Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College

Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
your future

       Prospectus 2022 Entry
Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
WELCOME TO                                                              CONTENTS
I hope this prospectus will help provide an insight into                4   MISSION AND CHAPLAINCY                     14 ENRICH YOUR FUTURE
life at Xaverian, and some of the fantastic opportunities
available to our students.
                                                                        5   STUDENT SUPPORT                            16 OUR CAMPUS
Xaverian has been serving the people of Greater Manchester for
159 years, and we remain an outstanding Catholic college for the
community. Students and staff from all backgrounds are welcome          6   MANCHESTER GIANTS ACADEMY                  18 OUR FACILITIES
to join this community of learning, faith and service.
During my time at the College I have seen time and again the
fantastic endeavours of our students, and how the College can           7   CAREERS                                    20 OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM
transform the lives of young people in our care, as we guide and
support them to develop their talents and reach their full potential,
                                                                            HIGH ACHIEVERS
both at Xaverian and when they progress from us.                                                                       22 WHAT CAN YOU STUDY?
Like many of our staff I have a long affiliation with the College,      8   2021 R E S U LT S
in no small part due to the unique character and environment at
                                                                                                                       24 WHAT DO OUR
Xaverian, that I continue to enjoy. In my case this has spanned
49 years as a student, teacher and now as Principal. Each year          10 OXBRIDGE AND MEDICS,                          STUDENTS THINK?
our students tell us how much they enjoy studying with us, and I
am sure you will find the College just as welcoming, challenging,           DENTISTS AND VETS
supportive and distinctive as previous generations.                                                                    26 OUR COURSES
I look forward to meeting you on Open Days and Taster Days,
where you can get a sense of what Xaverian offers for yourself.         12 U N I V E R S I T Y PA RT N E R S H I P S
Good luck with your continued studies.                                                                                 66 GETTING TO COLLEGE
                                                                        1 3 U N I V E R S I T Y A C C E S S
                                                                            PROGRAMMES                          6 7 H O W D O I A P P LY ?

Tony Knowles, Principal

Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
THE X AVERIAN MISSION                                                                                                                 STUDENT SUPPORT
We are a Catholic College dedicated to the development of the whole person. To achieve this we will:                                  Support is everything at Xaverian.
                                                                                                                                      It’s the golden thread connecting Xaverian values. It’s how we all grow and
   Maintain a Christian environment which is purposeful            Offer appropriate choices, guidance, support                       achieve our ambitions. Support starts the moment you discovered us. We’re
   and fulfilling                                                  and facilities                                                     here to make sure you choose the right course and college.
   Value all members of the College community equally              Help students to develop as people who strive for
                                                                   the highest possible standards in all aspects of their 		                         Student Services
   Promote excellence in teaching and learning
                                                                   lives as happy, useful, and successful members of
   Have the very highest expectations of all our students          society, and who combine success with service to                                  We’ve got your back way before you walk through our gates for
                                                                   others in both their personal and working lives.                                  your first day at college, and from day one of your course, you’ve
                                                                                                                                                     got a dedicated support squad at your fingertips.

                                                                                                                                                     Pastoral Support
                                                                                                                                                     We care for your emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.
                                                                                                                                                     During your Pastoral Studies sessions you’ll learn study and life
                                                                                                                                                     skills essential in higher education and your career.
OUR CHAPLAINCY                                                                                                                                       Learning Support
Spiritual development is a huge part of growing as a            In recent years we’ve raised hundreds of pounds for local                            We want every student to make the grade. That’s why we
Xaverian student. The Chaplaincy isn’t just a place. It’s an    homeless shelters and those living in poverty, through sponsored                     have a Learning Support Team. They’re here so everyone
opportunity to live out and share the Xaverian values across    sleepouts, car washes, dress up days, bake sales and sponsored                       can get the help needed to study successfully.
the wider community.                                            sporting events.
                                                                                                                                                     Counselling Service
Our Chaplaincy team, alongside students, organise a full        We also host an annual Christmas party for local senior citizens.
programme of activities and events that help us all carry       And at Lent many students volunteer for our 24-hour sponsored fast.                  A warm, confidential, and non-judgmental environment to
forward the Xaverian values.                                                                                                                         talk and truly be heard. Our Counselling Service empowers
                                                                                                                                                     you to develop the skills and the confidence needed to
Next to the Chapel, the Chaplaincy Social Area is open every    Serving the world
                                                                                                                                                     bring about long lasting, positive change.
weekday and is the perfect place to grab a brew and kick back   Students of every faith come together for our annual pilgrimage
with friends old and new – and maybe even treat yourself to     to Lourdes in France, when we travel by coach and ferry to support                   Financial Support
some art therapy.                                               the sick, elderly and disabled.                                                      There shouldn’t be any barriers to you succeeding as a
                                                                We provide assistance at the local hospital and in hotels                            student. Support is available to students needing help
Helping those in need                                                                                                                                to cover education-related costs such as study resources
                                                                to help the assisted pilgrims enjoy a comfortable and spiritual
Xaverian recognises our obligation to helping those less        week of rest and relaxation. This isn’t just a gesture of goodwill                   or getting to college.
fortunate than ourselves.                                       – it’s an uplifting, humbling and unforgettable experience for
                                                                everyone involved.                                                                   Careers Support
                                                                                                                                                     Our award-winning Careers Team are there to
                                                                                                                                                     support you, no matter what your ambitions are after
                                                                                                                                                     college. If you’re not sure what your options are,                   Scan me for more information
                                                                                                                                                     book an appointment and have a chat.

 Christian             Tea and Talk             Macmillan         Crafty                   Diverse                 Masses at
Union Group            Fundraisers           Coffee Mornings    Corner Club               Film Club                Christmas
Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
                                                                                                                                 We start talking about life after Xaverian before                      Take your time
                                                                                                                                 it begins.                                                             Don’t worry if you arrive at Xaverian without a clear career
                                                                                                                                 We discuss next steps during Course Consultation –                     path in mind. Many Xaverian Lower Sixth students are still
                                                                                                                                 the event welcoming you to Xaverian after receiving                    working on theirs.
                                                                                                                                 your offer.                                                            Often, it’s through the change of pace, specialising in your
                                                                                                                                 As a Xaverian student you’ll enjoy a packed calendar of                studies, or discovering passions in your enrichment activities,
                                                                                                                                 career workshops to make your CV and university                        that your path ahead becomes clear.

MANCHESTER GIANTS ACADEMY                                                                                                        application shine.
                                                                                                                                 You’ll hear from a wide range of industry professionals
                                                                                                                                                                                                        And that’s perfectly fine. Because it’s as a Xaverian student that
                                                                                                                                                                                                        you’ll have ready access to all the resources and inspiration
                                                                                                                                 invited on campus to discuss their working lives.                      you need to complete your course, ready for whatever the
At Xaverian College, our students stand tall ready                 Ready to be a giant in your field? We look forward to you     Xaverian has close links with local, high-profile                      future holds. We’ll even help you find work experience so
for the heights of success.                                        having a ball at the Manchester Giants Academy.               organisations including Balfour Beatty and BCEGI.                      you’re ready for the real thing.

That’s why we found the perfect partnership in the                 Studying with us
Manchester Giants, our city’s high-flying basketball team.
                                                                   We expect that all Academy students will take at least one
If you’re already a basketball addict and have designs on          block of Sport BTEC* as part of the Academy programme              What Next?
becoming a pro, the Manchester Giants Academy at Xaverian          of study, which you can combine with any two of our
College could be where both your academic and sporting                                                                                You’ve got four options
                                                                   A-levels, or equivalent Applied subjects.
dreams come true.                                                                                                                     beyond Xaverian
                                                                   *The Sport BTEC course is available as one, two and                                                   Higher Education            Apprenticeships           Get Into Work                Gap Year
Get selected and you’ll split your week between college and        three-block options, equivalent to the same number
the court.                                                         of A-levels. You can choose any of these options and
Three afternoons a week training with Manchester Giants and        combine with other subjects as appropriate. Find out
one for match fixtures along with four mornings and one full day   more about the Sport BTEC course on page 62.                  High Achievers                                                                           Scan me for more information

on campus.                                                                                                                       Every student is supported to achieve their
                                                                                                                                 very best.
                                                                                                                                 And if you’re determined to excel at some of the world’s most
                                                                                                                                 prestigious universities, Xaverian will pull out all the stops to
Entry Requirements
                                                                                                                                 help you accomplish your ambition.

