PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues August 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS

Page created by Leo Griffin
PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues August 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS
      Identification of unsafe product issues
                              August 2018

                 Helmsman Quality & Technology Services
                   152 North Jianxin Road, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
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PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues August 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS
EU    The recalled products quantity in August 2018 is 169 of 13 categories. The top three categories with the most recalled products are Childcare Articles & Children's Equipment
      and Toys (58), Clothing, Textiles and Fashion Items (33) and Jewelry (26). Most of the products come from China (104). And the main risks are chemical, choking and injuries.
      More risk analysis and the percentage of each product category are shown in the below statistical charts.

                                  EU - Recall - Aug. 2018                                          EU - Percentage of Each Product Category
                                                                                                                                                         Childcare articles, children’s
         50.00%                                                                                            0.6%                0.6%                      equipment and toys
                43.2%                                                                                                  0.6%    0.6%
                                                                                                                                                         Clothing, textiles and fashion items
                                                                                                           0.6%                                          Jewelry
         40.00%                                                                                                               1.2%
         35.00%                                                                                     5.3%    3.6%
                                                                                                                                                         Electrical appliances and
         30.00%                                                                                                                                          equipment
                                                                                                    7.7%                                                 Cosmetics
         25.00%     21.3%                                                                                                             34.3%
         20.00%         15.4%                                                                                                                            Lighting equipment
                            13.6%                                                                       10.1%
                                                                                                                                                         Chemical products
         10.00%                 5.9%4.7%                                       Percentage
          5.00%                         1.8%1.2%1.2%0.6%0.6%0.6%                                             15.4%                                       Gas appliance and components
          0.00%                                                                                                                                          Hobby/sports equipment

                                                                                                                                                         Kitchen/cooking accessories


                                                                                                                                                         Construction products


USA   The recalled products quantity in August 2018 is 25 of 8 categories. The categories with the most recalled products are Machine (9) and Electrical Appliances and Equipment (4).
      Most of the products come from China (11) and USA (10). And the main risks are injuries, burns, fire, etc. More risk analysis and the percentage of each product category are
      shown in the below statistical charts.

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PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues August 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS
US - Recall - Aug. 2018                                           US - Percentage of Each Product Category
         35%    32%
                      24% 24%                                                                                     4%     4%
         25%                                                                                                                                                Electrical appliances and
         20%                                                                                                     8%
                                                                                                                                         36%                Home supplies
         15%                    12%
         10%                          8%                                                                8%                                                  Lighting equipment
                                           4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%                   Percentage
          5%                                                                                                                                                Hobby/sports equipment
                                                                                                                16%               16%
                                                                                                                                                            Childcare articles, children’s
                                                                                                                                                            equipment and toys

                                                                                                                                                            Kitchen/cooking accessories

CAN   Summary
      The recalled products quantity in August 2018 is 21 of 7 categories. The categories with the most recalled products are Childcare Articles & Children's Equipment and Toys (4)
      and Electrical Appliances and Equipment (4). Most of the products come from China (12). The main risks are injuries, choking and burns. More risk analysis and the percentage
      of major product categories are shown in the below statistical charts.

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PRODUCT RECALLS Identification of unsafe product issues August 2018 - Helmsman Quality & Technology Services - HQTS
CAN - Recall - Aug. 2018                                           CAN - Percentage of Each Product Category
         30.00%                                                                                                                                              Childcare articles, children’s
                                                                                                                                                             equipment and toys
         20.00%                                                                                                         9.5%      19.0%                      Electrical appliances and
                    14.3%14.3%14.3%                                                                             9.5%                                         equipment
         15.00%                    9.5%9.5%9.5%
         10.00%                                                                                          9.5%                                                Home supplies
                                                4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%                                                                               19.0%
          5.00%                                                                Percentage                  14.3%                                             Chemical products
                                                                                                                                                             Clothing, textiles and fashion
                                                                                                                                                             Lighting equipment

AUS   The recalled products quantity in August 2018 is 19 of 7 categories. The categories with the most recalled products are Home Supplies (6) and Childcare Articles, Children’s
      Equipment and Toys (4). And the main risks are choking, improper labeling and electric shock. More risk analysis and the percentage of major product categories are shown in
      the below statistical charts.

                                  AUS - Recall - Aug. 2018                                          AUS - Percentage of Each Product Category
         35.00% 31.6%
                                                                                                                                                            Home supplies
         30.00%                                                                                                  5.3%   5.3%
         25.00%      21.1%                                                                                                                                  Childcare articles, children’s
         20.00%           15.8%15.8%                                                                                                                        equipment and toys
                                                                                                              10.5%                      31.6%
         15.00%                     10.5%10.5%                                                                                                              Electrical appliances and
         10.00%                                                                                         10.5%                                               equipment
                                               5.3% 5.3% 5.3%
          5.00%                                                                                                                                             Machine
          0.00%                                                                                                 15.8%                  21.1%                Furniture

