VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow

Page created by Dennis Chavez
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
      VISITOR’S GUIDE                2018   2019


Moscow. It rhymes with “Let’s go.”
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow

                         Step Outside
                            With Us.    Kayak & Canoe Sales & Rentals
                                        Hunting, Fishing & Camping Gear
                                        Fish & Game Tags & Licenses
                                        Barbeques & Smokers
                                        Beer & Wine Brewing Supplies
                                        Gourmet Snacks & Idaho Gifts

                   w w w. t r i s t a t e o u t f i t t e r s . c o m
  A C R O S S T H E PU L L M A N R O A D F R O M T H E U. I . CA M PU S
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
Welcome to moscow!
We are glad you are here.
   The community of Moscow invites you                            CHAMBER STAFF
to experience what we have to offer. The                     Jenny Ford, Executive Director
city features a plethora of urban amenities                  Kendra Ewing, Office Assistant
including music festivals, art exhibtions,                   Laura Richmond, Receptionist
cutting-edge restaurants, boutiques, book                         Erin Dutton, Intern
stores, coffee shops as well as being the
home of the University of Idaho. Hike, bike,             FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US!
golf, relax – you can do it all in Moscow.                   Moscow Chamber of Commerce
   If you would like visitor information, a               411 South Main St. • (208) 882-1800
restaurant recommendation, or directions            
visit the Moscow Chamber of Commerce.
   Our downtown gathering spot is called
Friendship Square – a perfect illustration
of who we’ve always been. We know you
will love it here!

                                                         MOSCOW CHAMBER
             photo courtesy of Ryan Zimmer Photography    OF COMMERCE

         Committed to a Strong Community
         Just as we invent new products to improve power grids in communities

         Visit www.selinc.comWROHDUQPRUH

                                                                                Moscow, Idaho | 1
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
Moscow Happenings
   For events and information, visit:
   or or

                                                           photo courtesy of BHW1

                                        photo courtesy of Ryan
                                                                           of BHW1

2 | Moscow, Idaho
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
Table of Contents
In The Beginning                    6 Retail Therapy                            47
Information9 Vintage Treasures                                              50
Cultivating The Palouse           10 Catch A Flick                          52
Be Our Guest                      12 Move Your Body                         53
  12. Hotels & Motels                    53. Get Outdoors
  13. Bed & Breakfast                    57. Local Parks
                                         57. Biking, Walking, and Hiking Trails
Grab A Bite                       13    58. Golf
                                         58. Recreation
Taste Local Treasures             24    59. Gyms
  24. Bars                               59. Yoga & Martial Arts
  25. Wineries and Breweries
  26. Winery & Brewery Tours            Visit Our Neighbors                  60
  27. Local Treats
                                        Have Some Time?                      63
Getting Around                    29    64. 30 for $30

Fix It                            31 On Campus                              66

Where Great Minds Meet            32    66. The University of Idaho
                                         67. Athletics
  33. Meeting and Event Venues           67. Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival
                                         68. Arboretum and Botanical Garden
Enlighten Your Senses             36    68. Prichard Art Gallery and Store
                                         69. New Saint Andrews College
Just For Kids!                    41
                                        Worship While You’re Here                71
Come Together Downtown            44
                                        Advertising Directory                    73

                                 17 II 04 12M
                                                                 Moscow, Idaho | 3
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
                      Moscow | Boise | Coeur d’Alene | Idaho Falls

4 | Moscow, Idaho
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
photo courtesy of BHW1

photo courtesy of Fondo on the Palouse

              photo courtesy of BHW1

             Moscow, Idaho | 5
VISITOR'S GUIDE - Moscow. It rhymes with "Let's go." 2018 2019 - City Of Moscow
In the beginning
                                               photo courtesy of the University of Idaho website:

                                                                  photo courtesy of the Latah County Historical Society

      Issac Stevens, the first territorial             This is the place simply to drive leisurely
   governor of Washington, penned the                  along the gently curing highways,
   first written description of the Palouse            sprinkled with antique shops and
   country, while surveying for railroad               wineries, with easy access to hiking and
   placement in the early 1850’s. Today,               biking and above all, photography. If you
   mesmerizing beauty and a sweeping                   ever needed to stop the world and relax,
   landscape of rolling hills and plateaus             this is the place for it.
   greet visitors to this distinctive region             The land was originally occupied by
   north of the Snake River in Southeast               the Palus tribe, renowned as expert
   Washington and North Central Idaho.                 equestrians. The source of the word,

                                               Daily Shuttle
                                                                             Between Moscow/
                                                                           and Spokane Airport
                                                                             38 One Way
              Reservation at
6 | Moscow, Idaho
photo courtesy of the Latah County Historical Society

Palouse most likely comes from the           The Palouse region has since become
name of the major village of the Palouse   known for growing wheat and legumes
Indians. The name is the Sehaptin          and is home to small towns with a rich
(Indian) word for the village, “palus”     history and charm. Pullman, Washington
which means “something sticking down       and Moscow, Idaho are the main hub
in the water.” The village was located     communities.
at the confluence of the Palouse and         Settlers arrived in 1871, to homestead
Snake Rivers, and the something            or buy the abundant government-owned
sticking down in the water was a           prairie grasslands so valuable for
large rock. The Palouse believed the       farming. Originally Moscow was named
rock to be a solidified heart of Beaver    “Paradise Valley” however there was
who played an important role in their      already a town with that name in Idaho
religious beliefs.                         Territory. Moscow’s name was chosen

                                                                             Moscow, Idaho | 7
In The Beginning

                                                                         photo courtesy of the Latah County Historical Society

                   by Postmaster Samuel Neff because             followed by the creation of Latah County
                   it reminded him of his hometown of            in 1888 with Moscow as the county
                   Moscow, Pa. In 1875, the city’s first         seat. In 1889 Moscow was chosen as
                   store was opened on what is now Main          the site for a land-grant institution, the
                   Street. The arrival of the Oregon Railway     University of Idaho, which propelled the
                   and Navigation Company’s line in 1885         city into a trading and population center
                   sparked a typical railroad boom town.         for the county. Idaho achieved statehood
                   Moscow was incorporated in 1887               in 1890.

                      INSPIR ATION

                               MEE T S CRE ATIVIT Y.                T HERE’S AN I IN OUR TEAM.

                                    Visit a vibrant and historic downtown—home to galleries, theaters,
                                    fine dining, festivals, and Idaho’s number one farmers market.
                                    With the magnificent Palouse at its front door and miles of biking
                                    and hiking trails, Moscow, Idaho—home to the University of Idaho—
                                    has it all.                    

