Page created by Wallace Santos
                (TURKEY/CHICKEN/DUCK / GOOSE & FOWL)
 Poultry Showmanship Rules
 1. The exhibitor must use their own bird in Showmanship.
 2. Showmanship Classes are:
        Novice: Any exhibitor who has never shown a poultry project before
        (First year members)
        Junior: Ages 9-12
        Intermediate: Ages 13-15
        Senior: 16-19
        *Advanced: First place winners from novice, junior, intermediate and senior divisions to
        compete for an overall champion winner. Winners in each division will move up to next
        division until one maxes out in advanced division. If the senior participant wins before
        age 19, they must participate in advanced division only for the rest of 4-H career.
        Exhibitor can win more than once in advanced division.
 3. There will be showmanship for market poultry exhibitors and a separate showmanship
    for fancy poultry exhibitors. Exhibitors may participate in both.
 Poultry Interview Judging
 1. This will be held prior to fair.
 2. Judging will be on only the species in your project. (I.e. if you are only showing ducks,
    you will only be judged on ducks.
 3. Interview judging is required for all members to participate in Jr. Fair, receive credit
    for the project for the year and participate in the outstanding project award.

 Non-market Poultry (Fancy Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks, Geese & fowl)
 1. All exhibitors must attend mandatory Quality Assurance Training.
 2. All poultry exhibited at the fair must submit registration to the 4-H office by April 1 of
     the exhibition year.
 3. The number of allowed chickens/turkeys/ducks/ geese/fowl per exhibitor will be
     determined by the number of exhibitors, registered animals, and cage availability. A
     maximum of 4 birds per breed per exhibitor will be permitted.
 4. Pullorum Blood Testing is required by the State of Ohio on all Non-Market Chickens
     and Turkeys.
 5. Exhibitors must make arrangements to have poultry pullorum tested prior to fair. Members
     MUST bring verification of pullorum test with their birds and present appropriate
     paperwork to poultry species chair before animal is caged/enters barn.
         a. Exhibitors can enroll in the Ohio Poultry Association NPIP program to have
             their poultry tested, OR
         b. 4-H clubs may host a pullorum testing clinic.
         c. 4-H members may have their birds pullorum tested by a licensed veterinarian.
 6. No Pullorum testing will be done at fair.
 7. Ducks, Geese, and other Waterfowl do not require Pullorum testing.
 8. All non-market poultry exhibited at the fair must submit registration to the 4-H office
     by April 1st of the exhibition year.
 9. All exhibitors are responsible for the care of their poultry during the fair and cleaning up
     after their own bird. All poultry must be fed, watered, and pens cleaned by 10a.m.
     every day. All pens must be cleaned out prior to leaving the last day of fair.
 10. All Junior Fair exhibitors must sign up and serve on barn duty. Remember the care of
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your poultry is not the responsibly of those serving barn duty.
 11. All birds must be in place by Tuesday, July 7 at 4:00 p.m.
 12. Market poultry projects cannot be moved and/or released until 7:30 p.m. on the last day
     of fair. Non-Market poultry projects cannot be moved and or released until 8:30 p.m. the
     last day of fair.
 13. Each exhibitor is to bring adequate ventilation (Fans, Cords, Watering supplies) for
     their projects. All extension cords must be UL Listed.
 14. Exhibitors must provide their own Feed, Feed & Water Bowls, and Bedding during the fair.
 15. Show attire: All exhibitors must wear show attire. This includes: long pants, close-
     toed shoes, club shirt and white lab coat. Lab coats are not required for market
 16. Exhibitors must CLEARLY mark the breeds of poultry they will be exhibiting on
     their registration forms. “TBA” will no longer be accepted.

 Market Duck Rules
 1. All market ducks will be ordered through a blanket order by the Poultry Chairmen.
     Deadline to order is January 27 and will arrive the week of April 6.
 2. All poultry exhibited at the fair must submit registration to the 4-H office by April 1 of
     the exhibition year.
 3. All exhibitors must attend a mandatory Quality Assurance class.
 4. No Pullorum Testing is necessary on market ducks.
 5. All birds must be in place by 4p.m. Tuesday July 7. Weigh-in will be held Tuesday, July 7
     in the poultry barn between 4:00-5:00 p.m.
 6. Market duck pens will consist of 1 duck, with a minimum weight of 5 pounds.
     Optimum weight is 7 lbs.
 7. Ducks not meeting weight requirements will be disqualified at weigh-in.
 8. All market ducks must be cleaned and marketable. Any duck deemed not marketable
     by judged will not be allowed to be sold.
 9. All market ducks will be tagged at weigh-in.
 10. Order of the sale at the Jr. Livestock Sale will be determined by Judge’s placing.
 11. All market ducks must sell at the Jr. Livestock Sale, or pulled and fees paid to the Sr.
     Fair. Grand & Reserve Ducks must be sold as a terminal sale.
 12. All exhibitors are responsible for the care of their poultry during the fair and cleaning up
     after their bird. All poultry must be fed, watered, and pens cleaned by 10a.m. every
     day. All pens must be cleaned out prior to leaving the last day of fair. No bathing is
     permitted three hours prior to show & sale.
 13. All exhibitors are to sign up and serve on barn duty. Remember the care of your poultry
     is not the responsibly of those serving barn duty.
 14. Market poultry projects cannot be moved and or released until 8p.m. the last day of fair.
 15. All Market ducks must be processed and delivered to the buyer within 7 days of the
     fair’s ending.
 16. Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) must be signed and turned in to the Poultry
     Chairman at weigh-in.
 17. All Market poultry must adhere to withdrawal times on feed and medicine labels.
 18. Each exhibitor is to bring adequate ventilation (Fans, Cords, Watering supplies) for
     their projects. All extension cords must be UL Listed.

