Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Page created by Tracy Swanson
Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Paths of                           Research and Care

Progress                           at Dana-Farber
                                   Cancer Institute

Machine Learning:
Bringing Artificial Intelligence
into Personalized Cancer Care

A Case For Curiosity: Dr. Kaelin’s Path to the 2019 Nobel Prize
Liquid Biopsies
Dana-Farber’s 2019 Annual Report
Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

2020                                 Volume 27, Number 1


  8                                                                  22
FEATURES                                                     DEPARTMENTS
8 A Case for Curiosity                                       2 Around the Institute
Tracing the circuitous path that led to the 2019 Nobel       News and highlights from Dana-Farber, with a salute
Prize in Physiology or Medicine for Dana-Farber’s            to care teams responding to the COVID-19 crisis.
William Kaelin Jr., MD.
                                                             32 Why I Work Here: Ildemaro Gonzalez
14 Unexpected Benefits from Targeted Therapies               Dana-Farber Vice President and Chief Inclusion and
New research shows that CDK 4/6 and PARP Inhibitors          Diversity Officer describes what drives his work.
can stimulate the immune system to fight cancer, in
                                                             33 Questions for Marilyn Hammer, PhD, RN
addition to their known effects in fighting tumor cells.
                                                             A closer look at nursing science and how it can
18 Shapeshifters in the Brain                                improve patient care.
Understanding how aggressive brain tumors evade
treatment with new technology that examines genetic          34 Dana-Farber 2019 Annual Report
information within individual cells, one at a time.
22 Bringing AI to Personalized Cancer Care
Machine language technology brings the new
capability to study each individual’s risks and best
treatment options.
28 Liquid Biopsies Move Toward the Clinic
Chemical biologists create small molecules to boost
discoveries and prototype novel therapies.

                       Vis it D a na - Fa r be r o n l i n e. www. d an a-far b er. o r g

                           Paths of Progress is published by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
                          Copyright © 2020 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. All rights reserved.
Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

   Ordinarily during March and April, we’d be preparing to share
with you this in-depth look at our research and clinical advance-
ments. But those ordinary times were quickly swept away and,
understandably, our focus at the Institute turned to confronting
the COVID-19 pandemic.
   Our staff has responded admirably to the unprecedented chal-
lenges posed by this public health crisis. Their talent, tenacity, and
dedication to keep our patients safe and supported has been nothing
short of heroic. Certainly, we recognize that our patients’ cancers
will not slow or wait for this pandemic to pass. And we have taken
every possible measure to continue to be a steady source of hope
and healing to our patients and families during this difficult time.
   I also recognize that despite the extraordinary circumstances and
uncertainty that surrounds the outbreak, this remains a revolutionary
time for cancer care and scientific discovery, and we can ill afford to
lose any progress. By taking the appropriate safety measures to limit
the number of staff working on site and transitioning many to remote
work, we are moving forward with our bold research mission, and
continuing to see patients, both in person at the Institute, and virtu-    “Our staff has responded admirably to
ally through expanded telemedicine options. This allows us to see
                                                                            the unprecedented challenges posed
thousands of new people each week, signaling to cancer patients
everywhere that, as always, and especially in a time of crisis, we          by this public health crisis. Their
are here for them.                                                          talent, tenacity, and dedication to
   The articles in this issue of Paths of Progress shed more light on
the progress that we continue to make in spite of these extraordi-          keep our patients safe and supported
nary obstacles. It covers work that began long before the onset of          has been nothing short of heroic.”
COVID-19 and will continue long after it recedes. For as daunting this
experience has been for all of us, I need not look any further than
                                                                           – Laurie H. Glimcher, MD
our own patients as a constant reminder of why our work and mis-
sion remain critically important. The coronavirus poses its own risks
and challenges to patients facing cancer. And they look to us for
relief, support, and hope. I look forward to the day when this crisis is
behind us and we can focus singularly on the limitless possibilities to
find new cures and new hope for our patients, as we have through-
out Dana-Farber’s long history.

Laurie H. Glimcher, MD
President and CEO, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Saverin Family Gift Provides $20 Million for Metastatic Breast
Cancer Research
   A $20 million gift to Dana-Farber from the Saverin     or lungs. It is a treatable but currently an incurable
Family last year established the new Saverin              form of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Research Fund under the direc-                 A world-renowned leader in the breast cancer
tion of Eric Winer, MD, senior vice president for         field, Winer has made seminal contributions to
medical affairs, chief of Breast Oncology in the          improve the treatment of this disease, with a focus
Susan F. Smith Center for Women’s Cancers, and            on the aspects of breast cancer that remain the
the Thompson Chair in Breast Cancer Research              most challenging.
at Dana-Farber. The commitment is the largest                “The Saverin Family’s foresight will allow
individual gift for breast cancer research in Dana-       us to tackle the unsolved challenges by building
Farber’s history.                                         on the advances we have already forged,
   The sole purpose of the Saverin Family’s gift          and to develop entirely new strategies,”
is to support research relating to treatment and          said Winer. “Their exceptional generosity
eventual cures of advanced or stage IV metastatic         provides resources we need to further
breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer is cancer         metastatic breast cancer research that is
that has spread outside of the breast and to other        underway, and, more importantly, to open bold
parts of the body, such as the bones, brain, liver,       avenues of investigation.”

Dana-Farber Establishes Riney Family Multiple
Myeloma Initiative
   Dana-Farber this year started the Riney Family         this initiative provides an opportunity to acceler-
Multiple Myeloma Initiative to help improve out-          ate the most promising strategies and meaningfully
comes and accelerate understanding of the underly-        extend remissions.”
ing biology for the most challenging types of myelo-         Rodger Riney was diagnosed with multiple myelo-
mas, cancers that form in a type of white blood cell      ma in 2015 and treated at the Washington University
called a plasma cell. The initiative is being estab-      School of Medicine and Siteman Cancer Center at
lished with a $16.5 million gift from Paula and Rodger    Barnes-Jewish Hospital. In 2018, Ken Anderson, MD,
Riney of St. Louis, Missouri.                             program director at Dana-Farber’s Jerome Lipper
   The gift from the couple’s foundation, the Paula       Multiple Myeloma Center and LeBow Institute for
and Rodger Riney Foundation, is the largest single        Myeloma Therapeutics and Kraft Family Professor
gift from a family to support multiple myeloma can-       of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, joined as an
cer research and care in Dana-Farber’s history. The       advisor to Riney’s care team.
Riney Family Multiple Myeloma Initiative at Dana-            “As a myeloma patient, you are very aware
Farber will add to their legacy of multiple myeloma       of the groundbreaking work being done at
support, and will improve outcomes for myeloma            Dana-Farber in multiple myeloma,” said Riney.
patients everywhere.                                      “Dana-Farber is an institution we want to invest
   “We are deeply grateful to the Riney Family for this   in given its impressive track record in improving
inspired gift that will quickly advance our knowledge     myeloma treatment. Our hope is that this gift will
of multiple myeloma,” said Laurie H. Glimcher, MD,        inspire others to support Dana-Farber’s researchers
president and CEO, Dana-Farber. “While we have            and clinicians to extend survivorship, and ultimately
made significant strides in treating multiple myeloma,    find a cure.”

