THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on

Page created by Janet Campos
THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on

     March 2022
     Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17
     photo by Beth Bolduc
     story on page 14
THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on

CONTACT INFORMATION                                                             HOURS OF OPERATION
      Sun City Shadow Hills Community Association                                      Please check
       80-814 Sun City Boulevard, Indio, CA 92203                                          for latest hours of operation.
   | 760-345-4349
                                                                                               ASSOCIATION OFFICE
Homeowner Association (HOA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 1                   Monday – Friday | 9 AM – 12 PM, 1 – 4 PM
Lifestyle Desk (Montecito Clubhouse). . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2120                     First Saturday of the Month | 8 AM – 12 PM
Lifestyle Desk Fax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760-772-9891
Montecito Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2111                LIFESTYLE DESK | Daily | 8 AM – 8 PM
Santa Rosa Clubhouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2201
                                                                                 MONTECITO CLUBHOUSE | Daily | 6 AM – 10 PM
Santa Rosa Clubhouse Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760-342-5976
Shadow Hills Golf Club South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2305         MONTECITO FITNESS CENTER | Daily | 5 AM – 8 PM
Shadow Hills Golf Club North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2211                   POOL HOURS | Daily | 5 AM – 10 PM
Shadows Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2311
                                                                                           Children’s Pool Hours (Ages 4-16)
Jefferson Front Gate (Phases 1 & 2) . . . . . . . 760-345-4458
Avenue 40 Front Gate (Phase 3) . . . . . . . . . . 760-342-4725                         Montecito Outdoor Pool | 2 PM – 5 PM
Tyler Ingle, General Manager                                                              Santa Rosa Pool | 9 AM – 12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2102      SANTA ROSA CLUBHOUSE | Daily | 6 AM – 9 PM
Vanessa Ayon, Assistant General Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2106              SHADOWS RESTAURANT | See page 33
Tuey Paiyarat, Safety Director                                                         GOLF SNACK BAR | Daily | 6 AM – 1 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2202
                                                                                     SANTA ROSA BISTRO | Daily | 6 AM – 1 PM
Jesse Barragan, Facilities Maintenance Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2403                     MONTECITO CAFÉ | Closed
Connie King, Lifestyle Director                                                               All hours are subject to change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2124
Julie Henley, Fitness Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2112
Liz Gutierrez, Lifestyle Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2123
                                                                                             THE VIEW
                                                                                           THE VIEW is published monthly by the
Veronica Moya, Lifestyle Coordinator
                                                                                       Sun City Shadow Hills Community Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2122          This publication is copyrighted and may not be reproduced
Gus Ramirez, Communications Manager                                               or reprinted without the written permission of SCSHCA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2204
Rolland Vaughn, GM of Shadow Hills Golf Club                                                    MISSION STATEMENT
                                                                                 To promote the community and recognize the individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2301
                                                                               who contribute to the identity of the community, and to impart
   SCSH Community Association Board of Directors                                    information relevant to the community as a whole.
                    John MacDonnell, President                                          THE VIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE
                                                Dennis Sheehan, Chair; Linda Aasen; Beth Bolduc;
                 Johnny Goodrum, Vice President                                   Arnold Choy; George Erhart; Bob Firring; Julie Harris;
                                               Aggie Jordan; Art Nemiroff; Ralph Olson; Gina Pollack;
                Moira MacLeod-Foster, Treasurer                                    Lee Powell; Vicki Prince; Judi Sorensen; Steve Talbot
                      Fera Mostow, Secretary
                                                                                       Editor-in-Chief | Tyler Ingle, General Manager
                                                                               Production Manager | Gus Ramirez, Communications Manager
               Carey Thompson, Member at Large
                                                                                      To inquire about articles, content, and advertising
                                                                                           – or to submit stories for publication –
 For warranty or customer service needs concerning                                       please email or contact
 your home, please email:                                        Gus Ramirez, Communications Manager,
                                                                                                 at 760-345-4349, ext. 2204.

