Class Notes SPECIAL EDITION - University of - University of Mary Washington

Page created by Kenneth Bowers
University of

                          Fall/Winter 2021

        Class Notes
                SPECIAL EDITION
Dear Mary Washington Alumni,                                                               Class Notes
                 The past few years have brought extraordinary challenges to our nation and the             No class agent? No problem. Send
                 world. We all have struggled to adapt, and we look forward to the time when things         your news to If
                 feel normal again.                                                                         you prefer to submit Class Notes by
                                                                                                            mail, send to: UMW Alumni Relations
                 On campus, we are getting closer to that feeling. Nearly all classes are back in-person,   – Class Notes, 1119 Hanover Street,
                 and the benches along Campus Walk are again occupied by students catching up with
                                                                                                            Fredericksburg, VA 22401
                 friends. Virginia and Willard Hall renovation projects are complete; both now have

                 modern amenities while prominently displaying elements of their history. The Monroe
                 Fountain has been refurbished and begs for passersby to sit, take a break, and enjoy
                 the fall weather. Soon, we will reopen Seacobeck Hall as the home of the College of        No Class Agent
                 Education, giving new life to a beloved building.                                

                 While we have many things to celebrate, we also face the lingering effects of the
                 pandemic. Higher costs for products, supply chain issues, and limited resources            1941
                                                                                                            Dorothy Shaw
                 require us to evaluate everything we do. Decisions are mission-driven – and above all
                 else, our mission is to provide the best possible educational experience for students.

                                                                                                            No Class Agent

                                                                                                            No Class Agent

                                                                                                            No Class Agent

Paige Shiplett

                                                                                                            No Class Agent
                                                                                                            Marjorie Storms Reddoch called to say
                                                                                                            she’s in assisted living in Tarpon Springs,
                 Many of you have enjoyed receiving the University of Mary Washington Magazine              Florida, and remembers her Mary
                 over the years. The magazine has shared alumni and faculty accomplishments,                Washington days fondly. She recalled
                 happenings on campus, and updates from classmates. Unfortunately, production and           getting an A in a mural class for painting
                 mailing costs continue to increase at a time when University funds are stretched thin,     the New Jersey state seal in Monroe
                                                                                                            Hall, and she also remembered hallmate
                 forcing us to make difficult decisions regarding the future of the magazine.               Hildy Parks Cohen, who had roles on
                                                                                                            Broadway and in TV and movies but
                 To preserve resources, we are suspending production of the magazine. This decision         passed away in 2004. Marjorie married
                 did not come lightly, but we feel it is necessary. Should circumstances change, we will    a Marine she met during her Mary
                 reevaluate the possibility of an alumni publication.                                       Washington years, and she and Ruskin
                                                                                                            Reddoch had 73 years together before
                 A key element of the UMW Magazine has been Class Notes. More than 70 class                 his death in 2018 at age 99. He was a
                 agents representing eight decades of Mary Washington graduates graciously take the         teacher and coach, and she ran an art
                                                                                                            school for 30 years. Marjorie has three
                 time to solicit, collect, and compile updates to include in the magazine. We realize the   daughters, 12 grandchildren, and 18
                 importance of these updates in keeping classmates connected with one another, and          great-grandchildren.
                 we pledge to find an effective way to publish and deliver Class Notes going forward.
                                                                                                            Ruth Smith Stanley passed away June
                 In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this fall/winter 2021 edition of Class Notes.           26, 2021. At Mary Washington, Ruth
                                                                                                            majored in business and worked for
                 I wish you a safe and happy holiday season.                                                the radio station. She married the Rev.
                                                                                                            Samuel A. Stanley Jr. and enjoyed the
                                                                                                            duties of a pastor’s wife from 1946
                                                                                                            to 1990, including playing the organ,
                                                                                                            singing in the choir, participating in
                 Mark Thaden ’02
                 Executive Director of Alumni Relations
women’s groups, and hosting open
houses and Christmas parties for               1950                                          Suzanne Branner Kessler recently
                                                                                             returned from a lovely visit to Cary
congregations. She is survived by              Marcy Weatherly Morris                        and Charlotte, North Carolina, and
children, grandchildren, and great-                              Charleston, South Carolina. The trip was
grandchildren including alumnae                It has certainly been an interesting year,    enhanced by the driver, her son, in an
Deb Stanley Leap ’72 and Deb’s                 but we continue to figure things out as       eye-catching Porsche.
daughter Amy Leap Miller ’12.                  we go. In August, Juney Morris and I,         Church is an important part of life for
                                               Marcy Weatherly Morris, celebrated our        Katherine Wells Ball of Tullahoma,
                                               71st wedding anniversary by sharing
                                                                                             Tennessee. One son lives nearby, and the
                                               Mission BBQ long-distance with family         other has moved to Atlanta.
Patricia Mathewson Spring                      and friends. We saw one of our great-
                                               granddaughters off to Embry-Riddle            Phyllis “Butch” Farmer Shaffer lives at                                                                           a Lutheran retirement community in
                                               Aeronautical University in Daytona,
                                               Florida. Two of our great-grandsons           Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. She has

1947                                           attend Mary Washington. Another               a lovely view of the lake, enjoys trips to
                                               great-granddaughter is considering            Charleston, and was looking forward to a
Betty Moore Drewry Bamman                      attending our alma mater next year.           birthday celebration at the Isle of Palms.                             It truly warms our hearts to see each         Claire Sindlinger DeGroot tends her
                                               of them find their place in this world,       beautiful gardens without the help of
                                               wherever that may be. We hope you and
                                                                                             husband Ward, who took a tumble and
                                               yours are doing well. Would love to hear      fractured some ribs. She misses her
No Class Agent                                 from you. Please share your news.             summer New Jersey trips.                                                                           A call to Barbara Campbell at her
Charlotte Dean Smith Hill was sorry to
read in the spring/summer issue of this
                                               1951                                          retirement home in Asheville, North
                                                                                             Carolina, revealed a pleasant surprise.
                                               No Class Agent                                After Mary Washington, Barbara
magazine that Lois Saunier Hornsby had                            received a master’s degree at the
passed away. Charlotte remembered that
                                                                                             University of Virginia and taught in both
Lois was an inspirational class president
                                                                                             Lynchburg and Amherst, Virginia. The
and, later, a leader in her community of                                                     surprise came when she asked the name
Williamsburg, Virginia.                                                                      of my retirement place in Richmond, and
                                               Rita Morgan Stone
                                                                I learned that Barbara’s sister and her

