XXVIth World Youth Day Chemin Neuf Community - " Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the faith " (Col 2, 7)

Page created by Alfredo Ray
XXVIth World Youth Day Chemin Neuf Community - " Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the faith " (Col 2, 7)
XXVIth World Youth Day
Chemin Neuf Community

          « Planted and built up in Jesus Christ,
            Firm in the faith » (Col 2, 7)


                                     January 2010
XXVIth World Youth Day Chemin Neuf Community - " Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the faith " (Col 2, 7)

     Ever since the first World Youth Days, the Chemin Neuf Community has always chosen
     to respond enthusiastically to the invitation of the Holy Father to young people. We have
     made this an apostolic priority. During the last WYDs : Paris in 1997, Rome 2000,
     Toronto 2002, Cologne 2005, and finally Sydney 2008, more than 15 000 young people
     from all around the world have experienced these days with the Chemin Neuf.

A programme in 2 stages :
10th to 15th August 2011: The International Forum in Guadarrama-Avila
16th to 21st August : The World Youth Day in Madrid

         From 10th to 15th August 2011 in Guadarrama and in Avila

     The International Forum of the Chemin Neuf Community will take place in Guadarrama, a
     town situated 40 km north of Madrid, and 70 km from Avila. This gathering will permit us to
     welcome about 2000 young people from some thirty different countries.
     Each day we will propose teachings, testimonies, Eucharist, Divine Offices, times for
     relaxation and sharing, and international evenings …

         • Preparing for the meeting with the Holy Father.
     During this international gathering, we hope to help each young person to have a real time of
     spiritual preparation, encounter with Christ, and prayer.
     It means opening themselves up to conversion and to giving their lives to follow Christ.
     The events planned in Madrid from 16th August will bear even more fruit as a result!

         • Experiencing fraternal life
     The organisation of daily life during the gathering will lay an emphasis on fraternal life (times
     of sharing, meals taken in small groups…).

         • Experiencing peace and reconciliation – hearing powerful testimonies.
     At the heart of this international gathering, a day will be set aside for forgiveness and peace.
     This will mean entering into the experience of forgiveness with God, but also with each
     person’s own personal history, the history of their own people, or of other nations. We will
     experience that unity and peace are built up in Christ.
     The presence of some powerful witnesses will help us to enter into these steps of

        • A day of pilgrimage to Avila in the steps of Teresa
     A day of walking and prayer is planned in Avila, in the steps of Teresa of Avila and of John
     of the Cross, between the 10th and the 15th of August.

XXVIth World Youth Day Chemin Neuf Community - " Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the faith " (Col 2, 7)

Young people from any country will be able to sign up individually for the WYD with the
Chemin Neuf Group.
Others can come in pre-organised groups, including diocesan groups. During the WYDs in
1997, 2000, 2002, 2005, and 2008 a number of dioceses (from Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Ivory
Coast, Mauritius, Martinique, the Philippines, Canada ...) chose to collaborate with the
Chemin Neuf Community.
There will be many different ways to join the group, and all applications will be looked at on
a case by case basis.

Simultaneous translation in the main languages spoken by the young people will be available.

The World Youth Day is normally open to young people between 18 and 30 years old. It is
possible, provided legal requirements in their own country related to minors are respected, to
open it to young people between 16 and 18 years old.
Concerning minors, please consult us in advance.

How to sign up
The youth mission of the Chemin Neuf Community is recognised by the Pontifical Council
for the Laity (Youth Section) as an international movement.
The Chemin Neuf Group will therefore be registered with the Pontifical Council for the Laity
in Rome.
All the young people who will be going to the World Youth Day with the Chemin Neuf
international group will need to register with the Chemin Neuf Group’s Secretariat, which
will pass on all the registrations to Rome.


We plan to welcome people on the 10th of August.
Groups of young people having several days travel (by coach or plane) will be able to arrive
from 9th August in order to have a rest day before the start of the International Gathering.

The Chemin Neuf Community is in direct contact with the Spanish Committee in Madrid for
all practical questions concerning accommodation.

Coaches to Madrid will be organised by the Chemin Neuf Community for the return journey
from about twenty cities in Europe.
Organised groups can travel in their own coaches to come to the site of the International
Gathering in order to take part in the WYD with the Chemin Neuf Community.

Financial participation
The Spanish WYD Committee has not yet fixed the cost for the period 16th to 21st of August.
For the International Gathering (10th -15th August), a contribution will be asked for. We
would be glad to discuss with the leaders of each group in order to agree together a reasonable
cost for this period.
XXVIth World Youth Day Chemin Neuf Community - " Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the faith " (Col 2, 7)
      From 16th to 21st August 2011

I.     The young will follow the WYD programme:
            Welcome and opening Mass.
            Catechesis in the morning, and Youth festival in the afternoon.
            Vigil with the Holy Father.
            Mass with the Holy Father on Sunday morning.

