Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University

Page created by Edwin Estrada
Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
Public Events
                       March 2023

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Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
Table of Contents
Event Highlights................................................................................................. 3

Northwestern Events
Arts                                                                                                                      Neighborhood and Community Relations
     Art Exhibitions and Discussions ................................................................. 7                  1800 Sherman Ave., Suite 7-100
     Film Screenings………………………………………………………………………………….8                                                                     Evanston, IL 60208
     Musical Performances ............................................................................... 10    

                                                                                                                          Dave Davis
      Athletics Summer Camps………………………………………………………………….13                                                                  Executive Director
      Leisure and Social ..................................................................................... 17
           Norris Mini Courses                                                                                            847-491-8434
           Around Campus
           ARTica (art studio)
           Northwestern Musical Academy
           Norris Outdoors                                                                                                To receive this publication electronically every month,
      Religious Services ..................................................................................... 22         please email Shayla Butler at
Sports, Health, and Wellness
    Northwestern Wildcat Athletics ................................................................ 23
    Recreation ................................................................................................. 27

Speaking Events
    Speakers and Presentations ...................................................................... 29

Evanston Campus Map and Parking Information

Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
Robert Crown Community Skate Day
                      Event Highlights                                            When: Saturday, March 4, 2023, 4:40 – 6:00 PM
                                     March 2023                                   Where: Robert Crown Community
                                                                                  Center, 1801 Main Street, Evanston, IL
2023 International Women's Day Speaker                                            Secure your spot for Public Skate seven days in advance by purchasing admission
When: Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Central                        tickets online or call Robert Crown Community Center at 847-448-8258. Pre-
Where: Online
                                                                                  purchasing will conclude two hours before each public skate session. The
Contact: Njoki Kamau, (847) 491-2734,
International Women's Day with guest speaker Teresa Wasonga.                      remaining admission tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis in
Teresa Wasonga is a Distinguished Engagement Professor of Educational             person at the center. Annual season pass holders must call the center to receive
Leadership at Northern Illinois University. She is a Fulbright Scholar            their ticket in advance.
(Kenya) and US Ambassador’s Distinguished Scholar (Ethiopia). She is also
the founder of an all-girls secondary school in Kenya – “Built for the richest,   Admission is free for the first 100 Evanston residents!
open to the poorest.” She received her doctorate in Educational Leadership
and Policy from University of Missouri, Columbia, and has taught at NIU for
20 years. Her research seeks to explain the role of school leadership in
student achievement, and capacity building to enhance outcomes for all            Women In Microscopy Conference
students, with specific focus on girls and the underserved. Outcomes of her       When: Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Central
                                                                                  Contact: Chad Goeser, (847) 467-2318,
research in Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia and the USA continue to inform her
practices.                                                                        Welcome to the third annual Women in Microscopy conference hosted by the
                                                                                  NUANCE Center and Microscopy Society of America Student Council.
                                                                                  The conference creates space for important conversations on career challenges,
                                                                                  diversity, and work-life balance alongside research presentations on materials
                                                     Northwestern                 science, biology, and environmental sciences.
                                                     University Dance             For more information, visit the Conference Website.
                                                     Now in its 49th year,
                                                     NUDM is one of largest
                                                     entirely student-run
                                                     philanthropies in the
                                                     nation. Every year,
                                                     1000+ dancers and
                                                     committee members
                                                     come together to create      Loyola University's Climate Change Conference: Climate Refugees
                                                     NUDM and dance for           When: Thursday, March 16, 2023, All day
                                                     30 hours to benefit          Where: Hybrid
                                                     NUDM’s primary and           Contact: Jeff Henderson, (847) 467-1972,
secondary beneficiaries. The NUDM 2023 primary beneficiary is Little              From floods to wildfires to droughts, the changing climate increasingly impacts
Heroes League and NUDM’s long-standing secondary beneficiary is the               human migration, adding to the growing number of displaced people worldwide.
Evanston Community Foundation. Since 1975, NUDM has raised more than              Loyola University Chicago's annual Climate Change Conference will convene
$22 million for more than 30 different charitable organizations. Join us          experts from multiple disciplines to explore how climate-driven migration will
March 3-5, 2023 in the tent.                                                      affect communities locally and globally. The conference draws inspiration from
Together We Can #CoordinateGrowth                                                 Loyola's enduring Jesuit values of social justice, service to humanity, and care for
                                                                                  our world, highlighting the need for just and equitable solutions to the climate

Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
The 2023 Climate Change Conference will feature a keynote speaker and a            2023 Women's History Month Symposium: Lessons from Harm Reduction
panel of experts who will discuss issues confronting the international             When: Thursday, March 9, 2023, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Central
community, including:                                                              Where: Online
1. Large-scale human migration due to resource scarcity, increased                 Contact: Melisa Stephen, (847) 491-7360,
frequency of extreme weather events, and other factors, particularly in the        2023 Women's History Month Symposium: Lessons from Harm Reduction
developing countries in the earth's lower latitudes                                keynote panel discussion featuring Shira Hassan, Cara Page, and Erica Woodland
2. Intensifying intra- and inter-state competition for food, water, and other      Shira Hassan has been working in her own community and speaking nationally on
resources; Increased frequency and severity of disease outbreaks                   the sex trade, harm reduction, self-injury, healing justice and transformative
3. Increased US border stress due to the severe effects of climate change in       justice for nearly 30 years. Currently working as a fellow at Interrupting
parts of Central America                                                           Criminalization, Shira runs The Help Desk, which offers supportive thought
The conference will take place on Loyola's Lake Shore Campus in the                partnership to individuals and groups working to interrupt crises and violence
Damen Student Center. A streaming option will be available for those who           without using the police. Along with Mariame Kaba, she is the co-author of
choose to participate online.                                                      Fumbling Towards Repair: A Workbook for Community Accountability
                                                                                   Facilitators and the author of Saving Our Own Lives: A Liberatory Practice of
                                                                                   Harm Reduction.
Northwestern's Women in Medicine Conference                                        Cara Page is a Black Queer Feminist cultural memory worker & organizer. For the
When: Friday, March 24, 2023, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Central
                                                                                   past 30+ years, she has organized with LGBTQI+, Black, Indigenous & People of
Where: Northwestern Memorial Hospital Feinberg Pavilion, Feinberg A - 3rd Floor,
251 E. Huron, Chicago, IL                                                          Color liberation movements in the US & Global South at the intersections of
Cost: $50                                                                          racial, gender & economic justice, healing justice and transformative justice. She
Contact: Amanda Harrison, (312) 926-4653,         is founder of Changing Frequencies, an abolitionist organizing project that
Women in medicine face unique challenges and obstacles throughout their            designs cultural memory work to disrupt harms and violence from the Medical
professional careers. These challenges may affect leadership development           Industrial Complex (MIC). She is also co-founder of the Healing Histories Project;
and opportunities for women in medicine resulting in a gender gap in the           a network of abolitionist healers/health practitioners, community organizers,
governance of academic medical centers. Women physicians and other                 researchers/historians & cultural workers building solidarity to interrupt the
health care workers currently lack a conference or forum for discussing            medical industrial complex and harmful systems of care. We generate change
strategies to achieve equality in the workplace, wellness and work-life            through research, action and building collaborative strategies & stories with
balance, mentorship and career development. The 5th annual Northwestern            BIPOC-led communities, institutions and movements organizing for dignified
Women in Medicine conference will help to identify the obstacles that              collective care.
contribute to gender inequity and will start the discourse to bridge it by         Erica Woodland, LCSW is a Black queer, trans masculine/genderqueer facilitator,
hosting an in-person conference.                                                   consultant, psychotherapist and healing justice practitioner who was born, raised,
We will shed light on gender disparities and then share experiences and            and is currently based in Baltimore, MD. He has worked at the intersections of
tools to overcome the barriers that exist in medicine for female physicians        movements for racial, gender, economic, trans and queer justice and liberation for
so as to empower and create a network to lean upon.                                more than 20 years. He has extensive experience working with young people,
                                                                                   Black, Indigenous and People of Color, LGBTQ people, and people with
                                                                                   disabilities across the country, from Baltimore to the San Francisco Bay Area.
                                                                                   Erica is co-editor of Healing Justice Lineages: Dreaming at the Crossroads of
                                                                                   Liberation, Collective Care and Safety, with Cara Page (North Atlantic Books,

Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
Danceworks 2023: Nostalgia        Adapted for the stage by Jerome Hairston
                                                   in the Night                      Based on the book by Ezra Jack Keats
                                                   Where: Wirtz Center for the       Directed by Detra Payne
                                                   Performing Arts, Josephine        The wonder of a fresh snowfall, the delight of whistling for the first time, being
                                                   Louis Theater, 1949 Campus        inclusive in one’s friendships, and the awe in finding a special treasure. These
                                                   Drive; 10-30 Arts Circle Drive,
                                                                                     pleasures all come to life in The Snowy Day and Other Stories by Ezra Jack Keats;
                                                   Evanston, IL
                                                   Contact: Wirtz Center, (847)      stories and characters that ultimately became an inspiration for Sesame Street!
                                                   491-7282,                         Packed with humor and fun, this Caldecott Winner celebrates the joy in the small
                                                     moments of a child’s world.
                                                   Cost: $6-25                       Suggested for ages 3+
                                               What do cabarets, 1960s surf          Feb. 24 – Mar. 12, 2023
                                               movies, gritty partnering,            Friday, 3/3 7 p.m.
                                               and flesh-centric activism            Saturday, 3/4 10 a.m. & 2 p.m.
                                               have in common?                       Sunday, 3/5 2 p.m.
                                               Danceworks 2023:                      NEW PERFORMANCES ADDED
                                               “Nostalgia for the Night”             Friday, 3/10 7 p.m.
                                               asks how memory,                      Saturday, 3/11 10 a.m. & 2 p.m.
                                               imagination and                       Sunday, 3/12 2 p.m. (Sensory Friendly Performance)
camaraderie can guide us to move away from dark moments and relish in                Ticket Pricing
hope, joy and light. Northwestern University’s annual contemporary dance             General Public $15
showcase features guest artist Molly Shanahan/Mad Shak and the piece                 Full-Time Students and Kids $10
Foreshadows of the Flesh as well as School of Communication faculty                  Full-Time NU Students $6 in advance, $10 at the door
members Melissa Blanco Borelli, Thomas F. DeFrantz, Erin Kilmurray, and              A per ticket service charge will be added to all online ($3 per ticket), phone ($2
Jeffery Hancock.                                                                     per ticket)
Friday, March 3, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Central                                           Evanston Dance Ensemble: The Lion, the Witch and
Saturday, March 4, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Central                   the Wardrobe
Sunday, March 5, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Central                                           When: Thursday, March 9, 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
                                                                                     Where: Wirtz Center for the Performing Arts, Josephine
                                                                                     Louis Theater, 1949 Campus Drive; 10-30 Arts Circle
                                                                                     Drive, Evanston, IL
                                                                                     Cost: Tickets $15/25 $15 for preview
                                                                                     Contact: Wirtz Center, (847) 491-7282,
                                                                                     The magical world of Narnia returns with the
                                                                                     Evanston Dance Ensemble’s unforgettable production of The Lion, the Witch and
                                                                                     the Wardrobe.
                                                                                     This performance uses original music, beautiful costumes, and exceptional
                                                                                     choreography, to bring this story to life. An event for the whole family!
                                                                                     Artistic Director: Christina Ernst
                                                                                     Preview Thursday March 9 @ 7:30pm
Imagine U: The Snowy Day and Other Stories By Ezra Jack Keats                        Friday March 10 @ 7:30pm
When: Sunday, March 5, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Central
                                                                                     Saturday March 11 @ 1pm and 4pm
Where: Wirtz Center for the Performing Arts, Hal & Martha Hyer Wallis Theater,
1949 Campus Drive; 10-30 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL                             Sunday March 12 @ 1pm and 4pm
Contact: Wirtz Center, (847) 491-7282,

Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
wrought artworks as a series of multisensory encounters between art and
Arts                                                                                   science. Each work seeks to attune viewers to the material traces of life at
                                                                                       scales ranging from the intimate to the universal, returning always to the
                                                                                       question: Does empathy extend beyond the boundaries of time and space?
The Arts Circle. Your destination for the arts at Northwestern.

With world-class exhibitions and performances, the Arts Circle welcomes
patrons, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the larger community alike. It’s
easier than ever to take in many wonderful and diverse experiences, all on
one campus.

Art Exhibitions and Discussions

The Heart’s Knowledge: Science and Empathy in the Art of Dario Robleto
When: Thursday, January 26 - Sunday, July 9, 2023
Where: Block Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh, 40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL         Art Talks! With Block Student Associates – On Wavelengths
60208                                                                                  When: Saturday, March 4, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Central
Cost: Free                                                                             Where: Block Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh, 40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL
Contact: Lindsay Bosch,                                 Contact: Block Museum of Art, (847) 491-4000,
What do we owe to the memories of one another's hearts?                                Journalism and Economics. Cognitive Science and Chemical Engineering.
For American artist Dario Robleto (b. 1972), artists and scientists share a            Global Health and Political Science.
common aspiration: to increase the sensitivity of their observations.                  Inspired by Dario Robleto's consideration of the ways that art and science
Throughout the history of scientific invention, instruments like the                   intersect to create new meaning, we invite you to meet a cross-disciplinary
cardiograph and the telescope have extended the reach of perception from               match-up of Block Museum Student Associates in our galleries for a
the tiniest stirrings of the human body to the farthest reaches of space. In his       close look at works on view in The Heart’s Knowledge: Science and
prints, sculptures, and video and sound installations, Robleto contemplates            Empathy in the Art of Dario Robleto. Students will together discuss works
the emotional significance of these technologies, bringing us closer to the            that spark their curiosity and consider the ways that the works resonate with
latent traces of life buried in the scientific record.                                 their own fields of study.
The Heart’s Knowledge concentrates on the most recent decade of Robleto’s              Today's talk will focus on works in the Wavelengths section of the
creative practice, a period of deepening engagement with histories of                  exhibition.
medicine, biomedical engineering, sound recording, and space exploration.              Free, 45-minute talks take place in the gallery.
The exhibition organizes the artist’s conceptually ambitious, elegantly                Programs are open to all, on a first-come first-served basis. RSVPs not
                                                                                       required, but appreciated.

Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
Exhibition Conversation [Online]: Ann Druyan, The Golden Record, and the           Film Screenings
Memory of Our Hearts
When: Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Central                          FOG LINE (1970) and HORIZONS (1973) with filmmaker Larry Gottheim
Where: Online - Webcast Link                                                       When: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Central
Contact: Block Museum of Art, (847) 491-4000,        Where: Block Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh, 40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL
What do we owe to the memory of each other’s hearts? From her work in              Contact: Block Museum of Art, (847) 491-4000,
the 1970s as the Creative Director for NASA’s Voyager Interstellar Messaging       A key figure in American avant-garde cinema since the 1970s, Larry
Project to her current role as writer and producer of the beloved television       Gottheim has influenced countless filmmakers, both through his patient,
series Cosmos, Ann Druyan has devoted her life to expanding the horizons           sensuous 16mm films, and through his role in founding the Cinema
of human empathy and communication. In insisting that the thresholds of            Department at the State University of New York, Binghamton, one of the
cosmic exploration must be approached with sincerity, humility, and                country’s first and most prodigious undergraduate programs dedicated to
generosity, she has had a deep influence on Dario Robleto’s work throughout        personal and experimental filmmaking. This program features two of
his career. Druyan and Robleto will be joined in conversation with The             Gottheim’s most elemental films: his renowned short FOG LINE, a rapturous
Heart’s Knowledge catalogue contributor Jennifer Roberts, Professor of             11-minute shot bearing witness to a fog gradually lifting from a bucolic
the Humanities at Harvard, who is co-authoring a book with Robleto about           countryside (described by critic Dave Kehr as "one of the most hauntingly
the interstellar journey of the pulsewave recordings that Druyan included on       beautiful of all avant-garde films"); and HORIZONS, a landscape film whose
the Voyager Golden Record.                                                         formal simplicity belies infinitely complex interactions of light, time, nature,
                                                                                   and film emulsion. Following the screening, Gottheim will appear in person
Touring Multimedia Exhibition: Thomas Mann - Democracy Will Win                    for a discussion with J.P. Sniadecki, Professor and Director of the MFA in
When: January 30 - March 30, All Day                                               Documentary Media at Northwestern.
Where: Deering Library, 1937 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL
Contact: Courtney Essenpreis, (847) 491-7249,
The Department of German presents the touring multimedia exhibition
                                     Thomas Mann: Democracy Will
                                     Win, visiting the Northwestern
                                     Deering Library January 30th to
                                     March 30th.
                                     Exiled to the USA during the Nazi
                                     regime, the German Nobel-
                                     prizewinning writer Thomas Mann
                                     was a powerful opponent of National
                                     Socialism and a committed
                                     champion of democracy. The current            GIUSEPPINA (1960) and THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG (1964)
                                     sociopolitical issues in Germany and          When: Thursday, March 2, 2023, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Central
                                     the United States render his call for         Where: Block Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh, 40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL
                                     an active renewal of democracy “in            Contact: Block Museum of Art, (847) 491-4000,
                                     thought and feeling” as relevant              The two films in this program offer brightly-hued glimpses of the optimistic
                                     today as it was in 1933.                      image that oil companies sought to project into the popular imagination of
                                                                                   the 1950s and 60s.
                                                                                   Commissioned by British Petroleum, GIUSEPPINA (James Hill, 1960)
                                                                                   follows a young girl in rural Italy stuck spending the day at her father’s

Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
service station. Despite her disappointment, Giuseppina’s day is punctuated           social control, placing propaganda alongside scenes from the anti-colonial
by the episodic pleasures of diverse passers-by, positioning the gas station as       Iranian New Wave cinema to propose the possibilities of resistance and
a crossroads of humanity—and a source of charming, everyday                           critique. Following the film, director Sanaz Sohrabi will appear in person for
entertainment. Turning BP’s green-and-yellow brand into feat of pop-                  a conversation with Mona Damluji, Assistant Professor of Film & Media
modernist artifice, GIUSEPPINA was awarded an Oscar (inexplicably, in the             Studies at UC Santa Barbara.
Best Documentary Short category) and was later acquired by the BBC as a
“trade test film” to aid calibration and sales in the early days of color             Mann at the Movies: Mephisto
broadcasting. THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG (1964), a collaboration                      When: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Central
between director Jacques Demy and composer Michel Legrand, is perhaps                 Where: Kresge Hall, Trienens Forum (1515), 1880 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL
best known for its unique formal universe in which all speech is sung and             Contact: Courtney Essenpreis, (847) 491-7249,
every room is a pocket of coordinated, Technicolor saturation. The          
intoxicating optimism of the film’s form is paired, however, with the                 Join us for the third film screening for the "Man at the Movies" film series.
devastating love story of Guy (Nino Castelnuovo) and Geneviève (Catherine             All films in the series are adaptations of works by Thomas and Klaus Mann.
Deneuve) who dream, at the film's opening, of one day opening a gas station           The series supplements the travelling exhibit "Thomas Mann: Democracy
together.                                                                             Will Win!" on display on the ground floor of Northwestern's Main Library
Brian Jacobson, Professor of Visual Culture at California Institute of                from late January to mid-March.
Technology, will introduce the program and participate in a question and              All films will be shown with subtitles and are free and open to the public.
answer session facilitated by Ph.D. student in Screen Cultures Kylie Walters
following the films.

                                                                                      BEING BEBE (2021) with BeBe Zahara Benet & filmmaker Emily Branham
                                                                                      When: Thursday, March 9, 2023, 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Central
                                                                                      Where: Block Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh, Auditorium, 40 Arts Circle Drive,
ONE IMAGE, TWO ACTS (2020) with filmmaker Sanaz Sohrabi                               Evanston, IL
When: Friday, March 3, 2023, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Central                                Contact: Block Museum of Art, (847) 491-4000,
Where: Block Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh, 40 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL        "BEING BEBE is the story of Marshall Ngwa, a Cameroonian artist whose
Contact: Block Museum of Art, (847) 491-4000,           identity hinges on the complicated success of his drag persona, BeBe Zahara
ONE IMAGE, TWO ACTS with filmmaker Sanaz Sohrabi                                      Benet. Grounded by Marshall’s own present-day narration, the film features
(SANAZ SOHRABI, 2020, 44 MIN, DIGITAL)                                                15 years of vérité, interviews, and performances. Viewers follow Marshall’s
IN PERSON: SANAZ SOHRABI                                                              remarkable immigrant journey from the earliest days of his amateur drag
In ONE IMAGE, TWO ACTS, Montreal-based Iranian filmmaker Sanaz                        performance career in Minneapolis, circa 2006, to becoming the first winner
Sohrabi draws on the photographic archives of British Petroleum to examine            of the now-iconic reality show RuPaul’s Drag Race in 2009. As Marshall
the visual and social history of oil production in Abadan, Iran in the 1950s          fights to maintain the trajectory of his career despite a series of difficult
and 1960s. Before it became BP, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company sought to               setbacks, the film reveals what it means to celebrate and advance Queer
construct a thoroughly modern oil metropolis in Abadan, exhaustively                  Black Excellence during the 2020s. Alongside Marshall's story, viewers are
documenting their operations in photographs and films. This formally                  introduced to
inventive essay film examines these corporate images as technologies of

