STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University

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STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
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STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
Why study with us?

                          Ranked in the top 150 universities under 50 years old in the world.
                               Times Higher Education Young University Rankings

       Outstanding research achievements – rated ‘at world standard or above’ in 24 key research areas
                                 Excellence in Research for Australia 2015

                  Dedicated staff, great facilities and beautiful campuses on Australia’s east coast

                                                Inclusive and socially aware
                              5 star rating for social equity Good Universities Guide 2017

             Consistently rated in the top two Australian universities for international student support
                                      International Student Barometer 2016

                                                  Key dates
                                                                      Open July 2017
 Rising Stars Scholarship applications
                                                                      Check website for closing dates:
 for 2018

 UAC and QTAC on-time applications                                    Open early August 2017
 for 2018 entry (Session 1)                                           Close late September 2017
 Late UAC and QTAC applications incur an extra fee

 STAR Early Entry opens                                               Early July 2017

 STAR Early Entry offers                                              Early December 2017

 Southern Cross University Info Days                                  4, 5 and 7 December 2017 (see page 53)

 UAC and QTAC main round offers                                       Mid January 2018
 For the full list of offer rounds visit the UAC and QTAC websites

 Session 1 2018 teaching dates                                        5 March – 1 June 2018
 Orientation                                                          26 February – 2 March 2018

 Session 2 2018 teaching dates                                        2 July – 28 September 2018
 Orientation                                                          25 – 29 June 2018

 Session 3 2018 teaching dates                                        29 October 2018 – 15 February 2019
 Orientation                                                          22 – 26 October 2018

All dates in the table above are provisional only and may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date information visit the
Southern Cross University teaching calendar page:
UAC and QTAC dates may also be subject to change. For information visit: or
STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
Southern Cross University
Southern Cross University is a contemporary and connected            approach to creating careers for the future.
regional research university.
                                                                     Our campuses are located at the southern Gold Coast, Lismore
Our approach is distinctly personalised. At our University, you’re   and Coffs Harbour, in regions renowned for their unparalleled
a name not a number and you will be well supported in your           beauty and diversity, providing living laboratories for learning
studies by our dedicated staff.                                      and creative hubs for artistic endeavour, embracing our
                                                                     students with a sense of belonging and community.
Bold and progressive – and at just 23 years of age – Southern
Cross is one of the Asia-Pacific’s top 100 universities, according   The University also operates The Hotel School and branch
to the inaugural 2017 Times Higher Education (THE) Asia-             campuses in Sydney and Melbourne, and delivers many
Pacific University Rankings. THE also rated Southern Cross           degrees in dynamic online form.
among the world’s top 150 universities under 50 years of age in
                                                                     We attract international students from more than 50 countries
its 2017 Young University Rankings.
                                                                     who study with us in Australia.
The University’s research profile includes ratings of ‘at world
                                                                     Whether studying on campus, online, or both, we offer exciting
standard or above’ in 24 research fields in the most recent
                                                                     and high quality learning experiences at a new-generation
national evaluation. This research empowers our learning and
                                                                     university that’s perfect for you.
teaching, our engagement with the wider world and our ethical

                      Southern Cross University acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
                              as the Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.

                                                               | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018               1
STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
    About Southern Cross University                          1
    Contents                                                 2
    2018 undergraduate degrees list                          3
    Campuses                                                 4
    Studying with us                                         8
    Global opportunities                                     9
    Scholarships                                             9
    STAR Early Entry                                        10
    Head-Start                                              10
    Five steps to Southern Cross University                 11
    2018 undergraduate degrees                              13
    UniLife                                                 40
    Elite Athletes and Performers                           42
    Career Development Service                              42
    SCU Health Clinic                                       43
    Student Access and Inclusion                            43
    Chaplaincy Service                                      43
    Indigenous Australian Student Services                  44
    Accessing your university                               45
    Alumni                                                  45
    Developing academic skills                              46
    Library services                                        46
    UniMentor program                                       46
    Accommodation                                           47
    Cost of attending uni                                   48
    How to plan your budget                                 49
    Research and postgraduate study                         50
    Unispeak – common university terms                      52
    Southern Cross University Info Day and Discovery Day    53

2         Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
  Undergraduate degrees (Bachelor and Associate degrees)
    Arts & Social Sciences                         14         Education                                        22         Health Sciences &
    Media & Creative Arts                                     B Arts/B Education (Primary/Early                           B Biomedical Science
    B Digital Media and Communications                        Childhood)
                                                                                                                          B Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies)
                                                              B Arts/B Education (Primary)
    B Contemporary Music                                                                                                  B Psychological Science
                                                              B Arts/B Education (Primary/Secondary)
    B Art and Design                                                                                                      B Psychological Science, B Laws NEW
                                                              B Arts/B Education (Secondary)                              B Sport and Exercise Science
    B Laws and Creative Writing NEW
                                                              B Technology/B Education (Secondary)                        B Sport and Exercise Science, B Laws
    Humanities & Social
    Sciences                                                                                                              Law & Justice                                       34
                                                              Environment, Science &                           24
    B Arts                                                    Engineering
                                                                                                                          B Laws
    Associate Degree of Creative Writing
                                                              Environmental, Forest &                                     B Legal and Justice Studies
    B Social Science
                                                              Marine Sciences                                             Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies)
    B Social Welfare                                          B Environmental Science                                     B Arts, B Laws
    B Arts, B Laws
                                                              B Forest Science and Management                             B Business, B Laws
    B Business, B Arts                                                                                                    B Legal and Justice Studies, B Laws
                                                              B Marine Science and Management
    B Social Science, B Laws                                                                                              B Social Science, B Laws
                                                              B Environmental Science/B Marine
                                                              Science and Management                                      B Sport and Exercise Science, B Laws
    Associate Degree of Arts
                                                              B Science                                                   B Psychological Science, B Laws NEW
    Business & Tourism                             18                                                                     B Laws and Creative Writing NEW
                                                              Associate Degree of Science
    Business                                                  Diploma of Science                                          Gnibi College of Indigenous 38
    B Accounting
                                                              Engineering                                                 Australian Peoples
    B Business                                                B Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering                B Indigenous Knowledge
    B Digital Business NEW                                    B Engineering (Honours) in Coastal
                                                              Systems Engineering NEW                                     SCU College                                         39
    B Business, B Arts
                                                              B Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical
    B Business, B Laws                                        Engineering                                                 Associate Degree of Arts
    Associate Degree of Business                                                                                          Associate Degree of Business
                                                              Health & Human Sciences                          28
    Information Technology                                                                                                Associate Degree of Health
    B Information Technology                                  Nursing & Midwifery
                                                                                                                          Associate Degree of Science
                                                              B Midwifery
    Associate Degree of Information                                                                                       Diploma of Science
    Technology                                                B Nursing
    Tourism                                                   B Nursing (for enrolled nurses)
    B Business in Tourism and                                 Allied Health
    Hospitality Management
                                                              B Occupational Therapy
    B Business in Hotel Management
                                                              B Pedorthics

                                                              B Podiatry

                                                              B Speech Pathology

                                                              Associate Degree of Health

Important Notices
1. The information in this brochure was correct at the time of publishing (August 2017). All University courses may be subject to change by the University and the
information provided in this brochure should be used as a guide only. To the extent permitted at law, the University excludes all liability (including all losses, damages,
costs and expenses of whatever nature) arising from the use of, or reliance on, any of the Information contained in this brochure.
Copyright Southern Cross University August 2017 SCU6380
2. This publication is intended for Australian domestic students only. Students from other countries should not rely on this information as it may not be applicable.
International students should contact SCU International or visit SCU International’s website for information that is applicable to them
about courses, accommodation, support services and how to apply.

