Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL

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Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
Magazine of Palacký University Olomouc, 2017/2


the Mystery

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Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
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Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL

 2 — UP archaeologist reveals the secrets of medieval
     Islamic architecture in a war-stricken region
 6 — Inclusion Fair offers opportunities for educating Roma
 6 — Research results published in a new book:
     Muslims in Czechia
 7 — UP awards Austrian lawyer Armin Stolz
 7 — Faculty of Health Sciences led once more by Jaroslav
 8 — Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry welcomes two
     generations of its graduates, including the first
     Diamond Jubilee
 8 — Experts from the Faculty of Education helping via                                        Dear Readers
     theatre therapy in Russia
 9 — Thanks to a European grant, RCPTM embarks on new                                         In recent years UP has been
     research                                                                                 significantly transformed, in
 9 — 10th International Teaching Week at the Faculty                                          all conceivable aspects. UP has
     of Physical Culture                                                                      become a sought-after workplace
10 — Rewrite the textbooks! The first non-metallic magnet                                     for scientists from abroad who
     developed in Olomouc
                                                                                              are attracted to Olomouc by the
11 — The uninvited avian guest on the pages of a new book                                     university’s reputation, splendid
12 — Scientists from Olomouc help to save                                                     infrastructure, the level of safety in
     endangered medicinal plants in South Africa
                                                                                              Czechia, the beauty of the city and
13 — Geneticists have isolated the DNA of the canonic
                                                                                              the competitive financial conditions.
     Czech author Božena Němcová. Will it reveal her
14 — Olomouc Baroque Festival celebrations guarantee                                          They say that people vote with their
     one-of-a-kind experiences                                                                feet. They leave places without
15 — Portrait – Marta Lucie Cincialová                                                        prospects and go to places where
18 — Success                                                                                  they can realise their ambitions
22 — Kaleidoscope of News Briefs                                                              and dreams. Palacký University is
                                                                                              gradually becoming an attractive
24 — Photostory – Academia Film Olomouc
                                                                                              destination, especially for young
25 — Interview – Lumír Kantor: Every day I am amazed at
     what we are able to do                                                                   scientists from all over the world
                                                                                              who take part in large research
28 — Palacký University can entice even the best “players”
     in science                                                                               projects. The growing international
31 — Experience – My Study Year Abroad in 2016                                                character of UP is strengthening
33 — Graduate – Marinella Danosová: I love being in                                           internal competition, thus increasing
     the thick of it                                                                          its quality. At the same time, co-
35 — Lifestyle – UP Botanical Garden – A source of                                            operation with international
     knowledge and a place of recreation                                                      colleagues has taught us tolerance
36 — Reportage – Courses and expeditions spice up studies                                     and respect for those who speak
38 — Heritage – Prof Phil Dr Friedrich Franz, OPraem                                          foreign languages and come from
39 — Reflection – Nigeria                                                                     different cultural circles. And this
                                                                                              is a sine qua non prerequisite for
40 — University in the social fabric
                                                                                              the development of a civil and free
                                                                                              society in this country.
 title page: The vanished city of Old Makhmur – surface topography
 of visible remnants of a church, ca. 8–9th century
 photo: Czech Archaeological Mission in Northern Iraq archive                                 Jaroslav Miller
                                                                                              Rector, Palacký University
Žurnál | Published biannually in English | Czech Registration No.: MK ČR E 12524, ISSN
1804-6754 | Published by Palacký University Olomouc, Křížkovského 8, CZ-771 47 Olomouc,
Czech Republic | VAT No.: 61989592 | Chairman of the Editorial Board: Petr Bilík | Editor-
in-Chief: Ivana Pustějovská | Layout: Věra Marešová | Graphic Editor: Michaela Cyprová |
Proofreading: Matthew Sweney | Editorial Board | Biskupské nám. 1, Olomouc | Telephone:
+420 585 631 155 | E-mail: zurnal@upol.cz | Print | Profi-Tisk Group Olomouc | 1 000 copies
Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
                                                                        text: Milada Hronová
                                                                     photo: Gabriela Knýblová

Satellites, GPS, and Courage
UP archaeologist reveals the secrets
of Medieval Islamic architecture
in a war-stricken region
The desire to lift the veil of mystery surrounding the medieval
architecture in the Middle East was aroused in him after
a scholarship in Cairo, Egypt. Ever since Karel Nováček, a Palacký
University archaeologist, saw its buildings, he has been intensely
working on revealing new findings about medieval Islamic
architecture, including the unique architecture in Mosul. Its
architecture from the Islamic era, standing unjustly in the
shadow of famous antique monuments in Iraqi Kurdistan, has
much in common with medieval architecture in Europe and has
been vanishing from the world’s sight in the aftermath of war.
2    žurnál 2017
Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
“Cairo is a textbook on Islamic architec-       which however the majority of the local
ture. This is where I realised, seventeen       population remained Christian. He estab-         Karel Nováček (b. 1968)
years ago, how largely its buildings are re-    lished the Czech Archaeological Mission          Originally an archaeologist
lated to our European architecture in me-       in Northern Iraq and in addition to that, he     with specialisation on
dieval times. And how woefully little is        often visits this region as a member of var-     medieval times in the Czech
known about them,” says Nováček, cur-           ious international teams.                        lands. A member of the
rently at the Department of History, UP             He is employed in a region which is as-      Department of History
Faculty of Arts. When he made his first         sociated in the media with the war against       at the UP Faculty of Arts.
study visit to the land of the pyramids, he     the so-called Islamic State. Karel Nováček       Since 2006 he has also
                                                                                                 been investigating the
was a postgraduate student in Architec-         emphasises that history and presence are
                                                                                                 medieval urban network in
ture History at Czech Technical University      not so black and white as on television.
                                                                                                 northeastern Mesopotamia.
in Prague and “genuine” archaeology was         “Our team has regularly been to Erbil, lo-
                                                                                                 He is the main author of
still far in the distance.                      cated a mere 90 km from Mosul. Where-
                                                                                                 a monograph published in
   In Egypt, the young scientist noticed that   as Mosul has been inaccessible to Western        Oxford, Medieval Urban
objects which may not be attractive to the      researchers since 2003, Erbil is a rapidly       Landscape in Northeastern
ordinary tourist may be as informative as       growing, civilised, and safe city, until re-     Mesopotamia. Thanks also to
an entire textbook for a construction histo-    cently living off their petroleum bonds,”        his research, an exposition
rian. “In the 1980s, Cairo suffered a major     points out Nováček. During their mis-            called Architecture in Danger
earthquake. People left many buildings to       sions he and his colleagues are usually ac-      was installed in the Science
their fates. The upper floors collapsed onto    commodated in concrete houses in Chris-          and Art Gallery of the Czech
the ground floors, of which only shells re-     tian as well as Muslim neighbourhoods.           Academy of Sciences in
mained. Later on people began to re-settle      “There is less noise and consumerism In          order to inform visitors on
in those historical houses and entire streets   Muslim neighbourhoods than in Chris-             the architectural heritage
in various ways. A construction historian       tian ones,” compares the archaeologist.          of the city, devastated by
today has a unique opportunity to observe           During his weeks-long stays he is in         the ideologically motivated
how the historical houses developed until       everyday contact with the locals. His ex-        attack by the radical Islamic
the present. After a comparison with what       perience has been good. “Local people are        State. The exposition showed
I knew from medieval Europe, I made a de-       open-minded; they will talk cordially with       visitors how architectural
cision then to explore those medieval cit-      you. I have never experienced anyone mak-        sights can be explored
ies of the Middle East more profoundly,”        ing a negative comment concerning Eu-            “from a distance”. Thanks
recalls Nováček on one of the decisive mo-      rope. I even think that with all the war, eco-   to Czech experts, some
ments of his career. And today he still per-    nomic, and existential problems, they have       of the destroyed Mosul
ceives archaeology through architecture.        gained a better perspective on life. Almost      monuments retained their
                                                everyone in Erbil has a relative who died        original appearance in the
                                                                                                 exposition – albeit in digital
War gives you another perspective               at the front during fights with the radicals
For some time he had been looking for an-       from IS. Nonetheless, local people are able
other opportunity to get closer to Islamic      to face problems with a certain calmness.
architecture. When he was offered a job         It is very enlightening for a European to ex-
in Iraqi Kurdistan in 2006, he did not hes-     perience their detached perspective. They
itate. Since then he has dedicated all his      know what matters in life. I really don’t
research to the Islamic era, the period be-     think that we Europeans are happier in
tween the 7th and 19th centuries, during        general,” claims Nováček.

