International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment 2015 2017 - Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International ...
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International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment 2015 – 2017 Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg/Germany
International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment IMPRS REMEP Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Freiburg/Germany 2015 – 2017
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page _ 5____ F o r e wo r d 7____ I . S h o r t ou t l i n e of t h e i m p r s r e m e p 11____ I I . T h e I MPR S REMEP at F r e i bu rg 15____ I I I . D o c t or a l S t u d e n t s 2 015 – 2 017 18____ Alumni as of July 2018 I V. P roj e c t s of F r e i bu rg REMEP S t u d e n t s 2 015 – 2 017 22____ Jorge Patricio Cabrera Guiraro Grenzen der Anbindung des Strafrechts an das Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungshandeln 23____ Esther Earbin The Role of Interest Groups in Criminal Copyright Policy Making 24____ Aleksandre Glonti The Internet as a Mechanism for Social Control 25____ Cléssio Moura de Souza Youth and Violence in Maceió 26____ Annika Poschadel “Fair Trial” in Transnational Internal Investigations 27____ Christine Preiser Grenzwächter des Nachtlebens 28____ Clara Rigoni The Use of ADR for Cases of Honor-Based Violence in Europe 29____ Yuning Ruiheng The Role of Individuals in Compliance Programs 30____ Anina Schwarzenbach Das Verhältnis Jugendlicher zur Polizei in multi-ethnischen Städten 31____ Adepeju Solarin Respect in Mediation 32____ Filip Vojta Punishment and Sentence Enforcement for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Former Yugoslavia 33____ Maria Walsh Intensive Bewährungshilfe und jugendliche Intensivtäter 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 26 27 3 V. CURR I CULA r ACT I V I T I E S 2 015 – 2 017 ____35 Workshops & Seminars ____37 IMPRS REMEP Guest Lectures and Author-Meets-Critic-Sessions at the MPICC ____38 Scientific Outreach ____39 V I . o rga n i z at i on of t h e i m p r s r e m e p ____41 V I I . Lis t of P u bl i c at i on s of D o c t or a l S t u d e n t s ____43 V I I I . Lis t of P r e s e n tat i on s at C on f e r e nc e s a n d ____47 Wor k s hop s 3
Foreword The International Max Planck Research School ner institutions of the IMPRS REMEP have on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment implemented a coherent and multidiscipli- (IMPRS REMEP) addresses retaliation, medi- nary teaching and training program in English, ation, and punishment and their roles in estab- which catered to the needs and demands of lishing, maintaining, and forming social order its diverse student body. Introductory courses, and (human) security in the face of conflicts, annual retreats, author-meets-critic-sessions, various forms of crime, terrorism, insurgen- both multidisciplinary and thematic workshops, cies, or civil war. Moreover, globalization, the guest lecture series, and three international internationalization of politics, and migration conferences on the core concepts – retaliation, all result in new arenas of conflict, which beg mediation, and punishment – in which the stu- for timely and appropriate answers. 58 highly dents of the REMEP were intimately involved, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Jörg motivated and talented doctoral students from speak for themselves. Direction and guidance Albrecht, Director at the Max Planck Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe have by the REMEP faculty and senior researchers Institute for Foreign and International analyzed, and compared, the interrelationships fostered and enabled the doctoral students’ re- Criminal Law and Deputy Spokes- between retaliation, mediation and punish- search. They became increasingly independent person of the International Max Planck Research School on Retalia- ment in these scenarios from the perspectives researchers, who set out to national and inter- tion, Mediation and Punishment of the history of law, international and crimi- national conferences to present their research nal law, criminology, and/or anthropology. They projects and results, as well as to establish their have based their research on different sets of own networks within their respective research theories and methods analyzing conflicts in dif- communities. Moreover, the IMPRS REMEP ferent times and scales. has provided a platform that truly helped foster intense social and scientific exchange and dia- We can proudly state that the doctoral Research logue between the graduate students, the fac- School’s output over the past 10 years has been ulty, and the alumni of REMEP, benefitting all outstanding, with many innovative and relevant involved. The fact that a significant number of contributions that advance our understanding our alumni graduates have been successful in of the role of retaliation, mediation and pun- pursuing a career in research and/or in academ- ishment for social order, peace and (human) ia is another indicator of the School’s success. security. A high number of dissertations, mon- ographies, and numerous peer-reviewed publi- I cordially invite you to further explore the cations in national and international journals IMPRS REMEP with a focus on the recent attest to the scientific productivity of REMEP. developments at the Max Planck Institute for Both doctoral students and faculty members Foreign and International Criminal Law and generated a coherent normative and empirical invite you to engage with us in further discus- research output. Some of our students were sions in this important field of research. honored for their outstanding research with awards and distinctions. All participating part- Happy reading! Hans-Jörg Albrecht Freiburg, 24 August 2018 5
IMPRS REMEP The International Max Planck Research School builds on the capacities of three Max Planck on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment Institutes and two universities, creating syner- (IMPRS REMEP) is one of three Research gies necessary to conduct first class interdis- Schools located at the Max Planck Institute ciplinary research on the multi-faceted and for Foreign and International Criminal Law cross-cultural role of retaliation, mediation and (MPICC). It is a unique research and teaching punishment for the negotiation, construction network in which the MPICC, specifically its or maintenance of peace, social order and secu- Department of Criminology, collaborates with rity. Contemporary and historical comparative the Max Planck Institute for European Legal research combines empirical and theoretical History (Frankfurt), the Max Planck Institute analysis at the interface of micro- and macro for Social Anthropology (Halle), the University levels of social organization. This allows for an of Freiburg and the Martin Luther University exceptionally broad inquiry into the connec- of Halle-Wittenberg. The IMPRS REMEP is tions and discontinuities between social and one of currently ten Research Schools in the legal developments. It also provides a stimulus Human and Social Science section and one of a for further applied research and innovation in total of 60 International Max Planck Research exploring new directions for policy formula- Schools under the umbrella of, and mainly tions regarding conflict management strategies funded by, the Max Planck Society for the Ad- in the 21st century. In