  8 | Moscow, Idaho
In The Beginning
List of Resources for                                      Climate
Moscow, ID:                                                Temperature Range in
Fire Department:�������������������������� 911            Degrees Fahrenheit
Fire Department                                            ����������������������������������������������High/Low
Business Line:������������ 208-882-2831                   January��������������������������������������35/23
Police Department:���������������������� 911              February������������������������������������ 41/26
Police Department                                          March�����������������������������������������49/31
Business Line:������������ 208-882-2677                   April��������������������������������������������57/35
City of Moscow:��������� 208-883-7000                     May��������������������������������������������66/40
Moscow Chamber                                             June�������������������������������������������73/45
of Commerce:������������ 208-882-1800                     July���������������������������������������������82/48
Moscow Job                                                 August���������������������������������������84/48
Service:������������������������208-882-7571              September�������������������������������� 74/43
Partnership for Economic                                   October��������������������������������������60/36
Prosperity������������������� 208-883-7921                November����������������������������������43/29
Latah County                                               December���������������������������������35/23
Courthouse:��������������� 208-882-8580
Latah County Department                                    Precipitation (per year)
of Motor Vehicles:������ 208-883-7211                     Rainfall����������������������������������������23.6"
Moscow-Latah County                                        Snowfall���������������������������������������49.5"
Public Library:������������ 208-882-3925                  Area Statistics
Moscow School                                              Moscow elevation������������� 2,579 feet
District:����������������������� 208-892-1139                                            above sea level
Gritman                                                    Moscow area���������������6.85 sq. miles
Medical Center:����������208-882-4511                     Latah County area�����1,077 sq. miles
PACT EMS:�������������������855-PACT-EMS                  Latitude�������������������������� N46°43’54"
Housing                                                    Longitude���������������������W116°59’50"
3-Bedroom House:�Median List Price                        Population Profile
                       $203,200                            Moscow (2017)������������������������25,146
2-Bedroom Apartment:Average Rent                          Latah County (2017)�������������� 39,333
                                                           Minimum Wage
Mileage                                                    As of January 2015:������������������ $7.25
Number of miles from Moscow to:
Pullman����������������������������������������������8    Unemployment Rate
Lewiston������������������������������������������ 32     Moscow��������������������������������������� 2.2%
Spokane������������������������������������������ 79      State�������������������������������������������� 2.9%
Coeur d’Alene��������������������������������� 84         National��������������������������������������� 3.9%
Missoula���������������������������������������� 251
Boise���������������������������������������������� 294   Cost of Living
Seattle������������������������������������������� 296    Composite Index:������������������������ 91.5
Olympia����������������������������������������� 337      Tax Rates
Portland����������������������������������������� 360     Local & State����������������������������������6%
Butte���������������������������������������������� 367   State Income�������������������������������7.4%
Vancouver, B.C.����������������������������� 430

                                                                                               Moscow, Idaho | 9
 the palouse
                                                           photo courtesy of USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council

      The rolling hills of the Palouse offer a    reduce the farmers' dependence on
   unique agricultural experience for local       commercial fertilizers, and this nitrogen
   farmers. In the spring, the loess hills are    benefit remains even after harvest, giving
   bright green and speckled with an array        a boost to the wheat crop that is planted
   of beautiful wildflowers. Before harvest       on that same field in the next season.
   in the fall, the hills are brushed with the
   golden colors of ripe crops, and some
   fields are filled with bright yellow canola.
   Area crops include wheat, barley, peas,
   lentils, chickpeas, garbanzo beans, and
      Peas, lentils and chickpeas have
   been grown on the Palouse for over 100
   years, generally as rotation crops with
   wheat. Farmers appreciate the special
   nitrogen-fixing properties of these three         Providing quality and compassionate
   crops, whose roots gather nitrogen from              care to Latah County residents
   the air and fix it into the soil surrounding                for over 50 years
   the roots. This natural process helps
10 | Moscow, Idaho
Cultivating the palouse
  Grouped together, peas, lentils and                        the marketing year. Some of our harvest
chickpeas are called the cool-season                         stays here in the U.S. to be used in
pulses: pulses is the term used to                           canned soups and other prepared foods,
describe legumes that are used primarily                     or sold dry in packaged form for home
for food, and cool-season refers to                          cooking — and a lot of our chickpeas are
their tolerance for cool weather at                          processed into hummus refrigerated
the beginning of the growing season.                         snack spreads. However, most of our
Depending on the soil moisture and                           cool-season pulse harvest is exported
temperature, cool-season pulses may                          to other markets. Our leading export
be planted anywhere from early April to                      markets include India, China, the EU, the
early May, and the plants generally flower                   Philippines, and Peru.
about eight to 10 weeks after planting.
After flowering, seedpods appear, and
the seeds inside the pods are allowed
to mature and dry on the vine prior to
harvesting. Pea harvest takes place first,
usually starting in mid-July, followed by
lentil harvest in August and chickpea
harvest in September. After harvest, the
cool-season pulses are stored in bins
                                                                                                Field of Wheat
and then shipped to buyers throughout                                   photo courtesy of USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council

                                   Field of Canola                                                 Wheat Plant
      photo courtesy of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce                  photo courtesy of USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council

                                         Lentil plant                                             Field of Peas
            photo courtesy of USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council              photo courtesy of USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council

                                    Field of Lentils                                                   Pea Plant
            photo courtesy of USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council              photo courtesy of USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council

                                                                                          Moscow, Idaho | 11
Be our guest
                                                         photo courtesy of Best Western Plus University Inn

     Come play — and stay — with us! The         Hillcrest Motel
   Palouse region offers many choices for        706 N. Main St.
   hospitality for your stay: from traditional   (208) 882-7579
   full-service hotels and motels, inviting
   bed and breakfast establishments, to
   gorgeous campgrounds and recreational         Hilltop Inn
   vehicle parks located in some of the most     928 NW Olsen St.
   scenic locations in the Northwest.            Pullman, WA
                                                 (509) 332-0928
   Hotels & Motels                     

   Best Western Plus                             Holiday Inn Express
   University Inn                                Hotel & Suites
   1516 W. Pullman Rd.                           1190 SE Bishop Blvd.
   (208) 882-0550                                Pullman, WA                            (509) 334-4437
   Clearwater River Casino and Hotel             Idaho Inn
   17500 Nez Perce Rd.                           645 W. Pullman Rd.
   Lewiston, ID                                  (208) 885-1480
   (208) 746-0723                      
                                                 La Quinta Inn
   Courtyard by Marriott @ WSU                   185 Warbonnet Dr.
   1295 NE N. Fairway Rd.                        (208) 882-5365
   Pullman, WA                         
   (509) 332-1500                          Manor Lodge
                                                 455 SE Paradise St.
   Fairfield Inn & Suites                        Pullman, WA
   1000 W. Pullman Rd.                           (509) 334-2511
   (208) 882-4600                      
                                                 Monarch Motel
                                                 120 W. Sixth St.
                                                 (208) 882-2581
12 | Moscow, Idaho
photo courtesy of Fairfield Inn and Suites

Motel 6                            Campus View Cottage
101 Baker St.                      906 W. C St.
(208) 882-5511                     (208) 301-0261           

Residence Inn Pullman              Churchyard Inn
at Washington State University     206 St. Boniface St.
1225 NE North Fairway Rd.          Uniontown, WA
Pullman, WA                        (509) 229-3200
(509) 332-4400           
                                   Grazing Hills Alpaca Ranch and B&B
Super 8 Motel                      1042 Four Mile Rd.
175 Peterson Drive                 Viola, ID
(208) 883-1503                     (208) 882-8307           
Bed & Breakfast
                                   Little Green Guesthouse
Airway Hill Vacation Rentals       1020 S. Adams St.
4811 Airport Road        
Pullman, WA
(509) 872-3092                     The LuFina   1661 Damen St.
                                   (208) 596-9090
Andriette’s Bed,         
Book & Bicycle
115 N. Polk St.                    Meadowlark Heritage Farm
(208) 882-2756                     Bed & Breakfast        4716 Lenville Rd.
                                   (509) 338-2604
Bella Vista Farm         
P.O. Box 9262
(208) 301-3588                     Meadowinds Bed &
                                   Breakfast & Chapel
Browne Block Guesthouse            2493 Blaine Road
112 S. Main St.                    (208) 882-7907
(208) 596-0460           
                                                               Moscow, Idaho | 13
Be our Guest

                                                         photo courtesy of Best Western Plus University Inn

               Moscow Pullman Bedfinders         Peterson Barn Guesthouse
               2673 Weymouth St.                 847 E. Travois Way
               (208) 874-2153                    (208) 882-4620