       Ancient cemetery in a mountain
      valley near Makhmur, containing
            about 5,000 visible graves.
                                                                                                                     žurnál 2017   3
Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
Archaeologists with satellites                    documentation of what can be seen on               Central Tigris, inaccessible on a long-term
Archaeologists today definitely need more         the surface,” says Nováček.                        basis. Similarly, they cannot approach the
than just the traditional tape measure,              Neither top-notch technology nor many           largest city of Northern Iraq, Mosul, whose
trowel, and shovel. Karel Nováček’s team          years of experience are however any guar-          destruction is being mapped by the archae-
includes a specialist on the use of satellite     antee that the archaeologist will encounter        ologists only via satellite imagery.
images. “Lenka Starková, a specialist on          a historical site. “The most powerful mo-             “The radical Islamists have destroyed
landscape archaeology and work with sat-          ment is when you personally find out that          47 architectural historical sites. Apart
ellite data, is one of the pillars of the team.   the remains of the settlement are exact-           from two exceptions, they had all served
Modern technologies including satellite           ly where you had expected them to be and           religious purposes – the vast majority were
images are vital for our work today,” adds        also that they’re from the period you ex-          Islamic mosques, mausoleums, tombs,
Karel Nováček.                                    plore,” as the archaeologist described the         and graves. The consequences are devas-
   He is a European pioneer among those           moment of suspense. Satellite images only          tating. Mosul has lost invaluable historical
who take an interest in medieval Islamic          show the presence of some anthropogenic            buildings from the 12th and 13th centuries
architecture. “Those who had travelled            traces after vanished settlements and larg-        which had created its skyline and specific

                                                                                                                                                    photos: Archive of the Czech Archaeological Mission in Northern Iraq
to Mesopotamia usually studied the As-            er structures. Those, however, may well be         appearance.” According to the Olomouc
syrian era, the Bronze Age, or even old-          only 30 years old – or they may date back to       scientist, Mosul’s architecture is absolute-
er periods. The latest layer of settlement        the Neolithic Age. The range may be even           ly unique, because the architects who built
was of interest to barely anyone. And this        ten thousand years.                                these structures had extensive experience
is how information on approximately fif-             “When you hit the period you explore,           with Christian architecture and trans-
teen vanished cities, still visible in the ter-   a series of connections begin to rev up in         ferred such features to the Shiite architec-
rain, was lost to the world,” says the UP         your mind, and your scientific imagination         ture in Mosul.
archaeologist about precious archaeo-             is unleashed at full throttle. It is an extraor-      “It is tragic how the diversity of the
logical sites. He has been collecting data        dinary and very precious moment,” con-             world’s heritage has been decreased. The
on the unique historic structures in Iraqi        fesses Nováček. He never worries about the         architectural phenomenon of Mosul, un-
Kurdistan for many years now. He and his          danger around him, although he knows he            paralleled in the whole of global culture,
team make expeditions out of their base           may bump into poisonous spiders, scorpi-           has not even been properly documented,”
in Erbil and explore sites which might            ons, and other dangerous creatures.                laments Nováček. Documentation of Mo-
conceal a historic masterpiece, with their           “I have talismans from my kids for good         sul’s buildings is scattered in various col-
hunches based on the satellite images.            luck. The biggest threat for me are the local      lections, often private; only a very small
The satellite image reveals the size of the       stray and very intrusive dogs. I have always       portion appears on the Internet.
archaeological site, its approximate age          feared dogs,” he smiles.                              “We are trying to collect everything we
and condition. Then they use GPS for fur-                                                            can. We have been thoroughly document-
ther orientation.                                 Digital models: the future of                      ing the destruction of the city. We have ex-
   “Just to give you a better idea, we’re         Mosul architecture                                 amined private collections and used the
talking about an area which is the size of        Not all sites are accessible to Czech archae-      estates of researchers who had visited Mo-
the greater Pilsen Region. There are al-          ologists such as the ones around Erbil. The        sul before us. We also contact people who
most a dozen historical cities that inter-        region has been stricken by war and some           come from Mosul and used to work or still
est us. First we make a basic survey and          of the city ruins are located in the area of       work there,” says the archaeologist about
4      žurnál 2017
Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
                                                 The vanished city of Old Makhmur, a hillock
                                                 hiding a vanished castle – probably
                                                 a Christian aristocrat’s residence – from
                                                 the era shortly after the advent of Islam.

                                                 The vanished city of Old Makhmur – sur-
                                                 face discoveries of ceramic shards provide
                                                 priceless information on dating this part
                                                 of the site.

                                                 A digital model of the terrain shows Old
                                                 Makhmur in the basin of the Central Tigrid,
                                                 the remains of which are unusually well
                                                 preserved on the surface of the terrain.
                                                 The town vanished in the 9th century,
                                                 some two hundred years after the advent
                                                 of Islam. Its core could be the historically
                                                 known church and monastery Bet Margana
                                                 (red area), which was later extended by
                                                 vast, unfortified urban districts (in green).
                                                 The settlement was surrounded by square-
                                                 shaped castles of the local Christian
                                                 nobility (red-dotted lines).

their rescue mission, incomparable to the
work in the terrain around Erbil.