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THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on

                     PRESIDENT’S REPORT
                     JOHN MACDONNELL | PRESIDENT

  At the October 2021 Board meeting, your 5-member           Your Board of Directors did not take this action
Board, by a unanimous vote, authorized establishing the   lightly. SCSH is faced with a very costly Coachella
new Capital Improvement Fund account of $1.5 million.     Valley Water District (CVWD) Flood Channel Project.
All homeowners need to know why we took this step         We first brought this project to your attention via two
and the information that led us to this decision.         town hall meetings held in the Montecito Ballroom on
  Your Board’s first concern is to protect Sun City       July 8 and July 12, 2021. You can view the videos at
Shadow Hills and every homeowner from future    
assessments because of major projects that are coming        The proposal to create the Capital Improvement
up. The money in the new fund belongs to all of us,       Fund out of funds already assessed and currently in our
and NOT ONE PENNY OF IT HAS BEEN SPENT. It is             operating fund surplus was reviewed and investigated
in the bank in a separate account so that we can keep     by our Financial Advisory Committee, outside legal
track of it. All of it will be used for necessary major   counsel, and our independent auditors. After receiving
projects. And let me assure you that the actions your     their comments, the Board reviewed all the information
Board took comply with our CC&Rs, Section 4.3.2.          and voted on how to proceed.
                                                                                      CVWD Flood Channel Project


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THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on


  After due diligence, the Financial Advisory              And why do we have to pay? Because Pulte, the
Committee prepared a Board Action Form                  SCSH builder/developer, had to agree that a flood
recommending that the Association transfer $1.5 – $2    control channel would run through the property in
million from the Operating Fund into a new Capital      order to get approval to build the Sun City Shadow
Improvement Fund. The Board then consulted our          Hills development. So, we inherited this, and have no
outside CPA (Wayne Carlsen), and he advised that the    choice. I urge you to watch the Town Hall video if you
Association could move the funds from the Operating     have not already done so.
Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund with no tax           Both Sun City Palm Desert and Sun City Shadow
consequences.                                           Hills are affected by this flood control channel. CVWD
  Your Board asked outside legal counsel to advise us   has already started construction along Avenue 40 to
about the legality of creating a Capital Improvement    Adams Street, which you can see. CVWD is paying for
Fund from surplus funds already assessed and            that. On our property, CVWD will pay for rebuilding
contained within the operating surplus. Legal counsel   Pond #1 at the corner of Jefferson and 40th Street. But
advised that such an action complies with our           we must pay for all other flood control improvements
governing documents.                                    along that proposed channel.
  So why did the Board even consider this action?          These improvements are very costly and necessary
What would the money be used for? Soon we will be       to protect the Jefferson Street entry and roadway
forced by CVWD to participate in an extremely costly    overpass over the North Channel to Phases I and II.
multi-year rebuilding project here in Sun City Shadow   We need the $1.5 million Capital Improvement Fund.
Hills. This is a MANDATORY PROJECT, and we are          Although this is called a CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, it
responsible for the cost of much of what will be        is actually a CAPITAL NECESSITY.
done on our property to bring us into compliance with      The project starts now with Pond #2, which is on the
current flood plain standards.                          right as you drive out the Jefferson gate on the north

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THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on

side of the bridge. Pond #2 must be completely
removed, and the pipes supplying water to the entire
golf course must be rerouted from Pond #1 to Pond
#3. Pond #2 will be filled with dirt and covered with
sod, and new irrigation lines will be installed. Just the
reconstruction at Pond #2 will cost approximately
$250,000. This is a capital expense that will be funded
from the Capital Improvement Fund.
  Additionally, we will need to build a road from
Avenue 40 down into the North Channel so that
debris removal vehicles can access this area during
any flood event. This additional estimated cost is
approximately $150,000. We are likely to face these
expenses this year.
  At a future date, the bridge at the Jefferson Gate
will have to be retrofitted at a substantial cost to
protect it from being washed out and collapsing
during a potential flood event. These costs could well
exceed $1 million according to current preliminary
estimates, and these costs will also have to be funded
from the Capital Improvement Fund if we have
enough money in the fund at that time.
  Hopefully, all of these necessary expenditures
will not require an additional assessment upon              LOOK FOR THEIR INFORMATIONAL
homeowners. Facing these significant expenses, your              ADS ON PAGES 57–62.
Board decided (in a unanimous vote) that giving the
surplus operating funds back to homeowners now was
imprudent because this would likely lead to a special
assessment upon homeowners in the future.
  Please understand that no money in this fund has
yet been spent. Nothing from the fund is earmarked
to pay for any improvements to Shadows; nothing
has been allocated for the completion of any future            Next Board Meeting:
projects that might involve the five-acre parcel
acquired from Pulte, despite what some homeowners            Date: Monday, March 28
have suggested.
  As your President, I have always shared                    Time: 2:00 pm
straightforward information with you. I know this is a
lot of data about a very important topic. We will keep       Location: Ballroom
bringing you more information as the longer-term
planning continues.                                                  Please join us!
  Please attend Board meetings and listen to the
podcasts to stay informed.