               Paradise View Bed and Breakfast   Red Pheasant House
               1005 Joyce Rd.                    1845 Orchard Ave.
               (360) 480-2049                    (208) 882-3400

               Park View Cottage                 Sixth Street Retreat
               305 S. Lincoln St.                441 E. Sixth St.
               (208) 301-0261                    (208) 669-0763

 14 | Moscow, Idaho
Grab a bite
                                                                      photo courtesy of BHW1

   No matter what you’re craving, Moscow    Arby’s
is home to a wonderful assortment of        150 Peterson Dr.
delicious restaurants, from Palouse-        (208) 882-4223
inspired eats to home-style staples.        Atmosphere: Classic American
So grab a bite while you’re here and        family friendly dining.
discover a local favorite! Whether you      Must order: Beef n' Cheddar
have an hour or all evening, we have        Classic Sandwich.
the fare to meet your schedule. Locally
sourced, organically grown, haute cuisine   Bloom Cafe
— whatever your appetite, we have the       403 S. Main St.
dining for you.                             (208) 882-4279
                                            Atmosphere: Artistic cafe offering
A&W                                         breakfast and lunch with local
1317 S. Main St.                            ingredients.
(208) 882-2301                              Must order: Check out one of
Atmosphere: Family friendly                 their specialty benedicts, they are
dining on-the-go.                           mouthwatering!
Must order: World famous root beer,
burgers, chicken and sweet 'n‘ treat        The Breakfast Club
desserts                                    501 S. Main St.
                                            (208) 882-6481
Applebee's Grill and Bar                    Atmosphere: Casual, family friendly
105 Warbonnet Dr.                           classic American dining for
(208) 883-4821                              breakfast and lunch.
                                            Must order: Huckleberry zucchini bread

                                            Bucer’s Coffeehouse Pub
                                            201 S. Main St.
                                            (208) 882-5216
                                            Atmosphere: Casual, family friendly pub
                                            with live bands every weekend and a full
                                            homemade menu.
                                            Must order: Espresso, draught beer,
                                            breakfast pastries, soup, panini and
                                                                   Moscow, Idaho | 15
Grab a Bite

                                                                                  photo courtesy of BHW1

              Buffalo Wild Wings                         Colter's Creek Tasting Room
              1710 West Pullman Rd.                      215 S. Main St.
              (208) 882-7630                             (208) 301-5125
                                                         Atmosphere: Inviting and relaxed, a
              Café Artista                               delightful place where you can unwind
              218 S. Main St.                            wind with a glass of wine, locally grown
              (208) 882-1324                             and produced.
              Atmosphere: Cafe Artista is where art      Must order: The Cabernet Franc is a
              and coffee meet in a fun and cheerful      stunning classic; a must have!
              Must order: Travel to Italy by sampling    Colter's Creek Tasting Room
              some of the traditional Italian espresso   215 S. Main St.
              drinks.                                    (208) 301-5125
                                                         Atmosphere: Inviting and relaxed, a
              Camas Prairie Winery                       delightful place where you can unwind
              207 Main St., Bovill, ID                   wind with a glass of wine, locally grown
              (208) 826-3222                             and produced.
              Atmosphere: Cozy and fun tasting room      Must order: The Cabernet Franc is a
              Must order: Award-winning Strawberry       stunning classic; a must have!
              Honey Mead
                                                         Colter's Creek Winery
              Chang Sing                                 308 Main St. Juliaetta, ID
              512 S. Washington St.                      (208) 276-3342
              (208) 882-1154                             Atmosphere: Casual dining and
                                                         everything made from scratch.
              Chick-fil-A                                They also offer wine tastings.
              University of Idaho Campus                 Must order: Fish tacos and
              875 Perimeter Dr.                          any wine on tap.
              (208) 885-6070
                                                         D. Willy’s Blues Brew & BBQ
              Clearwater River Casino & Lodge            112 W. Sixth St.
              Riverside Restaurant                       (208) 883-3100
              17500 Nez Perce Rd.
              Lewiston, ID                               Domino’s Pizza
              (208) 298-1400                             317 W. 6th St. Suite #105
              Atmosphere: Open daily for                 (208) 883-1555
              upscale or casual dining.
              Must order: 24 oz. bone-in rib eye.
 16 | Moscow, Idaho
Grab a Bite
                                                                      photo courtesy of BHW1

Duke's Place, LLC                            Einstein Bros. Bagels
(509) 317-3880                               University of Idaho Campus
Atmosphere: Local food truck that you'll     875 Perimeter Dr.
find at various events in town!              (208) 885-6070
Must Order: Any of their Cajun, Creole, or
Soul Food recipes.                           Gambino’s
                                             308 W. Sixth St.
Dutch Bros. Coffee                           (208) 882-9000
321 N. Main St.                              Atmosphere: Comfortable Italian spot
(208) 819-6030                               offering thin and stuffed crust pies,
                                             pastas, homemade gelato and craft
                                             Must order: Any of their pastas.

                                                 FIND IT
                                             at your neighborhood marketplace

                                                banking • groceries • restaurants •
                                                movie theater • business services •

                                                      Off the Troy Highway in Moscow

                                                                    Moscow, Idaho | 17
Grab a Bite

                                                                              photo courtesy of Hunga Dunga

              Garlic Garden Bistro                       Iron Wok
              630 N. Almon St. #120                      2010 S. Main St., Moscow
              (208) 596-4659                             (208) 596-4421
                                                         Atmosphere: Chefs at the Chinese
              Grub Truck Moscow & Catering               restaurant have mastered the craft of
              Downtown Moscow                            cooking Chinese food.
                                                         Must order: Any of their specials.
              Gypsy Java
              2002 S. Main St.                           Jamm's Frozen Yogurt
              (208) 310-4427                             954 W. Pullman Rd.
                                                         (208) 892-8327
              The Hoof & Trotter
              115 E. 2nd St.                             Java Bug
              (208) 696-3019                             1320 S. Mountain View Rd.
                                                         (208) 669-1743
              The Hub
              University of Idaho Campus                 Jimmy John's
              1080 W. 6th St.                            529 S. Jackson St.
              (208) 885-6565                             (208) 883-3278

              Humble Burger                              KFC
              102 N. Main St.                            1400 S. Blaine St.
              (775) 600-2874                             (208) 882-8363
              Atmosphere: Got their start at the
              Moscow Farmers Market, they offer          Kitchen Counter
              burgers from local beef and have bands     214 S. Main St.
              come and perform on the weekends!          (208) 596-3042
              Must Order: Humble Burger
              and a milkshake.                           La Casa Lopez
                                                         415 S. Main St.
              Hunga Dunga Brewing Company                (208) 883-0536
              333 N. Jackson St.                         Atmosphere: Welcoming and friendly
              (208) 596-4855                             environment where people meet for
              Atmosphere: A true cozy brewery!           good service, great food, and excellent
              Must order: Any of their brews! They       margaritas.
              make them right there in the restaurant.   Must order: Carne Asada
 18 | Moscow, Idaho
Grab a Bite
                                                                        photo courtesy of BHW1