Cautious optimist
Despite the deluge of negative news, the
UP archaeologist also highlights a posi-
tive moment now: “In 2016 I came across
a book that contained maps from Mo-
sul’s new local plan and registered all his-
torical sites and sacral buildings. It allowed
me to detect four more constructions that
had escaped our attention. And when I re-
cently compared a satellite image from Au-
gust 2015 with an image from September
2016, I was relieved to see that destruction
in Mosul has stopped,” says Nováček. He is
only slightly optimistic, however, since he
knows that the liberation operation in pro-
gress will inevitably lead to more damage.
Furthermore, he does not believe that the
destroyed objects would be properly recon-
structed any time soon.
    It took the gigantic destruction of Mosul
and the annihilation of the region’s cultur-
al heritage to attract the attention of sever-
al foreign research teams, which began to
investigate the monuments from the Islam-
ic era. Karel Nováček has been successfully
collaborating with them, and so he will trav-
el to Erbil again in September 2017 in order
to take part in discovering the remains of
the neglected Islamic medieval era. Thanks
to recently launched collaboration between
Palacký University and the Historic Preser-
vation Inspectorate in Kirkuk, he will also
educate local young archaeologists. “We
want to teach them how to better preserve
the historical heritage of their country.”
                                                                                                 žurnál 2017   5
Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
8 faculties
     1 university

Inclusion Fair offers opportunities for educating Roma
Supporting the admission of Roma           ed could attend lectures on the subject          The project Preparing Roma Children
children into the educational system       of inclusive education and special edu-       and Children from Socially Marginalised
was the main goal of the Inclusion Fair,   cational activities held in a profession-     Groups in the Olomouc Region and its Sur-
which took place in Olomouc and was        al seminar.                                   roundings for Education through the Help
hosted by the Sts Cyril and Methodi-          “We want to move the starting line         of Volunteers while Paying Attention to
us Faculty of Theology with its part-      for pre-schoolers, who do not have so         Spiritual Needs (ROMSPIDO) was sup-
ners in the ROMSPIDO project. The          many prejudices as their elders in the        ported by the Czech Ministry of Education,
first year of this public-professional     society’s majority, to enter the educa-       Youth and Sports; European Structural
event was aimed at working with pre-       tional system on the same level as those      and Investment Funds; and the Operation-
school children. It offered presenta-      who have been prepared for elementary         al Programme “Research, Development
tions by non-profit organisations and      school and also further education,” ex-       and Innovation”. In the coming years, it will
partners of the project, a workshop        plained the co-ordinator of the project,      also be aimed at middle school students and
for pre-schoolers, films, and a perfor-    a professional at the Institute of Social     “friendly workers” – work positions offered
mance by a Roma band. Those interest-      Health at CMFT, Zdeněk Meier.                 to Roma in the local sector.         (mav)

Research results published in a new book:
Muslims in Czechia
                                           Palacký University contributed in the cre-    lic eye and through the media, and the
                                           ation of a nearly 500-page book, Muslims      fourth to the interpretations by Muslims
                                           in Czechia: Establishing Muslims and Is-      themselves. Moreover, it is a contribution
                                           lam in the Public Sphere. Daniel Topinka,     to the discussion which has been recent-
                                           from the Department of Sociology, An-         ly triggered in Czech society,” said Daniel
                                           dragogy and Cultural Anthropology of          Topinka. The book is also dedicated for ex-
                                           the Faculty of Arts, offers a colourful       ample to the situation of Muslims in hospi-
                                           overview of Muslims living in the Czech       tals, spas and prisons, Muslim cemeteries,
                                           Republic in the book.                         ritual slaughter, and the image of Muslims
                                              The book accompanies the reader            in textbooks and the media. The informa-
                                           through the research stages which took        tion found in the book will be of benefit not
                                           place beforehand. It is divided into four     only to academics, but also to readers who
                                           main parts. “The first part is dedicated to   are state and local administration employ-
                                           Muslims and Islam post-1989, the second       ees and those in non-profit organisations.
                                           to Muslims and Islam in the perspective       The publication, the work of a dozen au-
                                           of public affairs management, the third       thors over the years 2013–2016, was pub-
                                           to Muslims and Islam seen in the pub-         lished by Barrister & Principal.      (map)

6    žurnál 2017
Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
UP awards Austrian lawyer Armin Stolz
                                            One more name has been entered onto           the medal was attended by the Vice-Dean
                                            the prestigious list of UP Medal of Hon-      for Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes
                                            our holders. The medal was given to the       at the UP Faculty of Law, Maxim Tomo-
                                            leading Austrian expert on comparative        szek, and Stolz’s closest collaborator,
                                            constitutional and administrative law,        Michal Malacka of the Department of
                                            Armin Stolz, who works at Karl-Fran-          International and European Law. “It is
                                            zens-Universität in Graz. He received         a great honour for me, and a joy to accept
                                            the award for his long-term co-oper-          this medal. I have been working with you
                                            ation with the UP Faculty of Law and          since the early 1990s, since the inception
                                            for spreading the good name of Olo-           of your faculty. We’ve done quite a deal of
                                            mouc’s university abroad.                     work in that time. The faculty is standing
                                               The Austrian lawyer and academic was       on solid feet now, it is known abroad, and
                                            nominated by the Faculty of Law. “Armin       still expanding,” said Armin Stolz.
                                            Stolz has been collaborating with our fac-       “Prof Stolz supported the re-estab-
                                            ulty for over twenty years, and it has been   lished faculty by co-organising the summer
                                            very close co-operation, important for        schools in Olomouc and Graz, exchange
                                            our teaching. He significantly contribut-     stays, creating the Austrian Library, real-
                                            ed, and still contributes, to spreading the   ising courses in constitutional comparison
                                            good name of Palacký University abroad        law, and also connecting the faculty with
                                            and to the development of its internation-    the foreign co-operation of Karl-Fran-
                                            al prestige,” explained Dean Zdenka Pa-       zens-Universität in Graz,” Michal Malacka
                                            poušková. The ceremonial awarding of          noted.                                (eha)

                                            Faculty of Health Sciences led once more
                                            by Jaroslav Vomáčka
                                            On March first, the former and now cur-          Dean Vomáčka in his second term            velop the professional qualifications of
                                            rent dean, Jaroslav Vomáčka, took charge      wants to aim at further development and       its academic workers. He wants to devote
                                            of the leadership of the UP Faculty of        stabilisation of the faculty in all areas.    intense attention to academic, develop-
                                            Health Sciences. The Academic Senate          Under his leadership, the faculty ought       mental, and research activities, and im-
                                            nominated him for the period 2017–2021        to expand its offer of new fields of study    prove their close ties to economic and so-
                                            and he was named Dean by Rector Jaro-         taught in English as well as in Czech, sup-   cial work. One component of this should
                                            slav Miller.                                  port student foreign study stays, and de-     be developing and finding new academ-
                                                                                                                                        ics by expanding the doctoral study pro-
                                                                                                                                        grammes and deepening international
                                                                                                                                           One of the important steps in the
                                                                                                                                        coming years will be preparing a build-
photos: Velena Mazochová | Eva Hrudníková

