Vespers for the Commemoratio n of the Martyrs of New Guinea (1942) - 2 SEPTEMBER 2021 - Holy Trinity Cathedral

Page created by Frank Hanson
Vespers for the Commemoratio n of the Martyrs of New Guinea (1942) - 2 SEPTEMBER 2021 - Holy Trinity Cathedral
Vespers for
n of the
Martyrs of New
Guinea (1942)
The Martyrs of New Guinea

In the summer of 1942, the forces of imperial Japan reached
New Guinea. All white people were ordered to evacuate the
northern coast, but a number of Anglican missionaries
decided to stay with their people for as long as possible.
Their faithfulness resulted in martyrdom at the hands of the
Japanese military and local indigenous people collaborating
with the Japanese.
The English martyrs were the Rev’d Vivian Redlich, May
Hayman and Mavis Parkinson. These martyrs were joined by
Lucien Tapiedi, an indigenous catechist and teacher, who died
trying to protect Redlich and other missionaries.
              O God, make speed to save us.
              O Lord, make haste to help us.
              You have been my helper
Preparation   And under the shadow of your wings will I rejoice.
              Glory be to God, the Author of creation, the Word of
              redemption and the Spirit of wisdom: As it was in the
              beginning, is now and will be for ever. Amen.
Presider (or Cantor)

              Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs,

Hymn of       Holy women, holy men,

              With our love and admiration,

              Greet we your return again.
Common        Worthy deeds are theirs, and wonders,

Praise #284   Worthy of the name they bore;

              We, with joyful praise and singing,

              Honour them for evermore.
Presider (or Cantor)

              Faith prevailing, hope unfailing,

Hymn of       Loving Christ with single heart,

              Thus they, glorious and victorious,

              Bravely bore the martyr’s part
Common        By contempt of every anguish,

Praise #284   By unyielding battle done;

              Victors at the last, they triumph,

              With the host of angels one.
Presider (or Cantor)

              Therefore, all that reign in glory,

Hymn of       Strong and sure with Christ on high,

              Join to ours your supplication

              When before him we draw nigh,
Common        Praying that, this life completed,

Praise #284   All its fleeting moments past,

              By his grace we may be worthy

              Of eternal bliss at last.

                I love you, Lord, because you heard,

                Because you listened to my plea,
Psalm 116.1-8   Because when I have called on you
(metrical       You have inclined your ear to me.


                The cords of death entangled me,

                I came to misery and woe;

Psalm 116.1-8   Then called I on the Name of God:

(continued)     “O Lord, I pray you, save my life.”

                Gracious and upright are you, Lord,

                You are compassionated indeed;

Psalm 116.1-8   The innocent are in your sight;

(continued)     You helped me when I was in need.

                You, Lord, have kept us in your care,

                Turn, then, our souls and take our rest;

Psalm 116.1-8   You kept my feet from any fall,

(continued)     My eyes from tears, my life from death.

               As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, may we
Psalm Prayer   call upon your name, raise the cup of salvation, and so
               proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come in glory. Amen.

             A reading from the Revelation to John.

Revelation   Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, “Who are these,
             robed in white, and where have they come from?” I said to
7.13-17      him, “Sir, you are the one that knows.” Then he said to me,
             “These are they who have come out of the great ordeal; they
             have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of
             the Lamb.

              “For this reason they are before the throne of God, and
Revelation    worship him day and night within his temple, and the one who

              is seated on the throne will shelter them. They will hunger no
              more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them, nor any

(continued)   scorching heat; for the Lamb at the center of the throne will
              be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the
              water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their
Following the Reading, we reflect on the Word. We conclude

Reflection   Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of

         Let us remember
          vThe saints on earth, that we may live as citizens of heaven;
          vAll people, that they may hear and believe the word of
          vAll who fear the coming of autumn and winter;
Prayer    vAll political leaders, that they may imitate the righteous rull
           of Christ;
          vAll who grieve and wait with the dying, and
          vOur own intercessions, petitions and thanksgivings.


         For the gift of the Spirit: blessed be Christ.

         For the Church universal: blessed be Christ.

         For the means of grace: blessed be Christ.

         For the hope of glory: blessed be Christ.

Litany   For the triumphs of the gospel: blessed be Christ.

         For the lives of the saints: blessed be Christ.

         In joy and in sorrow: blessed be Christ.

         In life and in death: blessed be Christ.

         Now and to the end of the ages: blessed be Christ.

          Almighty God, in the sight of your mercy we call to mind the
          noble company of your martyrs in New Guinea, who followed
          the precept and example of their Saviour, and laid down their
Collect   lives for their friends; and we pray that we who honour their
          memory may imitated their loyalty and faith; through Jesus
          Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
          Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
             Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us pray as
             Saviour taught us:

The Lord’s   Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom
             come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today

Prayer       our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who
             sin against us. Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us
             from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are
             yours, now and for ever. Amen.
Deacon (or Presider)

                Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Sending Forth   Presider

                May God give us grace to follow the saints in glory. Amen.
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