line with this, the so- vancement of Science. cial science disciplines involved in the IMPRS REMEP study social integration and conflict as Founded in 2008, the IMPRS REMEP suc- well as the social causes and consequences of cessfully applied for a second funding period crime, criminal behavior and, in lieu thereof, in 2012. The Scientific Evaluation Committee, the development and impact of laws. Alongside composed of internationally renowned and ac- the social sciences, the fields of jurisprudence claimed researchers, strongly supported a sec- participating in the IMPRS REMEP concen- ond funding period stating in its report: trate on the purpose, structure and application of criminal law, constitutional law and public “The IMPRS with its exceptional format has international law in addition to the history of developed into a competitive graduate center social communication about law. The IMPRS that attracts talented and highly motivated REMEP incorporates both social sciences and students from Germany and from all over the jurisprudence to explain the significance of re- world. With an interdisciplinary approach and taliation, mediation and punishment for social professional organization, the school offers order, peace and security in today’s world. Re- an excellent program of education and train- searchers from the various disciplines analyze, ing which the students take full advantage of. from their theoretical standpoint and with their The cooperation between participating institu- methodological canon, how different social tions is untroubled and beneficial to the IM- agents such as international organizations, the PRS. The IMPRS REMEP is a unique cross- State, the church, non-governmental organiza- institutional and interdisciplinary venture that tions, local communities, families and neigh- offers students an unrivalled opportunity and borhoods make strategic use of retaliation, me- funding to undertake doctoral research on diation and punishment. Corresponding to this important topics in a highly collaborative and approach, research of the participating disci- genuinely innovative intellectual environment. plines depicts specific functions of retaliation, The reviewers view the IMPRS for ‘Retaliation, mediation and punishment in the varying forms Mediation and punishment (REMEP)’ as a of interactions to establish and maintain social great success in both science and education.” order and security, in terms of intensity and [March 19, 2012] scope, time and space. This provides a fertile basis for comparative analysis on the relative The application for another six years (2014– significance of retaliation, mediation and pun- 2019) was duly granted, with a fine-tuning of ishment in establishing and maintaining peace, the scientific focus to also encompass research social order and security today. All doctoral re- on security. The IMPRS REMEP will conclude search projects address these core questions by at the end of 2019. engaging in theoretical and empirical research. As stated by the Evaluation Committee, the The IMPRS REMEP offers a broad and inter- IMPRS REMEP is unique in its set-up. It disciplinary curriculum in English for about 8
I. SHORT OUTLINE OF THE IMPRS REMEP 20 students at a time. Mandatory and optional search agenda; i.e., doctoral students will ac- scientific seminars and workshops take place at quaint themselves with the empirical methods all partner institutions on a regular basis; once and theoretical backgrounds not only of their a year the research school organizes a joint own discipline but also of the other fields of retreat. Internationally renowned researchers research involved. Soft skills training modules and practitioners regularly deliver guest lec- (e.g., rules on good scientific practice, presen- tures. The aim is to provide insights into the tation skills, academic writing, project manage- distinct disciplines involved and to promote ment, language courses) are an integral part of an interdisciplinary approach to the overall re- the training concept. 9
II. The IMPRS REMEP at Freiburg 11
FORSCHUNGSBERICHT IMPRS REMEP 2006/2007 The MPICC and the University of Freiburg enrolled in the IMPRS REMEP. The doctoral provide excellent integrated and innovative students have to demonstrate the coherence training and research opportunities for highly and significance of their respective research qualified German and foreign university grad- projects and answer to the faculty members uates who wish to work towards a doctoral de- and fellow students. Moreover, doctoral stu- gree in the fields of criminology, criminal law dents in Freiburg are encouraged to invite or sociology. The IMPRS REMEP sponsors and engage with experts in their own field in doctoral students for a period of three years, the context of author-meets-critic sessions in during which students benefit from the out- which the guests comment on the student’s standing research facilities. Embedded in the draft papers or chapters. These sessions are scientific and social life of the Institute, each very beneficial since the doctoral students are doctoral student carries out his or her research expected to submit and ideally publish peer- project under the supervision of two profes- reviewed papers by the time they submit their sors, and is coached by a day-to-day supervi- thesis in the prevailing format of a monog- sor (themselves a senior researcher). A Thesis raphy. All students receive significant finan- Advisory Committee monitors the progress on cial support to participate in and attend key each student on a regular basis. conferences in Europe and beyond in order to present their research results and network All doctoral students must undertake a propos- with fellow scholars who share their interest al defense six to eight months after they have in retaliation, mediation and punishment. IM- Die Randbemerkungen werden immer so ausgerichtet, dass die erste Zeile exakt auf dem Satzras- ter liegt, sofern ihnen kein Bild zugeordnet ist. Some REMEP Doctoral Students from Freiburg and Heidelberg 12
II. THE IMPRS REMEP AT FREIBURG PRS REMEP encourages and provides finan- context of crime and deviance or in previous cial means for students in their second or third years also in (post-) conflict societies. During year to conceptualize and organize workshops 2015-17, students collected qualitative data and conferences themselves, with a view to in Brazil, Germany, England, France, Nor- publishing the contributions thereafter. way and the USA. Over the course of the last years, the Max Planck Society and the IM- In Freiburg, close institutionalized collabora- PRS REMEP have significantly improved the tions exist with the Bern Graduate School for support provided to doctoral students under- Criminal Justice (joint doctoral seminar once taking field research. A tool kit ranging from a year; exchange of researchers) as well as front-end information and training to back- with the Centro Studi “Federico Stella” sulla end emergency support (including evacua- Giustizia penale e la Politica criminale, Uni- tion) has been established; e.g., before leaving versità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (ex- to the field, a psychologist, one of our senior change of researchers). A collaboration with researchers, briefs the respective doctoral stu- the Washington and Lee School of Law, Vir- dent about possible re-traumatization of his or ginia, was also offered until 2015. her interview partners or about psychological stress, he or she might incur. After returning Some of our doctoral students collect empiri- from the field, each student has the opportu- cal data by conducting interviews, surveys and nity to share their experiences with an outside participant observation in the often-difficult psychologist. 13