                                                                                                                                        ing project and realising the construc-
                                                                                                                                        tion of a new faculty headquarters.
                                                                                                                                        “Constructing a new, modern building
                                                                                                                                        is key for the material-technical unifica-
                                                                                                                                        tion of the faculty, and for the develop-
                                                                                                                                        ment and expansion of the structure of
                                                                                                                                        fields of study and study programmes.
                                                                                                                                        Several fields are already prepared for
                                                                                                                                        accreditation and for their development,
                                                                                                                                        and at the same time for the develop-
                                                                                                                                        ment of the Centre of Science and Edu-
                                                                                                                                        cation and the Centre of Practical Expe-
                                                                                                                                        rience it is absolutely necessary to have
                                                                                                                                        adequate spatial capacity,” explained
                                                                                                                                        Jaroslav Vomáčka.                   (mav)

                                                                                                                                                                 žurnál 2017    7
Žurnál - Unveiling the Mystery theme - UPOL
8 faculties
      1 university

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry welcomes two generations
of its graduates, including the first Diamond Jubilee
Respect, admiration, and strong emotions        mond graduates together with the faculty         al regimes and finally experienced democ-
ruled the atmosphere of the Diamond Ju-         leadership.                                      racy – and with it, that our faculty’s reputa-
bilee, which took place for the first time at      Jaroslav Rybka, Director Emeritus of          tion is rising and out of it have come many
Palacký University’s Faculty of Medicine        the World Health Organization’s Centre for       European and world discoveries,” he em-
and Dentistry. After sixty years, seven-        the Study of Diabetes and leader of the Di-      phasised. The unique experience was also
teen graduates from 1957 renewed their          abetes Centre at the hospital in Zlín, rem-      attended by the Class of 1987, which met
ceremonial oaths. “You are some of our          inisced on his student years in the 1950s.       on the same day in Olomouc for their tradi-
most important graduates, because you           “There were 240 of us entering our stud-         tional event Roots/Radicēs. In addition to
were there at the faculty’s beginnings and      ies, and 105 of us graduated. We decided to      their informal meeting, the programme in-

                                                                                                                                                  photos: Oldřich Müller archive | Viktor Čáp | Velena Mazochová | Martin Višňa
throughout your careers you have spread         study medicine and after all the twists and      cluded lectures by graduates from the class
the university’s good name,” said Rec-          turns which infused that period of power,        as well as a performance by a saxophone
tor Jaroslav Miler, who welcomed the dia-       it was a lucky decision. We endured sever-       quintet.                                 (mav)

Experts from the Faculty of Education helping via
theatre therapy in Russia
                                                Therapists from the Faculty of Education         theatre therapy can really help in such sit-
                                                travelled to help deprived children who live     uations. Thanks to them, children begin to
                                                in foster families in Armavir, Russia. They      be creative, and they are capable of taking
                                                also showed how healing is possible via          responsibility for their lives,” said Oldřich
                                                theatre therapy.                                 Müller.
                                                   Together with other colleagues, Old-             Ten therapeutic days meant intense
                                                řich Müller and Martin D. Polínek from           work for the drama therapists from UP, but
                                                the Institute of Special Education Studies       the end of their stay belonged to the theat-
                                                worked with children in a new SOS chil-          rical presentation. “It was probably the big-
                                                dren’s village. At present, there are 80 chil-   gest event which we have done within the
                                                dren with special needs living there. Some       auspices of UP. I am glad that the half-hour
                                                of them no longer have parents, others           presentation, ‘Support Me’, was a success.
                                                were abused, some of them were born with         Drama therapy and theatre therapy are
                                                foetal alcohol syndrome. However, all have       not very widespread in Russia, and that is
                                                something in common: problems estab-             why the experts there wanted to see it in ac-
                                                lishing relationships. “Drama therapy and        tion,” added Martin D. Polínek.        (map)

8     žurnál 2017
Thanks to a European grant, RCPTM embarks
on new research
Scientists at the Regional Centre for Ad-      optimising the anodic photocatalysts, and
vanced Technologies and Materials              improving their qualities.
(RCPTM) began to focus on the develop-            “Despite many advantages, such as their
ment of hybrid nanomaterials, which make       low price, non-toxicity, availability in great
possible effective solar water splitting and   amounts and chemical stability, these ma-
obtaining hydrogen as a significant main-      terials exhibit several drawbacks, which at
tainable energy source. Thanks to sup-         present prevent their high-capacity use in
port from the operational programme “Re-       the production of green, cheap energy. The
search, Development and Education”, the        project’s goal is to eliminate these draw-
new team is dedicating itself to the prob-     backs by a combination of metal oxides
lem, led by a world expert in the areas of     with nanocrystalline materials, which we
material chemistry, photoelectric chemis-      have been studying in our centre for some
try and renewable energy, Patrik Schmuki.      time,” explained RCPTM Director Radek
   Hydrogen is considered the energy           Zbořil on their goals. The emergent hy-
source of the future, one gentle on the en-    brid structures increase the effectiveness
vironment. Olomouc scientists are aiming       of the photocatalyst process, and even in-
at a method which would make it possible       crease the volume of hydrogen created.
to obtain it from water by using solar ener-   This should help these new technologies
gy in what is called the photoelectric chem-   enter into real practise. Participating in the
ical process. They are making use of prov-     project are colleagues from the USA, Den-
en and inexpensive materials, such as iron     mark, Switzerland, France, and South Ko-
oxide and titanium dioxide, primarily for      rea.                                     (srd)

10th International Teaching Week at the Faculty
of Physical Culture
The teaching reins at the Faculty of           cal and practical lessons held in English        ment, aqua gymnastics, simple games
Physical Culture were taken over at the        met with twelve teachers from six coun-          which develop co-operation and logical
beginning of April by foreign lecturers        tries, including South Africa, Israel, and       thinking, and the workshop Football for
during the 10th International Teaching         Romania. Themes included the relation-           Peace.
Week at FPC UP. Students in theoreti-          ship between geocaching and move-                   The 1st International Teaching Week
                                                                                                took place in November 2012 after cours-
                                                                                                es in English were required at the faculty.
                                                                                                This significant change in the conception
                                                                                                of teaching foreign languages took place
                                                                                                within the framework of the ESF pro-
                                                                                                ject “Internationalisation of the Faculty
                                                                                                of Physical Culture at Palacký Universi-
                                                                                                ty Olomouc”. “Within ten such weeks at
                                                                                                our faculty, seventy lecturers from near-
                                                                                                ly thirty countries took part in teaching
                                                                                                advanced subjects for almost 3000 stu-
                                                                                                dents; the teaching was not focused only
                                                                                                on English. Moreover, we try to place an
                                                                                                emphasis on activating forms of teach-
                                                                                                ing,” commented Zuzana Hanelová, the
                                                                                                advisor for foreign relations, and the head
                                                                                                of the above-mentioned programme.
                                                                                                Organisation of the 10th Internation-
                                                                                                al Teaching Week was also shared by the
                                                                                                Department of Developmental and En-
                                                                                                vironmental Studies at the UP Faculty of
                                                                                                Science.                              (vim)
                                                                                                                         žurnál 2017     9
discovery                                                                                          text: Martina Šaradínová
                                                                                       ilustration: Martin Pykal | photos: RCPTM