2            Paths of Progress       2020                                     Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Largest-Ever Gift for Glioblastoma Research Aims to
Address Obstacles
  Dana-Farber/Brigham       drug development, and       and Alexandra Golby,        zations. This gift is
and Women’s Cancer          palliative care.            MD, director of image-      a way to give back to
Center (DF/BWCC)              Jonathan Oppen-           guided neurosurgery.        the physicians who
announced in 2019 a         heimer made the gift in       “My family and I are      took care of her while
groundbreaking gift         memory of his late wife,    grateful for the kind and   also honoring and car-
from Oppenheimer            Jennifer Oppenheimer,       expert care Jennifer        rying forth her work
Generations Foundation      who passed away from        received at DF/BWCC         to help others.”
to create The Jennifer      glioblastoma in May         during the most chal-          The Jennifer
Oppenheimer Cancer          2017. During her illness,   lenging and difficult       Oppenheimer Cancer
Research Initiative.        Jennifer was treated        time of our lives,” says    Research Initiative
This translational          by David Reardon, MD,       Jonathan. “Jennifer         is the Oppenheimer
research initiative will    clinical director of the    was a powerful and          family’s first major
address key obstacles       Center for Neuro-Oncol-     vibrant force for good      gift to DF/BWCC
across the continuum        ogy, James Tulsky, MD,      who touched the lives       and is the largest
of care facing patients     chair of the department     of thousands through        individual gift to glio-
with glioblastoma —         of Psychosocial Oncol-      her extensive advocacy      blastoma research in
including surgery, new      ogy and Palliative Care,    for civil society organi-   DF/BWCC’s history.

Dana-Farber Lab Focuses on Pancreatic Cancer Research
   Dana-Farber has been given another tool in the         In the last 20 years, the Lustgarten Foundation
fight against pancreatic cancer. Thanks to a $5 mil-    has given more than $10 million to Dana-Farber for
lion grant from the Lustgarten Foundation, the Insti-   pancreatic cancer research.
tute established a new pancreatic cancer research
laboratory in the Hale Family Research Center. The
dedicated lab is one of two new facilities funded
by the Lustgarten Foundation – the second is located
at MIT.
   Dana-Farber’s Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic
Cancer Research Laboratory is led by Brian Wolpin,
MD, MPH, director of the Hale Family Research
Center and the Robert T. and Judith B. Hale Chair
in Pancreatic Cancer, whose research focuses on
personalizing therapy and identifying new ways to
detect pancreatic tumors earlier.
   “You need individuals and institutions who will
support your work and push you to be better,” said
Wolpin during a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Septem-
ber 2018. “Thanks to the funding from the Lustgarten
Foundation, we will have additional support to make
a difference for patients with pancreatic cancer.”      Brian Wolpin, MD, MPH

Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dana-Farber Establishes Chen-Huang Center for EGFR Mutant
Lung Cancers
   Dana-Farber in 2020 created the Chen-Huang Center
for EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) Mutant
Lung Cancers to stimulate research, promote clinical
trials, and strengthen the Institute’s capabilities for
studying and treating lung cancers driven by EGFR
gene mutations. The Chen-Huang Center was estab-
lished with a $5 million gift from Winston Chen, PhD,
and his wife, Phyllis Huang, of Silicon Valley.
                                                              Pasi Jänne, MD, PhD
   For many years, the couple’s family foundation, the
Paramitas Foundation, had focused on supporting                  More than 200,000 people in the U.S. and more than
higher education. Their recent funding has shifted to         one million worldwide were diagnosed with lung cancer
health care projects, specifically lung cancer care and       in 2019. Lung cancer remains the most common cause
research led by Pasi Jänne, MD, PhD, director of the          of cancer-related deaths for both men and women in
Carole M. and Philip L. Lowe Center for Thoracic Oncol-       the U.S. EGFR mutations are found in 15% of patients in
ogy, and director of the Robert and Renée Belfer Center       the U.S. and European Union, and 50% of lung cancer
for Applied Cancer Science at Dana-Farber.                    patients in Asia.
   “Phyllis and I hope our gift will bring much needed           “This generous gift will allow us to further push the
attention to lung cancer and illustrate how vital financial   boundaries of knowledge in this area to eventually de-
support is for making discoveries,” said Chen. “We sup-       velop new and better therapies,” said Laurie H. Glimcher,
port Dr. Jänne and Dana-Farber because of their impres-       MD, president and CEO, Dana-Farber. “We are very
sive centers, research facilities, and the discoveries they   grateful to Winston Chen and Phyllis Huang for their
are making every day.”                                        support to create this new center.”

Gift Creates the Edward P. Evans Center for
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
   A $5 million gift to Dana-Farber from the Edward           current cure for MDS is a stem cell (bone mar-
P. Evans Foundation enabled the creation of the               row) transplant from a healthy donor, but currently
Edward P. Evans Center for Myelodysplastic Syn-               fewer than 10% of patients with MDS are able to
dromes (MDS). The gift will help Dana-Farber in               undergo transplant due to advanced age or other
transformative collaborative research aimed at                medical problems.
treating, preventing, and ultimately curing MDS.                 “The Edward P. Evans Center for MDS at Dana-
   MDS are a group of diseases in which the bone              Farber will be a nexus for discoveries in MDS
marrow makes too few healthy blood cells. Patients            and improvements in patient care that will help
with MDS often suffer from debilitating fatigue               reduce the global burden of MDS,” said Laurie H.
and may require regular blood transfusions. Some              Glimcher, MD, president and CEO of Dana-Farber.
patients with MDS are also at risk for infection or           “We are deeply grateful and encouraged by the
bleeding due to low white blood cell count or platelet        support from the Edward P. Evans Foundation and
count, and at least 20% of patients with MDS will             are thrilled to provide a platform to support inves-
develop acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The only                tigators at every level.”

4              Paths of Progress        2020                                      Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Volunteers Support Patients and Staff from Home
  Caitlin Geaney loved her first few     COVID-19 forced her to step away          says Pat Stahl, senior manager of
months volunteering with Dana-           from her volunteer shifts and she saw     Volunteer Services and Programs
Farber’s Ambassador Program,             similar efforts on social media.          at Dana-Farber. “They’ve kept our
guiding patients and other Yawkey           “Volunteering is something I always    community together.”
Center visitors to appointments          look forward to. I saw it as a time          Dana-Farber has nearly 500 volun-
and resources. But the COVID-19          when I could make a difference,”          teers in a variety of roles. While
crisis left her unable to provide such   says Geaney. “This [project] was a        restricted from visiting campus dur-
assistance in-person, so Geaney          way to do that from home.”                ing the COVID-19 crisis, they con-
found other ways to show the                Many of her colleagues felt the        tinued to help remotely. Volunteers
Dana-Farber community that she           same way. Dozens of volunteers,           helped patients learn to use video-
and other volunteers are thinking        most of whom she’d never met, sent        conferencing apps for telehealth
of them.                                 Geaney photos of themselves holding       appointments, ran online workshops,
  A 21-year-old student at the           signs. Geaney designed a collage          and even formed an online book club.
Massachusetts College of Phar-           with the photos and added a message          “It is incredible how fast our
macy and Health Sciences, Geaney         of thanks. The finished poster was        volunteers have adapted,” says
spearheaded the Gratitude Project        shared with Dana-Farber patients and      Maritza Nassif, program coordinator
– a photo collage of volunteers          staff via email and social media.         for Patient and Family Services.
holding messages of support and             “It shows the level of dedication      “They have made it clear they want
thanks. She hatched the idea when        people have for their volunteer roles,”   to stay involved.”

