HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin

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HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
     2014 Admissions Bulletin
HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
To Our Applicants
Harvard Medical School is dedicated to continuing a long-standing tradition of training leaders in
                          every conceivable aspect of medicine today, and innovators who will shape
                          the practice of medicine in the future. Each incoming class is selected
                          to bring together a diverse and talented group of students possessing
                          complementary intellectual passions, with the expectation that they will
                          learn from each other as well as learning from our faculty. Whether your
                          interest evolves into biomedical engineering, genomics, global health,
                          health policy, primary care, or any other emerging field of interest, you
                          will find a uniquely fertile and supportive environment at Harvard. Here,
                          you will study with dedicated and renowned mentors as you explore the
                          foundational sciences of medicine and learn the art of translating medical
                          knowledge into the best possible care for patients.

                          We are delighted that you are interested
                          in learning more about Harvard Medical
                          School and look forward to receiving
                          your completed application.

                                                Sincerely yours,
                                         Robert J. Mayer, M.D.
                              Faculty Associate Dean for Admissions
                                               Professor of Medicine
HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
What It Means       to Be a Harvard Doctor

Innovating    to Be Prepared                                                 2
                     Harvard doctors are prepared to function and excel in
                     a rapidly changing world of medicine

Educating     to Be Compassionate                                            8
                     Harvard doctors maintain lifelong commitments to
                     the ideals of the medical profession

Discovering   to Be Explorers                                        14
                     Harvard doctors conduct research that changes
                     the nature of medicine

Leading       to Be Visionary                                      20
                     Harvard doctors impact the world
HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
What It M            to Be Prepared

                                  hat does it mean to be a Harvard doctor? A Harvard Medical School (HMS)

                                  education will prepare you to excel in the rapidly changing landscape of

                                  modern medicine. It will do so through a curriculum grounded in the study
    Harvard Medical School’s
    Department of Systems         of leading biomedical science and clinical experience, a rich diversity of
    Biology (DSB) is one of the
    first department-level
                                  degree program choices, and a history of innovation that continues to set the
    systems biology programs
    in the nation.
                                  standard for excellence in medical education in the United States and around

                                  the world. Within these halls, you will experience the medical profession in

                                  all its dimensions. At HMS, you can pursue your individual interests, find

                                  your calling, and discover how you can change the fabric of medicine.

HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
HMS Departments
                                                                                                                                 Ambulatory Care
     The HMS Integrated                                    the clinical realm, and are joined by their                           and Prevention

     Curriculum                                            HST classmates in years three and four.                               Biological Chemistry and
                                                                                                                                 Molecular Pharmacology
     Throughout its history, Harvard Medical                                                                                     Cell Biology
     School has influenced the design of                   In year three, individual clerkships in the
     medical school education. From Harvard                major disciplines of medicine (medicine,                              Health Care Policy

     University President Charles Eliot’s                  surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology,                       Microbiology and
                                                                                                                                 Molecular Genetics
     19th century reform — developing the                  psychiatry, neurology, radiology) unify in a
     concept of a medical school as we know               “Principal Clinical Experience,” which provides
     it today — to the innovative Health                   opportunities for longitudinal experiences                            Stem Cell &
                                                           with patients and faculty members as well                             Regenerative Biology
     Sciences and Technology Program in 1971
                                                                                                                                 Social Medicine
     and the ground-breaking New Pathway                   as an interdisciplinary curriculum that
                                                                                                                                 Systems Biology
     curriculum of the 1980s, HMS has been in              integrates the scientific and clinical aspects
                                                                                                                                 Hospital-based clinical
     a continual process of growth and change.             of important diseases. Throughout the                                 departments in Anaesthesia,
                                                           four years of medical school, students work                           Dermatology, Medicine,
                                                                                                                                 Neurology, Obstetrics/
     In 2006, HMS implemented enhancements                 one-on-one with faculty members. In this
     to its curriculum specifically designed to            vein, a capstone experience for our students                          Biology, Ophthalmology,
                                                           is a several year, faculty mentored, in-depth                         Orthopedic Surgery,
     meet the needs of 21st century medicine.
     The HMS Integrated Curriculum builds on               scholarly experience culminating in a written                         Pathology, Pediatrics,
     the strengths of both the New Pathway and             work product. Such exploration of a topic                             Physical Medicine/
                                                                                                                                 Rehabilitation, Psychiatry,
     the Health Sciences and Technology (HST)              in-depth allows students to participate with
                                                                                                                                 Radiology, Radiation

     curricula by further integrating the clinical         faculty in the excitement of discovery and                            Oncology, and Surgery

     and basic sciences across the curriculum,             scholarship. In the final year, students pursue
                                                                                                                                 HMS Program
     developing new models for clinical education,         special concentrations and participate in
                                                                                                                                 in Medical
     and mentoring the engagement of students              advanced elective clerkships. Students elect                          Education
     through in-depth scholarly experiences.               clerkships from our 17 affiliated institutions,                       M.D. Programs & Curricula
                                                           and may participate in exchange clerkships                            New Pathway M.D.
                                                                                                                                 Health Sciences &
     The curriculum begins in mid-August for all           with other institutions both domestic                                 Technology (HST) M.D.
     students with Introduction to the Profession,         and international. The HMS Integrated                                 Five-Year Option
     an intensive two-week course designed to              Curriculum prepares graduates to function                             M.D.-Ph.D. Program

     introduce students to the profession, the             in an increasingly multicultural landscape                            Other Joint
                                                                                                                                 Degree Programs
     practice of medicine, and the experiences that        undergoing radical scientific, social, economic,                      M.D./M.B.A.
     lie before them as they embark on the process         and technological transformation. HMS                                 M.D./Master of Public Health
     of becoming physicians. Students spend years          seeks to ready students for this new world by                         M.D./Master of Public Policy

     one and two focused on the basic biological           providing them with the ideal educational                             Other Degree Programs
                                                                                                                                 on HMS campus
     and population sciences that underlie clinical        environment and carefully integrated
                                                                                                                                 Division of Medical
     medicine. In April of year two, New Pathway           global experience to foster their growth as                            Sciences Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                 Harvard School of
     students transition from the classroom to             clinicians, scholars, discoverers, and leaders.                          Dental Medicine
                                                                                                                                  Doctor of Dental Medicine
                                                                                                                                 Harvard School of
 HMS Community Snapshot: 2012–2013                                                                                                  Public Health
                                                                                                                                  Doctor of Public Health
                                                                                                                                  Master of Science
        709 Medical
                                                  9,376                                                                           Master of Public Health
                                                                                                                                  Doctor of Science
        150 Dental
                                                                                                                                 For more information on
        582 Graduate                                                             582                                             courses, faculty, and degree
            Students                                               709                                                           options, please visit:
       9,376 Residents,
             Interns, and
             Postdoctoral                                                                                    http: //hms.harvard.edu/departments/admissions

HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
    Dr. Jeffrey S. Flier
    Dean of the Faculty
    of Medicine