 An illustration of the first organic
 magnet on the basis of graphene
 with magnetic properties at room

Rewrite the textbooks!
The first non-metallic magnet
developed in Olomouc
A dream of many generations of researchers has been fulfilled by a discovery made by scientists at
the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials (RCPTM) at Palacký University Olo-
mouc. By using graphene, an ultra-thin form of carbon, these scientists prepared the first non-me-
tallic magnet that retains its magnetic properties up to room temperature. Its potential applications
are vast, particularly in the fields of biomedicine and electronics. The report of the Czech scientists,
disproving old beliefs, was published in the prestigious Nature Communications journal.

All magnetic materials used until now have    seen as a huge advancement in the capabili-      carry free electrons,” said Michal Otyep-
been based on metals or their compounds.      ties of organic magnets,” said Radek Zbořil,     ka, a co-creator of the theoretical model,
However, the aim of Olomouc scientists        the lead author of the project and Director of   whose work on the project was conduct-
was to prepare an organic magnet. In its      RCPTM.                                           ed within the framework of a prestigious
development, they placed their bet on a ma-                                                    European Research Council (ERC) grant.
terial of the last decade they had bounti-    A theoretical model was developed                “I am pleased that the very first work on the
ful experience with: graphene – a single      The work arose solely from contributions         topics addressed by the ERC project has
two-dimensional layer of carbon atoms.        by Olomouc scientists, who also developed        yielded such important results,” he added.
   “For several years, we have suspected      a theoretical model to explain the origin of        The path from this discovery to practical
that the path to magnetic carbon could in-    magnetism in these carbon materials. “In         applications may be relatively long. Howev-
volve graphene. Amazingly, by treating it     metallic systems, magnetic phenomena re-         er, the range of potential uses is enormous.
with other non-metallic elements such as      sult from the behaviour of electrons in the      “I think that not only our team in Olomouc
fluorine, hydrogen, and oxygen, we were       atomic structure of metals. In the organ-        but also the broad scientific community
able to create a new source of magnetic mo-   ic magnets that we have developed, the           will want to exploit the huge surface area of
ments that communicate with each other        magnetic features emerge from the behav-         graphene and the potential of combining its
even at room temperature. This discovery is   iour of non-metallic chemical radicals that      unique conductivity and electronic proper-

10    žurnál 2017
A photograph of a new graphene                         Mapping of the new graphene
                                                                                                                        A photograph
derivative – hydroxofluorographene                  derivative – hydroxofluorographene –
                                                                                                                  of a colloidal dispersion
– made by high-resolution electron                   by means of combined atomic force
                                                                                                                of hydroxofluorographene.
             microscopy.                            microscopy and Raman spectroscopy.

  ties with magnetism. There are not only po-       Successful research into                         cent experiments in our labs have clearly
  tential applications in the fields of spintron-   magnetism                                        confirmed the possibility. We are currently
  ics and electronics, but also in medicine for     At the end of 2016, the Olomouc research         collaborating with Prof Pavel Hobza’s team
  targeted drug delivery and for separating         team recently reported the discovery of the      to develop detailed theoretical explanations
  molecules using external magnetic fields,”        world’s smallest metal magnets, also in Na-      for the unique behaviour of these molecular
  says Jiří Tuček, whose work focuses on sol-       ture Communications. This will certainly not     magnets. I am hoping that we’ll be, for the
  id-state magnetism. The Czech scientists          be the team’s final contribution to research     third time, faster than competing research
  are already collaborating with colleagues         on magnetism. “We have taken several im-         teams around the world, especially given
  from Japan and Belgium to look at applica-        portant steps towards developing the first       the potentially immense impact of organic
  tions of organic magnets and to develop ac-       magnetic molecules whose magnetism can           magnetic materials in fields such as molec-
  curate theoretical models.                        be manipulated at room temperature. Re-          ular electronics and sensorics,” says Zbořil.

  The uninvited avian guest on the pages of a new book
  The life of the avian interloper, the             tail and such technical quality. Oldřich Mi-     prominent biologist, Tim Birkhead, in his
  common cuckoo, is introduced in a new             kulica spent thousands of hours sitting in his   review for BBC Wildlife appreciates “the ex-
  book entitled The Cuckoo – The Uninvited          shelter and caught things unseen by any re-      ceptional photographs, text and overall de-
  Guest, including unique pictures made             searcher before,” revealed Grim.                 sign”. The co-authors of the text of the book
  by the photographer Oldřich Mikulica. It             This popular science publication has at-      as well as its concept, along with the Olo-
  was published by Wild Nature Press in the         tracted very positive press even among ex-       mouc ornithologist, were Norwegian orni-
  United Kingdom, and one of the authors            perts, and it was selected by the UK journal     thologist Bård G. Stokke and Karl Schul-
  summarising the results of many years of          BBC Wildlife as “Book of the Month”. One         ze-Hagen.                                (srd)
  research into this bird species is Tomáš
  Grim from the Department of Zoology at
  the UP Faculty of Science.
     The book shows the entire life cycle of the
  cuckoo, from laying the egg to hatching and
  taking care of the young in and out of the
  nest. “We have based our work on literature
  published from the eighteenth century until
  now, and some of the findings were updated
  during proofreading. We have included even
  previously unpublished and new opinions.
  In addition, we tried to rebut some of the tra-
  ditional myths concerning cuckoos, and to
  present the reader with how research into
  such birds is made,” said Grim.
     Apart from thousands of articles, forty
  specialised books have been published on
  the common cuckoo. The most recent ad-
  dition stands out distinctively, in particular
  due to unparalleled photographs. “Until to-
  day, no other book has been published that
  would capture the cuckoo’s life in such de-

                                                                                                                                žurnál 2017      11
science                                                                                                      text: Martina Šaradínová
                                                                                                                  photo: Gabriela Knýblová