Public Events March 2023 - Northwestern University
LGBTQ+ youth and activists in Cameroon, where Queer identity is                       in territories worldwide. She studied Radio/TV/Film on the directing track
criminalized." --Good Docs                                                            at Northwestern University and lives in New York City.
Followed by a conversation with Emily Branham and Marshall                            BeBe Zahara Benet is equal parts bold, beautiful, and business-minded.
Ngwa AKA BeBe Zahara Benet, moderated by E. Patrick Johnson                           Simply stated: The international recording artist, TV personality, activist and
(Dean of the School of Communication).                                                pop culture provocateur breaks the entertainment mold. Benet is best known
About the guests:                                                                     as the inaugural winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race, the star of TLC’s Dragnificent
Emily Branham is a filmmaker who specializes in unexpected, intimate,                 and the subject of the award-winning documentary Being BeBe.
and deeply human films about artists. Her first feature documentary, BEING
BEBE, premiered at Tribeca Festival, was a New York Times Critic’s Pick,
won Jury & Audience Awards on its festival tour across 5 continents, and was
picked up by Fuse Media in the US as well as OUTtv, FrootTV, SVT and DR

                                            Musical Performances

University Chorale: A Simple                                                          Louis Joseph F. Hérold, Overture to Zampa
Song                                                                                  Aram Khachaturian, Masquerade: Suite
When: Saturday, March 4, 2023,                                                        Sergei Prokofiev, Symphony No. 7 in C-sharp Minor, Op. 131
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central
Cost: Tickets are $6 for the general
public and $4 for students with valid                                                 University Singers: a little bird told me...
ID.                                                                                   When: Sunday, March 5, 2023, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Central
Contact: Concert Management                                                           Where: Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts, Galvin Recital
Office, (847) 467-4000,                                                               Hall, 70 Arts Circle, Evanston, IL                                                         Cost: Tickets are $6 for the general public and $4 for students with valid ID.
A. J. Keller, conductor                                                               Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,
This winter, University Chorale explores the simpler side of choral music,
with a program exploring a variety of traditional and contemporary pieces                                                               A. J. Keller, conductor
based on minimal musical materials. The performance features works by                                                                   The University Singers’
Pēteris Vasks, Ola Gjeilo, Thomas Tallis, Howard Helvey, and Pelle                                                                      winter program explores
Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, among others.                                                                                                     traditional and
                                                                                                                                        contemporary selections
                                                                                                                                        based on the backbone of
                                                                                                                                        Western choral music:
Philharmonia                                                                                                                            Gregorian chant. Their
When: Sunday, March 5, 2023, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Central                                                                                  performance features
Where: Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, 50 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL
                                                                                                                                        works by Maurice
Cost: Tickets are $6 for the general public and $4 for students with valid ID.
Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,                                                                                     Duruflé, Josquin des                                                                                                           Prez, Arvo Pärt, and
Robert G. Hasty, conductor                                                            Tomás Luis de Victoria, culminating in the performance of Gregory Brown’s
                                                                                      Vidi aquam.

Contemporary Music Ensemble
Northwestern University Chamber Orchestra                                             When: Friday, March 10, 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central
When: Thursday, March 9, 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central                              Where: Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts, Galvin Recital
Where: Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, 50 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL                  Hall, 70 Arts Circle, Evanston, IL
Cost: Tickets are $6 for the general public and $4 for students with valid ID.        Cost: Tickets are $8 for the general public and $5 for students with valid ID.
Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,                                   Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,                                               
Robert G. Hasty, conductor; Jakyoung Olivia Huh, cello (Northwestern                  Ben Bolter, conductor
Concerto Competition winner)                                                          The Contemporary Music Ensemble’s second concert of the winter quarter
A program showcasing the works of British composers.                                  features Bienen faculty composer and Wet Ink Ensemble co-director Alex
William Walton, Façade: Suite No. 2                                                   Mincek’s Pendulum VII; Charlie Piper’s shimmering Zoetrope; inti figgis-
Edward Elgar, Cello Concerto in E Minor, Op. 85                                       vizueta's richly textured Primavera Crown; and a new work by Gen Tanaka.
Franz Joseph Haydn, Symphony No. 103 (“Drumroll”)
                                                                                      Northwestern Camerata: A Circle of Infinity
Bienen Strings Ensemble                                                               When: Friday, March 10, 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central
When: Friday, March 10, 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central                               Where: Alice Millar Chapel, 1870 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL
Where: Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, 50 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL                  Cost: Free
Cost: Tickets are $8 for the general public and $5 for students with valid ID.        Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,
Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,                                                                                  Victoria Marshall, conductor
Matthew Sheppard, conductor                                                           Wonee Kim and Elizabeth Low, collaborative keyboard
Talented Bienen School string students present a concert selected from the            Bienen String Quartet (Michael Lin and Michaela Hennbury, violin;
vast string repertoire.                                                               Christopher Nowak, viola; Meredith Steele, cello)
Heinrich von Biber, Battalia                                                          A program for treble voices and strings, including music by Jean-Baptiste
Leoš Janáček, Suite for Strings (conducted by Alexander Chen)                         Lully, Edward Elgar, Eric Whitacre, and Joby Talbot, as well as a Kate Bush
Anton Arensky, Variations on a Theme of Tchaikovsky, Op. 35a                          classic arranged by Kyle Sanna.
Gabriela Lena Frank, Leyendas: An Andean Walkabout
                                                                                      Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo with the Dalí Quartet
                                                                                      When: Saturday, March 11, 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central
                                                                                      Where: Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts, Galvin Recital
                                                                                      Hall, 70 Arts Circle, Evanston, IL
                                                                                      Cost: $30 for the general public and $10 for students with valid ID
                                                                                      Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,
                                                                                                                                                 Part of the Segovia
                                                                                                                                                 Classical Guitar
                                                                                                                                                 Giampaolo Bandini,
                                                                                                                                                 guitar; Cesare
                                                                                                                                                 bandoneón; Ari
                                                                                                                                                 Isaacman-Beck and
                                                                                                                                                 Carlos Rubio, violin;
                                                                                                                                                 Adriana Linares,
                                                                                                                                                 viola; Jesús Morales,

The Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo, comprised of guitar and bandoneon, was
formed in 2002 with the aim of promoting Argentine music through the
charm and magic of its most representative instruments. The Duo’s
resonance and extraordinary charisma earned them a spot in the
international concert circuit, leading to performances in more than 50
countries throughout the world. They perform with the Dalí Quartet, the
2021 recipient of Chamber Music America's Guarneri String Quartet
Residency and the 2021 Silver Medal at the inaugural Piazzolla Music
Competition. Together, the internationally-renowned duo and award-
winning quartet present "Tango Sensations: The Music of Astor Piazzolla."