Keeping the Jimmy Fund Clinic a Place to Smile
   Dana-Farber’s Jimmy Fund Clinic in April 2020             Shea, BSN, RN, an infusion nurse in the clinic, from
looked completely different than it did just a few           joining her colleagues to show off a few dance
weeks before, with events postponed, fewer visitors,         moves while a patient played the role of DJ from an
and all staff required to wear masks – making it im-         infusion chair.
possible to see the smiles that usually greet patients          “We’re still acting silly and crazy,” says Shea.
entering the clinics. But behind each mask is still the      “It’s all about staying positive, taking it one day at
friendly face of someone available to talk through a         a time, and focusing on what the patient needs at
difficult time or break out an impromptu dance party         that moment.”
just to make a patient grin. That’s important, because
despite the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19,
the Jimmy Fund Clinic is still providing treatment to
patients who need to undergo weekly, or even
daily therapy.
   “We’re working to be the one constant in our
patients’ lives,” says Lisa Scherber, director of Patient
and Family Programs at Dana-Farber/Boston Chil-
dren’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center. “Everyone
has been incredibly resilient, and it’s important we
provide a sense of normalcy for them.”
   For example, social distancing didn’t stop Courtney       Dana-Farber’s Jimmy Fund Clinic

Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

       Saluting our Staff During

6     Paths of Progress   2020   Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

the COVID-19 Pandemic

Progress Paths of - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

8   Paths of Progress   2020   Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te

                                                     n a pragmatic, goal-oriented    a course of research wherever
                                                     age, the notion of curiosity    it led, it would be unwise to bet
                                                     as the driving force behind     against its potential.
                                                     research might seem out of          Long before the morning he
                                                     fashion. But in the long run,   learned he had co-won medi-
                                                     it may be curiosity – unim-     cine’s highest award, Kaelin,
                                                     peded and open-minded –         the Sidney Farber Professor of
                                                     that cures cancer.              Medicine at Dana-Farber and
                                                         For evidence, one need      Harvard Medical School, senior
                                                     look no further than the        physician in Medicine at Brigham
                                              2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or      and Women’s Hospital, and
                                              Medicine, awarded to Dana-Far-         Howard Hughes Medical Institute
                                              ber’s William Kaelin Jr., MD, Sir      investigator, has been making the
                                              Peter Ratcliffe of the University of   case for curiosity-driven research
                                              Oxford, and Gregg Semenza, MD,         and its potential to transform the
                                              PhD, of Johns Hopkins Univer-          treatment of disease.
                                              sity. At the outset, it was far from       “The beauty, as well as the
                                              obvious that Kaelin’s work would       challenge, of basic science is that
                                              contribute to a pivotal discovery      you can’t always predict what the
                                              about how cells adapt to changes       outcome of the work is going to
                                              in oxygen levels. But because it       be,” he says. “You’re investing in
                                              sprang from a desire to answer         the creation of new knowledge,
                                              a fundamental biological ques-         and the only thing you can be
                                              tion, and a willingness to follow      sure of is that the more you invest
                                                                                     in basic science, the more new
                                                                                     knowledge you will generate.
                                                                                     And the more knowledge we
                                                                                     have, hopefully, the more im-
                                                                                     provement we will have in the
                                                                                     quality of our lives.”

                                                                                     The Right Spot
                                                                                        Choosing an area of research is,
                                                                                     Kaelin likes to say, like fishing: It’s
                                                                                     ultimately guesswork, but guess-
                                                                                     work informed by experience and
                                                                                     a sense of where the greatest
                                                                                     promise lies. As a budding labora-
                                                                                     tory scientist in the early 1990s,
                                                                                     he was looking for something that
                                                                                     was interesting not only in itself
                                                                                     but as a source of clues into a vari-
                                                                                     ety of cancers – something where
                                                                                     research could be informative as
                                                                                     well as impactful.
William Kaelin Jr., MD, at his whiteboard.                                              The answer came in 1993 when

10             Paths of Progress             2020                                    Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
he read a report in Science maga-        It was the last of these possibil-   send out distress signals that spur
zine about the cloning of a gene      ities that would yield discoveries      the formation of red blood cells
called VHL. “The moment I saw         deserving of a Nobel Prize.             and blood vessels. Understand-
the paper I said, this is perfect,                                            ing how cancer cells hijack the
this is what I should work on,”       A Monopoly on Oxygen                    hypoxia response would be a
Kaelin relates.                          At first, it might seem that ques-   first step toward blocking it – and
   The gene met Kaelin’s criteria     tions about cells’ capacity for         potentially starving the cells of a
for a subject at the hub of mul-      adjusting to changes in oxygen          fuel they need to survive.
tiple questions in cancer. People     have more to do with mountain-             By the late 1990s, several lines
with a mutated, or abnormal, VHL      climbing than malignancy. In virtu-     of research were zeroing in on
gene are at high risk of develop-     ally all animals, oxygen is needed      cells’ machinery for gauging
ing a rare disorder called von        to convert food energy into a           changes in oxygen levels and
Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome          useful form. When the demand            adjusting to them. Kaelin’s group
in which tumors and cysts form        for oxygen exceeds the available        had theorized that the VHL gene
in multiple organs and tissues.       supply – at high elevations, for        was involved in oxygen sensing:
Although some of these growths
are benign, they can be harmful
if they press on or interfere with       “The beauty, as well as the challenge, of basic
neighboring tissues. Some of the           science is that you can’t always predict what
tumors, such as kidney cancers,
are malignant and can spread to            the outcome of the work is going to be.”
other parts of the body. Research
into the disorder offered a way to
                                          – Willam Kaelin Jr., MD
help patients and, Kaelin intuited,
generate broader insights. Scien-
tists quickly determined that the     example, or during exercise – the       the fact that VHL tumors are laced
VHL gene also plays a critical role   body responds by ramping up pro-        with blood vessels and laden with
in non-hereditary kidney cancer.      duction of red blood cells (which       red blood cells suggested that
Kaelin thought that studying the      carry oxygen by binding it to           when the gene is mutated, the
VHL gene might provide important      hemoglobin), building new blood         sensing mechanism is broken.
insights into the common form         vessels (to channel more blood          To test the theory, they created
of cancer.                            cells to tissue), and activating gly-   human kidney cancer cell lines
    Because tumors associated         colysis (a series of reactions that     that were identical except that
with VHL disease are often rich       extract energy from blood sugar).       one had a normal version of the
in blood vessels, studying them       A variety of diseases can prompt        VHL gene and the other didn’t.
could also help explain how           the body to take these steps,           They grew them in either a high-
tumors reroute the bloodstream        known as the hypoxia response,          or low-oxygen environment and
for nourishment. And because          even though environmental levels        looked for the presence of RNAs
people with VHL tumors can            of oxygen are normal – stroke,          that normally are produced only
develop a sharp increase in red       heart disease, anemia, infection,       when oxygen levels are low.
blood cell production – normally      and, perhaps surprisingly, cancer.        “My jaw dropped when I saw
a sign that tissues aren’t getting      Cancer cells are hoarders at          the results,” Kaelin recalls.
enough oxygen – VHL research          the bloodstream’s banquet of            “We found that cells without the
could shed light on how cells         nutrients. To fuel their breakneck-     normal VHL gene overproduced
sense and respond to changes          growth, they demand an extra            those RNAs whether oxygen
in oxygen levels.                     helping of oxygen. To get it, they      was present or not. It confirmed