                                                                                                                                                            Hobby/sports equipment


                                                                                4| of 72 P a g e
EU - Monthly Overview Report - Aug. 2018
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                          Risk                                  Measures
          By        Number
1     Croatia     A12/1120/18   United     Tattoo ink                            Chemical                                   Measures ordered by public
                                States     Type / number of model: Unknown       The ink contains cadmium (measured         authorities (to: Distributor): Ban on
                                           Batch number / Barcode: SS258, art.   value: 0.62 mg/kg), mercury (measured      the marketing of the product and
                                           st1007BR; exp. date 31.07.2022        value: 0.32 mg/kg) and barium              any accompanying measures
                                                                                 (measured value: 62 mg/kg).
                                                                                 Exposure to lead is harmful for human
                                                                                 health and can cause developmental
                                                                                 neurotoxicity. Salts of barium can be
                                                                                 absorbed from the tattoo ink and have
                                                                                 toxic effects.
                                                                                 The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP
                                                                                 (2008)1 on requirements and criteria for
                                                                                 the safety of tattoos and permanent
                                                                                 make-up recommends that the levels of
                                                                                 cadmium and mercury in tattoo inks do
                                                                                 not exceed 0.2 mg/kg and that the level
                                                                                 of barium does not exceed 50 mg/kg.
2     Croatia     A12/1122/18   United     Tattoo ink                            Chemical                                   Measures ordered by public
                                States     Type / number of model: Unknown       The product contains lead (measured        authorities (to: Retailer): Ban on
                                           Batch number / Barcode: lot G-125,    value: 14.7 mg/kg) and barium              the marketing of the product and
                                           item number E081                      (measured value: 75 mg/kg).                any accompanying measures
                                                                                 Exposure to lead is harmful for human
                                                                                 health and can cause developmental
                                                                                 neurotoxicity. Salts of barium can be
                                                                                 absorbed from the tattoo ink and have
                                                                                 toxic effects.
                                                                                 The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP
                                                                                 (2008)1 on requirements and criteria for
                                                                                 the safety of tattoos and permanent
                                                              5| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                   of              Product                                              Risk                                 Measures
            By        Number
                                                                                       make-up recommends that the levels of
                                                                                       lead in tattoo inks do not exceed 2
                                                                                       mg/kg and that the level of barium not
                                                                                       exceed 50 mg/kg.
3     Spain         A12/1069/18   India      Babies' clothing set                      Choking                                     Measures ordered by public
                                             Type / number of model: and               The buttons come off easily, generating     authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                             180156221 , 1820156207, Ref               small parts.                                rejected at border
                                             1820156205,                               A small child may put the buttons in the
                                             Batch number /                            mouth and choke.
                                             Barcode: 8435506246102, ,                 The product does not comply with the
                                             8435506246195 , and 8435506246331         relevant national standard UNE 40902.
4     Bulgaria      A12/1106/18   Turkey     Children’s clothing set                   Injuries                                    Measures ordered by public
                                             Type / number of model: 18/330            The blouse has drawstrings in the waist     authorities (to: Importer): Ban on
                                             Batch number / Barcode: Barcode:          area.                                       the marketing of the product and
                                             1601720183302                             These can become trapped during             any accompanying measures
                                                                                       various activities of a child, leading to
                                                                                       The product does not comply with the
                                                                                       relevant European Standard EN 14682.
5     Bulgaria      A12/1108/18   Turkey     Babies' outfit                            Choking                                     Measures ordered by public
                                             Type / number of model: 802               The small pearl can easily become           authorities (to:
                                             Batch number / Barcode: 8                 detached.                                   Distributor): Withdrawal of the
                                             678678678023                              A young child may put this small part in    product from the market
                                                                                       the mouth, which could as a result
                                                                                       obstruct the airways.
6     The           A12/1114/18   China      Jacket                                    Chemical                                    Measures taken by economic
      Netherlands                            Type / number of model: 3538              The jacket contains azo dyes releasing      operators: Withdrawal of the
                                             Batch number / Barcode: Unknown           the aromatic amines                         product from the market (By:
                                                                                       3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine (measured           Importer)
                                                                                       concentration: >100 mg/kg) and
                                                                                       benzidine (measured concentration: 75
                                                                    6| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of             Product                                              Risk                                  Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                     When the product is in direct and
                                                                                     prolonged contact with the skin, the
                                                                                     aromatic amine may be absorbed by the
                                                                                     Aromatic amines can cause cancer, cell
                                                                                     mutations and affect reproduction.
                                                                                     The product does not comply with the
                                                                                     REACH Regulation.
7     Bulgaria    A12/1116/18   Turkey     Babies' clothing set                      Choking                                     Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown           The small pearl can easily become           authorities (to:
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown           detached.                                   Distributor): Withdrawal of the
                                                                                     A young child may put this small part in    product from the market
                                                                                     the mouth, which could as a result block
                                                                                     the airways.
8     Bulgaria    A12/1117/18   Turkey     Babies' dress                             Choking                                     Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: code: 607         The decorative rhinestone can easily        authorities (to:
                                           Batch number / Barcode: bar code: 6       become detached.                            Distributor): Withdrawal of the
                                           0760085211001                             A young child may put this small pars in    product from the market
                                                                                     the mouth, which could as a result block
                                                                                     the airways.
9     Spain       A12/1129/18   India      Girls' dress                              Choking                                     Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref               The buttons come off easily, generating     authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           1820156210                                small parts.                                rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                            If a child puts the buttons in the mouth,
                                           Barcode: 8435506246249                    they could block the airways.
                                                                                     The product does not comply with the
                                                                                     relevant national standard UNE 40902.

                                                                  7| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of               Product                                            Risk                                 Measures
          By        Number
10    Poland      A12/1094/18   China         Carbon monoxide detector              Poisoning                                   Measures taken by economic
                                              Type / number of model: DETC-01       The device is not sufficiently sensitive    operators: Withdrawal of the
                                              Batch number /                        with respect to the detection of carbon     product from the market (By:
                                              Barcode: 5902115406836                monoxide.                                   Importer)
                                                                                    The product poses a risk of CO poisoning.
                                                                                    The product does not comply with the
                                                                                    requirements of the Construction
                                                                                    Products Regulation and the relevant
                                                                                    European standard EN 50291.
11    Norway      A12/1061/18   Ivory Coast   Skin lightening product               Chemical                                    Measures ordered by public
                                              Type / number of                      The skin cream contains hydroquinone        authorities (to: Distributor): Ban on
                                              model: 6182000100493                  (2 % by weight ).                           the marketing of the product and
                                              Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       Hydroquinone can cause skin irritation      any accompanying measures
                                                                                    and dermatitis.
                                                                                    The product does not comply with the
                                                                                    Cosmetic Products Regulation.
12    Norway      A12/1064/18   Ivory Coast   Skin lightening product               Chemical                                    Measures ordered by public
                                              Type / number of model: Unknown       The skin cream contains hydroquinone        authorities (to: Distributor): Ban on
                                              Batch number /                        (max. 2 %).                                 the marketing of the product and
                                              Barcode: 6181100533132                Hydroquinone can cause skin irritations     any accompanying measures
                                                                                    and dermatitis.
                                                                                    The product does not comply with the
                                                                                    Cosmetic Products Regulation.
13    Norway      A12/1065/18   Ivory Coast   Skin lightening product               Chemical                                    Measures ordered by public
                                              Type / number of model: Unknown       The skin cream contains hydroquinone        authorities (to: Distributor): Ban on
                                              Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       (max. 2%).                                  the marketing of the product and
                                                                                    Hydroquinone can cause skin irritation      any accompanying measures
                                                                                    and dermatitis.
                                                                                    The product does not comply with the
                                                                                    Cosmetic Products Regulation.