 Jeffrey S. Flier, Harvard’s George
 C. Reisman Professor of Medicine,
 became the 21st Dean of the
 Faculty of Medicine at Harvard
                                           Many Paths: A Diverse                        and quantitative curriculum, you’ll focus
 University in 2007. Dean Flier
 explains his vision for HMS in
                                           Medical Program                              on biological, chemical, physical, and
 terms of graduating cutting-edge          How to employ new information and            engineering sciences and collaborate
 researchers and clinicians:
“Investigation and generation of           technology, think on your feet, draw on      with Harvard and MIT faculty on
 new knowledge are, alongside
 clinical medicine, a core element
                                           a solid base of scientific knowledge, care   substantive, groundbreaking research.
 of the HMS ethos.”                        for patients, continue learning — each       You can take courses at both Harvard
    Indeed, Dean Flier is familiar
                                           path of the HMS medical program              Medical School and MIT, and will be
    with scientific breakthroughs. A
    leading researcher in molecular        offers an education in these skills.         part of a select group — only 30 students
    causes of diabetes and obesity,
    Flier’s discoveries in leptin                                                       per year are admitted into HST.
    expression have fundamentally
    shaped the discourse of the field,     New Pathway M.D. Program: A tutorial
    with applications in industry.
                                           environment defines the New Pathway          Clinical Education: An extraordinary
“I have a track record of productive
 collaboration with industry in the        Curriculum. For the first three and one-     variety of courses are offered at HMS and
 conduct of metabolic research,”
 Dean Flier explains, “and I’m very        half semesters you’ll learn in small group   its affiliated hospitals. Core clerkships
 much interested in maximizing
                                           discussions analyzing patient cases to       are offered in the principal clinical
 the translation of basic discoveries
 into clinical impact.” Flier’s honors     master fundamental medical concepts.         specialties. All students complete
 include a five-year $500,000
 Unrestricted Metabolic Research           Classmates become colleagues and teach       clerkships in medicine, surgery, and
 Grant by Bristol-Myers Squibb.
                                           each other. The New Pathway curriculum       women’s and children’s health (pediatrics
    Prior to becoming Dean, Dr. Flier
    spent 29 years on the Harvard          encourages taking responsibility for your    and obstetrics/gynecology), and elective
    faculty at Beth Israel Hospital and
    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical          own learning — your time in the library      experiences can include more specialized
    Center, where he served as Chief
    of the Diabetes Unit, Chief of the     searching for answers is as important as     clerkships such as hematology, emergency
    Endocrine Division, and Chief          your time studying biomedical sciences       care, and dermatology; advanced
    Academic Officer, responsible for
    research and academic programs.        and medical procedures through               pathophysiology courses in areas such
    He has authored over 200
    scholarly papers and reviews and       the laboratories, conferences, and           as oncology and infectious diseases;
    has held many editorial positions,
    including the Editorial Boards of      lectures that augment your tutorials.        and laboratory and field research.
    leading endocrinology journals
    and the American Journal of
    Medicine. He is currently on the                                                    M.D.-Ph.D. Program: The overall mission
                                           Health Sciences and Technology (HST)
    Board of Consulting Editors of
    Science Magazine.                      M.D. Program: Combining the extensive        of the M.D.-Ph.D. program at Harvard
    Regarding his vision for HMS,          resources of Harvard Medical School and      Medical School is to train its students to
    Dean Flier explains that “expertise
    as physicians is our bedrock goal.     Massachusetts Institute of Technology        lead the next generation of physician-
    While some students may have
    outstanding research careers, others   (MIT), the Health Sciences and Technology    scientists, with representation across a
    will have outstanding clinical
    careers, and yet others will blend     (HST) M.D. Program will prepare you          variety of clinical disciplines and research
    research and clinical activity.” The
    HMS program, Flier explains, “is
                                           for interdisciplinary research careers in    areas from basic and translational sciences
    flexible enough to prepare all of      academic medicine. Through a rigorous        bioengineering to the social sciences.
    our students to excel.”

HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
     Zachary Scott Morris
     A former Goldwater Scholar, Zachary
     Morris graduated from Ripon College with
     degrees in Biology and Chemistry. After
     Zach was accepted into the M.D.-Ph.D.
     program at HMS, he deferred his enrollment
     to spend two years at Oxford University as
     a Rhodes Scholar, earning Master’s degrees
     in Medical Anthropology and the History of
     Science, Medicine, and Technology.

     But medical school had been Zachary’s
     goal since childhood. “With a fair bit
     of family history in cancer,” he said, “I
     became interested in trying to develop cures
     rather than applying medical knowledge.”

     During his two undergraduate research
     fellowships at Argonne National
     Laboratory, Zachary examined structure-
     function relationships in photosynthetic
     bacterial membrane proteins. Today,
     his research focuses on the regulation
     of certain growth factor receptors at the
     cell membrane by another protein, the
     product of the NF2 tumor suppressor
     gene. Under the direction of Dr. Andrea
     I. McClatchey, Department of Pathology,
     Zachary is examining how mutation of
     the human NF2 tumor suppressor gives
     rise to the familial cancer syndrome,
     Neurofibromatosis type 2, which features
     the development of nervous system tumors
     and often leads to hearing loss.

    “It was amazing to come to Harvard and
     interact with professors whose books I’d
     been reading at Oxford,” Zach observes.
    “HMS offers phenomenal breadth of
     research expertise, with faculty at the
     cutting edge in virtually every area of
     science. The research community is huge,
     with more than 5,000 labs to choose from,”
     he explains. “It’s sometimes difficult to
     grasp how much is going on around here.”

     HMS’s New Pathway curriculum offers
     morning lectures followed by tutorial
     learning. “Our tutorial system is similar to
     Oxford’s,” Zachary explains. “It’s a case-
     based, interactive curriculum in a highly
     collaborative and interactive environment.
     Students freely email notes and study
     guides — so everyone reaches a very high
     level of medical knowledge.”

HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
    Dr. Nancy Oriol
    Associate Professor of Anesthesia,
    Associate Dean for Student Affairs,
    Director of Faculty Development
    for the Department of Anesthesia
    and Critical Care at Beth Israel
    Deaconess Medical Center

“What is truly unique about
    Harvard is the incredible diversity
    of experiences and perspectives
    our students bring to the world of
    medicine. It’s not unusual to find
    bankers, Olympic athletes, published
    authors, Peace Corp volunteers,
    Jesuit priests, and watercolor artists,
    all in the same class,” says Dr. Nancy
    Oriol. “You find yourself part of an
    astonishingly broad community
    of talent and passion.”

    Dr. Oriol is a renowned anesthesiologist
    who has been part of the HMS faculty
    for more than twenty-five years.
    She is an innovator whose medical
    breakthroughs range from inventing
    the “walking epidural” — a type of
    labor pain relief that does not interfere
    with the progress of labor — to creating
    an ingenious device for newborn
    resuscitation. Deeply committed to
    community service, she is the founder
    of The Family Van — a mobile health
    program in Boston that has served as
    a model for mobile health outreach
    in cities across the nation.

    But what she is most passionate
    about is teaching. “We believe that
    medicine is a language and the only
    way to become fluent in it is by using
    it — by sharing your knowledge with
    those around you,” says this recipient
    of numerous HMS teaching awards.

