Page created by Paul French
DuPont StoneTech® Professional
Stone And Tile Care Resource Guide
2008/2009 EDITION
Table of Contents
                                                   Click on a product name below to go directly to that page.

Care Instructions by Surface Type

                                    Marble     1   Polished Marble
                                               3   Unpolished, Honed and Textured Marble
                                               5   Polished Terrazzo and Agglomerate Marble

                                    Granite    7   Less Absorptive Polished Granite—Homogenous Granite
                                               9   More Absorptive Polished Granite—Veined and Oriented Granite
                                              11   Unpolished, Honed and Textured Granite

                                Limestone     13   Polished Limestone
                                              15   Unpolished, Honed and Textured Limestone

                                Travertine    17   Polished Travertine
                                              19   Unpolished, Honed and Textured Travertine

                                      Slate   21   Natural Slate

               Sandstone and Flagstone        23   Sandstone and Flagstone

           Terra Cotta and Clay Products      25   Saltillo, Terra Cotta and Clay Brick

                  Concrete and Masonry        27   Concrete and Cementitious Brick

               Ceramic and Porcelain Tile     29   Ceramic, Porcelain and Quarry Tile with Cement-based Grout
                                              31   Ceramic, Porcelain and Quarry Tile with Epoxy-based Grout

                                     Other    33   Cantera and Adoquin

Product Technical Information

                                    Protect   35   BulletProof® Sealer
                                              36   Heavy Duty Sealer
                                              37   Sealer
                                              38   Impregnator Pro® Sealer
                                              39   Heavy Duty Exterior Sealer
                                              40   Advanced Grout Sealer
                                              41   Heavy Duty Grout Sealer
                                              42   Grout Release

                                     Clean    43   Revitalizer® Cleaner & Protector
                                              44   Stone & Tile Cleaner
                                              45   KlenzAll™ Cleaner
                                              46   Restore™ Acidic Cleaner
                                              47   Oil Stain Remover
                                              48   Heavy Duty Coating Stripper

                                Transform     49   Polish
                                              50   Enhancer Pro™ Sealer
                                              51   Enhancer
                                              52   High Gloss Finishing Sealer
                                              53   Semi Gloss Finishing Sealer
                                              54   High Gloss Lacquer
                                              55   Honing Powders
                                              56   Polishing Powder
                                              57   Shining Powder
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    About This Guide

This book was designed as an everyday resource guide for caring, maintaining,
and restoring natural stone, tile and masonry. It contains instructions on how
to care for all types of surfaces and detailed technical information on the
DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional product line. For material safety data sheets
or more information, please visit

Please use this resource guide for handling questions from your customers
and as a training tool for your store staff. For additional technical support,
please contact us at 1-888-STONEHELP (786-6343).

    About DuPont StoneTech® Professional

DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional products feature reliable, safe ingredients
that can give today’s savvy stone professionals a competitive edge. The power
of DuPont science and innovation gives you low-VOC options for advanced
stone care. Now you can protect, clean and transform natural stone, tile and
masonry—and ensure the quality of your work for years to come.
                                                                                                                                                   Return to
                                                                                                                                                             Table of
                                                                                                                                                                   of Contents

                                                Polished Marble
                                                 CARE INSTRUCTIONS

NOTE: Read entire product label before using. Use only as directed. Always test in a small
inconspicuous area with a 24-hour cure time to determine ease of application and desired results.

New Installations                                            • Medium Duty Usage—mix 1 part of KlenzAll™            6. Keep compound wet while refinishing with plenty
Follow the recommended installation methods and                Cleaner to 4 parts of water                             of water. Add Honing Powder as needed.
procedures of the Marble Institute of America and the        • Heavy Duty Usage—mix 1 part of KlenzAll™             7. Refinish area until the desired level of hone has
Tile Contractors Association.                                  Cleaner to 2 parts of water                             been achieved.

Restorative Cleaning                                      4. Apply mixed solution with a mop, sponge or             8. Rinse well and use a wet vacuum or hot water
                                                             sprayer.                                                  extraction unit to remove all remaining compound.
Depending on the type of soil, stain or other foreign
matter present, select one of the following options:      5. Agitate well using a stiff nylon bristle scrub         9. Clean equipment with water.
                                                             brush, stiff bristle push broom or a weighted floor
For stripping off existing topical acrylic,                  machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm fitted with a scrub     For refinishing to a polish:

urethane, epoxy, heavy wax coatings and                      brush attachment.                                      Use successively higher grits of Honing Powder to
epoxy grout haze:                                                                                                   close the face of the stone. Follow with DuPont™
                                                          6. Remove solution using a sponge, wet/dry vacuum
We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional                 or damp mop. A hard surface extraction wand and        StoneTech® Professional Polishing Powder as
Heavy Duty Coating Stripper.                                 portable or truck mounted extraction machine may       applicable.
                                                             be used.                                               1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
1. Sweep or vacuum surface to remove loose debris.

                                                          7. Rinse area well with clean water.                         and coatings.
2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                                                          8. Repeat the rinsing and wet vacuum process to           2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                                                             ensure that all dirt, soil and cleaner residue have    3. If using Polishing Powder following the use of
   before applying.
                                                             been removed.                                             Honing Powder products, ensure that the surface
4. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection during                                                                        is well rinsed and a new pad is used.
   handling and application to prevent skin and eye       To remove deep or stubborn oil stains
   contact.                                               not completely removed by KlenzAll™ Cleaner, allow        4. Apply approximately 1/2 cup Polishing Powder

                                                          the surface to dry and use DuPont™ StoneTech®                plus 1 cup clean water to stone surface.
5. Liberally apply an even coat over the required area    Professional Oil Stain Remover.
   with a paint brush, mop or paint pad. DO NOT                                                                     5. Refinish using a hand orbital sander or weighted
   APPLY PRODUCT WITH A SPRAYER. Apply a                  1. Apply a 1/4” thick layer of paste to the stain.           floor machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm, fitted with a
   second coat 10 minutes after the first coat to even       Ensure that the paste extends at least 1–2”               natural hair pad.

   out the thickness of the application. Immediately         beyond the edge of the stain.                          6. Keep compound wet while refinishing with plenty

   remove product from unintended surfaces with           2. Allow 48–72 hours for paste to completely dry to          of water. Add Polishing Powder as needed.
   a wet cloth to prevent potential damage to those          a powder.
   surfaces.                                                                                                        7. Refinish area until the desired level of hone has
                                                          3. Remove powder and discard.                                been achieved.
6. Application times will vary depending on type
                                                                                                                    8. Rinse well and use a wet vacuum or hot water

                                                                                                                                                                                 TERRA COTTA
   of coating being removed. The following are            4. Allow solvent to completely dry from the stone.

                                                                                                                                                                                   AND CLAY
   approximate application times:                                                                                      extraction unit to remove all remaining compound.
                                                          5. If stain is not completely gone after drying, repeat
   • Sealer, wax and varnish: 30 to 60 minutes               process.                                               9. Clean equipment with water.