LocoGrinz                                     Mela
113 N. Main St.                               137 E. 2nd St.
(208) 883-4463                                (509) 592-7381
Atmosphere: Casual, family-friendly dining.   Atmosphere: MELA offers the most
Must order: Barbeque chicken                  authentic, delicious, and heart-healthy
                                              Bangladeshi cuisine.
Lodgepole                                     Must order: Lamb curry.
106 N. Main St.
(208) 882-2268                                Mikey’s Gyros
                                              527 S. Main St.
Mad Greek                                     (208) 882-0780
212 S. Main St.
(208) 883-8221                                Mingles Bar and Grill
Atmosphere: Cozy Greek restaurant             102 S. Main St.
located downtown Moscow.                      (208) 882-2050
Must order: A gyro stuffed with French        Atmosphere: Adult atmosphere. A great
fries.                                        place to enjoy food and watch
                                              the big game or play a round of pool!
Maialina Pizzeria Napoletana                  Must order: Real cheese nachos
602 S. Main St.
(208) 882-2694                                Mongolian BBQ Express                      Eastside Marketplace
Atmosphere: Neapolitan pizza and rustic       (208) 882-7723
Italian cuisine, featuring local seasonal
ingredients. Also offers brunch on the        Moscow Alehouse
weekends.                                     226 W. Sixth St.
Must order: A Neapolitan pizza paired         (208) 882-2739
with a glass of wine.                         Atmosphere: Casual, family friendly
                                              dining; inside and outside seating.
McDonald’s                                    Must order: Vandalburger, or any
862 Troy Highway                              specialty microbrew.
(208) 882-1953
1404 W. Pullman Rd.                           Moscow Bagel & Deli
(208) 882-2900                                310 S. Main St.
                                              (208) 882-5242
Mein Bowl                                     Atmosphere: Welcoming and upbeat
University of Idaho Campus                    environment. Great to stop in any time
875 Perimeter Dr.                             of day for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a
(208) 885-6070                                snack!
                                              Must order: Sweaty Teddy
                                                                     Moscow, Idaho | 19
Grab a Bite
              Moscow Elks #249
              3080 Troy Highway
              (208) 882-3015
              Atmosphere: Relaxed indoor & outdoor
              seating overlooking the golf course.
              Must order: Cheese and bacon fries

              Moscow Food Co-op
              121 E. Fifth St.
              (208) 882-8537
              University of Idaho Campus
              822 Elm Street
              Atmosphere: Organic and locally grown
              food store including a deli and soup
              and salad bar. Live music and BBQ on
              Must order: Pesto roll                                               photo courtesy of BHW1

              Nectar Restaurant & Wine Bar               Papa Murphy’s
              105 W. Sixth St.                           Take ‘N’ Bake Pizza
              (208) 882-5914                             524 W. Third St.
              Atmosphere: Cozy yet eclectic,             (208) 883 -9508
              featuring local food.
              Must Order: Bacon wrapped meatloaf.        Paradise Cafe
                                                         1902 W. Pullman Rd.
              One World Café                             (208) 882-5660
              533 S. Main St.                            Atmosphere: Located in the Palouse
              (208) 883-3537                             Mall and open to everyone for breakfast,
              University of Idaho Campus                 lunch and dinner!
              Administration Building and Janssen        Must order: Any of their delicious burgers.
              Engineering Building
              Atmosphere: Artsy coffee house, locally    Pattys Mexican Kitchen & Catering
              roasted beans with live music on the       450 W. Sixth St.
              weekends.                                  (208) 883-3984
              Must order: Locally roasted Fair Trade
              organic coffee and espresso as well as     Pizza Hut
              soups and sandwiches.                      1429 S. Blaine St.
                                                         (208) 882-0444
              Palouse Juice
              509 S. Main St.                            Pizza Perfection
              (208) 310-6692                             428 W. Third St.
              Atmosphere: The vibe at Palouse Juice is   (208) 882-1111
              earthy, hip and healing.
              Must order: A must have is their gluten    Popo
              free toast "avocado delight", quinoa       402 W. 6th St. #102
              "fiesta bowl" and the acai bowl "boom      (509) 339-4439
              chia pow".
                                                         Porky's Pit BBQ and Catering
              Panhandle Artisans Bread                   928 N. Olsen St.
              630 North Almon St. #110                   (509) 334-6983
              (208) 882-5999                             Atmosphere: Delicious beef brisket.
                                                         Mouth- watering barbequed pork. Savory
              Panda Express                              sausage or appetizing chicken hind
              1932 W. Pullman Rd.                        quarters. Salads, Pasta, Rolls... Our
              (208) 882-8880                             awesome barbeque sauce.
                                                         Must order: Their mouth-watering
 20 | Moscow, Idaho
Grab a Bite
                                                                          photo courtesy of BHW1

Qdoba Mexican Grill                              The Red Bento
1970 W. Pullman Rd.                              215 W. Third St.
(208) 892-8569                                   (208) 596-4041
University of Idaho Campus
875 Perimeter Dr.                                Red Star Coffee Co.
(208) 885-6070                                   1046 W. Pullman Rd.
                                                 (208) 892-8007
Rants and Raves
Rants and Raves                                  Sangria Grille
308 N. Jackson St.                               2124 W. Pullman Rd.
(208) 596-4061                                   (208) 882-2693                        Atmosphere: A warm and friendly
Atmosphere: Check out a brewery that is          restaurant featuring Peruvian food.
family friendly! Wednesday is brew your          Sangria sources ingredients from over 25
own beer night!                                  local farmers and they have a large focus
Must order: The Ruben Sandwich is the            on seasonality.
bomb! A little known fact. Rants & Raves         Must order: Any of their seafood or steak
purchases more corn beef than any other          dishes.
restaurant in northern Idaho!
                                                 Saute on 6th
                                                 900 6th St.
                                                 Clarkston, WA
                                                 (509) 295-8925
                                                 Atmosphere: Looking for someplace
                                                 special? Look no further than Saute on
                                                 6th! Atmosphere is very welcoming and a
                                                 perfect place to have a special night out.
                                                 Must order: The linguine pasta and
                                                 flourless chocolate cake.
                        photo courtesy of BHW1

                                                                        Moscow, Idaho | 21
Grab a Bite
              Seasons Public House
              Best Western Plus University Inn
              1516 W. Pullman Rd.
              (208) 882-0550, Ext. 333
              Atmosphere: Restaurant and full bar
              with 12 TVs, overlooking beautifully
              landscaped courtyard.
              Must Order: 1516 Burger and
              specialty Moscow Mule

              Shari’s Café & Pies
              121 Warbonnet Dr.
              (208) 882-1971

              Slice and Biscuit
              125 E. 2nd St.
              (208) 877-2054
              Atmosphere: Grab a slice of pizza and
              enjoy live music out on their patio.
              Must order: Any of their specialty pizza's
              paired with a craft beer.

              1080 W. 6th St. Rm. 231
              (208) 310-9087
              Atmosphere: Available for on campus
                                                                                    photo courtesy of Bloom
              catering for any event.
                                                           Taco Bell
              Sonic Drive-In                               1400 S. Blaine St.
              433 N. Main St.                              (208) 882-8363
              (208) 883-9800
                                                           Taco Time
              Starbucks                                    401 W. Sixth St.
              1994 W. Pullman Rd.                          (208) 882-8226
              (208) 882-2163                               Atmosphere: Family friendly,
              1320 S. Blaine St., Moscow                   southwestern décor.
              208-883-0713                                 Must order: Any daily special
              Starbucks - Vandal Store                     Tapped - Taphouse and Kitchen
              The University of Idaho                      210 S. Main St.
              710 S. Deakin St.                            208-596-4422
              (208) 885-6600                               Atmosphere: Modern gastropub located
                                                           in downtown Moscow.
              Stax                                         Must order: Bacon wrapped dates and
              402 W. Sixth St.                             finish it off with the Mediterranean
              (208) 892-2080                               creamsicle dessert.
              Subway                                       Varsity Diner
              307 W. Third St.                             203 W. 3rd St.
              (208) 883-3841                               (208) 883-8250
              866 Troy Highway, Suite 111                  Atmosphere: Varsity Diner is a locally
              (208) 882-3238                               owned and operated diner, serving
                                                           breakfast, lunch, dinner, and freshly
                                                           baked desserts!
                                                           Must order: Hamburger and milk shake.