“Collaboration, teamwork, and group
    discussions allow our students to
    understand different worldviews.
    It teaches them to communicate
    with — and respect — difference,
    and to become more compassionate.
    Those are the qualities that
    distinguish great physicians.”              http://hms.harvard.edu/
HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
HMS tutorials help
                                                                                                               students become
                                                                                                               lifelong learners.

                                                                                                   The Academy
Teaching and Learning                             Honors and Awards
                                                                                                   A body committed to
on an Unsurpassed Scale                           Gary Ruvkun, HMS professor of genetics in
                                                                                                   training and rewarding
                                                      the Department of Molecular Biology
You’ll learn from them in small group                 at Massachusetts General Hospital,           outstanding teachers,
                                                      received the Dan David Prize from            The Academy at Harvard
tutorials, research collaborations, in lectures
                                                      Tel Aviv University, which recognizes        Medical School reinforces
and seminars, and on rounds — in many                 innovative research that cuts across         the learning environment
                                                      traditional paradigms. Performing
places on this campus. With more than                                                              by providing resources to
                                                      research to define the genetic basis of
                                                                                                   enhance the teaching role
11,000 faculty members drawn from                     aging, Ruvkun has discovered in animal
                                                      models a set of hormonal signals and         of faculty and innovation
the basic science departments as well as              pathways that regulate aging and lifespan.   in medical education.

our affiliated hospitals and institutions,        Matthew Nock, a professor of psychology at
                                                      FAS, received the MacArthur Fellow for       Approximately half of the
Harvard Medical School provides a                                                                  M.D. student body pursues
                                                      his studies in suicide and self-injury in
teaching and learning environment of                  adolescents. While collaborating with        a joint degree program
                                                      the Massachusetts General inpatient          or enrichment activity
tremendous breadth and depth. Choose                  psychiatric unit, Nock was able to           that not only takes them
any medical specialty or research field               combine epidemiology, lab experiences,
                                                                                                   beyond the traditional
                                                      mental health associations, and
and it’s more than likely you’ll find an                                                           four years of study, but
                                                      biological psychological assessments
                                                      for breakthrough research in                 enlarges the scope of
HMS faculty member in it. Further, they
                                                      predicting and preventing suicide.           their medical education.
serve as mentors and advisors in our              Jack Szostak, a professor and member of the
innovative Academic Societies — which                  Department of Genetics at HMS and the
                                                       Department of Molecular Biology at MGH,
break the student population into five                 received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
small communities. Your Society will                   Medicine, along with Elizabeth Blackburn
                                                       and Carol Greider, for the discovery of
shape your course of study, provide a                  how chromosomes are protected by
                                                       telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.
home base and structure of support,
                                                  Paul Farmer, the Maude and Lillian Presley
and guide you from orientation to                     Professor of Global Health and Social
securing the residency of your choice.                Medicine at HMS, was appointed deputy
                                                      special envoy by former president
                                                      Bill Clinton, the United Nations
                                                       Special Envoy to Haiti. Farmer is a
                                                      co-founder of Partners in Health, the
                                                       largest healthcare provider in Haiti.

HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL - 2014 Admissions Bulletin
WhatC It Means  to Be Compassionate

    HMS Student Medical
    Service Projects
                                          ompassion — It may be the most vital aspect of patient care. A Harvard doctor

    A few of the many service             is simply one who cares. Someone who brings empathy to the treatment of
    projects include:

    •	Creating a phone-based tool
                                          patients in communities as close as Boston and as far away as Vietnam.
      for community health workers
      in a resource-poor setting
                                          Enrichment and Global Awareness — Our            clinical care to patients in underserved
    •	Developing a team-based model
      for the integrated management       long-standing commitment to service and          communities. Open evenings for
      of chronic pain in primary care
                                          research moves students beyond traditional       patients’ convenience, the clinics have
    •	Documenting caregiver-reported      borders of the medical profession. Whether       five sites in the greater Boston area that
      unmet needs and the impact of
      social context on families caring   it’s working with AIDS patients in South         help patients who have difficulties in
      for medically complex children
                                          Africa, putting together swimming programs       maintaining long-term primary care.
    •	Evaluating the DNA damage
      response in naïve and primed        for asthmatics in Chinatown, or spending
      human pluripotent stem cells
                                          time with underprivileged kids in Appalachia     Department of Global Health and
    •	Improving obstetric referrals
      through process improvement
                                          you will learn to overcome obstacles and         Social Medicine — Under the leadership
      efforts in developing countries     think creatively about solutions. HMS            of Dr. Paul Farmer, this department
    • Providing care to understand        students are creating partnerships, conducting   applies social science and humanities
      communities in the Boston
      area working side-by-side           research, rebuilding neighborhoods,              research to constantly improve the practice
      with Harvard faculty at the
      Crimson Care Collaborate or         and serving those most in need.                  of medicine and the development of
      with the Harvard Family Van
                                                                                           healthcare policies locally and worldwide.
                                          Crimson Care Collaborative — Launched            It is Harvard Medical School’s central
                                          by HMS students, the Crimson Care                structure to help organize global health
                                          Collaborative provides opportunities for         activities. More information can be found
           http://hms.harvard.edu/        students supervised by faculty to provide        at http://ghsm.hms.harvard.edu/.

    Dr. David Urion
    Associate Professor of
    Neurology/Director, Division
    of Service Learning, Children’s
    Hospital Boston

    Doctors, by their very nature, want
    to help people. As Dr. David Urion
    is helping future doctors develop
    compassion and empathy to the
    fullest extent, he’s also following
    Harvard’s philosophy of doing
    something that will have a lasting
    impact on all of humanity. As
    director of the Division of Service
    Learning, Dr. Urion helps students
    make connections between learning
    and doing through service projects
    and enrichment programs.

   “Harvard understands the social
    responsibilities that leadership and
    medicine entail — and doesn’t just
    give it lip service. We offer students
    unparalleled opportunities to
    make a real difference domestically,
    nationally, and internationally
    because of the infinite number of
    connections that we have.

   “Most of our students come with
    impressive backgrounds in
    community projects. At Harvard,
    they get to take that interest in the
    direction of service learning work.
    An ongoing project involves HIV
    education and assessment within the
    school, public health, and medical
    school realms in Vietnam. We have
    had medical students do assessments
    of province-level secondary hospitals
    for the establishment of AIDS
    outreach programs. We’ve had people
    go to Cuba and work in an HIV
    hospital doing narrative history
    collection. In terms of domestic
    projects, one person established an
    after-school training program for
    children with asthma in the Chinese-
    American community. We’ve had
    people provide dance and nutrition
    programs working with young
    women’s health and esteem. The
    opportunities are as diverse as the
    students’ interests.”