                                                                                      | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                                     3
STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
Gold Coast

Progressive, fresh and contemporary, the Gold Coast campus
provides an exciting learning environment.                        About the Gold Coast region
You will study in state-of-the-art facilities just minutes away
                                                                  A sun-loving sub-tropical city of beaches, rainforest,
from North Kirra Beach and a short walk to Gold Coast
                                                                  parkland and thriving business and retail activity, the
                                                                  Gold Coast is the sixth largest city in Australia with a
If you are studying one of our health science degrees, you        population of more than half a million people. Sport and
will learn in discipline-specific laboratories with high-tech     entertainment, including major theme parks, are part of
interactive models to provide simulated training experiences,     the relaxed lifestyle. The Gold Coast will host the 2018
specialist labs, professional standard manufacturing facilities   Commonwealth Games.
for footwear and orthotic supports, midwifery birthing suites
and industry-standard equipment for sports science, speech
pathology and occupational therapy.
Degrees are also offered in arts, business and tourism,
education, IT, law, social science and social welfare.
                                                                  Campus tours and video
The SCU Health Clinic provides opportunities for clinical
                                                                  Come on over for a personal campus tour and
experience for our students studying health degrees. It also
                                                                  check out our Gold Coast campus video here:
provides professional allied health services to the general
public, students and staff.
                                                                  T: 1800 626 481

4          Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University

Our Lismore campus in its beautiful rainforest setting hums with
vitality. It exudes a creative vibe befitting the music, media and   About the Lismore region
visual arts degrees for which it is renowned.
                                                                     Lismore in the Northern Rivers of NSW, with its
It is also home to state-of-the-art engineering and
                                                                     surrounding villages and nearby coastal towns of
environmental science facilities where you will find laboratories
                                                                     Byron Bay and Ballina, is a superb location to live and
for activities as diverse as concrete stress testing and
                                                                     study. Artistic, alternative and socially active, Lismore is
hydraulic water flow modelling, to 3D printing and synchrotron
                                                                     renowned for its proximity to sub-tropical World Heritage
technology that offers access to the nanoscale world.
                                                                     rainforests, access to stunning beaches and signature
Our sports science and nursing facilities, where students learn      events such as Splendour in the Grass, Byron Bay
in specialist labs, simulated hospital wards and use the latest      Bluesfest, Byron Writers Festival, Mullumbimby Music
high-tech models, are second-to-none.                                Festival and Lismore Lantern Parade.
The Learning Centre and library complex, heated pool and
gym, and lush grounds with an abundance of wildlife, provide a
unique setting in which to study.
                                                                     Campus tours and video
The SCU Health Clinic provides opportunities for clinical
                                                                     Come on over for a personal campus tour and
experience for our students studying health degrees. It also
                                                                     check out our Lismore campus video here:
provides a bulk billing GP practice and professional allied health
services to the general public, students and staff.
                                                                     T: 1800 626 481
Lismore campus is home to Gnibi College of Indigenous
Australian Peoples.

                                                            | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                5
STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
Coffs Harbour

Intimate and friendly, our Coffs Harbour campus is a place
where you instantly feel at home.                                   About the Coffs Harbour region
Uniquely located with North Coast TAFE and a senior high
                                                                    Located halfway between Brisbane and Sydney, where
school, this coastal campus is surrounded by a beautiful natural
                                                                    the escarpment of the Great Dividing Range meets
environment, with an abundance of birdlife, amazing beaches
                                                                    the Pacific Ocean, Coffs Harbour is a popular tourist
and views of the Pacific Ocean from the hilltop above the
                                                                    destination. Beautiful beaches and a lush coastal
                                                                    hinterland offer a relaxed and friendly lifestyle in this well
You will study in a contemporary setting with discipline-specific   serviced city of about 73,000 people which offers many
equipment and facilities including a midwifery birthing suite and   outdoor pursuits such as camping, bushwalking and
anatomy, physiology and neuroscience laboratories for nursing,      water sports.
midwifery and psychological science. Courses also include sport
and exercise science, education, business and tourism.
The Gathering Space in the heart of the campus is the ideal
place for student activities, or head to the UniLounge to relax     Campus tours and video
with friends.
                                                                    Come on over for a personal campus tour and
                                                                    check out our Coffs Harbour campus video here:

                                                                    T: 1800 626 481

6          Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
The National Marine Science Centre
The National Marine Science Centre is part of Southern Cross       The Centre has state-of-the-art teaching facilities, climate-
University’s School of Environment, Science and Engineering.       controlled laboratories, aquaculture facilities including a
Located in Coffs Harbour, close to the beach, the Centre sits      commercial hatchery, a public aquarium and a world-class flow-
on the edge of the beautiful Solitary Islands Marine Park. These   through sea water system.
islands have a unique range of tropical and temperate habitats     Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees equip a new
such as corals and kelp forests – the perfect environment for      generation of marine scientists with the knowledge and skills
marine research and education programs. In fact the National       to address marine sustainability issues and develop our
Marine Science Centre is one of the world’s best-located           understanding of marine and coastal life.
facilities for studying coastal and marine habitats and their

The Hotel School Sydney | Melbourne
Southern Cross University teaches the Bachelor of Business          and Royal Botanic Gardens on its doorstep. It is also in close
in Hotel Management at The Hotel School Sydney and The              proximity to a range of major hotels.
Hotel School Melbourne in partnership with Mulpha Australia.        The Hotel School Melbourne is in the heart of Melbourne’s
This full-fee-paying course focuses on management practice in       central business district with the Yarra River, art galleries,
hospitality industries and the skills needed for employment in a    museums, public parks and gardens, and major hotels all in
competitive and changing global business environment.               close proximity.
The Hotel School Sydney is positioned in the heart of the           Visit:
central business district, with Sydney Harbour, the Opera House

                                                             | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                7
STUDY GUIDE 2018 UNDERGRADUATE - - Southern Cross University
Studying with us
Southern Cross University offers a range       You may take part in face-to-face lectures,      computers) and tap into our extensive
of degrees including Bachelor degrees          workshops and tutorials, collaborative           wireless network. Certain degrees are
(your first degree) and postgraduate           peer projects, laboratory work, field trips      offered fully in online mode for students
degrees (by coursework and by research).       and residential workshops. Courses may           who cannot make it onto campus or are
Studying involves a range of learning          include interactive video-conference             balancing work and other commitments.
experiences which may vary based on            lectures, podcasts and discussion forums.        Most degrees include opportunities for
your course of study, your location and        You can bring your own device onto               gaining professional experience and
your mode of study.                            campus (or use one of our on-campus              building networks.

