Virtual Conference 20 October 2021 - USIM

Virtual Conference 20 October 2021 - USIM
20 October 2021
                    Virtual Conference
                                 Theme :

      Science and Technology – Moving Forward

ICoRAST2021  intends to bring together a range of new scientific and
technological developments and challenges. Its primary objective is to
address the needs of the country via technology sharing and knowledge
dissemination through strong ties with industry experts, scientists and
academicians. It seeks to bring together leading experts, scientists,
researchers, scholars and students to discuss and share expertise, insight,
and study on advancement aspects of the new and advanced science and
technology disciplines in various subjects. This conference will offer an
impetus for new networks to be developed and will also address the
functional problems faced and the different solutions implemented in their
fields worldwide to date.
Virtual Conference 20 October 2021 - USIM
The Organizer welcomes individuals and organizations to become the
                   sponsors for ICoRAST 2021.

                           PLATINUM PACKAGE
                           MINIMUM SPONSOR: RM5999

  ✓ Introduced as main sponsor of ICoRAST 2021.
  ✓ Logo prominently displayed on online Conference         / Seminar
     banners, poster and website.
  ✓ Company logo to be affixed on the following backdrop: - Official
     opening ceremony - Official closing ceremony
  ✓ Organization logo, summary of products and services included in
     online/softcopy program book (Full page back cover).
  ✓ Invited to the opening ceremony / closing ceremony
  ✓ Certificate of Appreciation.
  ✓ Online video promotion of the company product for maximum
     of 1 min (prepared by the organisation OR verbal announcement
     by MC) each time before the Keynotes, Invited and Parallel
  ✓ Receipt of payment for sponsorship (LHDN purpose)
  ✓ Announcement as a PLATINUM sponsor in speeches             during
     opening / closing ceremony.
Virtual Conference 20 October 2021 - USIM
                         MINIMUM SPONSOR: RM1999

✓ Introduced as co-sponsor of ICoRAST 2021.
✓ Logo prominently displayed on online Conference / Seminar
  banners, poster and website.
✓ Organization logo, summary of products and services included in
  program book (Full Page).
✓ Invited to the opening / closing ceremony.
✓ Certificate of Appreciation.
✓ Online video promotion of the company product for maximum
  of 1 min (prepared by the organisation OR verbal announcement
  by MC) each time before and after the Keynote session.
✓ Receipt of payment for sponsorship (LHDN purpose)
✓ Announcement as a GOLD sponsor in speeches during opening /
  closing ceremony.
                          MINIMUM SPONSOR: RM699

✓ Organization logo, summary of products and services included in
  program book (Half Page).
✓ Certificate of Appreciation.
✓ Online video promotion of the company product for maximum
  of 1 min (prepared by the organisation OR verbal announcement
  by MC) at Closing Ceremony.
✓ Receipt of payment for sponsorship (LHDN purpose).

                           BRONZE PACKAGE
                          MINIMUM SPONSOR: RM299

✓ Organization logo, summary of products and services included in
  program book (Quarter Page).
✓ Certificate of Appreciation.
✓ Online video promotion of the company product for maximum
  of 1 min (prepared by the organisation OR verbal announcement
  by MC) at Closing Ceremony.
✓ Receipt of payment for sponsorship (LHDN purpose).
Summary of Sponsorship Package

              Benefits          Platinum             Gold               Silver          Bronze
                                RM5999             RM2999              RM699            RM299

Income tax exemption                √                  √                  √                √

Sponsor Acknowledgement             √                  √                  √                √

Logo on online backdrop,            √                  √                  X                X
poster, banner
Invitation to the                   √                  √                  X                X
opening/closing ceremony
Programme Book               Full page colour   Full page colour   Half page colour   Quarter page
Advertisement                                                                           colour
                              Before & After
                             Keynote, Invited   Before & After        At closing       At closing
One minute promotion video     and Parallel        Keynote            ceremony         ceremony

Certificate                         √                  √                  √                √
Corporate Name



Telephone No.

Fax No.

Contact Person

Tel. No. (HP/Office)

Email Address

Type of sponsorship             Platinum

    ➢ Payment via EFT/MEPS IBG/Bank Transfer (For Local)

          Beneficiary Name:
          Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
          Beneficiary Account Number:
          Beneficiary Bank:
          Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB)
          Payment reference: ICoRAST sponsor
➢ Payment via Foreign Transfer (For International)
     Beneficiary Name:
     Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
     Beneficiary Account Number:
     Beneficiary Bank:
     Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB)
     Payment reference: ICoRAST sponsor
     Branch Code: 4005058
     Swift Code: BIMBMYKL
     Branch Address:
     Ground Floor, PT7183 & PT7184, Jalan BBN 1/2E, Bandar
     Baru Nilai, 71800. Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

➢ Proof of payment:
    o Please send us the proof of payment / the transaction
       details of the payment made by email it to and
    o Please state your full name / company’s name /
       organisation’s name.
    o The official receipt of the payment will be sent to your
       email or mailing address, once the payment has been

The organizer would like to thank you for your kind generosity.
Should you require further information, please contact our
Sponsorship Committee:
Dr. Sofina :
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