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»IFFOCUS 1/2013 PRODUCING MORE EFFICIENTLY ER-WIN INNOVATION CLUSTER Greater Energy Efficiency in Saxony-Anhalt’s Companies DIGITAL SIMULATION OF OPERATIONS Analysis of the Stork System HEATING WITH PAINT AND PLASTIC WASTES Cutting Disposal and Heating Costs
We are well on our » way to making the idea of resource efficient « production reality. Prof. Michael Schenk, Editorial Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF. Photo: Dirk Mahler Dear Readers, Europe is rethinking its strategy and planning quality and efficiency and flexibility in order enable industry to manufacture largely with its reindustrialization. A robust industry will to keep European businesses competitive volatile, renewable energies alone while they be the foundation for safeguarding prosper- against their competition all over the world. simultaneously boost their energy produc- ity long term. Statistics have been recording On the other hand, this ambitious undertak- tivity. We are also developing technologies noticeable deindustrialization on the conti- ing should not torpedo the European Union’s that empower factories to manufacture even nent since 2000 at the latest. Official figures climate targets, which are intended to reduce more greenly. We are interfacing companies, reveal that industry has dropped from making greenhouse gas emissions significantly by equipment and information systems and thus up twenty-two percent of the European 2020 and beyond. In certain respects, Ger- assuring more reliability and efficiency. We economy at that time to fifteen percent to- many should be able to serve as a model for are also integrating new robots in production day. The reason is that many European states this. environments so that they relieve skilled labor have neglected development of the industrial of work. sector in recent years. This has affected their The EU has defined various headline targets sustainable value added and employment ad- in its Europe 2020 strategy, which are closely Thus, we are well on our way to making the versely. Consequently, the European Union is aligned with this undertaking. In addition idea of resource efficient production reality. intent on raising the manufacturing industry’s to supporting training and education and This latest issue of our IFFocus reports on average share in the European gross domestic expanding the European market, they also some instances in which we have already product to 20 percent again by 2020. include increasing expenditures for research done exactly this. and development. New technologies and At the same time, this entails a commitment qualified employees are supposed to help to modernize production systems. Research businesses prepare for future challenges. Your, and business are already developing new One of these challenges is dealing with the solutions for this “third industrial revolu- increasing scarcity and expense of of energy tion” under such catchphrases as “integrated and raw materials, which, however, are industry”, “cloud manufacturing” or “factory needed now more than ever. of the future”. One idea unites them all: Industrial production in Europe needs to be Attention is inevitably being focused on re- Prof. Michael Schenk smarter, more efficient and simultaneously newable energies and a green circular econo- greener. On the one hand, the focus is on my. We at the Fraunhofer IFF are also already developing technological know-how, high working on solutions today, which will soon Editorial 1
ER-WIN Innovation Cluster Greater Energy Efficiency in Saxony- Anhalt’s Companies Energy and resource consumption is increasingly becoming an important competitive factor for industry. Energy prices in particular can be expected to continue rising in the long- term, not only in the course of the energy transitions. This will especially affect manufacturing companies in Saxony-Anhalt. The newly established ER-WIN Innovation Cluster is intended to help companies manufacture more energy and resource ef- ficiently in the future with new technologies and solutions. Page 16 Digital Simulation of Operations: Heating with Waste from Coatings and Plastics The Analysis of Stork’s System Metal coaters can cut disposal and heating costs with a Digital simulations helped engineers from the Fraunhofer IFF combustor for powdery residues. untangle and expedite truck traffic on the premises of the environmental service provider Stork. Page 26 Page 20
News In a Flash 04 Producing More Value: New Fraunhofer 12 Festivities Celebrating “20 Years of 47 Applied Logistics: Holger Seidel Still Innovation Cluster ER-WIN Launched Curiosity” Spokesman of the Saxony-Anhalt Re- gional Chapter of the BVL 05 One Standard for All: Standardized Tests for System Components Will Advance Interview A Human Resource Developer with a Electric Vehicle Network Integration North German Heart Earns His Doctor- 14 Prof. Reimund Neugebauer, ate in Magdeburg Common Cause with the Université du President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Havre 48 Riga Awards Honorary Doctorate to Dr. Eberhard Blümel 06 RTI Technologies Joins the “Morgen- Research and stadt” Research Initiative Development Why the Robot “Rotto” Sings the Beatles’ Song “Yesterday” Aviation Builder of the Year 16 ER-WIN Innovation Cluster: Greater Energy Efficiency in Saxony-Anhalt’s 49 Always Been “Wired” 07 Hannover Messe: Fraunhofer IFF Pres- Companies ents Smart Technologies for Sustainable 50 Earning a Dual-Degree in Logistics in Manufacturing 20 Digital Simulation of Operations: The Moscow and Magdeburg Analysis of Stork’s System Control Trade Fair: In-line Digital Assem- Marketing at the Fraunhofer IFF Has a bly and Quality Inspection 26 Heating with Waste from Coatings and New Face Plastics 08 Researchers in Magdeburg are Develop- 51 Otto von Guericke University: 2013 ing Medical Technology for the 21st 32 Ceramic Turbines Powered by Fuel Gases International Spring Logistics School Century 34 Robot Colleagues are Heading Our Way! First Student in the German-Ukrainian Strengthening European Robotics Logistics Degree Program 09 Australian Plant Researchers Want to Gallery Cultivate Higher Yield Crops Editorial Notes & Outlook 38 Impressions from Research 16th IFF Science Days: More Efficiency in and Industry 52 Editorial Notes Production and Logistics Outlook 10 Logistics Day: 36,000 Visitors at 381 Sharp Minds Events 44 Colloquium Honors Prof. Michael 8th Long Night of Science Thrills Schenk, Director of the Fraunofer IFF, Magdeburg Residents on His 60th Birthday Interview Sharp Minds Prof. Reimund Neugebauer, President of the Fraunhofer- Who earned a doctorate? Who is new at the Fraunhofer IFF? Gesellschaft, on energy and resource efficiency and its What honors were bestowed on its researchers? Find out here. importance for industry Page 14 Page 44