“Now that we’ve mapped the molecular pathway                                     are high, a protein complex called
                                                                                      HIF-1 is steadily eroded, but when
      behind the hypoxia response, we have clues                                      they’re low, HIF-1αbuilds up. The
                                                                                      discovery quickly converged with
      about where to intervene to make the pathway                                    Kaelin’s work. In 2001, Kaelin and
                                                                                      Ratcliffe independently showed
      more or less active.”
                                                                                      that under normal oxygen con-
                                                                                      ditions, cells place a chemical
     – William Kaelin Jr., MD                                                         tag on HIF-1, prompting the VHL
                                                                                      protein to destroy it. When VHL is
that the gene was required for               ers didn’t know precisely how            missing or deformed because of
oxygen-sensing.”                             changes in oxygen flipped this           a genetic mutation, HIF-1αdoesn’t
  This finding, from 1996, was               molecular switch. Semenza had            get degraded, causing the cell
a major advance, but research-               found that when oxygen levels            to act as though oxygen levels
                                                                                      are low.
                                                                                        The sense of curiosity that
                                                                                      drove the researchers had
                                                                                      brought them to a molecular
                                                                                      mechanism that was itself a
                                                                                      rather curious bit of cellular
                                                                                      operations. The HIF-1αcomplex
                                                                                      functions, in a way, like a reverse
                                                                                      thermometer: when oxygen levels
                                                                                      are adequate, HIF-1αrecedes;
                                                                                      when the levels drop, HIF-1α rises,
                                                                                      ordering delivery of a kind of oxy-
                                                                                      gen mask to cells gasping for air.

                                                                                      Coming to the Clinic
                                                                                        Following the 2001 break-
                                                                                      through, Kaelin, Semenza, and
                                                                                      Ratcliffe uncovered more details
                                                                                      of the oxygen-response system
William Kaelin Jr., MD, in his lab.                                                   and showed that malfunctions in

 William G. Kaelin Jr., receives his MD      Joins Dana-Farber as a clinical fellow   Becomes an independent investiga-
from Duke University. Publishes his first    in Medical Oncology and a year later     tor at Dana-Farber. A key focus of his
research paper as a first author, on the     becomes a postdoctoral fellow in the     research is von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)
effect of the drug verapamil on blood        laboratory of David Livingston, MD,      disease, a rare, hereditary disorder
flow in normal and tumor tissue.             where he begins his studies of tumor     marked by the formation of tumors and
                                             suppressor genes.                        cysts in different parts of the body.

            1982                                         1988                                     1992

12              Paths of Progress           2020                                      Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
the system can play a role in can-
cer and other diseases. Kaelin, for
example, found that a defect in
HIF-2α– a close kin of HIF-1α–
propels the growth of certain
kidney cancers and that triple-
negative breast cancers often
make use of HIF-1α.
   Researchers are also working
on practical applications of their
discoveries. “Now that we’ve
mapped the molecular pathway
behind the hypoxia response, we
have clues about where to inter-
vene to make the pathway more
or less active,” Kaelin remarks.
“For example, we now have
drugs that prevent HIF-1αfrom de-
teriorating, which might be useful
for diseases like anemia, heart
attack, and stroke, where oxygen
delivery is problem. Conversely,
blocking the pathway, with HIF-2α       William Kaelin Jr., MD, describes his research at a press conference.
inhibitors, for example, looks like
a promising way to treat kidney         science doesn’t exist to satisfy              “Some people might think it
cancer. I’m also hopeful that HIF-      curiosity but to perpetuate it –           risky to have talented scientists
1αinhibitors might be useful for        that discoveries are not goals             follow only their curiosity, because
certain cancers.”                       as much as they are incentives             we won’t necessarily be able to
   The Nobel Prize win has              to pursue more research. At the            predict where the road will take
amplified Kaelin’s challenge to         most basic level, curiosity-driven         them and we won’t be able to pre-
those who believe curiosity-            research is an expression of               dict what the fruits of their labors
based research is too unreliable        confidence in the mind’s ability           will be,” Kaelin asserts. “But we
to undertake or invest in. From         to make connections, perceive              know, over and over, that’s how
experience, Kaelin knows that           promise, and inspire others.               real progress happens.”

Shows that cells lacking correct cop-   Kaelin and British scientist Peter          Named co-recipient of the Nobel Prize
ies of the VHL gene are incapable of    Ratcliffe independently uncover a           in Physiology or Medicine, together
sensing oxygen – an important clue in   critical piece of cells’ oxygen-sensing     with Ratcliffe and Greg Semenza, for
understanding how cells detect and      mechanism, showing how cells “know”         discovering how cells sense and adapt
adjust to changes in oxygen levels.     whether oxygen is available.                to changes in oxygen.

            1996                                     2001                                       2019

Benefits from
Targeted Therapy
How CDK4/6 and PARP inhibitors work
together in targeting disease

            erendipity is rarely sweeter than when it occurs in cancer research. In a field where progress is
            hard-won, where success often comes in increments rather than wholesale leaps, it’s particularly
            rare for a new treatment to not only work as intended but also to possess powers that developers
            hadn’t expected.

