Summary of product characteristics for a biocidal product family - ECHA

Page created by Tony Medina
Summary of product characteristics for a biocidal product

                 Family name:     SALVESAFE A

               Product type(s):   PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or
                                  animals (Disinfectants)

                                  PT04 - Food and feed area (Disinfectants)

                                  PT01 - Human hygiene (Disinfectants)

         Authorisation number:    EU-0006622-0000

R4BP 3 asset reference number:    EU-0006622-0000
Table Of Contents

Part I.- First information level
1. Administrative information
2. Product family composition and formulation
Part II.- Second information level - meta SPC(s)
1. Meta SPC administrative information - META SPC n°1: Disinfectants for hands and all washable
hard surfaces                                                                                           5
2. Meta SPC composition
3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC
4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC
5. General directions for use of the meta SPC
6. Other information
7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC
1. Meta SPC administrative information - META SPC n°2 : Disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces
(with virudical claim)                                                                                 16
2. Meta SPC composition
3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC
4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC
5. General directions for use of the meta SPC
6. Other information
7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC
1. Meta SPC administrative information - META SPC n°3: Disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces
(without virudical claim)                                                                              29
2. Meta SPC composition
3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC
4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC
5. General directions for use of the meta SPC
6. Other information
7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC
1. Meta SPC administrative information - META SPC n°4 : Disinfectants for hands
2. Meta SPC composition
3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC
4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC
5. General directions for use of the meta SPC
6. Other information
7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC
1. Meta SPC administrative information - META SPC n°5: Algaecides
2. Meta SPC composition
3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC
4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC
5. General directions for use of the meta SPC
6. Other information
7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC
Part I.- First information level

 1. Administrative information

 1.1. Family name


 1.2. Product type(s)

  PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals (Disinfectants)

  PT04 - Food and feed area (Disinfectants)

  PT01 - Human hygiene (Disinfectants)

 1.3. Authorisation holder

                                            Name                 SALVECO S.A.S.
 Name and address of the
 authorisation holder                                            Avenue Pierre Mendès-France Z.A. Hellieule 4 F 88100 SAINT DIE
                                                                 DES VOSGES France

 Authorisation number                       EU-0006622-0000

 R4BP 3 asset reference

 Date of the authorisation                  02/11/2014

 Expiry date of the

 1.4. Manufacturer(s) of the biocidal products

                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                              1
Name of the manufacturer          SALVECO S.A.S.

 Address of the manufacturer       Avenue Pierre Mendes-France F-88100 SAINT DIE DES VOSGES France

 Location of manufacturing sites   Avenue Pierre Mendes-France F-88100 SAINT DIE DES VOSGES France

 Name of the manufacturer          MULTIFILL BV BULKONTVANGST

 Address of the manufacturer       CONSTRUCTIEWEG 25A 3641 SB MIJDRECHT Netherlands

 Location of manufacturing sites   CONSTRUCTIEWEG 25A 3641 SB MIJDRECHT Netherlands

 Name of the manufacturer          Diversey Netherlands Production BV

 Address of the manufacturer       Rembrandtlaan 414 7545 ZW Enschede Netherlands

 Location of manufacturing sites   Rembrandtlaan 414 7545 ZW Enschede Netherlands

 Name of the manufacturer          Diversey UK Production Ltd

 Address of the manufacturer       Cotes Park Industrial Estate, Somercotes DE55 4PA Alfreton United Kingdom

 Location of manufacturing sites   Cotes Park Industrial Estate, Somercotes DE55 4PA Alfreton United Kingdom

 Name of the manufacturer          Diversey España Production S.L.U

                                   Avenida Conde Duque 5, 7 y 9, Poligono Industrial La Postura 28343 Valdemoro (Madrid)
 Address of the manufacturer       Spain

                                   Avenida Conde Duque 5, 7 y 9, Poligono Industrial La Postura 28343 Valdemoro (Madrid)
 Location of manufacturing sites   Spain

 Name of the manufacturer          Diversey Italy Production Srl

 Address of the manufacturer       Strada Statale 235 26010 Bagnolo Cremasco (CR) Italy

 Location of manufacturing sites   Strada Statale 235 26010 Bagnolo Cremasco (CR) Italy

                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                               2
Name of the manufacturer          Diversey Germany Production oHG

 Address of the manufacturer       Morschheimer Strasse 12 67292 Kirchheimbolanden Germany

 Location of manufacturing sites   Morschheimer Strasse 12 67292 Kirchheimbolanden Germany