   • Polyurethane and acrylic: 1 to 2 hours               6. Clean up residue and tools with mineral spirits.       10. For a highly polished finish follow with DuPont™
                                                                                                                        StoneTech® Professional Shining Powder as
   • Epoxy grout haze: 1 to 2 hours                       Mechanical Refinishing                                        applicable. See Maintenance Polishing.

7. Do not let Heavy Duty Coating Stripper dry on the      This is for scratch, etch and wear pattern removal and
                                                                                                                    Sealing AND Protecting

   surface. If product starts to dry, add water to keep   to restore the surface to an even finish. Depending
   surface wet.                                           on the severity of the damage to the stone and/or the     Natural stone surfaces must be sealed to prevent or
                                                          desired surface appearance, we recommend DuPont™          minimize staining. Leaving natural stone untreated
8. Agitate surface with a nylon scrub brush or pad                                                                  may greatly hinder the complete removal of stains
   after testing a small area first to make sure that     StoneTech® Professional Honing Powders (available

                                                                                                                                                                                 CERAMIC AND
                                                          in 180, 280,400, 600 and 800 grit), Polishing Powder      in the future. The following sealer suggestions are           PORCELAIN
   brush or pad will not scratch stone. Surface can                                                                 for impregnating the stone and will allow the stone
   be wet with water to enable easier removal of          and/or Shining Powder as appropriate.

                                                                                                                    to breathe. Allow new installations to cure for a
   coating.                                               For refinishing to a honed finish:                        minimum of 72 hours prior to applying sealer.
9. Wipe up residual coating with clean, dry cloths.       DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Honing Powders.           For a natural looking protector on interior
10. Rinse surface well with clean water.                                                                            and exterior surfaces:
                                                          1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
For cleaning grease, oil, direct, dry soil and               and coatings.                                          We recommend two products:

soap scum:                                                2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.      ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Heavy Duty
We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional              3. If you are using a variety of abrasive grits, ensure     Sealer, which offers heavy duty protection against
KlenzAll™ Cleaner.                                           that the surface is well rinsed and a new pad is         oil- and water-based stains in a water-based
1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes         used for each changeover.                                formula.
   and coatings.                                          4. Apply approximately 1/2 cup Honing Powder plus         ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Sealer, which
2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.         1 cup clean water to stone surface.                      offers standard protection against oil- and water-
                                                          5. Refinish using a hand orbital sander or weighted         based stains in a water-based formula.
3. Specific to this surface, we suggest preparing a
   solution of KlenzAll™ Cleaner concentrate mixed           floor machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm, fitted with a
   with warm water as suggested below:                       natural hair pad.
                                                                                                                                         continued                           1
Return to Table of Contents

                    1. Make sure surface is clean, and free of waxes and                    6. A second coat may be needed for porous,                       Maintenance Polishing
                       coatings.                                                               absorbent surfaces and should be applied one                  To maintain the shine and beauty of
                    2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.                       hour after initial application as directed in                 polished marble on a routine basis:
                                                                                               steps 3–5.
                    3. Sealer may be applied to damp surfaces one hour                                                                                       We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                       after standing water has been removed.                               7. If sealer was not completely wiped off and a                  Shining Powder on a semi-annual basis or as needed.
                                                                                               residue appears, wipe entire surface with a towel
                    4. Liberally apply an even coat using a paint pad,                         dampened with sealer. Use a white nylon pad                   1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
                       roller or brush. Do not apply product with sprayer.                     to loosen residue and follow with a clean, white                 and coatings.
                    5. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for                               absorbent towel to remove.
                                                                                                                                                             2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                       15–30 minutes. During this time, distribute sealer                   8. Do not walk on surface for at least 4–6 hours. Full
                       over entire area to ensure even penetration.                                                                                          3. If using Shining Powder following the use of
                                                                                               cure is achieved in 24–72 hours.
                       Remove excess sealer by wiping entire surface                                                                                            Polishing Powder products, ensure that the
                       thoroughly with clean, dry towels.                                   9. Clean up promptly after job is complete, since                   surfaces is well rinsed and a new pad is used.
                                                                                               rags and equipment that are wet with product
                    6. A second coat may be needed for porous,                                                                                               4. Apply approximately 1/2 cup Polishing Powder
                                                                                               may be combustible. Clean equipment with
                       absorbent surfaces and should be applied                                                                                                 plus 1 cup clean water to stone surface.

                                                                                               mineral spirits and allow equipment and rags
                       30–40 minutes after initial application as directed                     to dry in a well-ventilated area out of reach of              5. Refinish using a hand orbital sander or weighted
                       in steps 4–5.                                                           children and pets. After rags are dry, dispose of in             floor machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm, fitted with a
                    7. 15–30 minutes after final application, wipe entire                      accordance with local waste disposal regulations                 natural hair pad.
                       surface with clean dry towels to remove any                                                                                           6. Keep compound wet while refinishing with plenty
                       excess sealer. To remove residue, reapply a thin
                                                                                            Maintenance Cleaning
                                                                                                                                                                of water. Add Shining Powder as needed.

                       coat of sealer, allow to dwell for 2–3 minutes,                      Highly alkaline, acidic, ammoniated, abrasive cleaners
                                                                                            and/or bleach may break down the sealer, adversely               7. Refinish area until the desired level of hone has
                       agitate with a white nylon pad and dry thoroughly
                                                                                            affecting repellency and may not be good for the                    been achieved.
                       with clean, dry towels.
                                                                                            stone. Use a neutral cleaner specially formulated for            8. Rinse well and use a wet vacuum or hot water
                    For natural looking protector on exterior                               natural stone.                                                      extraction unit to remove all remaining compound.

                                                                                            For routine cleaning:                                            For a brilliant shine on countertops,
                    We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                            We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional                     vanities and vertical surfaces:
                    Heavy Duty Exterior Sealer, which offers heavy duty
                    protection against water-based stains and is specially                  Stone & Tile Cleaner.                                            We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                    designed for exterior areas such as facades, cladding,                                                                                   Polish. Polish will work best on stone previously
                                                                                            1. Mix 2 ounces of Stone & Tile Cleaner concentrate
                    pool decks, parking areas and driveways; weather                                                                                         sealed with a DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                               in 1 gallon of warm or hot water. (Note: One

                    resistant.                                                                                                                               sealer.
                                                                                               gallon of concentrate makes 64 gallons of cleaning
                    1. Make sure surface is clean, and free of waxes and                       solution.)                                                    1. On a cleaned surface, spray a light coat of Polish
                       coatings.                                                            2. Apply mixed solution with a damp mop, sponge or                  over the entire surface.
                    2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.                       appropriate professional cleaning equipment.                  2. Spread the polish evenly with a clean, white terry
                                                                                            3. Clean entire area with mop, changing mop water                   cloth towel.
                    3. Liberally apply an even coat with a paint pad,
                       paintbrush, paint roller or solvent-resistant,                          often to ensure that soil is not re-deposited. Wipe           3. Buff off polish.

                       low-pressure sprayer. Do not thin before using.                         or rinse cleaned area.
                                                                                                                                                             4. Continue buffing until there is no visible polish left
                    4. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for                            4. Let area dry completely before using.                            and high shine appears.
                       5–15 minutes; denser material may require more
                                                                                            You may also use DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                       time for sealer to penetrate. During this time,
                                                                                            Stone & Tile Cleaner in the ready-to-use spray bottle


                       distribute excess sealer over entire area to ensure
                                                                                            or wipes.

                       even penetration.
                    5. Thoroughly wipe the entire surface with a clean
                       dry cloth to completely remove all excess sealer
                       from the surface. DO NOT ALLOW EXCESS

                       SEALER TO DRY ON THE SURFACE.