   Yet that is precisely what          narrow-gauge attack on cancer             from the time they entered clinical
Dana-Farber researchers recently       cells – may do double duty as             trials. They were first approved by
discovered about two of the            immunotherapies.                          the Food and Drug Administration
most effective types of targeted                                                 (FDA) in 2015 for patients with the
therapies – CDK4/6 inhibitors          Alternate Tracks                          most common subtype of breast
and PARP inhibitors – to arrive           PARP inhibitors and CDK4/6             cancer (hormone receptor-positive
in recent years. The twin find-        inhibitors target cancer cells by         breast cancer) and are currently
ings, announced within months of       two very different routes.                being tested, with encourag-
each other, show that in addition         CDK4/6 inhibitors, which have          ing results, in a variety of other
to having their known effects in       a long pedigree in Dana-Farber            cancers. “In early trials of these
tumor cells, the agents also can       research, deprive cancer cells of         drugs, we noticed that in some
stimulate the immune system to         their most notorious characteris-         breast cancer patients the tumors
fight cancer. The findings suggest     tic: their ability to divide endlessly.   didn’t just remain the same size –
that, effective as the drugs are       They work by blocking enzymes             as would be expected with drugs
on their own, they could be even       needed to pass from one phase             that interfere with cell division –
more potent when combined with         of the cell cycle to the next. The        but began to recede, sometimes
agents that release barriers to the    result is something very un-cancer-       quite dramatically,” said Dana-
immune response.                       like – a tumor cell that simply           Farber’s Shom Goel, MD, PhD.
   Together, the discoveries sug-      vegetates, that survives without             The reason for the shrinkage,
gest that many targeted thera-         growing or proliferating                  scientists at Dana-Farber and
pies – usually thought to wage a          The drugs showed promise               Brigham and Women’s Hospital

14            Paths of Progress       2020                                       Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Illustration of a T lymphocyte
                                                                              cell attached to a cancer
                                                                              cell. T lymphocytes are a
                                                                              type of white blood cell
                                                                              that recognizes a specific
                                                                              site (antigen) on the surface
                                                                              of cancer cells or pathogens
                                                                              and bind to it. Some
                                                                              T lymphocytes then signal
                                                                              for other immune system
                                                                              cells to eliminate the cell.

(BWH) found, lay outside the cell-   mount an attack on the tumors – a        to reveal their malignant nature by
division machinery itself, in the    finding they confirmed by analyz-        decking themselves in abnormal
cancer’s always delicate relation-   ing tissue samples from women in         proteins called neoantigens. The
ship with the immune system.         a clinical trial of a CDK4/6 inhibitor   immune system, incited by this
Leading the research with Goel       for breast cancer.                       display, responds by attacking
were Hye-Jung Kim, PhD, working         The drugs trigger an anti-tumor       the tumor cells. At the same time,
the laboratory of Jean Zhao, PhD,    immune response in two ways,             the drugs cause the number of
of Dana-Farber and the Broad         the researchers reported in              “T regulatory cells,” or Tregs,
Institute of MIT and Harvard, and    Nature. They prompt tumor cells          to diminish. These cells, the
Molly DeCristo, a Harvard Medi-
cal School graduate student in the
laboratory of Sandra McAllister,
                                        “In early trials of these drugs, we noticed that in
PhD, at BWH.                              some breast cancer patients the tumors didn’t just
  To understand why the tumors
sometimes shrank, the investiga-          remain the same size – as would be expected
tors examined how the CDK4/6
inhibitor abemaciclib acted in            with drugs that interfere with cell division – but
animal models of breast or other
solid tumors. They found it not           began to recede, sometimes quite dramatically.”
only stalled the tumor cycle but
also caused the immune system to        – Shom Goel, MD, PhD

“We’ve shown that in the case of ovarian cancer,                          Mutations or
                                                                                                              other genetic
                                     another factor is at play – the effects of the                           abnormalities
                                                                                                              can disable
                                     drugs on the interaction of tumor cells with                             proteins involved
                                     the immune system.”                                                      in making such
                                                                                                              repairs. As the
                                                                                                              damage mounts,
                                    – Jean Zhao, PhD                                                          the cell’s abil-
                                                                                                              ity to function
                               pacifist cousins of the better-          nections between CDK4/6 inhibi-       – dependent on
                               known “killer” T cells, exert a          tors and the immune response.         the instructions
                               sedating effect on the immune            One showed that the drugs cause       encoded in its
                               response to disease or infection.        tumor cells to sprout additional      DNA – diminish-
                               With fewer Tregs in circulation,         PD-L1 proteins on their surface.      es, potentially to
                               the immune response intensi-             These proteins ordinarily allow       the point where
                               fies. Taken together, these two          tumor cells to derail an immune       it can no longer
                               processes have the ability to halt       attack, suggesting that combin-       sustain itself.
                               or even reverse tumor growth.            ing CDK4/6 inhibitors with drugs         PARP in-
                                  Within a few months of the            that foil PD-L1 could leave tumors    hibitors take
                               publication of these findings, two       especially vulnerable to the          advantage of
                               other research teams including           immune response. The second           this weakness by administer-
                               Dana-Farber scientists published         paper showed that CDK4/6 inhibitors   ing a finishing blow to cancer
                               papers that found additional con-        also “activate” immune system         cells. Cells with mutations in the
                                                                                   T cells, putting them in   BRCA genes, for example, have
                                                                                   attack mode against        trouble repairing breaks that
                                                                                   cancer cells.              occur in both strands of the DNA
                                                                                                              molecule. They compensate, in
                                                                                 Picking at a Sore            part, by relying on genes that
                                                                                    PARP inhibitors, the      mend breaks in one strand. PARP
                                                                                 second category of           inhibitors work by crippling some

                                    CDK4/6               PARP                    targeted drugs with an       of those single-strand specialists.
                                    Inhibitors           Inhibitors              immune-stimulating           Already coping with the loss of
                                    Halt Cancer          Hinder DNA Repair       side, work by taking a       two-strand repair genes, the cells
                                    Cell Division        in Cancer Cells
                                                                                 common vulnerability in      are ready prey for drugs that shut
                                                                                 cancer cells and aggra-      down the single-strand repair
                                       Both Stimulate an Immune
                                                                                 vating it even further.      machinery.
                                      System Attack on Cancer Cells
                                                                                    The existence of a           PARP inhibitors have been
                                                                                 cancer cell can be a pre-    approved for patients with breast
                                                                                 carious proposition. For     or ovarian cancer who have
                                                                                 all its rowdy growth and     inherited mutations in the BRCA
                                                                                 brash behavior, a tumor      genes, as well as for some
                                                                                 cell may be struggling       patients with recurrent ovarian,
                                                                                 to repair damage to its      fallopian tube, or peritoneal can-
                               Both CDK4/6 inhibitors and PARP inhibitors
                               stimulate an immune system attack on              DNA, an activity critical    cer that responds to platinum-
                               cancer cells                                      to its continued survival.   based chemotherapy, and are

