VISIONARY Paul Mason Robyn Sheahan-Bright-Writing for Comics - Australia Day Honours List - Amherst Writers & Artists

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VISIONARY Paul Mason Robyn Sheahan-Bright-Writing for Comics - Australia Day Honours List - Amherst Writers & Artists
                      Paul Mason
ISSUE 272             Robyn Sheahan-Bright
                                             – Writing for Comics
                                             – Australia Day Honours List
Mar 2021 – May 2021
VISIONARY Paul Mason Robyn Sheahan-Bright-Writing for Comics - Australia Day Honours List - Amherst Writers & Artists

                                                                                                             ISSN 1444-2922
                                                                                                             ISSUE 272

                                         Sandra Makaresz
Paul Mason
Cover Illustration

Biography:                               Visionary is the theme of this issue of WQ and I think you’ll be amazed at the
Dr Paul Mason is an award-winning        mix of old and new ways of exploring this theme. From storytelling in video
cartoonist, and animation concept        games and virtual reality, to the visionary leap of an author opening their work
designer, working for companies          up to the possibility of collaboration through our Adaptable competition.
such as Frew Publications, Gestalt
                                         There is so much to inspire us about the future of writing and the timeless
Comics, and A Stark Productions.
                                         nature of great writing.
He is a sessional lecturer in visual
storytelling, art direction, animation   Our cover design is by comic book artist and writer, Paul Mason. It contains
pre-production, and comics in the        a small tribute to the braille alphabet that we hope you’ll find interesting and
Bachelor of Animation program at         thought provoking. Take a look – you might be inspired to find out more.
the Griffith Film School.

                                         The Queensland Writers Centre, Management Committee and staff present WQ
                                         in good faith and accept no responsibility for any misinformation or problems
                                         arising from any misinformation. The views expressed by contributors or
                                         advertisers (including advertising supplying inserts) are not necessarily those
                                         of the Management Committee or staff.

2                                                         WQ
VISIONARY Paul Mason Robyn Sheahan-Bright-Writing for Comics - Australia Day Honours List - Amherst Writers & Artists
Writing With A Vision

                                          By Wendy Dartnall

Writing With A Vision, a writing group    beginning of each meeting so they         Members of Writing With A Vision
for blind and vision impaired people      would know where their friends were       learned about craft through specific
in Brisbane, was affectionately           sitting around the room.                  writing prompts, positive feedback
known by its members as WWAVIES.                                                    at meetings, and group or private
We met regularly for 16 years, and        For the first writing prompt, I invited   editing    sessions.   If   someone
finally disbanded in December 2020        each person to reach into a large         presented a manuscript draft for
with a fond farewell party.               basket of everyday objects, feel for      critique, everyone was invited to
                                          one to hold in their hands, and then      give considered critical comments.
I wondered how vision impaired            write first thoughts and keep going.      I saw writers develop their skills and
people wrote, when in 2005 I was          Afterwards, a retired scientist said      overcome fears.
invited to speak to blind and vision      stoutly that she never thought she
impaired people about writing             would write about a plastic funnel, but   At every meeting there were always
groups. Some of them wanted to            it had taken her back to the laboratory   enough volunteer scribes/readers to
form their own writing group, having      and a story came instantly. A man         write stories as people dictated them.
already started a book club, organised    chuckled, saying he never thought he      Scribes then typed and emailed them
by the Queensland Narrating Service.      would write about a necklace, but it      back to the writer. A scribe needs
I volunteered to kick-start them,                                                   to be like a human pencil during
                                          had reminded him of his mother in
saying that they would be able to                                                   the creative process, writing what
                                          Sri Lanka. Writers allowed their inner
run it themselves after a few months.                                               they are given, never suggesting
                                          critic to take a back seat and followed
Sixteen years later I was still there,                                              alternative words, unless asked to
                                          wherever memory and imagination
along with many of the founding                                                     by the writer, and never objecting to
                                          flowed for them, letting unexpected
members.                                                                            content on moral grounds.
                                          words and images lead the way. It is
Fifteen people came to the first          in this kind of allowing that we can      In 2009, the group produced a
meeting. Some were able to write          begin to find our voice in writing.       double CD set of stories and poems
by hand, others brought laptop                                                      called My Mind’s Eye. Brisbane’s Radio
                                          The group name of Writing With A
computers, one or two had braille                                                   for the Print Handicapped, Radio
                                          Vision was chosen by its members.
machines, while others had human                                                    4RPH, let us narrate them in their
                                          They soon found confidence and joy
scribes who wrote what was dictated                                                 recording studio. It was encouraging
                                          in writing, both together and alone.
to them.                                                                            for the writers to have a goal to
                                          After the first two years, our meetings   work towards. We made a second
I explained that it was my first time     were held at Brisbane Square Library      recording with Radio 4RPH in 2019
with a group of vision impaired people    until early in 2020, when Covid-19        called Tapestries of Life.
and that I might say daft things like     forced us all to isolate. We continued
‘have a look at this.’ They laughed and   sharing our stories and comments by       Braille House in Brisbane runs
told me that one thing they would         email, but it is not an easy medium       The Dickinson Memorial Literary
always require was a rollcall at the      for some forms of vision impairment.      Competition, an annual writing

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VISIONARY Paul Mason Robyn Sheahan-Bright-Writing for Comics - Australia Day Honours List - Amherst Writers & Artists
competition for Australian residents      acknowledge how the content               writing: Writing Alone & With Others
who are legally blind. It boosted the     sparkles, can cause a child to believe    (2003) and How the Light Gets In (2013).
confidence of our group’s writers         they cannot write. These beliefs can      I share Pat’s belief that everyone has
who entered it and often won prizes       last a lifetime; likewise, someone with   a voice and art belongs to everyone.
over the years.                           a physical disability who missed a few    We all have the right to write.
                                          building blocks in their education,
Vision Australia’s website informs us:    might think creative writing is beyond
“Government departments use the           them.                                     Wendy Dartnall writes short stories
term ‘legally blind’ to define a person                                             and poetry. Her memoir, A Wind from
whose degree of sight loss entitles       It sometimes takes a visionary to show    the East, was published in 2016. She
them to special benefits.” Definitions    us the light. Mine was Pat Schneider,     has a BA in English Literature from
                                                                                    the University of Queensland and
are useful for running societies, but     the founder of Amherst Writers &
                                                                                    is an affiliate of Amherst Writers &
prejudices can damage us, even            Artists of which I am an affiliate.
                                                                                    Artists (AWA). She currently runs AWA
unconscious ones. For example, the        A visionary teacher, Pat inspired         workshops online called Writing Voices.
teacher who writes over a child’s         thousands of writers throughout her
work in red pen because spelling or       life using the AWA method, and her
grammar is incorrect and doesn’t          legacy lives on through her books on

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VISIONARY Paul Mason Robyn Sheahan-Bright-Writing for Comics - Australia Day Honours List - Amherst Writers & Artists
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