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Market Geese Rules
1. All market geese will be ordered through a blanket order by the Poultry Chairmen.
    Deadline to order is January 27 and will arrive the week of March 23.
2. All poultry exhibited at the fair must submit registration to the 4-H office by April 1st of
    the exhibition year.
3. All exhibitors must attend a mandatory Quality Assurance class.
4. No Pullorum Testing is necessary on market geese.
5. All birds must be in place by 4p.m. Tuesday July 7. Weigh-in will be held Tuesday July 7,
    in the poultry barn between 4:00-5:00 p.m.
6. Market geese pens will consist of 1 goose, with a minimum weight of 8 pounds.
    Optimum weight is 11 lbs.
7. Geese not meeting weight requirements will be disqualified at weigh-in.
8. All market geese must be cleaned and marketable. Any geese deemed not marketable
    by judged will not be allowed to be sold.
9. All market geese will be tagged at weigh-in.
10. Order of the sale at the Jr. Livestock Sale will be determined by Judge’s placing.
11. All market geese must sell at the Jr. Livestock Sale, or pulled and fees paid to the Sr.
    Fair. Grand & Reserve Geese must be sold as a terminal sale.
12. All exhibitors are responsible for the care of their poultry during the fair and cleaning up
    after their bird. All poultry must be fed, watered, and pens cleaned by 10 a.m. every
    day. All pens must be cleaned out prior to leaving the last day of fair.
13. All exhibitors are to sign up and serve on barn duty. Remember the care of your poultry
    is not the responsibly of those serving barn duty.
14. *Market poultry projects cannot be moved and or released until 8p.m. the last day of fair.
15. All Market geese must be processed and delivered to the buyer within 7 days of the
    fair’s ending.
16. Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) must be signed and turned in to the Poultry
    Chairman at weigh-in.
17. All Market poultry must adhere to withdrawal times on feed and medicine labels.
18. Each exhibitor is to bring adequate ventilation (Fans, Cords, Watering supplies) for
    their projects. All extension cords must be UL Listed.
19. Adequate size pens to be provided by the exhibitor (see market turkeys). 3X3X3.

 Market Turkey Rules
 1. All market turkeys will be ordered through a blanket order by the Poultry
    Chairmen. Deadline to order is January 27 and will arrive the week of March 2.
 2. Market turkey pens will consist of 1 turkey. Minimum weight is 22 pounds. Hens must
    have a minimum weight of 16 pounds.
 3. Turkeys not meeting weight requirements will be disqualified at weigh-in.

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4. Exhibitors will be limited to two pens of market turkeys.
 5. All equipment including exhibition pens will be furnished by the exhibitor. Pens must be
     3X 3x3x3 for anyone new exhibiting after July, 2013. (Plastic Pet crates and/or Enclosed
     Pet Taxis are not allowed).
 6. All Market poultry must adhere to withdrawal times on feed and medicine labels.
 7. All birds must be in place by 4p.m. Tuesday July 7. Weigh-in for market turkeys will be
     between 4:00-5:00 p.m. Tuesday July 7 in the poultry barn.
 8. All market turkeys must have a numbered identification band; this will be done at fair.
 9. All poultry exhibited at the fair must submit registration to the 4-H office by April 1st of
     the exhibition year.
 10. All exhibitors are responsible for the care of their poultry during the fair and cleaning
     up after their bird. All Market Turkeys must be kept clean and marketable. No turkey
     will be permitted to be bathed 3 hours prior to show or livestock sale.
 11. Any turkey receiving less then Grade “A” or deemed unmarketable by the judge may not
     be sold in the Jr. Livestock Sale.
 12. Judges placement will determine the sale order. Any turkey deemed unmarketable by
     the judge will be disqualified.
 13. If a turkey cannot be sold following the Judge’s placement, then each placement will move
     up and rank. (I.e. Reserve Champion will become Grand Champion if the Grand Champion
     cannot be sold).
 14. All market turkeys must sell at the Jr. Livestock Sale, or pulled and fees paid to the Sr.
     Fair. Grand & Reserve Turkeys must be sold as a terminal sale.
 15. All turkey pens must be kept clean and turkeys must be fed & watered by 10 a.m. each
 16. All Junior Fair exhibitors must sign up and serve on barn duty. Remember the care of
     your poultry is not the responsibly of those serving barn duty.
 17. *Market poultry projects cannot be moved and or released until 8p.m. the last day of fair.
 18. All Market Turkeys must be processed and delivered to the buyer within 7 days of the
     fair’s ending.
 19. All exhibitors must attend a mandatory Quality Assurance class.
 20. Each exhibitor is to bring adequate ventilation (Fans, Cords, Watering supplies) for
     their projects. All extension cords must be UL Listed.
 21. All Market poultry must adhere to withdrawal times on feed and medicine labels.
 22. Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) must be signed and turned in to the Poultry
     Chairman at weigh-in.