                                                                                                                                                             DuPont StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                                                                                             370 North Wiget Lane, Suite 200
                                                                                                                                                             Walnut Creek, CA 94598

                                                                                                                                                             1-877-STONETECH (786-6383)

                    The information is furnished free of charge and based on information that DuPont believes to be generally reliable and accurate.
                    Individual facts and circumstances may differ. It is intended for your use at your own risk. Because conditions of use are outside our
                    control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information.
                    Copyright © 2008 DuPont. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™, StoneTech, BulletProof®, and KlenzAll™ are
                    registered trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                    K-20525    (08/08)
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                                                Unpolished, Honed and Textured
                                                 CARE INSTRUCTIONS

NOTE: Read entire product label before using. Use only as directed. Always test in a small
inconspicuous area with a 24-hour cure time to determine ease of application and desired results.

New Installations                                          8. Agitate surface with a nylon scrub brush or pad after    For refinishing to a honed finish:
Follow the recommended installation methods and               testing a small area first to make sure that brush or
                                                                                                                       DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Honing Powders.
procedures of the Marble Institute of America and the         pad will not scratch stone. Surface can be wet with
Tile Contractors Association.                                 water to enable easier removal of coating.               1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
                                                                                                                          and coatings.

                                                           9. Wipe up residual coating with clean, dry cloths.
Pre-Grouting                                                                                                           2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                                                           10. Rinse surface well with clean water.
For making grout clean up easier on
                                                                                                                       3. If you are using a variety of abrasive grits, ensure
porous stone:                                              For cleaning grease, oil, direct, dry soil and                 that the surface is well rinsed and a new pad is
1. Sweep or dust mop loose dirt and debris.                soap scum:                                                     used for each changeover.

2. Ensure that surface temperature of the stone is         We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                                                       4. Apply approximately 1/2 cup Honing Powder plus
   between 50–80ºF.                                        KlenzAll™ Cleaner.
                                                                                                                          1 cup clean water to stone surface.
3. Apply a single coat of DuPont™ StoneTech®               1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes        5. Refinish using a hand orbital sander or weighted
   Professional Grout Release using a paint pad, low-         and coatings.                                               floor machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm, fitted with a
   pressure chemical-resistant sprayer, roller or brush.   2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.           natural hair pad.

4. Allow the Grout Release to completely penetrate         3. Specific to this surface, we suggest preparing a         6. Keep compound wet while refinishing with plenty
   the stone for 5–15 minutes.                                solution of KlenzAll™ Cleaner concentrate mixed with        of water. Add Honing Powder as needed.
5. Wipe up all remaining sealer from the surface of           warm water as suggested below:                           7. Refinish area until the desired level of hone has
   the stone. Do not allow pooling or sealer to dry on        • Medium Duty Usage—mix 1 part of KlenzAll™                 been achieved.
   the surface. Do not over apply.                              Cleaner to 4 parts of water                            8. Rinse well and use a wet vacuum or hot water
6. Allow for a minimum of 4 hours cure time prior to          • Heavy Duty Usage—mix 1 part of KlenzAll™                  extraction unit to remove all remaining compound.

   grouting.                                                    Cleaner to 2 parts of water                            9. Clean equipment with water.
7. After grouting, remove excess grout. Do not allow       4. Apply mixed solution with a mop, sponge or sprayer.
   grout to completely dry prior to removal.                                                                           Sealing AND Protecting
                                                           5. Agitate well using a stiff nylon bristle scrub brush,    Natural stone surfaces must be sealed to prevent or
Restorative Cleaning                                          stiff bristle push broom or a weighted floor machine

                                                                                                                       minimize staining. Leaving natural stone untreated
Depending on the type of soil, stain or other foreign         at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm fitted with a scrub brush         may greatly hinder the complete removal of stains

matter present, select one of the following options:          attachment.                                              in the future. The following sealer suggestions are
                                                           6. Remove solution using a sponge, wet/dry vacuum           for impregnating the stone and will allow the stone
For stripping off existing topical acrylic,                                                                            to breathe. Allow new installations to cure for a
                                                              or damp mop. A hard surface extraction wand and
urethane, epoxy, heavy wax coatings and                                                                                minimum of 72 hours prior to applying sealer.
                                                              portable or truck mounted extraction machine may
epoxy grout haze:

                                                                                                                                                                                     TERRA COTTA
                                                              be used.

                                                                                                                                                                                       AND CLAY
We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional                                                                           For a natural looking protector on interior
                                                           7. Rinse area well with clean water.                        and exterior surfaces:
Heavy Duty Coating Stripper.
                                                           8. Repeat the rinsing and wet vacuum process to             We recommend three products:
1. Sweep or vacuum surface to remove loose debris.            ensure that all dirt, soil and cleaner residue have
2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.          been removed.                                            ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional BulletProof®
                                                                                                                         Sealer, which offers maximum protection against

3. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. Do not dilute                  To remove deep or stubborn oil stains                         oil- and water-based stains in a water-based formula.

   before applying.                                        not completely removed by KlenzAll™ Cleaner, allow
                                                           the surface to dry and use DuPont™ StoneTech®               ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Heavy Duty
4. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection during                                                                          Sealer, which offers heavy duty protection against
   handling and application to prevent skin and eye        Professional Oil Stain Remover.
                                                                                                                         oil- and water-based stains in a water-based
   contact.                                                1. Apply a 1/4” thick layer of paste to the stain. Ensure     formula.
                                                                                                                                                                                     CERAMIC AND
5. Liberally apply an even coat over the required area        that the paste extends at least 1–2” beyond the          ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Sealer, which

   with a paint brush, mop or paint pad. DO NOT               edge of the stain.                                         offers standard protection against oil- and water-
   APPLY PRODUCT WITH A SPRAYER. Apply a                   2. Allow 48–72 hours for paste to completely dry to a         based stains in a water-based formula.
   second coat 10 minutes after the first coat to even        powder.
   out the thickness of the application. Immediately                                                                   1. Make sure surface is clean, and free of waxes and
   remove product from unintended surfaces with            3. Remove powder and discard.                                  coatings.
   a wet cloth to prevent potential damage to those        4. Allow solvent to completely dry from the stone.          2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.