                                                                 8| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                            Risk                                   Measures
          By        Number
14    Slovakia    A12/1097/18   Poland     Hair gel                               Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: 08176747,      The product contains a mixture of the        operators: Ban on the marketing of
                                           best used before the end: 06 2020, 5   preservatives                                the product and any accompanying
                                           904215 406747                          Methylchloroisothiazolinone and              measures (By: Distributor)
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        Methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI).              Measures ordered by public
                                                                                  Dermal contact with MCI and MI               authorities (to: Retailer): Ban on
                                                                                  containing products can provoke allergic     the marketing of the product and
                                                                                  contact dermatitis to sensitised persons.    any accompanying measures
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  Cosmetic Products Regulation.
15    France      A12/1099/18   China      Teeth whitening product                Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The product contains hydrogen peroxide       operators: Other, Recall of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        as a bleaching substance (measured           product from end users
                                                                                  concentration 6% by weight).
                                                                                  At high concentrations it causes skin
                                                                                  irritation and it is harmful if swallowed.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  Cosmetic Products Regulation.
16    France      A12/1105/18   Unknown    Teeth whitening product                Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The product contains hydrogen peroxide       operators: Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        as a bleaching substance (measured           product from the market
                                                                                  concentration: 7.9% by weight).
                                                                                  Hydrogen peroxide at high
                                                                                  concentrations causes skin irritation and
                                                                                  is harmful if swallowed.
                                                                                  This product does not comply with the
                                                                                  cosmetic regulation.
17    Ireland     A12/1113/18   Lebanon    Skin cream                             Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The cream contains                           operators: Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Batch          methylisothiazolinone (MI).                  product from the market (By:
                                           number: 160213 Bar Code:               Dermal contact with MI-containing            Retailer)
                                                              9| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                            Risk                                 Measures
          By        Number
                                           5280080004401                          products can provoke allergic contact
                                                                                  dermatitis to sensitised persons.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  Cosmetic Products Regulation.
18    Ireland     A12/1118/18   Spain      Hair Cream                             Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        This leave-on hair product contains        operators: Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Bar code:      methylisothiazolinone (MI).                product from the market (By:
                                           669326080634                           Dermal contact with MI containing          Retailer)
                                                                                  products can provoke allergic contact
                                                                                  dermatitis to sensitised persons.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  Cosmetic Products Regulation.
19    Ireland     A12/1119/18   Spain      Hair Cream                             Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        This leave-on hair product contains        operators: Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Bar Code:      methylisothiazolinone (MI).                product from the market (By:
                                           669316069172                           Dermal contact with MI containing          Retailer)
                                                                                  products can provoke allergic contact
                                                                                  dermatitis to sensitised persons.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  Cosmetic Products Regulation.
20    United      A12/1075/18   China      USB power supply                       Electric shock, Fire                       Measures taken by economic
      Kingdom                              Type / number of model: CG-3400A       The electrical insulation is inadequate.   operators: Destruction of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        The user could receive an electric shock   product (By: Importer)
                                                                                  from accessible parts or arcing could
                                                                                  lead to a fire.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                  Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                  standard EN 60950.

                                                              10| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                           Risk                                    Measures
          By        Number
21    United      A12/1083/18   China      Power supply                          Electric shock, Fire                          Measures taken by economic
      Kingdom                              Type / number of model: M1-PSU4-5A    The electrical insulation is inadequate.      operators: Destruction of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: 913180211A    Electrical breakdown during use could         product (By: Importer)
                                                                                 lead to a fire or to the user receiving an
                                                                                 electric shock.
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                 Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                 standard EN 61558.
22    Cyprus      A12/1088/18   Unknown    Travel plug adapter                   Electric shock                                Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: ADD-02 (ON    Live pins are accessible when the             operators: Withdrawal of the
                                           THE PACKAGE)                          adapter is plugged into a socket outlet.      product from the market (By:
                                           Batch number /                        The user could touch the live pins.           Importer)
                                           Barcode: 52900966020418               The product does not comply with the          Measures ordered by public
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage               authorities: Withdrawal of the
                                                                                 Directive.                                    product from the market
23    Finland     A12/1102/18   China      Mains socket tester                   Electric shock                                Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: EM908 /       The electrical insulation of the product is   authorities (to: Importer): Recall of
                                           8068                                  inadequate                                    the product from end users,
                                           Batch number /                        The user can receive an electric shock        Withdrawal of the product from the
                                           Barcode: 6438152080689                from live parts.                              market
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                 Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                 standard EN 61010.
24    France      A12/1103/18   Unknown    Extension lead                        Electric shock                                Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Model 106B    The shutters on the socket outlets are        operators: Recall of the product
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       inadequate.                                   from end users (By: Retailer)
                                                                                 The user could access live parts.
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                             11| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                           Risk                                Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                 Directive and the relevant standard IEC
25    Lithuania   A12/1121/18   Turkey     Multiplug                             Electric shock                            Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: F32           Live parts of the product can be          authorities (to: Importer): Ban on
                                           Batch number /                        accessible.                               the marketing of the product and
                                           Barcode: 8699292410325                Users might suffer an electric shock if   any accompanying measures
                                                                                 touching live parts.
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                 Directive and the relevant standard IEC
26    France      A12/1076/18   Unknown    Necklace                              Chemical                                  Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: KN61_22,      The amount of nickel released by the      operators: Other
                                           PO0571802080010 and D14               metal is too high (value: 1.7
                                           (necklace); KP378, P (pendant)        µg/cm²/week).
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       Nickel is a strong sensitiser and can
                                                                                 cause allergic reactions if present in
                                                                                 articles that come into direct and
                                                                                 prolonged contact with the skin.
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 REACH Regulation.
27    France      A12/1077/18   Unknown    Jewellery set                         Chemical                                  Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown       The product contains cadmium              operators: Other
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       (measured value: 78% by weight).
                                                                                 Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                 because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                 can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 REACH Regulation.