    As a Southern Cross University student you may:

    • attend lectures and tutorials on campus or online              • 	be inspired by a guest speaker who is a leader in their
    • 	watch a recorded lecture to catch up on content you may          field on campus or direct to your desktop or mobile device
        have missed or want to see again                             • 	connect with course materials, quizzes and online
    • 	access an extensive range of online or print resources to        resources via your personalised learning portal
        support your learning                                        • 	gain credit towards your degree through a paid or unpaid
    • 	consult with your lecturer in person, by phone or online         internship or work placement
        via Skype                                                    • 	take part in field trips
    • 	work in a team with your peers on campus or virtually on     • 	participate in performances or exhibitions
        a joint project or for a collaborative study session         • attend residential workshops.

8           Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
Zac Wone
                                                                                               Bachelor of Legal and Justice

Global opportunities                                                                           Studies
                                                                                               International exchange
There are exciting options if you want         internship, or try a short-term program.        Project Coordinator,
to broaden your experience through             Short-term programs are offered through         The BLACK Workshop
studying overseas. International               most of our Academic Schools and give
exchange is available at our partner           you the opportunity to go abroad for            “For the last year of my degree, I
universities around the world, if you          one week or up to a month – generally           studied at Kansai Gaidai University in
have successfully completed one year of        as part of a group. If you are studying         Osaka.
study at Southern Cross University – and       business or tourism, our hospitality            “Living and studying in Japan for a year
the good news is that you may receive          internships enable you to complete              is an opportunity I’m definitely grateful
academic credit for your studies abroad.       part of your study overseas. For more           to the University for. It’s a humbling
You can go for one or two teaching             information visit:                              experience, having to adapt to another
sessions, undertake a professional                            culture and relying on local people
                                                                                               to help you navigate an unfamiliar

Scholarships                                                                                   “It built my confidence. That experience
                                                                                               helps me empathise with people who
Southern Cross University has                  links on our scholarships page. With just       are trying to navigate the mainstream
scholarships for undergraduate,                one application, commencing students            system, whether they are new to
postgraduate and Indigenous Australian         are in the running for all Rising Stars         Australia or traditional Aboriginal people
students. There are also scholarships          scholarships for which they are eligible.       from remote communities.”
available to help you study overseas for a     Equity scholarships are also available,         Today, Zac works as the project
short period as an international exchange      providing support for students who have         coordinator of The BLACK Workshop,
student.                                       experienced disadvantage. Students              a youth leadership program. BLACK
The value of scholarships and the basis        interested in an equity scholarship should      stands for Bold Leadership, Awareness,
of selection varies. Through our Rising        apply at UAC (University Admissions             and Cultural Knowledge. The program
Stars program, scholarships are made           Centre) Equity Scholarships:                    is designed to raise awareness of
available by the University, industry                           Australian South Sea Islander history
providers and generous donors who                                                              through education and cultural
                                               Or via the QTAC Educational Access
believe in the value of education.                                                             participation. The program won the
While the selection criteria may differ, all                                                   NSW Council for Pacific Communities
                                               A range of Australian Government and            2016 Award for Community Events –
Rising Stars scholarships are designed
                                               industry scholarships is also available.        Youth.
to recognise academic achievement,
community involvement and leadership.          W:
                                                                                               Zac is also the Deputy Vice President
They encourage student success as well         T: Future students: 1800 626 481                and Youth Representative of the
as support students with demonstrated          E:                      Australian South Sea Islanders – Port
financial or other disadvantages.
                                                                                               Jackson organisation.
All students are encouraged to apply for
a scholarship and the process is simple.
You can apply online by following the
                                                                | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                9
Koen Sleba
                                                                                               Indigenous Head-Start grant
                                                                                               Tackling a university subject while still
                                                                                               in high school seemed like a worthy
                                                                                               goal for footy-mad student Koen

                                                                                               With the help of his Banora Point High
                                                                                               School career advisor he was able to
                                                                                               put the right foot forward and keep
STAR                                             Head-Start                                    his eye on the ball.

Early Entry                                      If you are in Year 11 or 12 and would
                                                 like an early taste of university life, SCU
                                                                                               The 19-year-old student council
                                                                                               leader studied a first-year business
                                                                                               subject at Southern Cross University,
STAR Early Entry enables Year 12                 Head-Start could be for you!
                                                                                               while maintaining his Year 12 HSC
students who attend a Southern Cross             Free from university fees, the program        studies and representative sports
University partner high school to gain           provides you with an opportunity to gain      commitments.
early admission to the University on             direct entry and advanced standing
the basis of their school Principal’s                                                          Koen was a recipient of a Head-Start
                                                 in a variety of our courses, stimulate
recommendation.                                                                                Indigenous Study Grant in 2016. His
                                                 your interest in academic pursuits, and
                                                                                               successful completion of the Head-
Students who attend school in the                enhance your educational performance
                                                                                               Start program gave him direct entry to
Greater Gold Coast, Northern Rivers, Mid         and long-term aspirations.
                                                                                               study a Bachelor of Clinical Sciences
North Coast, Upper Hunter, Namoi, New            The program has been designed for
                                                                                               (Osteopathic Studies).
England, or North West NSW regions are           students who have the academic
eligible to apply. For a full list of eligible   capability to succeed at university.          “The University has helped me a lot
schools visit:               Applicants will be selected on merit,         through the Head-Start program and
Most of our undergraduate courses                based on their academic performance,          the early entry offer takes the pressure
are available through STAR. Your STAR            a personal statement and the                  off a little bit.
registration is free. If you’re successful,      recommendation of their Principal.            “The program has helped me to know
you won’t need to wait to find out your          The program starts with a unique              what to expect at university and what
Year 12 results before you start making          orientation and provides ongoing              is expected of me – it has made me
plans for university. We will notify QLD         support to assist you to develop as a         more eager to study at Southern
students in mid-October and NSW                  confident and independent learner. You        Cross University.”
students in mid-November of the                  will have the opportunity to connect with
outcome of their application.                    like-minded high-achieving students
                                                 through a range of social and academic
How do I apply?
                                                 networking activities.
STAR registrations open in July each year
                                                 For more information about available
– go to the course of your choice at
                                                 subjects and to register your interest: and click
on the STAR Entry button on the course           W:
information page, or visit the STAR              E:

10          Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
5         steps to Southern Cross

                         Choose a course
                         • Visit and check out:
                             q   Course options
                             q   Major areas of study
                             q   Locations and teaching sessions
                             q   Professional placements and internships
                         • Talk to your school career advisor or guidance officer.