Educating                                                                   New Clinical Skills Center at Harvard Medical School

                                           HMS continually strives to develop                     facility also has objective-structured
                                           effective new methods to educate the next              clinical examinations that incorporate
                                           generation of physicians and scientists.               patient actors, radiological images, and
                                           Through a rigorous approach and state-of-              other clinically relevant materials.
                                           the-art facilities we teach students how to
                                           incorporate the art and science of medicine            Smart Classrooms: From interactive

     Medical education is transformed      into practice to meet the rapidly increasing           whiteboards to high-resolution flat
     through collaborative innovation      demands of the healthcare profession.                  screens, patient-simulation technology to
     between students and faculty, as      Following are but a few examples.                      a simulated clinical exam room, and video
     well as discovering the resources                                                            and teleconferencing capabilities, new HMS
     to ensure their work goes on to
                                           Clinical Skills Center: The new                        smart classrooms are facilitating team-
     make a difference in the world
                                           5,500-square-foot Clinical Skills Center               based learning and “just-in-time” teaching
     through development and
     commercialization.                    provides HMS faculty and students with                 approaches. The classrooms support

                                           some of the latest in teaching technology.             medium and small-group interactive
     Just ask Dr. Randall King, who,
                                           Our 18 clinical exam rooms for interviewing            teaching, peer teaching observation,
     along with collaborators Dr. Daniel
     Finley (HMS professor of cell         and physical examination have video                    teaching and evaluation of clinical skills,
     biology, and Byung-Hoon Lee           cameras for faculty to record and review               and simulation of clinical situations
     (HMS research fellow) were able to                                                           and pathophysiological processes.
                                           patient-student encounters. This new
     improve the uptake and potency of
     a compound (10 times more potent                                                             Center for Primary Care: Boston is an
     then their previous compound) that
                                                                                                  epicenter of medical research and world-
     could help degrade proteins linked
                                                                                                  class patient care. At the new Center for
     with Alzheimer’s disease. The work
                                                                                                  Primary Care, HMS students work in teams
     resulted in a major agreement with
     a biotech company.                                                                           at our 18 affiliated centers across Boston
                                                                                                  to leverage technology to improve patient
     Randall King ’97,                                                                            care while lowering costs. Policy experts at
     M.D., Ph.D.                                                                                  the center involve students as they provide
     Associate Professor of Cell Biology
                                                                                                  insight into the critical area of healthcare
     Department of Cell Biology,
     Harvard Medical School                                                                       delivery in the United States. Fourth-year
                                                                                                  students are offered an elective in primary
                                                                                                  care leadership and management.
                                                                                                    HMS Affiliated
Showcasing Student Research: For                   Varieties of Patient Care                        Beth Israel Deaconess
more than 70 years, Soma Weiss Student             Experience at HMS                                Medical Center

Research Day has given HMS students                                                                 Brigham and
                                                   Affiliated Hospitals and Institutions:           Women’s Hospital
effective networking opportunities with            Our substantial network of clinical affiliates   Cambridge Health
faculty, staff, and peers from the greater         offers you considerable breadth and              Alliance

Harvard community. Students are able to                                                             Children’s Hospital Boston
                                                   depth and nearly unlimited opportunities
showcase in-progress or completed research                                                          The CBR Institute for
                                                   for clinical learning in leading national        Biomedical Research
in bench and clinical research, outcomes           hospitals, health care facilities, and health    The Dana-Farber
and health delivery projects, public policy        institutes. Among them you’ll uncover            Cancer Institute

research, service learning, and systems                                                             The Forsyth Institute
                                                   a tremendous diversity of medical
improvements both in the U.S. and abroad.                                                           Harvard Pilgrim
                                                   experiences, courses, and specialized            Health Care
                                                   clerkships. These experiences not only           Hebrew SeniorLife
                                                   provide an “on the wards” education              Joslin Diabetes Center
                                                   in disease and treatment, but will               Judge Baker
                                                                                                    Children’s Center
                                                   immerse you in the human relations
                                                                                                    Massachusetts Eye
                                                   so central to providing quality care.            and Ear Infirmary
                                                                                                    General Hospital
                                                   Patient-Doctor: Students learn how
                                                                                                    McLean Hospital
                                                   to take thorough patient histories and
                                                                                                    Mount Auburn Hospital
                                                   perform physical examinations through the
                                                                                                    Schepens Eye
                                                   three-year course designed to enhance their      Research Institute
Student presentations at Soma Weiss Research Day   clinical expertise and add an experiential       Spaulding Rehabilitation
                                                   dimension to their pre-clinical preparation.
Scholars in Medicine: From basic science                                                            VA Boston
                                                   In videotaped sessions, you will evaluate        Healthcare System
to primary care, medical humanities to             your progress, gain exam skills, and begin       More information about
health care policy, HMS students complete                                                           Harvard’s affiliated
                                                   your evolution to the clinical years.            teaching hospitals is
a scholarly project during medical school.                                                          available on the web at
Through the course Pursuing Inquiry
                                                   Clinical Clerkships: HMS third- and
in Medicine, you will gain guidance
                                                   fourth-year students come together
on scholarly inquiry and learn how to
                                                   for an education in direct patient care          For more than a decade,
seek mentors, develop proposals, and                                                                five of the top 10
                                                   through clinical clerkships. Your study
communicate research aims, methods,                                                                 independent hospitals
                                                   of pathological principles will come to
and results. HMS students then identify a                                                           funded by the National
                                                   life, and real people will replace textbook
                                                                                                    Institutes of Health (NIH)
mentor and draft a proposal for a project
                                                   theory and case study. Learning by               have been Harvard affiliates.
that most will pursue the following summer.
                                                   doing in each of the major fields of
                                                   medicine will offer invaluable lessons
                                                   on becoming an effective practitioner.

A Change Community                              To learn more about the Office of
     HMS Student Groups                  Life beyond the lecture halls and labs at       Recruitment and Multicultural Affairs,
     Alternative Spring Break                                                            please visit: www.hms.harvard.edu/orma.
     American Medical Student
                                         HMS offers a stimulating mix of people
                                         and opportunities. You’ll live among
     American Medical Women’s
                                         an active and diverse community, one            HMS Student Services
     Art & Literature Magazine
     Asian Health Association                                                            HMS offers a full array of student services
                                         comprised of students from a variety
     Black Health Association                                                            to meet your personal and health needs,
     Christian Medical and               of ethnic, sociocultural, and economic
         Dental Society                                                                  including a Student Health Plan that
     Coffee House                        backgrounds. Harvard Medical School is
     Dermatology Interest Group
                                                                                         provides coverage for hospitalization
     Emergency Medicine Club
                                         also home to students with a fascinating
                                                                                         and care on and off the HMS campus,
     Family Medicine/Primary             mix of intellectual and scientific interests,
         Care Interest Group                                                             dental insurance, disability insurance, and
     First-year Educational              creative talents, and passionate pursuits.
         Adventure Trip (FEAT)                                                           services for students with disabilities.
     First-year Urban Neighborhood       Among your classmates, you might meet
         Campaign (FUNC)
     Harvard Health Caucus
     Harvard International
                                         a student who is researching a cure for
                                                                                         Living at HMS:
         Health Organization
     Health and the Environment
                                         kidney disease, another who is pursuing
                                                                                         Vanderbilt Hall
     HMS/HSDM Athletics Club             a black belt in kung fu, and another with
                                                                                         You can take advantage of the convenience
     HMS/HSDM Soccer Club
                                         a degree in electrical engineering. HMS         of living on the HMS campus by booking
     HMS Student Council
     Holistic Medicine                   students are varied and energetic people
     Kinsey 2-6ers (gay, lesbian, and
                                                                                         a room in Vanderbilt Hall, a residence
         bisexual student association)   who commit themselves equally to their          complex next to the Medical School. The
     LIFE Committee (students
         organizing activities to        academic and social pursuits. They are          hall provides a comfortable atmosphere
         welcome new students)
     Life Drawing                        world-changers — no matter what they do.        in which to forge friendships with your
     Longwood Players
     Maimonides Society (Jewish                                                          classmates, study, and relax. You’ll find:
         student association)
     Massachusetts Medical Society       Historic Diversity                              n    Rooms for approximately
     Medical Students for Choice                                                              320 men and women
     Medical Students of Las             For more than 30 years, HMS has been
         Americas (MeSLA–Latino                                                          n    A library and study lounges
         student association)            successfully building a campus community        n    An athletic center with full-size
     Medical Student Section of the
         American Medical Association    that reflects the changing face of America.          gym, tennis court, racquetball
     Multicultural Student Alliance                                                           courts, squash courts, weight room,
     Music Society                       Harvard’s commitment to diversity is not             and exercise and locker rooms
     Native American                                                                          Single rooms with connections
         Health Organization
                                         only reflected in the variety of institutions   n

