2018/2019 Business Partner Programme

2018/2019 Business Partner Programme
2018/2019 Business Partner Programme
Visit Waimakariri is the District Tourism    By working together, we can promote the Waimakariri
                                             District to a wider audience, more efficiently to achieve
Organisation for the Waimakariri District.
                                             combined success.
We promote the Waimakariri District as a
visitor and business destination, and an     We would like to thank our existing business partners for
                                             their continued engagement with Visit Waimakariri and
innovative place to stay and play.           Kaiapoi i-SITE.
                                             Our region has experienced strong economic growth over
                                             the past year with $150m in electronic transactions alone
                                             across the district – Source MBIE’s Marketview 2017
                                             Our team at Enterprise North Canterbury undertakes
                                             visitor and business attraction, event funding and
                                             promotion, training and networking and visitor information
                                             I would like to introduce two new staff members to the
                                             • Elizabeth Pitcorn, who has extensive experience in
                                               district tourism marketing
                                             • Janine Rogers, product development (particularly the
                                               cycle trials in district)
                                             Melanie Cox continues to create the Waimakariri Events
                                             Calendar and administer the event funding, Gwen Creek
                                             manages the i-SITE and the ENC team encourage
                                             businesses to set up in the district whilst supporting
                                             existing businesses to prosper.
                                             To continue growth and exposure of our district
                                             Visit Waimakariri will:
                                             • Represent you, as our business partners at domestic
                                               and international events
                                             • Build a closer relationship with ChristchurchNZ and
                                               Tourism New Zealand, ensuring the district is included
                                               in all future marketing opportunities
                                             Together, in partnership, we succeed at showcasing the
                                             district as a desirable destination.

                                             Kind Regards,

                                             Heather Warwick, CEO
    www.visitwaimakariri.co.nz               Enterprise North Canterbury
2018/2019 Business Partner Programme
About Us                                                        Growth
Visit Waimakariri is the District Tourism Organisation for      The Waimakariri District has seen noticeable growth
the Waimakariri District. We promote the Waimakariri            in visitor spend both with domestic and international
District as a visitor and business destination, an innovative   visitors. Total visitor spend for the year ending May
place to stay and play.                                         2018 is $80M, an increase of 10% from 2017.
                                                                (Please note this excludes our visitors from
We are committed to showcasing the diverse experiences
                                                                Christchurch who add another $70M to the total).
on offer in the Waimakariri District. Since 2005 we have
developed visitor industry products, provided event             Our international visitors are coming from Australia,
funding and promotion as well as expert and up-to-date          China, other areas within Asia and Europe and their
visitor information.                                            largest spend areas are retail, food and beverage and
We work alongside our community, local businesses,
event organisers as well as key stakeholders such as            For the Year ending April 2018, the Waimakariri
the Waimakariri District Council, the Department of             District saw an increase in guest nights of 4.5% as
Conservation, Environment Canterbury and Tūhaitara              well as an increase in the length of stay days of 6.6%.
Trust to ensure our District’s promotional marketing
                                                                It is fantastic to see growth in our district, we must
endeavours have a cohesive strategy, with social and
                                                                continue to be proactive to ensure our growth
economic prosperity.
                                                                strengthens and carries through for years to come.
Our aim to attract visitors and new businesses through a
variety of marketing initiatives are highlighted through our
key goals:
• Promoting the Waimakariri to businesses
• Enhancing the visitor experience
• Connecting with residents in the area of local
• Developing new products aimed at the visitor
Our team of experts in business and visitor experience are
dedicated to working with key industry bodies including
Tourism New Zealand, South, ChristchurchNZ and all of
the District Tourism Organisations throughout Canterbury
to achieve a cohesive approach to tourism marketing.
Together, with the support of Waimakariri based
businesses, we can continue to be a desirable visitor
destination for both domestic and international tourists as
well as deliver new and exciting marketing campaigns to
allow us to be recognised as an area of choice to visit.
We invite you to join us in our business partner program
enabling us to impart our in-depth knowledge of
industry trends, provide you with business and industry
connections and include your business in our district
campaign activity domestically and internationally.
We look forward to working with you in 2018/2019.
2018/2019 Business Partner Programme
2018/19 Objectives                                        Join Us
                                                          We invite you to join our 2018/19
• Work closely with our Regional Tourism                  Business Partner Programme.
  Organisation; ChristchurchNZ to promote the             Our Business Partnership exists to ensure you are
  Waimakariri District as part of wider Canterbury        represented in our marketing activity. Together, we can
  campaign and familiariation activity                    represent the vibrant and exciting experiences in our
• Work with Canterbury District Tourism Organisations     district, showcasing them to visitors who live just down
  including joint venture promotional activity to bring   the road as well as those who live far away. A combined
  more visitors to the region and encourage them to       approach provides a cohesive and well-rounded offer to
  explore further and stay longer                         encourage people to visit and stay longer.
• Provide relevant and timely information about the       As our Business Partner you can significantly raise your
  Waimakariri District to active considerers              profile and leverage from our marketing opportunities, as
                                                          well as take advantage of our business support services
• Communicate industry knowledge, trends and data
                                                          and networks through Visit Waimakariri, Kaiapoi i-SITE
  to Visit Waimakariri Business Partners to provide
                                                          and Enterprise North Canterbury.
  an opportunity for businesses to gain knowledge,
  enabling them to grow and prosper.
• Be at the forefront of tourism marketing initiatives
  to ensure that the Waimakariri District is well known
  for our unique offerings to the visitor market both
  domestically and internationally.                       Partnership Options
                                                          12 MONTHS

                                                           BENEFITS                                      FULL           DIGITAL
                                                                                                         $250 + GST     $185 + GST

2018/19 Marketing                                          Brochure display in the Kaiapoi i-SITE

                                                           Priority referrals by the Kaiapoi i-SITE
                                                                                                              P               -



                                                           Inclusion in promotional material               Additional     Additional
                                                                                                          opportunity    opportunity
                                                           at TRENZ 2019                                  purchase 1.    purchase 1.

