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2020-2021 Hector MacLean Scholarship Projects Project: A non-cytotoxic approach to reduce ocular fibrosis Supervised by: Dr Manisha Shah, Dr Elsa Chan & Dr Jennifer Fan Gaskin Research Group: Ocular Fibrosis Unit Project Summary: Wound healing is a classical response to any �ssue injury repair and this process o�en leads to scar-forming fibro�c lesions. Scarring response is a major problem that influences the surgical outcome in pa�ents with eye diseases. The post-surgical scarring in the eye causes vision impairment and blindness. There are some non-selec�ve cytotoxic drugs currently being used in the clinic that exerts serious side-effects and leads to a high recurrence rate of fibrosis and surgical failure. Hence there is an immediate need to inves�gate safer and more effec�ve therapeu�c alterna�ves. The unit focuses on inves�ga�ng post-opera�ve ocular scar forma�on. By understanding the involvement of NADPH oxidase-associated pathways in Reac�ve Oxygen Species (ROS) produc�on in post-surgical ocular fibrosis, we aim to inves�gate how to improve long-term success of ocular surgery and prevent/treat post-opera�ve ocular scar forma�on and vision loss in pa�ents. We use various molecular and cell culture techniques, cell signalling pathway analysis, histological and immunohistochemical analysis and preclinical mouse models of ocular fibrosis to study the various aspects of this project. Students will have an opportunity to learn techniques such as Western blot, histology and immunohistochemical analysis, microscopy and imaging as well as some aspects of preclinical mouse model of glaucoma filtra�on surgery. The student will be trained and expected to perform respec�ve techniques and data analysis. Project: The applica�on of ar�ficial intelligence for re�nal hyper- spectral image analysis Supervised by: Dr Xavier Hadoux & A/Prof Peter van Wijngaarden Research Group: Ophthalmic Neuroscience Project Summary: Hyperspectral imaging involves the imaging of objects across a wide range of wavelengths of light. Our team is one of the first groups to apply this method to re�nal imaging for the detec�on of biomarkers of eye and central nervous system diseases. A key element of this process is the development and op�misa�on of data analysis methods using a variety of image processing and ar�ficial intelligence approaches including deep learning. The research candidate will have the opportunity to work with large well labelled image data sets to develop and tune deep learning networks for the detec�on of a range of disease biomarkers. Applicants with proficiency in computer programming are encouraged to apply. Prior experience with machine learning is desirable. Page 1
2020-2021 Hector MacLean Scholarship Projects Project: How COVID-19 affects monitoring of glaucoma pa�ents Supervised by: Dr George Kong Research Group: Clinical Research Project Summary: Glaucoma is an op�c neuropathy which causes loss of peripheral vision and is o�en associated with elevated intraocular pressure. Glaucoma pa�ents require ongoing monitoring of visual field and intraocular pressure to detect any disease progression and to ins�tute appropriate treatment. This effort to monitor glaucoma pa�ents is made difficult due to the COVID-19 period, with several hundreds of clinic appointments being forced to defer by several months. Whether there are any detrimental effects of this deferral is not clear. In this project, we will examine the clinical outcomes of glaucoma pa�ents who have had their appointments deferred by 3-6 months. It involves reviewing the electronic medical records of pa�ents with deferral of appoinments. Clinical deteriora�on is defined as any eleva�ons in intraocular pressure, or any worsening of visual field defect. The clinical factors that increase the risk of clinical deteriora�on will be analysed using mul�-variate analysis. The knowledge arising from this project will help develop a clinical risk calculator to help classify pa�ents into those most at risk of progression. Project: Keratoconus-solu�ons using big data analysis Supervised by: Dr Srujana Sahebjada & A/Prof Mark Daniell Research Group: Surgical Research Project Summary: Keratoconus is a common condi�on that affects the cornea and despite its increasing prevalence, the cause of keratoconus is largely unknown. The aim of the project is to be�er understand the underlying molecular causes, clinical characteris�cs and treatment op�ons of keratoconus to develop strategies that can halt the disease progression. The project also aims at developing machine learning algorithms to iden�fy features that define early subclinical keratoconus that are currently refractory as well as iden�fy a series of features that are involved in a) disease staging, as well as b) risk of progression of Keratoconus. The project involves collec�on of large datasets from clinical records and images and offers an exci�ng opportunity to conduct big data analysis and manuscript wri�ng. Students with a background in either medical, biomedical and computer science, optometry and visual science, or sta�s�cs are welcome to apply. Page 2
2020-2021 Hector MacLean Scholarship Projects Project: REPAIR OF THE CORNEA TO RESTORE VISION: Transla�on to Surgical Repair Device Supervised by: Dr Karl Brown & Prof Greg Dus�ng Research Group: Surgical Research Project Summary: Severe burns and corneal disease leads to vascularisa�on and ulcera�on of the corneal surface, which is currently treated by corneal transplants and lifelong an�-rejec�on drugs. Many countries in the world do not have sufficient donors to meet the increasing demand for this procedure. At CERA we work closely with chemical engineers and veterinary scien�sts at the University of Melbourne to develop engineered constructs to replace the damaged corneal endothelium. Materials and procedures have been patented, and one is under commercial development. The current project is to develop a source of corneal endothelium from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) and grow these on patented hydrogel films to replace damaged endothelium. Alterna�vely, the reprogramming of appropriate cells from pa�ent donors direct to corneal endothelium will be explored. Mechanisms of adhesion and prolifera�on of these cells will be examined, and preclinical transplanta�on studies will be carried out in sheep in the veterinary facility. This project would be suitable for medical or biomedical science students with an interest in cell biology, pharmacology or ophthalmology to work towards clinical applica�on of this novel technique with an ophthalmologist, stem cell scien�st, veterinary scien�sts and other cell biologists. A short project as part of this program is available for a Summer vaca�on student working alongside scien�sts and clinicians. Page 3
2020-2021 Hector MacLean Scholarship Projects Project: Func�onal vision assessment of bionic eyes in a real world se�ng Supervised by: Dr Carla Abbo�, Dr Lauren Ayton A/Prof Penelope Allen Research Group: Bionic Research Project Summary: Re�ni�s pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited disease that causes loss of the light sensi�ve cells (photoreceptors) in the re�na, and hence blindness. RP affects 1.5 million people worldwide and in most cases is not able to be treated. Bionic eyes (re�nal prostheses) have been developed for people with late-stage RP, to enable them to regain some central vision. Re�nal prostheses work by bypassing the photoreceptors to target s�mula�on of the re�nal cells leading into the op�c nerve. At the Centre for Eye Research Australia, there is currently a clinical trial in progress where RP pa�ents with ultra-low vision have been implanted with a second-genera�on bionic eye device. During the trial, pa�ents are assessed 3-monthly with the Func�onal Low-Vision Observer Rated Assessment (FLORA) protocol in their home environment. This project will involve sta�s�cal analysis of the FLORA outcomes to demonstrate the impact of the bionic eye and to iden�fy where visual rehabilita�on might increase the func�onal vision skills of the pa�ents. In pa�ents with a bionic eye due to ultra-low vision, assessment of the impact of the prosthesis on their daily ac�vi�es and naviga�onal ability is a key part of analysing the usefulness of the technology. Page 4
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