1949                                           Maxine Haley Hazelgrove had the most
                                               spectacular 90th birthday celebration.
                                                                                             husband live here at Lakewood. Dick and
                                                                                             Jane Boaz are among my favorite friends.
No Class Agent                                 A happy birthday wish appeared on the         Shirley King Buchanan was recuperating                             theater marquee in Ashland, Virginia,         from a hospital stay for a leg circulatory
Anne McCaskill Libis and husband               and she received 90-plus birthday cards!      problem, but fortunately has a daughter
Claude live in the retirement community        Now that’s significant recognition.           and son-in-law next door. She maintains
                                                                                             her reputation as a master gardener and
of Glen Meadows, near Towson,                  Ann Staylor Johnson of Suffolk, Virginia,     master naturalist.
Maryland. They were happy to resume            has lived in the same house since 1963. A
dining with fellow residents starting July     son nearby and a daughter in Chesapeake       Susan Hutcheson Jurgens is recovering
4, 2021, after vaccinations allowed for        stay connected. She retired from a career     from a knee replacement that did not
loosening of pandemic-related gathering        in education and is now active in her         go as well as she had hoped. She enjoys
restrictions. She noted that residents still   church. But the impressive news is that       listening to cassettes of the delightful
wear masks when they shop or socialize         Ann mows her own lawn, a four-hour            piano performances of a classmate of
outside of the community.                      job that she smartly spreads throughout       ours, the late Louise Sakakini Summs.
                                               the week.                                     Gwen Amory Cumming was temporarily
Anne was excited that Fran Houston Layton
                                               Patricia Moran Machelor of Tucson,            living at Spring Arbor in Williamsburg,
moved into the apartment next door.
                                               Arizona, enjoys living next door to a son,    Virginia, recuperating from a hospital
Both remembered 1947, when they lived                                                        stay. She eagerly anticipated a move to
                                               one of her seven children. We spoke only
next door to each other in Virginia Hall.                                                    the Chesapeake, where she will be with
                                               briefly because she needed to return to a
Fran’s sister, Janet, also moved to Glen       cribbage game she was winning.                many of her Hampton friends.
                                               Phyllis Webb Pegram and her husband           Maryanne Heatwole Cox enjoys family,
Anne wrote, “Fran and Janet call me            had just celebrated a special 65th            bridge, cooking, and her many crafts.
‘Miami,’ which was my nickname at              wedding anniversary and BIG birthdays.        She was looking forward to our 70th
MWC. I played the trombone when I              She has an active life enhanced by            Reunion in 2022.
came to college and played in the band         children and grands who live near her in      Ginny Orkney Philbrick had some happy
and dance band under Mr. Faulkner.             Bassett, Virginia.                            family news. After pandemic-related
Mrs. Faulkner chaperoned us when the                                                         postponements, her granddaughter was
                                               Marie “Weege” Attianese Harlow enjoys
dance band traveled. We had to have            life at a nice retirement community in        getting married. This is the William &
a nickname to put on our dance band            Bridgeport, Connecticut. She enjoys           Mary granddaughter with a master’s
stands.”                                       bridge, book clubs, and five grandchildren.   degree in history and museum studies
Anne mentioned that Fran’s husband,                                                          from the University of Delaware.
                                               Carolyn Arrington Smith celebrated
Roland, had been a classmate of Anne’s         a birthday in July. She enjoys living in      Selma Friedman Fink was spending two
husband, Claude, and the couples were          Charlottesville, Virginia, and having a       weeks with Road Scholar and friends
close friends. Roland passed away in 2009.     sister nearby.                                at beautiful Chatauqua, near Buffalo.

                                                                    UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON CLASS NOTES FALL/WINTER 2021          1
Selma’s sculpture studio opened again            Both class agents, Nancy Root Skinner          and lived in Ohio and California. They
                after 13 months, and she will resume             and Mary Ann Dorsey Judy, have had             have two sons and a grandson in Vermont
                work in September.                               bad falls and were recovering slowly. I,       and a daughter in Michigan.
                                                                 Mary Ann, hope to get to Nantucket
                Anne Hart Martin lives in Dwight,                                                               Sally Watson Castle and her cat live
                Illinois. She misses her trips to the city for   to meet our new great-granddaughter,
                                                                                                                in a villa apartment at a Gladwyne,
                the Chicago Symphony, the Art Institute,         Thea, who is visiting from Germany
                                                                 with her mother.                               Pennsylvania, retirement community. Her
                the Lyric Opera, and favorite restaurants.                                                      son lives in California, a daughter is in
                Her saving grace is to be in the woods, to       Marcia Craddock Frank keeps in touch           Sun Valley, Idaho, and another daughter
                have a computer with a subscription to           with Laura “Ellie” Hathaway Deane,             lives in Sally’s house. Eight grandchildren
                MHz for foreign mysteries (especially the        who lives in Alabama. Sadly, Marcia            liven up her life.
                French ones), and to have a friend who           lost her husband in 2020, two days after
                supplies her with new books. A son in            his 92nd birthday. He had been at home         Had a great time talking with
                New Zealand and another at the medical           in hospice care after many falls. He           Ann Harding Lorick down in
                center in Albuquerque, New Mexico,               was able to welcome their first great-         Morristown, Tennessee. (The late
                provide interesting pandemic views.              grandson and first great-granddaughter.        Buttons Petro Molitor came from
                Joyce Long Moore had just returned               Marcia volunteered at the Audubon Zoo          there, and I had the good fortune of
                from a joyous week at Smith Mountain             in Louisiana for 38 years, working with        spending two weeks there with the
                Lake with daughter and family – four             orangutans. She got her vaccine but said       Petro family before summer school one
                generations ages 6 to 91. Joyce has stayed       there were very few cases in her area of       year. Mr. Petro took us to Cherokee and
                home, attended Zoom church services,             Louisiana.                                     Gatlinburg, and we had a wonderful
                and enjoyed genealogy research.                  Barbara “Bobbie” Scott Trenis                  time. Catherine Dick Ray ’56 also came
                                                                 is thrilled that daughter Catherine            from there.) Ann has three children, and
                Mary Lou Finney Boyd is selling her                                                             her daughter has a catering service and
                home and moving to Arnold, Maryland,             Trenis Allis ’75 is a published author
                                                                 and illustrator. Cathy’s children’s            keeps her well-fed. Six grandchildren and
                to join her daughter and son-in-law, who                                                        five greats live mostly around Morristown,
                have a new home with a mother-in-law             book, Leopold & Martha, follows
                                                                 the adventures of a pair of Colorado           with one in Connecticut. Ann’s husband
                suite. Sounds like a smart move for all                                                         was in the newspaper business, and Ann
                concerned.                                       woodpeckers as they nest and rear their
                                                                 offspring.                                     wrote a cookbook. After owning a liquor
                As I have noted before, one of the                                                              store, they retired.
                bonuses of moving to Richmond                                                                   I had a great chat with Ralette King
                from Alexandria was seeing more of
                my Mary Washington roommate
                                                                 1955                                           Shinneman down in Longview, Texas,
                                                                                                                not too far from where my son lives in
                Betty Montgomery Handy. Betty and                Roberta Linn Miller
                                                                             Alba, Texas. She entered MWC in ’51,
                I, Rita Morgan Stone, developed a plan
                                                                                                                then transferred to Southern Methodist,
                when visiting was not advised during             It is July again as I write this, and after    graduated in elementary education, and
                the pandemic. Occasionally around 5              some very hot days we are having a cool        taught school for three years. She and
                or 6 o’clock, we had a happy hour. We            spell. The beautiful phlox are blooming        her husband of 60 years have a daughter,
                prepared our cocktails, and Ma Bell              and my perky cardinal has brought three        two sons, six grandchildren, and four
                connected us for a virtual visit.                females to eat breakfast. I believe that       greats. They have a girl and two boys,
                Sad news came from Jennifer Kilgour Nix ’80,     they are this year’s crop of kids. Ralphie     six grandchildren, and four greats. She
                telling of the loss of her mother, Betty         the springer spaniel will be 2 next week,      and her husband have been married 60
                Litton Kilgour. Betty, Jennifer, and I           and he keeps busy chasing squirrels and        years. They live about 60 miles from
                were all three English majors and had            chipmunks.                                     Shreveport, where my good friend and
                careers in education.                                                                           sophomore roommate Barbara Dean
                                                                 I have had many delightful conversations
                I recently had the pleasure of listening         with classmates and have met lots of           Smith Kronenberg lives.
                online to President Paino as he delivered        new friends who were members of the            Patricia Seitz Hartel of Wayne,
                his opening school address to faculty and        class at one time. I called many but with      Pennsylvania, graduated from the
                staff. It was a speech of gratitude for their    no results since people are not sure they      University of North Carolina at Chapel
                hard work and dedication during the past         want to answer the phone.                      Hill after her time at MWC. She worked
                school year.                                                                                    for TV Guide for several years, then had
                                                                 I received an email from Betsy Land Johnson,
                A fact that may be of interest to alums is       who spent her senior year in Charlottesville   a job at the Finnish embassy. She has
                that total gifts and pledges amounted to         at the U.Va. hospital and earned a degree      three boys and a girl. The children are
                $8,243,399, surpassing expectations.                                                            living in Atlanta, Los Angeles, one near
                                                                 in medical technology. She has spent
                                                                                                                Patricia, and one in Oklahoma, teaching
                                                                 many years working in that field, retiring
                                                                                                                at the University of Oklahoma.
                                                                 many times and then returning part time.
                                                                 She has always enjoyed her job, which          Before I forget it, I want to mention
                Betsy Dickinson Surles                           made it less like work. Living in Green        that I, Roberta Linn Miller, will be a
                                  Bay, Wisconsin, for the past 49 years          great-grandmother in January of 2022.
                                                                 has made her a Packers fan. She has four       My grandson, Alan, visits me each
                                                                 children and eight grandchildren.              Wednesday, and we talk about our week.
                1954                                             On to Poughkeepsie, New York, and
                                                                                                                He turned 30 on July 5 and learned about
                                                                                                                the baby. We were to find out Sept. 4 at a
                Mary Ann Dorsey Judy                             Virginia Marco Hancock, who spent two
                                                                                                                family party whether a daughter or son
                                       years at MWC before graduating from
                                                                                                                was expected.
                                                                 U.Va. with a bachelor’s degree in nursing.
                Nancy Root Skinner                               She worked in public health and with           In my mail were two letters, one filled
                                    children with disabilities, then married       with joy and one sad.