                                                           One 15 second slot on the                       Additional     Additional
                                                                                                          opportunity    opportunity
                                                           video screen in the Kaiapoi i-SITE
• Attend TRENZ, New Zealand’s largest Tourism Trade                                                       purchase 2.    purchase 2.

  Show, held in Rotorua in May 2019. To showcase           Business listing on the
                                                                                                              P              P
  Waimakariri’s accommodation, activities and sights       Visit Waimakariri website
  to international travel agents and media                 Participation in joint venture campaigns
                                                                                                              P              P
• Create a suite of imagery to be used across a            (where relevant)*
  variety of media in Waimakariri specific and joint       Participation in familiarisations
                                                                                                              P              P
  venture promotions including high quality video and      (where relevant)*
  photos.                                                  Inclusion in the Waimakariri District Trade
                                                                                                              P              P
                                                           Ready database (if applicable)
• Increase the Waimakariri District tourism presence
  on the ChristchurchNZ and Tourism New Zealand            Inclusion in the Waimakariri District
                                                           tourism operator database – provided to            P              P
                                                           key industry bodies for referrals
• Engage in a joint venture domestic campaign to           Newsletters and email updates                      P              P
  promote the Waimakariri District to North Island
  travellers                                               Invitation to tourism specific networking
                                                                                                              P              P
• Create and implement social media campaigns              Assistance with listing on
  through creative stories and blogs, driving more         www.newzealand.com
                                                                                                              P              P
  visitors to the Visit Waimakariri website
                                                           Inclusion in social media campaign
                                                                                                              P              P
• Provide more visual enticement to stay and play in       activity (where relevant)*
  the Waimakariri District through the development of      Invitation to tourism specific training         Additional     Additional
  digital promotional activity at the Kaiapoi i-SITE       events
                                                                                                          purchase 3.
                                                                                                                         purchase 3.

• Continue to expand the reach of the Visit                Inclusion in conference and incentive
                                                                                                              P              P
  Waimakariri Event Calendar throughout Canterbury         bid participation (where appropriate)*

• Continual administration of the $45,000 Waimakariri      Access to business support through
                                                                                                              P              P
                                                           our team at Enterprise North Canterbury
  Events Fund, funded by the Waimakariri District
  Council.                                                 Discount on advertising In the                  Additional
                                                           Visit Waimakariri Official Visitors Guide      purchase 4.    purchase 4.
2018/2019 Business Partner Programme
Additional                                                     Please complete the following
                                                                    details and return to
Opportunities                                                 elizabeth@visitwaimakariri.co.nz
                                                                             BUSINESS NAME:

1. Representation at TRENZ / $350 + GST
TRENZ, New Zealand’s largest international tourism                            CONTACT NAME:
trade show is an annual event and in 2019, will be held
in Rotorua. Attending the three day convention, Visit
Waimakariri will speak with more than 50 international                     PHYSICAL ADDRESS:
travel agents and media, through specifically targeted
prescheduled appointments, promoting experiences in
the Waimakariri District.
                                                                             POSTAL ADDRESS:
Partner with us to have:
• A dedicated slide in our presentation about your
  business (both in English and Chinese)
                                                                            PHONE NUMBER(S):
• Your product/service showcased during the
  prescheduled meetings and at other networking
  opportunities throughout the convention
• Up to six images, one 15 second video and an
  A4 electronic flyer of your offering (in English and
  Chinese)on the USB’s we provide every agent/                                     WEBSITE:
  media we meet with
• Post TRENZ report including any leads to follow up
                                                                            ACCOUNTS EMAIL:

2. Digital advertising / $120 + GST
                                                                   PURCHASE ORDER # (IF APPLICABLE):
• One 15 second slot for 12 months on the digital
  screen located in prime position within full view of
  everyone entering the Enterprise North Canterbury       BUSINESS DESCRIPTION - INCLUDING OVERVIEW, AMENITIES,
  Business Centre and Kaiapoi i-SITE.                             FACILITIES AND PRICE RANGE (IF APPLICABLE):

3. Tourism training events / Price varies
Throughout the year, tourism training events will be
held to assist businesses to upskill. The themes of
these events will be set by current needs and industry
                                                                              TRIPADVISOR ID:

4. Official Visitors Guide / 10% discount
When our guide comes up for renewal, advertising          PLEASE ALSO SEND UP TO 10 HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOS
options including ¼, half and full page advertising
space are available. All business partners are eligible
                                                             BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP SELECTION:
for a 10% discount on advertising in the guide.                          Full Membership $250 +GST
                                                                         As a business that provides commissionable
                                                                         product we have agreed to the i-Site New Zealand
                                                                         Terms of Trade Agreement as part of the Tourism
                                                                         New Zealand’s Operator Database. For more
                                                                         information please contact our office or visit

                                                                         Digital membership $185 +GST

                                                                  Additional Opportunities:
                                                                         1. TRENZ $350 +GST
                                                                         2. Digital advertising $120+GST
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