                                                                                              for telephone and web access
     Physicians for Human
                                         from which students are accepted, but also
                                                                                         n    A darkroom, music rooms,
     Physicians for                      in the ethnic and economic backgrounds of            and a computer lab
         Social Responsibility
     Religion & Spirituality             the student body. In 1969, HMS
     Second Year Show
     Social Committee                    established the Office of Recruitment
     Social Hour
     Society Olympics                    and Multicultural Affairs to recruit and
     Student Association of
         Medically Oriented South
                                         provide supportive services to individuals
         Asians (SAMOSA)
     Student Council Community
                                         from groups underrepresented in medicine.
         Service Organization
                                         In the years since, HMS has graduated
     Student Interest Group
         in Neurology
                                         over 1,000 physicians from minority
     Student National Medical
         Association                     groups underrepresented in medicine,
     Students for Global Health
         and Justice                     and there are over 171 underrepresented
     Surgical Interest Group
                                         minority students currently enrolled.

A sampling
                                                                                                                             of Academic
                                                                                                                             Boston College
                                                                                                                             Boston University
                                                                                                                             Brandeis University
Boston                                                                                                                       Harvard University
Harvard Medical School’s prime location in                         tapestry of people, history, cultural life,               Massachusetts Institute
                                                                                                                             of Technology
the Longwood Medical Area of Boston will                           and entertainment — and it’s all less than
                                                                                                                             Northeastern University
put you in touch with one of the country’s                         a mile from the HMS campus. Boston is                     Tufts University

most distinctive cities. Big enough to be                          also an ideal place for students: it houses               Wellesley College

cosmopolitan and interesting, yet small                            many of the most highly regarded colleges,                A sampling
enough to be manageable, Boston offers a                           universities, and institutes in the U.S. — a              of Cultural
charm and character all its own. From the                          wealth of academic resources influenced                   Boston Symphony Orchestra
stately brick townhouses of Beacon Hill to                         by Harvard’s long historical reach. In this               Institute of
                                                                                                                             Contemporary Art
Fenway Park, from the harbor where the                            colorful city, Harvard medical students
                                                                                                                             Museum of Afro-
American Revolution witnessed some of                              find abundant personal and professional                   American History
                                                                                                                             Museum of Fine Arts
its most famous moments to the Common                              opportunities that shape their lives.
                                                                                                                             Museum of Science
and Public Garden, you’ll discover a rich                                                                                    New England Aquarium

To Do                                                                                                                        Bruins
n   Explore over         n   Discover             n   Stroll through        n   Step back in time   n   Hop aboard           Patriots
    100 years of             Boston’s rich            Public Garden,            along Boston’s          the Old Town         Red Sox
    Red Sox history          reading culture          a horticultural           Freedom Trail,          Trolley or           Revolution
    with an inside           with a tour of the       “museum” and              a 2.5-mile path         Beantown
    look at Fenway           distinguished            the nation’s oldest       connecting the          Trolley for a        Day Trips
    Park, the nation’s       Boston Public            botanical garden.         city’s historic         narrated journey
                                                                                                                             Historic Salem, site of the
    oldest ballpark.         Library,                                           sights from             that takes in over   witchcraft trials of 1692
                             the nation’s         n   Cheer on the              Boston Common           100 interesting
                                                                                                                             Walden Pond — Thoreau’s
n   Shop for                 first public             Celtics or the            to the Bunker           sights.              Inspiration
    designer brands          library — and            Bruins at The             Hill Monument,
                                                                                                                             Skiing and winter sports
    or acquire a new         then peruse the          TD Banknorth              and with a stroll   n   Delve into the
                                                                                                                             in the Berkshires and
    coiffure on lively       city’s numerous          Garden, and               through the             legacy of our        White Mountains
    Newbury Street,          bookstores.              check out                 Beacon Hill             35th president
                                                                                                                             North & South Shore
    Boston’s own                                      the Sports                neighborhood.           at the John F.       Seacoast Towns — Maritime
    “Rodeo Drive.”                                    Museum of New                                     Kennedy Library      and Whaling History Sites
                                                      England while                                     and Museum.          Cape Cod, Nantucket,
                                                      you’re there.                                                          & Martha’s Vineyard

More than 800 doctors, graduate
                                                                                             students, and staff performed research
                                                                                             last year in the 525,000-square-foot
                                                                                             New Research Building, designed to
                                                                                             accelerate medical progress by aligning
                                                                                             scientists from many disciplines in one
                                                                                             shared state-of-the-art facility. It is
                                                                                             where the world’s foremost scientists
                                                                                             work to solve some of the biggest
                                                                                             medical challenges of our time.

What It M     to Be Explorers

     As the recipient of a
     five-year Clinical and
     Translational Science
     Award (CTSA) from
     the National Institutes
     of Health, Harvard
                                  Harvard doctor makes significant contributions to biomedical science.

                                  You’ll explore new scientific frontiers by participating in a legacy of
     belongs to a select
     network of Clinical and      research that resonates on a global scale. Harvard Medical School has
     Translational Science
     Centers (CTSC) based at      been home to 15 Nobel Laureates and many nationally and internationally
     academic medical centers
                                  recognized researchers and medical scholars. Here, you will collaborate
     nationwide. This unique
     grant is helping bond        with some of the leading medical scientists in the world who teach and
     together a bench-to-
     bedside translational and    demonstrate not only state-of-the-art research techniques, but a passionate
     clinical research system
                                  dedication to improving human life through scientific discovery.
     that enables Harvard’s
     entire medical and
     science community to be
     larger and more effective
     than the sum of its parts.