III. Doctoral Students 2015 – 2017 In Alphabetical Order 1 – 2 Row: Current Doctoral Students 4 – 6 Row: Alumni 15
IMPRS REMEP Since 2008, 58 doctoral students, 35 women (11 graduating with magna cum laude, 1 with and 23 men, formed the student body of the summa cum laude) and five at the faculty of IMPRS REMEP. 21 were German students; 37 philosophy (three graduating with magna cum doctoral students came from 24 different coun- laude and two with summa cum laude). Three tries of the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia. doctoral students received their doctoral de- Out of the 58 doctoral students, 29 (18 women grees and titles at other universities: the LMU and 11 men) did their research in Freiburg at Munich, the University of Bern / Switzerland both the MPICC and / or the University of and Columbia University School of Law / Freiburg. USA). Andreas Armborst received the presti- gious Otto Hahn Medal in 2013 for his disser- Since the Max Planck Society for the Advance- tation “Jihadi Violence – A study of al-Qaeda’s ment of Science does not confer PhD or doc- media” in recognition of this outstanding sci- toral degrees and titles, all REMEP students entific achievement. Three doctoral students are doctoral candidates at the partner, other submitted their drafts; reviews are pending. German or even home universities as in the The remaining doctoral students in Freiburg case of some of our foreign students. will finalize their theses by the end of 2019, i.e., before the termination of the research As of June 2018, 29 students were enrolled at school; financial support of the two students the IMPRS REMEP. Thereof, currently eight who joined the IMPRS REMEP in 2017 and doctoral students, five men and three women, 2018 is guaranteed to ensure three years finan- conduct their research at the MPICC and / or cial stability. the University of Freiburg. They come from Brazil, Chile, China, Croatia, Georgia, Ger- The table below lists doctoral students affili- many, Italy and the USA. ated with and located at the MPICC and the University of Freiburg, only, plus one doctoral Since 2015, seven doctoral students final- REMEP student of the Max Planck Institute ized their dissertation and received their doc- for Comparative Public Law and International toral degrees and titles. One doctoral student Law (MPIL) doing research at the MPICC. For dropped out. Since 2008, 20 out of 29 doc- information about all doctoral students of the toral students in Freiburg successfully final- IMPRS REMEP and their research projects, ized their dissertation: 12 at the faculty of law please, visit Academic Supervisors Name Working Title [& Financing] Additional Information Provenance (1./2.) * 1. Arfsten, Kerrin-Sina Germany Albrecht/TBA Security and Vigilance – A Qualitative Study of June 2011 – June 2015 Public Anti-Terror Vigilance Campaigns in the Dissertation submitted in United States July 2018 [MPS] 2. Cabrera Guirao, Chile Hefendehl/ Critic of the Accessoriness of Administrative Entry into REMEP: 03/2016 Jorge Patricio Albrecht Regulations in Environmental Criminal Law (Grenzen der Anbindung des Strafrechts an das Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungshandeln) [Scholarship DAAD and CONICYT] 3. Earbin, Esther USA Hefendehl/ The Role of Interest Groups in Criminal Copyright Entry into REMEP: 04/2016 Albrecht Policy Making – A Study of Germany and the United States [MPS] 4. Glonti, Aleksandre Georgia Albrecht/Perron The Internet as a Mechanism for Social Control Oral exam scheduled for [Scholarship DAAD and MPS] Nov. 2018 Since 02/2018: Chief Specialist at the Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Georgia * In case of a supervisor not affiliated with the MPICC or the University of Freiburg, the academic affiliation is mentioned. 16
III. DOCTORAL STUDENTS 2015 – 2017 Academic Supervisors Name Working Title [& Financing] Additional Information Provenance (1./2.) * 5. Knust, Mandana Germany Wolfrum (MPIL The Guarantee of Fair Trial Principles in Islamic REMEP Doctoral Student Heidelberg)/N.N. States: The Case of the Islamic Republic of Affiliated with MPIL Afghanistan Conducting Research at MPICC 6. Moura de Souza, Brazil Albrecht/Perron Youth and Violence in Maceió – An Ethnographical Oral exam scheduled for Cléssio Study on Youth Street Violence Related to Drug and Nov. 2018 Social Order in Brazil’s Violent City [Scholarship MPS] 7. Poschadel, Annika Germany Hefendehl/ “Fair Trial” in Transnational Internal Investigations Entry into REMEP: 12/2016 Perron (Verfahrensfairness in transnationalen unterneh- mensinternen Ermittlungen) [Scholarship Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes] 8. Rigoni, Clara Italy Albrecht/Foblets The Use of ADR for Cases of Honor-Based Violence Oral exam scheduled for (MPI for Social in Europe Nov. 2018 Anthropology) [Scholarship MPS] 9. Rojas Paez, Gustavo Colombia Albrecht/Perron Transitional Justice from Below – Chances and Oct. 2010 – Sept. 2012 Prospects in Contemporary Colombia [Scholarship DAAD] Since 2013: Junior Researcher, University Libre, Bogotá, Colombia 10. Ruiheng, Yuning China Albrecht/Perron The Role of Individuals in Compliance Programs – Entry into REMEP: 10/2017 A Comparative Study between Germany and the USA [Scholarship China Scholarship Council] * In case of a supervisor not affiliated with the MPICC or the University of Freiburg, the academic affiliation is mentioned. 17
IMPRS REMEP Alumni as of July 2018 Academic Supervisors Name Title of Dissertation [& Financing] Career Provenance (1./2.) * 1. Dr. Armborst, Germany Albrecht/Blinkert Jihadi Violence – A Study of al-Qaeda‘s Media Marie Curie Fellow Andreas [MPS] (IEF; 2015–16); Director, Nationales Zentrum Recipient of Otto Hahn Medal 2013 für Kriminalprävention, Bonn 2. Dr. Bedoya Sánchez, Peru Albrecht/Perron The Politics of Order – An Analysis of Punishment Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Shakira in International Law Humboldt University, Berlin [Scholarship MPS] 3. Dr. Györy, Csaba Hungary Albrecht/Sieber Criminal Law as a Means of Regulation: The Research fellow, Institute Interplay between Legal, Economic and Political for Legal Studies, Hungarian Rationalities in the Regulation of Corporate Crime Academy of Science; [MPS] Associate Professor, Centre for Law and Society, ELTE University, Faculty of Law, Budapest 4. Dr. Kh. Erdem- Mongolia Albrecht/Perron The Mongolian Penal System from the Perspective Senior Lecturer at School of Undrakh of the German Criminal Law Law, National University of [Scholarship DAAD, MPS] Mongolia 5. Dr. von Frankenberg, Germany Albrecht/ Grundlagen konsensualer Konfliktlösungsprozesse Project Manager Mercator Kiyomi Hefendehl – eine empirische Analyse von Konsensbildungs- Science Policy Network prozessen in abgesprochenen Wirtschaftsstraf- Research Center Ruhr, Essen verfahren [MPS] 6. Dr. Hiéramente, Germany Sieber/Perron International Arrest Warrants in Ongoing Conflicts Attorney at Law specialized Mayeul – The Legal Framework of Criminal Law Interven- in White Collar Crime, tions by External Actors Düsseldorf [MPS] 7. Dr. Jensen, David Costa Rica Albrecht/Perron Maras: A Study of Their Origin, International Researcher at the Constitu- Impact, and