                               16            Paths of Progress        2020                                    Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
Ian Krop, MD (left), Jean    regrowth of the ovarian tumors –
                                                  Zhao, PhD (middle), and      evidence that CD8+ T cells were
                                                  Shom Goel, MD, PhD
                                                                               active participants in the assault
                                                  (right), in the lab.
                                                                               on cancer cells. This finding,
                                                                               coupled with further research,
                                                    mainly viewed as a re-     provided convincing evidence
                                                    sponse to the die-off of   that the immune response to
                                                    tumor cells triggered by   PARP inhibitors is more than just
                                                    PARP inhibitors. Zhao      a mop-up crew for dead cancer
                                                    and her colleagues         cells but a partner in causing
                                                    wanted to determine if     their death.
                                                    that was truly the case.      Because BRCA1-deficient
                                                      To assist in this        HGSOC tumors tend to wear a
                                                    effort, Liya Ding, PhD,    thicker coat of PD-L1 proteins
                                                    a research fellow in       after treatment with a PARP in-
                                                    Zhao’s lab, created        hibitor, Zhao’s team theorized that
                                                    animal models of high-     pairing the drugs with checkpoint
                                                    grade serous ovarian       inhibitors would be even more
                                                    cancer (HGSOC), the        effective. Experimental results
                                                    most common form           bore that out: investigators found
                                                    of ovarian cancer,         that mice treated with a PARP
in clinical trials for a range of      that closely resembled HGSOC in         inhibitor-checkpoint inhibitor
other cancers.                         humans. One set of models had a         combination lived longer than
   “In each of these cancers, the      normal complement of the BRCA1          those treated with the PARP
consensus was that the drugs’          gene, the other lacked the gene.        inhibitor alone.
effectiveness was due to the              In the models without normal            “These findings have important
direct killing of cancer cells,”       BRCA1, researchers found that           implications for the treatment
says Jean Zhao, PhD, of Dana-          PARP inhibitors sparked an im-          of ovarian cancer,” said Ursula
Farber and the Broad Institute,        mune response that inundated            Matulonis, MD, director of Gyne-
who led some of the recent             the tumors with T cells and other       cologic Oncology in the Susan
research into PARP inhibitors.         immune system agents. “We               F. Smith Center for Women’s
“We’ve shown that in the case of       then asked whether the immune           Cancers at Dana-Farber and a
ovarian cancer, another factor is      response was meaningful. That           co-leader of the research. “When
at play – the effects of the drugs     is, does it actively contribute to      used in conjunction with other
on the interaction of tumor cells      inhibiting tumor growth or is it        agents such as PD-1 inhibitors,
with the immune system.”               primarily a passive response            PARP inhibitors can have en-
   In recent years, it’s become        to the death of tumor cells?”           hanced anti-cancer activity, and
clear that the immune system           Zhao remarks.                           we now know why. The findings
responds to DNA damage in tumor           In a series of experiments,          add new impetus to clinical trials
cells by dispatching powerful          they demonstrated that it is            testing this combination.”
agents, including T cells and inter-   overwhelmingly the former. In              Many researchers believe
feron (proteins that intensify the     one, they disabled T cells known        that PARP inhibitors and CDK4/6
immune response) to the site of the    as CD8+ T cells – which directly        inhibitors are not the only agents
tumor. This immunological show         attack tumor cells – after the          to have a pleasant immunologi-
of force was thought to pose little    animals had been treated with a         cal surprise. Future studies will
threat to the tumor cells; it was      PARP inhibitor. The result was a        reveal if there are others.


18   Paths of Progress   2020   Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
in the Brain
 New single-cell technologies
 are revealing how aggressive
 brain tumors evade treatment

   Glioblastoma is the worst of the worst. A form of         and adult tumors. They uncovered some surprising
 brain cancer that affects adults and children, it is        similarities among the cells that drive these cancers,
 both aggressive and difficult to treat. Tragically, most    insights that could help spur new drugs aimed at
 patients die within two years of diagnosis. But new         glioblastoma.
 research is cracking open the biology of the disease,          “We’ve kind of come full circle in how we think
 helping explain the tumor’s tenacity even when faced        about adult and pediatric glioblastoma,” said Mari-
 with targeted therapies. And those insights are at last     ella Filbin, a lead author of the recent paper, which
 giving scientists a critical toehold in the hunt for new,   appeared in Cell, and a pediatric neuro-oncologist
 more effective glioblastoma treatments.                     at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood
   In a study published last summer, a team from             Disorders Center. “Up until about a decade ago,
 Dana-Farber, Boston Children’s Hospital, and other          we thought they were essentially the same, so we
 leading research organizations used single-cell tech-       treated them that way. But more recently, studies of
 niques, which can examine the genetic information           the tumors’ genomes revealed distinct genetic muta-
 within individual cells, one at a time. The researchers     tions – and that got us thinking that glioblastoma in
 scrutinized more than 23,000 cells from both pediatric      children is quite different than in adults.”

Now, Filbin and her colleagues       only a limited amount of surgery        kids have such poor survival rates,”
are finding that the two cancers        and radiation. It is also separated     said Filbin. “We need to do better
may actually be more alike than         from the bloodstream by a special       and we need to do something dif-
not. They determined that the           structure, the blood-brain barrier,     ferent to understand that disease.”
cells that drive both adult and pe-     which restricts the flow of drugs          So she and her colleagues har-
diatric glioblastoma exist in four      and other chemicals to brain            nessed single-cell RNA sequenc-
distinct states, which are defined      tissue, further complicating            ing to examine nearly 2,500 cells
by the constellation of genes that      treatment.                              from six DIPG patients. In a paper
are switched on or off – a kind            Yet glioblastoma also has other      published in Science in 2018, they
of molecular signature. These           tricks up its sleeve. The tumor         revealed that the majority of tumor
signatures closely resemble             becomes interwoven into the             cells are developmentally stuck –
those seen in the assortment of         fabric of the brain, mingling with      instead of growing up and becom-
normal cell types that make up          normal structures and making            ing more specialized, as normal
the developing brain. Importantly,      itself inseparable from them.           cells do, DIPG cells are trapped in
Filbin and her team revealed that          “It’s actually like trying to        an immature, stem-cell like state.
these driver cells are not static       remove a virus with surgery,” said      Filbin and her team also noticed
and can readily switch from one         Keith Ligon, one of Filbin’s col-       something else. Prior to any treat-
state to another, like a game of        laborators and a neuropathologist       ment, a small fraction of tumor
whack-a-mole. That discovery            at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s.       cells can overcome this develop-
helps explain a sobering clinical          Although Filbin understood this      mental roadblock. They simply
reality: why existing, single-target    dismal picture, she initially set out   grow up or “differentiate”– and,
drugs for glioblastoma fail to curb     to study a different cancer, a rare     at the same time, lose their tumor-
the cancer’s growth.                    brain tumor called diffuse intrin-      forming potential.
                                        sic pontine glioma (DIPG), which           “That is super exciting,” said
Opening Brain Cancer’s                  affects mostly young children and,      Filbin. “We now have the first evi-
Bag of Tricks                           sadly, also has a grim prognosis.       dence that a pediatric brain cancer
  Like other forms of brain                She was struck by the power of       can differentiate on its own.”
cancer, glioblastoma is alarming        new single-cell technologies, spe-         She and her colleagues are
because of where it originates.         cifically single-cell RNA sequenc-      now exploring whether they can
As the epicenter of the mind            ing, which provides a cell-by-cell      exploit this capability therapeuti-
and body, the brain can endure          snapshot of which genes are             cally. Can a drug be identified that
                                        active and which are not – the so-      coaxes more tumor cells to dif-
                                        called “transcriptome.” That view       ferentiate, thereby rendering the
                                        goes beyond what can be gleaned         cancer harmless? This concept,
                                        simply by looking at the cells’         known as differentiation therapy,
                                        DNA, which only reveals which           has been around for decades in
                                        genes are missing or broken, not        pediatric oncology and currently
                                        how those changes impact cell           forms the basis for treating a form
                                        function. Because these tech-           of pediatric leukemia as well as
                                        niques are painstakingly applied        another pediatric tumor called
                                        to individual cells, they can reveal    neuroblastoma.
                                        subtle differences within a tumor
                                        that may be missed by cruder,           A Cell-By-Cell View
                                        bulk profiling methods.                 of Glioblastoma
                                           “DIPG was the very first cancer        Filbin was so impressed with
Mariella Filbin, MD, PhD                I wanted to look at because these       the idea of differentiation therapy