Scientists from Olomouc help to save
endangered medicinal plants in South Africa
Scientists from the Centre of the Region Haná     the Czech-South African co-operation. These        become endangered in the wild. Czech sci-
for Biotechnological and Agricultural Re-         new derivatives are of use when commonly           entists collaborate with colleagues from the
search (CRH) in Olomouc are contributing          used and commercially available plant growth       Research Center for Plant Growth and Devel-
to the conservation of endangered species of      regulators do not help.                            opment at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
medicinal plants in South Africa. Within the                                                         Together they helped in the rescue of certain
auspices of long-term co-operation with the       Tailored plant hormones                            species of aloe, devil’s claw, pelargonium and
Research Centre for Plant Growth and Devel-       “Thanks to many years of research and work-        other important medicinal plants. Scientists
opment, University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pie-       ing together, we are able to prepare plant hor-    from Olomouc have contributed to about ten
termaritzburg, South Africa, Czech scientists     mones tailored for specific plant species for      South African patents.
have developed special derivatives of plant       our partners today. We have already identified        “It’s a great example of blending cut-
hormones that stimulate plant growth in ster-     potential problems, and we are able to identi-     ting-edge basic and applied research. Over
ile environments and support plant acclima-       fy the cause at the molecular level. Therefore,    time we arrived at the development of growth
tization both in greenhouses and outdoors.        for certain types of plants, we develop targeted   regulators tailored to overcome specific tis-
During fifteen years of fruitful collaboration,   agents to prevent problems and appropriately       sue-culture problems. Thanks to such plant
Czech researchers have significantly contrib-     stimulate plant growth,” said the head of the      growth regulators, we are currently able to
uted to the rescue of at least ten species of     Department of Chemical Biology and Genet-          gain even more material for the basic research
endangered plants. A study which maps the         ics of CRH, Karel Doležal.                         on endangered plants, so the research is even
latest result of the partnership was recently        Scientists must also ensure that the plant      more systematic. We prepare exact molecules
published in the journal Plant Growth Regu-       will be able to acclimate to a normal environ-     for our South African collaborators and con-
lation.                                           ment. “Acclimatization is one of the greatest      versely, we obtain specially prepared samples
    South African researchers use a method        problems when using this method of grow-           of plants, in which we analyze endogenous
of micropropagation in vitro to grow endan-       ing plants. Our derivatives can, in many cas-      plant hormones,” said Lucie Plíhalová of CRH.
gered plants. The method is normally applied      es, overcome these problems, because we            Phytohormones, and particularly cytokinins,
in commercial companies for growing house-        are able to adjust compound properties pre-        have been studied by scientists from Olomouc
plants and orchids: a small part of the plant     cisely. Plants cloned from the explant and in-     for more than 20 years. Scientists are deal-
is removed – an explant. The whole plant can      troduced back into the natural environment         ing with the possibilities of their application
grow again under sterile conditions in vitro      have absolutely the same genetic information       in medicine, cosmetics and agriculture. For
from this little explant. This process requires   as the original plant from which the explant       this reason, the laboratory holds many nation-
a special medium that contains plant hor-         was removed. This is another rule that must        al and international patents related to these
mones – especially cytokinins and auxins.         be respected,” said Doležal.                       compounds. The Centre of the Region Hana
These plant hormones stimulate cell division                                                         is a joint workplace of the Faculty of Science
and scientists from Olomouc have been stud-       Patents in South Africa                            of Palacký University Olomouc, the Institute
ying these interesting compounds for a num-       Researchers also focus on saving medici-           of Experimental Botany of the Academy of
ber of years. Important research results relat-   nal plants. There is a huge demand for these       Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Czech
ed to these compounds have been applied in        medicinal plants and therefore many of them        Crop Research Institute.

12     žurnál 2017

                                                                                                                 text: Velena Mazochová
                                                                                                              photos: Velena Mazochová
                                                                                                             and f rom the archive of the
                                                                                                               Božena Němcová Museum
                                                                                                                         in Česká Skalice

Geneticists have isolated the DNA
of the canonic Czech author Božena
Němcová. Will it reveal her origins?
Thanks to 21st century scientific methods,         the mitochondrial DNA. Then we sequenced
researchers have isolated 150-year-old DNA         both samples in parallel and could confirm
from the Czech writer Božena Němcová and           that there was identical DNA found in the
her son Hynek. It was made possible by the         mitochondrial haplogroup H,” explained
systematic analysis of genetic material by         Vodička.
a multi-disciplinary team led by an associate         Thanks to identifying Božena Něm-
professor at the Medical Genetics Depart-          cová’s DNA, the scientists at the same time
ment of the UP Faculty of Medicine and Den-        gained a tool for its comparison for other po-
tistry, Radek Vodička.                             tential genotypes. They could then confirm
   The scientists carried out complex genet-       or reject the speculation on the hypotheti-
ic research on samples taken from the writ-        cal aristocratic origins of the Czech author,
er’s and her son’s hair, deposited in the col-     about whom some researchers have intro-
lections of the Božena Němcová Museum in           duced a rift in the genealogy of her family and   Associate professor Radek Vodička at work.
Česká Skalice. The needs of analysis required      in schoolbooks. “We need to obtain the ge-
just minute pieces of the preserved strands        netic material on the female side, because mi-
to be subjected to the decontamination pro-        tochondrial DNA is passed down from moth-
cedures. “With respect to that the hair over       er to daughter, who then passes it on. In the
the course of centuries has been touched by        case of a mother and son, it is possible only
a huge number of people, it was necessary to       into the first generation. That is why we used
carefully, but thoroughly, ensure that the for-    both the samples of Němcová and Hynek in
eign DNA was removed. At the same time we          our research,” Vodička elaborated.
had to take care not to damage the hair,” de-         According to the Česká Skalice museum
scribed Radek Vodička, who took part in the        director, Milan Horký, who led the research
design of the entire procedure.                    team, the next phase of research should be
   The aim of the analysis was to find the type    aimed primarily at the genealogy of Božena
of DNA which is located in the mitochondria        Němcová’s official family and at obtaining
– the cellular organelles occurring outside the    genetic material from its female side. Only in
cell nucleus. “As opposed to the cell nucleus,     the case that comparison of this DNA with
where the DNA is gradually degraded over           that of Božena Němcová was not in agree-
                                                                                                      The strands of hair from
time, mitochondrial DNA stays preserved. It        ment, would the researchers then continue
                                                                                                      Božena Němcová deposited in
can be preserved for centuries in a given sam-     with the still unproven hypothesis about the
                                                                                                      the museum in Česká Skalice
ple if it has not been exposed to moisture or      different origins of the Czech writer. “Be-
                                                                                                      come from 1862 and are said
some other hostile environment. Because            cause we need mitochondrial DNA, i.e. just
                                                                                                      to have been cut right after
Němcová’s hair was kept immediately after her      on the female side, in the possible case of
                                                                                                      her death. Several examined
death in a dry and dark en vironment, its struc-   comparative work we would still have a long
                                                                                                      descriptions attest to this,
ture was almost undamaged, as if it had been       road of demanding genealogical research
                                                                                                      as well as the presence of
freshly cut,” said Vodička.                        ahead of us,” Horký pointed out. The re-
                                                                                                      grey hair. The Němcová
   For obtaining and reading the mitochon-         search team, in which are also represented
                                                                                                      family preserved Hynek’s hair
drial DNA, the scientists chose an experi-         experts from the Charles University Facul-
                                                                                                      as a memento of their
mental method suitable for very small or even      ty of Arts, the Museum of Czech Literature,
                                                                                                      prematurely departed son. In
trace elements. “The method used, which is         the Olomouc laboratories of Genexone and
                                                                                                      1919, both strands of hair were
also used by the FBI, first requires the hair to   the Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of
                                                                                                      given to the Božena Němcová
be sufficiently ‘digested’ and then primarily      Chemical Process Fundamentals, will elab-
                                                                                                      Museum in Česká Skalice by
the keratin – the main protein in the hair – to    orate the next direction in the research when
                                                                                                      the author’s daughter Dora.
be broken down, thus freeing the remnants of       they meet this summer.