Producing More Value New Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster ER-WIN Launched Kerstin Stork, owner of Stork Umweltdienste Prof. Michael Schenk and GmbH, has been collaborating with the Farun- then-minister Prof. Birgitta hofer IFF for nearly four years. Her advice for Wolff announce the launch other companies: of the ER-WIN innovation cluster. Photos: Viktoria Simply venture the step and ap- Kühne » proach the Fraunhofer IFF, « Exceptional collaboration is bound to result. Rising energy and raw material prices are be- energies in the energy mix, which are pro- coming the important competitive factor for duced here, deserve particular attention.” Saxony-Anhalt’s economy. The new innova- tion cluster ER-WIN under the lead manage- Prof. Schenk, Director of the Fraunhofer ment of the Fraunhofer IFF will therefore be IFF, see two challenges in particular. “The developing innovative solutions in order to primary goal is to cut production costs in improve energy and resource efficiency in the order to keep regional businesses competi- manufacturing industry. A press conference tive. We want the ER-WIN innovation cluster at the Fraunhofer IFF in Magdeburg on April to help companies manufacture more energy 15, 2013 officially kicked off the project. efficiently and more resource efficiently in the coming years,” says Schenk. “This will Together with Otto von Guericke University require generating value adding synergies Magdeburg and numerous other develop- directly in companies as well as between ment and business partners from Saxony- different companies. We intend to achieve Anhalt, the ER-WIN cluster will pool regional this by employing technical, organizational know-how to ensure that regional industry and technological innovations. One element remains competitive in the long term. The of this will be to make renewable power state is also backing this intensively Then- produced in the region available for produc- Saxony-Anhalt Minister of Economics and tion.” Research Prof. Birgitta Wolff stressed that, “Rising energy prices are having a particularly Dr. Jürgen Reinemuth, CEO of Taletec GmbH. great impact on industry. The state is there- fore supporting the improvement of energy efficiency in regional companies and backing Our production requires tremendous solutions that will make them more inde- amounts of electricity and gas. Our » « pendent from the volatile energy market. In- novative projects that strengthen the region’s goal is to save energy everywhere. economic structure and simultaneously build For us, that means safeguarding jobs upon the state’s distinctive features such as in the long term. its higher than average share of renewable 4
One Standard for All: Standardized Tests for System Components Will Advance Electric Vehicle Network Integration Differing standards for system components Government, industry for vehicle-to-grid communication (V2G CI) and research repre- is one of the things still slowing the com- sentatives had the op- mercialization of electric vehicles. They are portunity to exchange supposed to enable electric vehicles, supply views on the current systems and electrical grids to communicate state of developments with each other in order to exchange infor- at the exhibition at the mation on charge levels, types of charges, first eNterop event. ranges, energy prices and grid statuses with Photo: Siemens AG smart grids in the future. Since complex compatibility tests and modifications have been needed to assure the requisite interoperability of manufactur- ers’ products, the new binding standard for system components ISO/IEC 15118 was ad- opted to reduce the labor required to modify products and to expedite their market launch. BMW, Continental, Daimler, Fraunhofer, The Fraunhofer IFF is a partner in “eNterop” RWE, Siemens, the Technical University of and primarily in charge of analyzing the Dortmund and VW, all of which are German test platform’s requirements and drafting its proponents of international standardization specifications as well as developing and im- for V2G CI, have joined forces in the project plementing the requisite test procedures. It is “eNterop” to create an open test platform additionally seeing to it that automotive and and a reference implementation for this inter- charging infrastructure manufacturers and face between electric vehicles and charging suppliers are involved in the project work. infrastructures. They intend to develop the The two-year, international flagship project “eNterop” test system by 2014. It will enable has a total budget of € 4.6 million. Half of any manufacture to quickly test its products’ this is being contributed by the Federal Minis- compliance with the ISO/IEC standards ad- try of Economics and Technology. opted for electric vehicles. Fließtext mit ca. 2000 Zeichen. Common Cause with the Université du Havre The Fraunhofer IFF and the Institut Supérieur The sister cities partnership entered into d’Etudes Logistiques ISEL of the Université by Magdeburg and Le Havre in May of du Havre sealed their future research plans 2011 quickly revealed ties in logistics and when they signed a memorandum of under- provided both institutions the best prereq- standing. They expect their partnership to uisites for successful collaboration. Recipro- bring promising collaboration in the field of cal visits strengthened their intention until logistics and an expansion of international the memorandum of understanding was relations and partnerships. eventually signed in December of 2012 at a ceremony marking the opening of the first streetcar line in Le Havre. Prof. Schenk with Brigitte Dufour, Deputy Mayor of Le Havre, on his return visit to France. Photo: Nicolas Barubé 5 News
RTI Technologies Joins the »Morgenstadt« Research Initiative Sergej Boev, Director General of RTI (center left), and Prof. Michael Schenk, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF (center right), at the signing of the cooperation agreement at the Hannover Messe. Photo: Bildschön GmbH, A. Genz The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Russian for effective and reliable urban development company RTI Technologies signed a coop- into practice in Russia. Many of them, already eration agreement on April 9, 2013, which officially made the latter a member of the “Morgenstadt: City Insights” research initia- implemented in modern metropolises, meet international standards. Together with foreign partners, we will be able to effectively modify Aviation Builder tive. RTI will be collaborating closely with the Fraunhofer Institutes involved in this innova- tion network. our developments to create and spread ‘se- cure and smart cities’ while allowing for cur- rent trends and tendencies,” explains Sergej of the Year Boev, Director General of RTI. The level of urbanization will reach 60 per- That is the name of the award con- cent, corresponding to an urban population The object of the agreement between RTI ferred by the Russian Union of Avia- of five billion, by 2030. The world will thus and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the tion Industrialists in the fall of 2012. have to absorb and provide for 1.8 billion completion of research by the Fraunhofer The Fraunhofer IFF placed second in new city