the Measures Taken to Fight Them tional Court, Costa Rica [Scholarship by MPS] 8. Dr. Kasselt, Julia Germany Albrecht/Perron Honour Killings in Germany Referentin beim Bundes- [MPS] familienministerium im Referat Fonds Sexueller Missbrauch, Berlin 9. Dr. Lien, Meng-Chi Taiwan Albrecht/ Victim-Offender Mediation and the Role of the Assistant Professor of Law, Hefendehl Public Prosecutor – A Comparison of Germany, Institute of Law for Science Taiwan and China and Technology (ILST), [Scholarship by MPS] National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan 10. Dr. Lin, Jing China Albrecht/ A Comparative Study on Anti-Money Laundering 2014–17 Postdoc MPICC Hefendehl through Financial Institutions and their Staff in China, Germany and the USA Since 2018: [Scholarship by China Scholarship Council] Associate Professor Univer- sity of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China 11. Dr. Muwereza, Uganda Albrecht/v.Trotha Restorative vs. Retributive Justice in the Northern African Community Team Nathan Uganda Conflict Support, Uganda [Scholarship by KAAD, MPS] * In case of a supervisor not affiliated with the MPICC or the University of Freiburg, the academic affiliation is mentioned. 18
III. DOCTORAL STUDENTS 2015 – 2017 [Alumni as of July 2018] Academic Supervisors Name Title of Dissertation [& Financing] Career Provenance (1./2.) * 12. Dr. Preiser, Germany Oberwittler/ The Border Watchmen of Nightlife – An Ethnogra- Since 03/2018: Christine Scheffer (Univer- phy on Bouncers in German Nightclubs Researcher in DFG project sity of Frankfurt) (Grenzwächter des Nachtlebens – Eine Ethnografie „Wissenspolitiken in der ge- über Türsteher in Deutschland) genwärtigen Regulierung der [Scholarship MPS] Prostitution in Deutschland“, University of Augsburg 13. Dr. Schuetze- Canada Sieber/Perron International Criminal Justice on Trial: The Legal Senior Legal Adviser, Co- Reymann, Jennifer Implications of the Referral Practice of Cases from ordination and Internation- International to National Justice Mechanisms – nal Cooperation Division / The ICTY/ICTR Experience and Its Possible Directorate General for Relevance for the ICC Human Rights and Rule of [MPS] Law / Council of Europe Strasbourg, France 14. Dr. Schwarzenbach, Switzerland Oberwittler/ Das Verhältnis Jugendlicher zur Polizei in multi- Postdoc MPICC Anina Roché (Université ethnischen Städten – Eine Studie zu Kontakten und Since 08/2017 Grenoble) Einstellungen zu der Polizei in Deutschland und Frankreich Research Fellow [MPS] Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Cambridge, M.A., USA (Sept. 2018 –) 15. Dr. Solarin, Adepeju USA, Nigeria Kößler/Albrecht Respect in Mediation – The Confluence of Restor- Graduate Research Fellow ative Justice and International Mediation Theories Harvard Program of Negotia- and Practices tion (2016–17) [Scholarship MPS] 16. Dr. Terwindt, The Nether- Fagan, Povinelli, Ethnographies of Contentious Criminalization – European Center for Consti- Carolijn, LL.M. lands Richman (Colum- Expansion, Ambivalence, and Marginalization tutional and Human Rights, bia University)/ [Co-funded by MPS] Berlin Albrecht 17. Vojta, Filip Croatia Albrecht/Eser Punishment and Sentence Enforcement for Serious Oral exam: July 2018; Violations of International Humanitarian Law Com- thereafter Postdoc MPICC mitted in the Former Yugoslavia [Scholarship DAAD and MPS] 18. Dr. Vujinovic, Lejla Germany Vest (University Re-establishing Social Order in Post-conflict Unknown of Bern)/Albrecht Societies – A Comparative Analysis of Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia [Co-funded by MPS, University of Bern] 19. Dr. Walsh, Maria Germany Ditton (Univer- The Effect of Intensive Probation on Juvenile and Deputy Director, Nationales sity of Munich)/ Adolescent Intensive Offenders Zentrum für Kriminalpräven- Haverkamp (Uni- (Intensive Bewährungshilfe und jugendliche Inten- tion, Bonn versity of Tübin- sivtäter – Eine empirische Analyse des Einflusses gen), Albrecht von Intensivbewährungshilfe auf die kriminelle Kar- riere junger Intensiv- und Mehrfachtäter in Bayern) [MPS] 20. Dr. Zhao, China Albrecht/Eser China and the ICC: Status and Prospects from the Lecturer, College for Criminal Chenguang Perspective of Legal Culture Law Science, Beijing Normal [Scholarship by China Scholarship Council] University, China * In case of a supervisor not affiliated with the MPICC or the University of Freiburg, the academic affiliation is mentioned. 19
IV. Projects of Freiburg REMEP Students 2015 – 2017 21
IMPRS REMEP Jorge Patricio Cabrera Guiraro Grenzen der Anbindung des Strafrechts an das Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungshandeln Supervisors: Hefendehl/Albrecht Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung ist die sog. sich nur schwerlich verallgemeinern. Zudem Akzessorietät des Strafrechts, d.h. das Abhän- muss man in Betracht ziehen, dass auch im gigkeitsverhältnis des Strafrechts von Recht- rechtsgebietsspezifischen Anwendungsbereich sätzen aus den anderen Teilen der Rechtsord- dieser Sonderregelungen nicht alle möglichen nung. Diese Untersuchung konzentriert sich Anbindungen des Strafrechts an das Verwal- auf einen besonderen Fall der Akzessorietät: tungshandeln ausgeschöpfen werden und nur Jorge Cabrera (*1981) studied die Abhängigkeit des Strafrechts vom Ver- begrenzt in einigen bedeutenden Fallkonstel- Law at the University of Chile, Santiago de Chile (2000–2005). waltungsrecht und vom Verwaltungshandeln. lationen Anwendung finden. Diese sektoralen In 2009, he published a book Die zunehmende Verrechtlichung des Zusam- Rechtsmissbrauchsklauseln stellen aber keine entitled “El engaño típicamente menlebens sowie die immer weitreichendere deklaratorische Ausprägung eines allgemei- relvante a título de estafa: modelo Kriminalisierung von Lebensbereichen haben nen Rechtsgrundsatzes dar, sondern lediglich dogmático y análisis jurispruden- cial”. He received a scholarship zu einer unvermeidbaren Häufung der Kon- abschließende Sonderregelungen der Effekte by the Chilean government kurrenz von straf- und verwaltungsrechtlichen bestimmter Erscheinungsformen der Verwal- (2011) to pursue studies at the Regelungen geführt. Eine konsensfähige Aus- tungsakzessorietät. Wie sich das Strafrecht im University of Pennsylvania Law sage über die Tragweite der Abhängigkeit des allgemein mit verwaltungsrechtlichen Normen School (USA), where he earned a master’s degree (2012). Between Strafrechts von Verwaltungsakten oder vom und Einzelfallentscheidungen der Behörde ein- 2013 and 2015, he presided a Verwaltungshandeln, die für das Strafrecht im fügt, bleibt noch klärungsbedürftig. civil rights NGO, which pursued Allgemeinen gelten vermag, wurde bisher nicht different judicial actions before erreicht. Wie genau diese Abhängigkeit des Strafrechts the Chilean and the Interameri- vom Verwaltungsrecht und vom Verwaltungs- can Justice System. He has been guest lecturer in different uni- Leidenschaftlich wurde das Thema im Rah- handeln bestimmt werden kann, stellt daher versities in Chile and simultane- men des Umweltstrafrechts in den achtziger den Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung dar. Die ously worked as criminal defense und neunziger Jahren diskutiert. Vielfältige Untersuchung soll also sowohl die Erschei- attorney. In 2016, he received a Ansichten wurden damals vertreten, ohne dass nungsformen der Anbindung des Strafrechts joint scholarship by the DAAD and CONICYT to pursue doc- ein Konsens erreicht wurde. Nach dem