 Name of the manufacturer          FOREVER PRODUCTS SA

 Address of the manufacturer       Rue de la Glacerie, 122 6180 COURCELLES Belgium

 Location of manufacturing sites   Rue de la Glacerie, 122 6180 COURCELLES Belgium

 Name of the manufacturer          VANDEPUTTE

 Address of the manufacturer       120 Boulevard Industriel 7700 MOUSCRON Belgium

 Location of manufacturing sites   120 Boulevard Industriel 7700 MOUSCRON Belgium

 Name of the manufacturer          Cheport spol s.r.o

 Address of the manufacturer       Lhotsko 93 76312 Vizovice Czech Republic

 Location of manufacturing sites   Lhotsko 93 76312 Vizovice Czech Republic

 Name of the manufacturer          EMMEGI DETERGENTS SRL

 Address of the manufacturer       Via Merlo Carlo Giuseppe, 3 20122 Milano Italy

 Location of manufacturing sites   Via marconi, 5 25030 Trenzano Italy

 Name of the manufacturer          GFL SA

 Address of the manufacturer       Via Sorengo 1 6900 Lugano Switzerland

 Location of manufacturing sites   Via del Benessere, 4 27010 Siziano Italy

                                                        SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                   3
Name of the manufacturer           BRUNEL - ALTAΪR Group

 Address of the manufacturer        ZI A - 132 Rue du Mont de Templemars 59139 NOYELLES LES SECLIN France

 Location of manufacturing sites    ZI A - 132 Rue du Mont de Templemars 59139 NOYELLES LES SECLIN France

 Name of the manufacturer           SUTTER INDUSTRIES SPA

 Address of the manufacturer        Localita Leigozze 1 15060 Borghetto Borbera AL Italy

 Location of manufacturing sites    Localita Leigozze 1 15060 Borghetto Borbera AL Italy

 Name of the manufacturer           Bio Armor

 Address of the manufacturer        Zone de la gare, 10/12 route du Pré Chevalier 22940 Plaintel France

 Location of manufacturing sites    Zone de la gare, 10/12 route du Pré Chevalier 22940 Plaintel France

1.5. Manufacturer(s) of the active substance(s)

 Active substance                   1421 - Lactic acid

 Name of the manufacturer           PURAC BIOQUIMICA

 Address of the manufacturer        Gran Vial 19-25 08160 Montmelo Spain

 Location of manufacturing sites    Gran Vial 19-25 08160 Montmelo Spain

                                                         SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                 4
Active substance                    1421 - Lactic acid

 Name of the manufacturer            JUNGBUNGZLAUER S.A

 Address of the manufacturer         Z. I Portuaire BP 32 67390 Marckolsheim France

 Location of manufacturing sites     Z. I Portuaire BP 32 67390 Marckolsheim France

 2. Product family composition and formulation

 2.1. Qualitative and quantitative information on the composition of the family

Common name             IUPAC name           Function           CAS number       EC number   Content (%)

Lactic acid                                  Active Substance                    200-018-0   0,32 - 1,76

 2.2. Type(s) of formulation

AL - Any other liquid

 Part II.- Second information level - meta SPC(s)

 1. Meta SPC administrative information

 1.1. Meta SPC identifier

  META SPC n°1: Disinfectants for hands and all washable hard surfaces

 1.2. Suffix to the authorisation number


                                                          SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                               5
1.3 Product type(s)

  PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals (Disinfectants)

  PT04 - Food and feed area (Disinfectants)

  PT01 - Human hygiene (Disinfectants)

 2. Meta SPC composition

 2.1.Qualitative and quantitative information on the composition of the meta SPC

Common name                 IUPAC name                    Function           CAS number         EC number        Content (%)

Lactic acid                                               Active Substance                      200-018-0        1,75 - 1,76

 2.2. Type(s) of formulation of the meta SPC

 Formulation(s)                               AL - Any other liquid

 3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC

 Hazard statements

 Precautionary statements

 4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC

 4.1 Use description

 Use 1 - PT2 - disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces

                                                                      SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                       6
PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or
 Product type                    animals (Disinfectants)

 Where relevant, an exact        Ready-to-use multi-purpose disinfectant with a bactericidal, yeasticidal efficacy and
                                 virucidal activity against only lnfluenza virus A/H1N1 for hard surfaces in domestic,
 description of the authorised   institutional and industrial area.