             You’ll need to demonstrate a track record                  Meet Xaverian’s academic and                             From the many opportunities for enrichment to our Extended
             of playing basketball to a high standard.                  overall entry requirements.                              Project Qualification, you’ll develop both academically and
                                                                                                                                 Students demonstrating academic excellence and a commitment
                                                                                                                                 to achieving the highest grades will have access to our tailored
To Apply
                                                                                                                                 High Achievers’ package of support.
                                                                                                                   Scan me
                                                                                                                   for more      Last year, almost 50 former Xaverian students were offered
                                                                                                                                 places at the world’s top 20 universities.

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Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College

                                                                                        BTEC PASS RATE

                                                                                                                                                               A* — C GRADES


 TRADITION                                                                                                                                                                        85%


                                                                                 HIGH GRADES

                                                                                                                                                                                     RUSSELL GROUP,

 R E S U LT S .                                                                                                                           99%
                                                                                                                                                                                     DENTIST, MEDICS
                                                                                                                                                                                        AND VETS
                                                                                                                                                                                        AND OXBRIDGE
                                                                                                                                                  A-LEVEL PASS RATE

               These consistently include

                                            Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, public examinations were once again cancelled in 2021. Students’ grades were calculated by
                                            Teacher Assessed Grades that have been verified by the exam boards and the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications). Our 2021 results
                                            reflect the hard work and resilience of our students, and we are immensely proud of their achievements.                                      9
Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
EVERY STUDENT IS                                                                                                              MEDICS, DENTISTS AND VETS
                                                                                                                              Your specialist schedule begins with an intensive induction day featuring interactive

                                                                                                                              workshops and sessions by experts from universities and practicing GPs, surgeons and vets.
                                                                                                                              That day will also include a full overview of what’s ahead of you on your two-year Xaverian journey to higher
                                                                                                                              education and your rewarding career.

THEIR VERY BEST                                                                                                               The programme also includes the specialist support required for a place at the university of your choice and,
                                                                                                                              where required as part of that application, to ace UCAT and BMAT exams.

And if you’re determined to excel at some of the world’s most                                                                                                                   Regular tutorial sessions to help you think,
prestigious universities, Xaverian will pull out all the stops to                                                                                                               research and study as an undergraduate
help you accomplish your ambition.                                                                                            WHAT DOES
                                                                                                                              THE PROGRAMME
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Range of immersive and interactive
                                                                                                                              LOOK LIKE?                                                                      workshops and activities
    We have a programme of activities dedicated to broadening your mind. In recent years we’ve
    welcomed university lecturers to deliver lecture series and provide thinking skills workshops.                                                                              Admissions teams from some of
    We’ve invited some of the world’s biggest brands to support students with dedicated high                                                                                    the best medical programmes
    achiever sessions.
                                                                                                            Scan me to
    YOU CAN ALSO LOOK FORWARD TO:                                                                      access more info
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Promote opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   e.g. work experience
               Active partnerships                        An Oxford and                          Subject Support                                                                                            and medical/science courses
               with Corpus Christi                        Cambridge                              – your tutors are there to                                                                                               and seminars
               College, Oxford                            mentoring                              challenge your thinking
                                                          scheme.                                and show you how what
                                                                                                 you’re learning fits into
               Workshops with
               St Anne’s College,                         Xaverian – a hub
                                                                                                 the wider context                                                              Support to find
               Oxford                                     for Science and                                                                                                       industry placements
                                                          Languages                              Tutorial Programme
                                                                                                 - you’ll be challenged,
               Students accepted
                                                                                                 stretched and encouraged     Scan me to
               on Sutton Trust                            The North West
                                                                                                 to innovatively consider     access more info
               Summer School                              Science Network
                                                                                                 your subjects as well as
                                                                                                 wider problems and issues
Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
O U R U N I V E R S I T Y PA RT N E R S H I P S                                                                                                                ACCESS
Xaverian has a great reputation, and we have built
partnerships with many universities, employers and
other institutions across the country. We are also proud
                                                                            A number of universities run access programmes
to be a member of MANCEP, the Manchester Catholic
                                                                            to support you with your transition from college
Education Partnership.
                                                                            to university, including The University of Manchester,
Preparation for Top Universities                                            University of Leeds, Manchester Metropolitan University
                                                                            and Newcastle University.
Each year, many of our students are offered places at some of the top
20 Universities in the world – from Oxford and Cambridge to Imperial        The criteria to enter each access programme varies and depends on
College, London.                                                            your individual academic and personal circumstances.
There is a programme of events to guide you through the process             You’ll have the opportunity to take part in a number of activities before
and encourage you to aim high in your expectations throughout the           you start your degree course either online or at the university campus,
year. As well as opportunities to visit top universities, you’ll have the   and we will encourage and support participation in these programmes.
opportunity to enhance your subject knowledge and understanding
through lectures, workshops and other events.

                                                                            As an Access student, you can benefit from:

These have included:                                                           Special consideration from admissions tutors
                                                                               An alternative offer for your course, up to two grades lower than the
    Workshop from an Admissions Tutor from St Catherine’s                      standard offer
    College, Cambridge.
                                                                               Attending a launch event on campus to find out more about the university
    Workshop with students from Pembroke College, Oxford.                      and its facilities
    Summer Schools at Corpus Christi and Pembroke College,                     Opportunities to attend workshops
    Oxford and Manchester University.
                                                                               Access to the university’s online library and Virtual Learning Environment
    Residential visits to both Oxford and Cambridge.
                                                                               Special consideration for the universities’ bursaries and scholarships
    Languages day with the Cambridge Language Centre.
    Interview Preparation

Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
         At Xaverian, we offer a range of        WHAT’S ON OFFER?
         enrichment activities for you to
                                                 Each year we have a broad range of enrichments and activities to
         choose from. They’ll give you
                                                 choose from, and these are advertised at our Activities and Enrichment
         the chance to get involved in

                                                 Fair, which takes place in the first few weeks of September.
         fantastic opportunities that are
                                                 Some previous enrichment opportunities have included:
         fun, interesting, or educational, in
                                                 •   College-wide drama performances, recent ones include The Importance of Being Earnest, Two and The 39 Steps
         order to give you a really fulfilling
                                                     It’s not just acting, you can also direct, write, set design or help with the lighting, costumes or sound.
         college experience.

                                                 •   The Music Department has 110+ piece orchestra, 100+ member choir and over 35 ensembles (including
                                                     big band, studio band, flute group, wind group, saxophone group, string group, brass band, jazz band,
                                                     chamber choir, percussion ensemble and many rock bands).
                                                 •   Health and fitness are a huge part of Xaverian life. Healthy body, healthy mind. And we’ve got a
                                                     packed schedule of fitness classes and team tournaments to help you get fit and healthy.
                                                 •   We’ve also had book club, crafting, learning Italian, public speaking, volunteering and much more!

                                                 SPORT TEAMS                                                                SPORT ENRICHMENT
                                                 Xaverian College has a long tradition of competing in sports               Xaverian is dedicated to delivering activities that you want to
                                                 both in the North West and nationally. We have the following               take part in. We do this by planning our activities based on
                                                 teams that represent the College; all trials are held at the start         student feedback and organise our programme around that.
                                                 of the academic year.                                                      Each year we deliver new activities from the ideas and interests
                                                                                                                            of our students.
                                                 Basketball - men’s and women’s teams
                                                                                                                            Our current programme for everyone includes:
                                                 Football - men’s and women’s team
                                                 Netball - women’s team                                                     Badminton, basketball,
                                                                                                                            boxing, circuit training,
                                                                                                                            cricket, cycling, girls football,
                                                 There are also opportunities throughout the year to compete in             five-a-side football, softball,
                                                 both regional and national competitions in the following sports:
                                                                                                                            table tennis, volleyball and
                                                 Volleyball, table tennis, squash,                                          use of our fitness suite.
                                                 tennis, cross country, golf,
                                                 badminton, rugby
                                                 and swimming.