Symphonic Band
When: Saturday, March 11, 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central
Where: Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, 50 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL
Cost: Tickets are $6 for the general public and $4 for students with valid ID.
Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,
Shawn Vondran, conductor
The Symphonic Band’s second winter-quarter concert takes a musical tour               Unheard-of//Ensemble: An Evening of World Premieres
around the world, starting in Havana with George Gershwin’s Cuban                     When: Saturday, March 11, 2023, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central
Overture before traversing the globe to Australia for Percy Grainger’s                Where: Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts, McClintock Choral
Colonial Song and “Gumsucker’s March” from In a Nutshell. The second half             and Recital Room, 70 Arts Circle, Evanston, IL
of the program brings us to the US with Dwayne Milburn’s American                     Cost: Free
Hymnsong Suite before a final stop in Argentina with Alberto Ginastera’s              Contact: Concert Management Office, (847) 467-4000,
exhilarating “Danza Final” from his ballet Estancia.
                                                                                      Ford Fourqurean, clarinet; Matheus Souza and Erica Dicker, violin; Iva
                                                                                      Casian-Lakoš, cello; Daniel Anastasio, piano
                                                                                      New York-based contemporary chamber group Unheard-of//Ensemble is
                                                                                      dedicated to the development and performance of adventurous programs,
                                                                                      using technology and interactive multimedia. The ensemble visits the Bienen
                                                                                      School for a three-day residency, workshopping new music with student
                                                                                      composers and culminating in this performance of world premieres.
                                                                                      Featured student composers are Konstantinos Baras, Lily Hoyt, Alissa Voth,
                                                                                      Wan Heo, Mya Vandegrift, and Jasmine Thomasian.

COST: $395.00 per Player
                    Athletics Summer                                                             Bring Own Lunch

                         Camps                                                                   Upload image of insurance card required after completing online registration
                                                                                                     • 20% discount for Northwestern Faculty and Staff
                                                                                                 LOCATION: The camp will be held at Trienens Performance Center, 2707 Ashland Ave,
                                                                                                 Evanston, IL 60208.
                      Jim Foster Baseball Youth Summer
                                                                                                                            Elite College Prep Fencing Camp 2023
We are excited to host our Jim Foster Baseball Youth Summer Camp at Rocky and
Berenice Miller Park on the campus of Northwestern University this coming summer.
                                                                                                 Train with NCAA Varsity Coaches from:
This camp is open to any and all players in grades K - 8th who are looking to take their
game to the next level with detailed skill instruction and fun drills. Campers will be               •    Northwestern University
split up into groups according to age and skill level. Campers will be instructed on                 •    Denison University
hitting, pitching, baserunning, and defensive play, along with other age
appropriate/specific activities. Instruction will be before lunch with live games after.             •    University of Detroit-Mercy
We look forward to seeing you at camp this Summer for 4 days of baseball and fun!                    •    Cleveland State University
                                                                                                     •    Lawrence University
Camp Options:                                                                                        •    Wayne State University
1 week of camp - $650
2 weeks of camp - $1150                                                                          Join us for a 5-day overnight camp to experience elite college-level training with top college
3 weeks of camp - $1550                                                                          coaches.
*Please email us if you have 2 or more siblings attending, for the sibling discount code.
                                                                                                 Train in the state-of-the-art Patten Gymnasium, featuring 16 Olympic-sized strips and air
Dates: Week 1 : 6/26/23 - 6/29/23
       Week 2 : 7/17/23 - 7/20/23
                                                                                                 Evening sessions included talks on NCAA recruiting process, and the College Fencing
       Week 3 : 7/24/23 - 7/27/23
                                                                                                 Experience, among others.

Click the link above for more information.
                                                                                                 Date: July 31 - August 4

                   Women’s Basketball Day Camp                                                   Time: 9am-5pm, with a one-hour lunch break from 12:30pm-1:30pm.

Day camp is designed for all levels of play, from beginners to advanced. Campers will            Cost:
be placed with the appropriate peer group and work on basketball fundamentals.
Wildcat basketball staff and players will provide instruction.
                                                                                                     •    $925, if overnight
                                                                                                     •    $650, if commuting
JUNE 26-29
ENTERING GRADES: 1st - 8th                                                                       Open to any and all grades 6+.
CHECK-IN: 9:30 AM, Day 1
DAY 1 - 3: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
DAY 4: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM                                                                       Competitive experience is strongly recommended.

Boarding includes accommodations and meals from July 31 -August 4. For more                       Northwestern Field Hockey Camps are an opportunity for players of all ages to gain the
information on boarding, please email                               skills they need to achieve both on and off the field. Our camps and clinics are the best way
                                                                                                  to add advanced technical skills and tactical insight into YOUR game. Come visit our
Registration is open through July 1st, 2023, while space is available.                            beautiful, state-of-the-art Lakeside Field at the Walter Athletic Facility, for a chance to
                                                                                                  learn from the NCAA 2021 Division I NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Wildcats.
When making your registration please use Master Card or Visa for payment (no
                                                                                         Spring Clinics                   April 12th, 19th, 26th           REGISTER
                                                                                                                          May 3rd, 10th
                                                                                         Spring ID Clinic                 April 23rd                       REGISTER
                                                                                         Elite Camp                       June 10th & 11th                 REGISTER
                                      Register here!                                     Elite Prospect Clinic            June 12th                        REGISTER
                                                                                         Wildcat Day Camp                 June 13th – 16th                 REGISTER
                                                                                         Elite Preseason Combine          August 4th – 5th                 REGISTER

                         Beginner Fencing Camps 2023

                                                                                                                                  Pat Fitzgerald Football Camps
Experience the Olympic sport of fencing with Northwestern University beginner
camps! Led by members of our Varsity Team Coaching Staff, these camps will focus on
the fundamentals of fencing as well as overall motor skills development and physical                      EVENT                  DATES                 GRADES
fitness. Participants can expect to learn the basic movements and ideas of fencing and
to engage in the fun and unique experience of partner sparring with a sword in a safe                One Day High                 June 6               9th – 12th             REGISTER
and controlled environment. Above all, everyone can expect to have fun and learn at                  School Camp
the same time!
                                                                                                     One Day High                June 13                9th – 12th            REGISTER
Dates & Time:                                                                                        School Camp

                                                                                                  Chicagoland Kicking         June 16, PM              9th – 12th             REGISTER
    •    June 19-23 | 9am-12pm                                                                         Showcase
             o Early Bird April 1st: $225
             o Regular Fee: $300
                                                                                                      Chicagoland          June 17, AM & PM             9th-12th           REGISTER: AM &
    •    July 17-21 | 9am-12pm                                                                         Showcase                                                                 PM
             o Early Bird May 1st: $225
             o Regular Fee: $300
                                                                                                     One Day High                June 20               9th – 12th             REGISTER
                                                                                                     School Camp
Payment: Please use Master Card or Visa (no AMEX)
                                                                                                      Youth Camp                 June 21                3rd – 8th             REGISTER
Ages: Open to any and all ages 8-12
                                                                                                      QB Academy                 June 22               9th – 12th             REGISTER

                     Northwestern Field Hockey Camps
                                                                                                                              Northwestern Girl’s Soccer Academy

EVENT                 DATES                      COST                                       DATES
                                                                                                  Mondays: June 12, 19. 26; July 10 17, 24
One-Day Girls Elite         April 30                   $250            REGISTER                   Wednesday: June 14, 21, 28; July 12, 19, 26
    ID Clinic                                                                                     Time: 2-3:30 pm daily

    Soccer &              June 12 - 15         $490 Soccer &           REGISTER
  Basketball Day                                 Basketball
      Camp                                     Sessions, $245
                                             Soccer Session only                                                      Northwestern Elite Girls’ Lacrosse Camp