Erlass an außerstrafrechtliche Rechtsätze darstellen toral studies in Germany. der sog. Rechtsmissbrauchsklausel in § 330 d als auch die Reichweite der Akzessorietät des He entered the IMPRS REMEP I Nr. 5 StGB, die durch Drohung, Bestechung Strafrechts kritisch würdigen. Folgende Fra- at the University of Freiburg and oder Kollusion erlangte begünstigende Verwal- gen sollen daher beantwortet werden: Was the MPICC in April 2016. tungsakte wie eine fehlende Genehmigung bestimmt die Abhängigkeit des Strafrechts behandelt und damit eine abschließende und vom Verwaltungsrecht? Welche sind die Er- klarstellende Regelung darstellen sollte, ist die scheinungsformen der Akzessorietät bzw. der Debatte im Bereich des Umweltstrafrechts Verwaltungsakzessorietät? Inwieweit ist die verstummt. Allerdings bleibt das Problem des Strafrechtsnorm von der Verwaltungsnorm ab- 49452/3378 Verhältnisses des Strafrechts zum Verwaltungs- hängig? Inwieweit ist die Strafrechtsnorm vom recht und Verwaltungshandeln aktueller denn Verwaltungshandeln bzw. fehlerhaftem Ver- je. Auch wenn für bestimmte Bereiche Sonder- waltungshandeln abhängig? Ist das Strafrecht lösungen durch sektorale Rechtsmissbrauchs- im Prinzip streng mit wirksamem fehlerhaf- klauseln angeboten werden (wie z.B. in § 330 d tem Verwaltungshandeln verbunden? Welcher I Nr. 5 StGB, §§ 17 VIII, 18 IX AWG, § 16 IV Funktion soll die außerstrafrechtliche bzw. CWÜAG, § 95 VI AufenthG), sind diese aller- verwaltungsrechtliche Norm in der Deliktssys- dings auf Teilrechtsgebiete begrenzt und lassen tematik zukommen? 22
IV. PROJECTS OF FREIBURG REMEP STUDENTS 2015 – 2017 Esther Earbin The Role of Interest Groups in Criminal Copyright Policy Making A Study of Germany and the United States Supervisors: Hefendehl/Albrecht Germany and the United States approach crim- Although often criticized in criminal law dis- inal law in two very different ways that relate course, lobbying has an important part in both to the political and cultural ideologies of each German and American systems of democracy. nation. One area of criminal law, however, pro- Although they are often criticized for their duces a similar result in both countries: crimi- methods of influence, groups that represent nal copyright infringement. In both Germany various interests exist on all sides of the copy- and the United States, copyright infringement right argument, and the presence of interest Esther Earbin (*1980) studied (specifically, criminal copyright infringement groups is needed for a democratic approach to visual communication at Herron School of Art and Design of on the Internet) can be punished with civil criminal justice policy. Indiana University in Indianapolis, and criminal sanctions for the illegal personal Indiana. She graduated with a JD and/or commercial use of copyrighted mate- This doctoral thesis seeks to better understand from the University of North Car- rial, but prosecutions under the laws are rare the culture of criminal lawmaking and where olina School of Law, Chapel Hill in 2014. Thereafter she worked as and the rates of commission are high. The ad- private actors intervene in the development a Media & Privacy Law Fellow at vancement of technology and the digitization of and application of the criminal laws. The pro- the UNC Center for Media Law entertainment content have made this a hard ject’s thesis is that although interest represen- & Policy until 2015, and as a uni- problem to solve. tation, commonly referred to as “lobbying”, is versity lecturer for the University asserted and criticized as a major influence of Tübingen and the University of Freiburg (2015–2019) teaching Internet piracy has also become a political behind criminal copyright (or anti-piracy) pol- courses related to American crimi- topic, inspiring the “copyleft” movement, the icy in the United States, the same methods of nal law, culture and policy as well International Pirate Party, and the involve- influence exist in the German criminal policy as German criminal law. ment of copyright defendants in U.S. political making process but are not viewed or analyzed Besides her academic activities, discourse. On one side of the issue, copyright in the same manner. The main question is Ms. Earbin has over 10 years of holders, in both countries, claim that the in- where do private actors intervene to negoti- experience (1999–2014) working in public health as an educa- crease in piracy harms the entertainment in- ate their interests in the criminal policy mak- tor and program coordinator in dustry and, therefore, threatens the incentive ing process in both Germany and the United Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Dur- to create. The opposition to this view claims States? Using a framework for analyzing inter- ing her studies, she worked with that United States policy created to control est groups in the criminal justice system, this several international corporations (footwear and apparel; pharma- copyright infringement have, instead, harmed doctoral project seeks to understand the role ceuticals) in the marketing and the individual’s right to privacy and expression interest representation plays in international legal departments and the Public and current policy reflects the influence of the criminal justice policy by identifying how in- Defender’s offices in Orange “copyright lobby”, corporate entities whose terest groups contribute to the way criminal and Chatham County in North Carolina, USA as a certified interests are unfairly protected by the use of copyright policy is created, negotiated and ap- practitioner. criminal law and excessive political pressure. plied. She entered the IMPRS REMEP at the University of Freiburg and the MPICC in April 2016. Blog/Course Website: Twitter: @crimlawtae person/49453/3378 23
IMPRS REMEP Aleksandre Glonti The Internet as a Mechanism for Social Control Supervisors: Albrecht/Perron The Internet and social media provide its us- line public shaming from other similar, and/or ers with ample possibilities to exert informal sometimes overlapping, phenomena, such as social control upon others. They have brought cyberbullying and cyber harassment. Thus it significant changes in the way informal social fills the gap in the existing literature in terms control is carried out and in particular in the of categorizing different types of cases based on way informal sanctions and punishment are the motivations of persons who use the Internet Aleksandre Glonti (*1990) imposed. as a mechanism of informal social control. It received a Master of Laws Degree from the Grigol Robak- analyzes the reasons social media users voice idze University in Tbilisi, Georgia This study focuses on these changes and the in participating in acts of online social control, in 2013. He obtained a scholar- relationship between informal social control and provides an assessment of the efficiency ship by the DAAD to pursue his and social media (and the internet); it analyzes of informal control on the internet. Ultimately, doctoral studies (2013–16) and entered the IMPRS REMEP at how online public shaming is carried out in the research results serve as a basis for formu- the MPICC in October 2013. the internet; it assesses its consequences and lating practical recommendations and provide Mr. Glonti is currently Chief discusses the normative questions related to insights on how to best address the phenom- Specialist at The Legal Affairs these changes. This study also delineates on- enon of informal shaming in social media. Committee of the Parliament of Georgia. person/41153/3378 24