Find out more
• Ask us a question in person, online or by phone: 1800 626 481
• Visit our U & YOUR FUTURE website
• Book a guided campus tour
• Attend a Southern Cross University Info Day (see page 53)
• Explore scholarship opportunities and entry pathways.

                         To study on campus (full-time or part-time) apply via
                         UAC or QTAC
                         To study online, apply direct to the University.

Accept your offer
• If successful, you will receive an offer from Southern Cross
  University via email. The email will give you all the information
  you need to accept your offer.

                         Enrol in units
                         • After you have accepted your offer, you will need
                           to enrol in the units (subjects) you want to study.

                                             | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018   11
Degrees which put you
in the workplace

                     Considering what career and which course is
                     right for you can be a challenge. Our website can
                     put you on the right track.

     Hear from current and former students
     and use our tools to help you explore,
     be inspired and make decisions about
     what to do and when, from considering
     careers and courses through to
     application and enrolment.

12       Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
2018   degrees
                        There are many ways to apply to
                        Southern Cross University.

                        Applicants may be considered for
                        admission based on their ATAR/OP
                        score; previous secondary, TAFE or
                        tertiary study; interview, audition,
                        questionnaire or portfolio; or pathway
                        programs like Preparing for Success.

                        Also, STAR Early Entry enables Year
                        12 students who attend a Southern
                        Cross University partner high school
                        to gain early admission based on their
                        school Principal’s recommendation.

                        If you are a current school leaver from
                        within the University’s footprint, five
                        bonus points will be added to your
                        ATAR score or two bands to your OP.
                        Please note the ATAR/OPs published
                        by the Tertiary Admissions Centres
                        may vary from those in this study
                        guide, which were ‘indicative only’
                        at the time of publication. For the
                        latest entrance ranks and course
                        information, visit:

                        The Educational Access Scheme
                        (EAS) run by UAC and QTAC can also
                        help disadvantaged students gain
                        access to Southern Cross University.
                        For further information visit:
               | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018            13
Arts & Social Sciences
Degrees which put you in the workplace
Supervised professional placements                   digital media industries. Contemporary         or study for a session at universities
enable our arts and social sciences                  music students work with music                 overseas. Opportunities exist for students
students to engage with their respective             organisations, at major national and           in the Bachelor of Arts to undertake
industries, put theory and knowledge                 international venues, and produce and          professional placements in a range
of their chosen discipline into practice,            perform music throughout their studies.        of community organisations. Social
and establish contacts and networks to               Creative writing students can undertake        science students can gain experience
prepare for entry to the workforce.                  writing tasks and other activities including   in government departments and non-
Digital media and communications                     at the Byron Writers Festival and              government community organisations,
students undertake placements at radio               with Northern Rivers Performing Arts           while social welfare students undertake
and television stations, newspapers                  (NORPA). Art and design students can           placements in a range of settings to meet
and on film and music video shoots to                undertake internships with the dynamic         professional accreditation requirements.
equip them for working in a range of                 arts industries of the NSW North Coast

     Emily Imeson
     Bachelor of Visual Arts
     (Now Bachelor of Art and Design)

     Emily Imeson approaches her
     practice with equal parts passion and
     determination. “My dream is to be a self-
     sufficient artist. I spend roughly 40 hours a
     week on my business – painting, research
     plus completing grant and scholarship

     ‘Portraits of Landscapes’ was Emily’s first
     solo exhibition. “I developed my exhibition
     proposal while at University. Writing that
     proposal helped me stay on track and
     achieve what I wanted.”

     Emily’s focus has been rewarded with a
     NSW Young Regional Artist Scholarship
     from the NSW Government. Her project,
     ‘Experienced Landscapes’, includes a
     painting residency at Hill End, research
     trips across regional NSW to develop
     landscape painting skills, a mentorship
     with two artists and an exhibition in two
     years’ time.

     She is full of praise for the University’s
     facilities and teachers. “Second and third-
     year students have their own studio space
     in V Block to experiment and explore,
     create a mess and leave it, to bounce
     ideas off other students. Having that
     conversation running creates a really nice
     energy. It’s up to you to make the most of
     your very generous teachers.”

     Emily completed her visual arts degree in
     just two years, after receiving advanced
     standing for a TAFE advanced diploma.

14           Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
Media & Creative Arts
 Degrees                      Career Opportunities                                                                         UAC/QTAC    Units   Duration

                                                                                 Gold Coast
                                                                                                                             codes              (years)


 Indicative ATAR/OP                                                                                                                            F: full-time
                                                                                                                                               P: part-time

 B Digital                   Graduates will typically find careers in a                       3                   3*       UAC:         24       3F/6P
 Media and                   range of digital media industries – from                                                      333103
 Communications              film, music videos, TV, radio, newspapers,                                                    QTAC:
                             magazines, blogging and graphic design,                                                       053041
 ATAR: 68
                             to marketing, advertising and public
 OP: 13
 B Contemporary          As performers, songwriters, producers,                               3                            UAC:         24       3F/6P
 Music                   sound engineers, music educators, session                                                         333101
                         musicians, musical directors, arrangers,                                                          QTAC:
 ATAR: 68                music event promoters, band and venue                                                             053011
 OP: 14                  managers.
 Entry to the            Graduates who complete the required
 performance and
                         units can study the Master of Teaching and
 streams is by audition/ teach secondary school music.

 B Art and Design            Graduates typically become practising                            3                            UAC:         24       3F/6P
                             artists and fine art researchers within                                                       333102
                             the context of contemporary practice.                                                         QTAC:
 OP: N/A
                             Students exhibit in the Graduate Exhibition                                                   053021
 Entry to this course is     and can undertake research projects.
 by portfolio/interview.

 NEW IN 2018                 Graduates will be skilled as lawyers who            3            3                   3^       UAC:         32       4F/8P
                             can write well and as writers who can think                                                   GC 336164
 B Laws and
                             and argue strategically. They can pursue                                                      L 336115
 Creative Writing
                             opportunities in fields such as intellectual                                                  QTAC:
                             property, commercial or academic                                                              GC 056371
                             publishing, corporate communications, as                                                      L 056211
                             well as legal work in a range of creative
                             industries, government departments and
                             professional practices.

GC = Gold Coast L = Lismore CH = Coffs Harbour
* Some units include compulsory residential workshops for online students.
  Both online and on-campus students attend compulsory workshops for some law units.