dwellers in the coming years. Cities, Institute for Factory Operation and Automa- the category “Best Foreign Partner of however, need energy and raw material, tion IFF in Magdeburg and other Fraunhofer Russian Aviation Builders” and received produce garbage and pollution and have Institutes. This will center on compiling an its award at a ceremony in Moscow on overburdened transportation systems. All of overview of and analyzing globally innovative December 5, 2012. The Magdeburg this is already now confronting cities with methods for sustainable new urban develop- research institute’s years of collaboration major challenges related to urban plan- ment and on combining urban technology with the Russian State Research Institute ning, construction, transportation, security, systems, economic models and management of Aviation Systems FGUP GosNIIAS was energy and climate protection. Fraunhofer systems in one comprehensive approach to the decisive factor in the selection of the researchers have joined together in the “Mor- research. Fraunhofer IFF. genstadt” innovation network to develop sustainable urban technologies and systems. Their collaboration grew out of a stra- The goal of the “Morgenstadt” is to develop tegic partnership in education, research and design livable, sustainable and viable cit- and innovation initiated in April of 2005 ies of tomorrow. by then-German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and President Vladimir Putin. Different institutes in the Fraunhofer-Gesell- One focus of cooperation was the inte- schaft are collaborating to make this vision gration of RFID systems in aviation. reality. The initiative’s core themes are energy, buildings, production and logistics, transpor- tation and traffic, information and commu- nication, urban processes and organization, and security and protection. “RTI has exten- sive experience putting ready-made solutions 6
Hannover Messe Fraunhofer IFF Presents Smart Technologies for Sustainable Manufacturing Researchers from the Fraunhofer IFF pre- Group was also represented with a booth sented new solutions from their research in of its own at which the Fraunhofer IFF’s digital engineering, automation, logistics and experts in robotics presented a tactile sen- process and plant engineering at the world’s sor system that enables robots to “feel” largest technology trade fair on April 8 to 12, contact like an artificial skin. This makes it 2013. In keeping with this year’s fair’s theme a key technology essential to safe human- of “Integrated Industries”, they focused on machine interaction. key technologies and services in industrial manufacturing and technological innova- At the Fraunhofer Energy Alliance’s booth, tions for productivity and efficiency. Visitors researchers from Magdeburg presented a learned about our latest developments in the new system for easy compatibility checks. fields of smart residue recycling for resource Electric vehicles and charging stations are efficient production, safe human-robot not always compatible. Differing manu- interaction, electric vehicle networks and facturers’ systems are often to blame. smart logistics. The Fraunhofer IFF exhibited Consequently, vehicles are not recognized at seven different booths. and charged. A test box developed at the Fraunhofer IFF will enable manufactures to At the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s main booth, check the compatibility of their electric ve- process and plant engineering experts from hicle components with other manufactures’ the Fraunhofer IFF showed a way to recycle systems quickly in the future. residues smartly to manufacture more re- In the future, drivers of any make of electric vehicle source efficiently. They presented a combus- will be able to charge their batteries anywhere tor for powdery residues to explain how without any problems. The test box developed at companies will be able to cut both disposal the Fraunhofer IFF will make it significantly easier costs and heating costs in the future. for companies to test their system’s compatibility extensively. Photo: Dirk Mahler The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s Production Control Trade Fair: In-line Digital Assembly and Quality Inspection Not even the minutest deviations go un- manufactures its products in small quantities. detected: Researchers at the Fraunhofer Production lines are not geared toward mass IFF have created the “Wheelinspector”, an production because every airline desires its in-line compatible system that inspects 100 own interior. Since manual assembly proce- percent of vehicle wheels without contact. dures are common and assembly jobs change Visitors to Control 2013 were able to see a continually, automatic quality inspection has live demonstration of the technology. The not been worthwhile. Novel software devel- Fraunhofer IFF’s experts presented a wheel oped at the Fraunhofer IFF is changing this: It inspection system complete with the “Whee- uses cameras to compare particular CAD data linspector”. with a finished assembled product digitally and factors in modifications with a click of They also presented another development: a mouse. Our experts presented these and Their digital assembly inspection system other solutions at Control 2013 in Stuttgart In model-based assembly, software compares automatically inspects quality even when from May 14 to 17. assembled components’ digital target data with the products are manufactured in small quanti- real outcome. Errors are detected immediately. ties. As in many sectors, the aircraft industry 7 News
Researchers in Magdeburg are Developing Medical Technology for the 21st Century Prof. Martin Skalej (r.), Director of the Neuroradiology Department of University Hospital in Magdeburg, explaining the potentials of image-guided minimally invasive methods of medical treatment to State Secretary Cornelia Quennet-Thielen (l.) from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Saxony-Anhalt Minister of Research, Prof. Birgitta Wolff (m.). Photo: Viktoria Kühne/OVGU The STIMULATE (Solution Centre for Image are intended both to improve methods of The German government will make € 1.6 Guided Local Therapies) research campus medical treatment and to contain exploding million available in the first year and, when for innovative medical technology at Otto healthcare costs. They will be focusing on the preliminary phase is successful, up to two von Guericke University Magdeburg was important widespread oncological, neurologi- million euros in each of the following years. ceremoniously opened in January of 2013 cal and vascular diseases. The business and industry partners involved in the presence of State Secretary Cornelia with also be contributing funds. The Federal Quennet-Thielen from the Federal Ministry of “With the STIMULATE research campus, we Ministry of Education and Research could Education and Research,then Saxony-Anhalt intend to make Otto von Guericke University continue funding the project for up to fifteen Minister of Research Prof. Birgitta Wolff, Magdeburg one of the