 Market Chicken Rules
 1. All Market Chickens will be ordered through a blanket order by the Poultry
    Chairmen. Deadline to order is January 27 and will arrive the week of May 4.
 2. All exhibitors must attend a mandatory Quality Assurance class.
 3. All poultry exhibited at the fair must submit registration to the 4-H office by April 1st of
    the exhibition year.
 4. A. *Broiler class- Broiler pens will consist of 3 birds, each weighing a minimum of 4
    pounds, maximum weight of 8 pounds per bird. Disqualification of 1 Chicken at weigh-in
    disqualifies the entire pen.
    B. Roaster class- pens consisting of two birds, anything over 8 pounds.

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5. Exhibitors will be limited to three pens of market chickens.
 6. All birds must be in place by 4 p.m. Tuesday July 7. If a Chicken dies prior to weigh-in, it
     may be replaced by the exhibitor before weigh-in. Weigh-in will be Tuesday July 7
     between 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the poultry barn.
 7. All Market Chicken must have a numbered identification band; this will be done at fair.
 8. All Market poultry must adhere to withdrawal times on feed and medicine labels.
 9. Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) must be signed and turned in to the Poultry
     Chairman at weigh-in.
 10. All exhibitors are responsible for the care of their poultry during the fair and cleaning up
     after their bird. All poultry must be fed, watered, and pens cleaned by 10 a.m. every
     day. All pens must be cleaned out prior to leaving the last day of fair.
 11. All Market Chickens must be kept clean and marketable. No Chicken will be permitted to
     be bathed 3 hours prior to show or livestock sale.
 12. All Junior Fair exhibitors must sign up and serve on barn duty. Remember the care of
     your poultry is not the responsibly of those serving barn duty.
 13. If a pen consists of less than 3 Chickens prior to judging, then the pen will be disqualified.
     If a pen consists of at least 1, but less than 3 after the Judge’s placement, then the
     placement will stand for sale order with the forfeiture of proceeds for the missing portion
     of the pen. If a pen cannot be sold after the Judge’s placing, then each placing will move
     up one rank. (I.e. Reserve Champion will become Grand Champion if the Grand
     Champion cannot be sold).
 14. Any chicken receiving less then Grade “A” or deemed unmarketable by the judge may not
     be sold in the Jr. Livestock Sale.
 15. *Market poultry projects cannot be moved and or released until 8p.m. the last day of fair.
 16. Judges placement will determine the sale order. Any chicken deemed unmarketable by
     the judge will be disqualified.
 17. All Market Chickens must sell at the Jr. Livestock Sale, or pulled and fees paid to the
     Sr. Fair. Grand & Reserve Chickens must be sold as a terminal sale.
 18. Each exhibitor is to bring adequate ventilation (Fans, Cords, Watering supplies) for
     their projects. All extension cords must be UL Listed.
 19. All Market Chickens must be processed and delivered to the buyer within 7 days of the
     fair’s ending.

 Market Class Division- Chicken, Turkey, Duck & Goose
 All market classes will be divided according to weight as evenly as possible. Ideally a class will
 have 6 pens, unless otherwise specified by the poultry chairman at the time of weigh-in.

 Charity Pen Rules
  Anyone bringing a project who wishes to also do a charity pen must notify the Species Chair
 in writing by the January 27 order date. All of those wishing to do a charity pen will have
 their name placed together and drawn by a lottery. This lottery will be done for every species.
 1. If an exhibitor has done a charity within the last year that exhibitor will not be permitted
     to do a charity in that certain species, unless no one else has submitted their name for the
     particular species. (I.e. you had a charity pen of chickens in 2019; you would not be able
     to have a charity chicken pen in 2020).
 2. There will no longer be add-on charity pens during the fair. When a name is submitted
     to poultry chair, the charity name must also be submitted at this time.
 3. A letter/form must be written/completed to the Livestock Sale Committee stating your
     charity pen by June 1st.

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Poultry Committee
 Will be made up of one adult and two members of each 4-H poultry club.

                                                                          Updated January, 2020

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