                                                                                    National campus band competition

                                                                                    Southern Cross University musicians have achieved
                                                                                    success at the National Campus Band Competition (NCBC)
                                                                                    for the past two decades. Most recently, our bands won
                                                                                    the QLD state final three years in a row – Ladyslug (2016,
                                                                                    pictured left), Nocturnal Tapes (2015) and Parkside
                                                                                    Orchestra (2014) – with Nocturnal Tapes and Parkside
                                                                                    Orchestra crowned national winners.
                                                                                    NCBC alumni from the University include Grinspoon,
                                                                                    WHARVES, The Swamp Stompers, The Simpletons, The
                                                                                    Downstairs Mix-up, Proem, and Chenlab.
                                                                                    Notching up 23 years, NCBC is the only band competition
                                                                                    in the southern hemisphere to run on Australian university
                                                                                    and TAFE campuses across the country; 400 bands from
 LADYSLUG, left to right: Ben Jackson, Lachlan Dwyer, Luke Rosten, Kodi Twiner      more than 40 institutions have competed live in that time.

                                                                        | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                         15
Humanities & Social Sciences
 Degrees                      Career Opportunities                                                                          UAC/QTAC    Units   Duration

                                                                                  Gold Coast
                                                                                                                              codes              (years)


 Indicative ATAR/OP                                                                                                                             F: full-time
                                                                                                                                                P: part-time

 B Arts                      In communication industries, community               3 3                              3        UAC:         24       3F/6P
                             relations, journalism, cultural policy,                                                        GC 333161
 ATAR: 68
                             management and administration, publishing,                                                     L 333100
 OP: 14
                             public service, multimedia design, creative                                                    QTAC:
                             and cultural industries, politics, social justice                                              GC 053161
                             and human rights, and secondary school                                                         L 053001
                             teaching (with further study).
 Associate Degree            As a writer of novels and scripts; food,                          3                   3        UAC:         16       2F/4P
 of Creative                 nature, art or travel writer; feature                                                          333301
 Writing                     journalist; critic and reviewer; essayist;
                             poet; editor and publisher; or writer for
 ATAR: 63                                                                                                                   053301
                             marketing and public relations, the public
 OP: 15                      service and arts‑related industries.
 B Social Science            In private and government agencies including         3 3                              3        UAC:         24       3F/6P
                             departments of family, community and human                                                     GC 331161
 ATAR: 68
                             services; local government community                                                           L 331101
 OP: 13
                             development units; child safety and disability                                                 QTAC:
                             services; immigration; in political parties; and                                               GC 051161
                             in non-government organisations such as aid                                                    L 051011
                             agencies or advocacy groups.
 B Social Welfare            As welfare and community workers in                  3                                3*       UAC:         24       3F/6P
                             various roles within the community services                                                    331162
 ATAR: 68
                             sector. These include government and                                                           QTAC:
 OP: 13
                             non‑government positions in fields such                                                        051361
                             as child protection, disability services,
                             housing services, youth work, aged care,
                             alcohol and drug rehabilitation, community
                             engagement, mental health services, and
                             domestic violence services.
GC = Gold Coast L = Lismore CH = Coffs Harbour
* Online students attend one three-day residential school at the Gold Coast campus.

     Isaac Smith
     Bachelor of Arts with Honours, majoring in Media
     Mayor of Lismore City
     Operations Manager, Home Assistance and
     Regional Transport Services (HART), Lismore

     Lismore City’s newest and youngest mayor credits his arts degree for
     the communication, learning and management skills that have proven
     invaluable across his career: from teaching, to running his own web and
     media business, to managing staff and clients and helping the community.
     “Core arts subjects are an asset, a bedrock, to any career or opportunity
     in life,” said the 42-year-old who was popularly-elected mayor after
     serving two terms as a councillor.
     “In my business, I had to be able to do everything – graphic production,
     video production, media releases, newsletters – that was one of the great
     outcomes of the degree. Camaraderie, too, was one of the best things I
     enjoyed at Southern Cross University.
     “I was the first in my family to go to university. I learnt a lot from the
     lecturers and built lifelong relationships with many of them.”
     Isaac has juggled his council roles with his full-time job as operations
     manager at HART.

16           Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
Humanities & Social Sciences
    Degrees                Career Opportunities                                                                   UAC/QTAC    Units   Duration

                                                                        Gold Coast
                                                                                                                    codes              (years)


    Indicative ATAR/OP                                                                                                                F: full-time
                                                                                                                                      P: part-time

    B Psychological
    (see page 32)

    B Arts, B Laws        Graduates can pursue career opportunities    3^ 3^                             3^       UAC:         40      5F/10P
                          that combine knowledge of arts and law;                                                 GC 336160
    ATAR: 89
                          and those specific to each discipline.                                                  L 336104
    OP: 6
                          See B Arts page 16 and B Laws page 35.                                                  QTAC:
                                                                                                                  GC 053261
                                                                                                                  L 056041
    B Business,           Graduates can pursue career opportunities                  3                   3        UAC:         36     4.5F/9P
    B Arts                that combine knowledge of business                                                      332105
                          and the arts; and those specific to each                                                QTAC:
    ATAR: 65              discipline. See B Arts page 16 and B                                                    052051
    OP: 14                Business page 19.
    B Social Science,     Graduates can pursue career opportunities    3^ 3^                             3^       UAC:         40      5F/10P
    B Laws                that combine knowledge of social science                                                GC 336162
                          and law; and those specific to each                                                     L 336113
    ATAR: 89              discipline. See B Social Science page 16                                                QTAC:
    OP: 6                 and B Laws page 35.                                                                     GC 056561
                                                                                                                  L 051071
    Associate Degree      Graduates may find work in para-              3 3                              3        UAC:         16       2F/4P
    of Arts               professional roles in a range of settings                                               GC 333361
                          relevant to the arts and social sciences.                                               L 333311
                          Graduates who proceed to the Bachelor                                                   QTAC:
                          of Arts will have expanded career                                                       GC 053061
                          opportunities based on majors completed.                                                L 053111
GC = Gold Coast L = Lismore CH = Coffs Harbour
 Both online and on-campus students attend compulsory workshops for some law units.

    Jules Allen
    Bachelor of Social Science
    Media commentator and public speaker;
    Foster Care Australia ambassador;
    Adopt Change ambassador

    Jules Allen had been working in youth support
    and child protection for several years when
    she decided to boost her TAFE qualifications.
    She started a Bachelor of Social Science at 30,
    juggling full-time study with work and being a

    “Theories of sociology helped me make sense
    of what was going on and to see issues from
    a different perspective. It taught me a lot about
    communication and the art of listening and asking
    questions. I found my people within the degree –
    we were interested in how society works and what
    we could do to change it.”

    Jules uses her media profile to raise awareness of
    young people in crisis, the foster care system and
    child protection.