                                                           5. If stain is not completely gone after drying, repeat     3. Sealer may be applied to damp surfaces one hour
6. Application times will vary depending on type              process.                                                    after standing water has been removed.
   of coating being removed. The following are
                                                           6. Clean up residue and tools with mineral spirits.         4. Liberally apply an even coat using a paint pad,
   approximate application times:
                                                                                                                          roller or brush. Do not apply product with sprayer.
   • Sealer, wax and varnish: 30 to 60 minutes             Mechanical Refinishing
                                                                                                                       5. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for
   • Polyurethane and acrylic: 1 to 2 hours                This is for scratch, etch and wear pattern removal and         15–30 minutes. During this time, distribute sealer
                                                           to restore the surface to an even finish. Depending            over entire area to ensure even penetration.
   • Epoxy grout haze: 1 to 2 hours                        on the severity of the damage to the stone and/or the          Remove excess sealer by wiping entire surface
7. Do not let Heavy Duty Coating Stripper dry on the       desired surface appearance, we recommend DuPont™               thoroughly with clean, dry towels.
   surface. If product starts to dry, add water to keep    StoneTech® Professional Honing Powders (available in
   surface wet.                                            180, 280,400, 600 and 800 grit).                                                  continued                           3
Return to Table of Contents

                    6. A second coat may be needed for porous, absorbent                         surface dry with a clean dry towel. DO NOT                  ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional High Gloss
                       surfaces and should be applied 30–40 minutes after                        ALLOW EXCESS ENHANCER TO DRY                                  Lacquer, which offers a high gloss and protection
                       initial application as directed in steps 4–5.                             COMPLETELY ON SURFACE.                                        against stains in a solvent-based formula. For
                    7. 15–30 minutes after final application, wipe entire                   3. A second coat may be needed for porous,                         an easier-to-use, water-based technology we
                       surface with clean dry towels to remove any                             absorbent surfaces or if a darker appearance is                 recommend High Gloss Finishing Sealer.
                       excess sealer. To remove residue, reapply a thin                        required. Apply second coat 1 hour after first coat           1. Ensure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes and
                       coat of sealer, allow to dwell for 2–3 minutes,                         following directions in steps 1–2.                               coatings.
                       agitate with a white nylon pad and dry thoroughly                    4. A full cure is achieved after 24–72 hours. Foot traffic       2. Allow newly cleaned surface to completely dry prior
                       with clean, dry towels.                                                 may begin in 6–8 hours. If needed sooner, cover                  to applying High Gloss Lacquer.
                    For natural looking protector on exterior                                  the floor with red rosin paper to protect it until the        3. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                    surfaces:                                                                  recommended time periods have passed.
                                                                                                                                                             4. Avoid applying in direct sunlight. Apply in air
                    We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional                            5. Clean tools used during application with water.                  temperatures between 55–80°F and on a cool, dry
                    Heavy Duty Exterior Sealer, which offers heavy duty                     ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Enhancer Pro™                     surface. Use only in a well-ventilated area.
                    protection against water-based stains and is specially                    Sealer, heavy duty protection against oil- and water-          5. While wearing an organic vapor respirator, liberally

                    designed for exterior areas such as facades, cladding,                    based stains. Enriches the color of natural stone.                apply 2–4 even coats with a solvent-resistant natural
                    pool decks, parking areas and driveways; weather                          For interior and exterior surfaces.                               bristle brush or roller. Failure to apply a sufficient
                                                                                            1. Ensure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes and               amount of Lacquer to the surface may result in
                    1. Make sure surface is clean, and free of waxes and                       coatings.                                                        chipping or degradation of the coating. More coats
                       coatings.                                                                                                                                may be applied if desired. Do not thin before using.
                                                                                            2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.

                    2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.                                                                                     6. Allow 1–3 hours between coats or until surface is
                                                                                            3. Surface temperature should be between 50–80°F.                   dry to the touch.
                    3. Liberally apply an even coat with a paint pad,
                                                                                            4. Liberally apply an even coat using a paint pad, roller,       7. After application, do not walk on surface until
                       paintbrush, paint roller or solvent-resistant, low-
                                                                                               brush, or pump-up garden sprayer. Do not use a                   Lacquer is completely cured. Lacquer will cure in
                       pressure sprayer. Do not thin before using.
                                                                                               power sprayer, towel, or sponge for application.                 24–48 hours.

                    4. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for                               Do not thin before using.
                       5–15 minutes; denser material may require more                                                                                        8. Clean up promptly after job is complete, since rags
                                                                                            5. Allow sealer to penetrate surface for                            and equipment that are wet with product may be
                       time for sealer to penetrate. During this time,
                                                                                               15–20 minutes. Denser material may require                       combustible. Clean equipment with mineral spirits
                       distribute excess sealer over entire area to ensure
                                                                                               more time to penetrate. DO NOT ALLOW EXCESS                      and allow equipment and rags to dry in a well-
                       even penetration.
                                                                                               SEALER TO DRY ON SURFACE. Failure to remove                      ventilated area out of reach of children and pets.
                    5. Thoroughly wipe the entire surface with a clean dry                     excess sealer from surface may result in residue

                                                                                                                                                                After rags are dry, dispose of in accordance with
                       cloth to completely remove all excess sealer from                       that may need to be mechanically removed.                        local waste disposal regulations.
                       the surface. DO NOT ALLOW EXCESS SEALER TO
                                                                                            6. Thoroughly wipe surface with multiple dry cloths to
                       DRY ON THE SURFACE.                                                                                                                   Note: High Gloss Lacquer is not recommended for
                                                                                               remove all excess sealer.
                    6. A second coat may be needed for porous,                                                                                               areas with high moisture intrusion from below the
                                                                                            7. A second coat may be needed for more absorbent                surface, showers, or countertops.
                       absorbent surfaces and should be applied one hour
                                                                                               surfaces or if darker appearance is required. Sealer
                       after initial application as directed in steps 3–5.
                                                                                               should be applied one hour after initial application,         Maintenance Cleaning

                    7. If sealer was not completely wiped off and a                            as directed in steps 4–5.                                     Highly alkaline, acidic, ammoniated, abrasive cleaners
                       residue appears, wipe entire surface with a towel                                                                                     and/or bleach may break down the sealer, adversely
                                                                                            8. Ensure that the area is well-ventilated during
                       dampened with sealer. Use a white nylon pad                                                                                           affecting repellency and may not be good for the stone.
                                                                                               application and until the surface is dry to the touch.
                       to loosen residue and follow with a clean, white                                                                                      Use a neutral cleaner specially formulated for natural
                                                                                               Keep children and pets out of the area until foot
                       absorbent towel to remove.


                                                                                               traffic resumes.
                    8. Do not walk on surface for at least 4–6 hours. Full

                       cure is achieved in 24–72 hours.                                     For a color enhancing, topical protector:                        For routine cleaning:

                    9. Clean up promptly after job is complete, since rags                  We recommend three products:                                     We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                       and equipment that are wet with product may be                                                                                        Stone & Tile Cleaner.
                                                                                            ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional High Gloss
                       combustible. Clean equipment with mineral spirits

                                                                                              Finishing Sealer, which offers a wet-look finish and           1. Mix 2 ounces of Stone & Tile Cleaner concentrate in

                       and allow equipment and rags to dry in a well-                                                                                           1 gallon of warm or hot water. (Note: One gallon of
                                                                                              protection against stains in a water-based formula.
                       ventilated area out of reach of children and pets.                                                                                       concentrate makes 64 gallons of cleaning solution.)
                       After rags are dry, dispose of in accordance with                    ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Semi Gloss
                       local waste disposal regulations                                       Finishing Sealer, which offers a light sheen and               2. Apply mixed solution with a damp mop, sponge or
                                                                                              protection against stains in a water-based formula.               appropriate professional cleaning equipment.
                    For a color enhancing, impregnating                                                                                                      3. Clean entire area with mop, changing mop water
                                                                                            1. Ensure work area is well-ventilated during


                    protector:                                                                                                                                  often to ensure that soil is not re-deposited. Wipe
                                                                                               application and until surface is dry.