 Target organism(s) (including   Scientific name: bacteria
                                 Common name: Bacteria
 development stage)              Development stage:

                                 Scientific name: Yeasts
                                 Common name: Yeasts
                                 Development stage:

                                 Scientific name: Influenza virus A/H1N1
                                 Common name: Viruses
                                 Development stage:

 Field(s) of use

                                 manual application: spraying, spreading, foam application, brush treatment, dip
 Application method(s)           treatment, immersion
                                 Detailed description:
                                 Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

 Application rate(s) and         Application Rate: is to fully wet all the surface
                                 Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                     Number and timing of application:
                                 Apply once. Repeat the application if necessary.

 Category(ies) of users

                                 General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging        Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
                                 Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
 material                        Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                                 Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                                 IBC (intermediate bulk container), Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1000L
                                 Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L
                                 Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                                 pouches, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.05-5L

                                                       SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                   7
Description (not mentioned on the
                                              All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                                              Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

 4.1.1 Use-specific instructions for use

  Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

 4.1.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

 4.1.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment)

 4.1.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.1.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                       8
Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 4.2 Use description

 Use 2 - PT4 - disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces

                                             PT04 - Food and feed area (Disinfectants)
 Product type

 Where relevant, an exact                    Ready-to-use multi-purpose disinfectant with a bactericidal, yeasticidal efficacy and
                                             virucidal activity against only lnfluenza virus A/H1N1 for hard surfaces in domestic,
 description of the authorised
                                             institutional and industrial area.

 Target organism(s) (including               Scientific name: Bacteria
                                             Common name: Bacteria
 development stage)                          Development stage:

                                             Scientific name: Yeast
                                             Common name: Yeasts
                                             Development stage:

                                             Scientific name: Influenza virus A/H1N1
                                             Common name: Viruses
                                             Development stage:

 Field(s) of use

                                             Manual application: spraying, spreading, foam application, brush treatment, dip
 Application method(s)                       treatment, immersion
                                             Detailed description:
                                             Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.
                                             Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 Application rate(s) and                     Application Rate: is to fully wet all the surface
                                             Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                                 Number and timing of application:
                                             Apply once. Repeat the application if necessary.

                                                                    SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                  9
 Category(ies) of users

                                             General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging                    Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                                             Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
 material                                    Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
                                             Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                                             Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                                             IBC (intermediate bulk container), Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1000L
                                             Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L
                                             pouches, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.05-5L

                                             Description (not mentioned on the label):
                                             All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                                             Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

 4.2.1 Use-specific instructions for use

  Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush f necessary. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 4.2.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

                                                                   SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                          10
4.2.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environement)

 4.2.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.2.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage
  Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 4.3 Use description

 Use 3 - PT1 - disinfectants for hands

                                              PT01 - Human hygiene (Disinfectants)
 Product type

 Where relevant, an exact                     Ready-to-use disinfectant for hands with a bactericidal, yeasticidal and virucidal efficacy
                                              against only Influenza virus A/H1N1 in domestic, institutional and industrial area.
 description of the authorised

 Target organism(s) (including                Scientific name: Bacteria
                                              Common name: Bacteria
 development stage)                           Development stage:

                                              Scientific name: Yeasts
                                              Common name: Yeasts
                                              Development stage:

                                              Scientific name: Influenza virus A/N1H1
                                              Common name: Viruses
                                              Development stage:

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                        11
 Field(s) of use

                               manual application, spreading, foam application, brush treatment.
 Application method(s)         Detailed description:
                               Wet hand and wrists with water. Place 3 ml of product in the hallow of the hand. Rub
                               hands and wrists for at least 30 seconds. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 Application rate(s) and       Application Rate: 3 mL
                               Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                   Number and timing of application:

                               Apply once, repeat if renewed hand disinfection is needed.

 Category(ies) of users

                               General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging      Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
                               Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
 material                      Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                               Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                               Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                               Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L
                               pouches, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.05-5L

                               Description (not mentioned on the label):

                               All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                               Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

 4.3.1 Use-specific instructions for use

                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                               12
4.3.1 Use-specific instructions for use

  Wet hand and wrists with water. Place 3 ml of product in the hallow of the hand. Rub hands and wrists for at least 30 seconds.
  Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 4.3.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

 4.3.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment)

 4.3.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.3.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage

  Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 5. General directions for use of the meta SPC

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                       13
5.1. Instructions for use

  PT1: Wet hands and wrists with water. Place 3mL of product in the hollow of the hand. Rub hands and wrists for at least 30
  seconds.Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

  PT2 - Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

  PT4: Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary. Rinse thoroughly with clean water

 5.2. Risk mitigation measures

  Additional statements:
  For general users: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children.
  For professional users only: Safety data sheet available on request.