One from Ann Dunaway Criswell                 Washington. “We were married for 62         I hope you will write me and tell me
thanked me for encouraging her in             years and did everything together. I        what you are thinking and doing. Please
the story about her mother and the flu        taught second grade for 30 years. Jackie    be in touch!
epidemic of 1918 (the closing story in        was a biology teacher, vice principal,
the last issue of the Mary Washington         and minister. For 30 years, from March
Magazine).                                    until September, we were involved in
                                              the ministry in Colorado. We also had
The other letter was from our good                                                        Karen Larsen Nelson
friend Ann Strickler Doumas, telling me       time to backpack and climb Colorado’s
that Sally Hanger Moravitz had passed         beautiful mountains together.”
away. I always think of her as Sally Fan.                                                 The Class of 1960 has gotten very active
                                              Their daughter, Leslie, lives in Austin,    after being released from lockdown for
She requested that any donations in her       Texas, six hours from Inga. Leslie’s two
memory go to the Friends of Theatre at                                                    COVID-19.
                                              children live in Houston. Inga is in good
Mary Washington. It was just in the last      health, walks an hour each day, reads,      Janet Hook Foley had a pacemaker put in
issue of the magazine that I reported that    quilts, and is active in her church. She    and is back to driving and running three
she had been honored by the Smithsonian.      wrote “I have fond memories of my years     miles a day. She is in the local historical
Lee, the daughter of Jean Brumback            and friends at MWC.”                        society and the women’s club. She wrote
Hickman, returned my call that I had                                                      a newspaper column for 20 years until
                                              Mary Massey is grateful to have survived    the paper went digital.
made to Reno, to tell me Jean had passed      the pandemic shutdown and amazed to
away in March. Jean was my roommate                                                       Anne Butler Hyde’s husband of 60 years,
                                              learn how resilient most of us are. “We
in the home-management house and                                                          Thomas Hyde, passed away in December.
                                              had to be creative, determined, patient,
my maid of honor when Tom and I got                                                       She is fortunate to have family and
                                              and positive,” she wrote. She has lived
married. She was originally from Luray,                                                   friends around her.
Virginia. She was a good friend.              at a retirement community in Silver
                                              Spring, Maryland, since November            Coleman McPherson Chambliss was
If you prefer not to talk to by phone, send   2019. Her community has taken care of       moving to a retirement community and
an email with your news, or a letter. I       residents with meals delivered to their     was glad she wouldn’t be alone anymore.
would appreciate hearing from you.            doors, an abundance of TV and print
                                              entertainment, online classes, and more.    Sandy Poole and Barb relocated from
                                                                                          Maryland to Indiana when Barb received
1956                                          Mary’s small dog is almost 14 and has
                                              arthritis, but Mary takes her for swim
                                                                                          a call from a liberal Episcopal church
                                                                                          that flies the rainbow flag.
Ann Chilton Power                             and laser therapy, and they walk on                          her community’s campus and in nearby        Gaye Roberts Olsen had a mild case of
                                              parks.                                      COVID-19, which left her on inhalers.

                                                                                          She still got the vaccine. She’s able to ride
                                              I have stayed in continual touch with two   around the grounds of her facility and
                                              of my roommates, Sandra Quarles Cockrell    stay in contact with friends and family.
No Class Agent
                                              and Nikki Forchas Alexiou. Five years                                                                        Terry Eagles Dow tries to walk a couple
                                              ago my pooch, Fabio, and I took a three-
                                              month road trip from Tucson, Arizona,       of miles a day. During the lockdown

1958                                          and I spent deliriously delightful, joy-
                                              filled time with both Sandra and Nikki.
                                                                                          she Zoomed with friends and taught
                                                                                          herself how to crochet, cross-stitch, and
Susannah Godlove                                                                          needlepoint. She explores new recipes                        Nikki lives in South Florida. Her           using Oregon’s fresh produce.
                                              husband, Lou, was living at the time, and
                                              the three of us had a marvelous, laugh-     In October 2020, Nancy Carruthers
1959                                          filled few days together. Lou passed
                                              away three years ago. Nikki is healthy
                                                                                          Meeker lost her husband of 60 years
                                                                                          after a brief illness. She still loves Estero,                            and active, and we have long phone          Florida, but was thinking about moving
                                              conversations.                              near her daughter and son in southern
Whenever I received the alumnae
news, I hustled to the “1959” section                                                     California so she wouldn’t be alone.
                                              Sandy lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.
where Eddie – Edna Gooch Trudeau –            On that trip, I met her daughter and        Jody Campbell Close, who recently
connected me so ably to those significant     beautiful granddaughter. Sandy and          retired as co-class agent, is having her
years that I spent in Fredericksburg with     I visited the Dali Museum, had meals        home restored after water pipes in the
all of you readers. For 62 years, Eddie       together, schmoozed in her gorgeous         floor broke. She has escaped COVID in
shared the good, the bad, the ugly, and       backyard that has her obviously loving      all its various forms so far, is vaccinated,
the beautiful of the people and the school    attention, and reminisced. Sandy was a      and is champing at the bit to travel to
that meant so much to me. So, when I          drama major in college and carried that     exotic climes. She is still very involved her
read that she was retiring from this, I       into an outstanding teaching career,        genealogy research.
knew that I wanted to thank her.              which I know inspired hundreds of kids      Penny Engle Burkhardt gives a big
I also knew that I wanted our class to have   at just the right time.                     shoutout to Jody for all the time and
a representative so I, Beth Shochat Cole,     I retired in 2004 as president and CEO      effort she spent helping Penny research
volunteered to do the job. Thank you,         of the National Women’s Business            her family tree. Penny traveled to College
Eddie, and hello to you readers.              Center. I learned to relax through a        Station, Texas, to see her granddaughter
Inga Kuun Barrett wrote that she is 83        renewed interest in yoga training. I        receive a diploma from Texas A&M. A
and lives alone in a senior apartment         became a certified yoga teacher six years   week later, family including 5-year-old
since she lost husband Jackie Barrett         ago, and now I teach one or two yoga        twins came to visit. With the help of her
to COVID on Jan. 30. Inga met Jackie          classes a week over Zoom. Who would         husband, Penny managed to get down on
– her Marine – one summer at Mary             have thought?                               the floor to play with them!