                                                                                                                                               Scan me to access
                                                                                                                                               more info               15
Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
Maryland                                      Maryland: Home to our English Department and our                The Pavilion: Another common room/canteen
                                                             most iconic building. Originally built in the 1870’s,           for you to eat lunch and hang out with friends.
                                                             Maryland is a grade 2 listed building. It was owned by
                                                             Professor Henry Roscoe, whose niece was Beatrix Potter,
                                                             where better to study English?

                                                             Mayfield: One of our biggest buildings with
                                                             eight computer suites. Home to Accounting,
                                                             Business, Computer Science, Economics, Maths,
                                                             Modern Foreign Languages, Politics and Psychology.

                 t     Place

                                                                                                                             Ward Hall: Renovated specifically to accommodate the
                                                                                                                             needs of our Art, Graphic Communication, Photography
                                                                                                                             and Textiles courses. The building also houses Film
                                                                                                                             & Media suites, a cine room and classrooms for our
                                                                                                                             Classical Civilisation, Law, Sociology & History courses.

                                                                                                                             Xavier: Our science building. Home to Biology,
                                                             Ryken: Our dedicated Student Zone. Need some support?           Chemistry, Physics and Applied Science.
                                                             You’ll find everything you need here, from Student Services,
                                                             to Attendance, Pastoral and Careers. Ryken is also perfect      Teresa Quinn: Completed in 2020, this is
                                                             for independent study, you can choose from the Library or       our most recent addition to the campus.
                                                             the Study Centre, both have plenty of computers available.      Brand new facilities for Applied subjects
                                                                                                                             – Health and Social Care, Information

                                                             Sunbury: Built in the 1840’s, Sunbury is a ‘building            Technology and Criminology.

                                                   Park R
                                                             of historic interest’ to conservationists and is home
                                                             to Philosophy, Ethics and Theology and our Religious

A LEARNING                                                   Education Programme.

                                                     ad  o
                                                             Firwood: We are expanding our current canteen area to cover
ENVIRONMENT                                                  the whole of the ground floor of Firwood, providing you with
                                                             more social space. You can also find the Chaplaincy and Costa
FOR EVERYONE                                                 Coffee in this building.

                                                             Birtles: Renovated to cater for our Sport,
                                                             Geography, Music and Drama courses. It features
                                                             a drama studio, music studio, rehearsal rooms,
                         et                  ge
                     Stre                   n                recording studios, sports hall, fitness
                 e                       Ra
          Thurlo                   ce
                                      nt                     suite and several computer rooms.
                                                                                                    Birtles                                                17
Your future Prospectus 2022 Entry - Xaverian College
A CAMPUS                                                                          FIND OUT MORE                             DRAMA

                                                                                                                            Our exciting Drama department is an

                                                                                  ABOUT OUR
                                                                                                                            inspiring place to study and start your
                                                                                                                            acting career, but you don’t have to
                                                                                                                            study Drama with us to get stuck in
                                                                                  FIRST CLASS                               with our enrichment activities.

The Xaverian campus has undergone major changes in recent years.                  FACILITIES
Starting with Ryken, the last twelve years have seen a series of buildings and                                              SPORTS
                                                                                                                            Healthy body, healthy mind. Fresh air,
refurbishments that have transformed the Xaverian campus whilst maintaining the      FOOD & DRINK                           fun and fitness are so important to your
essential character of the site.                                                     When there’s so much going on
                                                                                                                            study success at Xaverian.
                                                                                     it’s important to stay refuelled and
The Teresa Quinn building, Mayfield, the redevelopment of the student common         refreshed. And Xaverian has left no
                                                                                     stone unturned when it comes to
room and Birtles are the most obvious changes, but throughout the campus             keeping you fed and hydrated.          ART & DESIGN
structural alterations and equipment changes have ensured that Xaverian remains                                             Life is a blank canvas. And finding both a
                                                                                                                            creative voice and the freedom to express
what it is – an excellent college with first-class facilities for its students.                                             yourself play a huge part of the Xaverian
                                                                                     DIGITAL SUPPORT                        student experience.
                                                                                     Everything you need to succeed is
                                                                                     available on our e-learning system.
                                                                                     It’s available wherever you are, and
                                                                                     whenever you need it.
                                                                                                                            Whether you’re on a music course or
                                                                                                                            simply want to play, we’ll give you all
                                                                                     STUDY CENTRE                           the time and facilities to find a rhythm.
                                                                                     The Study Centre spans two floors
                                                                                     and includes our library and the
                                                                                     Ryken Workroom.

                                                                                                                                                  Scan me
                                                                                                                                                 to access
                                                                                                                                                 more info

OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM                                                                                                   S,   FRANCE
                                                                                                   L A I N C Y - LOURDE
                                                                                             CHA P
We believe that learning goes beyond the classroom. Where possible, we
encourage you to attend trips and events that support your studies and enrich
your college experience. Over 150 trips took place in 2019 (pre-pandemic) with
the hope that many more will happen this academic year!

                                              SPORTS - THE LAKES

                                                                                                                                                   - VA L
                                                                                                                                                               A     , S PA
                                                                                                                   G         TON, USA
                                                                                                          - WASHIN

                                                                                 - ST IVES

FILM & MEDIA - LONDON                                                                                                                             21
WHAT SHOULD I STUDY?                                A-LEVELS OR APPLIED COURSES?
                                                                                                                                                                      DO W
                                                                                                                                                                     PRE OU
                                                    We offer both A-levels and Applied courses and both types of
                                                                                                                                                                   TO    FE
                                                    courses can be used to get into university. They both carry UCAS                                                  STU R
Whatever your ambition, we’ve got                   tariff points; an A-level Grade A is equivalent to an Applied course
A-levels and Applied courses (including             Distinction (A* is Distinction*).

BTEC/CTEC) to exceed your expectations.             A-LEVELS                                                             APPLIED COURSES
                                                    •   You can choose any combination of three A-level 		               •   There are three different options when
Xaverian courses are designed to give you               subjects, or even study them alongside Applied courses.              studying an Applied course:
the best possible foundation in your favourite      •   Some A-levels include some coursework but are mostly                    • Extended Diploma – equivalent to three A-levels
subjects to get you set for whatever your               graded through exams.
                                                                                                                                • Diploma – equivalent to two A-levels
future holds.                                       •   These courses are general and academic and ideal if you
                                                                                                                                • Extended Certificate – equivalent to one A-level
We work closely with universities                       want to keep your career choices open.
                                                                                                                         •   You can choose to study a mix of Applied courses and
to make sure that through our                       •   In some cases, it might be possible to study four A-levels
                                                                                                                             A-levels, as long as they add up to the equivalent of
courses, you’re geared up for                           but you will need to discuss this with our Admissions
                                                                                                                             three A-levels.
corresponding higher                                    Team upon application.
                                                                                                                         •   Applied courses are assessed by coursework,
education curricula.                                General entry requirements: Six good passes at GCSE
                                                                                                                             with some examined elements.
                                                    including two at grade 6 or above (check individual subjects
                                                    to see if they have any specific requirements).                      •   These courses are more practical and a great choice
                                                                                                                             if you already have an interest in a specific job area.

                                                 NEED TO RE-SIT ENGLISH OR MATHS?
                                                 You may be able to take a GCSE resit in Maths or English alongside your Advanced Level studies if necessary.
                                                 If you are from one of our feeder schools, we also have a limited range of Level 2 Vocational Courses, which
                                                 you can discuss on Open Day or by contacting the Admissions Office.
                                                 We also offer a Level 1 Foundation Course - see page 64 for more details.