                                                                                                                           žurnál 2017   13
university town                                                                                    text & photo: Milada Hronová

Olomouc Baroque Festival celebrations
guarantee one-of-a-kind experiences
Twenty-three evenings, bringing six new-          the Jaroměřice Count Questenberg. The           the Olomouc composer Vít Zouhar, who is
ly rehearsed full nights of entertainment         opera Il Natal di Giove – by his secretary,     also a member of the Department of Mu-
with outstanding Czech and foreign solo-          Karl Müller – will even have its modern         sic Education at the Faculty of Education
ists and actors. These are the Olomouc Ba-        world premiere,” said Tomáš Hanzlík,            and at the same time a vice-rector at UP,
roque Festival, now in its fifth year, offer-     from the Department of Music Education          among others.
ing exquisite experiences from July 7–30.         at the Faculty of Education, who is also           The Olomouc Baroque Festival’s pro-
The Baroque setting is provided by the UP         the artistic director of Ensemble Dami-         ductions will boast over 70 profession-
Arts Centre.                                      an. He further said that three days of this     al musicians, playing on historic instru-
   All the scores will be performed by the        year’s celebrations will be dedicated to        ments. Every night a quintet of machinists
Ensemble Damian group. Part of this               his Neo-Baroque opera Endymio, which            will watch over the fluid set-changes of
year’s festival will be made up of original Ba-   will be followed in the evening by Yta in-      unique replicas of Baroque theatre set-
roque serenades, and the other part is made       nocens. Both operas were composed by            tings. The performances are accompa-
up of Neo-Baroque operas, which have              Hanzlík from Baroque librettos he found         nied by an exhibition of historic Czech
been created from historic librettos whose        in the chateau of the Olomouc archbishops       theatre curtains and guided tours of the
original music has not been preserved.            at Kroměříž. Also from the Kroměříž ar-         Neo-Baroque St Sarkander Chapel and
   “We studied for instance two sere-             chive is the libretto for the opera Coronide,   the Baroque Church of St Michael, includ-
nades which come from the collection of           whose new christening was supervised by         ing its tower.


                                                                                                               Lacrimae Alexandri magni:
                                                                                                                  Tomáš Hanzlík (7–10 July)
                                                                                                                      La Contesa dei Numi:
                                                                                                                   Leonardo Vinci (11–14 July)
                                                                                                                      Coronide: Vít Zouhar
                                                                                                               Harlekýnova dobrodružství
                                                                                                              [The Harlequin’s Adventure]:
                                                                                                                  Tomáš Hanzlík (15–18 July)
                                                                                                              Ilnatal di Giove: Karel Müller
                                                                                                                                 (19–22 July)
                                                                                                                  Endymio, Yta innocens:
                                                                                                                            Tomáš Hanzlík
                                                                                                            La Senna festeggiante RV 693:
                                                                                                                Antonio Vivaldi (27–30 July)

14    žurnál 2017
                     text: Velena Mazochová
                   photos: Gabriela Knýblová

     Marta Lucie
Mother Superior of the Merciful
      Sisters of the Third Order
   of St Francis in Olomouc and
  the Vice-Dean of the Sts Cyril
          and Methodius Faculty
               of Theology at UP