                                                                  UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON CLASS NOTES FALL/WINTER 2021          3
Jane Denslow McCrohan did Zoom yoga           would have been our 60th reunion, and         Graham Walker Burns now has five
                classes but went back to the gym to try       hopefully we can celebrate together in        of her seven children living near her in
                a live class. After one in-person class       2022.                                         Chattanooga. She still works as a Realtor
                she decided she was safer doing them at                                                     but finds it challenging because the
                                                              As many of you know, Renee sold her
                home.                                                                                       inventory is low. She welcomes visitors.
                                                              house in Los Angeles and purchased one
                Judy Davidson Creasy was planning a           in Palm Desert, California. It’s in a gated   After being cooped up at home in San
                trip to Mammoth Lakes, California, to         community, Sun City, with clubhouses,         Diego and playing bridge online for a
                visit her son and his family and finally      restaurants, gyms and trainers, and many      year, Janie Riles went to Fort Lauderdale,
                exchange hugs and kisses.                     social gatherings. She has friends there      Florida, in March. She visited her brother
                                                              who were with her in the city attorney’s      in Greenwich, Connecticut, and spent a
                Pat Garvin Dyke and John are pushing                                                        week in Exuma, Bahamas, with a San
                                                              office, and friends nearby in Rancho
                around walkers and carrying on her                                                          Diego friend.
                                                              Mirage and Cathedral Cove. She rescued a
                small eBay business.
                                                              Shih Tzu mix – 6 years old, small, and fat!   Dee Doran Cairns and Doug live in
                Gail Mooney Grobe loved her birthday                                                        Montgomery, Alabama, and were sad
                                                              Our beloved previous class agent,
                card reminding her that she was turning                                                     that their dog died. They celebrated the
                                                              Connie Booth Logothetis, wrote that
                83.                                                                                         end of COVID isolation with their shots
                                                              she’s been dealing with health issues
                Bonnie Davis Hall traveled to New Jersey      and has started dialysis. The pandemic        and a river cruise on the Mississippi.
                to visit Rose Bennett Gilbert, whom she       also restricted her activity. She wrote,      Polly Updegraff Champ let us know
                had not seen since the 50th reunion.          “My back and right hip are still painful,     of the loss of her husband of 53 years,
                Darrell and I, Karen Larsen Nelson,           but I think I still have my mind!” She’s      Daniel P. Champ, on May 21. He was
                took the little trailer to Las Vegas to       read, watched TV, done PT, taken short        95. Daniel’s daughter, Theresa, and
                visit our daughter’s family, celebrate        walks, and enjoyed lots of naps. Her          Polly were by his side. Polly wrote that
                the first birthday of our youngest            beloved dog, Fiona, died at age 17 in         Dan had faced health issues and that his
                great-granddaughter, and see the other        June 2020, just before Connie went into       quality of life had declined. His sister,
                five greats, three granddaughters, and        the hospital.                                 Angela, also helped Dan and supported
                daughter. I was in PT in April and May                                                      Polly and Theresa through Dan’s last
                                                              Connie added that she had enjoyed being
                and again in August to finish the session.                                                  weeks. Polly is also recovering from a
                                                              one of the class agents since graduation
                                                                                                            heart blockage and stent placement. She
                I took summer off, commuted to our            and thanked Renee and Lynne for taking
                                                                                                            was attending a cardiac rehab program.
                trailer in the mountains each week, and       over her group. And my response to
                                                                                                            Polly wrote, “Needless to say I’m
                returned to help with our three weekend       Connie: We all love you, and you are a
                                                                                                            physically and emotionally exhausted.”
                church services at assisted living            very tough act to follow!
                facilities.                                                                                 Marcy Pitkin took a two-week train trip
                                                              Debbie Finney Wylie has been busy             from Philadelphia to Chicago, then to
                Bayla Goldberg Manis has also been in         with her local food pantry. She traveled      Portland, Oregon, and finally to Santa
                PT, relearning to walk distances.             to Georgia for a granddaughter’s              Barbara.
                Janet Garriss Lewis had been in PT            graduation from the University of
                                                              Georgia and to Missouri for another           Clara Sue Durden Ashley wrote that
                and was continuing her home exercise
                                                              granddaughter’s graduation from Central       husband Clarence is in declining health
                                                              Missouri University. She missed two           and can’t be home alone anymore. But
                Sally Brown VanDuyne flew to Vermont          other grandchildren’s college graduations     she had good news, too. Grandson Zach
                in April for a visit with her son. She        last year.                                    has completed his ROTC program,
                planned to go the Jersey shore this                                                         graduated from college, and joined the
                summer and to take a trip with a friend       Bev Carlson Shea has one grandson at          Army. Grandson Preston is in college
                in September.                                 Duke and two others finishing eighth and      and doing Marine ROTC training. A
                                                              sixth grades. All survived the dreaded        great-nephew graduated from the Naval
                Natalie Robins Lehmann-Haupt recently         COVID and are well.                           Academy and is in the Marines. And
                visited with family in California and                                                       grandson Palmer was valedictorian of his
                helped her soon-to-be daughter-in-law         Jerri Barden Perkins wrote: “I am
                                                              planning a 150-plus-mile biking tour in       high school class at the Naval Air Station
                pick out her dream dress.                                                                   in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Palmer, his
                                                              Loire Valley France the end of June. Had
                Lucy Wu Wang and Jimmy, who have a            anyone asked pre-pandemic, I would not        parents, and two brothers visited Clara
                winter home in Palm Springs, California,                                                    Sue and Clarence in June as Palmer was
                                                              have considered such a challenge as I am
                spent the summer and fall of 2020 there                                                     on his way to Swab Summer at the Coast
                                                              not a biker! … Training for this trip has
                also. They finally were able to return to                                                   Guard Academy. Clara Sue enjoyed a
                                                              pressed me to do more than I would have
                Shanghai last December, and in March                                                        June party for son Andrew, who retired
                                                              thought possible. Without the support
                they celebrated their 60th anniversary.                                                     from the Army Reserve after 20 years.
                                                              of my son, Jack, and friends I would not      Sons Chris, Park, and Dennis also
                                                              have made the journey.”
                1961                                          Lloyd Tilton Backstrom and Art have
                                                                                                            Carolyn Spell Robertson wrote: “I have
                Renee Levinson Laurents (A-L)                 gone several times to their escape in         to let you know how we in Florida lived
                                       Hertford, North Carolina, on the              out the pandemic. God has been so
                                                              Perquimans River. Lloyd decided to            gracious to let us live in the panhandle of
                Lynne Williams Neave (M-Z)                    become a gardener, and her pansies did        Florida with the governor Ron DeSantis
                                     so well they looked like bushes. They         who did not promote fear but hope and
                For this issue, I, Lynne Williams Neave,      planned trips to San Miguel de Allende in     openness. We have been swamped with
                am on my own, as Renee Levinson Laurents      January 2022 and the St. Lawrence River       tourists wanting to breathe the free air
                had a lot on her platter, to say the least!   in September 2022. “It is good to see the     of Florida. Jim and I send our love and
                I hope I’ll do OK, as we haven’t had          gears moving again, and we know it is         prayers in Christ for all as we age in the
                so many responses in years. This year         the same for all of us,” she wrote.           decades ahead.”