                    We recommend two products:                                                                                                                  or rinse cleaned area.
                                                                                            2. Surface must be thoroughly clean, dry, and free of
                    ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Enhancer, easy-                          any sealers or coatings before application.                   4. Let area dry completely before using.
                      to-use, water-based economical protection against                     3. Liberally apply 2–4 even coats with a natural bristle         You may also use DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                      oil- and water-based stains. Enriches the color of

                                                                                               brush, roller, or paint pad applicator. Do not apply          Stone & Tile Cleaner in the ready-to-use spray bottle

                      natural stone. For interior surfaces.                                    product with a sprayer or sponge. Avoid puddling of           or wipes.

                    1. Apply product evenly and liberally using a paint                        liquid during application. Failure to apply a sufficient
                       pad, low-pressure chemical-resistant sprayer, roller                    amount of sealer to the surface may result in an
                       or brush. Avoid applying product on unintended                          undesirable finish or degradation of the coating.             DuPont StoneTech® Professional
                       surfaces.                                                               More coats may be applied if desired.                         370 North Wiget Lane, Suite 200
                    2. Allow product to penetrate surface for                               4. Allow 30–45 minutes between coats or until surface            Walnut Creek, CA 94598

                       15–30 minutes; denser material may require                              is dry to the touch.
                       maximum time for Enhancer to penetrate. Spread                       5. Keep surface clean and dry as finished surfaces               1-877-STONETECH (786-6383)
                       excess sealer over entire area for even penetration.                    may become slippery when wet.
                       Following penetration time, completely wipe                                                                                 
                    The information is furnished free of charge and based on information that DuPont believes to be generally reliable and accurate.
                    Individual facts and circumstances may differ. It is intended for your use at your own risk. Because conditions of use are outside our
                    control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information.
                    Copyright © 2008 DuPont. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™, StoneTech®, BulletProof®, Enhancer Pro™, and
                    KlenzAll™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                    K-20526    (08/08)
Return to Table of Contents

                                                Polished Terrazzo and
                                                Agglomerate Marble
                                                 CARE INSTRUCTIONS

NOTE: Read entire product label before using. Use only as directed. Always test in a small
inconspicuous area with a 24-hour cure time to determine ease of application and desired results.

New Installations                                         3. Specific to this surface, we suggest preparing a       5. Refinish using a hand orbital sander or weighted
Follow the recommended installation methods and              solution of KlenzAll™ Cleaner concentrate mixed           floor machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm, fitted with a
procedures of the Marble Institute of America and the        with warm water as suggested below:                       natural hair pad.
Tile Contractors Association.                                • Medium Duty Usage—mix 1 part of KlenzAll™            6. Keep compound wet while refinishing with plenty

                                                               Cleaner to 4 parts of water                             of water. Add Honing Powder as needed.
Restorative Cleaning
                                                             • Heavy Duty Usage—mix 1 part of KlenzAll™             7. Refinish area until the desired level of hone has
Depending on the type of soil, stain or other foreign          Cleaner to 2 parts of water                             been achieved.
matter present, select one of the following options:
                                                          4. Apply mixed solution with a mop, sponge or             8. Rinse well and use a wet vacuum or hot water
For stripping off existing topical acrylic,                  sprayer.                                                  extraction unit to remove all remaining compound.

urethane, epoxy, heavy wax coatings and
                                                          5. Agitate well using a stiff nylon bristle scrub         9. Clean equipment with water.
epoxy grout haze:
                                                             brush, stiff bristle push broom or a weighted floor
We recommend DuPont StoneTech Professional
                         ™           ®
                                                             machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm fitted with a scrub     For refinishing to a polish:
Heavy Duty Coating Stripper.                                 brush attachment.                                      Use successively higher grits of Honing Powder to
                                                          6. Remove solution using a sponge, wet/dry vacuum         close the face of the stone. Follow with DuPont™
1. Sweep or vacuum surface to remove loose debris.

                                                             or damp mop. A hard surface extraction wand and        StoneTech® Professional Polishing Powder as applicable.
2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                                                             portable or truck mounted extraction machine may       1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
3. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. Do not dilute                    be used.                                                  and coatings.
   before applying.
                                                          7. Rinse area well with clean water.                      2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
4. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection during
                                                          8. Repeat the rinsing and wet vacuum process to           3. If using Polishing Powder following the use of
   handling and application to prevent skin and eye
                                                             ensure that all dirt, soil and cleaner residue have       Honing Powder products, ensure that the surface

                                                             been moved.                                               is well rinsed and a new pad is used.
5. Liberally apply an even coat over the required area
   with a paint brush, mop or paint pad. DO NOT           To remove deep or stubborn oil stains                     4. Apply approximately 1/2 cup Polishing Powder
   APPLY PRODUCT WITH A SPRAYER. Apply a                  not completely removed by KlenzAll™ Cleaner, allow           plus 1 cup clean water to stone surface.
   second coat 10 minutes after the first coat to even    the surface to dry and use DuPont™ StoneTech®
                                                                                                                    5. Refinish using a hand orbital sander or weighted

   out the thickness of the application. Immediately      Professional Oil Stain Remover.
                                                                                                                       floor machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm, fitted with a

   remove product from unintended surfaces with           1. Apply a 1/4” thick layer of paste to the stain.           natural hair pad.
   a wet cloth to prevent potential damage to those          Ensure that the paste extends at least 1–2”
   surfaces.                                                                                                        6. Keep compound wet while refinishing with plenty
                                                             beyond the edge of the stain.                             of water. Add Polishing Powder as needed.
6. Application times will vary depending on type          2. Allow 48–72 hours for paste to completely dry to       7. Refinish area until the desired level of hone has

                                                                                                                                                                                  TERRA COTTA
   of coating being removed. The following are

                                                             a powder.