HMS Centers,
                                                                                            Divisions, and

 Research at Harvard Medical School:                                                        The Armenise-Harvard Foundation
                                                                                            Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
 A History of Achievement                                                                   Harvard Center for Eating Disorders
                                                                                            Harvard Center for
 Think of it as a city of research — turn     happens at HMS, people all over the           Neurodegeneration and Repair
                                                                                            Harvard Clinical Research Institute
 nearly any corner on the HMS campus          world live healthier lives. The list of HMS   Harvard Division of Health Care
                                                                                            Policy Research and Education
 and you’ll encounter a cutting-edge          breakthroughs is astonishing, among them:
                                                                                            Harvard Division of Nutrition
 research facility. Multiply that effect by                                                 Harvard Institute of Chemistry
                                              n   Introduction of insulin                   and Cell Biology
 our numerous surrounding hospitals and           into the United States                    Harvard Institute of Mind/
 research centers, and the impact enlarges.   n   Invention of the iron lung                Harvard Institute of Proteomics

 Drawing on HMS faculty scholars and                                                        Harvard Institute of Psychiatric
                                              n   Application of tissue culture methods     Epidemiology and Genetics
 prominent medical researchers from all           to develop a polio virus to be used as    Harvard Mahoney
                                                  the key ingredient of the polio vaccine   Neuroscience Institute
 over the world, HMS has a tremendous                                                       Harvard Medical International
                                              n   Mapping the visual system of the brain    Programs running in
 history of cultivating research that                                                       over 30 countries
                                              n   Creation of the external                  Harvard-MIT Division of Health
 has alleviated human suffering caused            cardiac pacemaker                         Sciences and Technology
                                                                                            Harvard Program on Head
 by disease. As a consequence of what         n   Development of artificial skin            and Neck Oncology
                                                                                            HMS Center for Biochemical and
                                              n   First successful kidney transplant        Biophysical Sciences and Medicine

                                                                                            HMS Center of Excellence
                                              n   Discovery of the gene that causes         in Minority Health
                                                  Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy               HMS Center of Excellence
                                                                                            in Women’s Health
                                                                                            HMS Center for Health and
                                                                                            the Global Environment
                                                                                            HMS Center for Hereditary Deafness
                                                                                            HMS Center for Mental
                                                                                            Health and Media
                                                                                            HMS Center for Neurofibromatosis
                                                                                            and Allied Disorders
                                                                                            HMS Center for Palliative Care
                                                                                            HMS Division on Addictions
                                                                                            HMS Division on Aging
                                                                                            HMS Division of AIDS
                                                                                            HMS Division of Emergency Medicine
                                              Research opportunities that will change       HMS Division of Medical Ethics
                                              medicine await you in the Quadrangle,         HMS Division of Primary Care
                                                                                            HMS Division for Research and
                                              at all of the Harvard-affiliated teaching     Education in Complementary and
                                                                                            Integrative Medical Therapies
                                              hospitals, and at Harvard University and      HMS Division of Service Learning
                                                                                            HMS Skin Disease Research Center
                                              MIT. Harvard medical students often find
                                                                                            HMS Division of Sleep Medicine
                                              their research experiences among their        HMS Institute of Human Genetics
                                                                                            HSDM and HMS Center for
                                              most important, regardless of whether         Craniofacial Tissue Engineering
                                                                                            Juvenile Diabetes Research
                                              they pursue a life in the laboratory or in    Foundation Center for Islet Cell
                                                                                            Transplantation at HMS
                                              practice — you will as well. Understanding
                                                                                            MIT/HMS Center for
                                                                                            Magnetic Resonance
                                              how to ask a question and how to generate
                                              an answer will form one component
                                                                                            Last year Harvard Medical
                                              of your lifelong commitment to the
                                                                                            School was awarded $295.3
                                              health sciences. Another will be a useful     million in sponsored research
                                                                                            funding. Of that amount,
                                              and highly applicable understanding
                                                                                            $242.5 came from the
                                              of the scientific basis of medicine.          National Institute of Health.

      Dr. Alvin Poussaint
      Professor of Psychiatry, Faculty
      Associate Dean for Student Affairs,
      Director of the Office of Recruitment
      and Multicultural Affairs,
      Judge Baker Children’s Center

      A familiar figure on campus since
      1969, Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Alvin
      Poussaint has played a leading role
      in increasing parental and public
      awareness about the harmful effects
      of the increasingly sophisticated
      commercial exploitation of young
      children via television. Over the years,
      in between teaching, writing widely
      cited articles in medical and lay journals,
      and consulting on issues of adult
      and child psychology at the medical
      institutions affiliated with HMS as
      well as in public forums like The Oprah
      Winfrey Show, Dr. Poussaint has also
      served in a variety of administrative
      roles at Harvard Medical School

      As the current Faculty Associate Dean
      for Student Affairs and the Director
      of the Office of Recruitment and
      Multicultural Affairs, he is passionate
      about ensuring that HMS continues
      to offer its students a warm and highly
      supportive educational environment.

     “Be it our flexible and innovative
      curriculum or tutoring, counseling,
      or other student services that we
      offer, Harvard Medical School offers
      individual attention, and a world of
      resources, to every single student. It is a
      place where you can pick up the phone,
      call up Nobel Prize winners, and fix up
      an appointment to talk to them about
      your own professional goals. No matter
      what your interests are, you’ll be able to
      collaborate with faculty who are pioneers
      in their fields and who really care about
      you and your experience at HMS. We
      may be one of the world’s leading medical
      research institutions, but we are — first
      and foremost — a medical school.”


Discovering    Gaurav Das Gaiha,
                                                                                             Harvard-MIT Health
                                                                                             Sciences and Technology
                                                                                             (HST) Medical Sciences
                                                                                             M.D. Program

                                                                                             While beginning experiments as
Recent Faculty and                                                                           an undergraduate biochemistry

Student Research at HMS                                                                      major at the University of Illinois-
                                                                                             Chicago, Gaurav Gaiha “came
Faculty                                        Students                                      to an important realization.” He
                                                                                             recalls, “Science was no longer
n   Developed an endoscopic procedure          n    Studying the long-term outcomes          the trite memorization of facts.
    combining the reduction of fluid-               and prognostic factors in locally        Instead, it transformed into a
    producing tissue with restoration of            advanced pancreatic cancer patients      challenging thought process that
    normal flue circulation that avoids             undergoing intraoperative                required knowledge, creativity,
    dependence on implanted shunt                   radiation therapy.                       and tenacity.” Gaurav decided
    devices that fail over time.               n    Researching actigraphy-based sleep       to pursue an M.D.-Ph.D. and
n   Improving the health of people in               characteristics as predictors of         began by researching novel HIV
    underserved communities through                 inflammatory, autonomic, and stress      therapies while earning his Ph.D.
    patient-centered health                                                                  at Oxford as a Clarendon Scholar.
                                                    systems activation in individuals
    system redesign.                                suffering from primary insomnia.         After Oxford, Gaurav enrolled
n   The discovery of a progressive             n    Researching the effect of tau protein    in the Medical Sciences M.D.
    correlation between brain function              on the brain in hopes of inhibiting      division of the Harvard-MIT
    and size may lead to a control or cure          diseases such as Alzheimer’s.            Health Sciences and Technology
    for schizophrenia.                                                                       Program. “The biggest draw to
                                               n    Studying the effectiveness of            Harvard was the HST Program,”
n   The sequencing of protein from a               “pulsed dye” laser techniques in the      Gaurav says. “Being part of
    68-million-year-old dinosaur proves it          treatment of otherwise inoperable        HST, I’m able to work at any
    remains possible beyond one million             cancer tumors.                           lab at Harvard or MIT — and
    years, and reveals a genetic connection
                                               n    Fulbright study of an oppressed          the curriculum teaches us
    between the extinct reptiles and birds.
                                                    Costa Rican population group led to      how to integrate science and
n   The counterintuitive discovery that             a World Bank grant to provide basic      engineering with medicine.”
    proper drug combinations can turn               medical care.
    bacteria’s resistance against itself,                                                    Gaurav’s HST thesis project
    offering new avenues in drug research.     n    Helped to discover several enzymes,      is entitled “Characterization
                                                    one of which is prevalent in high-risk   of HIV-specific Cytotoxic T
n   Research indicating compounds (such
                                                    prostate cancer patients; another,       Lymphocytes with Supernormal
    as red wine’s resveratrol) that increase
                                                    when mutated, indicates the severity     Killing Activity through a
    the life span of yeast and fruit flies
                                                    of mental retardation.                   Functional Genomic Screen.”
    may prevent the health-threatening                                                       Working with researchers
    effects of obesity in mammals.                                                           at Harvard, MIT, and
                                                                                             Massachusetts General Hospital,
                                                                                             Gaurav explains that “the project
                                                                                             pulls together cutting-edge
                                                                                             technology with unique patient
                                                                                             samples. The data obtained from
                                                                                             this project could potentially be a
                                                                                             new frontier in understanding the
                                                                                             biology of CTLs in HIV infection.
                                                                                             Ultimately, we hope that this
                                                                                             new insight will aid in the
                                                                                             continued development of novel
                                                                                             T cell-based vaccines.”