world’s leading cen- years. It is funding a total of nine such inno- representatives of the city of Magdeburg and ters for image-guided systems,” said President vative collaborative ventures. Siemens AG Healthcare. Jens Strackeljan in his welcoming remarks. In her keynote address, State Secretary Cornelia Under the collective umbrella of the research Quennet-Thielen stressed the collaboration campus, researchers and developers from between businesses and the university. “The schools of engineering and medicine at Otto research campus is intended to facilitate new von Guericke University Magdeburg and non- options for long-term collaboration between academic research organizations, including research and business. Magdeburg is a good the Fraunhofer IFF, will be developing medical example of this because strong partners have technologies for image-guided, minimally gotten together to develop a shining example invasive methods together with Siemens AG of medical imaging.” Healthcare and regional businesses, which Strengthening European Robotics The European Commission and representa- IFF are also involved and attended the signing in robots, chiefly rescue, security and commer- tives of industry and academia, including the Brussels. The commission is convinced that the cial cleaning applications, is expected to grow Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, have reached an future partnership will strengthen the robotics forty percent in the coming years. Service agreement to establish a public-private part- sector in the EU. robotics will reach an annual market volume nership in the field of robotics in order to help of €100 billion or more by 2020. companies based in Europe expand their share Robotics is a key technology for growth and of the €15.5 billion global robotics market. competitiveness in Europe. The one million Representatives of European robot manufactur- industrial robots in use are helping create or ers and research organizations and the Vice- safeguard three million jobs worldwide. Euro- President of the European Commission, Neelie pean robotics is extremely successful. It produces Kroes, signed a corresponding agreement in approximately one quarter of the world’s indus- September of 2012 as the first step toward the trial robots and maintains a fifty percent share establishment of a public-private partnership in of the market for commercial service robots. The 2013. Experts in robotics from the Fraunhofer market for household and commercial service 8
Australian Plant Researchers Want to Cultivate Higher Yield Crops to Australia for a joint research project and used its hi-performance camera to take mea- surements at the Plant Accelerator. The data is being interpreted and analyzed at present. Dr. Andreas Backhaus starting Researchers at the nearby Australian Wine with an aircraft to record Research Institute are also involved in the hyperspectral images of project. The researchers from the Fraunhofer vineyards near Adelaide. IFF even took to the air to analyze their The camera is in a housing grapevines. The hyperspectral camera was mounted on the underside of mounted on an airplane and aerial photo- the wing (to the left). graphs were taken of the vineyards. Conclu- Photo: Udo Seiffert sions about certain constituents and the grapevines’ water content can be drawn from these special images. The Australian partners were so impressed Australian soil is dry and salty in many places. in this field. In what is probably the world’s by the first results of the analysis that they Farmers cultivate their fields under some largest automated greenhouse, they control are now preparing to collaborate on a larger challenging conditions. Growers are work- temperature and irrigation to grow plants project. The researchers from Magdeburg ing to create hybrid crops such as corn and and collect fundamental phentotypes. They will be setting up a hyperspectral labor in wheat with valuable properties, which deliver need to be able to analyze phytoconstituents, Adelaide. “Anybody can buy a camera. Our higher yields. This would enable farmers not though. expertise lies in developing the proper system only to harvest corn with plumper kernels for a client and rendering the data relevant but also to cease having to fertilize or irrigate Researchers from the Fraunhofer IFF in for a client usable with special software,” as often as before. Magdeburg have made exactly this possible explains Prof. Udo Seiffert. and opened a view into plants’ insides. Prof. Well known among experts, the plant Udo Seiffert, project manager and manager researchers at the Plant Accelerator unit of of the Biosystems Engineering Expert Group the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility of the at the Fraunhofer IFF in Magdeburg, and his University of Adelaide are researching topics team shipped their hyperspectral equipment 16th IFF Science Days in Magdeburg: More Efficiency in Production and Logistics How will we be manufacturing in the future New technologies for safe human robot interaction and what are we able to do now? What enable humans and robots to work together directly technologies will enable robots to become without protective barriers. part of everyday life and what will make logistics even more reliable and sustainable? The Fraunhofer IFF in Magdeburg has once again extended an invitation to the IFF Sci- optical measurement and testing systems and ence Days, its major annual research confer- a meeting of the Cooperation in Plant Engi- ence, in the city on the Elbe on June 18-20, neering Industry Working Group. The main 2013. It is expecting over 500 experts from focus will be the application of new solutions business, industry, research and academia. and developments. Over one hundred pre- sentations and seminars will provide insight This year’s IFF Science Days will again offer into current research work and projects being decision-makers and experts from busi- completed jointly by researchers and industry ness and research an attractive and diverse partners. These events will focus just as much program of three parallel conferences on on innovative projects for the future as on digital engineering, logistics and human- examples of current best practice. robot cooperation as well as a workshop on 9 News