                                                                                                                                                                                    AND CLAY
   approximate application times:                                                                                      been achieved.
                                                          3. Remove powder and discard.                             8. Rinse well and use a wet vacuum or hot water
   • Sealer, wax and varnish: 30 to 60 minutes
                                                          4. Allow solvent to completely dry from the stone.           extraction unit to remove all remaining compound.
   • Polyurethane and acrylic: 1 to 2 hours
                                                          5. If stain is not completely gone after drying, repeat   9. Clean equipment with water.
   • Epoxy grout haze: 1 to 2 hours                          process.                                               10. For a highly polished finish follow with DuPont™

7. Do not let Heavy Duty Coating Stripper dry on the      6. Clean up residue and tools with mineral spirits.           StoneTech® Professional Shining Powder as

   surface. If product starts to dry, add water to keep                                                                 applicable. See Maintenance Polishing.
   surface wet.                                           Mechanical Refinishing
8. Agitate surface with a nylon scrub brush or pad        This is for scratch, etch and wear pattern removal and
                                                                                                                    Sealing AND Protecting
   after testing a small area first to make sure that     to restore the surface to an even finish. Depending       Natural stone surfaces must be sealed to prevent or
                                                                                                                                                                                  CERAMIC AND
                                                                                                                    minimize staining. Leaving natural stone untreated
   brush or pad will not scratch stone. Surface can       on the severity of the damage to the stone and/or the
   be wet with water to enable easier removal of          desired surface appearance, we recommend DuPont™          may greatly hinder the complete removal of stains

   coating.                                               StoneTech® Professional Honing Powders (available         in the future. The following sealer suggestions are
                                                          in 180, 280, 400, 600 and 800 grit), Polishing Powder     for impregnating the stone and will allow the stone
9. Wipe up residual coating with clean, dry cloths.                                                                 to breathe. Allow new installations to cure for a
                                                          and/or Shining Powder as appropriate.
10. Rinse surface well with clean water.                                                                            minimum of 72 hours prior to applying sealer.
                                                          For refinishing to a honed finish:
For cleaning grease, oil, direct, dry soil and                                                                      For a natural looking protector on interior

soap scum:                                                DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Honing Powders.           and exterior surfaces:
We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional              1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes      We recommend two products:
KlenzAll™ Cleaner.                                           and coatings.
                                                                                                                    ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Heavy Duty
1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes      2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.        Sealer, which offers heavy duty protection against
   and coatings.                                          3. If you are using a variety of abrasive grits, ensure     oil- and water-based stains in a water-based
2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.         that the surface is well rinsed and a new pad is         formula.
                                                             used for each changeover.                              ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Sealer, which
                                                          4. Apply approximately 1/2 cup Honing Powder plus           offers standard protection against oil- and water-
                                                             1 cup clean water to stone surface.                      based stains in a water-based formula.
                                                                                                                                         continued                            5
Return to Table of Contents

                    1. Make sure surface is clean, and free of waxes and                    6. A second coat may be needed for porous,                       Maintenance Polishing
                       coatings.                                                               absorbent surfaces and should be applied one                  To maintain the shine and beauty of
                    2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.                       hour after initial application as directed in                 polished marble on a routine basis:
                                                                                               steps 3–5.
                    3. Sealer may be applied to damp surfaces one hour                                                                                       We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                       after standing water has been removed.                               7. If sealer was not completely wiped off and a                  Shining Powder on a semi-annual basis or as needed.
                                                                                               residue appears, wipe entire surface with a towel
                    4. Liberally apply an even coat using a paint pad,                         dampened with sealer. Use a white nylon pad                   1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
                       roller or brush. Do not apply product with sprayer.                     to loosen residue and follow with a clean, white                 and coatings.
                    5. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for                               absorbent towel to remove.
                                                                                                                                                             2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                       15–30 minutes. During this time, distribute sealer                   8. Do not walk on surface for at least 4–6 hours.
                       over entire area to ensure even penetration.                                                                                          3. If using Shining Powder following the use of
                                                                                               Full cure is achieved in 24–72 hours.
                       Remove excess sealer by wiping entire surface                                                                                            Polishing Powder products, ensure that the
                       thoroughly with clean, dry towels.                                   9. Clean up promptly after job is complete, since                   surface is well rinsed and a new pad is used.
                                                                                               rags and equipment that are wet with product
                    6. A second coat may be needed for porous,                                                                                               4. Apply approximately 1/2 cup Polishing Powder
                                                                                               may be combustible. Clean equipment with
                       absorbent surfaces and should be applied                                                                                                 plus 1 cup clean water to stone surface.

                                                                                               mineral spirits and allow equipment and rags
                       30–40 minutes after initial application as directed                     to dry in a well-ventilated area out of reach of              5. Refinish using a hand orbital sander or weighted
                       in steps 4–5.                                                           children and pets. After rags are dry, dispose of in             floor machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm, fitted with a
                    7. 15–30 minutes after final application, wipe entire                      accordance with local waste disposal regulations                 natural hair pad.
                       surface with clean dry towels to remove any                                                                                           6. Keep compound wet while refinishing with plenty
                       excess sealer. To remove residue, reapply a thin
                                                                                            Maintenance Cleaning
                                                                                                                                                                of water. Add Shining Powder as needed.

                       coat of sealer, allow to dwell for 2–3 minutes,                      Highly alkaline, acidic, ammoniated, abrasive cleaners
                                                                                            and/or bleach may break down the sealer, adversely               7. Refinish area until the desired level of hone has
                       agitate with a white nylon pad and dry thoroughly
                                                                                            affecting repellency and may not be good for the                    been achieved.
                       with clean, dry towels.
                                                                                            stone. Use a neutral cleaner specially formulated for            8. Rinse well and use a wet vacuum or hot water
                    For natural looking protector on exterior                               natural stone.                                                      extraction unit to remove all remaining compound.

                                                                                            For routine cleaning:                                            For a brilliant shine on countertops,
                    We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                            We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional                     vanities and vertical surfaces:
                    Heavy Duty Exterior Sealer, which offers heavy duty
                    protection against water-based stains and is specially                  Stone & Tile Cleaner.                                            We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                    designed for exterior areas such as facades, cladding,                                                                                   Polish. Polish will work best on stone previously
                                                                                            1. Mix 2 ounces of Stone & Tile Cleaner concentrate
                    pool decks, parking areas and driveways; weather                                                                                         sealed with a DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                               in 1 gallon of warm or hot water. (Note: One

                    resistant.                                                                                                                               sealer.
                                                                                               gallon of concentrate makes 64 gallons of cleaning
                    1. Make sure surface is clean, and free of waxes and                       solution.)                                                    1. On a cleaned surface, spray a light coat of Polish
                       coatings.                                                            2. Apply mixed solution with a damp mop, sponge or                  over the entire surface.
                    2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.                       appropriate professional cleaning equipment.                  2. Spread the polish evenly with a clean, white terry
                                                                                            3. Clean entire area with mop, changing mop water                   cloth towel.
                    3. Liberally apply an even coat with a paint pad,
                       paintbrush, paint roller or solvent-resistant,                          often to ensure that soil is not re-deposited. Wipe           3. Buff off polish.

                       low-pressure sprayer. Do not thin before using.                         or rinse cleaned area.
                                                                                                                                                             4. Continue buffing until there is no visible polish left
                    4. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for                            4. Let area dry completely before using.                            and high shine appears.
                       5–15 minutes; denser material may require more
                                                                                            You may also use DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                       time for sealer to penetrate. During this time,
                                                                                            Stone & Tile Cleaner in the ready-to-use spray bottle


                       distribute excess sealer over entire area to ensure
                                                                                            or wipes.

                       even penetration.
                    5. Thoroughly wipe the entire surface with a clean
                       dry cloth to completely remove all excess sealer
                       from the surface. DO NOT ALLOW EXCESS

                       SEALER TO DRY ON THE SURFACE.