 5.3. Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency
 measures to protect the environment
  No direct or indirect adverse effects are known.

  First aid instructions:

  If swallowed: immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.

  In case of contact with eyes, remove contact lenses if present and rinse the eye slowly and gently with clean water.

 5.4. Instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

  Dispose of content/container according to national regulation.

5.5. Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage

                                                                    SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                              14
Shelf-life: Products can be stored at room temperature up to 24 months.

  Conditions: Avoid cold, frost and heat.

 6. Other information

 7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC

 7.1 Trade name(s), authorisation number and specific composition of each individual

 Trade name(s)                                SALVESAFE A28M                     Market area: EU

                                              SalveSafe Soap X10                 Market area: EU

                                              SURE Antibac Hand Wash             Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                             EU-0006622-0008 1-1
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

                                                                 SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                15
Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,75

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A29M                           Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0009 1-1
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,75

 1. Meta SPC administrative information

 1.1. Meta SPC identifier

  META SPC n°2 : Disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces (with virudical claim)

 1.2. Suffix to the authorisation number


                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                     16
1.3 Product type(s)

  PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals (Disinfectants)

  PT04 - Food and feed area (Disinfectants)

 2. Meta SPC composition

 2.1.Qualitative and quantitative information on the composition of the meta SPC

Common name                 IUPAC name                    Function           CAS number          EC number           Content (%)

Lactic acid                                               Active Substance                       200-018-0           0,42 - 1,76

 2.2. Type(s) of formulation of the meta SPC

 Formulation(s)                               AL - Any other liquid

 3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC

 Hazard statements

 Precautionary statements

 4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC

 4.1 Use description

 Use 1 - PT2 - disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces

                                              PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or
 Product type                                 animals (Disinfectants)

                                                                      SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                             17
Where relevant, an exact        Ready-to-use multi-purpose disinfectant with a bactericidal, yeasticidal efficacy and
                                 virucidal activity against only lnfluenza virus A/H1N1 for hard surfaces in domestic,
 description of the authorised   institutional and industrial area.
 Target organism(s) (including   Scientific name: Bacteria
                                 Common name: Bacteria
 development stage)              Development stage:

                                 Scientific name: Yeasts
                                 Common name: Yeasts
                                 Development stage:

                                 Scientific name: Influenza virus A/H1N1
                                 Common name: Viruses
                                 Development stage:

 Field(s) of use

                                 Manual application: spraying, spreading, foam application, brush treatment, dip
 Application method(s)           treament, immersion
                                 Detailed description:
                                 Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

 Application rate(s) and         Application Rate: is to fully wet all the surface
                                 Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                     Number and timing of application:
                                 Apply once. Repeat the application if necessary.

 Category(ies) of users

                                 General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging        Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
                                 Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
 material                        Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                                 Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                                 IBC (intermediate bulk container), Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1000L
                                 Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L
                                 Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                                 pouches, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.05-5L

                                 Description (not mentioned on the
                                 All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                                 Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

                                                       SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                   18
4.1.1 Use-specific instructions for use

  Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

 4.1.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

 4.1.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment)

 4.1.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.1.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage
  Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 4.2 Use description

 Use 2 - PT4 - disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces

                                              PT04 - Food and feed area (Disinfectants)
 Product type

 Where relevant, an exact                     Ready-to-use multi-purpose disinfectant with a bactericidal, yeasticidal efficacy and
                                              virucidal activity against only lnfluenza virus A/H1N1 for hard surfaces in domestic,
 description of the authorised                institutional and industrial area.
 Target organism(s) (including                Scientific name: Bacteria
                                              Common name: Bacteria
 development stage)                           Development stage:

                                              Scientific name: Yeasts
                                              Common name: Yeasts
                                              Development stage:

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                       19
Scientific name: Influenza virus A/H1N1
                               Common name: Viruses
                               Development stage:

 Field(s) of use

                               Manual application: spraying, spreading, foam application, brush treatment, dip
 Application method(s)         treatment, immersion.
                               Detailed description:

                               Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.
                               Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 Application rate(s) and       Application Rate: is to fully wet all the surface
                               Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                   Number and timing of application:
                               Apply once. Repeat the application if necessary.