Contact the author at

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THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on


             Meet a Board Member
             Thursday, March 10, 3 pm · Montecito Clubhouse Capistrano Room
             Come by and introduce yourself to Johnny Goodrum, Vice President of your HOA Board.
             He wants to hear what you like about our community and if you have any concerns.

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THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on

         March 2022 | 7
THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on

                                                            ADVISORY COMMITTEES
                                                              CITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE
                                                                             Chair: Evan Morris
                                                                         COVENANTS COMMITTEE
                                                                  Co-Chairs: Toni Caylor & Mary Lou Phillips
                                                                         DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE
                                                                              Chair: Agi Kessler
                                                                  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE
     PEOPLE WHO MAKE OUR LIVES BETTER                                    Chair: Jeff Kirkpatrick

    Veronica Moya Perez                                         FACILITIES & SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE
          EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH                                               Chair: John Petersen
   This month we are recognizing Veronica Moya Perez                   FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE
for the praise we received from residents, who have               
overwhelmingly commented positively on Veronica’s                            Chair: Larry Helseth
coordinating of excursions. Here is what two of our
                                                                 FOOD & BEVERAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE
residents shared with us regarding their experience:
   “Veronica takes great pride in planning excursions.
                                                                         Chair: Kathy Lindstrom
She is always looking for new and exciting adventures.
She listens to the residents’ requests about the type of                 GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE
trips they enjoy and plans accordingly.                            
   What a fabulous day. Jeff, the tour guide, knew so                      Chair: Dennis Hooper
much about Los Angeles and the areas we were going                HEALTH & FITNESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE
through. His commentary certainly added to the trip.           
Great choice of restaurant because the service was                           Chair: Toni Caylor
excellent and quick—I assume they knew we were on
                                                                    INFORMATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE
a strict timeline. Not only was the meal delicious, the
three desserts were out of this world. If you have not
                                                                           Chair: Chrystie Adams
yet had the chance, plan a trip to one of Fogo de Chão’s
locations. I normally do not eat dessert; however, the               LANDSCAPE ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Key lime pie, chocolate cheesecake, and the New York           
cheesecake were excellent. Some were wondering how                         Chair: Chris Stevens
to get it back to the bus!                                            LIFESTYLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE
   A big thanks to Veronica for a great job of keeping           
us on track and organized. Veronica is very caring and,                   Chair: Pamela Castro-Lee
watching from afar, she made sure a couple of single                    SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
women were being taken care of. The ice-cold water                 
on the bus ride back was the icing on the cake after a
                                                                            Chair: Jeff Kirkpatrick
long but fun day.
   Thanks again for all that you and your team do for the              THE VIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE
community. Looking forward to more fun events.”                
                ~ Linda and Gord Jamieson                                   Chair: Dennis Sheehan
   Thank you, Veronica, for keeping the residents of Sun
City Shadow Hills on the move!                                 Interested in joining a Committee? Stop by the HOA
                                                            office and fill out an Advisory Committee Interest Form.

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THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on

Design Review Committee (DRC)