                                                                                                                                                             DuPont StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                                                                                             370 North Wiget Lane, Suite 200
                                                                                                                                                             Walnut Creek, CA 94598

                                                                                                                                                             1-877-STONETECH (786-6383)

                    The information is furnished free of charge and based on information that DuPont believes to be generally reliable and accurate.
                    Individual facts and circumstances may differ. It is intended for your use at your own risk. Because conditions of use are outside our
                    control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information.
                    Copyright © 2008 DuPont. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™, StoneTech® and KlenzAll™ are registered
                    trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                    K-20527 (08/08)
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                                                Less Absorptive Polished Granite –
                                                Homogenous Granite
                                                 CARE INSTRUCTIONS

NOTE: Read entire product label before using. Use only as directed. Always test in a small
inconspicuous area with a 24-hour cure time to determine ease of application and desired results.

New Installations                                         3. Specific to this surface, we suggest preparing a       4. Apply mixed solution with a mop, sponge or
Follow the recommended installation methods and              solution of KlenzAll™ Cleaner concentrate mixed           sprayer.
procedures of the Marble Institute of America and the        with warm water as suggested below:                    5. Agitate well using a stiff nylon bristle scrub
Tile Contractors Association.                                • Medium Duty Usage—mix 1 part of KlenzAll™               brush, stiff bristle push broom or a weighted floor

                                                               Cleaner to 4 parts of water                             machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm fitted with a scrub
Restorative Cleaning                                                                                                   brush attachment.
                                                             • Heavy Duty Usage—mix 1 part of KlenzAll™
Depending on the type of soil, stain or other foreign          Cleaner to 2 parts of water                          6. Remove solution using a sponge, wet/dry vacuum
matter present, select one of the following options:                                                                   or damp mop. A hard surface extraction wand and
                                                          4. Apply mixed solution with a mop, sponge or
For stripping off existing topical acrylic,                  sprayer.                                                  portable or truck mounted extraction machine may

urethane, epoxy, heavy wax coatings and                                                                                be used.
                                                          5. Agitate well using a stiff nylon bristle scrub
epoxy grout haze:                                                                                                   7. Rinse area well with clean water.
                                                             brush, stiff bristle push broom or a weighted floor
We recommend DuPont StoneTech Professional
                         ™           ®
                                                             machine at 130–140 lb, 175 rpm fitted with a scrub     8. Repeat the rinsing and wet vacuum process to
Heavy Duty Coating Stripper.                                 brush attachment.                                         ensure that all dirt, soil and cleaner residue have
                                                          6. Remove solution using a sponge, wet/dry vacuum            been removed. Thoroughly rinse all metal surfaces
1. Sweep or vacuum surface to remove loose debris.

                                                             or damp mop. A hard surface extraction wand and        Sealing and Protecting
2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                                                             portable or truck mounted extraction machine may
3. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. Do not dilute                    be used.                                               Natural stone surfaces must be sealed to prevent or
   before applying.                                                                                                 minimize staining. Leaving natural stone untreated
                                                          7. Rinse area well with clean water.                      may greatly hinder the complete removal of stains
4. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection during                                                                     in the future. The following sealer suggestions are
                                                          8. Repeat the rinsing and wet vacuum process to
   handling and application to prevent skin and eye                                                                 for impregnating the stone and will allow the stone
                                                             ensure that all dirt, soil and cleaner residue have

                                                             been moved.                                            to breathe. Allow new installations to cure for a
5. Liberally apply an even coat over the required area                                                              minimum of 72 hours prior to applying sealer.
   with a paint brush, mop or paint pad. DO NOT           To remove deep or stubborn oil stains
                                                          not completely removed by KlenzAll™ Cleaner, allow        For a natural looking protector on interior and exterior
                                                          the surface to dry and use DuPont™ StoneTech®             surfaces, there are three product recommendations:
   second coat 10 minutes after the first coat to even

   out the thickness of the application. Immediately      Professional Oil Stain Remover.
                                                                                                                    ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Heavy Duty

   remove product from unintended surfaces with           1. Apply a 1/4” thick layer of paste to the stain.          Sealer, which offers heavy duty protection against
   a wet cloth to prevent potential damage to those          Ensure that the paste extends at least 1–2”              oil- and water-based stains in a water-based
   surfaces.                                                 beyond the edge of the stain.                            formula.
6. Application times will vary depending on type          2. Allow 48–72 hours for paste to completely dry to       ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Sealer, which

                                                                                                                                                                                   TERRA COTTA
   of coating being removed. The following are                                                                        offers standard protection against oil- and water-

                                                             a powder.

                                                                                                                                                                                     AND CLAY
   approximate application times:                                                                                     based stains in a water-based formula.
                                                          3. Remove powder and discard.
   • Sealer, wax and varnish: 30 to 60 minutes                                                                      1. Make sure surface is clean, and free of waxes and
                                                          4. Allow solvent to completely dry from the stone.           coatings.
   • Polyurethane and acrylic: 1 to 2 hours
                                                          5. If stain is not completely gone after drying, repeat   2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
   • Epoxy grout haze: 1 to 2 hours                          process.

7. Do not let Heavy Duty Coating Stripper dry on the                                                                3. Sealer may be applied to damp surfaces one hour
                                                          6. Clean up residue and tools with mineral spirits.

   surface. If product starts to dry, add water to keep                                                                after standing water has been removed.
   surface wet.                                           For removal of efflorescence, grout haze,                 4. Liberally apply an even coat using a paint pad,
8. Agitate surface with a nylon scrub brush or pad        salts, mineral deposits and calcium-based                    roller or brush. Do not apply product with sprayer.
   after testing a small area first to make sure that     stains:
                                                                                                                    5. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for
                                                                                                                                                                                   CERAMIC AND
   brush or pad will not scratch stone. Surface can       We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional                 15–30 minutes. During this time, distribute sealer
   be wet with water to enable easier removal of          Restore™ Acidic Cleaner.                                     over entire area to ensure even penetration.

   coating.                                                                                                            Remove excess sealer by wiping entire surface
                                                          1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
9. Wipe up residual coating with clean, dry cloths.                                                                    thoroughly with clean, dry towels.
                                                             and coatings.
10. Rinse surface well with clean water.                                                                            6. A second coat may be needed for porous,
                                                          2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.
                                                                                                                       absorbent surfaces and should be applied
For cleaning grease, oil, direct, dry soil and            3. Specific to this surface, we suggest preparing a          30–40 minutes after initial application as directed

soap scum:                                                   solution of Restore™ Acidic Cleaner concentrate           in steps 4–5.
We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional                 mixed with warm water as suggested below:
                                                                                                                    7. 15–30 minutes after final application, wipe entire
KlenzAll™ Cleaner.                                           • Medium Duty Usage—mix 1 part of Restore™                surface with clean dry towels to remove any
                                                               Acidic Cleaner to 4 parts of water                      excess sealer. To remove residue, reapply a thin
1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
                                                             • Heavy Duty Usage—mix 1 part of Restore™                 coat of sealer, allow to dwell for 2–3 minutes,
   and coatings.
                                                               Acidic Cleaner to 1 part of water                       agitate with a white nylon pad and dry thoroughly
2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.                                                                   with clean, dry towels.