 22 | Moscow, Idaho
Grab a Bite
Wendy’s                                    Winger’s Roadhouse Grill
1030 W. Pullman Rd.                        1484 S. Blaine St.
(208) 883-8112                             (208) 882-9850
Atmosphere: New renovated to have a
modern appeal!                             Young's Alley
Must order: Their current specialty item   304 W. 6th St.
with a frosty on the side.                 (208) 301-7888

                                           1222 W. Pullman Rd.
                                           (208) 883-0678

                                                                  Photo courtesy of BHW1

                                                                  photo courtesy of BHW1

                                                                 Moscow, Idaho | 23
Taste Local
                                                                        photo courtesy of Ryan Zimmer Photography

      Does the thought of a great evening
   involve wine and chocolate? Or is a
   wonderful dark beer more your style?                     Champions Grill & Bar
   The Palouse region offers six wineries,                  302 S. Main St.
   four breweries and a hard cider house                    (208) 883-8888
   all within 30 minutes! Grab a few friends
   and take a chauffeured wine tour or taste                Corner Club
   the different lagers and ales brought to                 202 N. Main St.
   you from our local brewers. If you have a                (208) 882-2915
   sweet tooth, a Grabber from Ferdinands         
   will freeze your tastebuds, while Cowgirl
   Chocolates has every kind of chocolate                   Garden Lounge
   available — including spicy!                             313 S. Main St.
                                                            (208) 882-8513

                                                            John's Alley Tavern
                                                            Dark & lively bar hosting frequent
                                                            live music amid offbeat surroundings
                                                            including a wall of guitars.
                                                            114 E. Sixth St.
                                                            (208) 883-7662

                 photo courtesy of Paradise Creek Brewery

24 | Moscow, Idaho
Taste Local Treasures
Mingles Bar and Grill                           Hunga Dunga
Serving the Moscow community                    Come check out the newest brewery in
since 1982, more to offer than your             the Palouse! It is not about quantity but
neighborhood bar... Go Vandals!                 about quality.
102 S. Main St.                                 333 N. Jackson St.
(208) 882-2050                                  Moscow, ID                        (208) 596-4855
Plantation Tavern
2012 S. Main St.                                Lindsay Creek Vineyards
(208) 882-3344                                  "Taste our Commitment" is Lindsay Creek
                                                Vineyards’ motto. It expresses their
Wineries and                                    dedication to produce premium wine,
                                                open space, music and good times!
Breweries                                       3107 Powers Ave.
                                                Lewiston, ID
Basalt Cellars
906 Port Dr.
Clarkston, WA
(509) 758-6442
                                                Merry Cellars
                                                Imagine the wine you buy is a journey.
                                                Like the open road, each glass awakens
Camas Prairie Winery
                                                you to a new possibility. Welcome to
Idaho’s oldest independent winery, this is
                                                Merry Cellars.
a great place to stop by the tasting room
                                                1300 NE Henley Ct.
to enjoy a sampling of Camas’ 24 wines.
                                                Pullman, WA
And if wine is not your style, they offer the
                                                (509) 338-4699
largest selection of imported specialty
beers in the Northwest.
207 Main St.
                                                MJ Barleyhoppers
Bovill, ID
                                                621 21st St.
(208) 826-3222
                                                Lewiston, ID
                                                (208) 748-1048
Clearwater Canyon Cellars
3143 10th St.
Lewiston, ID
(208) 816-4679

Colter’s Creek
Few know the Clearwater River Valley
was once home to a prosperous grape
and wine industry, until Prohibition in the
early 1900s, leaving one to wonder what
might have been. This is great place to
visit and enjoy a glass of wine!
308 Main St.
Julieatta, ID
(208) 276-3342
Colter's Creek Tasting Room
215 S. Main St.
(208) 301-5125
                                                                     photo courtesy of Hunga Dunga

                                                                        Moscow, Idaho | 25
Taste local treasures
                        Moscow Brewing Company                        Vine 46 Winery
                        Moscow's historic first brewery.              4020 Hatwai Rd.
                        Specializing in handcrafted local beer.       Lewiston, ID
                        630 N. Almon St.                              (208) 717-1646
                        Moscow, ID                          
                        (208) 596-4058
                                       Wawawai Canyon Winery
                                                                      202 S. Montgomery St.
                        Paradise Creek Brewery                        Unionton, WA
                        245 SE Paradise St.                           (509) 338-4916
                        Pullman, WA                         
                        (509) 338-9463
                                Winery &
                        Rants and Raves Brewery                       Brewery Tours
                        A crafter brewery and family friendly grill
                        with their menu featuring both small
                                                                      Caters to beer novices and enthusiasts
                        treats and big eats! Each day of the week
                                                                      seeking something new in beer
                        there is a different event going on, so
                                                                      experience and beer knowledge. If you
                        there is always something fun to do!
                                                                      can dream it, they can make it happen!
                        308 N. Jackson St.
                                                                      (208) 310-1048
                        Moscow, ID
                        (208) 596-4061
                                                                      Twisted Vine Wine Tours, LLC
                                                                      Book one of their tours and state the
                        Riverport Brewing Company
                                                                      amazing wines of Lewis Clark AVA and
                        150 Ninth St. Suite B
                                                                      Moscow, ID. Tour the wineries in the
                        Clarkston, WA
                                                                      area, and experience that rich wine
                        (509) 758-8889
                                                                      making history for yourself.
                                                                      (509) 295-1306
                        Shattuck Brewery
                        Shattuck Brewery sits nestled among
                                                                      Wheatland Express
                        trees and mountains near the town
                                                                      Customize your very own winery or
                        of Elk River, Idaho. Shattuck Brewery
                                                                      brewery tour with Wheatland Express!
                        is synonymous with incredible Idaho
                                                                      (509) 334-2200
                        craft beer. Brewed with love, skill, and
                        52106 Hwy. 8
                        Elk River, ID

                                                                                     photo courtesy of Colter's Creek Winery

   26 | Moscow, Idaho
Taste Local Treasures
Local Treats                                              Goose House Bakery
Bucer's Coffee House Pub
The Bucer’s kitchen staff gets started                    Jamms Frozen Yogurt
early in the morning, baking our own                      954 W. Pullman Rd.
made-from-scratch muffins, cinnamon                       (208) 892-8327
rolls, scones, and coffee cake. Our rich
quiches come flourless or baked in a fine                 Moscow Candy
pastry crust, with options for vegetarians                428 W. Third St.
or meat-lovers.                                           (208) 882-4098
201 S. Main St.                                 
(208) 596-0887                                         One World Cafe serving
                                                          Ferdinand's Ice Cream
Chomp                                                     533 S. Main St.
If you’re looking for delicious & fresh                   (208) 883-3537
desserts created especially for you,                      Take time to enjoy a refreshing treat of
you’ve come to the right place. At Chomp,                 Ferdinand's ice cream on main street in
they will give your dessert the attention                 Moscow at One World Cafe.
and personal touch you’ll come to expect
and love.                                                 Sisters Cookies
(425) 985-2415                                            Sisters Cookies started off at the Moscow
                                                          Farmers Market and quickly grew due to
Ferdinand’s Creamery                                      their cookies yummy buttery taste. Order
2035 Ferdinand’s Lane                                     100's or stop by their shop for a couple,
Pullman, WA 99164                                         though we doubt you will only want two!
(509) 335-2141                                            610 N. Almon St. #130                                     (208) 892-2253