Logistics Day: 36,000 Visitors at 381 Events attendees heard a lecture on “The Role of Humanitarian Logistics in Emergency and Development Aid for Sub-Saharan Africa”. Dr. Jennifer Schwarz was the speaker at the 16th Logistics In her presentation, Dr. Jennifer Schwarz ex- Guest Lecture Series at the plained the importance of knowledge transfer Fraunhofer IFF on Logistics for the development of logistical capabilities Day. Foto: Viktoria Kühne in Africa and their significance for humanitar- ian aid. Her presentation was part of the 16th Logistics Guest Lecture Series to which the Fraunhofer IFF regularly invites practitioners and experts to speak before the general pub- lic. Thomas Webel, Saxony-Anhalt Minister of State Development and Transportation, had assumed the patronage of the Guest Lecture Around 36,000 people, more than ever for university and school students. Visitors Series and opened the event on Logistics Day before, attended 381 Logistics Day events came to take a look behind the scenes of the by delivering welcoming remarks. throughout Germany and neighboring business sector, to learn about logistical op- foreign countries on April 18, 2013. 640 erations, jobs and careers, to find out about companies, organizations and educational educational and academic programs and to institutions opened their doors as part of the talk with the hosts. German Logistics Association’s initiative. The Fraunhofer IFF in Magdeburg also took The promotional day focussed on programs part in this promotional day. Interested 8th Long Night of Science Thrills Magdeburg Residents Magdeburg was all about research on the 8th Long Night of Science on June 1, 2013. The VDTC is a big draw: Over thirty research organizations opened the Many people were waiting doors to their laboratories and auditoriums to at the Elbe Dom’s doors astound young and old discovers. hours before the smartest night of the year began. The Long Night of Science was opened by They patiently anticipate the traditional hemisphere experiment in waits of up to ninety min- which sixteen horses vainly attempt to pull ute. Photo: Viktoria Kühne two hemispheres void of air apart and thus to overcome the power of a vacuum. Visitors spent the rest of the night immersed in the fascinating world of Magdeburg’s research and academic scene. Not only informative ex- Development and Training Centre (VDTC) in periments but also enthralling presentations, the port of science discovered the world of hearts, though. interesting tours and impressive demonstra- logistics and other things and learned the tions awaited visitors. Researchers provided latest about resource efficiency and electric insights into various fields of research and vehicles in an entertaining manner. As in current research topics, which are not so years past, the Elbe Dom was the big draw. easily accessible to the public the rest of the In its 360 degree laser projection labora- year. tory, researchers took visitors away to digital corporate environments. The singing and Visitors to the Fraunhofer IFF and its Virtual walking robot “Rotto” won young visitors 10
Impulse, Ideen, Innovationen Im Plenum sprechen und diskutieren u. a. Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann Prof. Dr. Götz Rehn Dr. Elmar Degenhart Pang Hee Hon Präsident, Gründer und Geschäftsführer, Vorsitzender des Vorstands, CEO, acatech – Deutsche Akademie Alnatura Produktions- Continental AG, Keppel Telecommunication der Technikwissenschaften, und Handels GmbH, Hannover & Transportation Ltd., Berlin Bickenbach Singapur Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) | Schlachte 31 | 28195 Bremen Tel.: 0421 / 173 84 34 | Fax: 0421 / 16 78 00 | | 11 News
Elga and Dr. Karl- Heinz Daehre, former Transportation Minister, Editor-in-Chief of the Volksstimme Alois Köster and State Secre- tary Dr. Klaus Klang Fraunhofer IFF Director Prof. Michael Schenk with Madeleine Wehle from MDR Television, the emcee for the evening Impressions “Queenz of Piano” Jennifer Rüth and Anne Folger of the festivities celebrating »20 Years of Curiosity« on June 27, 2012: A trip through 20 years of research and development at the Fraunhofer IFF in Magdeburg Dr. Sonja Schmicker, CEO Metop, and Dr. Harald Schmicker, CEO H&B Omega Europa Prof. Peer Witten, Ehrenvorsitzender der BVL, and Giesela Horn-Moll, Prof. Albert Jugel von Venture Management Partners and Ehefrau Marina, Dr. Max Schachinger, CEO of Schachinger Logistik Prof. Helmut Baumgarten from TU Berlin next to Dr. Norbert Honorary BVL Chairman Dr. Elkmann, Manager Hanspeter Stabenau and Dr. of the Robotic Sys- Max Schachinger tems Business Unit at the Fraunhofer IFF State Minister Dr. Reiner Robra 12
Fraunhofer Executive Board Member Prof. Ulrich Buller Prof. Siegfried Wirth from TU Chemnitz, next to Fraunhofer IFF founder Prof. Eberhard Gottschalk and former Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft President Prof. Hans-Jürgen Warnecke Lara Caroline Ty- lkoski from Hegel High School in Magdeburg opened the on- stage program with a speech to Fraunhofer researchers Melanie and Prof. Raimund Klinkner, BVL Chairman, Madeleine Wehle and Prof. Michael Schenk Prof. Klaus Richter, Manager of the Material Handling En- gineering and Systems expert Group at the Fraunhofer IFF, with Sergey Ipp, Abdul Ma- hir and Alexey Kurapor Frauke and Prof. from RTI Technologies Burkhard Scheel, Chairman of the Fraunhofer IFF Advisory Board Prof. Gerhard Müller, Deputy Director of the Fraunhofer IFF, next to Manfred Maas and former University President Klaus-Erich Pollmann with his wife Dr. Kornelia Pollmann Brigitte and Richard Smyth, former Airbus Vice President All people are named from l. to r. | Photos: Viktoria Kühne and Bernd Liebl In a Flash 13
Producing Resource Efficiently Interview with Prof. Reimund Neugebauer, President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and a Leading Expert in the Field of Resource Efficient Production by Anna Mahler Until now, we have been treating valuable resources very wastefully. We won’t be able to do that in the future. As raw material and energy prices steadily rise, only companies that use material and energy efficiently will remain competitive. Industry’s prominence is one of Ger- be able to remain competitive in the long run What do you think the factory of the many’s crucial strengths as a cen- and consolidate Germany’s role as a technol- future will look like? ter of business. Germany is poor in ogy leader. Sustainable competitiveness on natural resources, though, and has to the international market is increasingly being It will be based on the three pillars of ef- import important resources. What is defined by innovations that boost efficiency. ficiency, carbon neutrality and the integra- One way to defuse the resource situation is tion of individuals. Technical innovations and more, raw material prices have been to develop new sources. Another way is to long-range investments in highly efficient rising in recent years. What impact exploit available resources optimally. Resource manufacturing facilities will be essential. will that have on the manufacturing efficiency means utilizing every raw material industry? and all energy needed in a manufacturing How can we manufacture products resource process optimally. That reduces dependence efficiently, though? What new methods Production in particular is directly linked to on resources. At the same time, it frees up of manufacturing will be needed to save resources and extremely dependent on their raw materials that can be used for new prod- material and power? Fraunhofer Institutes availability and cost. Material and energy ucts or for increases in production. are researching these questions in numerous prices influence the price of the end product research and development projects. significantly in many industries. If we were