Designed for an Optimal
                                       Medical Education:
                                       HMS Facilities
                                       Extensive, in-depth medical facilities                     The Seeley G. Mudd Building
                                                                                                  n   Provides expanded space for
                                       on a classical campus, the HMS research
                                                                                                      biomedical research programs
                                       environment offers a substantial range of
                                                                                                  The Harvard Institutes of Medicine
                                       well-equipped facilities for teaching and
                                                                                                  n   Inter-institutional biomedical
                                       research, among them:                                          research complex for HMS, Beth
     With nine basic and social
                                                                                                      Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and
     science departments housed        Tosteson Medical Education                                     Brigham and Women’s Hospital
     in the HMS Quadrangle,            Center (TMEC)
     50 clinical departments in
                                       n 	Houses most HMS classrooms                             The New England Regional
     our 17 teaching hospitals             and the five Academic Societies                        Primate Research Center
     and other affiliates, Ph.D.                                                                  n   Located in Southborough,
                                       n   Fitted for digital and
     research training programs                                                                       Massachusetts, a 140-acre tract
                                           audiovisual technologies
     offered through the Division                                                                     sponsored by the National
                                       n   Case Method Room — interactive
     of Medical Sciences, and                                                                         Institutes of Health
                                           tiered classroom seating 80 students
     faculty who conduct research
                                       n   	Student Computing Center
     in a score of locations around
     Boston, Harvard Medical           n   	Home of the new Clinical                             Connecting with
                                                                                                  HMS Technology
     School provides unsurpassed
                                             Skills Center, offering 18
                                             clinical examination rooms
     research opportunities.
                                                                                                  You’ll learn with the help of a seamless
                                       Francis A. Countway Library
                                                                                                  combination of hardware and software
                                       n     One of the largest collections of
                                             biomedical books in the U.S. and a                   that enhances MyCourses, our virtual
                                             world-renowned historical collection                 curriculum. Designed to provide
                                       n     The Countway Digital Library
                                                                                                  multimedia resources that foster student
                                             provides access to 149 databases
                                             for online services, over 10,000                     and faculty interaction, MyCourses — along
                                             electronic journals, and 1,114                       with 50-inch, high-definition plasma
                                             electronic textbooks
                                                                                                  display screens — enhances the tutorial
                                       n     Study areas with network access
                                       n     Volumes: 695,749                                     process and provides access to a wide range
                                             Monographs: 213,328                                  of supplemental learning materials, such
                                             Journal Volumes: 482,421
     copy to come?                                                                                as micro-scopy slides, patient videos, and
                                             Rare books: 212,083
                                                                                                  articles from the New England Journal
                                       Warren Alpert Building
                                                                                                  of Medicine. You can also download files
     David E. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.       n     Houses departments of neurobiology
     Associate Professor of Medicine                                                              from the web, create your own personal
                                             and microbiology and the Center
     and Health Sciences and
     Technology and Co-Director of
                                             for Blood Research                                   web page and storage area, and coauthor
     the Harvard-MIT Division of
     Health Sciences and Technology    New Research Building (NRB)                                complex documents with HMS faculty.
     on the steps of Brigham and       n     Houses departments of
     Women’s Hospital, one of HMS’
                                             genetics and pathology
     17 affiliated institutions.
                                       n     The Joseph Martin Conference Center

                                       The Laboratory for Human
                                       Reproduction and Reproductive
                                       Biology (LHRRB) Building
                                       n   	Houses investigators from
                                             the departments of biological
                                             chemistry and molecular
                                             pharmacology, and cell biology

                                              Smart Classroom Tosteson Medical Education Center
A ff i l i a t e d                         H o s p i t a l s