                                                          Sweet Mutiny
                                                          1195 SE Bishop Blvd
                                                          Pullman, WA
                                                          (509) 332-2877

                                                                        photo courtesy of Paradise Creek Brewery

             photo courtesy of Clearwater Canyon Winery                                 photo courtesy of BHW1

                                                                                     Moscow, Idaho | 27
Taste local treasures

                                      photo courtesy of Hunga Dunga                       photo courtesy of Merry Cellars

                                                                                          photo courtesy of Merry Cellars

                                                                      1300 ne henley ct.
                                                                      pullman, wa 99163
                        Wawawai Canyon Winery                         509.338.4699 ·
                        Tasting Room in Uniontown, WA
                         Thurs.-Sat. 12-6 509-338-4916

                                                                          903 6th St., Clarkston, WA 99403
                                                                                                                      8435 _18

   28 | Moscow, Idaho
Getting around
                                                          photo courtesy of Fondo on the Palouse

   There are many ways to get around        Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport
our community. Just seven miles from        3200 N. Airport Rd.
downtown Moscow, the Pullman –              Pullman, WA 99163
Moscow Regional Airport brings Alaska       (509) 338-3223
Airlines to the Palouse region. Travel
around Moscow in a cab, on a bus, or
even rent a bike. Our region has 36 miles   SMART Transit
of paved trails, so you can walk, run,      1006 Railroad St.
bike, or hike everywhere that you need      Moscow, ID 83843
to go! The Palouse has easy access via      (208) 883-7747
north-south routes of U.S. Highway 195
in Washington, and U.S. Highway 95 in
Idaho. Moscow and Pullman are linked by     Wheatland Express
state Highway 270.                          7601 State Route 270
                                            Pullman, WA 99163
Paradise Creek Bicycles –                   (509) 334-2200
Bike Rentals                      
513 S. Main St.
(208) 882-0703
                                                                     Moscow, Idaho | 29
Getting Around

                       photo courtesy of Fondo on the Palouse

  30 | Moscow, Idaho
Fix It
                                                          photo courtesy of Brightrock Photography

   Got a flat tire? Car making a strange   Meineke Car Care Center
noise? Locked out of your car? We want     970 N. Main St.
your stay in Moscow to be the very best    Moscow, ID 83843
it can be, so we bring you the very best   (208) 596-4196
in car repair, vehicle maintenance, and
towing – even an excellent locksmith!      Moscow Auto Service, Inc.
                                           1926 S. Main St.
Chipman & Taylor Chevrolet                 (208) 882-2913
250 SE Bishop Blvd.
Pullman, WA 99163                          Mountain View Automotive
(509) 334-3555                             1220 S. Mountain View Rd.
                                           (208) 882-5678
Electrical Specialists, Inc.
301 Troy Highway                           Mr Windshield
(208) 882-7105                             1304 Pullman Rd.
                                           (208) 882-8100
University Collision
435 E. Palouse River Dr.                   Norm's Custom Glass, Inc.
(208) 882-8535                             621 N. Main St.
                                           (208) 882-3543
Jess Ford of Pullman
2590 S. Grand Ave.                         On-Site Auto
Pullman, WA 99163                          208-310-5956
                                           Palouse Country Auto Care
Jiffy Lube                                 1420 White Ave.
326 Troy Highway                           (208) 882-2667
(208) 883-3141
                                           St. John Hardware & Implement Co., Inc.
Les Schwab Tires                           202 W. A St.
1421 White Ave.                            (208) 882-7501
(208) 882-3538
                                           T&T Paintless Dent Repair
                                           (208) 301-2235

                                                                   Moscow, Idaho | 31
Where great
 minds meet
                                                photo courtesy of University of Idaho Conference Management

     With numerous options to choose from,       work in the community and know where
   Moscow offers a beautiful setting for         to find venues, vendors and opportunities
   meetings, conferences and events. Let         that complement your style and work
   our local event planners assist you with      within your budget. We look forward to
   pulling off the kind of affair you want by    the opportunity of working with you!
   making your special event memorable for
   both you and your guests. We live and

              Do you want to host an event? We’re here to help you!
                 Contact us for a free consultaƟon: 208-885-4152

32 | Moscow, Idaho
Where great Minds Meet
 Meeting & Event Venues
Venue Name (Max persons)

1912 Center (150)
412 E. Third St. • • (208) 669-2249
American Legion (140)
317 S. Howard St. • (208) 882-1246
Appaloosa Museum and Heritage Center (200)
2720 W. Pullman Rd. • • (208) 882-5578
Artisans at the Dahmen Barn (120)
419 N. Park Way, Uniontown, WA • • (509) 229-36414
Beasley Performing Arts Center (12,500)
1500 NE Fairway Dr., Pullman, WA • (509) 335-3525
Best Western Plus University Inn (500)
1516 W. Pullman Rd. • • (208) 882-0550
Bonkerz Indoor Play Center (50)
2305 S. Main St. • • (208) 596-4320
Courtyard by Marriott (200)
1295 NE North Fairway Rd. Pullman, WA • • (509) 332-7288
Fairfield Inn & Suites (80)
1000 W. Pullman Rd. • • (208) 882-4600
Good Samaritan (50)
640 Eisenhower St. • • (208) 882-6560

                                                         photo courtesy of Residence Inn

                                                             Moscow, Idaho | 33
where great minds meet

                         Gritman Medical Center Conference Room (75)
                         700 S. Main St. • • (208) 882-4511
                         The Hilltop (100)
                         928 NW Olsen St., Pullman, WA • • (509) 332-0928
                         Holiday Inn Express (80)
                         1190 SE Bishop Blvd., Pullman, WA • • (509) 334-4437
                         Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre (272)
                         508 S. Main St. • • (208) 882-4127
                         Latah County Fairgrounds (500)
                         1021 Harold St. • (208) 883-5722
                         LaQuinta Inn (100)
                         185 Warbonnet Dr. • • (208) 882-5365
                         McConnell Mansion (40)
                         110 S. Adams St.
                         Meadowinds Inc. (100)
                         2493 Blaine Rd. • (208) 882-7907
                         Moscow Elks #249 (200)
                         3080 Troy Highway • • (208) 882-2577
                         Motel 6 (30)
                         101 Baker St. • • (208) 882-5511
                         Residence Inn Pullman at Washington State University (104)
                         1255 NE North Fairway Rd., Pullman, WA
                • (509) 332-4400
                         SEL Event Center (820)
                         1825 Schweitzer Dr., Pullman, WA • • (509) 334-5050
                         University of Idaho
                • • (208) 885-6956

                                                                        photo courtesy of Best Western Plus University Inn

   34 | Moscow, Idaho
Where great Minds Meet
photo courtesy of the Best Western Plus University Inn

                      photo courtesy of the Courtyard

                          Moscow, Idaho | 35
 your senses
                                                photo courtesy of University of Idaho Photographic Services