Aren’t renewable energies really the to reduce raw material use by just seven per- solution? How can efficient use of energy and cent, we could save € 48 billion every year. raw materials be achieved? these are reasons why minimizing energy Renewable energies can only reduce our use and raw material consumption will become of coal, crude oil, natural gas and nuclear One way is to reduce raw material consump- the crucial competitive factor in the coming power in the electricity and heat market tion per unit of output. The other lever is to years. gradually and take their place in the long run. extend the service life of products. Ultimately, A significant increase of energy efficiency is it is a matter of optimizing manufactur- How can companies escape this a fundamental prerequisite for the energy ing processes and product design to assure cost spiral? transition. Initial findings have revealed resource conservation, energy efficiency and that sizeable potentials for savings can be recyclability. That is why a product’s entire Resource efficiency is the only feasible path developed in energy consumption as well as life cycle must always be considered – from for the manufacturing Industry. We must in raw material use – the biggest are in the raw material production through recycling. become independent from unreliable sources building sector, industrial manufacturing and Use frequently accounts for most of the total of raw materials and use needed materials transportation. energy consumption. optimally because that is the only way we will 14
Surely something from the energy flows in a factory itself can be used? Right – the second stage will be about ana- lyzing these and utilizing them optimally in cycles. Many production p rocesses produce heat, which is released to the environment al- though it is needed elsewhere. Such sources of loss must be identified and made usable for other applications. Similarly, peak loads The most important must be analyzed and controlled optimally. factors are avoiding Comprehensive energy management also » « includes new concepts of energy storage and rejects and reducing conversion. That is why all energy interac- reworking as well as tions have to be analyzed, both in production optimizing processes systems and processes and between produc- and shortening pro- Photo: Jörg Lange tion and the environment. cess chains. In the third stage, the factory will assume a new role as an energy producer and stor- age system. Many companies are already employing smart energy management to save energy and money today. How can the efficiency of production be optimized? Brief CV The most important factors are avoiding rejects and reducing reworking as well as 1975 Diplom degree in mechanical engineering, Technical optimizing processes and shortening process University Dresden, majoring in machine tool engineering chains. Virtual product design geared toward efficiency lays the groundwork for compre- 1984 Doctorate in engineering hensive resource management. In this digital age of product development, we can develop 1985 Work in engineering and development in industry and test other features of new products in virtual reality. This already saves energy and 1989 Doctorate in technology raw materials for building real prototypes. Equipping virtual reality simulation tools with 1990 Executive director of the Department of Machine Tools, optimization criteria for resource efficiency Technical University Dresden is crucial. Future product development must therefore be augmented by preventive re- 1991 Habilitation degree in engineering; source planning for the product, the produc- tasked by the Fraunhofer Executive Board with establishing tion system and the manufacturing process. the Fraunhofer Institution for Machine Tools and This will make it possible to make the best Forming Technology, later the Fraunhofer IWU decisions on raw material efficiency already when drafting a design. 1994 Executive director of the Fraunhofer IWU 1995 C4 professorship for machine tools at Technical University Chemnitz and Director of the Fraunhofer IWU 2005 German Merit Cross 1st Class 2010 – President of the German Academic Society for 2011 Production Engineering (WGP) 2012 President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Interview 15
ER-WIN Innovation Cluster Prof. Michael Schenk Greater Energy Efficiency in Saxony-Anhalt’s Companies Photo: Dirk Mahler 16
The introduction of production planning and » « control geared toward energy availability will enable companies in Saxony-Anhalt to minimize their energy and resource consumption in the production process. Energy and raw materials are some of the major cost drivers in industry. These costs, which will presumably continue rising in the long- term, are evolving into a significant competitive factor for German business. Manufacturers in Saxony-Anhalt are especially being affected by this. The newly established ER-WIN innovation cluster is intended to help companies manufacture more energy and resource efficiently in the future with new technologies and solutions. its will only be exacerbated by rising energy alone will probably no longer enable compa- The energy policy targets are clear: The Euro- prices. Cost pressure will continue growing nies to achieve their cost-cutting targets. Sus- pean Union has resolved to cut CO2 emissions and this will seriously jeopardize the com- tainable effectiveness, i.e. the future viability by sixty to eighty percent by 2050. A large part petitiveness of many companies in Saxony- of potential solutions, will be the fundamen- of the CO2 emissions is caused by the conver- Anhalt. tal issue instead. sion and supply of energy. Achieving this tar- get will necessitate rethinking energy pro- ER-WIN Will Be Supporting Using Renewable Energies for duction and moving away from fossil fuels to Regional Companies Production renewable CO2-neutral sources. The challenge of reducing energy consumption in general is That is why the ER-WIN (Smart, Energy Effi- This entails identifying alternative energy also becoming increasingly important. cient Regional Value Chains in Industry) in- sources companies will be able to tap in the novation cluster was established at the ini- future and the conditions under which they Low Energy Productivity in tiative of Magdeburg’s Fraunhofer Institute can be made usable. A large share of the en- Saxony-Anhalt’s Companies for Factory Operation and Automation IFF. It ergy in Saxony-Anhalt is already being pro- will be helping companies in Saxony-Anhalt duced from renewable sources such as wind, The reduction of CO2 emissions is unquestion- meet these challenges effectively with new sun or biowaste. They account for around ably necessary. Although energy is being con- technologies and solutions. Together with thirty-five percent of the power mix, approx- sumed more efficiently, energy and raw ma- Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg imately twice as much as the national aver- terials continue to be major cost drivers in and numerous other development and