Exterior Lighting
   Questions arise from time to time regarding outdoor    purposes. It must be removed five (5) days after the
lighting, a common one being, “If it is OK to have        holidays per Design Rules, Sections 4.14.3 and 4.18.
these lights in the common areas, why not in                 The DRC receives the most questions about outdoor
my yard?” Different rules apply to common areas           lighting covered in Design Rules Section 4.15.4:
and homeowner lots. The Design Rules apply to                String Lighting (Rear Patios Only): String lighting on
homeowner lots.                                           rear patios will be considered on a case-by-case basis
   When considering making any improvements/              by the DRC. Lighting must be installed inside the
changes to the exterior of the homeowner lot, your        structure’s covered patio. String lights on rear patios
guide must be the Design Rules, which can be found        are subject to the following provisions:
online at Additionally,       • They must comply with 4.16.1 Exterior Lighting and
the staff in the HOA office are your go-to resource to      may not exceed 450 lumens total illumination for the
answer your questions.                                      entire back yard.
   Outdoor lighting should be aesthetically pleasing,     • Lighting must be installed wholly inside the patio
and must not cause unreasonable glare to neighbor           structure.
properties, as defined in the Design Rules, Section       • No lighting will be permitted which causes glare to
4.15 and its subsections. When considering changing         neighboring owners, neighborhoods, or any common
the garage lights, visit the HOA office and review the      area.
acceptable light fixtures before submitting an HIA        • Must be outdoor approved lights only.
(Home Improvement Application). This will streamline      • The only colors allowed are clear, white, or amber
the process and give you great ideas to choose from.        lights.
   By now, we hope everyone has removed all               • A maximum of 40 bulbs is permitted, subject to the
decorative string and/or icicle lighting permitted only     restriction of total illumination.
during the December holidays for decorating                   Contact the author at

                     Interested in Joining a Committee?
                                          Stop by the HOA Office and fill out an
                                             Advisory Committee Interest Form.

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THE VIEW - March 2022 Old Hams arrives at SCSH March 17 photo by Beth Bolduc story on


Emergency Preparedness Sub-Committee (EPSC)

…And The Survey Said? – Part 2 of 3                             before the quake knocks you down and hurts you.
  A recent survey of 75 Sun City Shadow Hills residents         Move on hands and knees toward a table or other
asked them to voice concerns they might have about              sturdy piece of furniture to hide under. Get under it
emergency preparedness given our proximity to the               and cover your neck/head with one hand and hold
San Andreas Fault. We learned folks have very                   onto the furniture with the other. Furniture walks
real concerns and demonstrated a surprising lack of             in a quake – so move with it. If there’s no furniture
                                                                near where you are, move to an interior wall away
preparedness for serious emergencies within our
                                                                from windows. Do not stand in a doorway! This is a
1. Does the EPC recommend owning firearms? The
                                                             6. The banks are closed. The ATMs aren’t working.
   EPC and the HOA take no position on this.
                                                                Prepare ahead of time and have a supply of cash
2. Do I shut my gas off? Do not shut off your gas
                                                                in small bills stashed in a secure hiding place
   valve/meter unless you can smell natural gas inside
                                                                within your home. Restrict knowledge of its location
   or outside your home. If you do smell gas, then yes,
                                                                to only your most trusted folks. The amount is up
   shut off the gas. Only the gas company should
                                                                to you.
   reactivate your gas!
                                                             7. Where can we get help if we have not made any
3. Can I use my cell phone to call out? Maybe. Yes, if
                                                                preparations? The experts tell us you will be on your
   the cellphone system remains functional. However,
                                                                own if you’ve failed to prepare! Take the Emergency
   everyone making voice calls at the same time will            Preparedness 101 seminar as soon as possible and
   clog the system. Texting is much better because it           learn how to be prepared.
   takes fewer system resources to be efficient.             8. How long will it take for emergency vehicles to
4. How do I reach someone for help if I or someone              arrive? Really, who knows?! It will depend on their
   in my household is injured? First, try calling 9-1-1.        availability; roadway conditions; call load; and a
   Then call our security. If that doesn’t work, travel to      host of other factors. Plan that they will not be
   a Security Gate House and talk to an officer. Affix          available.
   your Red Card to a street-facing window and stand         9. Dogs are running around, what should we do?
   outside until a Windshield Survey Team member                Avoid them. Report them to the EOC, and trained
   comes by. Finally, get to the Emergency Operations           volunteers will try to capture them. Just like people,
   Center on Sun City Boulevard between the                     or worse, pets will be very panicky after a large
   Montecito tennis courts and the golf course. EPC             quake. Captured pets can be retrieved at the EOC.
   volunteers there will assist if they can.                 10. My toilets are not working, can you help me? No,
5. What do I do when the quake hits? Drop, Cover,                 but you can help yourself. Keep a five-gallon
   and Hold On! If you sense the earthquake coming,               bucket handy and know where a water source is
   get down on the floor/ground as soon as possible               and, with permission, fill the bucket and pour it