                                                             12| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                of             Product                                           Risk                               Measures
          By        Number
28    France      A12/1078/18   Unknown    Necklace                               Chemical                                 Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: SH-JY-364      The product contains cadmium             operators: Other
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured value: 70% by weight ).
                                                                                  Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                  because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                  can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
29    France      A12/1079/18   Unknown    Necklace                               Chemical                                 Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The product contains cadmium             operators: Other
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured value: 74% by weight).
                                                                                  Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                  because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                  can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
30    France      A12/1080/18   Unknown    Ring                                   Chemical                                 Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The product contains cadmium             operators: Other
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured value: 82% by weight).
                                                                                  Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                  because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                  can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
31    France      A12/1081/18   Unknown    Set of three bracelets                 Chemical                                 Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The product contains lead and cadmium    operators: Other
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured values up to 3.2% by weight
                                                                                  and 63 % by weight respectively).
                                                              13| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                             Risk                                 Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                  Exposure to lead is harmful for human
                                                                                  health and cadmium is harmful to
                                                                                  human health, because it accumulates in
                                                                                  the body and can damage organs and it
                                                                                  may cause cancer.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
32    France      A12/1082/18   Unknown    Jewellery set                          Chemical                                    Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The product contains cadmium                operators: Other
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured value up to 85% by weight).
                                                                                  Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                  because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                  can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
33    Germany     A12/1085/18   China      Wristwatch                             Chemical                                    Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Infinity man   The amount of nickel released by the        operators: Recall of the product
                                           wristwatch, order 17932200.            metal is too high (measured value up to     from end users (By: Importer)
                                           Batch number /                         2.8 mg/cm²/week).
                                           Barcode: 2000004490355                 Nickel is a strong sensitiser and can
                                                                                  cause allergic reactions if present in
                                                                                  articles that come into direct and
                                                                                  prolonged contact with the skin.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
34    Germany     A12/1107/18   China      Wristwatch                             Chemical                                    Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Infinity       The amount of nickel released by the        operators: Recall of the product
                                           woman wristwatch, order 17892000       strap of the watch is too high (value: up   from end users (By: Importer)
                                           Batch number /                         to 3.12 mg/cm²/week).
                                           Barcode: 2000004177645                 Nickel is a strong sensitiser and can
                                                             14| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                           Risk                               Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                cause allergic reactions if present in
                                                                                articles that come into direct and
                                                                                prolonged contact with the skin.
                                                                                The product does not comply with the
                                                                                REACH Regulation.
35    France      A12/1124/18   China      Ankle bracelet                       Chemical                                  Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: A9573,       The pendant contains Cadmium              operators: Recall of the product
                                           F1-07-06                             (measured value 89% by weight).           from end users
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown      Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                cancer,sensitisation and allergic skin
                                                                                The product does not comply with the
                                                                                REACH Regulation.
36    France      A12/1125/18   India      Necklace                             Chemical                                  Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown      The product poses a chemical risk it      operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown      releases 1.09 µg/cm²/week nickel,         product from the market
                                                                                exceeding the limit value of 0.5
                                                                                Nickel can cause skin irritation and
                                                                                induce sensitisation or elicit allergic
                                                                                The product does not comply with the
                                                                                REACH Regulation.
37    France      A12/1126/18   India      Pendant                              Chemical                                  Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown      The product contains cadmium              operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown      (measured value 0.041% by weight) and     product from the market
                                                                                releases an excessive amount of nickel
                                                                                (measured value: 12 µg/cm²/ week).
                                                                                Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                            15| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                   of            Product                                           Risk                                   Measures
            By        Number
                                                                                   because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                   can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                   cancer. Nickel is a strong sensitizer and
                                                                                   can cause allergic reactions if present in
                                                                                   articles that come into direct and
                                                                                   prolonged contact with the skin.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   REACH Regulation.
38    Austria       A12/1086/18   China      Novelty lighter                       Fire                                         Measures ordered by public
                                             Type / number of model: P10-X08       The lighter is appealing to children.        authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                             Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       Children may play with it and cause a        rejected at border
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   relevant European standard EN 13869.
39    The           A12/1090/18   China      Lighting chain                        Electric shock                               Measures ordered by public
      Netherlands                            Type / number of model: Article       The electrical contacts can come loose,      authorities: Withdrawal of the
                                             471.135                               leaving live parts accessible.               product from the market
                                             Batch number /                        The user could suffer an electric shock
                                             Barcode: 8711247856320; 2017 on       while changing a light in the chain.
                                             label product                         The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                   Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                   standard EN 60598.
40    Finland       A12/1089/18   China      LED light                             Electric shock                               Measures ordered by public
                                             Type / number of model: Light: 6W     The electrical insulation of the power       authorities (to: Importer): Recall of
                                             LED Panel Light; Power supply:        supply is inadequate.                        the product from end users
                                             HJY5-7x1W                             The user could receive an electric shock
                                             Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       from accessible parts.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                   Directive and the relevant European
                                                               16| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of              Product                                           Risk                                   Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                  standard EN 60598.
41    Finland     A12/1112/18   China      Bicycle LED lamp and charger           Electric shock                               Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: THOR-800       The lacquer insulated primary coil of the    authorities (to: Distributor): Recall
                                           HM-084-1000 (battery charger)          charger transformer is touching the          of the product from end users
                                           Batch number /                         lacquer insulated secondary coil.
                                           Barcode: 8715117022419                 The accessible secondary circuit can
                                                                                  become live.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                  Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                  standard EN 60335.
42    Finland     A12/1111/18   Unknown    Solder                                 Chemical                                     Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Wire           The product contains lead (value: 40% by     authorities (to: Retailer): Recall of
                                           diameter: 0,8 mm Weight of the         weight) while it is not correctly labelled   the product from end users
                                           product: 100 g.                        for restriction to professional users.
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Articel        Exposure to lead is harmful for human
                                           number: 30-9565                        health.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
43    Spain       A12/1058/18   China      Wind-up toys                           Choking                                      Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref.:          The chick’s comb and the rabbit’s ears       authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           3001171. Batch: 90066.                 come off easily, generating small parts.     rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                         If a child puts the small part in the
                                           Barcode: 200030011711                  mouth, it could block the child’s airways.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN

                                                              17| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                              Risk                                    Measures
          By        Number
44    France      A12/1059/18   Unknown    Felt-tip pens                           Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: 35225.048       The water melon-scented pen contains         operators: Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: 021709          the fragrance benzyl alcohol (measured       product from the market (By:
                                                                                   value: 0.025% by weight). In addition,       Distributor)
                                                                                   the strawberry-scented pen contains the
                                                                                   fragrance benzyl benzoate (measured
                                                                                   value: 0.02% by weight) while this
                                                                                   substance is not indicated in the list of
                                                                                   These substances can induce allergic
                                                                                   reactions and sensitisation, especially if
                                                                                   consumers are not made aware of their
                                                                                   presence through the list of ingredients.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive.
45    Spain       A12/1060/18   China      Wind-up toy                             Choking                                      Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref 03-8280     Both the winder of the turtle and the        authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           and 03-8686                             elephant’s trunk come off easily,            rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                          generating small parts.
                                           Barcode: 8349000382801 and              If a child puts the small part in the
                                           8349000386861                           mouth, it could block the airways.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   and the relevant European standard EN
46    Spain       A12/1066/18   China      Wind-up bath toys                       Choking                                      Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref 40827       The winder comes off the toy, generating     authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           555, 40829 556 and 40830 527            a small part.                                rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                          If a child puts the small part in the
                                           Barcode: 8435234988602,                 mouth, it could block the airways.
                                           8435234988619 and 8435234988626         The product does not comply with the
                                                               18| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                             Risk                                   Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN
47    Spain       A12/1067/18   China      Squeezable ball                        Microbiological                               Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: ref            The total count of mesophilic aerobic         authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           698102090                              bacteria in the liquid is too high            rejected at border
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured quantity: 4x105 cfu/ml).
                                                                                  There is a risk of contracting infection as
                                                                                  the liquid may come into contact with
                                                                                  open wounds, mouth, hands or eyes.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive.
48    Spain       A12/1068/18   China      Puffer toys with batteries             Choking                                       Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: ref            The plastic spikes on the toy come off        authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           698104290, 698101790                   easily and are small parts.                   rejected at border
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        If a child puts the spikes in its mouth,
                                                                                  they may block the airways.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN
49    Spain       A12/1070/18   China      Yo-Yo ball                             Strangulation                                 Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref 6200,      The cord attached to the ball is too long.    authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           6201 and 6202                          The cord could wrap around a child's          rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                         neck, causing strangulation.
                                           Barcode: 8410213636200,                The product does not comply with the
                                           8410210626201 and 8410213926202        requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN

                                                              19| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of               Product                                           Risk                                    Measures
          By        Number
50    Spain       A12/1071/18   China      Tea set                                 Choking                                        Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref 71758       The top of the lid of the coffee pot           authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           (JJ533B-5/6)                            comes off easily, generating a small part.     rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                          If a child puts the small part in its mouth,
                                           Barcode: 8430373019569                  it could block the airways.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   and the relevant European standard EN
51    Spain       A12/1072/18   China      Toy fishing set                         Choking, Injuries                              Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: ref. 4812       The toy contains a small magnet with a         authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           Batch number /                          high magnetic flux which can easily            rejected at border
                                           Barcode: 8435114948122                  become detached.
                                                                                   If a child swallowed the magnet and
                                                                                   other metallic objects, these could
                                                                                   attract each other, leading to intestinal
                                                                                   obstruction or perforation. In addition, if
                                                                                   the magnet were put in the mouth, it
                                                                                   could block the child’s airways.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   and the relevant European standard EN
52    Spain       A12/1073/18   China      Building blocks                         Choking, Injuries                              Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref. 03-1414    The bridge-shaped pieces can break,            authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           Batch number /                          generating small parts and accessible          rejected at border
                                           Barcode: 8349000314147                  sharp edges.
                                                                                   If a child put the small parts in its mouth,
                                                                                   they could block the child’s airways and
                                                                                   the child could also suffer injuries from
                                                                                   the sharp edges.
                                                               20| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                            Risk                                    Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN
53    Spain       A12/1074/18   China      Yo-Yo ball                             Strangulation                                 Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref. 5115003   The elastic cord of the balls are too long.   authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           and 5115019                            It could wrap around a child's neck and       rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                         cause strangulation.
                                           Barcode: 8105115003006 and             The product does not comply with the
                                           8105115019007                          requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN
54    Poland      A12/1087/18   China      Toy guitar                             Choking, Damage to hearing,                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: LOT NO:        Strangulation                                 operators: Withdrawal of the
                                           9340 (on attached label)               Small parts can detach from the toy and       product from the market (By:
                                           Batch number /                         the strap of the toy guitar is too long and   Importer)
                                           Barcode: 5901271154896                 does not have a quick release
                                                                                  mechanism. Moreover, the sound
                                                                                  pressure level is too high.
                                                                                  A small child may put the small parts in
                                                                                  the mouth and choke. If the strap is worn
                                                                                  around the neck, it could form a loop
                                                                                  and become trapped. The absence of a
                                                                                  quick release mechanism, enabling the
                                                                                  child to detach the strap, can lead to
                                                                                  strangulation. The excessive sound
                                                                                  pressure level could cause damage to
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN
                                                             21| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of              Product                                          Risk                                   Measures
          By        Number
55    Lithuania   A12/1093/18   Belarus    Plastic toy                            Choking                                      Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: art. 55378     Small parts (the figure's head) can easily   authorities (to: Importer): Ban on
                                           Batch number /                         be detached from the toy.                    the marketing of the product and
                                           Barcode: 4810344055378                 A small child may put this small part in     any accompanying measures
                                                                                  the mouth and choke.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN
56    Lithuania   A12/1095/18   China      Plastic toy                            Choking                                      Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: NO. 8188       Small parts (bee's antenna, wheels'          authorities (to: Distributor): Ban on
                                           Batch number /                         tyres) can easily be detached from the       the marketing of the product and
                                           Barcode: 5902388432938                 toy.                                         any accompanying measures
                                                                                  A child may put the small part in the
                                                                                  mouth and choke.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  and the relevant European standard EN
57    France      A12/1098/18   China      Bath toy set                           Choking                                      Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: code CUG       The suction cup on the animals can easily    operators: Recall of the product
                                           129352                                 detach.                                      from end users (By: Distributor)
                                           Batch number /                         A small child may put it in the mouth,
                                           Barcode: 9782764343876                 where it could obstruct the airways.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                  or the relevant European standard EN

                                                              22| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                               Risk                               Measures
          By        Number
58    Croatia     A12/1100/18   China      Fancy-dress make-up                     Chemical                                   Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: 2170200501      The blue colour contains aluminium         authorities (to: Distributor): Ban on
                                           Batch number /                          (measured value: 14890 mg/kg) and the      the marketing of the product and
                                           Barcode: 8004761070380                  red colour contains barium (measured       any accompanying measures
                                                                                   value: 1940 mg/kg).
                                                                                   Aluminium and barium are potentially
                                                                                   toxic if ingested.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   and with the relevant European standard
                                                                                   EN 71-3.
59    Spain       A12/1101/18   China      Toy gun set                             Choking                                    Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Ref. 66991A /   The suction cup of the projectile can      authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           J-18                                    easily detach.                             rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                          If a child puts the projectile in the
                                           Barcode: 8426292006506                  mouth, the suction cup could detach and
                                                                                   obstruct the airways.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   or the relevant European standard EN
60    France      A12/1104/18   China      Plastic whistles                        Choking                                    Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown         The whistles are small parts.              operators: Recall of the product
                                           Batch number /                          A small child may put them in the mouth    from end users (By: Distributor)
                                           Barcode: 3570701941621                  and choke.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   and the relevant European standard EN