Linda Giles Poole sent the following                                                         I, Susan, hope to hear from more
message: “I haven’t received my
MW magazine yet but my sister,
                                              1963                                           classmates for our next issue of 1964
                                                                                             Class Notes. Please write and tell us how
Patricia Giles Hinds ’69, has, and she        Linkey Booth Green                             you are doing, what you are doing, and
called to tell me I’m apparently dead. She                         share your bucket list of roads not taken
saw an ‘in memoriam’ with my name,                                                           on which you hope to journey.
Linda Giles Poole ’61, attached. I’m
happy to report I’m alive and well here in    1964
Houston and have recently come out of
COVID hibernation to take two lovely
                                              Susan Rowe Bunting
trips, to California and Cozumel. So, you                                                    No Class Agent
know the famous Mark Twain quote about        This summer has been like no other in
his death notice!” It was a most forgivable   New Hampshire. It rained so much that
                                                                                             Margaret Cobourn Robinson shared
mistake, as MWC had a number of Pooles,       the water level on Lake Winnipesaukee
                                                                                             sad news of the death of Barbara Anne
one of whom did pass away!                    was level with the top of our dock. Every
                                                                                             Hagemann Hester on July 29. “She was
                                              time a boat would go by, waves would
Eleanore Saunders Sunderland lives on her     wash over the dock and float the chairs        my suitemate, a roommate following
own in her home among the oak trees and       and flower boxes to the opposite side. In      college, and a dear friend for lo these
azalea bushes. Daughter Jane visits each      between rainy days, it was hot and humid       many years,” Margaret wrote.
weekend, and Eleanore’s son comes once a      – often in the 90-degree range – unheard       Jeffrey S. Nilsson let us know of the loss of
month. Daughter Jude lives in Milan and       of in N.H. Reminded me of summer               his wife, Susan Mantz Nilsson, on July 16.
dealt with many COVID restrictions but        weather in Fredericksburg in the early
was able to visit for three weeks.            ’60s. I appreciate New England winters
A couple of classmates did not respond        and the cold, dry air. One can always
                                              throw on another jacket, another pair of
directly, but Lloyd Tilton Backstrom                                                         Katharine Rogers Lavery
shared some info: Pat Scott Peck has          warm socks, or a blanket or two at night.
                                              Without air conditioning, it’s difficult to
moved from San Antonio to Washington,
D.C., where she owns a house. Her son         get away from intense heat and humidity,       Barbara Bishop Mann represented
lives nearby. Pepper Jacobs Germer doesn’t    and we aren’t used to it in N.H.               our class by signing a beam for the
do emails anymore – only text messages!                                                      construction of the new Seacobeck
                                              I, Susan Rowe Bunting, looked forward to
                                                                                             College of Education. Her fondest
                                              spending a few days in late summer with
                                                                                             memory of Seacobeck, our dining hall,
1962                                          former MWC roommates Ann Carney
                                              of Carversville, Pennsylvania, and
                                                                                             was the white tablecloths on all the tables
                                                                                             and the peanut butter and jelly containers
Kathleen Sprenkle Lisagor                     Suzanne Meyer Moore ’65, who lives on
                                                                                             as centerpieces! She also recalled our                            Cape Cod. In 1961-1962 we shared a
                                                                                             standing outside the closed doors at
                                              room in the Randolph and Mason tunnel.
When Sue Grandy Farrar retired as                                                            dinnertime, singing while we waited to
                                              We’ve stayed in touch through sporadic         be admitted.
head of the Montgomery County,
Virginia, history museum, the Roanoke         emails and texts, but Suzanne and I
                                              figured it had been at least 40 years since    Bobbi, Carolyn Eldred, and Jana Privette
Times ran a feature story about her. In
                                              we saw each other.                             Usry donned caps and gowns and walked
her 12 years as executive director of
                                                                                             with the faculty at this year’s UMW
the Montgomery Museum of Art and              Margaret “Peggy” Mitchell Bliss of             graduation. Bobbi is urging us all to mark
History, Sue raised funds for building        Farmington, Connecticut, and husband           our calendars for our UMW reunion
maintenance, established community            Charlie, married 57 years, have three
partnerships, recruited corporate                                                            weekend, June 2-5, 2022.
                                              children and seven grandchildren – all
sponsors, and boosted the organization’s      brilliant! Peggy retired from Hartford         Sally Souder received a kind note from
arts offerings. The newspaper article said    Hospital as an audiovisual media               Jennifer Bendery ’96 praising Sally for
Sue started as a volunteer after she moved    specialist.                                    being an “amazing high school civics
to Christiansburg in 2007 to be near a                                                       teacher and a big reason I went to Mary
daughter, and two years later was asked       Patti Jones Schacht lost her dear husband,     Washington.” Sally reported that Florida
to become executive director.                 Richard Schacht, on April 6, 2021, after       was open again and the weather was
                                              a six-month battle with cancer. “Richard       great, but she was dining out only if
Diana Copple Smith enjoys life in
                                              was the quintessential midwestern              outdoor space was available.
Wilmington, North Carolina. Hurricane
                                              gentleman, huge University of Michigan
season is from June through November,                                                        Annette Maddra Horner continues
but most recently Tropical Storm Elsa         fan, first person to market and name
                                              Pringles potato chip snacks when working       to expand her garden, adding more
passed without much damage. Diana                                                            native plants. She and her husband were
participates in a poetry group, a book        for P&G, and most of all, a generous soul
                                              who made it a life practice to pay forward     working with an architect and builder to
club, a women’s support group, and                                                           construct a first-floor addition to their
several activities at church via Zoom.        and help those less fortunate,” Patti wrote.
                                                                                             Richmond home. In May, they attended
Diana’s daughter and her husband have a       Patti and Richard both lost their spouses      a family funeral and a family wedding,
son whom she sees when she can.               over 25 years ago and met on a blind           masked at both, and later began attending
                                              date. They were involved for 20-plus           in-person church services. Day trips, short
Diana said roommate M. Noel Sipple            years in The House DC, a safe house for        overnight trips, a beach getaway, and
enjoys her home in a retirement               youths in Washington.                          late-summer trips to the mountains in
community in Springfield, Virginia.                                                          Virginia and North Carolina were back
Diana is also in contact with                 Patti fondly remembers MWC professors
                                                                                             on schedule, plus a university travel group
Julia Shumaker Bailess in Bristol,            including the late Boyd Graves, Kurt
                                                                                             journey to Greece in 2022.
Virginia, and occasionally she still          Leidecker, and Cornelia Oliver. “Grateful
hears Barbara Kline Feldman doing             for what MWC has contributed to the            Anne Powell Young kept medical
the news on NPR.                              tapestry of my life.”                          appointments and restricted activities