      Enlighten your senses by planning        modern Appaloosa Horse Club.
   a cultural trip throughout the Palouse:     2720 W. Pullman Rd.
   visit a museum, enjoy a dance or music      (208) 882-5578 ext. 279
   performance, or view an art gallery
   exhibit. During the summer, delve into
   the local art scene with a stroll through   Artisans at the Dahmen Barn
   Art Walk, and in February, encompass        Artisans at the Dahmen Barn is a
   your soul with global jazz sensations at    non-profit organization that cultivates
   the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival.           creativity on the Palouse by providing
                                               studio space for working artists, a venue
   Appaloosa Horse Museum                      for local performing and exhibiting artists,
   The Appaloosa Museum is located in the      and creative experiences for children
   heart of Palouse Country—home of the        and adults. The state-of-the-art facility
   Appaloosa horse breed. The museum           has been transformed from a former
   is a nonprofit organization established     dairy barn. Attractions include a gift shop
   in 1975 to collect, preserve, study, and    featuring art, fine crafts and products
   exhibit objects and information that        from the Palouse. Artisans at work
   illustrate the history of the Appaloosa     in their studio spaces will share their
   horse. The museum's modern facility         creative process with visitors.
   includes an exhibit area; a theater; a      419 N. Park Way
   hands-on Kid's Area; a library & archive    Uniontown, WA
   featuring books, magazines, videos; and     (509) 229-3414
   the gift shop. Exhibit themes range from
   the early evidence of spotted horses in
   art and literature, to the relationship     Essential Art Gallery & Fine Gifts
   between the Appaloosa and the Nez           Essential Art Gallery & Fine Gifts is
   Perce Indians, to the highlights of the     located on upper Main Street and strives
36 | Moscow, Idaho
Enlighten your senses
                                                      photo courtesy of the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival

to bring the highest quality of artwork to   Jordan Schnitzer
the Palouse from the top artists across      Museum of Art at WSU
the country. Specializing in handmade        The new Jordan Schnitzer Museum of
fused and blown glass, tapestry, pottery,    Art WSU is more than a place to view
jewelry, and gourmet artisan chocolate,      and experience art. The design, by Jim
the gallery is sure to provide you           Olson of Olson Kundig, and prominent
something beautiful or delicious during      campus location increase access to
your visit.                                  the arts for the entire Inland Northwest
203 S. Main St.                              region. It is designed as a beacon for the
(208) 571-5654                               arts, inviting visitors to experience the                  vitality of art at WSU. In both location
                                             and design, the building brings art to the
Festival Dance and Performing Arts           forefront of university life.
Festival Dance and Performing Arts brings    1535 NE Wilson Rd.
international professional dance and         Pullman, WA
performing arts events to the area by        (509) 335-1910
presenting the only dance series between
Seattle and Minneapolis, the Great
Performances Series. The association         Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival
also maintains the oldest dance academy      This annual February tradition brings
in the Palouse and Valley regions, with      some 10,000 young musicians and
studios serving the communities of           collegians as well as internationally
Moscow, Genesee, Troy, Lewiston, and         revered jazz artists to campus for two
Lapwai. Festival Dance provides a large      days of performances, workshops and
Youth outreach program that helps youth      world class evening concerts.
in area communities by in-school dance       University of Idaho Campus
presentations, Discover Dance, "fieldtrip"   (208) 885-5900
dance performances and summer      
workshops and youth programs available.
1060 Rayburn, Room #120
(208) 883-3267
                                                                            Moscow, Idaho | 37
Enlighten your senses
                        McConnell Mansion
                        The two-story house is a blend of
                        Victorian, Queen Anne, and Eastlake
                        styles. The rooms on the first floor
                        have been restored to historic periods
                        reflecting the house's history, from
                        turn-of-the-century parlors to the 1930s
                        kitchen. A friendly volunteer will give
                        you a tour of the rooms and information
                        about the house, Moscow, and Latah
                        County. Upstairs are two exhibit areas
                        that offer well researched and interpreted
                        perspectives on people, places, and
                        events of Latah County.
                        327 E. Second St.
                        (208) 882-1004

                        Moscow Art Theatre (Too)
                        Headquartered at the Kenworthy
                        Performing Arts Centre in Moscow, Idaho,
                        they are dedicated to creating theatre
                        that moves their audiences.
                        (208) 918-1882
                                                                                                             photo courtesy of
                                                                                     University of Idaho Photographic Services
                        Moscow Artwalk
                        Since its beginning in 2004, the Moscow
                        Artwalk has become one of the many           Nez Perce County
                        arts and cultural activities that help       Historical Museum
                        make Moscow a vibrant community.             Discover many of the Palouse region’s
                        Participants are provided with a colorful    historical stories, battles and culture through
                        brochure that directs them on a self-        the many photos and artifacts on display, plus
                        guided tour of the work of dozens of         hands-on activities for the young at heart.
                        local and regional artists displayed         0306 3rd St.
                        in participating businesses. Moscow          Lewiston, ID
                        Artwalk opens in June and runs through       (208) 743-2535
                        (208) 883-7036

                        Moscow Community Theatre
                        The Moscow Community Theatre,
                        founded in 1976 with local talent from
                        the community and the universities,
                                                                       Welcome to Nez Perce
                        features family dramas, comedies, and         National Historical Park
                        musical productions throughout the year.
                                                              History & Culture
                                                                                                      Youth Activities
                                                                               Nez Perce National Historical Park
                                                                                         Visitor Center
                                                                              39063 US Hwy 95, Lapwai, ID 83540-9715
                                                                                      Phone: (208) 843-7009

   38 | Moscow, Idaho
Enlighten your senses
Palouse Choral Society                      Prichard Art Gallery
The Palouse Choral Society is a             The University of Idaho gallery is in
nonprofit auditioned choir. You can enjoy   downtown Moscow and serves the public
performances from October through           with a year-round rotating exhibition
May in the Quad Cities as well as in the    schedule. The gallery has included works
surrounding communities. Performances       by internationally famous artists as well
include a wide variety of music from the    as Northwest and regional artists. It is
choral repertoire, including music from     free and open to the public.
the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical      414 S. Main St.
periods, through to 20th century and        (208) 885-3586
contemporary choral works. In addition,
an occasional concert may be devoted to     galleries-centers-and-labs/prichard
other musical styles such as opera, pop,
jazz or Broadway.                           Pullman Civic Theatre
                                            The mission of Pullman Civic Theatre is
Palouse Discovery Science Center            to provide affordable, live entertainment
This center promotes science, math and      for the community, and creative outlets
technology literacy through the use of      and educational opportunities for theatre
educational programs, exhibits, teaching    participants of all ages.
collections and activities emphasizing      1220 NW Nye St.
hands-on learning.                          Pullman, WA
950 NE Nelson Ct.                           (509) 332-8406
Pullman, WA
(509) 332-6869                              Regional Theatre of the Palouse                      You don't have to go to Broadway—
                                            Regional Theatre Of the Palouse is here,
Palouse Harmony Chorus                      bringing you Broadway classics, revivals,
The Palouse Harmony Chorus exists           premieres and award winning shows.
to spread joy and meaning through           122 N. Garland Ave.
music, by singing (of course!) and also     Pullman, WA
by supporting music education and           (509) 334-0750
appreciation in their home communities.
They are a men's chorus and they
sing mostly in the Barbershop style:        Third Street Gallery
a cappella, with close harmonies and        The Third Street Gallery is on the second
interesting arrangements of classic and     and third floors of Moscow's beautifully
modern songs.                               renovated and historic City Hall. The
(208) 883-3600                              gallery exhibits the works of local and
                                            regional artists for the enjoyment of
                                            residents and visitors to the community.
                                            206 E. Third St.
                                            (208) 883-7036

                                            UofI Hartung Theatre
                                            The Hartung Theatre on the University
                                            of Idaho campus offers performances
                                            throughout the year. The Mainstage
                                            Series, presented by the UofI Theater Arts
                                            Department, features dramas, comedies
                                            and musicals.
                                            625 Stadium Dr.
                                            (208) 885-6465

                                                                   Moscow, Idaho | 39
Enlighten your senses

                                                                          photo courtesy of the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival

                        Washington Idaho Symphony                 Wild @ Art
                        The Washington Idaho Symphony formed      Wild at Art is a paint-your-own-pottery
                        in 1971 and developed into a premium      and canvas painting studio located in
                        orchestra that brings classical and       downtown Moscow. We are open to
                        contemporary symphonic music to the       the public on a drop-in basis during
                        Palouse. Participating performers are     our regular studio hours. We can also
                        local residents from eastern Washington   schedule your personalized group event
                        and North Central Idaho.                  or party by appointment. ]
                        205 S. Main St. #1                        118 E. 3rd St.
                        (509) 332-3408                            (208) 669-2425

                                                                     JORDAN SCHNITZER MUSEUM OF ART WSU

                                                                     VISIT FREE! SIX GALLERIES OF ART
                                                                      TUESDAY-SATURDAY, 10AM-4PM
                                                                           WSU PULLMAN CAMPUS

   40 | Moscow, Idaho
Just for Kids!