                                                              23| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                   of             Product                                           Risk                                   Measures
            By        Number
61    Austria       A12/1110/18   China      Toy trumpet                            Damage to hearing                            Measures taken by economic
                                             Type / number of model: Article No:    The sound pressure level of the toy is too   operators: Withdrawal of the
                                             36204                                  high.                                        product from the market (By:
                                             Batch number /                         This could lead to permanent                 Retailer)
                                             Barcode: 3588270036204, Batch          impairment of hearing.
                                             number: CF150046                       The product does not comply with the
                                                                                    requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                    and the relevant European standard EN
62    The           A12/1115/18   Mexico     Balloons                               Chemical                                     Measures ordered by public
      Netherlands                            Type / number of model: Orange, 10     The amount of nitrosamines (0.16             authorities: Withdrawal of the
                                             pieces, 30 cm                          mg/kg) released by the balloons is too       product from the market
                                             Batch number /                         high.
                                             Barcode: 8714572081726 / 170145        Nitrosamines are genotoxic carcinogens
                                                                                    via inhalation, ingestion or dermal
                                                                                    A child can get exposed to them by
                                                                                    putting the balloon in the mouth.
                                                                                    The product does not comply with the
                                                                                    requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                    and the relevant European standard EN
63    The           A12/1123/18   Unknown    Bow and arrow set                      Choking                                      Measures ordered by public
      Netherlands                            Type / number of model: Article:       The suction cup of the arrows can easily     authorities: Ban on the marketing
                                             54985                                  detach.                                      of the product and any
                                             Batch number / Barcode: Batch          If a child puts the arrow in the mouth,      accompanying measures
                                             number 1400744                         the suction cup could detach and
                                                                                    obstruct the airways.
                                                                                    The product does not comply with the
                                                                                    requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                    or the relevant European standard EN
                                                                24| of 72 P a g e
       Submitted      Alert
No.                                  of            Product                                                Risk                                Measures
              By     Number
64    Greece       A12/1127/18   China      Pencils with eraser                       Chemical                                   Measures ordered by public
                                            Type / number of model: Item No.:         The plastic coating of the pencils         authorities (to: Importer): Ban on
                                            ERK5050LP                                 contains di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate       the marketing of the product and
                                            Batch number /                            (DEHP).                                    any accompanying measures,
                                            Barcode: 0445278000039                    This phthalate may harm the health of      Withdrawal of the product from the
                                                                                      children, causing possible damage to the   market
                                                                                      reproductive system.
                                                                                      The product does not comply with the
                                                                                      REACH Regulation.
65    France       A12/1128/18   China      Modelling clay                            Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                            Type / number of model: Reference:        The yellow, violet and red clay contain    operators: Recall of the product
                                            1450921                                   boron (measured value up to: 2956          from end users (By: Distributor)
                                            Batch number /                            mg/kg).
                                            Barcode: 0200014509210                    Ingestion or contact with an excessive
                                                                                      quantity of boron may harm the health
                                                                                      of children by damaging the reproductive
                                                                                      The product does not comply with the
                                                                                      requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                      and the relevant European standard EN
66    Italy        A12/1130/18   Germany    Toy construction set                      Chemical                                   Measures ordered by public
                                            Type / number of model: TEI 1001          The amount of chromium (VI) in the         authorities (to:
                                            Batch number /                            bricks is too high (measured value: 0.6    Importer): Withdrawal of the
                                            Barcode: 4250503610459                    mg/kg).                                    product from the market
                                                                                      Chromium (VI) is sensitising and may
                                                                                      trigger allergic reactions.
                                                                                      The product does not comply with the
                                                                                      requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                      and the relevant European standard EN
                                                                  25| of 72 P a g e
       Submitted      Alert
No.                                      of          Product                                            Risk                                 Measures
              By     Number
67    Croatia      A12/1162/18   United       Tattoo ink                            Chemical                                    Measures ordered by public
                                 States       Type / number of model: lot:          The product contains barium (measured       authorities (to: Retailer): Ban on
                                              WFBS170506; exp date 06.11.2020.      value: 92 mg/kg).                           the marketing of the product and
                                              Batch number /                        Salts of barium can be absorbed from        any accompanying measures
                                              Barcode: 813082026963, batch          the tattoo ink and have toxic effects.
                                              B322587                               The Council of Europe Resolution ResAP
                                                                                    (2008)1 on requirements and criteria for
                                                                                    the safety of tattoos and permanent
                                                                                    make-up, recommends that the level of
                                                                                    barium does not exceed 50 mg/kg.
68    Italy        A12/1174/18   Italy        Drain cleaner                         Chemical                                    Measures ordered by public
                                              Type / number of model: Unknown       The safety cap easily opens even with       authorities (to:
                                              Batch number / Barcode: Batch No:     the safety seals. The product contains      Manufacturer): Withdrawal of the
                                              L132817 Bar code: 8007834153003       sulphuric acid (concentration 94% in        product from the market
                                                                                    volume), which is corrosive and causes
                                                                                    irritation by contact, ingestion or
                                                                                    A person could easily come into contact
                                                                                    with the product leading to skin, eye and
                                                                                    lung irritation and burns.
                                                                                    The product does not comply with the
                                                                                    Classification, Labelling and Packaging
                                                                                    (CLP) regulation.
69    Bulgaria     A12/1150/18   Turkey       Children’s sweatshirt                 Choking                                     Measures ordered by public
                                              Type / number of model: 6120          The decorative pearls can easily detach,    authorities (to:
                                              Batch number / Barcode: 2017006120    generating small parts.                     Distributor): Withdrawal of the
                                                                                    A small child can put the small parts in    product from the market
                                                                                    the mouth and choke.