20             Paths of Progress       2020                                     Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
for pediatric brain cancers, she
wondered if it might apply to
other aggressive forms, like
glioblastoma. Her colleagues at
Massachusetts General Hospital
were already using single-cell
techniques to study adult forms of
the disease, so the researchers
banded together to conduct
a broader analysis of pediatric
as well as adult tumors. They
examined tumors from 20 adult
and eight pediatric patients.
   Prior to the advent of single-cell
methods, scientists delved into         Keith Ligon, MD, PhD, and Kin-Hoe Chow, associate director of the Center for
the molecular makeup of patients’       Patient Derived Models.
tumors using a bundled approach.
They would isolate a chunk of           growth is fueled by four distinct           explain why existing single-target
tumor tissue, grind it up, and per-     cell types or “states,” which exist         therapies fail to curtail glioblas-
form experiments on that cellular       at varying degrees in all glioblas-         toma growth.
“soup” – effectively averaging          toma patients, both children and               Unfortunately, the data do not
across all of the cells present         adults. These states resemble               give credence to differentiation
in the mix. And yet tumors don’t        different cells normally found in           therapy as an effective treat-
grow, spread, or die as an aver-        the developing brain, including             ment for glioblastoma, though,
age unit. They do so cell by cell.      astrocytes and oligodendrocyte              as Filbin’s earlier work indicates,
   “A good analogy here is your         progenitor cells, both types of             it remains a promising approach
friendships,” said Ligon. “If you       support cells called glia; neural           for DIPG. Nevertheless, Filbin and
averaged all of your friends’           progenitors, which can give rise            her team believe their findings
                                                                                    offer a roadmap for identifying
                                                                                    new glioblastoma therapies, and
    “We now have the first evidence that a pediatric
                                                                                    they have launched early-stage
     brain cancer can differentiate on its own.”                                    research projects to pursue them.
                                                                                       “In every glioblastoma we
                                                                                    looked at, whether it was from a
    – Mariella Filbin, MD, PhD                                                      kid or an adult, it had only those
                                                                                    four cell types, regardless of its
personalities, that won’t really tell   to both neurons and glia; and               genetic makeup,” said Filbin.
you anything about what each            mesenchymal cells, which give               “That gives us hope that if we
person is like.”                        rise to connective tissue.                  can find a way to block all four
   With single-cell technologies,          These glioblastoma cell states           at the same time, we can kill
Filbin, Ligon, and their colleagues     are highly plastic and can readily          the tumor.”
were able to glimpse for the first      shift from one to another. When                Such a four-pronged attack
time a detailed picture of glioblas-    Filbin and her colleagues injected          would signify a groundbreaking
toma on a scale that matches            just one of the four cell types into        approach to glioblastoma treat-
its biology.                            mice, tumors formed that con-               ment – one that could deliver
   The team discovered that tumor       tained all four types, helping to           long awaited hope to patients.

     TOWA R D                                            BY ERIC BENDER

                     Machine language technology brings
                     new power to study each individual’s
                     risks and best treatment options.

22   Paths of Progress   2020            Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
Ask your cellphone a question today, and it probably understands you

well enough to provide a fairly reasonable answer. That’s new. Ten years

ago, such ubiquitous and even expected speech recognition didn’t exist

anywhere on the planet. Now it’s on billions of mobile phones.

  Much of your phone’s smarts are based on a rapidly advancing form

of artificial intelligence called machine learning, in which the computer

basically trains itself to find patterns within massive amounts of data.

Machine learning technologies are being applied in many fields, and

we’re just starting to see the impact they may have in medical research.

Kenneth Kehl, MD, MPH, ( left) and       Researchers at Dana-Farber           But there’s a chokepoint for
Deborah Schrag, MD, MPH, (right)      are bringing machine language        research that taps into this
chief of Dana-Farber’s Division of
                                      technology to many tough puzzles     resource: It’s surprisingly difficult
Population Sciences.
                                      in cancer. One pioneering project    to capture how well patients are
                                      is gathering information on treat-   responding to treatment by ana-
                                      ment outcomes in lung cancer,        lyzing routine clinical records.
                                      and a second one aims to better         “As straightforward as one
                                      identify people who are at most      might expect that process to be,
                                      risk to develop pancreatic cancer.   it can be a substantial challenge,”
                                                                           says Dana-Farber oncologist
                                      Understanding Outcomes               Kenneth Kehl, MD, MPH. He
                                      in Lung Cancer                       explains that information about
                                         Dana-Farber conducts a            the patient outcomes shown in
                                      genomic analysis on tumors from      a CT scan, for example, may be
                                      patients who give their consent.     routinely recorded only in the
                                      That genomic information can be      unstructured text of a radiologist’s
                                      essential to best understand an      report. Tracking these outcomes
                                      individual cancer and, in many       requires trained staff to read and
                                      instances, can help guide how        annotate such records, which
                                      to treat it. This genomic treasure   can be slow and expensive.
                                      trove can be combined with a            Kehl and his colleagues turned
                                      wealth of other patient informa-     to machine-learning tools to auto-
                                      tion, such as data from imaging,     mate this painstaking process,
                                      to offer an enormously valuable      in a project funded by the National
                                      resource for cancer scientists.      Cancer Institute, the Claude