                              žurnál 2017   15
A nun, theologian, and vice-dean. And also a former secret nov-
     Marta Lucie Cincialová
     (b. 1966)                           ice, now a tourist-pilgrim and occasional hairdresser, who likes
                                         running. Her story is one charged with energy, vitality, and love,
     Within the “underground”
     church she attended theologi-       breaking the common preconceptions about the aesthetic world
     cal classes of ThDr Josef Zvěřína   of nuns. And she is joyous from the richness of life.
     and her formative training
     culminated in her secret entry
     into orders in 1986. After          “When somebody says ‘she lives like              chapel. “It is a slightly oversized household
     finishing high school, she was
                                         a nun,’ most people think that that wom-         and we need to earn money for its opera-
     certified in Interventional
     Radiology and worked in the         an probably doesn’t have much fun in life.       tions and maintenance. But we live quite
     Olomouc Teaching Hospital.          But it’s all about how we understand ‘en-        humbly, we have a joint bank account and
     She taught at the Healthcare        joyment’. For me, it’s the art of receiv-        our expenses are still smaller than our
     Sciences Middle School in Olo-      ing joy from life, which I perceive as a gift    earnings. So we can also support various
     mouc and at the Department          and a challenge. Only what I am capable          benevolent activities or specific families.”
     of Nuclear Medicine at the
     Institute for Further Education
                                         of appreciating is worth sacrificing for the     The convent on Bishop’s Square is at the
     of Healthcare Workers in Brno.      greater good, and so is giving up that ‘en-      same time open to friends and collabora-
     At CMFT UP she completed            joyment’. And then I enjoy that I can, that      tors, and hosts events for the public.
     a Master’s degree in Christian      I do not have to, that I want to,” says the         The sisters are together daily for the
     Education, post-graduate            sympathetic blonde with the charming             morning session of prayers and meditation
     studies in Spiritual Theology at
                                         smile. “Asceticism for me is the study of        and they also meet evenings for prayer and
     the Pontifical University Anto-
     nianum in Rome, and received        inner order, balance, concentration, dis-        group dinner. “And then there are those
     her doctorate in Systematic         cipline. That is what brings me satisfac-        rare free days, when we go out somewhere
     Theology from CMFT UP.              tion in life. It’s quite simple: in my experi-   or even just stay at home together. During
     As a member of the Congre-          ence God is enough. He is in me and in the       the day we mostly live out our employment
     gation of Merciful Sisters of       world, where I look for Him and find Him,        responsibilities.” Her congregation is an
     the Third Order of St Francis,      and most of all, in the people around me.”       apostolic or active one, and because they
     she is responsible for studies                                                       do not have their own mission – for exam-
     and formation and she is the        Courageous and best choice                       ple a hospital or school – they work in vari-
     chairperson of the group work-
     ing on a new Constitution for       She chose the life of a nun in full conscience   ous civil professions. “We earn a living just
     the order. Since 2005 she has       and has never regretted it. “It doesn’t mean     like everyone else – by working. Within the
     been a member of the General        that a person never makes a wrong move,          framework of religious charismata, this
     Board of the Congregation and       doesn’t get stuck, nor get detoured. But         means work in the social sphere: health-
     the Mother Superior of the          I haven’t found anything better.” She has        care and schools, or in the area of educa-
     Olomouc community.
                                         been lucky with the people who have had          tion and pastoral work.”
     At CMFT UP she is employed          an influence on her, and is grateful for being
     as an assistant professor in the    raised in a family where faith was taken for     Favourite teacher
     Department of Pastoral and
                                         granted, like “bread and butter”. Her mod-       Her service has been connected for the past
     Spiritual Theology, and she also
     lectures at the Caritas College     el in her time of searching was Mother The-      15 years with the Sts Cyril and Methodius
     of Social Work Olomouc and          resa. “I told myself that when she dies, she     Faculty of Theology at UP (CMFT), where
     at the Institute of Franciscan      would have had a full life behind her. But the   she works as an assistant professor at the
     Studies in Prague. She is inter-    final path was my own doubts. I was eight-       Department of Pastoral and Spiritual The-
     ested in the study of sources
                                         een and I was considering whether my life        ology. “Spiritual theology is actually a re-
     of spirituality, the forms of
     initiate life, and Franciscan       should play out in that I would enter into       flection of the spiritual experience coming
     spirituality and mysticism. In      marriage and life with the boy I was dating.     from the content of faith, which is pro-
     her role as vice-dean, she is       And I asked myself – is that all there is?”      jected into our everyday lives. It is quite
     responsible for the division            To choose the path of noviciate life in      difficult, because it lays emphasis on au-
     of organisation, development,       what was then Socialist Czechoslovakia           thenticity, but it is also beautiful – the inter-
     external relations, and further
     education at CMFT UP.
                                         meant at the same time to have the cour-         pretation of classic works of spiritual liter-
                                         age to enter the order secretly. “We knew        ature, the spiritual experience of important
                                         we were taking a risk, which is why no-          personages in church history, and the actu-
                                         body in my family except for my brother          alization of their message is an enriching
                                         knew about it. But we did not consider that      challenge.”
                                         we were doing a courageous deed; we were            She loves to teach and students seek
                                         young and followed our own path.”                her out. “They are lovely in their search-
                                                                                          ing, their openness, and their doubts. Of-
                                         A slightly oversized household                   ten they are also quite confused, due to
                                         The community of four sisters and one            the numbers of various spiritual direc-
                                         candidate on Olomouc’s Academic Street           tions which they come across. I love those
                                         is reminiscent of a family household with        moments of discussion when everything
                                         all the everyday duties, including cooking,      comes out, and the inner questions carry
                                         cleaning, and upkeep on the house and the        the germs of possible answers.”
16      žurnál 2017
As a vice-dean, she understands the role        serted Greek island, or to the mountains.
of creating good interpersonal relation-            She spent part of last summer on an almost
ships. “And even organisational affairs are         1000 km pilgrimage to Santiago de Com-
something we experience in relationships            postela.
and the most important thing is to have                 She doesn’t get much time for her unusu-
mutual trust, to want to communicate, or            al hobby – “to make people better-looking”
to say even unpleasant things. I’m lucky            and to fix their hair. “I like to help people
that a good atmosphere in the workplace             find their natural beauty. It doesn’t have to
is a prerequisite for good work, and I wish         take much – fix the styling, make-up, or cut
that our employees, teachers, and students          their hair. I’m just an amateur, but the few
would look forward to going to school. I am         friends with families and children whom
aware that the function of vice-dean is con-        I occasionally meet to do their hair leave sat-
nected with a certain power, but for me that        isfied.” Sometimes she even goes to a half-
is intended for service. I am joyous from the       way house to cut homeless people’s hair:
success of others and the feeling I get when        “They usually come spanking clean, and it
I am able to help them.”                            is lovely to see the transformation and them
                                                    newly-charged and self-assured.”
Rest without the veil
She rests mostly in motion. She does Pi-            The art of loving
lates, swims, and runs. “I like running, it         “I have plenty to learn, there is so much
clears my head, I like the exhaustion after         I do not know. Nevertheless – sometimes it
being in motion. I love the endorphins.”            comes down to only one thing: learning to
She answers the question whether she runs           love. I understand every day as an opportu-
in her habit with amusement: “But that              nity to learn to love, because thy neighbour,
would lose the effect.” And adds: “Some-            according to the Gospel, is a specific being,
times it does get a bit tiresome to be seen so      with whom I am speaking now, meeting,
much in a habit. So sometimes I leave the           working with, and whom I do not choose.
veil at home, for instance if I go out at night     In short, I cannot be all words about love for
to meet friends.” Thus “incognito” she also         the entire world, if I cannot stand the per-
travels for several days a year to a half-de-       son sitting next to me.”

                                                                                                      “A sentence by Abbé Pierre
                                                                                                      really speaks to me: ‘Living
                                                                                                      is a short amount of time
                                                                                                      given over in freedom,
                                                                                                      if we choose, to learn to
                                                                                                      love in anticipation of the
                                                                                                      meeting with Eternal Love
                                                                                                      in the Forever beyond
           Patricie Plášilová                                    Vít Hušek
                                                                                                      time.’ So, I still have some
   Master’s student in the field of                  CMFT Vice-Dean for Science and
   Social Studies Teacher Training at               Research, permanent deputy dean
                                                                                                      work to do….”
   the UP Sts Cyril and Methodius
                                                  I got to know Sister Lucie when I was
           Faculty of Theology
                                                  still a student at the university in Ol-
   Lucie is a woman of action, always             omouc, more than 20 years ago. I have
   there at the right time and place:             the feeling that she hasn’t changed
   the CMFT Vice-Dean.                            much since then: I still feel her youth,
                                                  optimism, and good spirits; she still
                                                  has understanding and a kind word
                                                  for those in the most diverse life situa-
                                                  tions. Lately I have gotten to know her
                                                  as a fellow vice-dean and thanks to that
                                                  I can appreciate with what kind of per-
                                                  spective she is able to manage even the
                                                  most difficult work situation. I appreci-
                                                  ate her reliability and honesty – she is
                                                  able to communicate even unpleasant
                                                  news directly and positively.

                                                                                                                          žurnál 2017   17
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