IV. PROJECTS OF FREIBURG REMEP STUDENTS 2015 – 2017 Cléssio Moura de Souza Youth and Violence in Maceió An Ethnographical Study on Youth Street Violence Related to Drug and Social Order in Brazil’s Violent City Supervisors: Albrecht/Perron Street violence in Brazil has increased in the in Maceió and analyzes the role that violence last years and youths have represented the ma- plays for individuals and/or criminal groups and jority of both victims and perpetrators. Streets for the social order on the streets of Maceió. in disadvantaged areas in Maceió/Brazil have The study also investigates the “universe’’ of been the place where power is exerted and drug trafficking; it provides an understanding fiercely contested, where informal norms are why this business has become so attractive for created and recreated in order to establish youths; it examines how street violence is re- Cléssio Moura de Souza (*1980) standards of behaviour. Within this context, an lated to drug dealing and trafficking, and how graduated in Law from the Pontifí- cia Universidade Católica do Rio important question emerges: what is the pro- street violence is being used as an instrument de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) in 2006. In cess in which youths become involved in street of punishment to establish social control in the 2007, he became an attorney at violence, considering individual development communities. law and then worked in a social towards a criminal life, environment, social project in Rio de Janeiro. In 2012, he obtained a Master of Laws rules, groups, family and ties that motivate or The interviews demonstrate a range of condi- degree (LL.M.) from the Univer- compel youths to be part of criminal groups? tions that lead young adults to street violence. sity of Freiburg. The lack of access to and consistency in school In 2013 and 2016, Mr. Moura de The research consists of an ethnographical attendance appear as a common issue; these Souza conducted field research study based on participant observation, in- youths have a lower education level. School in Maceió, Northeast Brazil, on depth qualitative interviews with twenty-four drop-outs and low parental control seem to cor- youth street violence and drug trafficking. His research interests male youths (aged between 15 and 25 years) relate with intensified street activities, which are in the fields of violence, street who had intense contact with street violence. include both amusement and engagement in il- violence, youth and violence, The data were mainly collected in seven months legal activities, such as drug trafficking and rob- youth and criminality in Brazil, of fieldwork in Maceió from January until July bery. These activities are considered by young juvenile delinquency, conflict 2013. In January 2016, I visited Maceió again adults as a source of income and as expres- analysis, research methods in criminology and criminal law. with the purpose of collecting pictures from sion of power. However, violence emerges as a neighbourhoods, where the interviewed youth fundamental tool that sustains these criminal Mr. Moura de Souza entered the IMPRS REMEP at the MPICC in came from, as well as prisons and internment activities. Street violence is also connected to October 2011. units for adolescents, which could not be fully the system of informal rules stipulated by drug photographed in 2013. dealers and criminal groups in deprived areas of Maceió, such as the rule of silence and the This study identifies processes through which rule of crossing. Therefore, violence is the key person/40790/3378 male youths become involved in street violence to informal social control. 25
IMPRS REMEP Annika Poschadel “Fair Trial” in Transnational Internal Investigations Transnational internal investigations and their implications on Defendant’s Rights Supervisors: Hefendehl/Perron The dissertation examines how the right to a The project aims at providing standards for how fair trial can be ensured in transnational in- authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany ternal investigations. The project focusses on should deal with transnational internal investi- transnational internal investigations due to al- gations. In particular, it will provide an answer leged violations of the Foreign Corrupt Prac- to the crucial question if German authorities tices Act (FCPA), which are conducted in the are allowed to support US investigations which Annika Maleen Poschadel context of (preliminary) investigations of the are based on transnational internal investiga- (*1989) studied Law and “Legal Integration in Europe” in Göt- US Department of Justice (DOJ) and/or the US tions and if and how they can themselves use tingen and Dijon (2008–2013). Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). information gathered in these internal investi- Thereafter, she completed her In order to develop standards to ensure a fair gations. Referendariat and Second State trial, the internal investigations’ legitimacy is Examination in 2016. Between 2009 and 2014, she was a examined regarding public international law, in Analyzing the implications of the privatiza- research assistant at the Depart- particular the principle of sovereignty, as well as tion of criminal proceedings, i.e., a sanction- ment for Foreign and Interna- the investigations’ implications on the defend- ing procedure that is incentivized by the state tional Criminal Law (Prof. Dr. ant’s rights due to their formally private and but in parts run by private actors (i.e. by large Dr. h.c. Kai Ambos) in Göttingen. Since 2013, she has worked for transnational character. law firms mandated by the respective com- the Institute of Criminology pany), it contributes to the REMEP’s goal and White Collar Criminal Law The study investigates questions of public in- to understand how “other social actors” are (Prof. Dr. Roland Hefendehl) of ternational law, the law of mutual legal assis- upholding social order apart from the state. the University of Freiburg. From tance in criminal matters, white-collar crime Moreover, in accordance with the REMEP’s May to June 2013, she com- pleted an internship at Eurojust, and criminal procedural laws. It also addresses agenda the dissertation focusses on the inter- Den Haag. During her studies, key questions of comparative criminal law re- actions resulting from a globalization of pro- Ms. Poschadel was Editor-in- garding the effects of a transnational investiga- ceedings. Chief of the Goettingen Journal tion on the defendant’s rights. of International Law (GoJIL) and is now Member of its Scientific Advisory Board. Ms. Poschadel is a scholarship recipient by the “Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes”. She started her thesis in May 2016 and entered the IMPRS REMEP at the University of Freiburg and the MPICC in December 2016. person/51605/3378 26