                                                 ELECTIVE STUDY
                                                 You will also take part in elective study on top of your chosen study programme. This will include some
                                                 compulsory elements such as Pastoral Services and RE and some elective study. Elective study includes,
                                                 The EPQ, the Medics, Dentists, and Vets Programme, Languages and guided independent study.

   TARA FARREN                             SAMREEN MAJEED                              NICK PIKE                      ALEX MCMILLAN                              NOOR HASHMI                                   CLAUSSNITZER

   PREVIOUS SCHOOL                          PREVIOUS SCHOOL                        PREVIOUS SCHOOL                       PREVIOUS SCHOOL                          PREVIOUS SCHOOL                        PREVIOUS SCHOOL
        Fairfield High School                   Cedar Mount Academy                    The Blue Coat School               The Barlow RC High School                  Levenshulme High School             Co-op Academy of Manchester
All my teachers are so lovely, helpful     My favourite subject is Accounting    My proudest moment was receiving     My favourite subject is Graphics, this   My greatest memory has got to be the         My proudest moment at
 and they make all lessons exciting,     because it’s mentally challenging and      full marks on my Psychology         is because I see it as a hobby and      most amazing set of friends I made       Xaverian College is being able
   but my favourite subject is Law.      I enjoy that aspect. Furthermore Miss       end of topic assessment for      this makes it much easier to achieve      that have helped me throughout my          to join the student council.
 I am passionate about it and I find                                                                                                                             journey. I really couldn’t have done
                                         Reding’s passion for Accounting made             “Social Influence’.         high grades. Having to put the work
   it interesting. My teacher makes                                                                                                                                                                             SUBJECTS
                                                  me like it even more.                                               into something that you enjoy doing       it without them and I will always be
  lessons captivating and everyone                                                        SUBJECTS                                                                                                        Computer Science, German,
                                                                                                                            doesn’t feel like studying.               grateful for their support!
 is engaged. However I do love the                 SUBJECTS                      Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy,                                                                                            Maths, Physics
 creative side of Drama where I can          Accounting, Psychology, Law               Ethics and Theology                      SUBJECTS                                 SUBJECTS
     express myself and have fun.                                                                                        Applied Science BTEC, Graphic          Ancient History, History, Sociology            UNIVERSITY
                                                  UNIVERSITY                            UNIVERSITY                              Communication                                                                The University of Leeds
          SUBJECTS                           The University of Manchester             The University of Cardiff                                                         UNIVERSITY
         Business A-level,                                                                                                    UNIVERSITY                            The University of Edinburgh                 STUDYING
      Drama and Theatre, Law                       STUDYING                               STUDYING                       The University of Manchester                                                   Integrated masters in Computer
                                                      Economics                             Psychology                                                                   STUDYING                       Science and Artificial Intelligence
        UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              STUDYING                                      History
        Newcastle University                                                                                                      Architecture
                Law                                                                                                                                                                                             25
COURSE LIST                                                                 AC C O U N T I N G
                                                                                                                                                         Course content summary:
Accounting                      27   History                           46                                                                                    Component 1: Financial accounting
Ancient History                 28   Information Technology (CTEC)     47                                                                                    Component 2: Accounting for analysis
                                                                                                                                                             and decision-making
Biology                         29   Law                               48
                                                                                                                                                             Component 3: Recording accurate
Business                        30   Mathematics                       49                                                                                    financial transactions
                                                                                                                                                             Component 4: Preparing financial statements
Business (BTEC)                 31   Mathematics (Further)             50
                                                                                                                                                             Component 5: Monitoring business
Chemistry                       32   Media Studies                     51                                                                                    performance

Classical Civilisation          33   Modern Foreign Languages          52
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                                                                            MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND. THAT’S WHY                                                                       more info
Computer Science                34   Music                             53
                                                                            ACCOUNTING ADDS UP TO BEING A GREAT A-LEVEL.
Criminology (Applied Diploma)   35   Music Technology (BTEC)           54

Drama and Theatre               36   Philosophy, Ethics and Theology   55
                                                                            WHAT IS ACCOUNTING?                                                          WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
                                                                            Accountants tell the story of how a business succeeds through numbers.       It would be highly unlikely you didn’t want to consider a
Economics                       37   Photography                       56                                                                                finance-related degree. Many of our alumni become business,
                                                                            Accounting keeps track of finances. On this accounting course you’ll
                                                                                                                                                         maths and marketing undergraduates.
                                                                            learn how to interpret raw financial data, from transactions to taxes,
English Language/Literature     38   Physics                           57   using a fascinating array of tools and techniques to analyse an              As you’d expect, if you look after money, money will look
                                                                            organisation’s financial health.                                             after you. Jobs in finance typically offer above-average
English Language                39   Politics                          58                                                                                salaries compared to roles elsewhere demanding similar
                                                                            To get the most from this course you’ll be a whizz at maths, and love
                                                                                                                                                         levels of education.
English Literature              40   Psychology                        59   solving problems.

Film Studies                    41   Science (Applied BTEC)            60
                                                                            Every business needs ace accountants and financial experts.
                                                                            And there’s a good amount of job security in this world – because it’s
                                                                                                                                                              My favourite subject would be
                                                                            on you to make sure books are balanced and everyone gets paid. While         Accounting because it’s mentally
Fine Art                        42   Sociology                         61   you’ll be spending a lot of your time reporting on financial activity,
                                                                            accounting also requires creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
                                                                                                                                                         challenging and I enjoy that aspect.
French                          52   Spanish                           52                                                                                Furthermore Miss Reding’s passion
Geography                       43   Sport (BTEC)                      62   HOW YOU WILL STUDY:                                                          for Accounting made me like it
                                                                            As we learn many new techniques, classroom focus, allied to strong           even more.
German                          52   Textiles                          63   attendance and punctuality, is essential. You’ll learn through the
                                                                            repetition of questions from texts and past papers. The secret of            Samreen Majeed, Accounting A-level student, studying
Graphic Communication           44   Level 1 Foundation Course         64   success lies in the continual practise of these questions.                   Economics at The University of Manchester.

Health and Social Care (CTEC)   45   EPQ                               65
                                                                                  Course duration:            Course type:              Entry requirement:          Assessment methods:             Exam board:
                                                                                      2 years               Linear A-level            Grade 5 from Maths           2 final 3 hour exams                  AQA           27
A N C I E N T H I S T O RY                                                                                                                          B I O LO GY
                                                                             Course content summary:                                                                                                                                Example of course content:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Scan QR code for full course content
                                                                                  Greek period study: Relations between
                                                                                  Greek and non-Greek states, 492–404 BC (25%)                                                                                                          Component 1: Biological molecules

                                                                                  Greek Depth study: The Politics and Society                                                                                                           Component 2: Cells
                                                                                  of Sparta, 478–404 BC (25%)                                                                                                                           Component 3: Genetic information, variation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        relationships between organisms
                                                                                  Roman period study: The Julio-Claudian
                                                                                  Emperors, 31 BC – AD 68 (25%)                                                                                                                         Component 4: Organisms exchange substances with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        their environment
                                                                                  Roman Depth study: The Breakdown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Component 5: Energy transfers in
                                                                                  of the Late Republic, 88–31 BC (25%)                                                                                                                  and between organisms

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XAVERIAN AND ANCIENT HISTORY. WE GO WAY BACK.                                                                       more info                       YOU’RE REMARKABLE. NOW FIND OUT WHY AND HOW                                                                            more info

