VIC Network Update - Queensland

Page created by Douglas Rojas
VIC Network Update - Queensland
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VIC Network Update
The VIC Network Update is Tourism and Events Queensland's (TEQ) monthly email
newsletter covering news relevant to Queensland's accredited Visitor Information Centres
(VICs). Welcome to the July 2020 edition.

TEQ CEO visits regional Queensland
TEQ Chief Executive Officer Leanne Coddington has embarked on the first part of a road
trip around the state to meet with industry, hear concerns and share TEQ’s strategy. On
her travels Leanne stopped in at the Chinchilla VIC where she left the happy owner of a new
melon-themed tea towel. Leanne will be heading to North Queensland next week as she
continues to meet with industry.

TEQ continues to provide video updates and insights on the COVID-19 crisis. View all

Updates to Hotspots and Border Restrictions
VIC Network Update - Queensland
It is important to remember that we are all in this together. The onus remains on our
community to remember that the pandemic is far from over. We need to rapidly respond
to outbreaks by testing and self-quarantining, so we can stop the spread.
Hotspots declarations and border restriction changes are made regularly – the best way to
keep up to date is to visit the Queensland Health Border Restrictions page.
If you have any questions that you cannot find answers to on that page, please call 134
COVID (134 268).
To stay informed about the latest public health directions, sign up to the Queensland Health
newsletter. You will receive an email every time an update is made to public health

Current hotspots are here.

From 12.00 pm on Friday 3 July 2020 all 79 Local Government Areas (LGAs) within the
State of Victoria are considered a COVID-19 hotspot.

New South Wales
From 1.00 am on Saturday 1 August 2020 34 Local Government Areas (LGAs) within the
State of New South Wales are considered COVID-19 hotspots.

Other states and territories
No other Australian states or territories contain declared hotspots.

( Information current Friday, 31 July 2020)

Remain informed on COVID-19 updates

Tourism and Events Queensland has dedicated webpages to provide COVID-19 updates for
businesses and COVID-19 updates for travellers . The information is updated daily, and
provided in a simplified way, linking to the official sources of information.

With the declaration of new COVID-19 hotspots, if you have visitors asking what this means
for travel plans, TEQ has summarised the information and provided links to the official
directions, here. The requirement remains for any traveller (including Queensland residents)
to complete a border declaration ahead of their travel into Queensland, whether by road,
rail, air or otherwise.

VIC Zoom Discussion is on Thursday, 20 August

Attendees of the last three Zoom sessions have found it beneficial to hear how other VICs
are travelling in this season and handling topics such as:

      Visitors refusing to complete the COVID-19 register;
      Whether volunteers have returned and how they are being retrained;
      How VICs are providing visitor services outside of operating hours;
      Occupancy over the June/July school holidays;
      Hearing that visitors are keen to spend when they are in region.

The next VIC Zoom session is Thursday 20 August, 1:30pm.
Please register your attendance to receive the calendar invitation and link to connect.
Register now and forward any points for discussion to the VIC Secretariat.

Register visitors using a QR Code
A topic of interest from the last Zoom network discussion was the ways in which VICs are
keeping a COVID Safe Register as part of their COVID Safe practices. The digital option
implemented by the Bundaberg VIC offered visitors with a smart phone the option to scan a
QR code set up by the VIC which linked to a digital form for completion on the visitor's
View the example VIC COVID Safe Registration Form.
Test the VIC COVID Safe Registration QR Code example.
Download the 'How to create a QR Code COVID Registration Form'.
As recommended in the Queensland Tourism and Accommodation Industry COVID-Safe
Plan, VICs are encouraged to have a back-up paper option for those without a device.

Queensland National Parks' Think Outside campaign

Queensland National Parks are challenging visitors to ‘Think Outside’ and find their perfect
outdoor experience in Queensland’s parks and forests.
The Think Outside campaign features a selection of inspiring destinations and recreational
experiences across the state, along with camping suggestions to appeal to novice campers,
and a swag of helpful hints and tips to make visiting Queensland’s parks and forests easy.
Visitors are being encouraged to 'Think Outside' and discover Queensland's wonderful
outdoors, pack up their camping gear and boots and head off to create memories to last a
Keep informed with the recently launched new-look website for Queensland National Parks
which aims to offer a more visual user experience for all visitors.

Accessing industry discussions

Industry leaders continue to deliver webinars and resources covering a range of business
topics in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which you may find valuable in navigating
your VIC through these unprecedented times:
Tourism and Events Queensland - COVID-19 updates for businesses.
Tourism and Events Queensland - COVID-19 updates for travellers.
Tourism Australia - Industry Webinar series.
Australian Tourism Export Council - 'Road to Recovery' and 'Build Back Better' webinar
Innovate Queensland - various virtual events in August.
June/July holiday sentiments

Thanks to all VICs who submitted sentiments for their regions. It was reported, with the
opening of borders, occupancy sat between 50-75 per cent in most regions and at 100 per
cent in parts of the South East pocket and Agnes Water. Some of the general sentiments

      Greater regional interest as travellers “explore their backyard”.
      Due to the international travel restrictions, families were travelling to the Outback for
      the first time.
      Increase in young family travel which helped to balance out the anticipated fall in the
      grey travel market.
      There was interest in a variety of accommodation options including caravanning,
      camping and motels.
      Queenslanders are conscious of spending money in the region to help in cafes and
      Exceptionally busy on the weekends, day trippers looking for an easy drive from

Quick Snippets

Monthly Statistics
The collection of monthly statistics will recommence for the 2020/2021 financial year. This
means on the fourth of each month VICs will receive an email with a unique link to complete
and submit their data and then a reminder email willl be sent on the 14th to those who had
not yet submitted.
Good To Go brochures
VICs can now order additional stock from Link Logic.

The Year of Indigenous Tourism has been extended into 2021
TEQ has released a benchmark report showing that Indigenous tourism supports $505
million in visitor expenditure in Queensland annually, employing nearly 2,500 people. The
comprehensive supply and demand study is the first of its kind into Indigenous tourism in
Queensland and demonstrates how important cultural experiences are to Queensland’s
tourism industry both for domestic and international visitors.
To understand more about the initiatives planned for the Year of Indigenous Tourism see
the prospectus, and to find marketing tools including promotional video and logo, visit our
Walk down memory lane with the 7 News Friday Flashback looking at Queensland's
tourism campaigns over past decades.
That latest international visitor survey and domestic visitor survey data for the
year ending March 2020 is available here.
The Queensland June Accommodation report is available here.
2020/2021 VIC accreditation services fee
Invoices will be sent in the coming weeks, Purchase orders can be sent to the VIC

   Useful Resources
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