                                                             | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                           17
Business, Tourism & IT
Degrees which put you in the workplace
A Work Integrated Learning (WIL)                   • 	Regular careers and industry events       • 	Personalised career development
program, which consists of a workplace                 providing networking opportunities for        and interview and application writing
preparation unit and an internship                     students seeking internship and/or            preparation for students through core
placement, is one of the strengths of                  graduate opportunities.                       study units.
Southern Cross University’s School of              • 	Assistance with internship                • 	Ongoing support and feedback to
Business and Tourism degrees.                          scholarships.                                 students on career development and
Students are responsible for finding an            • 	Access to the University’s                    recruitment and selection processes
internship placement within their area of              employment, internship and career             for the duration of their studies.
interest. The dedicated WIL team offers a              information website.                      • 	Advice, academic supervision and
variety of professional support services to                                                          mentoring of students while on
                                                   • 	Email alerts to students promoting
students and industry including:                                                                     internship.
                                                       current internship and graduate roles.

     Luke Tucker                                      over four major markets – Australia, UK,    agencies in the world, Luke worked on
     Bachelor of Business, majoring                   US and Asia – honing my craft, while        iconic brands like Kraft Cheese, rubbing
     in Marketing                                     working alongside some incredible,          shoulders with some of the best creative
                                                      diverse talent.”                            minds in the industry.
     Regional Group Account Director,
     McCann Worldgroup, Singapore                     After graduating, Luke cut his teeth        Returning to Sydney, Luke managed the
                                                      working on staple Aussie brands such as     digital and data-driven communications
     Since graduating from Southern Cross             Leggo’s, Four’N Twenty, Birds Eye and       at DDB Group Australia for their Westpac
     University, Luke Tucker has enjoyed an           Campbell Arnott’s before scoring a brand    account.
     impressive international marketing career.       marketing job with McDonald’s UK and        Now based in Singapore with McCann
     “Building brands, and maximising their           later The Marketing Store in Chicago. “I    Worldgroup, a global advertising agency,
     potential, are skill sets buried deep in my      worked on significant campaigns with        Luke manages their MasterCard business
     DNA, whether I like it or not. Fortunately,      enormous budgets that were viewed by        account. “It has been a very exciting
     I love it. The media landscape has               millions of people each week.”              career. I am now looking at undertaking
     evolved significantly in recent years and        Headhunted for a director role at Ogilvy    my Master of Business Administration
     I’ve been lucky enough to experience it          & Mather, one of the largest advertising    (MBA) with Southern Cross University.”

18           Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
    Degrees               Career Opportunities                                                                   UAC/QTAC    Units   Duration

                                                                       Gold Coast
                                                                                                                   codes              (years)


    Indicative ATAR/OP                                                                                                               F: full-time
                                                                                                                                     P: part-time

    B Accounting         Graduates will have the skills and             3           3                   3        UAC:         24       3F/6P
                         knowledge to manage their own                                                           GC 332162
    ATAR: 65
                         accounting practice. They may also                                                      L 332103
    OP: 14
                         typically find employment in areas such as                                              QTAC:
                         financial and business advisory services,                                               GC 052461
                         tax, business consulting, business                                                      L 052211
                         planning, business valuations, employee
                         relations, estate and trust planning,
                         forensic accounting and sustainability
                         strategy development.

    B Business           Graduates typically work in the areas of       3           3          3        3        UAC:         24       3F/6P
                         advertising, marketing, public relations,                                               GC 332160
    ATAR: 65
                         product management, international                                                       L 332100
    OP: 14
                         business, human resource management,                                                    CH 332150
                         investment, banking, accounting and                                                     QTAC:
                         finance, and tourism and hospitality.                                                   GC 052161
                                                                                                                 L 052001
                                                                                                                 CH 052501
    NEW IN 2018          Graduates can pursue career opportunities      3                               3        UAC:         24       3F/6P
                         in broad business areas (see above) and                                                 332163
    B Digital Business
                         also as business owners, entrepreneurs,                                                 QTAC:
                         business analysists, programmers,                                                       052061
                         multimedia developers, systems analysts,
                         software engineers, project managers and
                         web developers.

    B Business,          Graduates can pursue career opportunities                  3                   3        UAC:         36     4.5F/9P
    B Arts               that combine knowledge of business                                                      332105
                         and the arts; and those specific to each
    ATAR: 65                                                                                                     QTAC:
    OP: 14                                                                                                       052051
                         See B Business above and B Arts page 16.

    B Business,          Graduates pursue career opportunities         3^ 3^                            3^       UAC:         40      5F/10P
    B Laws               that combine knowledge of business and                                                  GC 336114
                         law; and those specific to each discipline.                                             L 336101
    ATAR: 89             See B Business above and B Laws                                                         QTAC:
    OP: 6                page 35.                                                                                GC 056461
                                                                                                                 L 056011

    Associate Degree     Graduates may find work in para-               3           3          3        3        UAC:         16       2F/4P
    of Business          professional roles in a range of settings.                                              GC 332362
                         Graduates can proceed to Bachelor                                                       L 332313
                         degrees in business, tourism and                                                        CH 332351
                         hospitality management, and information                                                 QTAC:
                         technology.                                                                             GC 052362
                                                                                                                 L 052313
                                                                                                                 CH 052351

GC = Gold Coast L = Lismore CH = Coffs Harbour
 Both online and on-campus students attend compulsory workshops for some law units.

                                                              | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                         19
Information Technology
 Degrees                 Career Opportunities                                                              UAC/QTAC     Units     Duration

                                                                 Gold Coast
                                                                                                             codes                 (years)


 Indicative ATAR/OP                                                                                                              F: full-time
                                                                                                                                 P: part-time

 B Information          As programmers, user-experience          3                                3        UAC:           24       3F/6P
 Technology             designers and developers, systems                                                  332161
                        analysts, software engineers, database                                             QTAC:
 ATAR: 65               administrators, project managers, web                                              052361
 OP: 14                 developers, systems administrators and
                        technical support personnel.

 Associate Degree       As user-experience designers and                                          3        UAC:           16       2F/4P
 of Information         developers, web developers, systems                                                332350
 Technology             administrators and technical support                                               QTAC:
                        personnel.                                                                         052551
 ATAR: 65
 OP: 14
GC = Gold Coast L = Lismore CH = Coffs Harbour

                                                                                           Dean Reinhard
                                                                                           Bachelor of Information Technology,
                                                                                           majoring in Interactive Media
                                                                                           Partner and Creative Technology
                                                                                           Director (Asia Pacific), Iris Worldwide,

                                                                                           Virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification,
                                                                                           3D design and animation, motion capture,
                                                                                           robotics: Dean Reinhard develops these
                                                                                           creative tech solutions at advertising agency
                                                                                           Iris Worldwide for international clients like
                                                                                           Shell, Adidas, Diageo (for Johnnie Walker), Fiji
                                                                                           Airways, Aeon and Barclays.