                                                                                                                                                    WITH BIOLOGY - THE STUDY OF LIFE.
WHAT IS ANCIENT HISTORY?                                                     WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
This is a history course like no other.                                      History students are held in high regard by universities due           WHAT IS BIOLOGY?                                                                HOW YOU WILL STUDY:
                                                                             to the courses’ academic nature. A lot of Xaverian students            We’re all simply a collection of organic compounds, converting energy           You will be provided with carefully prepared booklets of notes
They say truth is often stranger than fiction. You’d have no reason to
                                                                             become history, politics, law or teaching undergraduates.              to growth, change, and reproduction.                                            and past exam questions specific to the units being studied.
disagree after spending a couple of years on this course unearthing the
faintly believable, bloodthirsty world of the first five Roman emperors.     Humanities courses are great all-rounders in giving you skills                                                                                         Regular homework and tests are used to assess your progress
                                                                                                                                                    Yet every day we make life-changing discoveries. Biologists have helped
                                                                             that endure in any career you choose.                                                                                                                  and develop your interpretation of exam questions.
If there wasn’t documented evidence of it happening, you’d be inclined                                                                              us develop better medicines and treatments for diseases, understand
towards scepticism about the brutal, often-terrifying goings-on of           Ancient History students have gone on to work in the media,            how a changing environment might affect plants and animals, grow                All the Biology staff are enthusiastic, experienced teachers and
ancient Rome.                                                                such as the BBC, and even found work in other countries.               enough food for everyone and predict how sticking to an exercise                use a variety of learning resources including powerpoints,
                                                                             Other popular jobs include:                                            regime could change our bodies.                                                 online activities, DVD’s, animations and practical investigations.
It’s a real life story of good versus evil. Or is it? Who’s really good                                                                                                                                                             There are also fieldwork activities, lectures at universities and
                                                                                  Academic researcher               Museum curator or 		            This is a spectacular science. It’s built on chemistry, which is built on
and who’s evil? Taught by incredibly passionate historians, laced with                                                                                                                                                              visits to Chester Zoo and research institutes.
                                                                                  Archivist                         exhibitions officer             physics, on maths.
loads of fun, exciting projects, workshops and packed with movies that
bring these very-olden days to life, Ancient History will be a treat for
any student fascinated by culture, gaudy costumes and living tanks of
                                                                                  Archaeologist                                                     Choose Biology and you’re getting an access-all-areas pass to not only          WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
                                                                                                                                                    who we are, but how we got here.
bronze, spears and human muscle.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Specialise in a single organism type – perhaps through
                                                                                    Ancient History helped me prepare for                                                                                                           Zoology, the study of animals, Botany (plants), or Microbiology
HOW YOU WILL STUDY:                                                          university through thinking analytically and                                My favourite subject would be                                              (really tiny things called microorganisms).
                                                                             not taking everything at face value. I’m now a
The major difference with Modern History courses is the deeper focus                                                                                Biology because I enjoy learning about                                          Your future may be in any field – but one thing’s for sure: study
and reliance on the original sources, whether it be contemporary             primary school teacher and maintain my interest                                                                                                        biology and you’ll be entering it with your eyes wide open.
historians, archaeology, biographies or poetry. You’ll also learn to         in history.                                                            how life came to be.                                                                Zoologist                            Nanotechnologist
reference ancient and modern secondary scholars in essays, preparing                                                                                                                                                                    Doctor, dentist, or vet              Soil scientist
you well for further study at university.                                    Becky Bulman, who went on to study English at Birmingham University,   Bethany Holt, Biology A-level student, studying
                                                                             then completed a PGCE, and now works as a primary school teacher.      Biochemistry at The University of Edinburgh.                                        Neuroscientist                       Teaching lab technician

     Course duration:          Course type:                  Entry requirement:                  Assessment methods:             Exam board:        Course duration:          Course type:                     Entry requirement:                        Assessment methods:            Exam board:
28      2 years             Linear A-level          Grade 5 from English (4 considered)              3 final exams                   OCR                2 years             Linear A-level          Grade 6, 6, 6 from 2 Sciences and Maths              2 final 3 hour exams                 AQA      29
BUSINESS                                                                                                                                          BUSINESS BTEC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Course content summary:
                                                                               Course content summary:                                                                                                                          Extended Certificate (1 A-level equivalent)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                You will complete 4 units – 2 externally assessed
                                                                                  Component 1: Business Opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and 2 coursework units.
                                                                                  and Functions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Diploma (2 A-levels equivalent)
                                                                                  Component 2: Business Analysis and Strategy                                                                                                   You will complete 8 units – 3 externally assessed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and 5 coursework units.
                                                                                  Component 3: Business in a                                                                                                                    Extended Diploma (3 A-levels equivalent)
                                                                                  Changing World                                                                                                                                You will complete 13 units –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                4 externally assessed and 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                coursework units.

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                                                                                                                                                  WE’RE IN THE BUSINESS OF MOULDING THE NEXT                                                                      more info

                                                                                                                                                  GENERATION OF ENTREPRENEURS.
WHAT IS BUSINESS?                                                              WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?                                      WHAT IS BUSINESS BTEC?                                                     HOW YOU WILL STUDY:
Want your own start-up and thirsty for success? Wake up every                  You’ll be ready to expand your knowledge in many different         We’ll get you started by introducing business basics. Then we’ll move      The BTEC National is a practical course – you’ll learn by
day with product ideas and want to develop a team to get them on               areas. Most of our students go on to study business                straight into marketing – a cornerstone of successful businesses.          ‘doing’. We focus on the types of problems that any business
the market?                                                                    management, administration, accountancy and finance, HR,           We’ll investigate development, including market research and identifying   person would face on a daily basis and teach you the ways
                                                                               marketing and retail management degrees.                           the right audience, and product fit, making sure what you’re offering is   that you may solve those problems. Your challenge is to prove
On the Business A-level you’ll learn the formula for building                                                                                     what your customers need.                                                  your knowledge and understanding of business through the
winning enterprises.                                                           During your Business A-level you’ll be doing a lot of work                                                                                    coursework, task or exam as appropriate.
                                                                                                                                                  Then we’ll move into how businesses make money and staying on top of
                                                                               around analysis, marketing and researching. You’ll be fascinated
You’ll need a creative mind, one that’s focused both on the little details                                                                        your accounts and budgets.
                                                                               by data and people, and also the workings of commerce – both
and the bigger picture.
                                                                               at the start-up level, and also more established organisations.    Events management comes next, before we talk about trading across
                                                                                                                                                  the globe – an ever more integral part of entrepreneurship for many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
Modern businesses have a greater challenge than ever. It’s no longer           Law, retail and HR may be sectors that interest you.
                                                                                                                                                  companies in the 21st century.                                             Diploma and Extended Diploma students regularly choose
enough to find the right product or service. Your customers are more
                                                                                                                                                  Managing organisations and teams is next on the list, followed by your     to continue their studies in finance, accounting, marketing or
environmentally aware and cost conscious than ever. Finding a balance
is your challenge as an entrepreneur.                                               My favourite subject is Business                              responsibilities as a business – both to your customers as well as
                                                                                                                                                  ethically and environmentally.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             business-related degrees.

                                                                               because I’m very passionate about                                  Then we’ll look at winning ways with customer service. Delivering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The variety of skills you’ll gain on your BTEC Business course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             will prepare you to either jump straight into the job market or
HOW YOU WILL STUDY:                                                            knowing how organisations work and                                 exemplary experiences is what every organisation strives for – and we’ll
                                                                                                                                                  work together on some practical ways to exceed expectations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             get additional experience studying towards a degree.

We make sure you’re ready for the final exam through regular class
                                                                               how to create or promote a product                                                                                                            If you want to get started right away on your career, you’ll be
assessment. This includes online quizzes, in class assessment, formal          successfully.                                                            Hand your work on time and don’t settle for                          able to choose from many different roles.
end of unit assessments and mock exams.                                                                                                           passes or merits, always achieve the highest grades.                       You might even want to explore opportunities in higher or
                                                                               Cora Zhou, Business A-level student, studying Management                                                                                      degree apprenticeships.
                                                                               (Marketing) at The University of Manchester.                       Saptieu Sarr, Business BTEC student, studying Business
                                                                                                                                                  Management and Human Resources at the University of Leeds.