24             Paths of Progress     2020                                  Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
Kehl points out. Treatment also        labeling clinical data developed
                                      has become more complex in             by Schrag and her associates.
                                      recent years with a flood of ap-       The framework aims to ensure the
                                      proved therapies to either target      creation of gold-standard data
                                      specific genetic mutations or          on which all experts agree – and
                                      to unleash the immune system           in this case, it was applied to
                                      against the cancer.                    annotating the outcomes that are
                                         The Dana-Farber team began          occurring in the CT scans.
                                      by gathering more than 14,000             The researchers then applied
                                      unstructured text reports on ra-       a machine-language-based
                                      diology images for 1,112 patients      natural language processing
                                      with lung cancer. Their next task      approach that is designed to
                                      entailed a large amount of human       classify documents. “Just like
                                      drudgery: building a database          one can train AI algorithms to
                                      of outcomes to help train the          identify cats and dogs in pictures,
                                      machine learning software, by          one can train algorithms to look
                                      manually labeling these unstruc-       at text and identify, for example,
                                      tured text reports.                    is the writer expressing positive
                                         “Labeling is a fundamental          or negative emotions about the
                                      prerequisite for machine learn-        subject?” Kehl says. “We used
                                      ing – we have to teach machines        one of these document classifica-
Dauphin Philanthropic Research        from a high-quality curriculum         tion techniques to do the same
Fund, and the Simeon J. Fortin        if we want to get output we can        thing. In our case, the model can
Foundation. The researchers           trust to inform clinical decisions,”   read the text of, say, a CT scan of
reported successful results for the   says medical oncologist Deborah        the lungs, and report out to us: Is
effort in a JAMA Oncology paper       Schrag, MD, MPH, chief of Dana-        cancer being described on this
in 2019. Their “natural language      Farber’s Division of Population        scan? If it is, is the cancer getting
processing” software performed        Sciences and senior author on          better or worse? And what areas
very strongly at interpreting         the paper. “And labeling data is       of the body are involved?”
unstructured textual records –        unbelievably tedious.”                    The researchers demonstrated
matching up well against human           Although machine language           their software can generate out-
experts and delivering results        projects often perform this initial    come descriptions that are similar
exponentially faster.                 human labeling of data in ways         to the descriptions generated by
   The project focused on lung        unique to each project, the            people, and can do so dramati-
cancer, which is both very com-       Dana-Farber team was careful to        cally faster. Human curators took
mon and very difficult to treat,      employ a standard framework for        about 20 minutes to annotate a
                                                                             single imaging report. In half that
   “Labeling is a fundamental prerequisite for ma-                           time, Kehl and his colleagues esti-
                                                                             mate, the computer models could
   chine learning – we have to teach machines from                           annotate 30,000 imaging reports in
                                                                             the study.
   a high-quality curriculum if we want to get output                           Next, the text-processing soft-
                                                                             ware examined reports for 1,294
   we can trust to inform clinical decisions,”                               patients whose records had not
                                                                             been manually reviewed. Investi-
   – Deborah Schrag, MD, MPH                                                 gators confirmed that the soft-

ware’s outcome measurements
in this group predicted survival
about as well as the human as-
sessments of outcomes among
the patients whose CT records
were manually reviewed.
   The team is now working to
demonstrate that the patient
outcomes gathered by software
do indeed reflect known associa-
tions between tumor genomic
features and outcomes in lung
cancer, says Kehl. Once that’s
done, he, Schrag, and their
coworkers will start to ask new
research questions about con-
nections between treatments
and outcomes. The researchers
also will consider ways to incor-
porate such models into clinical
care delivery, such as finding
best ways to manage symptoms.
And they plan to check out how
well the models perform with
other types of cancer.
   “Moving some of this AI work
into the clinic is important and
complex and challenging,” Kehl
says. “But it’s an important direc-
tion to take. It’s where the field
will have to go.”
                                       Chris Sander, PhD, director of the cBio Center in Dana-Farber’s department of
Who Gets Pancreatic Cancer?            Data Sciences.
   When pancreatic cancer is
detected before it spreads, 37%           The disease often can be                  to be practical for the population
of patients survive five years.        detected at an early stage by                at large.
Unfortunately, that’s the best-        imaging with CT, MRI, or endo-                 Researchers know that pan-
case scenario. The survival rate       scopic ultrasound. Currently,                creatic cancer also is linked to
plummets to 10% if the tumor           such screening is performed                  other factors including obesity,
is found at a later stage, which       only for a very small group of               smoking history, alcohol history,
happens in about 90% of cases.         people thought to be at high risk            and late-onset diabetes with
That’s one main reason that            of the disease, either through               weight loss and age. But there
pancreatic cancer is expected to       family history or the presence of            are no guidelines for integrat-
become the second-most-deadly          certain worrisome genetic muta-              ing all these factors to provide
type of cancer in the United           tions. But pancreatic cancer is              sufficiently reliable predictions
States by 2030.                        far too rare for such procedures             of disease risk to allow effective

26            Paths of Progress       2020                                         Dana-Farber Cancer Institu te
screening to catch the cancer as
                                           “We take a snapshot of a personal’s clinical
early as possible.
   Producing such guidelines                 records, and starting with this raw data, we
through machine learning is the
goal of a project co-headed by               challenge the artificial intelligence engine to
computational biologist Chris
Sander, PhD, director of the cBio            learn, ‘What’s the probability that this person will
Center in Dana-Farber’s depart-
ment of Data Sciences, and
                                             get pancreatic cancer in the next few years?’”
MIT computer scientist Regina
Barzilay, an expert on machine              – Chris Sander, PhD
learning in medicine. Medical on-
cologist Brian Wolpin, MD, MPH,
and radiology physician-scientist       data, we challenge the artificial      Sander notes. “But if you want
Michael Rosenthal, MD, PhD,             intelligence engine to learn,          to apply the risk assessment AI
of Dana-Farber; epidemiologist          ‘What’s the probability that this      tool in clinical practice, then your
Peter Kraft of the Harvard T. H.        person will get pancreatic cancer      accuracy has to be very high to
Chan School of Public Health; and       in the next few years?’”               minimize the chance of unneces-
disease system biologist Søren             Within their stockpiles of          sary treatment.”
Brunak, PhD, of the University of       clinical data, the team will look         Truly effective screening
Copenhagen are collaborating            at unstructured doctor notes           programs also will demand more
on the effort, which is funded by       (extracted with natural-language       effective screening techniques.
Stand Up to Cancer.                     processing techniques similar to       Hundreds of labs around the
   Their work has begun with a          those in the lung cancer proj-         world are studying new methods
highly informative dataset that         ect above), disease codes and          of imaging or blood analyses for
includes complete clinical records      treatment codes, blood tests, and      early detection of solid tumors
for about 2.5 million patients in the   images. “So far, we have the first     such as pancreatic cancers.
Danish National Patient Registry,       results from the disease codes,        “There’s huge interest in that
about 20,000 of whom have had           and we’re getting pretty good          research,” Sander says. If better
pancreatic cancer, Sander says.         results already,” Sander says.         guidelines can be combined with
To meet stringent Danish privacy           The two-year project aims to        better screening, he and his
requirements, researchers actu-         produce sufficiently accurate          colleagues hope for real progress
ally must make repeated trips to        risk guidelines for a clinical trial   against this fearsome form
Copenhagen for access to the            screening for early signs              of cancer.
Danish computing resources. The         of cancer. Scientists also hope           “Our clinicians at Dana-Farber
project also will extract risk pro-     their algorithms will shed light       do a lot of work on curing cancer
files from the Henry Ford Health        on the roles various risk factors      when it’s very advanced, which
System in Detroit and Partners          have in predicting (and maybe          is where the suffering is and
HealthCare in Boston.                   even causing) the disease and          where we really need to beat the
   In building machine-language         how these could be used in             cancer,” he adds. “But it’s also
algorithms, “we’re not going in         prevention programs.                   important to try to catch cancer
with preconceived notions of               To enter standard clinical          at the early stages, avoiding all
what are the deciding factors for       care, the guidelines will have to      the suffering along the way and
risk,” Sander says. “We take a          deliver very high accuracy. “You       bringing down the total cost of
snapshot of a personal’s clinical       can have less than 100 percent         treatment, and that’s one of our
records, and starting with this raw     accuracy for a clinical trial,”        top priorities.”

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