busi- age. Renewable sources cover sixty-six per- industry. Germany’s decision to pursue an en- ness partners, it will be pooling region- cent of the energy requirement in the Harz ergy transition will presumably entail a further al know-how in particular. The state of Sax- region. At times, more power is produced in increase in energy prices. This, as well as high- ony-Anhalt is also supporting the cluster the state than can be used. This outstanding er utility costs, will especially affect Saxony-An- intensively. The common goal is to develop starting position and the prospect that this halt. This is a major challenge for businesses new, operational solutions for energy and will help meet EU climate targets are reasons in our state and especially for the manufac- resource-driven manufacturing in order to for taking advantage of this potential inten- turing industry based here because it primari- strengthen the competitiveness of compa- sively. The arguably greatest advantage, how- ly consists of smaller enterprises. Since regional nies here long-term. ever, is the growing independence from the companies hardly benefit from the special reg- national energy market and its price trends. ulations for grid fees and the green power sur- To do this, the ER-WIN innovation cluster Ultimately, producing more energy where it charge for major customers, energy prices are will be pursuing two interrelated approach- is also consumed, i.e. distributed and flexi- an important competitive factor for them. es. A first phase will aim at immediate- ble production, is more expedient in terms of ly improving companies’ energy efficiency. cost effectiveness and energy. This is compounded by the energy productivi- Dubbed the innovation sphere, this phase ty of Saxony-Anhalt’s manufacturers, which is will primarily focus on individual corporate Renewable energies’ volatility, which causes too far below the national average, i.e. the val- processes. Where are potentials for savings? energy prices to fluctuate greatly, is a prob- ue added per unit of energy is lower here than What operations can be reorganized? This lem. Both utilities and the federal govern- elsewhere. The adverse effect this has on prof- should go beyond merely achieving short- ment are expected to step up the creation of term savings since mundane energy savings incentive systems in the future in order to in- Research and Development 17
volve companies in stabilizing the electrical want to use renewable energy as a control Energy Networking among grid. Companies will have to adapt to an ex- parameter for production, planning or mate- Companies tent to manufacture smartly. Manufacturers, rial planning on short notice. It will also ne- for instance, will be able to achieve consider- cessitate further developing smart grids and While ER-WIN will be devoted to individual able cost advantages in the future by shifting storage technologies. Another central focus companies in Innovation Sphere One, the lev- high-energy stages of production when ener- of the innovation cluster’s work will be the el above companies will be analyzed in Innova- gy prices are lower. This will require integrat- creation and use of new measuring systems tion Sphere Two. The issue of energy network- ing energy availability in corporate planning and methods to gear the control of produc- ing and the generation of resultant synergies is and control systems. tion facilities even more toward energy effi- highly interesting for small and medium-sized ciency. This will also entail concrete measures enterprises in particular. Above all, companies Gearing Production Facilities such as the construction of small, distributed located in industrial parks – a typical situation Toward Energy Efficiency power plants, e.g. wind turbines or cogenera- in Saxony-Anhalt – have excellent conditions tion plants with which companies will be able for this. They are frequently able to combine Such synchronization of companies’ pow- to use production residues to produce their their energy requirements in order to gener- er demand with the variable supply of renew- own power and heat, or the use of new tech- ate a cost advantage, collaboratively invest in able energies will be one of the challenges in nologies that store and recover energy. All of distributed energy conversion plants or collect the ER-WIN cluster. This will necessitate more these are realistic and proven solutions pro- production residues and collectively recover en- than just forecasting energy availability – if we posed by experts and ready for use. ergy from them. The Fraunhofer IFF has already A fluidized bed combustion test unit. The Fraunhofer IFF is developing new technologies that efficiently recover energy from production residues. Photo: Thomas Ernsting 18
Energy networking of companies holds many benefits. For instance, cogeneration plants can be used collectively to recover energy from production residues. Photo: Dirk Mahler demonstrated that companies can be outfit- energy efficiently and largely carbon neutral- ted with such technologies very effectively. ly. The creation of an energy management system for industrial and commercial parks is Saxony-Anhalt as a Model Region intended to network companies with one an- other so that their energy consumption and Price trends in the energy and resource sec- production is complementary and thus reduc- tor will be impossible to ignore. In Germany, es their energy requirements collectively. preparing for them means also taking greater advantage of the country’s edge in the pro- Solving this problem will be one of the cen- duction of renewable energies to safeguard tral tasks of many companies in Saxony-An- the future of the nation’s processing industry. halt in the coming years. If they are suc- The ER-WIN innovation cluster is pursuing the cessful, Saxony-Anhalt can become a model development and application of the systems, region for efficient resource and renewable technologies and methods needed for model- energy use in manufacturing for Germany. based design and control of production sys- Holger Seidel, Manager, tems in order to manufacture smartly. The Logistics and Factory Systems Business Unit introduction of production planning and con- trol geared toward energy availability will en- Phone +49 391 4090-123 able companies in Saxony-Anhalt to minimize their energy and resource consumption in the production process and to manufacture more Dr. Matthias Gohla, Manager, Process and Plant Engineering Business Unit Phone +49 391 4090-361 Research and Development 19