 Category(ies) of users

                               General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging      Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
                               Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
 material                      Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                               Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                               IBC (intermediate bulk container), Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1000L
                               Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L
                               Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                               pouches, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.05-5L

                               Description (not mentioned on the
                               All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                               Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

 4.2.1 Use-specific instructions for use

                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                   20
Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 4.2.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

 4.2.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the

 4.2.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.2.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage
  Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 5. General directions for use of the meta SPC

 5.1. Instructions for use

  PT2 - Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

  PT4: Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary. Rinse thoroughly with clean water

 5.2. Risk mitigation measures

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                             21
Additional statements:
  For general users: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children.
  For professional users only: Safety data sheet available on request.

 5.3. Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency
 measures to protect the environment
  No direct or indirect adverse effects are known.

  First aid instructions:

  If swallowed: immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.

  In case of contact with eyes, remove contact lenses if present and rinse the eye slowly and gently with clean water.

 5.4. Instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

  Dispose of content/container according to national regulation.

5.5. Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage
  Shelf-life: Products can be stored at room temperature up to 24 months.

  Conditions: Avoid cold, frost and heat.

 6. Other information

 7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC

 7.1 Trade name(s), authorisation number and specific composition of each individual

                                                                   SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                       22
Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A23M                           Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0001 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,32

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A25M                           Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0005 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       0,42

                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                     23
Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A30M                           Market area: EU

                                                SalveSafe 56                             Market area: EU

                                                SURE Cleaner Disinfectant Spray          Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0011 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       0,42

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A31M                           Market area: EU

                                                SalveSafe 56M                            Market area: EU

                                                GERM SPRAY CARE Perfect Disinfection     Market area: EU

                                                LACTIC                                   Market area: EU

                                                DISINFETTANTE ANTIBATTERICO
                                                                                         Market area: EU

 Authorisation number

                                                                   SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                    24
EU-0006622-0010 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       0,42

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A32M                           Market area: EU

                                                SalveSafe X10                            Market area: EU

                                                GERM TROL CARE Perfect Disinfection      Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0012 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,75

                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                     25
Trade name(s)                                SALVESAFE A34M                              Market area: EU

                                              SalveSafe 56 MV                             Market area: EU

                                              Désinfectant multi-surfaces                 Market area: EU

                                              Nettoyant désinfectant ACTIV+               Market area: EU

                                              Nettoyant désinfectant multi-surfaces –
                                                                                          Market area: EU
                                              Antibacterial surface spray

                                              BÉABA – Nettoyant désinfectant
                                                                                          Market area: EU

                                              BÉABA - Multisurface disinfectant cleaner   Market area: EU

                                              BÉABA - Limpiador desinfectante multiusos   Market area: EU

                                              BÉABA - Allzweck Desinfektionsreiniger      Market area: EU

                                              BÉABA - Desinfecterende reiniger voor
                                                                                          Market area: EU
                                              harde oppervlakken

                                              BÉABA - Dezynfekujący środek czyszczący
                                                                                          Market area: EU
                                              do wielu powierzchni

                                              BÉABA - Višenamjensko sredstvo za
                                                                                          Market area: EU

                                              BÉABA - Detergente disinfettante
                                                                                          Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                             EU-0006622-0013 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                        26
Common name                       IUPAC name              Function            CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                               Active Substance                   200-018-0       0,42

 Trade name(s)                                  LACTO DES                                  Market area: EU

                                                SALVESAFE A43M                             Market area: EU

                                                Univert - Spray nettoyant désinfectant     Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0018 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name              Function            CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                               Active Substance                   200-018-0       0,42

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A46M                             Market area: EU

 Authorisation number

                                                                    SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                     27
EU-0006622-0020 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name              Function             CAS number       EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                               Active Substance                      200-018-0       0,42

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A47M                                Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Nettoyant désinfectant Multi-
                                                                                              Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Dégraissant désinfectant Cuisine    Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Nettoyant désinfectant Sanitaires   Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Desinfecterende reiniger Multi-
                                                                                              Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - AllzweckDesinfektionsreiniger       Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Detergente disinfettante Multi-
                                                                                              Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Mycie & Dezynfekcja PŁYN
                                                                                              Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Odtłuczanie & Dezynfekcja
                                                                                              Market area: EU

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                       28
Starwax - Odwapnianie & Dezynfekcja
                                                                                              Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Limpiador desinfectante
                                                                                              Market area: EU

                                                Starwax - Limpeza desinfetante
                                                                                              Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0021 1-2
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name              Function           CAS number         EC number        Content (%)

Lactic acid                                               Active Substance                      200-018-0        0,42

 1. Meta SPC administrative information

 1.1. Meta SPC identifier

  META SPC n°3: Disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces (without virudical claim)