                                                                                           “I get to sit around and tinker with gadgets
                                                                                           all day every day. My desk is covered
                                                                                           with 3D printers, laser cutters, robots and
                                                                                           microprocessors. I have a couple of Microsoft
                                                                                           HoloLenses, five HTC Vive headsets. It’s stuff
                                                                                           that I would sit at home and do as a hobby but
                                                                                           I get paid for it.

                                                                                           “I work creatively across projects, from pitch
                                                                                           ideation to strategy to delivery. I manage a
                                                                                           team of developers and designers but I’m
                                                                                           also hands-on. I’m client-facing to ensure we
                                                                                           have someone (me) who understands the
                                                                                           technology and constraints – and pushes it as
                                                                                           far as possible.”

                                                                                           Dean has high praise for one of his units which
                                                                                           required students to find and work with a
                                                                                           business client to develop an IT solution: “My
                                                                                           client was a real estate office. I came up with
                                                                                           a 3D interactive game to encourage people to
                                                                                           think of real estate as an investment.”

20        Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
 Degrees                    Career Opportunities                                                                         UAC/QTAC         Units     Duration

                                                                              Gold Coast
                                                                                                                           codes                     (years)


 Indicative ATAR/OP                                                                                                                                F: full-time
                                                                                                                                                   P: part-time

 B Business in             Professional management positions in               3             3          3        3        UAC:               24       3F/6P
 Tourism and               hotels and resorts; clubs and gaming                                                          GC 330460
 Hospitality               operations; restaurants and catering;                                                         L 330410
 Management                tourism destination planning and                                                              CH 330450
                           marketing; tourism policy development;
 ATAR: 65                                                                                                                QTAC:
                           ecotourism; visitor management; tourism
 OP: 14                                                                                                                  GC 050961
                           retail management; tourist attractions
                                                                                                                         L 050911
                           and theme parks; conference and event
                                                                                                                         CH 050951
 B Business                Professional positions in hospitality and              The Hotel School                       UAC:               24       3F/6P
 in Hotel                  service management in Australia and                        Sydney                             S 354140
 Management                overseas; management positions in hotels                                                      QTAC:
                           and resorts, human resources, marketing,                                                      S 054041
 ATAR and OP: N/A     #
                           front office, food services, food and
 (full-fee-paying)                                                                The Hotel School                       M*
                           beverage, events and conferences and
                           general management.                                             Melbourne

GC = Gold Coast L = Lismore CH = Coffs Harbour S = Sydney M = Melbourne
* For Melbourne, apply online at
  Applicants are selected on their individual merit and attend an interview as part of the process.

 Catherine Stark
 Bachelor of Business in Tourism
 Owner and General Manager,
 Seven Sheds Brewery
 Chair, Cradle to Coast Tasting Trail

 It is in the wilds of Tasmania, amongst fragrant
 hops and bubbling brewing barrels, that Catherine
 Stark can be found.
 Catherine, who completed her degree online
 in 2003, owns and operates Tasmanian artisan
 brewery Seven Sheds with her partner, beer writer
 Willie Simpson.
                                                            encouragement among the brewers,                             has grown to cater to thousands of
 After heading to Devonport in 2002 they came
                                                            a bit like tourism in that we all do                         thirsty customers flowing through the
 across a property at Railton – which was home
                                                            better by working cooperatively                              cellar door each year, eager to try its
 to Seven Sheds. They bought the property and
                                                            and making the industry stronger                             diverse ales. Each batch of beer is
 began their beer brewing venture, which has seen
                                                            overall.”                                                    less than 1,000 litres, meaning there
 Seven Sheds become one of the country’s most
                                                            Catherine said the business degree                           is uniqueness in every drop.
 renowned craft breweries.
                                                            helped establish and grow Seven                              As chair of the Cradle to Coast
 “We focus on flavour and use local ingredients as
                                                            Sheds and led her to further study in                        Tasting Trail, a cooperative marketing
 much as possible.
                                                            Tasmania.                                                    group of food and beverage
 “There’s a lot of creativity, experimentation and          “My degree has helped me to                                  businesses, Catherine encourages
 boundary-pushing going on and the consumer                 develop financial management                                 visitors to experience the finest
 market is enjoying that side as much as the                and human resource management                                produce from Tasmania’s north-west
 brewers are.                                               systems as well as marketing                                 region.
 “Unlike wine, a great beer can be made in a few            activities and general awareness                             “My event management studies
 weeks, though some do improve with age and                 around legal compliance, food                                during the course were valuable in
 correct cellaring.                                         safety and other nitty gritty business                       setting up and delivering Taste of the
 “It’s also great fun being in this industry at the         dealings.”                                                   North West, an annual event based
 moment and there’s a lot of cooperation and                Since opening in 2003, Seven Sheds                           in Sheffield, Tasmania.”

                                                                    | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                                 21
Degrees which put you in the workplace
To enhance career outcomes, Southern        units that enable them to become a             Entry into our teaching degrees is
Cross University education degrees offer    secondary teacher in more than one             based on the indicative ATAR of
students the opportunity to become          subject.                                       70 or OP of 13 with no additional
qualified teachers in various areas:        Students complete significant blocks of        prerequisite entry requirements.
early childhood and primary school          teaching in educational settings under         All Southern Cross University
(six-weeks-old to 12 years); or primary     the supervision of experienced teachers        education degrees are fully accredited.
with the option to specialise in an area    and university advisers. Southern              For more information visit:
of the student’s interest; or primary and   Cross University’s education degrees 
secondary (kindergarten to Year 12);        also enable students to engage and             educationaccreditation
or secondary in a range of teaching         collaborate with educators, teachers and
subjects – with the option to choose        the educational community.

     Anthony Brown                             Anthony Brown’s job is all about play:      and social problem-solving.
     Bachelor of Education                     “Play is absolutely everything with these
                                                                                           “The lecturers were fantastic with a
     (Early Childhood)                         kids,” he said of the four-year-olds he’s
                                                                                           lot of expertise we could tap into.
                                               preparing for kindergarten next year at
     Bachelor of Contemporary                                                              Our degree was up-to-date. We were
                                               Casino West Public School.
     Music                                                                                 learning benchmark aspects of early
                                               “I use play to deliver an educational       childhood education and care ahead
     Preschool Teacher, Little
                                               program around project-based learning,      of the release of the National Quality
     Jarjums Preschool, Casino
                                               individualised education opportunities      Standard.”