IV. PROJECTS OF FREIBURG REMEP STUDENTS 2015 – 2017 Christine Preiser Grenzwächter des Nachtlebens Eine Ethnografie über Türsteher in Deutschland Supervisors: Oberwittler/Scheffer (University of Frankfurt) Nachtleben kann als ein Zeit/Raum der Grenz- und Körpertechniken aneignen und Teil einer austestungen und -überschreitungen gefasst Gemeinschaft werden. Im Anschluss werden werden, der Experimentiermöglichkeiten bie- verschiedene Prozesse des Grenzenaushan- tet. Nicht selten werden Teilaspekte davon delns analysiert: (1) Ich zeige, wie Türsteher unter der Perspektive devianten Verhaltens den Clubeingang als Grenzübergang baulich bearbeitet (etwa Rauschverhalten, Gewalt, (mit)gestalten und welche Übergangsprozesse Sexualität). Eine der offenkundigen Gren- Neueintreffende durchlaufen, um entweder zu Christine Preiser (*1985) studied zen – dem Übergang in den Club als einem Gästen oder zu Abgewiesenen zu werden. Hier sociology at the University of Tübingen and the Univer- Vergnügungsort der Nacht – ist mit ebenso werden erste Grundprinzipien vermittelt, die sity of Freiburg and obtained her offenkundigen Wächtern ausgestattet: Türste- auch im Club weiterwirken. (2) Die Party ver- Magistra Artium in 2011. Since hern. Die Rolle von Türstehern ist vor allem spricht ein gewisses Maß an Entgrenzung und then she has been working at the im angelsächsischen Bereich umfangreicher folgt eigenen Spiel/Regeln, die von Türstehern University Hospital of Tübingen as a researcher and as a consultant/ erforscht worden, in Deutschland hingegen bis maßgeblich mitdefiniert werden. Hier geht es lecturer for qualitative research dato randständig geblieben. In meinem Pro- um die Aushandlung des Un/Erlaubten und methods. She joined the IMPRS motionsprojekt wurden Türsteher erstmalig in die Weiterbearbeitung von devianten Gästen, REMEP at the MPICC in 2013 to Deutschland umfassend in den Fokus gerückt die auch den Club als Territorium in verschie- work on her PhD on bouncers and und ethnografisch erforscht. Kernstück sind dene Zonen unterschiedlicher Regeln struktu- the nighttime city. She graduated in June 2018. She has published insgesamt rund 60 Nächte offene teilnehmen- riert und ins Verhältnis zur Nachtstadt setzt. about her research in journals de Beobachtungen im Arbeitsalltag von Türste- (3) Fluchtpunkt der Arbeit von Türstehern ist (Kriminologisches Journal, British hern in drei Clubs in zwei deutschen Großstäd- Ärger, dessen Bearbeitung maßgeblich beinhal- Journal for Community Justice) ten. Die Forschungsfrage lautete: Wie handeln tet, (weiteren) Schaden in Grenzen zu halten and edited books. Furthermore, her work has attracted media at- Türsteher mit wem welche Grenzen aus und und eine situative Ausweitung zu unterbinden. tention from German newspapers wie gestalten sie damit den Club als jeweiliges Dies findet in verschiedenen Stufen von Ärger and radio stations. In March Territorium mit? seinen Ausdruck, in denen Ärger sich von ei- 2018, Ms. Preiser started working ner unbestimmten ersten Wahrnehmung hin as a Postdoc in a project about the current legal regulation of Dazu zeichne ich zunächst nach, wie Personen zu einem hochdynamischen Wust mit vielen prostitution in Germany (funded über meist informelle Netzwerke als poten- Beteiligten in wechselnden Konstellationen by the Deutsche Forschungsge- zielle neue Türsteher rekrutiert werden und steigern kann. Jede Steigerung bringt poten- meinschaft). einen Prozess der Einverleibung durchlaufen, ziellen Schaden mit sich, der neue Techniken bei dem sie sich verschiedene Wissensformen erfordert. Twitter: @c___preiserBlog: person/40791/3378 27
IMPRS REMEP Clara Rigoni The Use of ADR for Cases of Honor-Based Violence in Europe Supervisors: Albrecht/Foblets (MPI for Social Anthropology) In the last 20 years, honor-based violence has restorative justice, for cases of violence against received increasing attention by the interna- women, mainly for reasons of safety and power tional and European community. European imbalance. On the other, skepticism is even states have adopted strong responses including stronger where mediation and conciliation pro- ad hoc criminalization targeting specific honor cesses are offered within ethnic and immigrant crimes such as female genital mutilation and communities. Community ADR are often ac- Clara Rigoni (*1987) obtained a forced marriages as separate offences. This is cused of being detrimental to victims, especial- Master of Laws degree from the University of Bologna (2011) and currently also required by the Council of Eu- ly women and children: next to the mentioned a European Master’s Degree in rope Convention on preventing and combating concerns about safety and power imbalances, Human Rights and Democratiza- violence against women and domestic violence. issues of (gender) equality and discrimination, tion from the European Inter- Despite the adoption of specific measures, data autonomy, coercion and (denied) access to (for- University Center and Utrecht University (2013). In 2012, concerning reporting and prosecution rates for mal) justice emerge. In lack of any substantive she was a visiting researcher at these crimes remain very low. Victims of honor- research on this subject, this project aims at an- the Max Planck Institute for based violence encounter several difficulties swering the following questions: do alternative Comparative Public Law and in accessing justice. Some of these difficulties solutions exist that, when applied to cases of International Law in Heidelberg and at the Cardozo School of are typical of any form of domestic and family honor-based violence, are capable of avoiding, Law in New York. In September violence; some others are specifically linked to on the one hand, the shortcomings of crimi- 2015, she passed the Italian Bar the phenomenon of honor based violence. In nal law-based responses and, on the other, the exam in Venice. Her research and Europe, victims of honor-based violence are problems generally associated with (communi- publications focus on criminal often girls or young women, second or third ty) alternative dispute resolution mechanisms? law and cultural diversity, honor- based violence, legal pluralism, generation migrants (especially from Middle- In order to answer these questions, the study restorative justice and alterna- Eastern and South Asian societies), who expe- relied on an analysis of case studies (through tive dispute resolution. She is rience violence by their parents, their siblings expert and participant interviews). In Norway, currently a teaching fellow at the or other family members. Many of them have the work of two national mediation agencies us- University College, University of Freiburg. She entered the been raised in collectively organized commu- ing restorative justice for cases of honor-based IMPRS REMEP at the MPICC nities and show great loyalty to the family and violence (in particular controlling behavior and in September 2013. the community they belong to. As a result, the forced marriages) was analyzed. In the United capacity or the willingness of turning to the au- Kingdom, where the use of mediation for honor thorities and breaking the ties with the entire crimes is highly discouraged at the official level, family cannot be taken for granted. Moreover, community organizations are dealing informally person/40793/3378 within communities characterized by high lev- with such crimes. Here the project examined els of social control, the fear of stigma and os- the work of an NGO that mediates between tracism and the pressure exercised on victims to victims and their families and the case of an maintain privacy on family issues might be very informal Kurdish Tribunal, working together high. The existence of alternative dispute reso- with a women NGO, adjudicating (informally) lution mechanisms (ADR) within communities on these cases. in which honor-based violence mostly takes place is seen as a further obstacle to victims’ The programs analyzed seem to overcome the access to justice. A negative attitude towards shortcomings of criminal law based responses the use of mediation and similar practices for while at the same time they do not pose the cases of honor-based violence has so far pre- problems typically associated with (commu- vailed in Europe. On the one hand, there is a nity) alternative dispute resolution mecha- general skepticism towards the use of ADR and nisms. 28