One-Day Girls Elite          July 9                    $250            REGISTER               Location: Martin Stadium-Northwestern U.
    ID Clinic                                                                                 Times: 7/17: 12:00pm-7:30pm | 7/18: 9:00am-5:00pm
                                                                                              Ages: Rising Girls Grades 6-12
One-Day Girls Elite          July 15                   $250            REGISTER               Fee: $450
    ID Clinic
                                                                                              REGISTER HERE

                                                                                                                         Northwestern Men’s Soccer Camps
                 Wildcat Golf Academy: Summer 2023 Camps
                                                                                                      WILDCATS’ SUMMER ID                          WILDCATS’ YOUTH DAY
                       Tournament Player Training Camp
                                                                                                        TRAINING CENTER                               CAMP (SESSION I)
This camp is meant for the junior golfer who has tournament experience and                                     JUNE 24, 2023                               JUNE 26 - 29, 2023
looking to earn an edge on their competition. The camp is structured to create a                  Martin Stadium (Northwestern University)      Martin Stadium (Northwestern University)
competitive environment for the tournament player using various training techniques                            Boys, Grades 9+                          Boys & Girls, Grades K - 8
and drills used by both the Northwestern Men’s and Women’s golf teams.                                        12:00 - 6:00 PM                         Full Day Option: 9AM - 3PM
This camp is geared for junior golfers in 6th-8th grade.                                                          $265.00                       Half Day Option: 9AM - Noon OR Noon -
                                                                                                                REGISTER                                          3PM
                                                                                                                                                           $465.00 (Full Day)
                                                                                                                                                           $345.00 (Half Day)
Schedule – Monday through Friday
You can sign up for single dates or the entire week.
There is a maximum of 16 golfers per camp.                                                        WILDCATS’ COLLEGE SOCCER                         WILDCATS’ YOUTH DAY
Price for entire week: $825                                                                            TRAINING CAMP                                 CAMP (SESSION II)
Week #1 – June 12-16 (SOLD OUT)                                                                              JULY 21 - 23, 2023                             July 24 - 27, 2023
Week #2– June 26-30                                                                               Martin Stadium (Northwestern University)      Martin Stadium (Northwestern University)
Week #3 – July 17-21                                                                                           Boys, Grades 9+                          Boys & Girls, Grades K - 8
                                                                                                  Check-in: July 21st, 2PM | Check-out: July          Full Day Option: 9AM - 3PM
                                 High School Camp                                                                 23rd, Noon                    Half Day Option: 9AM - Noon OR Noon -
                                                                                                     Residential and Commuter Options                             3PM
                                                                                                                   Available                               $465.00 (Full Day)
The WGA High School Summer Program is perfect for any incoming freshman or                                  $649.00 (Residential)                          $345.00 (Half Day)
current high school golfer looking to improve on all areas of the game to prepare them                      $625.00 (Commuter)                                REGISTER
for their high school tryouts and golf season. Practices will be twice a week for 90                             REGISTER
minutes each day. You will be able to sign up for single dates or the entire program.

Price per practice: $100
Price for program: $1,225
Softball Camps                                                                               Northwestern Tennis Camps
                                2023 Youth Wildcat Camp                                             Join us on our 15 beautiful courts on Evanston’s lakeside campus. We provide top-notch
                                                                                                    personalized instruction in a positive, inspirational environment. We work to develop your
Our Youth Wildcat Summer skills camp will be a fun way to learn and practice the                    child’s game, give them confidence, and let them see measurable improvement in their
game of softball for young athletes joining us for one, two, or all three days of camp!             skills. We strive for every player to have an amazing experience, to truly love the game and
We will cover all skills (hitting, fielding, throwing, baserunning, etc) each day so you            have FUN! All ages and levels are welcome and campers are separated accordingly. We try
can choose which day(s) works best for you! We will also mix up the drills and games                to accommodate all friend requests.
for those joining us all three sessions. You will be coached by our coaching staff,
players, and alumni athletes. See you at the J!                                                     Minicamp 2023                   June 7-9
                                                                                                    Session 1                       June 12-16
                                                                                                    Session 2                       June 19-23
Pitching: For our youth pitching clinic offered on the 23rd, please join us (and                    Session 3                       June 26-30
provide your own catcher) after the all-skills wraps up to work specifically on                     Session 4                       July 3-7 (no July 4)
beginning pitching mechanics and skills.                                                            Session 5                       August 7-11
                         Youth Camp Grades: 2nd - 6th                                               Session 6                       August 14-18
                            Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
                               Cost: $75 per day
                               $180 for all 3 days                                                                          Northwestern Volleyball Camps
                          Limited to 50 players per day
                                                                                              The Northwestern Volleyball Staff looks forward to hosting another outstanding camp series in
                      Beginner Pitching Grades: 4th - 6th                                   2023! We will offer a variety of camps for girls and boys grades K - 12th with programming for all
                           Time: 12:30pm - 1:15pm                                               skill levels. Campers will have fun learning and training like a Big Ten athlete on campus in
                       Cost: $40, Limited To 20 Campers                                    Evanston. All camps will be led by 2x National Champion Head Coach Shane Davis and will be fully
                                                                                           supported by the NU coaching staff and players. Northwestern Volleyball camps are open to any and
                          2023 Summer All Skills Camp                                      all participants and are limited only by age/grade level, gender and enrollment numbers. Regardless
                                                                                                                          of your skill level, we have a camp for you!
Spend the day with Chicago’s Big Ten Team as you practice and learn skills from
Northwestern Softball! You will work with our coaching staff, current and alumni                       Camp                            Dates
players at this camp. We are excited to help you fine tune your game as we go over
fundamentals as well as game situations and decision making. Please provide your
                                                                                                  Elite Skills Clinic            June 16th & July 7th             Info + Registration!
own lunch for our lunch break at this camp. All camp details will be emailed out one
week prior to camp.
                                                                                           Little Wildcats Youth Camp            July 10th - July 12th            Info + Registration!
Dates: July   10th,   August   14th
                                                                                                Middle School Camps           5 sessions throughout the           Info + Registration!
Grades: 7th - 12th                                                                                                                     summer

Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm
                                                                                                 Wildcat Elite Camp                July 14th – 16th               Info + Registration!
Cost: $200
                                                                                            High School Skills Clinics              June 6th & 7th                Info + Registration!
Location: Sharon J. Drysdale Field

4/18 – 5/16, 6:30 –
                                                                                       Spring Wines                                                    $130/140
                                                                                                                        8:00 PM
                                                                                                                        4/11 – 5/16, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
                                                                                       Pocket Billiards for Beginners                                  $79/89