Optimization of internal processes is one of the bases of corporate success. That is why the Fraunhofer IFF’s logisticians and visualization experts and the environmental service provider Stork closely scrutinized the operations on Stork’s premises. The outcome is a virtual simulation of operations with which the impact of reorganization on logistical opera- tions can be analyzed in advance. A blue truck turns from a street onto a com- idues on a large scale at several locations in pany’s premises and heads straight for a park- Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. Every day, hun- ing lot. It is surrounded by trees and lawns, dreds of trucks arrive on the premises, bring next to which colorful cars are lined in rows. waste material and depart empty or reloaded A second and a third truck follow; loaders are with processed recyclables. A simulation of making their rounds further in the distance. these daily processes is running on the com- After waiting a brief moment, the trucks start puter at the moment. Key data are addition- moving again. One after another, they drive ally appearing on the edge of the monitor. over a two-lane drive with a cleverly devised They are sorted in tables and lists. The opera- system that weighs the vehicles. Then, they tions on the company’s premises are faithful- disappear between giant factory and ware- ly reproduced in the digital model. Vehicles, house buildings on the premises. transportation routes, traffic volumes, build- ings and storage facilities – everything can None of this is really happening. Trucks, trees be varied as desired. And everything is con- and the scale house are elements in a virtual nected with everything. Thus, any change in interactive 3D model of Stork Umweltdienste the simulation also has consequences for oth- GmbH’s premises in Magdeburg. The com- er, subsequent operations in this virtual envi- pany disposes of and recycles waste and res- ronment. 20
Tobias Kutzler and Andreas Höpfner Digital Simulation of Operations The Analysis of Stork’s System Bildunterschrift The new entrance to Stork’s premises in Magdeburg. The two- lane drive with a double scale for trucks was planned with the aid of digital logistics simulations. Photos: Dirk Mahler Research and Development 21
More Efficiency on Every Level Specialized in processing, recycling and dis- tions. At the same time, Stork and the insti- posal, the company has been growing quan- tute additionally held talks in which they also This is useful because it enables the company titatively and qualitatively by leaps and began to contemplate modeling the compa- to test what happens when, for instance, it re- bounds since it was founded in 1994. Ac- ny premises in 3D. The company wanted a locates the entrances to its storage facilities. Or cording to its own information, it has been marketing tool that supported the presenta- how many vehicles are allowed on the prem- able to more than double its volume of busi- tion of its range of services, e.g. at trade fairs ises without causing congestion. This facili- ness in the past five years. The number of or before potential clients. tates and significantly simplifies strategic deci- employees has grown to over 200. As the sions on replanning infrastructure and logistics number of contracts rapidly grew, the in- It quickly became clear that such a 3D mod- processes, thus preventing planning errors and frastructure on the premises was becoming el can be used for even more: The Fraunhofer drastically reducing potential costs. overburdened. A solution for this stressful sit- IFF proposed interconnecting the model and uation was needed urgently. the simulation of logistical operations, which Stork expects greater effectiveness and effi- essentially consisted only of mere numbers ciency on all levels from this software tool. The Combining Process Simulation and algorithms. It could thus also be used to medium-sized, owner-operated company ben- and 3D Visualization prepare the simulation intuitively and also to efits from its passion for innovation, which is visualize the simulation results. This would keeping it growing fast. In 2012, the company That is why the company contacted the make the simulation and its results far more was even a finalist in the auditing and consult- Fraunhofer IFF. Top priority was obtaining accessible to users at Stork. ing firm Ernst & Young’s 2012 Entrepreneur help to improve the organization of truck of the Year competition – an indication of the traffic operations on company premises. An These synergy effects ultimately won Stork prevailing spirit at Stork. analysis and simulation of the logistical pro- over. Stork and the Fraunhofer IFF realistical- cesses was intended to help identify solu- ly simulated the approximately thirty hectare 22
Every day, countless logistical and infrastructural pro- cesses take place on the company premises. In order to boost efficiency, it is essential to identify bottlenecks. premises on the outskirts of Magdeburg on a percent. Mousing over the model environ- Identifying Bottlenecks computer: a varied development environment ment reminds one of a helicopter flight. Mov- with buildings, streets, conveyers, trees and ing vehicles on the premises make the rep- Every day, countless logistical and infrastruc- vehicles. They also created another 3D mod- resentation even more realistic. Such realistic tural processes take place on the compa- el of the company’s nearby outdoor facility in planning environments convey plans quickly ny premises. The company has many value Magdeburg’s port. and comprehensibly and provide a simple, in- chains. The organization of material and in- tuitive interaction environment. Urban plan- formation flows greatly influences the effi- A Realistic, Intuitive ners and planners of overhead power lines ciency and sustainability of the company’s Planning Environment also use the institute’s software for their proj- operation. It is essential to identify bottle- ects, which is also used to interactively visual- necks but a number of questions have to be Seeking to improve its performance, the en- ize machinery, plants and factories. answered before this can be done. For in- vironmental service provider regularly iden- stance, how many trucks drive onto the tified potentials for optimization at its facil- Stork thus received a system that is large- premises every day at what intervals? How ities. Some of these potentials can also be ly self-explanatory and intuitive to use. Click- many of them come from subcontractors? leveraged thanks to the 3D visualization soft- ing, dragging, deleting – users quite naturally What is loaded on them? How long are the ware developed at the Fraunhofer IFF. It was enter the computer environment where they wait times at dispatching? What would hap- used to implement the interactive 3D models move and work quite confidently. The opera- pen if suddenly twice as many trucks were of Stork’s premises, thus delivering a custom- tions simulation was not developed for gam- there? How must operations on the premis- ized, virtual interactive solution that supports ing or merely as an attractive presentation, es be controlled in order to ensure they are planning and reorganization actions. The though. It is all about smart logistics. dispatched smoothly? Or would a new build- three-dimensional representation is orient- ing make sense at all on a certain spot? Since ed toward the original almost one hundred no company can grow infinitely and unreg- Research and Development 23
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