22         Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
 Degrees                    Career Opportunities                                                                   UAC/QTAC    Units   Duration

                                                                         Gold Coast
                                                                                                                     codes              (years)


 Indicative ATAR/OP                                                                                                                    F: full-time
                                                                                                                                       P: part-time

 B Arts/B Education        Dual qualification: early childhood teacher    3           3          3        3        UAC:         32       4F/8P
 (Primary/Early            in childcare centres, preschools and other                                              GC 330161
 Childhood)                early childhood services; and primary                                                   L 330111
                           school teacher.                                                                         CH 330151
 ATAR: 70
 OP: 13
                                                                                                                   GC 050661
                                                                                                                   L 050611
                                                                                                                   CH 050651

 B Arts/B Education        Primary school teacher.                        3           3          3        3        UAC:         32       4F/8P
 (Primary)                                                                                                         GC 330160
                                                                                                                   L 330110
 ATAR: 70                                                                                                          CH 330150
 OP: 13
                                                                                                                   GC 050161
                                                                                                                   L 050711
                                                                                                                   CH 050751

 B Arts/B Education        Dual qualification: graduates can work         3           3          3        3        UAC:         32       4F/8P
 (Primary/                 as both a primary school teacher                                                        GC 330162
 Secondary)                and a secondary school teacher (in                                                      L 330112
                           English, mathematics, modern history or                                                 CH 330152
 ATAR: 70                  geography).                                                                             QTAC:
 OP: 13
                                                                                                                   GC 050561
                                                                                                                   L 050511
                                                                                                                   CH 050551

 B Arts/B Education        Graduates may find employment as a             3           3          3        3        UAC:         32       4F/8P
 (Secondary)               secondary school teacher in schools and                                                 GC 330163
                           colleges. Graduates can teach in up to two                                              L 330113
 ATAR: 70                  subjects.                                                                               CH 330153
 OP: 13
                                                                                                                   GC 050861
                                                                                                                   L 050811
                                                                                                                   CH 050851

 B Technology/             Graduates can pursue careers as                                                3        UAC:         32      4F /8P
 B Education               secondary teachers of design and                                                        334191
 (Secondary)*              technology, graphics technology,
                           industrial technology, food technology,
 ATAR: 70                                                                                                          051191
                           textiles technology, and computing
 OP: 13                    technology. They may also work in the
                           emerging technology areas of public and
                           private enterprises and in organisations
                           where innovation, technology skills and
                           specific industry knowledge is highly

  For graduates of all Southern Cross University education degrees, further typical career opportunities may include: as an after
  school care coordinator; tutor; community/environment/outdoors educator; education officer with various organisations including
  the armed services; or in training and development settings in industry and the public service.
  All education degrees include some units that are only delivered online. Online students may also be required to attend
  on-campus workshops.
GC = Gold Coast L = Lismore CH = Coffs Harbour
* For this degree, apply direct to Southern Cross University at

                                                                | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                         23
Environmental, Forest & Marine Sciences
Study in a living laboratory
When you study one of the courses           proximity to amazing natural landscapes      Our courses are practical and hands-
offered by our School of Environment,       that provide a living laboratory for your    on, giving you ample opportunity to turn
Science and Engineering, you will be in     field trips and off-campus investigations.   theory into real life skills to build your
the perfect place to take advantage of      From World Heritage rainforest areas and     confidence and prepare you for the
our unique local environment.               pristine beaches to mangrove wetlands        workplace.
Our campuses at Lismore and Coffs           and the underwater habitats of the           View our field trip at:
Harbour – where our National Marine         Solitary Islands Marine Park, we have
Science Centre is located – are in close    environments that are second to none.        science-engineering/fieldtrips

                                                 Outstanding research
           Southern Cross University is ranked ‘well above world standard’ and ‘above world standard’ in Oceanography,
                       Environmental Science and Management, Forestry Sciences and Civil Engineering.
                              See full Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) results on page 50.

24         Undergraduate Study Guide 2018 |
Environmental, Forest & Marine Sciences
 Degrees                   Career Opportunities                                                                                UAC/     Units   Duration

                                                                                     Gold Coast
                                                                                                                               QTAC              (years)



 Indicative ATAR/OP                                                                                                                             F: full-time
                                                                                                                                                P: part-time

 B Environmental          In public and private sectors, national park and                        3                   3*       UAC:      24       3F/6P
 Science                  protected area management, environmental                                                             334100
                          protection, waste management, environmental impact                                                   QTAC:
 ATAR: 68                 assessment and monitoring, environmental education                                                   054001
 OP: 13                   and interpretation, sustainable forestry, fisheries
                          management, aquaculture, ecotourism, land/river/
                          coast care programs; and in environmental science

 B Forest Science         In field forestry and in plantation establishment and                   3                   3*       UAC:      32       4F/8P
 and Management           management; use of geographic information systems;                                                   334102
                          natural resource management and environmental                                                        QTAC:
 ATAR: 68                 planning; native forest management, fire prevention                                                  054021
 OP: 13                   and control; forest resource assessment; policy
                          development; pest and disease management;
                          agroforestry and farm forestry advisory services; forest
                          growth modelling and yield prediction; protected
                          area management; international forestry focused
                          on developing countries, reserve management; and
                          forestry research.

 B Marine Science         As a consultant, marine park planner, marine biologist                  3#                  3*#      UAC:      24       3F/6P
 and Management           and ecologist, marine reserve officer, aquaculturalist,                                              334104
                          fisheries manager, project officer, technical officer,                                               QTAC:
 ATAR: 68                 state coordinator; and in marine research.                                                           054101
 OP: 13

 B Environmental          Graduating with knowledge and skills in both                            3#                  3*#      UAC:      32       4F/8P
 Science/B Marine         environmental science and marine science enables                                                     334112
 Science and              students to enter professions in either field or pursue                                              QTAC:
 Management               a career which spans both fields. See B Environmental                                                054211
                          Science and B Marine Science and Management
 ATAR: 68                 above.
 OP: 13

 B Science                Graduates typically find employment in public and                       3^                  3        UAC:      24       3F/6P
                          private sectors and in a range of industries that are                                                334116
 ATAR: 68
                          dependent on the student’s choice of major. Typical                                                  QTAC:
 OP: 13
                          professional outcomes include environmental resource                                                 054611
                          manager, sustainability advisor and planner, policy
                          developer, biologist, ecologist, health scientist and
                          laboratory analyst.

 Associate Degree         Graduates may find work in para-professional roles in a                 3                   3*       UAC:      16       2F/4P
 of Science               range of settings. Graduates can proceed to Bachelor                                                 334312
                          degrees in environmental, marine, or forest science;                                                 QTAC:
                          science, or engineering.                                                                             054311

 Diploma of               As for Associate Degree of Science above.                               3                   3*       UAC:      8        1F/2P
 Science                                                                                                                       334014

GC = Gold Coast L = Lismore CH = Coffs Harbour
* Online students attend compulsory residential workshops at the Lismore campus for some units.
  Final-year units for all students are delivered in intensive mode at the National Marine Science Centre, Coffs Harbour.
  Some units may only be available to study online or at specific campuses, and some include compulsory residential workshops.

                                                                | Undergraduate Study Guide 2018                             25
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