                  Leisure and Social                                                   Wednesdays
                                                                                                                        4/11 – 5/16, 6:00 –
                                                                                       Introduction to Handbuilding                                    $135/145
                                                                                                                        8:00 PM
                  Norris University Center Mini Courses
                                                                                                                        4/12 – 5/17, 6:30 –
                                                                                       Hip Hop & House: Learning to                                    $79/89
                                                                                                                        8:00 PM
Expand your horizons with everything from dance to languages with Norris mini          Social Dance
courses, all open to the public. Find more detailed class descriptions here.                                            SEC A: 6:00 – 7:30
                                                                                       Introduction to Pole Dance       SEC B: 7:45 – 9:15             $135/145
                                                                                       (Weds and Thurs)                 4/27, 5/4, 5/10, 5/11, 5/18,
Register online at, by phone at 847-491-2305, or in                                            5/24
person at the Norris Box Office, 1999 Campus Dr., Evanston. Email                                                       4/12 – 5/17, 7:00 – 8:30
                                                                                       Tai Chi                                                         $79/89 for more information. All registrants must be 15                                         PM
years old, or 21 years old for classes with alcohol.                                                                    4/12 – 5/17, 6:00 – 7:30
                                                                                       Applied Acting in Corporate                                     $79/89
 Creative Arts             Food and Drink             Special Interest
 Movement                  Language                                                    Introduction to                  SEC B: 4/6 – 5/11 (6
                                                                                       Dark Room (B&W)                  sessions), 6:00 – 7:30
                       Winter 2023 Course Schedule                                     Photography                      PM
                             Costs are NU/Public                                                                        4/13 – 5;25, 6:00 – 8:30 PM
                                                                                       Wheel Throwing III                                              $155/165
       Class                          Date and Time                 Fee                                                 SEC A: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
                                                                                       Wine Appreciation                                               $130/140
       Mondays                                                                                                          SEC B: 7:45 – 9:15 PM
                                                                                                                        4/20 – 5/15
       Exploring Watercolor           4/10 – 5/15 (6 sessions),
       Monotype                       6:00 – 8:00 PM                                   Fridays
                                      SEC A: 4/3 – 5/8 (6
       Wheel Throwing I                                             $135/145                                            SEC B: Fridays, 3/30 – 5/4,
                                      sessions), 5:00 – 7:30                           Wheel Throwing I (Beginner)      3:00 – 5:30 PM                 $135/145
       American Sign Language I       4/3 – 5/22, 6:00 – 8:00 PM                                                        SEC B: 4/14 – 5/26, 3:00 –
                                                                    $96/106            Wheel Throwing II                5:30 PM                        $155/165
       (beginner – online course)                                                      (intermediate)
       Screenwriting                  4/10 – 5/15, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
                                                                    $79/89             Saturdays
       Tuesdays                                                                                                         SEC C: 4/15 – 5/20, 11:00 –
                                                                                       Wheel Throwing I (Beginner)                                     $135/145
                                      SEC A: 4/4 – 5/9, 6:00 –                                                          1:30 PM
       Introduction to Dark Room      7:30PM                        $135/145
       (B&W) photography

Around Campus

Friday Nights at the Dearborn Observatory
When: Friday, March 31, 2023, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Central
Where: Dearborn Observatory, 2131 Tech Drive, Evanston, IL
Contact: Adrienne Mintz, (847) 491-3644,
The Dearborn Observatory is open for public viewing every Friday night from 8 to 10    Sunshine Enterprises North Side Community Business Academy
pm during the fall and winter months (Oct-Mar). The sessions are free and open to
all. Reservations are required for the first hour but walk-ins are welcome in the
second hour. All visitors should note that the dome is neither heated nor air-
conditioned so please dress appropriately. Friday evening sessions are held "rain or
shine." Unfortunately, the Dearborn is NOT ADA-accessible. Several staircases must
be climbed in order to reach the telescope.
To make a reservation go to
For more information on the Dearborn Observatory, please visit our website.

ARTica                                                                             Wildcat Sports Camp

The Norris University Center’s craft shop offers the materials to make buttons, bind
books, laminate, screen print, sew, and space to work on art projects.                 Wildcat Sports Camp has been a Chicagoland tradition for over 80 years! As one of the best
                                                                                       multi-sport day camps on the North Shore, we offer campers the fun and exciting
Winter 2023 Hours:                                                                     experience of learning and growing through physical activity and sports. Each camp day
Monday - Friday: 10:30 AM – 9:00 PM                                                    introduces campers to various sports, games, and activities while emphasizing teamwork,
Saturday - Sunday: 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM                                                  friendship-building, and sportsmanship.
*Closed MLK Day, Monday January 16th
                                                                                       Wildcat Sports Camp operates out of the Henry Crown Sports Pavilion, 2311 Campus
                                                                                       Drive, on the Evanston Campus, and is administered by the Northwestern University
Studio Usage                                                                           Department of Athletics and Recreation.
         •   Ceramic Quarterly Membership
                      o $165 NU Community (Student, Faculty, Staff)                    2023 DATES AND TIMES
                      o $175 for Public/Non-NU
                                                                                            •   Session I: June 20 – June 30 (no camp Juneteenth - 6/19)
          Darkroom Membership                                                               •   Session II: July 3 – 14 (no camp July 4 - 7/4)
          Patrons must pass a darkroom knowledge quiz to be eligible for membership.
                                                                                            •   Session III: July 17 – 28
              • Darkroom 1 Day Membership (2-4 hours):
                        o $20 NU Community (Student, Faculty, Staff)                   TUITION
                        o $35 Public/Non-NU
                                                                                       *Payment is required upon registration.*

                                                                                            •   $1,000 per session (no transportation)
                                                                                            •   $1,100 per session (transportation from Diversey Harbor)

                                                                                       Northwestern faculty and staff receive a $100 per session discount.

                                                                                       Camper Eligibility

                                                                                       Children currently attending 1 - 6 grade.
                                                                                                                     st   th

                                                                                       Returning campers and their siblings will be guaranteed space if they enroll during the
                                                                                       returning camper enrollment period.

                                                                                       Bus service from Chicago's Lincoln Park at Diversey Harbor is available for the 2023 camp
                                                                                       season. The tuition for this service is listed above.

                                                                                            •   Pick-up is at approximately 8:15 a.m.
                                                                                            •   Drop-off is at approximately 3:45 p.m.


General registration is now open!                                                                                  Northwestern Music
You can visit our registration page for instructions on registering your camper.                                    Learn more online

Digital Brochure

The 2023 Wildcat Sports Camp digital brochure is now available!

                                                                                        For more than 70 years, Northwestern University’s Music Academy in
                                                                                        Evanston has provided music instruction to children and adult students
                                                                                        from surrounding communities and the greater Chicago and Northwest
                                                                                        Indiana area.

                                                                                        Most Academy instructors also teach in the Henry and Leigh Bienen School
                                                                                        of Music and hold masters and doctoral degrees in music teaching and
                                                                                        performance. The Academy often serves as a teaching laboratory for
                                                                                        college students enrolled in pedagogy courses and is a member of the
                                                                                        National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts.

                                                                                        Kindermusik (newborn to age 6)
                                                                                                  Dates: Term starts Jan 28 and ends May 13. Cost:
                                                                                                  $300-355 (15-week class and home materials)
                                                                                        This 45-minute class is a lovely way for young children and parents to
                                                                                        interact. Multi-level activities that are appropriate for each stage of a child’s
                                                                                        development give lap babies, crawlers, and walkers a chance to explore
                                                                                        music, touch, sound, and movement. Home materials including a CD, a
                                                                                        book related to the theme of the unit, and an instrument provide additional
                                                                                        ideas for sharing the class experience at home.

                                                                                                                       Other Courses
                                                                                                           (offered virtually and in-person Winter
                                                                                        Piano and Organ

The Music Academy Piano Division offers pre-piano class, which serves as an
introduction to more formal piano instruction: keyboard instruction in two tracks
for students ages 6 to 18, and instruction for adults. Pre-piano serves as an
introduction to more formal piano instruction. Keyboard instruction for children
begins with pre-staff music and expands to landmark-based intervallic reading.
After the first year of study, most children participate in the Illinois State Music
Teacher's Association curriculum assessment, where they demonstrate skills and
receive certificates and pins for participation.