                                                                   UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON CLASS NOTES FALL/WINTER 2021          5
last winter but managed to keep in touch      admissions at West Chester Friends             daughter and brother in the fall to watch
                with several classmates. She reported that    School in Pennsylvania. The school             granddaughter Maddy play volleyball at
                John and Mary Parsons Black had visited       opened under super-strict guidelines           The Citadel.
                Annette Horner and her husband in             with outdoor classes in big tents in all
                                                                                                             Mary Kathryn Rowell Horner and
                Richmond in March and had lunch at the        kinds of weather. Barbi’s office is her
                                                                                                             husband Charlie spent the winter in Fort
                Museum of Fine Arts. Mary and John sold       living room; her millennial daughter
                                                                                                             Myers, Florida, enjoying sunshine and
                their farm in Natural Bridge, Virginia. It    also has always worked from home, even
                                                                                                             golf. They returned to their condo in
                had been in the family since 1890.            before smartphones! Barbi connects via
                                                                                                             Northern Virginia from June to October.
                                                              FaceTime with her 4-year-old grandson
                Anne also contacted Don and
                                                              in Switzerland. Four other grands live         Kathy Goddard Moss and husband
                Kitty Downs Gregg, who had recovered
                                                              nearby and celebrated vaccinations with        Tom stayed well all through lockdown
                from COVID and were able to spend
                                                              big hugs. Barbi’s garden and “annoying         and had vaccinations delivered to their
                four nights in New Port Beach when it
                                                              Fitbit” keep her exercising.                   door in the spring. They resumed group
                was safe.
                                                                                                             activities and cautious outings with
                Terry Caruthers, Kitty’s roommate and         Lee Enos Kelley lives in a retirement
                                                                                                             fellow residents and their California
                longtime friend, recovered from knee          community in Bethesda, Maryland,
                                                                                                             family. They particularly enjoyed being
                replacement and COVID, then flew to           with her son and his wife nearby.
                                                                                                             able to watch their grandsons’ baseball
                Chicago to visit her daughter while the       Granddaughter Quinn arrived in July
                                                                                                             games again.
                antibodies were strong. Terry and the         2020 and tremendously brightened their
                Mooresville, North Carolina, Golden           year of isolation. Lee and two high school     TaB and Pam Kearney Patrick finally
                Girls Club were able to have their first      friends traveled to Key West, Florida,         returned to their Cape May, New Jersey,
                post-COVID meeting in May.                    in June and had a wonderful time but           home after a year in quarantine. Pam
                                                              realized it would have been much smarter       dropped off seven of her magnificent
                Anne had a long talk with                     weatherwise to go in February. Lee             watercolor paintings at Cape May’s
                Julie Bondurant Freeman, who was              endowed a UMW scholarship in the               SOMA Gallery for the summer/fall
                enjoying her retirement from being            name of our Class of 1966. It is set up to     season and enjoyed their first dinner out
                a docent for 25 years at Middleton            provide emergency funds for students in        in a year. Pam filled the winter months
                Place, an Ashby River Plantation near         danger of having to drop out of college,       with digital conversations with Barbara
                Charleston, South Carolina. Julie and         and Lee invites us to join her in making       Bishop Mann and Lee Enos Kelley.
                her husband, both avid travelers through      the scholarship fund grow.
                Europe and Canada, squeezed in a trip                                                        Pam also kept in touch with Carol
                to Egypt before COVID struck.                 During COVID, Kay Boyd Dahl’s                  Bingley Wiley, an accomplished, prolific
                                                              volunteer activities at the Norfolk public     watercolor artist who exhibits her
                Anne’s best buddy, Betty Birckhead Vickers,   broadcasting station and hospital came         paintings in galleries near Waldoboro,
                and husband Copley planned a Vickers          to a halt. She has adapted to doing online     Maine, and has sold quite a few of them.
                family reunion for June. Betty retired        meetings with her book club, choir,            Carol was a summer guest artist at the
                from her position as financial director of    church groups, and other organizations.        Pemaquid Art Gallery at the Lighthouse.
                Magi-Quest, her son’s public attraction       She and her husband spend a lot of time        Carol also happily became a great-
                in Pigeon Forge, Kentucky, and was            with their 6-year-old grandson.                grandmother this past year.
                getting involved in daughter Margaret’s
                huge garden, which was becoming quite         Joan Cuccias Patton had her kitchen            Diana Hamilton Cowell spent much of
                a family affair. Even little granddaughter    remodeled during lockdown. She                 the winter keeping medical appointments
                Evie was learning gardening. Anne             and Harry took their annual trip to            and writing short stories and poems.
                was planning a summer visit back to           Bradenton, Florida, figuring they could        One poem, Hope Is a Season, expresses
                Kentucky to see Betty again.                  socially distance there just as well as in     nature experiences, losses, and miracles.
                                                              Virginia. They rented a small house with       Diana hosted her sister from Atlanta
                At our 50th reunion Anne and Betty had                                                       in April. In May she resumed her
                become close with Nancy Decker Denslow.       a pool, played a lot of golf, and cooked
                                                              all their meals. When Joan’s brother           volunteer work with the Bethany Beach
                Nancy is still teaching and doing research                                                   Fire Company Auxiliary and fish-
                in Gainesville, Florida, most recently on     retired as president of Ingalls Shipyard in
                                                                                                             counting with the Inland Bays program
                how Roundup affects the immune systems        Pascagoula, Mississippi, Joan attended
                                                                                                             on the Assawoman Bay. Her team
                of manatees.                                  the christening of his last ship, the Higbee
                                                                                                             conducts regular surveys of fish and
                                                              DDG 123 – an amazing experience! Joan
                Anne learned that Caroline Stone Ruppar                                                      crabs, measuring and identifying each
                                                              planned to keep the family tradition of        one and returning it to the bay. They
                had planned a fantastic summer African        attending their big summer reunion in
                safari trip with the grandchildren but had                                                   also record data of water temperature,
                                                              Newport Beach, California, and possibly        salinity, oxygen saturation, tide height,
                to postpone it due to COVID restrictions.     a short Outer Banks getaway later.
                Caroline wrote that she, Anne, and three                                                     wind direction, and weather conditions,
                of their James Monroe High School             Pat Lewars Pace took advantage of the          working twice monthly from March to
                friends worked to install a granite bench     hot real estate market and moved to the        October. Other teams participate in the
                memorial for a classmate who had lost         independent living section of Covenant         Indian River Bay area, also part of the
                all three of his sons. During COVID           Woods in Mechanicsville, Virginia. She         University of Delaware research program.
                Caroline and Allan volunteered at the         loves the activities, the freedom from         Judy Wells Clark reported that she was
                local food bank set up in their church        perpetual yardwork, and the security of        alive and kicking during the pandemic but
                fellowship hall. Instead of the African       continuing care when she needs it. Pat and     the only kicking she did was on the organ
                trip, Caroline and Allan mapped out a         Linda Glynn Hutchinson look forward            pedals! Judy still teaches piano and works as
                three-week, 5,000-mile driving tour of        to their 2022 trip to the Oberammergau         a church musician and freelance pianist.
                the U.S., stopping to celebrate family        passion play, rescheduled from 2020.
                                                                                                             Katie Green wrote from Houston that she
                events and visit elderly relatives.           Betsy Chappelear Tryon, still adjusting        also was alive and kicking, vaccinated,
                Barbara Barriga Rowe was beyond busy          to her new hip, postponed travel plans         and walking nearly three miles four to
                working from home as the director of          to come east. She hoped to join her            five days a week. Her son and family

