Get Fundraising! Your ACCT UK Fundraising Guide -

Page created by Jerome Goodman
Get Fundraising! Your ACCT UK Fundraising Guide -
Fundraising Guide

Get Fundraising! Your ACCT UK Fundraising Guide -
What we do                                                     Fundraise for us
ACCT UK is a national youth charity that helps                 Whether you want to fundraise with friends,
young people across the UK to develop and                      colleagues or family or simply on your own, every
achieve through the Army Cadets.                               penny you raise for ACCT UK, goes directly to
We believe that by supporting young people in                  helping young Army Cadets to achieve their goals.
the UK to access Army Cadets, we can help to                   Fundraising Ideas
develop their physical, mental and social skills
to give them the best possible start in life and               Running Events                          For adult fundraisers you could also
                                                               Whether you opt for a 5k or a           try these ideas:
help them achieve their life ambitions.                        marathon, running events are
                                                                                                       Charity Barbecue
We support over 34,000 young                                   a great opportunity to ask for
                                                                                                       Host your own food event, charging
                                                               sponsorship, whatever your level of
Army Cadets in the UK every year                               fitness. You could challenge yourself
                                                                                                       your guests to taste your culinary
with funding to help them develop                                                                      delights. You could even inject a
                                                               to cover a number of kilometres
                                                                                                       little competition and get friends
in music, sports, education                                    for a month, or get involved with a
                                                                                                       and family to host their own as well,
and skills for life.                                           major running event. There are lots
                                                                                                       so you can score the evening and
                                                               of races throughout UK every year
                                                                                                       the cooking.
                                                               and sponsored participation is a
                                                               great way to raise money for us.        Dog walking
                                                                                                       Raise funds by helping out your
                                                               Walking Events
                                                                                                       neighbours by walking their dogs
                                                               If running’s not for you, you can
                                                                                                       for a small donation. There are lots
                                                               get involved with a sponsored walk
  The Matthew Bacon Bursary Fund                                                                       of people who have to work or may
                                                               instead. Walking is a great way of
                                                                                                       not be able to give their dogs the
                                                               fundraising without taking part in
  The Matthew Bacon Bursary supports young                                                             exercise they need.
                                                               an organised event. You can set the
  people who need to make a step-change in life or             route yourself and record it using      Sell stuff you don’t need!
  lack the confidence to develop and achieve through           one of the many apps available for      Whether it’s old toys, clothes or
  Army Cadets. The bursary has transformed the lives           your phone.                             furniture, by selling stuff you
                                                                                                       don’t use on either eBay or
  of over 60 young Army Cadets who have all reached            Cycling Events
                                                                                                       Facebook Marketplace,
  new milestones through participating in the Outward          There are cycle races taking place
                                                                                                       you can quickly raise
                                                               nationwide all year round, catering
  Bound Trust (OBT) Skills for Life Award.                     for all entry levels. Or you can find
                                                                                                       funds for us and
                                                                                                       help the planet by
  The fund was set up in memory of Major Matthew               your own scenic route and plan
                                                                                                       recycling your
                                                               your cycle ride accordingly. Get
  Bacon, an officer in the Intelligence Corps, killed whilst                                           unwanted
                                                               sponsored for the whole distance,
  on tour in Iraq by a roadside bomb on 11th September                                                 goods!
                                                               or by each mile/kilometer
  2005. In Matthew’s honour, his family set up the Fund        you complete!
  to help young Cadets who need further support to
  develop and achieve.
Get Fundraising! Your ACCT UK Fundraising Guide -
Top four fundraising                                                Your fundraising
ideas from home                                                     event checklist
           1. Get Fit and Fundraise!
           Come up with your own workout, ask everyone to
           join in and ask people to donate the cost of their
           usual gym class or other sports activity.
           2. Virtual Quiz
           Set some questions, invite your friends (virtually,
           of course) and ask for a donation for attending.
           3. Run your own online class!
           Got a talent you’d love to share? Whether it’s
           knitting, hair styling, drawing or singing, share your
           talent online with friends and ask them to donate
                                                                       Decide upon the type of fundraising event, a theme
           to take part.
                                                                       and how small or large you want your event to be
           4. Donate your special occasion
                                                                       Confirm the location, venue, date and time
           Whether it’s a forthcoming Birthday or Anniversary,
           why not ask your friends and family to donate to            Decide if you need any volunteers to help on the day
           us in lieu of gifts?                                        Create a fundraising plan for how you’re going to
                                                                       raise money

Other easy ways to fundraise for us                                    Don’t forget to get in touch with us to order
                                                                       your materials to raise awareness
1. Shop using Amazon Smile     5. C
                                    ut, shave or dye your             hair and ask for donations          Get promoting! Invite your guests, promote
                                   (with your parent or                the event on social media and use your local
2. H
    ost a virtual film night
                                   guardian's permission               community to spread the word
3. Set up a colouring             if under 18 of course!)
    competition using our                                              On the day – check you have everything you need
                                6. Set up a bake-off
    colouring sheets with
   a donation per sheet
                                    competition                        Make sure your event is legal. You can check
                                    against friends                    guidelines on The Charity Commission’s website:
4. Host a danceathon with
                                7. Become a Supporter of    
    friends and family
                                    our charity and set up
                                    a monthly donation                 QUESTIONS? Get in touch:
Get Fundraising! Your ACCT UK Fundraising Guide -
How to set up                                                  Alternative ways to pay
your fundraising                                               in your fundraising
We work with a fundraising platform to                         You can write a cheque payable to ‘ACCT UK’ and
make it even easier for you to support us.                     post this to:
                                                               ACCT UK, Holderness House, 51-61 Clifton Street,
                                                               London, EC2A 4DW

 Set up a fundraising
 page on Enthuse

 1. Visit our fundraising page
 2. Click on Start Fundraising    Make your donation           “Everyone at
 3. R
     egister your details or
                                  direct to us using Enthuse
                                                                ACCT UK have
    sign in with Facebook
 4. S
     et up your                  1. Visit our donations       been fantastic
    fundraising page                  page on:
                                  2. Complete the form
                                                                all the way
                                  3. Make your donation        through.”
                                      direct to ACCT UK         Tim King,
                                                                ACCT UK Fund recipient
Get Fundraising! Your ACCT UK Fundraising Guide -
How to order materials
        We can support you with your fundraising to help
        raise awareness of your event and ACCT UK.
        Our materials available:
        • Posters
        • Sponsorship forms
        • Fundraising tins
        and let us know what you need.

Give us a call, drop us an email
or visit our fundraising webpage.
Call: 020 7426 8377
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