IV. PROJECTS OF FREIBURG REMEP STUDENTS 2015 – 2017 Yuning Ruiheng The Role of Individuals in Compliance Programs A Comparative Study between Germany and the USA Supervisors: Albrecht/Perron The project is a comparative study of US Amer- The USA and Germany have fundamentally ican and German compliance program regimes different approaches to such compliance pro- in order to determine how such programs can grams. In this research project, I attempt to ex- best be introduced and implemented in China plore the respective underlying reasons for this based on its own current development. divergence. A clear understanding of why and how laws are formulated, implemented, and Corporate crime often has serious consequenc- enforced in these two countries, might help Yuning Ruiheng (*1989) es and might also have a significant impact on formulating recommendations on compliance obtained a Master of Laws degree from Renmin University, society at large. Thus, in recent years counter- programs for China while evidently consider- Beijing, China in 2015. Prior measures have increasingly been discussed and ing its own social and legal background. To to his LLM he was an intern at analyzed in legal and criminological literature. this end, the project will answer the following the municipal court of Kunming Strong compliance programs establish sys- questions: (2012), at Zhicheng Law Firm (2013), and at the Haidian Dis- tematic supervision and preventive measures trict Attorney’s Office(2014). He within corporations in order to prevent the How do different normative regulations is a CSC scholarship recipient commission of corporate crimes. Compliance influence the effective implementation of and entered the IMPRS REMEP programs are based on the assumption that compliance programs? at the MPICC in October 2017. internal control mechanisms are more effec- How do different whistleblowing regula- tive at preventing corporate and white-collar tion regimes, namely the encouragement- crime than external control by law enforcement oriented American approach and data, pri- agencies. Thus, this research project takes a vacy protection-oriented German approach, person/59650/3378 comparative perspective to analyze common counterbalance the flaws arising from their problems in compliance faced by both the USA respective emphases? and Germany in order to enlighten the future development of China. 29
IMPRS REMEP Anina Schwarzenbach Das Verhältnis Jugendlicher zur Polizei in multi- ethnischen Städten Eine Studie zu Kontakten und Einstellungen zu der Polizei in Deutschland und Frankreich Supervisors: Oberwittler/Roché (Université Grenoble) Verschiedene Städte Europas wurden in der Lyon und Grenoble). Dieser Zusammenhang Vergangenheit Schauplatz wiederkehrender wird anhand dreier Aspekte näher beleuchtet: Krawalle. Im Besonderen haben die Unruhen die Häufigkeit der Polizeikontakte junger Men- in den «banlieues» in Frankreich im Jahre 2005 schen, ihre Einstellungen zur Polizei und ihre verdeutlicht, in welchem Spannungsverhältnis Bereitschaft, mit der Polizei zu Kooperieren be- die Jugendlichen zur Polizei stehen. ziehungsweise Selbsthilfe auszuüben. Anina Schwarzenbach (*1984) holds a Master’s degree in Com- munication Science, Econom- Die Unruhen in Frankreich haben mit denjeni- Zwei Fragestellungen stehen dabei im Zent- ics and Criminology from the gen in anderen europäischen Städten gemein- rum: University of Zurich, an LL.M. in sam, dass es sich oft um männliche Jugendliche Mikroebene: Gibt es länderübergreifende Ge- Criminology from the University mit Migrationshintergrund handelt, welche sich meinsamkeiten im Verhältnis zwischen Jugend- of Bern and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Freiburg – unter anderem – gegen die Polizei auflehnen. lichen und der Polizei? (Germany). She joined the Makroebene: Wie bedeutend sind die Unter- IMPRS REMEP at the MPICC Länder wie Frankreich berichten von beson- schiede im Verhältnis zwischen Jugendlichen in 2013 and graduated in 2017. ders gewaltsamen Jugendkrawallen, in anderen und der Polizei in Deutschland und in Frank- She is currently a postdoctoral wie Deutschland scheinen die Unruhen aber reich? researcher at the Department of nicht die gleiche Intensität zu erreichen. Die- Criminology at the MPICC. Her research focuses on strategies to ser Umstand wirft Fragen auf. Trotz vieler Parallelen, werden auch bedeuten- counter terrorism and radicaliza- de Unterschiede im Verhältnis zwischen Polizei tion, state legitimacy, social ecol- Im Allgemeinen gilt es dabei zu verstehen, wie und Jugendlichen in Deutschland und Frank- ogy of crime, political sociology sich das Verhältnis junger Menschen zur Polizei reich ersichtlich. Sie betreffen vor allem den and quantitative methods. Her postdoctoral research project aims in Städten definiert und warum es in manchen Einfluss eines möglichen Migrationshinter- to deliver a comparative overview Ländern zu Spannungen und gewaltsamen Re- grundes auf die Häufigkeit der Polizeikontakte on the national and regional volten kommt und in anderen nicht. und die Einstellung zur Polizei. regimes to counter terrorism and radicalization and to shed light Im Besonderen interessiert, ob gewisse polizei- In Deutschland werden Jugendliche mit Mi- on the currently implemented prevention measures that deal liche Handlungspraktiken, wie beispielsweise grationshintergrund unter Berücksichtigung specifically with religious radi- routinemäßig durchgeführte Identitätskont- relevanter Prädiktoren im Durchschnitt gleich calization. rollen, von jungen Menschen mit Migrations- oft von der Polizei kontrolliert wie diejenigen hintergrund als Diskriminierung empfunden deutscher Herkunft. Die Einstellung zur Poli- werden und ob dieses Verhalten allfällige Kon- zei ist, von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen, bei sequenzen für deren Einstellung und Koopera- Jugendlichen mit oder ohne Migrationshinter- person/40810/3388 tion mit der Polizei hat. grund durchwegs positiv. Obwohl sich schon einige Arbeiten mit dem In Frankreich deuten die Ergebnisse auf eine Verhältnis junger Menschen zur Polizei ausein- systematische Diskriminierung Jugendlicher andergesetzt haben, fehlt es bis anhin an einer nordafrikanischen Ursprungs (Maghreb-Re- umfassenden länderübergreifenden Analyse, gion) seitens der Polizei hin. Im Vergleich zu welche sowohl Einflussfaktoren auf individuel- jungen Menschen französischer Herkunft, und ler Ebene als auch kontextuelle Elemente ge- unter Berücksichtigung relevanter Prädiktoren, bührend berücksichtigt. erhöhen sich die Chancen eines «stop-and- Beruhend auf den Ergebnissen einer groß an- search» -Polizeikontakts um mehr als das Dop- gelegten Schülerbefragung (N=20.000) unter- pelte. Die Einstellung Jugendlicher maghrebi- sucht dieses Dissertationsprojekt das Verhält- nischen Ursprungs gegenüber der Polizei ist nis zwischen Jugendlichen und der Polizei in signifikant schlechter als diejenige der übrigen zwei vergleichbar gepaarten Städten (Deutsch- jungen Menschen in Frankreich (französischer land: Köln und Mannheim) sowie (Frankreich: sowie anderer ausländischer Herkunft). 30
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