                                                                26| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of               Product                                             Risk                                   Measures
          By        Number
70    France      A12/1154/18   China        Children's jacket                       Strangulation                                 Measures taken by economic
                                             Type / number of model: Ref.            There are drawstrings in the hood of the      operators: Recall of the product
                                             SWEETY/BABY TOTAL ORDER size 5          jacket.                                       from end users (By: Distributor)
                                             years                                   The drawstrings may become trapped
                                             Batch number /                          during various activities of a child,
                                             Barcode: 3441390062204                  leading to strangulation.
                                                                                     The product does not comply with the
                                                                                     relevant European Standard EN 14682.
71    Bulgaria    A12/1159/18   Bangladesh   Children’s trousers                     Injuries                                      Measures ordered by public
                                             Type / number of model: Item №          There are unattached cords in the waist       authorities (to:
                                             LМ216–80Х, № LG053-09X                  area.                                         Distributor): Withdrawal of the
                                             Batch number / Barcode: 1)              The cords may become trapped during           product from the market
                                             5902094599505, , 2) 5902094586673       various activities of the child and lead to
                                                                                     The product does not comply with the
                                                                                     relevant European standard EN 14682.
72    Cyprus      A12/1177/18   China        Girls' bikini                           Injuries                                      Measures ordered by public
                                             Type / number of model: HELLO - 028     The bikini top bears functional cords to      authorities (to:
                                             Batch number / Barcode: Unknown         be tied at the back area.                     Retailer): Withdrawal of the product
                                                                                     These cords can become trapped during         from the market
                                                                                     various activities of a child, leading to
                                                                                     The product does not comply with the
                                                                                     relevant European standard EN 14682.
73    Spain       A12/1178/18   China        Girls’ sandals                          Chemical                                      Measures ordered by public
                                             Type / number of model: Ref. N8434      The decorations on the sandals contain        authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                             Batch number /                          di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)            rejected at border
                                             Barcode: 94960406885024                 (measured value: more than 20% by
                                                                                     If a child touches and sucks the sandals,
                                                                                     the substance enters the body. This
                                                                 27| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of             Product                                           Risk                                    Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                 phthalate may harm the health of
                                                                                 children, causing possible damage to the
                                                                                 reproductive system.
74    Cyprus      A12/1179/18   China      Girls' bikini                         Injuries                                       Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: GG731         The bikini top bears functional cords to       authorities (to:
                                           Batch number /                        be tied at the back area.                      Retailer): Withdrawal of the product
                                           Barcode: 2772903127310                These cords can become trapped during          from the market
                                                                                 various activities of a child, leading to
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 relevant European standard EN 14682.
75    Cyprus      A12/1180/18   Turkey     Girls' dress                          Injuries                                       Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: 186315        The dress has functional cords, to be tied     authorities (to:
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       at the back.                                   Retailer): Withdrawal of the product
                                                                                 The cords may become trapped during            from the market
                                                                                 various activities of a child, leading to
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 relevant European standard EN 14682.
76    Cyprus      A12/1181/18   Unknown    Girls' dress                          Injuries                                       Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: NA-8217       The dress has cords to be tied at the          authorities (to:
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       back of the garment.                           Retailer): Withdrawal of the product
                                                                                 The cords may become trapped during            from the market
                                                                                 various activities of a child, leading to
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 relevant European standard EN 14682.
77    Germany     A12/1133/18   China      Travel plug adapter                   Electric shock                                 Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown       Live parts are accessible if the travel plug   operators: Other
                                           Batch number /                        adapter is not correctly assembled
                                           Barcode: 888566405732                 (connection of the USA plug part with
                                                             28| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of             Product                                           Risk                                    Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                 the UK plug part). Moreover, the
                                                                                 insulation of the plug pins is inadequate.
                                                                                 Users could suffer an electric shock if
                                                                                 touching live parts of the adapter.
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                 Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                 standard EN 60335.
78    France      A12/1148/18   China      Electric iron                         Burns, Electric shock                         Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: VAPORELLA     The plastic part of the iron can overheat     authorities (to: Distributor): Recall
                                           FOREVER 615 PRO                       and the power cable can detach from the       of the product from end users,
                                           Batch number /                        anchoring system, leaving live parts          Withdrawal of the product from the
                                           Barcode: 8007411009037;               accessible.                                   market
                                           PLEU0179189053AR48                    A user could touch the plastic part or live
                                                                                 parts and receive burns or an electric
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                 Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                 Standard EN 60335.
79    France      A12/1149/18   China      Aquarium lamp                         Electric shock                                Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: G2 RAN06      The electrical insulation is insufficient.    operators: Recall of the product
                                           6W WHITE                              As a consequence users might receive an       from end users (By: Importer)
                                           Batch number /                        electric shock.
                                           Barcode: 3700290414354                The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                 Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                 standard EN 61347.