                                                                  Entry requirement:                                                                                                                    Entry requirement:               Assessment methods:
     Course duration:               Course type:                                                   Assessment methods:            Exam board:     Course duration:          Course type:                                                                                  Exam board:
                                                                Grade 5 from Maths,                                                                                                               Grade 4 from English and          Coursework assignments
30        2 years                 Linear A-level                                                  3 final 2hr15 exams               Eduqas            2 years            BTEC Advanced                                                                                        Pearson          31
                                                                Grade 5 from English                                                                                                                Maths recommended                     and exams
C H E M I S T RY                                                                                                                                 C L A S S I C A L C I V I L I S AT I O N
                                                                            Example of course content:
                                                                            Scan QR code for full course content                                                                                                                Course content summary:
                                                                                Physical Chemistry: Atomic Structure,                                                                                                              Component 1: The World of the Hero:
                                                                                Amount of Substance, Bonding, Energetics, Equilibria, 		                                                                                           Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid – 40%
                                                                                Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Electrode Potential
                                                                                Inorganic Chemistry: Periodicity, Group 2, Group 7, 		                                                                                             Component 2: Greek Theatre – 30%
                                                                                Period 3, Transition Metals, Ions in Aqueous Solution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Component 3: Beliefs and Ideas: Love and
                                                                                Organic Chemistry: Nomenclature,                                                                                                                   Relationships – 30%
                                                                                Reaction Mechanisms, Isomerism,
                                                                                Alkanes, Halogenoalkanes

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STUDY CHEMISTRY AT XAVERIAN. YOU’LL BE IN YOUR ELEMENT.                                                               more info                  A STUDY OF ANCIENT LIFE THROUGH POEMS,                                                                               more info

                                                                                                                                                 PHILOSOPHY, ART, ARCHITECTURE AND MUCH MORE…
WHAT IS CHEMISTRY?                                                          WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
What is pollination? How do we hear, taste, or feel touch?                  Careers for the scientifically minded span the range of              WHAT IS CLASSICAL CIVILISATION?                                                WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
What’s lighter, a kilogram of stones or a kilogram of feathers?             industries and job types.
                                                                                                                                                 What entertained, inspired and laid foundations for society as we know         Many Classical Civilisation students develop a real passion for
Everything we do is a chemical reaction. A transformation, of matter        You could find yourself in a chemistry-related role:                 it? If you love thinking deeply about the world around us and how it           Greek and Roman mythology.
– anything that takes up space and has mass.                                                                                                     came to be, you’ll have an absolute ball on this Classical Civilisation
                                                                                Analytical chemist                                                                                                                              This course is packed with art, literature, history, and comedy
Chemists need to know what makes up matter and why and how it                                                                                    A-level course.
                                                                                Chemical engineer                                                                                                                               intertwined with politics. That means there are plenty of
is transformed.                                                                                                                                  What’s surprising is how many of the issues affecting today’s society          aligned degree courses to consider.
Chemistry helps us understand, and make predictions about, our reality.         Chemistry teacher                                                have been around and debated for more than 2,000 years. We’ll discuss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                You’ll already be fascinated by society, culture and democracy,
Anyone curious about the world around us and how it works will be in            Development chemist                                              many of them on this course – from democracy to drama.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and how life has evolved through the ages – so you might also
their element on this Chemistry course.                                         Laboratory technician                                            This is a great course if you’re looking to hone your critical thinking –      consider your university future in courses such as philosophy,
                                                                                Research analyst                                                 and highly rated by higher education institutions. An increasing number        sociology and law.
HOW YOU WILL STUDY:                                                             Toxicologist
                                                                                                                                                 of Classical Civilisation students apply successfully to Oxbridge and
                                                                                                                                                 other Russell Group universities.                                                    I have found that Classics enables
All the Chemistry teachers are experienced and enthusiastic, and use a
                                                                            Or you could decide that your experience lends itself to work in
range of teaching methods to ensure that each individual student has the                                                                                                                                                        you to delve into the bigger questions about
very best chance of achieving their potential.
                                                                            an associated field:
                                                                                                                                                 HOW YOU WILL STUDY:                                                            human identity, what we consider happiness
                                                                                Forensic examiner or researcher
     A-levels are difficult but not                                                                                                              You’ll develop skills in critical analysis, presenting rigorous arguments,     and “what is wisdom?” – it has given me
                                                                                Police officer                                                   oral and written, and learn how to discuss a topic with clarity, patience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the opportunity to explore such content and
impossible; taking them on with                                                 Project engineer                                                 and sensitivity to the views of others.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                questions like no other subject has before.
determination is the best thing to do!                                          Technical associate                                              There is lots of discussion in the classroom, and we believe that extra-
                                                                                                                                                 curricular experiences and visits are particularly advantageous in             Emma Noone, A-level Classical Civilisation student, studying
Ismahaan Ahmed, A-level Chemistry student, studying Medicine                    Accountant                                                       opening your eyes to topics we study.                                          Archeology and Ancient Civilisations at Durham University.
at The University of Manchester

     Course duration:       Course type:                   Entry requirement:                       Assessment methods:            Exam board:   Course duration:          Course type:                    Entry requirement:                    Assessment methods:              Exam board:
32      2 years           Linear A-level         Grade 6, 6, 6 from 2 Sciences and Maths                3 final exams                 AQA            2 years             Linear A-level           Grade 5 from English (4 considered)                2 final exams                    OCR         33
COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                                                                                                      C R I M I N O LO GY
                                                                                Course content summary:
                                                                                Fundamentals of:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Course content summary:
                                                                                     Programming                           Theory of Computation                                                                                       Unit 1:
                                                                                     Computer Systems                      Consequences of using 		                                                                                    Changing awareness of crime
                                                                                     Data Representation                   Computing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit 2:
                                                                                     Computer Organisation 		              Big Data                                                                                                    Criminological theories
                                                                                     and Architecture                      Data structures
                                                                                     Communication and 		                  Databases                                                                                                   Unit 3:
                                                                                     Networking                                                                                                                                        Crime scene to courtroom
                                                                                     Functional Programming                                                                                                                            Unit 4:
                                                                                     Software Development 		                                                                                                                           Crime and punishment
                                                                                     and Algorithms

THEY SAY IN LIFE, MOST DECISIONS ARE NOT BINARY.                                                                  Scan me to access
                                                                                                                          more info                   IT’D BE A CRIME TO MISS THIS COURSE.
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WHAT IS COMPUTER SCIENCE?                                                       WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?                                         WHAT IS CRIMINOLOGY?                                                          HOW YOU WILL STUDY:
                                                                                                                                                      If it’s not enough just to say you’ve delved deep into the science of         All of the Criminology teachers are experienced, well qualified
There are few guarantees. But when it comes to secure and rewarding             Computer Science graduates are in high demand.                        deviant behaviour, Criminology is a subject that also provides you with       and have a track record of excellence. A wide variety of teaching
careers, getting smart in Computer Science is the closest you can get to one.   You can expect to be hired into roles such as:                        a solid appreciation of the application of psychological, sociological and    methods are used to ensure all our students learn effectively.
On this course you’ll first learn how computers work, including the                  Computer games tester                Systems analyst             even biological theories.                                                     You’ll be rigorously assessed throughout the course, with debate
language they speak and the components from which they’re made.                      IT service engineer                  Technical architect         Why do people do bad things? And what even is bad? Criminology isn’t          and discussion in class encouraged. You are helped to develop
We’ll discover how they’re connected to form networks – including the                Network manager                      Web developer               just about decoding what’s bad. It’s about who’s bad, and why, and how        independent learning and revision strategies, and additional
most famous network of all, the Internet – and how you can code pretty               Software developer                                               we can rehabilitate offenders or even prevent them in the first place         support out of class is encouraged.
much anything on basic frameworks.                                                                                                                    from committing nefarious acts.
                                                                                And you’ll likely be working in one of these sectors:
We’ll start simple, looking at problems, breaking them down, and
                                                                                     Wholesale and retail trade           Engineering
                                                                                                                                                      Criminology is the study of crime and criminal justice. It considers a        WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
writing code to solve them.                                                                                                                           broad range of topics related to offending and victimisation, including
                                                                                     Manufacturing                        Finance                                                                                                   The variety of subjects and sciences covered in this course
By the time you’ve completed this course you’ll be knowledgeable in                  Education                                                        their causes, social impact and prevention.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    will give you a wide range of choices at degree level. Students
coding and ninja-like in networking.                                                                                                                                                                                                regularly go on to study Sociology, Psychology, Law, Biology or
                                                                                       My greatest achievement would have to be                              One memory which I think is always going                               Forensic Science.
HOW YOU WILL STUDY:                                                             completing my Computer Science coursework.                            to stick with me is a trip I took in my first year to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Criminology students have a wide range of career options
                                                                                Due to lockdown and personal circumstances                            a Criminology Conference. The different aspects                               ahead. You might move into policing, working on the beat and
Half of all lessons will be of a practical nature. You’ll be introduced to
a new programming language and the environment. The programming                 I did not have as much time as I had hoped to                         of each speaker’s experiences and views left me                               rising up the ranks to become a detective.
language being taught is C# which is widely favoured by universities.           complete it, so when I did after a lot of hard work                   questioning so many things and opened a whole                                 Alternatively, you could use your sociology education to become
Initially you’ll be shown by your teacher how to enter a program,
                                                                                and dedication I was very pleased.                                    new door for me.                                                              a community development worker.
how to run a program, as well as the first steps in writing your own
programs. This will eventually lead to you developing solutions to              Bakhtawar Malik, A-level Computer Science student,                    Caitlin Williams, studying Psychology at the University of Lincoln.
more complex problems.                                                          studying Computer Science at University of Leeds.