live in Sydney, Australia, and Katie was                                                        Evelyn “Evie” Rowe, Marianne’s roomie
eager to visit, especially to see little Ester
Winn, 4.
                                                 1968                                           in the Maison Française, has retired
                                                                                                from her law practice and lives in D.C.
                                                 Meg Livingston Asensio
I, Katharine Rogers Lavery, managed                                                             She is returning to church services and
an Outer Banks summer vacation,                                                                 organ playing – while trying to finish
postponed from last year, with the Long          Donna Sheehan Gladis sent in several           reading all of Proust. Now there’s a
Island branch of the family. A a few             notes about classmates:                        goal!
other family members vacationed nearby           Dodo Fisher Roberts moved into her             Nancy Yeager Allard and husband were
during the second week. I continued              condo just two months before the               happy to be traveling again, including
tutoring high school math courses all            pandemic hit and loves living downtown.        a cruise to Iceland. She enjoys church,
winter via FaceTime, with a college              She walks the dog for at least a mile twice    exercising, playing bridge, and time with
calculus student added in the fall.              a day and sees lots of friends. Daughter       her grandson. She’s a member of UMW’s
Church services were virtual all winter,         Cady moved nearby from New York City,          Mother of All Book Clubs.
with prerecorded music, but became               so Dodo sees both girls regularly. One
in-person in June. I added a mask to the                                                        Cynthia Lowdermilk lives in Clarksville,
                                                 of the gifts of being a senior is that most    Virginia, and was eager to get PT for her
bell of my cornet and resumed playing            of her friends were fully vaccinated by
with the choir.                                                                                 hip so she could ditch that walker. She’s
                                                 February, so they were able to have small      in contact with her old friend Charlie
As venues open up, Clara Middleton Leigh ’63     dinners together. Dodo planned to spend        Bradshaw, a Fredericksburg fixture for
and I were eager to resume attending             the summer in Nantucket and to do more         some of our class.
Arena Stage productions in Washington,           far-flung travel in 2022.
D.C. The Lavery clan lost two elder                                                             The very energetic Sharon Dobie was
members this past year but gained four           Jill Robinson Burkert thought she              thrilled to have her son back from his
great-grandchildren, for whom I knitted          would finally retire from the University       deployment in Afghanistan. She had
layettes. I encourage all of you to plan to      of Alaska, but due to COVID and                been volunteering at a vaccine site in
attend our class reunion in June 2022.           budget cutbacks, she continued as an           Seattle and tutoring via Zoom. She
                                                 adjunct. She wrote: “I think it is coming      planned to go fishing in Sitka, Alaska.
Sadly, our class lost Ginny Sumner Ax in         to an end and, like many others, I am
April.                                           hoping to actually go somewhere. I am          Cheryl Ulmer shared that during
                                                 currently living in Bend, Oregon, trying       lockdown, MWC classmates from the
                                                                                                classes of 1968, ’69, and ’70, gathered
1967                                             to find a way to dispose of a house I
                                                 have owned for many years (of course
                                                                                                monthly via Zoom. Beverley Clare Coates,
                                                                                                Judy Farrell Bechtold, Jan Desmond
Mary Beth Bush Dore                              COVID decided I would stay longer than                                                                             Melluzzo, Carol Greenwood Trejo,
                                                 I thought). I have been reading some
                                                                                                Loretta Horgan Nagle, Tanya Belt
Patsy Monahan Holden is happily                  interesting biographies, including Mary
                                                                                                Nickson, Doralece Lipoli Dullaghan,
vaccinated and works one day a week              Ball Washington: The Untold Story of
                                                                                                Kirsten Mackey Fleisher, Anne Howell
as a licensed professional counselor.            George Washington’s Mother by Craig            Wood, and Darlene Greenhalgh Hines
She plays cards several days a week,             Shirley.” Jill volunteers in a local shelter   were able to catch up, comfort, and
volunteers at church, reads, and enjoys          for unhoused people, which reminds her         chuckle while learning new things about
puzzles. She and Mike, her husband of            of her good fortune.                           one another, even after 50 years of
53 years, see their grandchild quarterly.        Pam Tompkins Huggins wrote: “I spent           friendship.
Yvonne Milspaw’s husband is doing well           the first months of the pandemic walking       Our deepest condolences to CeCe Smith
after a heart attack, but they had to give       around staring outside my windows              Riffer and husband Bill on the loss of
up their travels. She’s working on local         like it was a snow day, waiting for the        son Cory, who passed away at age 50
arrangements for the annual meeting              pandemic to melt.” She wrote COVID             last March. He is survived by his former
of the American Folklore Society. She            poetry and compiled a playlist of ’60s         wife and four beautiful children. CeCe
does yoga.                                       and ’70s songs. She’s archiving it so her      and Bill traveled to Alaska to visit son
As regent of her chapter of the                  grandchildren and great-grandchildren          David and family (including 11-year-
Virginia Daughters of the Revolution,            will have a glimpse of what their GaGa         old twin granddaughters), enjoying
Florence Reese cleaned headstones in             was thinking and feeling during the            some glamping. David’s twin brother,
First Landing State Park. She went to            pandemic. She’s grateful to be fully           Steve, and family live in D.C., with one
Boston, where she and a DAR friend               vaccinated.                                    granddaughter on track to graduate from
cleaned nine headstones of Florence’s                                                           William & Mary in 2022 and another
ancestors, some of whom fought in the                                                           joining the Louisville Ballet Company.
Revolutionary War.                               1969                                           Jeanine Zavrel Fearns spent last
Virginia Blackwell Rigsby had just               Anne Hoskot Kreutzer                           summer zipping from West Virginia
returned from visiting parks in South                         mountains to Chicago to a lighthouse
Africa and was planning another trip to                                                         keeper’s cottage stay in Lubec, Maine,
Normandy, France.                                Marianne deBlois Zentz                         where she traveled with artist daughter
                                                                     Erin Fearns. Jeanine looked forward
I, Mary Beth Bush Dore, go to PT three
times a week. I walk with a walker and           As we emerge from lockdowns and                to a get-together with MWC roomies
have started driving on neighborhood             limitations, we – Anne Hoskot Kreutzer         Anne Witham Kilpatrick, Toni Turner
roads. Baby steps. My husband and I              and Marianne deBlois Zentz – hope              Bruseth, and Suzy Bender Winterble at
celebrated our 54th anniversary. Who             you’re being cautious and careful so you       Suzy’s home in South Carolina.
would have thought it?                           can join us at our next mini reunion,          Lynn “Lacey” Pierce Brown replied to
Edgar Shawen was sorry to report the             which should happen before our                 my bit of français with her own reply
passing of his wife, Jeannette Thorpe            regularly scheduled 55th. Thanks to all        en español – showing that our MWC
Shawen, on June 9.                               who took a minute to check in!                 education endures! So does her lifetime

