Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands

Page created by Theresa Griffith
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
Supporting your local autism charity
  Helping to raise funds for World Autism Awareness!


  Thursday 28th May 2020
             Share your fundraising pics with us: #sillysockday
 Facebook: or Twitter/Instagram @autismwestmids
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
Hello supporter,
Thank you for supporting Autism West Midlands by requesting a
Virtual Silly Sock Day fundraising pack!

Receiving an autism diagnosis, at any age, is often just one step in
a long and challenging journey. Autism West Midlands are here to
support anyone who needs a helping hand along the way; a life-
line or just a friendly ear to listen, understand and

Remember: You can play an
important part in helping us to
accomplish this…

The funds you raise will enable us to
support local autistic people and their
families at every stage of their journey
from getting a diagnosis to finding tools
and strategies to lead a fulfilling life.

Thank you from all the team at
Autism West Midlands!

Find out more:
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
Plan your Silly Sock Day in 5 easy steps

          Pick a date - You can choose any date for your Silly Sock Day or
          choose to celebrate with us on Thursday 28th May, our official Virtual Silly
          Sock Day! Remember to share your pics on our social media!

          Download a poster and tell everyone to dig out their
          silly socks - click here

          Collect a £1 donation from everyone taking part

          Take photographs and put them on Facebook & Twitter

          Count up your cash and pay it in

Ways to make your Silly Sock Day even sillier

   Make a silly sock snake puppet - you could even hold a
         competition with prizes for the best/worst efforts

   Silly Sock hunt – the person in your household who finds
                               the most pairs wins the prize

Fill a sock with sweets and guess the amount to win the lot!

                   Make sock shaped cookies and decorate

     Challenge people to take an old sock and decorate it
                          as whacky and silly as they can
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
How you can make a difference!

                                        “The helpline I have used
                                        and they are really helpful,
                                        when I’m having a bad day,
                                        tearful I just phone and get


The funds you raise will enable us to support local autistic people and
their families at every stage of their journey from getting a diagnosis to
finding tools and strategies to lead a fulfilling life.

Click below to watch our video on how we have supported local families
over the last twelve months:

Our Impact Video...
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
Thank You...
    		           From the bottom of our Silly Socks!

                       Photo taken in 2019

         “I was delighted to support Autism West
         Midlands and their Silly Sock Day during World
         Autism Awareness Week 2019. Autism West
         Midlands do fantastic work supporting local
         autistic people and their families. We all had a
         great time at Priestley Smith Primary School,
         it was a brilliant day!”
         Alan Gardener
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
How to get your money to us

You can visit our Silly Sock Day fundraising page on
Just Giving here:

Alternatively, you can donate directly to us online by visiting:

Cheques should be made payable to
‘Autism West Midlands’ and sent to:

Autism West Midlands
Kings Norton Business Centre
Imperial Court
Sovereign Road
Kings Norton
B30 3ES

Make sure to include your contact details so we can thank you.

We hope to receive all of the money raised within
4 weeks of the event. If this is not possible please
call us on 0121 450 7582.

Thank you!

                                     Registered Charity Number: 517077
                         Registered Company Number: 1953344 (England and Wales)
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
What is Autism?
Autistic people often have difficulties with
everyday life. Some people experience extreme
anxiety. Many find change difficult. However, with the
right understanding and support, autistic
people can lead full and rewarding lives.

                         • is life-long
    Autism...            • affects people from different backgrounds all over the world
                         • is genetic; it can affect more than one family member

Autistic people may find it hard to...
    •    Make sense of the world                   •   Understand emotions
    •    Make conversation                         •   Reason and make decisions
    •    Understand some of the subtleties         •   Maintain good mental health and
         of social language                            wellbeing
    •    Be adaptable to new situations

Tips to support an autistic person
•       Keep language simple and allow time for a response
        Say the person’s name to get their attention
•       Explain social rules and how to behave in different social situations as clearly as
•       Provide structure and routine to give predictability. This will reduce anxiety.
•       Some people really benefit from visual support like symbols, pictures and
        photographs to add meaning to the spoken or written word.
•       Social stories can be helpful in preparing an autistic person for change
•       Look at the environment to see if it is creating difficulties for autistic people, can you
        change anything?

Enriching the lives of autistic people living in the West Midlands

Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
Make your
own snake
sock puppet!
You will need:
• Googly eyes
• Different coloured felt (or any material you have spare)
• Glue
• Scissors


1. Find an old sock. It can be any colour, and it should be long
enough for you to stick your arm in

2. Glue two googly eyes to the bottom of the sock, where your toes would

3. Once the glue is dry, stick your hand in with the top of your hand where the bottom of your foot
would be, and make your hand in a shape of a mouth. Your arm should look like a snake

4. Decorate your sock puppet with fabric paint and/or a felt tongue cut with a “v” at the end like a
snake’s tongue

You could even put on a sock puppet show with your creations!

Don’t forget...

We would love to see photographs of you
with your snake sock puppet! If you would
like to see your photos in our newsletter and
on our website, email them to

If you use twitter don’t forget to use
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
Silly Sock Day Fun-raising activities!
                      Colour in the socks
                      in the silliest, most
                      wacky, colourful and
                      artistic way you can
                      think of!
                         Click here for a free colouring
                         booklet to download and print
Virtual - Thursday 28th May 2020 - Supporting your local autism charity - Autism West Midlands
Silly Sock Day

G   S   K   C    O    S B        X   P   C
S   S   S   E    N    E R        A   W   A
N   C   R   A    Z    I E        S   T   N
E   T   S   E    I    Z D        A   L   A
R   A   U   T    I    S M        R   Y   O
D   U   S   S    I    L L        Y   A   R
L   E   O   P    X    L T        O   M   O
I   H   A   L    I    Y K        C   A   W
H   K   L   O    O    H C        S   O   L
C   L   A   U    T    R I        V   H   Y
            Find the 10 words:
    AUTISM                 CHILDREN
    SILLY                  SOCKS
    WACKY                  VIRTUAL
    COLOUR                 MAY
    AWARENESS              CRAZIEST
We will be celebrating our Virtual Silly Sock Day on...

Wear your craziest, silliest, snazziest socks for the day
 and make a donation to Autism West Midlands to
    celebrate World Autism Awareness with us!

            Registered Charity Number 517077 • Tel 0121 450 7582
     Email • Twitter #sillysockday
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