyki Cieplnej, Akustyki i Środowiska lanych. Adres do korespondencji: m.piasecki@itb.pl Level(s) – building sustainability performance Michał Piasecki (MP) Head of Thermal Physics, Acoustics and Environment the European level. This focuses the Department of Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, interviews Josefina Lindblom, a po- Level(s) user on a manageable number licy officer at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment, of essential concepts and indicators at on the implementation the Level(s), the Commission’svoluntary scheme for repor- building level, which taken together can ting the sustainability of buildings. Level(s), a ground-breaking building sustaina- help the EU and its Member States bility tool, is currently going through a two-yeartest period. By measuring indica- achieve environmental policy goals. tors such as climate change impact, water and energy use, indoor air quality and resource efficiency across the entire lifecycle of buildings, the Level(s) project is MP: Is there any consolidated prac- designed to be a significant step in making buildings more sustainable by genera- tical information about the Level(s) ting the data needed to understand their environmental impact. and intended use? JL: Most of the material is available Michał Piasecki: Let’s start with the des an easy starting point to introduce in English, French, German, Spanish, most important question – what is Level(s)? sustainability into your work. Within the Italian and Polish on the Level(s) web- Josefina Lindblom: It’s an EU-wide framework, each indicator is designed to site. There is also a „Guide to Europe’s tool for assessing the environmental per- link the individual building’s impact New Reporting Framework for Susta- formance of buildings. Level(s) provi- with the priorities for sustainability at inable Buildings”, which sets the scene 44 11 ’2018 (nr 555) ISSN 0137-2971, e-ISSN 2449-951X www.materialybudowlane.info.pl
ZRÓWNOWAŻONE BUDOWNICTWO for sustainable buildings and Level(s) vels such as A, B, C. But we do encoura- in a short and concise format. ge Member States and even individual organisations to set benchmarks or tar- MP: What is in your opinion the gets on their side, to drive change and expected future of Level(s) in Europe? improvement. JL: Much depends on political appe- tite but once we have a revised version MP: How does the system relate to after the test period, we need to come up the life cycle costs? with strong incentives to use it. But JL: The understanding of the cost be- right now we are in a test period, with nefits of sustainable buildings through over 130 pioneering organisations that Level(s) indicators is another vital op- have committed to test the scheme. That portunity. If you are able to use fewer re- feedback will be an important element sources throughout the full lifecycle of in our future planning. a building, you are likely to have a re- duced cost at the end of that lifecycle, MP: What kind of commitment is Josefina Lindblom even if you had higher capital costs at expected of the organizations partici- the beginning. Initially, expenses may pating in the test stage? Which kind of JL: Many Member States already ap- be higher but as you learn to work in feedback is expected? preciate the value of a Level(s) asses- new ways in a building consortium, JL: Testers need to send information sment of their buildings. I see a lot of costs go down. So while there might be on the indicators they worked with via Member States attracted to the initiati- an up-front cost, a more sustainable, gre- a completed reporting spreadsheet (the ve because they want to assess their bu- ener building does not have to be more common reporting format), and to give ildings as well as possible, and Level(s) costly once you know how to do it. Im- feedback about the general experience saves them a huge amount of time, mo- portantly, something has been created of working with the framework via a su- ney and effort. I think the extent to that is substantially better than what we rvey. We will be looking in more detail which indicators will be used in natio- are seeing now. And good building su- at some of the projects that have volun- nal regulation will depend on issues stainability has the direct financial im- teered later on, and at that point we such as geography, culture or climate plications. In parts of Europe, buildings might ask for more detailed project tech- with some countries focusing more on that are not sustainable become obsole- nical documentation to help the Com- water, energy use or indoor air quality te or suffer excessive gaps between le- mission’s research arm (the JRC, or for example. asing tenancies. And issues such as go- Joint Research Centre) verify how the od indoor air quality or sustainable use Level(s) guidance has been used. MP: What are the factors that can of water or energy add value. give the advantage of Level(s) over the MP: How about the potential success existing commercial systems? MP: What are your personal impres- rate of this approach, we know from hi- JL: At present, less than 1% of all sions? story that many such initiatives have buildings are sustainability assessed, JL: Everywhere I go, professionals been lost and only some commercial mostly office buildings, and the Com- believe that building sustainability will systems still operate on the market? mission believes this should be scaled eventually be part of the future regula- JL: Realistically, we are hoping for up dramatically and also appeal to the tion landscape. So, if you want to be on a gradual success, a step-by-step pro- mass market. That is why Level(s) is top of this as a company or organisa- cess. That’s what happened with energy designed to „mainstream” information tion, Level(s) is a good tool to start with. efficiency in Europe – it went from vo- about the sustainability of a building in It’s a simple entry point into a compli- luntary to incentives to mandatory as an easily accessible form, not just for cated area. part of a long process. That didn’t hap- office buildings but for residential buil- pen overnight. Level(s) may be the sa- dings as well. We aren’t trying to com- MP: What would you like to say at the me. And of course it will also depend on pete with existing systems, but rather to end of interview for future Level(s) users? the momentum generated by Member provide a common language that exi- JL: We are seeing a huge change in States and building stakeholders. Prac- sting initiatives and certification sys- the way people look at building susta- tical support through the creation of tems can tap into. inability today compared to a decade open-source calculation tools, accessi- ago. It is definitely more mainstream. ble databases to compare information MP: So, is Level(s) a simplified People realise it is the future and I hope and extensive training will help main- certification system? Level(s) plays a pioneering role in sha- stream the initiative. JL: It’s a reporting tool, not a certifi- ping that future. You can find out all cation system. There are no European about on the website, at http://ec.euro- MP: What is the actual Member Sta- benchmarks attached to it, and hence no pa.eu/environment/eussd/buildings.htm. te response? different labels indicating different le- Przyjęto do druku: 01.10.2018 r. www.materialybudowlane.info.pl ISSN 0137-2971, e-ISSN 2449-951X 11 ’2018 (nr 555) 45
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