 1.2. Suffix to the authorisation number


 1.3 Product type(s)

  PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals (Disinfectants)

  PT04 - Food and feed area (Disinfectants)

                                                                    SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                         29
2. Meta SPC composition

 2.1.Qualitative and quantitative information on the composition of the meta SPC

Common name            IUPAC name               Function            CAS number           EC number           Content (%)

Lactic acid                                     Active Substance                         200-018-0           0,32 - 1,76

 2.2. Type(s) of formulation of the meta SPC

 Formulation(s)                     AL - Any other liquid

 3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC

 Hazard statements

 Precautionary statements

 4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC

 4.1 Use description

 Use 1 - PT2 - disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces

                                    PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or
 Product type                       animals (Disinfectants)

 Where relevant, an exact           Ready-to-use multi-purpose disinfectant with a bactericidal and yeasticidal efficacy for
 description of the authorised      hard surfaces in domestic, institutional and industrial area.
                                    Scientific name: Bacteria

                                                            SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                 30
Common name: Bacteria
 Target organism(s) (including   Development stage:
 development stage)
                                 Scientific name: Yeasts
                                 Common name: Yeasts
                                 Development stage:

 Field(s) of use

                                 Manual application: spraying, spreading, foam application, brush treatment, dip
 Application method(s)           treatment, immersion
                                 Detailed description:
                                 Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

 Application rate(s) and         Application Rate: is to fully wet all the surface
                                 Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                     Number and timing of application:
                                 Apply once. Repeat the application if necessary.

 Category(ies) of users

                                 General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging        Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
                                 Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
 material                        Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                                 Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                                 IBC (intermediate bulk container), Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1000L
                                 Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L
                                 Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                                 pouches, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.05-5L

                                 Description (not mentioned on the
                                 All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                                 Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

 4.1.1 Use-specific instructions for use

                                                       SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                   31
Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

 4.1.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

 4.1.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment)

 4.1.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.1.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage
  Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 4.2 Use description

 Use 2 - PT4 - disinfectants for all washable hard surfaces

                                              PT04 - Food and feed area (Disinfectants)
 Product type

 Where relevant, an exact                     Ready-to-use multi-purpose disinfectant with a bactericidal and yeasticidal efficacy for
 description of the authorised                hard surfaces in domestic, institutional and industrial area.
 Target organism(s) (including                Scientific name: Bacteria
                                              Common name: Bacteria
 development stage)                           Development stage:

                                              Scientific name: Yeasts
                                              Common name: Yeasts
                                              Development stage:

 Field(s) of use

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                       32


                                             Manual application: spraying, spreading, foam application, brush treatment, dip
 Application method(s)                       treatment, immersion
                                             Detailed description:

                                             Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.
                                             Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 Application rate(s) and                     Application Rate: is to fully wet all the surface
                                             Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                                 Number and timing of application:
                                             Apply once. Repeat the application if necessary.

 Category(ies) of users

                                             General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging                    Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
                                             Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
 material                                    Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                                             Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                                             IBC (intermediate bulk container), Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1000L
                                             Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L
                                             Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                                             pouches, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.05-5L

                                             Description (not mentioned on the
                                             All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                                             Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

 4.2.1 Use-specific instructions for use

  Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

                                                                   SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                   33
4.2.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

 4.2.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the

 4.2.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.2.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage
  Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 5. General directions for use of the meta SPC

 5.1. Instructions for use

  PT2 - Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary.

  PT4: Apply the product by fully wetting all surface for 5 minutes. Rub or brush if necessary. Rinse thoroughly with clean water

 5.2. Risk mitigation measures

  Additional statements:
  For general users: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children.
  For professional users only: Safety data sheet available on request

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                             34
5.3. Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency
 measures to protect the environment
  No direct or indirect adverse effects are known.

  First aid instructions:

  If swallowed: immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.

  In case of contact with eyes, remove contact lenses if present and rinse the eye slowly and gently with clean water.

 5.4. Instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

  Dispose of content/container according to national regulation.

5.5. Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage
  Shelf-life: Products can be stored at room temperature up to 24 months.

  Conditions: Avoid cold, frost and heat.