                                                             29| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                            Risk                                 Measures
          By        Number
80    France      A12/1152/18   Unknown    Extension lead                         Electric shock                             Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: DG-DM04        The socket outlets are not protected by    operators: Recall of the product
                                           Batch number /                         shutters.                                  from end users (By: Distributor)
                                           Barcode: 3781375104122                 The user could access live parts.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                  Directive and the relevant standard IEC
81    France      A12/1135/18   Unknown    Fashion necklace                       Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Kabbale        The product contains cadmium               operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured value: 0.005% in weight) and     product from the market
                                                                                  lead (measured value: 74% in weight).
                                                                                  Both elements are harmful to human
                                                                                  health and accumulate in the body.
                                                                                  Cadmium may also cause cancer.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
82    France      A12/1136/18   Unknown    Pendant                                Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The product contains cadmium               operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured value: 81% in weight) and        product from the market
                                                                                  lead (measured value: 0.26% in weight).
                                                                                  Both elements are harmful to human
                                                                                  health and accumulate in the body.
                                                                                  Cadmium may also cause cancer.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
83    France      A12/1137/18   China      Metal bra/bikini necklace              Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: STKO           The product contains cadmium               operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           156022116                              (measured value 95% by weight).            product from the market
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        This element is harmful to human health,
                                                                                  because it accumulates in the body and
                                                              30| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                           Risk                                Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                  can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
84    France      A12/1138/18   China      Bracelet                               Chemical                                 Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: X000LV7P09     The product contains cadmium             operators: Other, Recall of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured value: 42% in weight) and      product from end users
                                                                                  lead (measured value: up to 8.4% in
                                                                                  Both elements are harmful to human
                                                                                  health and accumulate in the body.
                                                                                  Cadmium may also cause cancer.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
85    France      A12/1139/18   China      Jewellery set                          Chemical                                 Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: LZC51230597    The product contains cadmium             operators: Other, Recall of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        (measured value: more than 61% in        product from end users
                                                                                  weight) and lead (measured value: more
                                                                                  than 0.065% in weight).
                                                                                  Both elements are harmful to human
                                                                                  health and accumulate in the body.
                                                                                  Cadmium may also cause cancer.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
86    France      A12/1140/18   China      Jewellery set                          Chemical                                 Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of                       The product contains cadmium             operators: Other, Recall of the
                                           model: XYQ60319122                     (measured value: 91% in weight) and      product from end users
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        releases nickel in an excessive amount
                                                                                  (measured value: 39 μg/cm²/week).
                                                                                  Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                  because it accumulates in the body and
                                                              31| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                          Risk                                   Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                cancer. Nickel is a strong sensitizer and
                                                                                can cause allergic reactions if in contact
                                                                                with the skin.
                                                                                The product does not comply with the
                                                                                REACH Regulation.
87    France      A12/1141/18   China      Necklace                             Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: X000P3TPI3   The product contains cadmium                 operators: Other, Recall of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown      (measured value: 0.072% in weight) and       product from end users
                                                                                lead (measured value: more than 0.67%
                                                                                in weight).
                                                                                Both elements are harmful to human
                                                                                health and accumulate in the body.
                                                                                Cadmium may also cause cancer.
                                                                                The product does not comply with the
                                                                                REACH Regulation.
88    France      A12/1142/18   China      Jewellery set                        Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown      The product contains cadmium                 operators: Other, Recall of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown      (measured value: more than 80% in            product from end users
                                                                                weight) and lead (measured value: more
                                                                                than 1% in weight).
                                                                                Both elements are harmful to human
                                                                                health and accumulate in the body.
                                                                                Cadmium may also cause cancer.
                                                                                The product does not comply with the
                                                                                REACH Regulation.
89    France      A12/1143/18   China      Earrings                             Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown      The product contains cadmium                 operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown      (measured value 7% in weight).               product from the market
                                                                                Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                because it accumulates in the body and
                                                            32| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of            Product                                             Risk                               Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                  can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
90    France      A12/1144/18   China      Ring                                   Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown        The product contains lead (measured        operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        value: 0.5% in weight).                    product from the market
                                                                                  Lead is harmful to human health,
                                                                                  accumulates in the body and may
                                                                                  damage fertility, breast-fed children or
                                                                                  the unborn child.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
91    France      A12/1145/18   China      Earrings                               Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of                       The product contains cadmium               operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           model: C2076-OCEAN BLUE                (measured value: 82% by weight).           product from the market
                                           PO041801170394                         Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                  can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                  REACH Regulation.
92    France      A12/1146/18   China      Bracelet                               Chemical                                   Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of                       The product the product releases an        operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           model: WTX60808484                     excessive amount of nickel (measured       product from the market
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown        value: 4.5 μg/cm²/week).
                                                                                  Nickel is a strong sensitizer and can
                                                                                  cause allergic reactions if present in
                                                                                  articles that come into direct and
                                                                                  prolonged contact with the skin.
                                                                                  The product does not comply with the
                                                              33| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of             Product                                           Risk                                   Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                 REACH Regulation.
93    France      A12/1147/18   China      Necklace                              Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown       The product contains cadmium                 operators: Other, Withdrawal of the
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       (measured value: 93% by weight).             product from the market
                                                                                 Cadmium is harmful to human health,
                                                                                 because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                 can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 REACH Regulation.
94    Croatia     A12/1163/18   China      Earrings                              Chemical                                     Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown       The earrings contain cadmium                 authorities (to: Retailer): Ban on
                                           Batch number / Barcode: Unknown       (measured value: 8.2% by weight).            the marketing of the product and
                                                                                 Cadmium is harmful to human health,          any accompanying measures
                                                                                 because it accumulates in the body and
                                                                                 can damage organs and it may cause
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the
                                                                                 REACH regulation.
95    Slovakia    A12/1151/18   China      LED floodlight                        Electric shock                               Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Unknown       The product has no earth connection.         authorities (to: Distributor,
                                           Batch number /                        This could result in an electric shock for   Importer): Recall of the product
                                           Barcode: 8588006167290                the user.                                    from end users, Warning consumers
                                                                                 The product does not comply with the         of the risks, Withdrawal of the
                                                                                 requirements of the Low Voltage              product from the market,
                                                                                 Directive and the relevant European          Withdrawal of the product from the
                                                                                 standard EN 60598.                           market
96    Slovakia    A12/1156/18   China      Ceiling light                         Electric shock                               Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: Typ:          The light does not have an earth             authorities (to: Distributor): Recall
                                           OLAL-A1X4WWA Model: OB-B01E           connection.                                  of the product from end users,
                                           Index: 206855                         As a consequence, the device could be        Withdrawal of the product from the
                                                             34| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted        Alert
No.                                   of             Product                                           Risk                                  Measures
            By        Number
                                             Batch number /                        connected to the mains supply without        market
                                             Barcode: 5903137206855, Lot:          an earth connection and users might
                                             SE1309OB-1                            receive an electric shock.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                   Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                   standard EN 60598.
97    France        A12/1173/18   China      LED strip light                       Electric shock, Fire                         Measures taken by economic
                                             Type / number of model: Warm White    The electrical insulation, and the           operators: Recall of the product
                                             LED 81410092 Cold White LED           creepage distances between the primary       from end users (By: Importer)
                                             81410030                              and secondary windings, of the power
                                             Batch number /                        supply unit are not sufficient.
                                             Barcode: 3513170099950                The user could touch life parts and suffer
                                                                                   electrical shock.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Low Voltage
                                                                                   Directive and the relevant European
                                                                                   standard EN 61347.
98    The           A12/1131/18   China      Soft toy                              Choking                                      Measures ordered by public
      Netherlands                            Type / number of model: 0617          The eye(s) of the squirrel can be easily     authorities: Withdrawal of the
                                             10007899                              detached, generating small parts.            product from the market
                                             Batch number /                        A child could put them in the mouth and
                                             Barcode: 2011999562965                choke.
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   and the relevant European standard EN
99    France        A12/1132/18   China      Toy slime                             Chemical                                     Measures taken by economic
                                             Type / number of model: LG9016        The slime contains boron (measured           operators: Destruction of the
                                             Batch number / Barcode: 205AO1774     value: 1088 mg/kg).                          product, Recall of the product from
                                                                                   Ingestion or contact with an excessive       end users, Withdrawal of the
                                                               35| of 72 P a g e
      Submitted      Alert
No.                                 of             Product                                            Risk                                     Measures
          By        Number
                                                                                   quantity of boron may harm the health        product from the market (By:
                                                                                   of children by damaging the reproductive     Distributor)
                                                                                   The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   and the relevant European standard EN
100   Spain       A12/1134/18   China      Toy gun                                 Choking                                      Measures ordered by public
                                           Type / number of model: ref 394 and     The suction cups of the projectiles can      authorities (to: Importer): Import
                                           396                                     easily detach.                               rejected at border
                                           Batch number /                          A child could put them in the mouth and
                                           Barcode: 8435265717813 and              choke.
                                           8435265717790                           The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   Toy Safety Directive and the relevant
                                                                                   European Standard EN 71-1.
101   Austria     A12/1155/18   China      Soft toy                                Choking                                      Measures taken by economic
                                           Type / number of model: Article No:     Small parts (eyes, nose) come off the toy.   operators: Destruction of the
                                           TP18-322                                A small child may put them in the mouth      product (By: Retailer)
                                           Batch number /                          and choke.
                                           Barcode: 8595573018320                  The product does not comply with the
                                                                                   requirements of the Toy Safety Directive
                                                                                   and the relevant European standard EN
102   Czech       A12/1160/18   China      Plastic doll                            Chemical                                     Measures ordered by public
      Republic                             Type / number of model: No. 8112        The plastic material of the doll's head      authorities (to:
                                           Batch number /                          contains di (2-ethylhexyl phthalate          Retailer): Withdrawal of the product
                                           Barcode: 8952728811210, ITEM NO:        (DEHP) (measured value: 11.4 % by            from the market
                                           TB-2728, 5-192-56                       weight).
                                                                                   This phthalate may harm the health of
                                                                                   children, causing possible damage to the
                                                                                   reproductive system.
                                                               36| of 72 P a g e
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