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center              institution devoted to the advancement
Renowned for excellence in surgery                and dissemination of knowledge in oral
(including general, cardiovascular, thoracic,     and craniofacial science and its relation
gastrointestinal, solid organ transplant,         to systemic health and well-being.
and vascular surgery), Beth Israel
                                                  Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Deaconess Medical Center is also known
                                                  In 1992, Harvard Medical School and
for treatment of cardiac conditions, cancer,
                                                  Harvard Pilgrim Health Care combined
and pulmonary and thoracic disorders,
                                                  resources to form the Department
and for expertise in neurosciences,
                                                  of Ambulatory Care and Prevention,
gastroenterology and liver disease,
                                                  distinguishing Harvard Pilgrim Health
obstetrics and women’s health, podiatry,
                                                  Care as New England’s first teaching and
and emergency and trauma medicine.
                                                  research health maintenance organization.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
                                                  Hebrew SeniorLife (HSL)
Brigham and Women’s Hospital is
                                                  Boston-based Hebrew SeniorLife
internationally known for its treatment of
                                                  (HSL) is a 100+ year-old organization
complex disorders in areas such as cardiac
                                                  committed to maximizing the quality of          leader in the treatment of mental illness
care, cancer treatment, neurosciences,
                                                  older adults’ lives through an integrated       and chemical dependency, research
orthopedics and arthritis, and women’s
                                                  network of housing, health care,                into the cause of mental illness, and the
health, as well as offering outstanding
                                                  research, and education programs.               training of generations of mental health
primary care services and the largest
obstetrical program in Massachusetts.             Joslin Diabetes Center                          care providers. It maintains the largest
                                                  Joslin Diabetes Center is an internationally    program of research in neuroscience
Cambridge Health Alliance                                                                         and psychiatry of any private psychiatric
                                                  recognized diabetes treatment, research,
Cambridge Hospital is one of the founding                                                         hospital in the United States.
                                                  and educational institution. Some of the
members of the Cambridge Health Alliance,
                                                  most important improvements in diabetes         Mount Auburn Hospital
a unique model that incorporates public
                                                  care — including treatments for diabetes
health, clinical care, academics, and research.                                                   Mount Auburn Hospital was incorporated
                                                  in pregnancy, the development of laser
It offers a wide variety of services including                                                    in 1871 as the first hospital in Cambridge,
                                                  surgery to treat diabetic eye disease,
medical specialties, surgical specialties,                                                        Massachusetts. With a mission to improve
                                                  and the identification of markers for
obstetrics, and primary care for all ages.                                                        the health of the residents of Cambridge
                                                  “pre-diabetes” — were developed at Joslin.
                                                                                                  and the surrounding communities,
Children’s Hospital Boston
                                                  Judge Baker Children’s Center                   Mount Auburn Hospital is dedicated
As the largest pediatric medical center in the
                                                  Judge Baker Children’s Center is dedicated      to delivering primary and specialty
United States, Children’s offers a complete
                                                  to improving the lives of children whose        health care services in a personable,
range of health care services for children.
                                                  emotional and behavioral problems               convenient, and compassionate manner.
Out of its more than 100 outpatient clinics,
                                                  threaten to limit their potential. The Center
those for epilepsy, urological disorders,                                                         The Schepens Eye Research Institute
                                                  attracts some of the foremost experts in
cerebral palsy, sports medicine, and cystic                                                       The Schepens Eye Research Institute is the
                                                  the fields of developmental psychology,
fibrosis are among the world’s largest.                                                           largest independent eye research institute in
                                                  education, and child mental health.
The CHB Program in Cellular and                                                                   America. Located in Boston, Massachusetts,
Molecular Medicine forms the                      Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary             the Institute was founded in 1950 by famed
Immune Disease Institute.                         Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI)      retinal surgeon Charles L. Schepens.
                                                  is a specialty hospital providing outstanding
The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute                  patient care for disorders of the eye, ear,     Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is a founding
                                                  nose, throat, head, and neck. Founded in        Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital is one
member of the Dana-Farber/Harvard
                                                  1824, MEEI is an international leader in        of the largest rehabilitation facilities
Cancer Center (DF/HCC), a federally
                                                  ophthalmology and otolaryngology research.      in the U.S., providing comprehensive
designated comprehensive cancer center,
                                                                                                  rehabilitation and complex medical
as well as a federally designated Center for      Massachusetts General Hospital
AIDS research. Providing advanced training        Founded in 1811, Massachusetts General          management services for patients
in cancer treatment and research for an           Hospital is the third oldest general hospital   recovering from a wide variety of disorders.
international faculty, the Institute conducts     in the United States and the oldest and         Veteran Affairs Boston Healthcare System
community-based programs in cancer                largest in New England. The 875-bed,            The largest consolidated VA facility in
prevention, detection, and control                world-renowned medical center offers            New England, the VA Boston Healthcare
throughout New England.                           sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic
                                                                                                  System encompasses three main campuses
                                                  care in virtually every specialty and
The Forsyth Institute                                                                             and six outpatient clinics within a 40-mile
                                                  subspecialty of medicine and surgery.
As a collective community of educators,                                                           radius of the greater Boston area. The
scientists, support staff, trustees,              McLean Hospital                                 combined facility has 392 acute hospital
graduates, and friends, the Forsyth               The first psychiatric institution in New        beds, 120 nursing home beds, and 70
Institute has become the preeminent               England, McLean Hospital is a world             domiciliary beds for homeless veterans.

What It M     to Be Visionar y

                                  transforms students into leaders who make significant contributions to the

                                  practice, science, and history of medicine. Your four years at Harvard
      MS students perform
                                  Medical School will empower you to join this tradition and ensure you
     extremely well on
     NBME Parts I and II.
                                  have what it takes to become an important part of it. In accepting the
     HMS graduates obtain
     residency positions at       responsibility to lead, you will contribute to the history of visionary
     Boston’s and the country’s
     most prestigious             accomplishments realized through the lives of HMS graduates and
     hospitals and health
     care institutions.           join a long list of innovators, discoverers, educators, and leaders.

                                                                                                            Like many HMS faculty,
                                                                                                            Dr. Beverly Woo, Associate
                                                                                                            Professor of Medicine, Brigham
                                                                                                            and Women’s Hospital, and
                                                                                                            Associate Master of the Francis
                                                                                                            Weld Peabody Society, gives
                                                                                                            much of her time to students.

some HMS
                                                                                                         Nobel Laureates

                                                                                                         Jack Szostak, 2009,
                                                                                                         Physiology or Medicine
                                                                                                         Discovered how chromosomes
                                                                                                         are protected by telomeres and
                                                                                                         the enzyme telomerase (with
                                                                                                         Elizabeth Blackburn of UC San
                                                                                                         Francisco and Carol Greider of
                                                                                                         Johns Hopkins University)

                                                                                                         Linda Buck,* 2004, Medicine
                                                                                                         Research on the olfactory
                                                                                                         system, explaining the sense
                                                                                                         of smell (with Richard Axel,
                                                                                                         Columbia University)

                                                                                                        Joseph E. Murray,
                                                                                                        1990, Medicine
                                                                                                        Developed new procedures
 Research at Harvard : Transforming Medicine                                                            for organ transplant (with E.
                                                                                                        Donnall Thomas, formerly of
 HMS produces national and global leaders              neurosurgery, to Dr. David Kessler, former       the University of Washington)

 in medicine and biomedical science,                    head of the FDA. From the beginning, the        Bernard Lown, Herbert Abrams,
                                                                                                        Eric Chivian, and James Muller,
 public policy and health care administration,         Medical School has drawn the most gifted         1985, Peace
 medical education, and specialists in                 students from across the country and             Cofounders, with Evgueni Chazov,
                                                                                                        Leonid Ilyin, and Mikhail Kuzin
 numerous medical fields. The long list of             the world, many of whom demonstrate              from the Soviet Union, of the
                                                                                                        International Physicians for
 leading physicians and scientists among               a strong desire for and experience in            the Prevention of Nuclear War
 HMS alumni is considerable, ranging from               leadership early in the application process.    David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel,
 Harvey Cushing, the father of modern                                                                   1981, Medicine
                                                                                                        Research on information-
                                                                                                        processing in the visual system

                                                                                                         Baruj Benacerraf, 1980, Medicine
                                                                                                         and Physiology
                                                                                                         Research on genetics
                                                                                                         and immunology

                                                                                                         In addition to our 15 Nobel
                                                                                                         Laureates, you will find
                                                                                                         among the faculty (living):

                                                                                                         31 Howard Hughes Medical
                                                                                                         Institute investigators, 65
                                                                                                         National Academy of Science
                                                                                                         members, and 123 Institute
                                                                                                         of Medicine members

                                                                                                        *Buck was awarded the Nobel Prize
                                                                                                         for work done while a member of the
                                                                                                         Harvard faculty. When the award was
                                                                                                         made, she was a member of the faculty of
                                                                                                         Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

                                                                                                       **Robbins was awarded the Nobel Prize
 Paul Farmer, Chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, leads efforts to advance     for work done while a member of the
 teaching and research in global health equity, linking students, medical residents, and faculty to      Harvard faculty. When the award was
                                                                                                         made, he was a member of the faculty
 service programs in some of the poorest parts of the world.                                             of Case Western Reserve University.

                                                                                                        A complete listing of HMS Nobel
                                                                                                        Laureates is available on the web at

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