 6. Other information

 7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC

 7.1 Trade name(s), authorisation number and specific composition of each individual

 Trade name(s)                                SALVESAFE A21M                                  Market area: EU

 Authorisation number

                                                                   SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                    35
EU-0006622-0007 1-3
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name              Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                               Active Substance                  200-018-0       0,32

 Trade name(s)                                  Tech’Lab by Techline – Détartrant
                                                                                          Market area: EU
                                                Désinfectant Sanitaires

                                                SALVESAFE A22M                            Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0019 1-3
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name              Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                               Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,76

                                                                    SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                    36
1. Meta SPC administrative information

 1.1. Meta SPC identifier

  META SPC n°4 : Disinfectants for hands

 1.2. Suffix to the authorisation number


 1.3 Product type(s)

  PT01 - Human hygiene (Disinfectants)

 2. Meta SPC composition

 2.1.Qualitative and quantitative information on the composition of the meta SPC

Common name               IUPAC name                 Function           CAS number   EC number   Content (%)

Lactic acid                                          Active Substance                200-018-0   1,75 - 1,76

 2.2. Type(s) of formulation of the meta SPC

 Formulation(s)                          AL - Any other liquid

 3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC

 Hazard statements

 Precautionary statements

                                                                 SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                            37
4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC

 4.1 Use description

 Use 1 - PT1 - disinfectants for hands

                                  PT01 - Human hygiene (Disinfectants)
 Product type

 Where relevant, an exact         Ready-to-use disinfectant for hands with a bactericidal, yeasticidal and virucidal efficacy
 description of the authorised    against only Influenza virus A/H1N1 in domestic, institutional and industrial area.
 Target organism(s) (including    Scientific name: Bacteria
                                  Common name: Bacteria
 development stage)               Development stage:

                                  Scientific name: Yeasts
                                  Common name: Yeasts
                                  Development stage:

                                  Scientific name: Influenza virus A/N1H1
                                  Common name: Viruses
                                  Development stage:

 Field(s) of use

                                  manual application, spreading, foam application, brush treatment.
 Application method(s)            Detailed description:
                                  Wet hand and wrists with water. Place 3 ml of product in the hallow of the hand. Rub
                                  hands and wrists for at least 30 seconds. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 Application rate(s) and          Application Rate: 3 mL
                                  Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                      Number and timing of application:
                                  Apply once, repeat if renewed hand disinfection is needed.

 Category(ies) of users

                                  General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging         Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
                                  Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
 material                         Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                                  Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                                  Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                                  Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L
                                  pouches, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.05-5L

                                                        SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                      38
Description (not mentioned on the label):

                                              All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                                              Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

 4.1.1 Use-specific instructions for use

  Wet hand and wrists with water. Place 3 ml of product in the hallow of the hand. Rub hands and wrists for at least 30 seconds.
  Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 4.1.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

 4.1.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment)

 4.1.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.1.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage
  Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 5. General directions for use of the meta SPC

 5.1. Instructions for use

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                       39
PT1: Wet hands and wrists with water. Place 3mL of product in the hollow of the hand. Rub hands and wrists for at least 30
  seconds.Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

 5.2. Risk mitigation measures

  Additional statements:

  For general users: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children.
  For professional users only: Safety data sheet available on request.

 5.3. Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency
 measures to protect the environment
  No direct or indirect adverse effects are known.

  First aid instructions:

  If swallowed: immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.

  In case of contact with eyes, remove contact lenses if present and rinse the eye slowly and gently with clean water.

 5.4. Instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

  Dispose of content/container according to national regulation.

5.5. Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage
  Shelf-life: Products can be stored at room temperature up to 24 months.

  Conditions: Avoid cold, frost and heat.

 6. Other information

                                                                   SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                           40
7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC

 7.1 Trade name(s), authorisation number and specific composition of each individual

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A33M                           Market area: EU

                                                ATOUT VERT CREMLAV ANTISEPTIQUE          Market area: EU

                                                SalveSafe Soap X10 E                     Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0015 1-4
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,75

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A35M                           Market area: EU

                                                SURE Antibac Hand Wash Free              Market area: EU

                                                SalveSafe Soap X10 SP                    Market area: EU

                                                RIVADOUCE® SAVON DESINFECTANT            Market area: EU

                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                     41
Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0014 1-4
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,75

 Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A36M                           Market area: EU

                                                SalveSafe Soap 10F                       Market area: EU

                                                SURE Antibac Foam Hand Wash Free         Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0016 1-4
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,75

                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                     42
Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A44M                           Market area: EU

                                                SalveSafe Soap X MG                      Market area: EU

                                                HYGIOS Savon mains désinfectant          Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0017 1-4
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,75

 1. Meta SPC administrative information

 1.1. Meta SPC identifier

  META SPC n°5: Algaecides

 1.2. Suffix to the authorisation number


                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                     43
1.3 Product type(s)

  PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals (Disinfectants)

 2. Meta SPC composition

 2.1.Qualitative and quantitative information on the composition of the meta SPC

Common name                 IUPAC name                  Function            CAS number          EC number          Content (%)

Lactic acid                                             Active Substance                        200-018-0          1,69 - 1,76

 2.2. Type(s) of formulation of the meta SPC

 Formulation(s)                             AL - Any other liquid

 3. Hazard and precautionary statements of the meta SPC

 Hazard statements

 Precautionary statements

 4. Authorised use(s) of the meta SPC

 4.1 Use description

 Use 1 - PT2 - Algaecides

                                            PT02 - Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or
 Product type                               animals (Disinfectants)

 Where relevant, an exact                   Ready-to-use solution with algaecide efficacy used as lichen and algae remover from hard
 description of the authorised              surfaces: roofs, walls, concrete, stone, tiles, sport courts, playgrounds, greenhouses.

                                                                    SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                 44

 Target organism(s) (including   Scientific name: Algae
                                 Common name: Algae
 development stage)              Development stage:

                                 Scientific name: Lichens
                                 Common name: Lichens
                                 Development stage:

 Field(s) of use

                                 Manual application: spraying, spreading, foam application, brush treatment, dip
 Application method(s)           treatment, immersion.
                                 Detailed description:
                                 Use in the dry weather. Apply the product by wetting all surface. Allow the product
                                 functioning until complete drying. Do not rinse. Brush if necessary 2 days later to
                                 remove debris.

 Application rate(s) and         Application Rate: is to fully wet all surface
                                 Dilution (%): 0
 frequencies                     Number and timing of application:
                                 Apply once, and then monitor the situation regularly. Repeat the application if necessary

 Category(ies) of users

                                 General public (non-professional)

 Pack sizes and packaging        Airspray, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.15-1L
                                 Bag /Sack, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-5L
 material                        Bottle, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.01-2L
                                 Can /Tin, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 0.1-1L
                                 Drum, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 10-210L
                                 IBC (intermediate bulk container), Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1000L
                                 Jerry can, Plastic: HDPE, LDPE, PET, PE, PP , 1-80L

                                 Description (not mentioned on the label):

                                 All the used packaging are secure, closed, tight, strong and durable.
                                 Packaging can be refilled only with product foreseen for that purpose.

                                                       SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                    45
4.1.1 Use-specific instructions for use

  Use in the dry weather. Apply the product by wetting all surface. Allow the product functioning until complete drying. Do not rinse.
  Brush if necessary 2 days later to remove debris.

 4.1.2 Use-specific risk mitigation measures

  Section 5.2. (Risk mitigation measures )

 4.1.3 Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid
 instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

  Section 5.3. (Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment)

 4.1.4 Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its

  Section 5.4. (Instructions for safe disposal of the products and its packaging)

4.1.5 Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product
under normal conditions of storage
  Section 5.5. (Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage)

 5. General directions for use of the meta SPC

 5.1. Instructions for use

  PT2 (Algaecides) : Use in the dry weather. Apply theproduct by wetting all surface. Allow the product functioning until
  completedrying. Do not rinse. Brush if necessary 2 days later to remove debris.

 5.2. Risk mitigation measures

                                                                     SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                                       46
5.2. Risk mitigation measures

  Additional statements:

  For general users: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children.
  For professional users only: Safety data sheet available on request.

 5.3. Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency
 measures to protect the environment
  No direct or indirect adverse effects are known.

  First aid instructions:

  If swallowed: immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.

  In case of contact with eyes, remove contact lenses if present and rinse the eye slowly and gently with clean water.

 5.4. Instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

  Dispose of content/container according to national regulation.

5.5. Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage
  Shelf-life: Products can be stored at room temperature up to 24 months.

  Conditions: Avoid cold, frost and heat.

 6. Other information

 7. Third information level: individual products in the meta SPC

 7.1 Trade name(s), authorisation number and specific composition of each individual

                                                                   SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                       47
Trade name(s)                                  SALVESAFE A27M                           Market area: EU

                                                STOP GREEN NEW                           Market area: EU

 Authorisation number
                                               EU-0006622-0002 1-5
 (R4BP 3 asset reference number - National

Common name                       IUPAC name             Function           CAS number     EC number       Content (%)

Lactic acid                                              Active Substance                  200-018-0       1,69

                                                                  SUMMARY OF PRODUCT                                     48
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