   Bringing the whole family? Don't worry!           Co-op Kids
There are plenty of activities and businesses        Co-op Kids is an educational play group for
that cater specifically to kids. From the arts       ages 3-5 as well as their parents or guardians
to Martial Arts, we've got it all!                   that takes place at the Moscow Food Co-op.
                                                     Join them every Tuesday morning from 9-10
The 1912 Center                                      a.m. for easy, earth-friendly crafts and activities.
The 1912 Center collaborates with regional           From time to time, they might even take a short
organizations to host a variety of activities for    field trip for some outdoor fun when weather
children, such as classes, music performances,       permits!
and mock elections. They sponsor community           121 E. Fifth St.
art shows and are home to Friendship Hall, a         (208) 882-8537
drop-in center for people with disabilities and
their care providers. Check out their website for
upcoming events.                                     Eastside Marketplace
412 E. Third St.                                     Toddler Play Area
(208) 669-2249                                       When the weather gets bad do not worry! You                                   can take your toddlers to the Toddler Play Area
                                                     at Eastside Marketplace where they can enjoy
Appaloosa Museum                                     the indoor play structure.
and Heritage Center                                  1420 S. Blaine St.
At the Appaloosa Museum, visitors learn about        208-882-1533
the history of the Appaloosa horse, which is
as unique and colorful as its coat pattern. It
includes a Kids Area, Gift Shop, and Picnic          Festival Dance and Performing Arts
Grounds.                                             Association, Inc
2720 W. Pullman Rd.                                  Festival Dance is a non-profit performing arts
(208) 882-5578 ext. 279                              organization that offers dance classes at                              locations in Moscow, Troy, and Genesee. We
                                                     also present an annual family-friendly dance
Bonkerz Indoor Playcenter                            series called "Great Performances,” numerous
Bonkerz is excited to be serving the Palouse         outreach performances by professional dance
with their parent/guardian supervised indoor         companies that are free for area schools, and
play center and birthday party venue located in      a free in-school master class series called
Moscow, Idaho. With comfy parent seating and         "Discover Dance.”
free wi-fi, kids are free to play all day on their   (208) 883-3267
play structure or in our play barn, play market,
and play house or play in their different play
stations including trains, dolls and dinosaurs.
They have a designated play space for kiddos
2 and under as well as an awesome play space
for kiddos over the age of 5. (Socks are a must
for all patrons, and due to the various food
allergies, we do not permit outside food or drink
in our play center.)
2305 S. Main St.
(208) 596-4320
                                                                                 Moscow, Idaho | 41
Just for Kids!
                 Hamilton-Lowe Aquatic Center                          Latah Trail Foundation
                 Stay cool and have fun at the Hamilton-Lowe           The Latah Trail is a county owned, linear
                 Aquatic Center! The Aquatic Center is open from       park for non-motorized transportation and
                 the beginning of June until the end of August. It     recreation. It is a 16 mile pedestrian/ bicycle
                 has 2 large slides, an interactive play structure,    path from Moscow through Troy and into Bear
                 a mini lazy river and more! Plus there are picnic     Creek Canyon. The Latah Trail is ADA accessible
                 tables and barbecues available for you to use!        for most of its length. It is open to all persons
                 830 N. Mountain View Rd.                              of all abilities and ages. It is open from dawn to
                 (208) 882-7665                                        dusk and is free to use. Volunteer opportunities
                                          exist for trail sweeping and weeding. Fun group
                                                                       rides can be organized to fit any age group and
                 Hamilton Lowe Indoor Recreation Center                ability.
                 The Hamilton Indoor Recreation Center was             (208) 874-3860
                 planned and built so youth and adults would 
                 have a place to play games and socialize in a
                 warm, friendly atmosphere that is independent         Moscow Music Academy
                 of the weather. Use of the facility is free to the    Discover the joy of music at Moscow Music
                 public unless reserved. The HIRC is a place           Academy - the area’s leading independent year-
                 where people can go any time of the year for          round music lesson provider on the Palouse.
                 recreational purposes.                                They offer private lessons, coaching and college
                 1724 East F St.                                       prep for guitar, piano, drums, bass, ukulele,
                 (208) 883-7084                                        recorder, voice/singing, ensemble programs,
                                          and more for the young and young-at-heart!
                                                                       They teach beginners to advanced in a wide
                 Idler's Rest Naturee Preserve                         variety of musical styles. They hold two student
                 Located just 10 minutes from Moscow, Idler's          showcases each year which are free and
                 Rest Nature Preserve is the perfect place to          open to the public, as well as guest musician
                 play, explore and learn! Owned and managed            workshops and other activities. Call or visit us
                 by the Palouse Land Trust, Idler's Rest hosts         online to learn more or to enroll.
                 numerous family-friendly and kids events              207 S. Washington St.
                 throughout the year, including Kids Nature            (208) 882-6733
                 Crafts, guided hikes, Little Birders activities and
                 more. Open 365 days a year, dawn to dusk.
                 (208) 596-4496                                        Palouse Choral Society
                                         Children, mid-elementary school and up, are
                                                                       encouraged to attend their four annual concerts
                 Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre                      where they can read about the music being
                 The Kenworthy hosts a wide array of kid and           performed and experience a live performance.
                 family friendly activities including live theatre     In addition, 2018-19 marks the fourth year of
                 productions, free classic cartoons June-              the PCS Children's Choir for singers in grades
                 September, summer matinee movies June-                4 - 7. By participating in the Children's Choir, the
                 August, and children's educational programs.          young choristers receive in-depth choral music
                 508 S. Main St.                                       instruction, not to mention having loads of fun!
                 (208) 882-4127                                        810 N. Almon St.
                                            (208) 882-6408
                 Latah County Historical Society &
                 McConnell Mansion                                     Palouse-Clearwater
                 Ever wondered what is was like to live in             Environmental Institute
                 Moscow during its earliest years? Come take a         Get the whole family outdoors and enjoy trails,
                 tour of the McConnell Mansion and you’ll see          wetlands, outdoor art, Bikes for Tike and more
                 first-hand what life was like in our community        at the PCEI Nature Center. They offer Summer
                 more than 100 years ago. Researchers of all           Storytime Series, Seasonal Wanderings and
                 ages are also welcome to explore our archives,        many more events specific to kids!
                 located just across the street in the Centennial      1040 Rodeo Dr.
                 Annex. Historic photos and documents as well          (208) 882-1444
                 as artifacts provide primary source information
                 about Latah County’s past and are bound to
                 inspire curiosity.
                 327 E 2nd St.
                 (208) 882-1004

  42 | Moscow, Idaho
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