                                                                Entry requirement:               Assessment methods:                                                                                                                               Assessment methods:
      Course duration:            Course type:                                                                                        Exam board:     Course duration:                 Course type:                   Entry requirement:                                            Exam board:
                                                          Grade 6 from Maths plus               2 final exams and a                                       2 years             Level 3 Applied Diploma                Grade 4 in English            50% exams, 50%                    Eduqas
34         2 years              Linear A-level                                                                                           AQA                                                                                                                                                       35
                                                              5 from Science                    coursework project                                                                                                                               controlled assessment
D R A M A A N D T H E AT R E                                                                                                                       ECONOMICS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Course content summary:
                                                                                Course content summary:                                                                                                                               Component 1:
                                                                                     Theatre Workshop:                                                                                                                                Introduction to markets and market failure
                                                                                     Practical examination and coursework                                                                                                             Component 2:
                                                                                     Text in Action:                                                                                                                                  The UK economy – performance & policies
                                                                                     Practical examination and coursework                                                                                                             Component 3:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Business behaviour & the labour market
                                                                                     Text in Performance:
                                                                                     Written examination                                                                                                                              Component 4:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A global perspective

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LEARN THE ART OF STAGECRAFT AND PUT ON A SHOW                                                                          more info                   ECONOMICS IS THE STUDY OF US, AND EVERY CHOICE                                                                       more info

WITH XAVERIAN.                                                                                                                                     WE MAKE.
WHAT IS DRAMA AND THEATRE?                                                      WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?                                      WHAT IS ECONOMICS?                                                              HOW YOU WILL STUDY:
Study Drama and Theatre at Xaverian and you won’t only be in great              Drama and Theatre is genuinely a life-changing experience,         The global human population has grown rapidly to 7.9 billion, and yet           Lessons will be varied and will include plenty of discussions,
company – you’ll also be following in the footsteps of some of the greatest     so many of our students go on to study performance-related         the world has scarce resources (land, water, food etc). What should             group work, presentations and independent study as well
contemporary actors ever to tread the boards, and share the spotlight, in       degrees. There are lots of universities that specialise in drama   we produce and how should these goods and services be distributed?              as teacher-led class lessons. A minimum of 20% of the
our city and far beyond.                                                        and dance courses.                                                 Economics is the study of how individuals and groups make decisions             overall assessment marks are targeted at the assessment
                                                                                Other Xaverian students have gone on to Law, Acting,               using their limited resources to best satisfy their wants, needs and desires.   of quantitative skills across the A-level, so a proficiency in
On this amazing A-level you’ll not only learn the intricacies of performance
                                                                                Psychology, English and Creative Writing courses.                                                                                                  mathematics is an essential.
and secrets of how a great show comes together, you’ll also get to star in                                                                         In Economics you’ll study issues which are at the heart of our wealth
them. Xaverian hosts two ritzy, glitzy productions each year.                   Popular roles for those devoted to drama include:
                                                                                                                                                   and wellbeing today; these range from wealth inequality to the impact
Don’t worry if you haven’t studied drama at GCSE. What we’re looking for is          Actor                             Presenter                   of globalization, the impacts of climate change to unemployment and             WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
                                                                                     Choreographer                     Runner                      inflation. You’ll explore markets, demand and supply, growth, profits,
a passion for performance. You may have loads of natural ability, untapped.                                                                                                                                                        A-level Economics students often study A-level Politics, Maths,
                                                                                     Community arts worker             Talent agent                cost, and how every aspect of economics influences our lives from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Further Maths, Business and Geography.
                                                                                                                                                   price of a product to employment to the policies we live by every day.
                                                                                     Music producer                    Theatre manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Many students go on to study Economics at university.
HOW YOU WILL STUDY:                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sometimes along with other subjects such as Philosophy,
                                                                                      My greatest memory at Xaverian is                                My favourite subject would be
You’ll be working in a practical setting, exploring texts, theatrical                                                                                                                                                              Politics, Finance or Management.
conventions and performance techniques. You’ll also evaluate and
                                                                                performing my Drama exam and watching my class                     Economics because it’s interesting and
                                                                                mates performances. We had worked really hard                                                                                                      People who have studied Economics are in demand are as
respond to a director’s approach to production by writing about the
rehearsal process, technical and design elements, the historical context        and our hard work paid off (hopefully). I was super                changes depending on current affairs.                                           they are particularly well-prepared for jobs in banking and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   financial sector, such as in accountancy firms.
of theatre, and the impact of the performers on the audience.                   proud of everyone and it was a really nice day.                    Angus Hall, Economics A-level student, studying Business
                                                                                Tara Farren, Drama A-level student, studying Law                   Economics at the University of Liverpool.
                                                                                at Newcastle University.

     Course duration:          Course type:                     Entry requirement:                  Assessment methods:             Exam board:     Course duration:          Course type:                   Entry requirement:                    Assessment methods:          Exam board:
36      2 years              Linear A-level           Grade 5 from English (4 considered)          Exams & coursework                  Eduqas           2 years             Linear A-level           Grade 6 from Maths, 5 from English               3 final exams                 OCR              37
E NGL I SH L ANGUAGE/LITER ATUR E                                                                                                                  E N G L I S H L A N G U AG E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Course content summary:
                                                                              Course content summary:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Component 1:
                                                                                  Component 1:                                                                                                                                    Language Variation (exam)
                                                                                  Voices in Speech and Writing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Component 2:
                                                                                  Component 2:                                                                                                                                    Child Language (exam)
                                                                                  Varieties in Language and Literature                                                                                                            Component 3:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Investigating Language (exam)
                                                                                  Component 3:
                                                                                  Investigating and Creating Texts                                                                                                                Component 4:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Crafting Language (coursework)

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                                                                                                                   more info                       THIS COURSE IS ALL ABOUT MAKING WORDS WORK                                                                       more info