The String Division offers private lessons in violin, viola, and cello, with goals of both
providing musical instruction and instilling a love of music and of learning music.
The division believes that all children can learn to their potential when placed in an
environment that includes clear instruction, an involved parent, and regular
opportunities to listen to and perform.

                                                                                                                                     Norris Outdoors

                                                                                                  Norris University Center offers a wide range of equipment available to rent for your
                                                                                                  outdoor adventures including:
                                                                                                      •    camping equipment (tents, backpacks, etc.)
                                                                                                      •    grills and stoves sports gear (Frisbees, volleyball and net, etc.)

                                                                                                  Visit Norris Outdoors for package deals and a full list of equipment. The office is open
                                                                                                  Monday to Sunday, 12:30 – 6:00 PM, or at 847-491-2345. They can also be found at
                                                                                         oron Facebook and
                                                                                                  Twitter. Items must be requested at least 5 days in advance.

Religious Services                                                                                 Observances

                                                                                              •   March 6 to March 7 – Purim (Jewish)
Northwestern is proud to have a vibrant community embracing diverse religious                 •   March 8 – Holi (Hindu)
beliefs. We have regular services on campus as well as events for religious                   •   March 8 to March 10 (Sikh)
observances. For general inquiries, contact the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
                                                                                              •   March 19 – St Joseph’s Feast Day (Christian)
at 847-491-7256 located at 1870 Sheridan Rd. on our Evanston campus.
                                                                                              •   March 21 – Ostara (Wiccan)
                               Christian – Protestant                                         •   March 22 to March 31 – Navaratri (Hindu)
                                                                                              •   March 22 to April 21 – Ramadan (Muslim)
   Christian worship in a broad Protestant tradition is held most Sundays of the
academic year at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the Alice Millar Chapel, 1870 Sheridan Rd.

                                Christian – Catholic

Daily Mass is celebrated Mondays to Fridays at 5:00–5:30 PM, On Sundays, Masses
are held at 9:30–10:30 AM, 11:00 AM–12:00 PM, 5:00–6:00 PM, and 9:00–10:00
PM, Services are at the Sheil Catholic Center Chapel, 2110 Sheridan Rd. Sheil also
offers    other   sacraments,    prayers,    fellowship,   and    retreats.  Visit for a complete list of events.


The Fiedler Hillel leads Reform and Conservative
Shabbat services every Friday evening from 6:00 –
7:00 PM, followed by a free dinner, at 629 Foster
Street. Orthodox services are held at the same place on
Saturday mornings from 9:30 – 10:30 AM. A full list of
events is at


Jumah, Muslim prayers on Fridays, are held every Friday from 1:10 – 2:00 PM, On
the Evanston campus, Jumah is at Parkes Hall, 1870 Sheridan Rd., Room 122. In
Chicago, it is at the Lurie Building, 303 E. Superior, in the Grey Seminar Room.

Contact: Jill Norton,


Northwestern also offers opportunities for the community to engage in interfaith
fellowship or spiritual exploration.

Northwestern Wildcat Athletics                                                                 Basketball – Men’s
                                                                                               Home games are at the Welsh-Ryan Arena in Evanston, IL. Please
                                                                                               goonline at or call the ticket office at 888-467-
The Northwestern Wildcats are Chicago’s Big Ten team. Come cheer on the Wildcats               8775 to ask about tickets.
at home or on the road. You can find the composite calendar for games here.
                                                                                                 Date and Time            Game                              Coverage
Sports in season this winter are:                                                                3/1, 8:00 PM             Penn State                        Big Ten Network
    •    basketball – men’s                                                                      3/5, 6:30 PM             @ Rutgers                         Big Ten Network
    •    basketball – women
                                                                                                 3/8 – 3/12, TBA          Big Ten Tournament                Big Ten Network
    •    wrestling – men’s
    •    fencing – women’s
    •    cross country – women’s
    •    swimming and diving – men’s
    •    swimming and diving – women’s
    •    tennis – men’s
    •    tennis – women’s                                                                      Home games are played at Rocky and Berenice Miller Park in
                                                                                               Evanston. Please go online at or call the ticket
There are two easy ways to purchase tickets, listed below. Tickets are typically mailed        office at 888-467- 8775 to ask about tickets.
two to three weeks prior to a home event unless the will call delivery method is
     •    Online at                                                           Date and Time                 Game
     •    Calling or visiting the ticket office at 888-467-                                    March 3, 6:00 PM              @ Louisiana Tech
          8775, Monday to Fridays from 9:00 AM – 5 :00                                         March 4, 2:00 PM              @ Louisiana Tech
          PM                                                                                   March 5, 1:00 PM              @ Louisiana Tech
                                                                                               March 7, 4:05 PM              @ UIC
You can also email the office at                                      March 10, 4:00 PM             @ Saint Louis
and    follow    them       on     Twitter    using    the                                     March 11,                     DH @ Saint Louis
handle@NU_Tickets.                                                                             March 18                      DH @ Butler
                                                                                               March 19, 1:00 PM             @ Butler
                                                                                               March 22, 6:00 PM             @ TCU
                                                                                               March 24, 1:30 PM             @ UTA
                                                                                               March 25, 1:30 PM             @ UTA
                                                                                               March 25, 6:30 PM             @ Houston
                                                                                               March 28, 3:30 PM             NIU
                                                                                               March 31, 3:00 PM             @ Purdue

Cross Country – Women’s
                                                                                        Join the Wildcats as they match up with top collegiate runners from all over the
                                                                                        country in a series of indoor track meets this winter.

                                                                                             Date and Time          Game
                                                                                             3/23 – 3/25            @ Raleigh Relays

Tennis – Men’s                                                                          Swimming and Diving – Men’s
Home games are at the Combe Tennis Center in Evanston. Please go online at              Home games are at Norris Aquatics Center in the Henry Crown Sports Pavilion on or call the ticket office at 888-467-8775 to ask about tickets.        Northwestern’s campus.

     Date and Time               Game
                                                                                             Date and Time                Game
     3/3, 5:00 PM                @ Columbia
                                                                                             3/4 – 3/5                    Last Chance Meet
     3/5, 11:00 AM               @ Princeton
                                                                                             3/7 – 3/9                    NCAA Qualifying Zones - Dying
     3/9, 6:00 PM                MTSU
                                                                                             3/22 – 3/25                  NCAA Championships
     3/24, 6:00 PM               Ohio State
     3/26, 10:30 AM              Penn State
     3/26, 6:00 PM               Chicago State                                          Swimming and Diving – Women’s
                                                                                        Tickets are typically $7 for adults, $3 per person for groups of
     3/31, 6:00 PM               @ Indiana                                              15 or more, and $5 for youth. Home games are in the Henry
                                                                                        Crown Sports Pavilion on Northwestern’s campus.
Fencing – Women’s
Home games are at Northwestern’s Patten Gym. Please go online at or call the ticket office at 888-467-8775 to ask about tickets.

     Date and Time               Game
     3/11, All Day               NCAA Midwest Regionals
     3/23 – 3/26                 @ NCAA Championships

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