                                                                      UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON CLASS NOTES FALL/WINTER 2021          7
friendship with Laura Lee Johnson Karp,        granddaughter’s work with a BBC             Christie Wineholt Warman spent time
                who, after losing her husband, has             feature on Colgate Palmolive’s recyclable   in Angel Fire, New Mexico, with a
                decided to move across the country to          toothpaste tube – something that makes      beer-drinking bear that refused to wear
                settle in Elon, N.C. Next door in Willard      so much sense!                              our MWC beanie, so there’s no picture,
                in ’65, and next door in Elon in ’21.          Carolyn Day O’Leary is the mother-in-       darn it! Christie helped Linda Shull after
                Serendipitous!                                 law of the host of the PBS travel show      a surgery.
                With the great line that “life in our 70s      Samantha Brown’s Places to Love.
                                                               Very cool! Carolyn’s son, Kevin, and        Barbara Burton Micou does social work
                is nowhere near as exciting as life was                                                    with Chesterfield County, Virginia,
                IN the ’70s,” Kathleen “Nina” Shepherd         wife Samantha are parents of Carolyn’s
                                                               twin 7-year-old grandchildren. Kevin        homeless students, and she volunteers
                and husband Max are healthy, happy,
                                                               produces the show, and he and the twins     with Master Gardeners. She and Chip
                and vaccinated in South Carolina.
                                                               often travel with Samantha.                 enjoy family time at their cottage on the
                Having survived two costly hurricanes                                                      Rappahannock River, and she fills in gaps
                in Louisiana, Carolyn Bauer LeJeune            Nancy Stephenson Leeper and husband
                                                                                                           with fun visits to bestie Linda Shull in
                                                               Bob have lived in Texas for 45 years.
                and husband happily celebrated their                                                       North Carolina. Betty Wade Miles Perry
                                                               Their sons live in Austin and Houston.
                50th anniversary in August. Carolyn                                                        met up with Barbara for lunch in
                                                               Nancy retired as a speech and language
                has been dealing with myasthenia gravis        pathologist and now volunteers in           Richmond, while taking care of
                for a few years now but is muddling            the gardens of the Lady Bird Johnson        grandchildren. We hope all went well
                through.                                       Wildflower Center. She keeps in touch       with BW’s shoulder surgery in August.
                While enjoying the peace and quiet             with old roomies Jean Whittington Mason     Karen Kilgore Ralston has two nature-
                with her cats, dog, and backyard               and Carolyn Day O’Leary.                    oriented homes – with dolphins in
                deer in Augusta County, Virginia,              Leslie Fanning Atkinson became a            Melbourne Beach, Florida, and with
                Sarah Carrington Hannah Petras is              Zoom expert to keep up with friends         moose in Blue River, Colorado. Each
                also continuing her lifetime teaching          and clubs this past year. She and her       home is near one of their children.
                career with a Latin class assignment at        husband had a delayed celebration           Karen has had Parkinson’s disease for
                a nearby high school – she can’t quite         of their 50th with a fun family trip        many years but feels blessed that her
                retire! She is proud that daughter Sera        to Jamaica. This fall she and Donna         meds are working.
                Petras has a photography business in           Bredahl Jones-Searle ’70 and their
                Charlottesville.                               husbands planned to cruise the great        Patti Boise Kemp loves having her
                                                               rivers of Europe.                           granddaughter with her, spending time
                Perky pink-haired Barbara Black                                                            surfing at North Myrtle Beach. Patti
                is happy to be getting back, albeit            Also returning to traveling mode is
                                                               Linda Marett Disosway, who was              hopes many classmates will return for
                cautiously, to card and mahjong groups.                                                    2022 reunion weekend for our “in-
                We send our condolences on the loss of         hoping to do a Canadian Rockies train
                                                               trip this fall – hope it happened! Linda    between” get-together!
                her former husband, Bob Long, with
                whom she had stayed very close.                relocated from Georgia to Fort Worth,       And now some news from us, Anne
                                                               Texas, and is happily close to her oldest   Hoskot Kreutzer and Marianne deBlois
                Iris Harrell and wife Ann have                 daughter and four grands.
                purchased a second house in Oregon
                                                               Another Maison Française-mate,
                as a backup in case Santa Rosa fires           Betty Jo Shoemaker Polk, lives in           From Anne: Tom and I were grateful
                mess up their California dreamin’. Iris        Hilton Head, South Carolina, and            to enjoy 2021 summer visits with our
                is working to help their community             deals with MS.                              three East Coast sons and families.
                “harden” for fires. They’re very involved                                                  The last time we were with our entire
                in Santa Rosa’s active senior community        Mike and Martha Wilbourne Cummings
                                                                                                           family of 20 was in June 2019, our 50th
                and Rainbow Club – groups known for            celebrated their 50th anniversary by
                                                                                                           anniversary, when we spent a week near
                getting things done. Their fall travel was     spending a week in Sandbridge, Virginia,
                                                               in a beachfront house big enough to         son Andy and family in San Diego.
                to include trips to Virginia and North
                                                               hold their four children, their spouses,    From Marianne: We enjoyed much
                Carolina to see friends and Iris’ family.
                                                               and nine grandchildren. Martha’s senior     more COVID freedom in Sarasota,
                After Christmas, they plan to visit Palm
                                                               year suitemates Marianne deBlois Zentz,     where I played tennis and enjoyed
                Springs, California, and Ann’s family.         Anne Hoskot Kreutzer, and Barbie            the outdoors. I spent a week in Big
                Donna Cannon Julian planned to return to       Hopta Reid were happy to send in video      Bear Lake, California, with family to
                the traveling game with a cruise to Croatia.   clips for the anniversary celebration.
                                                                                                           celebrate my daughter’s 40th birthday. I
                Donna and Gene still enjoy the winter          Sadly, Barbie lost her husband, George      looked forward to the arrival of another
                season in Naples, Florida. They were           B. Reid on Aug. 24. We send our sincere     granddaughter in September.
                planning to see Judy Mansfield Muller in       condolences.
                late summer in Telluride, Colorado.
                                                               Carol Abell Brauninger may be our only
                Donna had lunch with some other
                MWC grads – Betsy Crews Neilson,
                                                               classmate with a favorite hotel room
                                                               in Palm Beach over the Intracoastal
                Carolyn Day O’Leary, and youngster             Waterway. Cool! Carol lives in D.C. and     Anne Summervold LeDoux
                Nancy Richardson Kenyon ’71 – in               rents to Georgetown grad students and
                Lewes, Delaware, where she also visited        interns from the German and French
                with Barbie Crickenberger Hall. The
                Halls live in D.C. but try to visit their      Linda Gattis Shull spent most of the        1971
                Victorian home in Lewes about twice a          summer in Pinehurst, North Carolina,        Karen Laino Giannuzzi ’71
                month.                                         cheering at her grandsons’ golf   
                Pennsylvanian Betsy Crews Neilson              tournaments – no big purses won, but        Class of ’71, you rock! What a great
                is very proud of her daughter and              lots of fun despite the brutal heat.        Zoom reunion we had in May! Hope

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