                                                                                                                                                   FOR YOU. I’M LOVING IT. JUST DO IT.
WHAT IS ENGLISH LANGUAGE/LITERATURE?                                          HOW YOU WILL STUDY:
                                                                                                                                                   WHAT IS ENGLISH LANGUAGE?                                                   HOW YOU WILL STUDY:
Join our English Language/Literature course to study Shakespeare one          You’ll read a variety of texts and analyse how these texts
session, and then wield your own words to wax wonders on the world            create meaning. You’ll discuss a great deal with your tutors         If words dance off a page for you on discovering a beautifully crafted      English Language involves the study of short texts from
in the next session.                                                          and your classmates in small groups. You may even do                 sentence. If your friends feign frustration when you’re in surveillance     everyday life, so you never have to study a novel or a collection
                                                                              things such as role plays and presentations. You’ll need to          mode monitoring every sign for signatures of poor grammar.                  of poetry. The primary resource is you; how you use language,
If you’re passionate about communication, and love to read, this is a                                                                                                                                                          how you view the language use of others. Your own viewpoints
                                                                              work independently to craft your own writing and read and            Then this is the course for you.
course you’ll find irresistible.                                                                                                                                                                                               are encouraged by discussion, by your own research projects
                                                                              engage with the texts we have studied.
                                                                                                                                                   On the English Language A-level we’ll learn about how language has          and by supportive group work.
Learn from the masters, and then put those lessons to the test by
                                                                                                                                                   evolved through the lens of history, art, media and culture.
concocting a cocktail of your own creative craftsmanship.
                                                                              WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?                                        We’ll pore over texts old and new to trace the roots of our language and    WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
We’ll spend lots of time discussing ideas and language, and then use                                                                               how we have evolved in our speaking and writing.
those ideas to inform our own inspired output.                                After studying English Language/Literature, you can go on to                                                                                     Excited by etymology – the way language is used in society?
                                                                              a wide range of courses at university such as:                       What makes the English language so fascinating is its origins.              You’ll be ready to progress on to English undergraduate courses.
This is a magnificent and extensive introduction to both fields of                English Language and Literature              History             The construction of our vocabulary is chiefly derived from three others –
language and literature as one A-level. But Xaverian also offers English                                                                           French, Latin, and Germanic – such as Dutch.                                English Language A-level students often choose Sociology,
Language and English Literature as separate A-levels, meaning you                 Law                                          Drama                                                                                           Politics and History degrees – and branch out into various
could choose one or the other – or both, for double the fun!                      Psychology                                   Journalism                                                                                      Linguistics study programmes.
                                                                                                                                                         English Language is my favourite subject,                             Thousands of jobs need communication and persuasion, here are
                                                                                                                                                   it’s very unexpected in terms of content, very                              just a few examples:
     I have found studying English Language and Literature to be an extremely fulfilling                                                           interesting and learned a lot more that applies                                 Copywriter                          Media researcher
experience as it has given me the freedom to study a broad range of texts, as well                                                                 to my daily life.                                                               Editorial assistant                 Proof-reader
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Journalist                          Public relations manager
develop my own personal writing style.       Eva Roberts, English Language/Literature A-level student,                                             Ivy Singani, English Language A-level student, studying Architecture at         Librarian                           Social media manager
                                                                        studying Environmental Geoscience at Cardiff University.                   the University of Central Lancashire.                                           Marketing executive

     Course duration:        Course type:                  Entry requirement:                     Assessment methods:               Exam board:    Course duration:        Course type:                Entry requirement:                    Assessment methods:                Exam board:
38      2 years            Linear A-level          Grade 5 from English Language               2 exams and coursework                    Edexcel       2 years          Linear A-level        Grade 5 from English Language           3 final exams and coursework                 OCR        39
E N G L I S H L I T E R AT U R E                                                                                                                  FILM STUDIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Course content summary:
                                                                             Course content summary:                                                                                                                               Component 1: Varieties of Film.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   You will study six American and
                                                                                 Component 1: Drama                                                                                                                                British films

                                                                                 Component 2: Prose                                                                                                                                Component 2: Global Film making Perspectives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   You will study a mixture of six films
                                                                                 Component 3: Poetry                                                                                                                               Component 3: Creative Production. You will write,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   plan, direct and edit a short film.
                                                                                 Component 4: Coursework                                                                                                                           You will also study a series of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   short films

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CONTEMPLATING YOUR COURSE CHOICES? YOU’RE IN THE                                                              Scan me to access
                                                                                                                      more info                   FAWN OVER FILM NOIR? FANTASISE ABOUT 4K? IF MOVIES RULE                                                            more info

RIGHT PLACE. IT’S ABOUT TO GET LIT.                                                                                                               YOUR WORLD, YOU’LL LOVE THIS COURSE - FRAME BY FRAME.
WHAT IS ENGLISH LITERATURE?                                                  HOW YOU WILL STUDY:                                                  WHAT IS FILM STUDIES?                                                         HOW YOU WILL STUDY:
Let’s cut to the chase. If you love reading, delving into imaginary          English Literature involves the study of a wide range of texts       Study film and you’re opening the door to a new way of communicating.         After an introduction to the concept of studying film, we will
and historical worlds, and studying people and how they behave in            from a variety of historical and cultural traditions. You’ll read    The art of storytelling, on the screen.                                       move on to other areas including studies of new wave cinema
challenging and unusual situations, get this course on your shortlist.       extracts from the texts in class but there is also a strong                                                                                        and world cinema. This will be assessed through a combination
                                                                             emphasis on independent reading – particularly with regard           Film Studies takes you inside the minds of directors, each with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of essays and formal examinations. There is also the opportunity
If you adore sharing books you’ve read, dissecting and unpacking             to the novels on the course.                                         revolutionary story to share. And behind every terrific tale, symbolism
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to undertake creative practical work using the media editing
storylines with pals, and spending Sunday mornings so wrapped up in                                                                               and subtexts will have you pondering the hidden meanings, long after
                                                                             You’ll discuss the texts as a class and in groups. You’ll also                                                                                     suite and our digital video resources.
your texts that by the time you look up there’s a big Yorkshire pudding      learn how to write clear, concise and focused essays, which          the film has finished.
awaiting your arrival, there’s no better way to spend your study time        convey your opinions with flair and accuracy.                        You’ll quickly build a powerful appreciation of cinema at a profound level.
than with like-minded literary lovers in Maryland – Xaverian’s answer to
                                                                                                                                                  No film will ever be the same as you sharpen your saw in the worlds of        WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?
                                                                             WHAT CAN I DO AFTER XAVERIAN?                                        editing, sound, and mise-en-scene – everything in the frame (such as          You can continue your journey with a Film Studies degree.
English Literature is the definitive programme of study for those                                                                                 body language, light, set design, costume and composition).
voracious in the consumption of words.                                       Languages feature heavily in the choices of Xaverian                                                                                               There are also many other media and television degrees. If your
                                                                             students who have enjoyed English Language, English                                                                                                future is in film, you might look into Film Business degrees to
                                                                             Literature, and English Language/Literature.                                                                                                       better understand commercial aspects of the world you love.
        My favourite subject is definitely English                                                                                                     My favourite subject would have to be
                                                                             But equally, because of the characters and how we delve
Literature, as it enables me to project my academic                          deeply into their thoughts and behaviours, Philosophy and            Film Studies, I really enjoy the analytical                                   You might be considering a career in movies. The film industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                is huge. Not only might you find yourself on set – but you might
voice through a range of critical analysis on a variety                      Psychology are popular degree-level courses.                         studying of films and having the opportunity to                               also be associated with the wider world of movies, as a supplier,
of different texts, and so even if you don’t favour one                      The extensive experience you’ll gain in reading and
                                                                                                                                                  make my own film in the course work.                                          or even a casting agent. Other career options include:
topic, there is always multiple texts to fall back on.                       note-taking on this English Literature programme will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Broadcast presenter                 Film/video editor
                                                                             also give you the confidence to consider other kinds of
Emily-Rose Nadin, English Literature A-level student, studying Law           communications courses – such as Journalism, Marketing               Harry Gill, Film Studies A-level student, studying Drama and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Event manager                       Location manager
with Criminology at The University of Manchester.                            and Public Relations.                                                Film Studies at The University of Manchester.

                                                                                                    Assessment methods:                                                                                                                         Assessment methods:
     Course duration:           Course type:                    Entry requirement:                                                  Exam board:   Course duration:         Course type:                    Entry requirement:                                                    Exam board:
                                                                                                       3 final exams                                                                                                                           2 final exams plus
40       2 years              Linear A-level           Grade 5 from English Literature                and coursework                  Edexcel         2 years            Linear A-level          Grade 5 from English (4 considered)                                              Eduqas       41
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              practical coursework
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