                                                                                                                                          continued                            7
Return to Table of Contents

                    ■ DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Impregnator                           1. Make sure surface is clean, and free of waxes and             3. Clean entire area with mop, changing mop water
                      Pro® Sealer, which offers heavy-duty protection                          coatings.                                                        often to ensure that soil is not re-deposited. Wipe
                      against most stains. For an easier-to-use product                     2. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.                or rinse cleaned area.
                      with new advanced technology that produces the                                                                                         4. Let area dry completely before using.
                      same results, we recommend our water-based                            3. Liberally apply an even coat with a paint pad,
                      product line.                                                            paintbrush, paint roller or solvent-resistant,                You may also use DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                               low-pressure sprayer. Do not thin before using.               Stone & Tile Cleaner in the ready-to-use spray bottle
                    1. Make sure surface is clean, dry and free of waxes
                       and coatings.                                                        4. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for                     or wipes.
                                                                                               5–15 minutes; denser material may require more
                    2. Ensure area is well-ventilated during application                                                                                     For routine cleaning with protection:
                                                                                               time for sealer to penetrate. During this time,
                       and until the surface is dry. Use a respirator if                       distribute excess sealer over entire area to ensure           We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                       unsure that area is well-ventilated. A NIOSH-                           even penetration.                                             Revitalizer® Cleaner & Protector.
                       approved respirator with a combination HEPA/
                       organic vapor cartridge is recommended. Follow                       5. Thoroughly wipe the entire surface with a clean               1. Specific to this surface, we suggest preparing
                       respirator manufacturer’s instructions for use.                         dry cloth to completely remove all excess sealer                 a solution of Revitalizer® Cleaner & Protector
                                                                                               from the surface. DO NOT ALLOW EXCESS                            concentrate mixed with warm water as suggested

                    3. Mask off any surfaces not intended to be treated.                       SEALER TO DRY ON THE SURFACE.                                    below:
                    4. Liberally apply an even coat using a paint pad,                      6. A second coat may be needed for porous,                          • Light Duty Usage—mix 1 part of Revitalizer®
                       roller, brush or pump-up garden sprayer. DO NOT                         absorbent surfaces and should be applied one                       Cleaner & Protector to 4 parts of water
                       USE A POWER SPRAYER. Do not thin before                                 hour after initial application as directed in
                       using.                                                                                                                                   • Medium Duty Usage—mix 1 part of
                                                                                               steps 3–5.
                                                                                                                                                                  Revitalizer® Cleaner & Protector to 1 part of

                    5. Allow sealer to penetrate the surface for                            7. If sealer was not completely wiped off and a                       water (Note: One gallon of concentrate makes
                       15–30 minutes, denser stone may require more                            residue appears, wipe entire surface with a towel                  up to 5 gallons of solution.)
                       time for sealer to penetrate. During this time,                         dampened with sealer. Use a white nylon pad
                       distribute sealer over entire area to ensure                                                                                          2. Apply mixed solution with a damp mop, sponge or
                                                                                               to loosen residue and follow with a clean, white
                       even penetration. DO NOT ALLOW EXCESS                                                                                                    appropriate professional cleaning equipment.
                                                                                               absorbent towel to remove.
                       IMPREGNATOR PRO® SEALER TO DRY ON THE

                                                                                                                                                             3. Rub surface lightly and remove any excess
                       SURFACE.                                                             8. Do not walk on surface for at least 4–6 hours. Full
                                                                                                                                                                cleaner. No rinse needed.
                                                                                               cure is achieved in 24–72 hours.
                    6. Thoroughly wipe entire surface with dry cloth                                                                                         4. Let area dry completely before using.
                       to remove excess Impregnator Pro® Sealer from                        9. Clean up promptly after job is complete, since
                       surface.                                                                rags and equipment that are wet with product                  Maintenance Polishing
                                                                                               may be combustible. Clean equipment with
                    7. A second coat may be needed for porous,                                                                                               For a brilliant shine on countertops,

                                                                                               mineral spirits and allow equipment and rags
                       absorbent surfaces and should be applied one                                                                                          vanities and vertical surfaces:
                                                                                               to dry in a well-ventilated area out of reach of
                       hour after initial application as directed in                           children and pets. After rags are dry, dispose of in          We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                       steps 4–6.                                                              accordance with local waste disposal regulations              Polish. Polish will work best on stone previously
                    8. If excess sealer was not completely wiped off                                                                                         sealed with a DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                       and a residue appears, wipe entire surface with a                    Maintenance Cleaning                                             sealer.
                       towel dampened with sealer. Use a white nylon                        Highly alkaline, acidic, ammoniated, abrasive cleaners
                                                                                                                                                             1. On a cleaned surface, spray a light coat of Polish

                       scrubbing pad to loosen residue and follow with                      and/or bleach may break down the sealer, adversely
                                                                                                                                                                over the entire surface.
                       white absorbent towel to remove.                                     affecting repellency and may not be good for the
                                                                                            stone. Use a neutral cleaner specially formulated for            2. Spread the polish evenly with a clean, white terry
                    9. Rags and equipment that are wet with product
                                                                                            natural stone.                                                      cloth towel.
                       may be combustible. Clean up promptly after job
                       is complete. Clean equipment with mineral spirits                                                                                     3. Buff off polish.

                                                                                            For routine cleaning:

                       and allow to dry in a well-ventilated area. Allow                                                                                     4. Continue buffing until there is no visible polish left
                                                                                            We recommend DuPont StoneTech Professional

                                                                                                                          ™             ®
                       rags to dry in a well-ventilated area out of the                                                                                         and high shine appears.
                       reach of children and pets. When dry, dispose of in                  Stone & Tile Cleaner.
                       accordance with local waste disposal regulations.                    1. Mix 2 ounces of Stone & Tile Cleaner concentrate
                    For natural looking protector on exterior                                  in 1 gallon of warm or hot water. (Note: One


                                                                                               gallon of concentrate makes 64 gallons of cleaning

                    We recommend DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional
                    Heavy Duty Exterior Sealer, which offers heavy duty                     2. Apply mixed solution with a damp mop, sponge or
                    protection against water-based stains and is specially                     appropriate professional cleaning equipment.
                    designed for exterior areas such as facades, cladding,
                    pool decks, parking areas and driveways; weather



                                                                                                                                                             DuPont StoneTech® Professional
                                                                                                                                                             370 North Wiget Lane, Suite 200
                                                                                                                                                             Walnut Creek, CA 94598

                                                                                                                                                             1-877-STONETECH (786-6383)

                    The information is furnished free of charge and based on information that DuPont believes to be generally reliable and accurate.
                    Individual facts and circumstances may differ. It is intended for your use at your own risk. Because conditions of use are outside our
                    control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information.
                    Copyright © 2008 DuPont. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™, StoneTech®, Impregnator Pro®, KlenzAll™,
                    Restore™, and Revitalizer® are registered trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.
                    All rights reserved. K-20528 (08/08)

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