II.    For those who wish to take part, from the 16th to the 20th of August the Chemin Neuf
       Community will be organising, on its own or in partnership with other groups, various
       activities within the framework of the Youth Festival in the centre of Madrid :
                   A. Leading the spiritual programme of a church in the centre of Madrid
                   B. Evangelisation :
                   Concerts by the Chemin Neuf International Choir, “Festivals for God”
                   C. An evening of praise and testimonies: “Get up, He’s calling you”

The Community will also be leading some catechism during the Youth Festival

A. Leading a church in the centre of Madrid: a programme of prayer – paths to peace
and unity:
     1. Morning Office and Vespers
     2. Eucharist
     3. Eucharistic Adoration
     4. Confession and spiritual guidance
     5. Evenings of prayer and testimony

The idea is to offer a programme of prayer and reflection in the school of the great saints and
witnesses of the faith in a church which is in the centre of Madrid.
Through times of Communal prayer and of silence, adoration, confession, spiritual guidance
or testimonies, we want to enable these young people to enter into an authentic step of
commitment in the service of peace and reconciliation between our countries and our

B. Evangelisation in the centre of Madrid: Concerts of the Chemin Neuf International
Ecumenical Choir and “Festivals for God”:
The International Choir of the Chemin Neuf Community was founded in Paris on the occasion
of the 1997 WYD. It includes about 300 singers from around twenty different countries, and
from different Christian denominations, as well as choreographers and musicians. During the
year the young members work on a common repertoire in their countries and come together in
the summer for evangelisation concerts. Through a repertoire of Gospel songs, Negro
spirituals, folk songs, etc. The shows put on by the Choir aims to proclaim the sheer joy of
knowing Christ and to celebrate him in unity.
These moments of evangelisation, of festival and dancing, can help many young people to
experience a personal encounter with the Lord.

D. Evening of praise and testimony “Get up, He’s calling you!”
This evening, which will also take place in Madrid, will be a moment of prayer, joy and
 praise - to celebrate the Lord together, but also to hear, through testimonies, how Christ is
alive today and calls us to follow him.
The Chemin Neuf Community

The Chemin Neuf Community, founded in Lyon (France) in 1973, is a Catholic community
with an ecumenical vocation which includes members of different churches (Catholic,
Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Evangelical).
The Community has about 1500 adult members: men and women, consecrated celibates,
families, priests and pastors. It is currently present in 26 countries.
Some members share the same house (common life fraternity), while others (neighbourhood
fraternity) meet together several times a week for common prayer and a community evening.
Each member commits to a daily time of personal prayer, financial sharing, and involvement
in a mission.
Around the Community itself, the International Ecumenical Fraternity (Net for God) brings
together about 10,000 people for mission or formation around the world.
Marked since its beginning by the inclusion of brothers and sisters from different Christian
denominations, the Community wants to be faithful to the prayer of Jesus before his death:
“That they should all be one” (John 17).
Born out of the Charismatic Renewal movement, the Community has been inspired since its
beginning by Ignatian spirituality. Its principal mission is to form and to train Christians for
service in the Church and in society. The Community organises an extensive programme of
retreats and runs various formation centres.
The two main Community missions are the CANA sessions for couples, organised in more
than 40 countries, and the YOUTH MISSION (student hostels, study weekends, retreats,
international festivals …).
In recent years, many bishops have entrusted parishes to the Chemin Neuf Community. These
parishes are not run by a priest working on his own, but by a Community fraternity.
In 1984 the Community was set up as a Public Association of the Faithful by Cardinal
Decourtray, Archbishop of Lyon. The priests and other brothers of the Chemin Neuf
Community are members of the Religious Institute of the Chemin Neuf which was set up as a
body within the Chemin Neuf Community in 1992, and was recognised of Pontifical Right by
the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in Rome
on the 14th September 2009.

                                  CONTACTS WYD 2011
                                CHEMIN NEUF COMMUNITY

  Sr Patricia PLACE                                Gergely VARGA
  154 Avenue Victor Hugo                           59 Montée du Chemin Neuf
  75116 PARIS - FRANCE                             69005 LYON - FRANCE
  Tel. : +33/1 47 27 73 70                         Tel. : +33/ 4 78 15 07 96
  Mobile : +33/6 08 23 94 10                       Mobile : +33/6 87 69 93 12
  E-mail : patriciaplace@wanadoo.fr                Fax : +33/ 4 78 15 07 97
  Skype : patricia.place                           E-mail : vargagergelyccn@gmail.com

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