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    into the tank behind your toilet, then flush. The            Emergency Preparedness 101 seminar to learn
    toilet won’t refill until water service is restored.         how to be self-sufficient before a disaster strikes.
    Repeat. “If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown,   13. Is there a protocol for sewage control if/when the
    flush it down!”                                              sewer system is damaged and/or water supply is
11. Is there any protocol for homeowners with home               cut off? No. But you can practice short-term
    medical equipment requirements who don’t have                measures to deal with this. Store drinking/hygiene
    generators? No. Folks needing power for medical              water ahead of time: one gallon per person,
    equipment must plan ahead and invest in portable             per day (two gallons during the summer). Keep a
    power sources on their own, for xample, small                five-gallon bucket, disposable plastic trash bags,
    generators, medical battery packs, electrical                and several gallons of kitty litter handy. Line the
    inverters, battery power stations, solar panels, and         bucket with the bag, pour an absorbent quantity
    others.                                                      of litter into the bag/bucket bottom. Take care of
12. Is there a protocol for community disbursement               business and cover it with more litter. Repeat.
    of food, water? No. The HOA has no legal                     When full, tie the bag shut and store it outdoors
    responsibility to provide food and water to                  until it can be properly disposed of.
    residents and has no plans to do so. We
    encourage residents to take the free-of-charge                 Contact the author at

From The Library

   Searching for a pot of gold? You may get lucky and find one at the end of
a great book that you can pick up in our Montecito library. We have all kinds
of wonderful stories in both paperback and hardcover, including fiction,
nonfiction, historical, and biographical. Be sure to check frequently.
   We love your donations but can only take in certain types of books, as
library space is limited. Please check the list below to see what we accept.
Be sure your books are in excellent condition, and bring in no more than 10
books per month. Too many books at once can be difficult to process.

We Accept as Donations:                                      We Do Not Accept:
4 Hardcover and paperback fiction, historical/political,     8 Cooking, sports, self-help, or “how to” books
  biographies/autobiographies                                8 Coffee table or picture books
4 Audio books and DVDs                                       8 Religious or travel books
4 Recent magazines                                           8 VCR tapes or music CDs

 Please pay attention to any precautions that are in place in the clubhouse. Contact Barbara Perler at
760-772-4484 or if you have any questions or comments about the library.
 Thank you to all who support us!

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Food & Beverage Advisory Committee

Shadows Survey Results – January 2022                      Question #4: Which meals do you eat at a restaurant?
                                                            Breakfast                  49%         14%
   Below are the results of the January 2022 Shadows
                                                            Lunch                      72%         36%
resident survey. The purpose of the survey was to obtain
                                                            Dinner                     83%         46%
demographic information and trends for residents to
                                                            Happy Hour                 54%         61%
participate in focus groups. The survey was issued to
the community through the weekly Monday eblast by          Question #5: How often do you eat at Shadows?
Survey Monkey on January 3 and was closed on                More than once a week      10%         12%
                                                            2-3 times a month          30%         24%
January 15. A hard copy of the survey was also printed
                                                            Once a month               20%         22%
in the community View magazine and was issued on
                                                            Once every 3 months        28%         15%
January 1 with a closing date of January 15.
                                                            Never                      12%         0
   Responses were received from 508 residents
(including 50 paper hard copies). More than 250            Question #6: Which times have you eaten the most at
                                                           Shadows? Check all that apply.
residents volunteered to participate in focus groups to
                                                             Breakfast                  36%
discuss actions to improve Shadows and our SCSH
                                                             Lunch                      50%
food and beverage services. The focus groups will
                                                             Dinner                     44%
begin meeting in February 2022 for small-group
                                                             Happy Hour                 11%
discussions to obtain resident ideas.
                                                             Theme Nights               19%
   The 2022 results were compared to the 2013 paper
                                                           Question #7: Why don’t you eat at Shadows?
pencil survey mailed to the community with HOA
                                                            A prior bad experience                             15%
billings about Shadows and food services. From
                                                            I cook most of my meals                            21%
November 21 through December 13, 2013, 820
                                                            I have other favorite restaurants                  30%
responses were received. The results appear below in
                                                            I can’t get a reservation                          3%
red next to the 2022 results. Many answers from the         I never think of Shadows first as a place to eat   31%
two surveys are very similar.
                                                           Question #8: How would you rate the food at Shadows
                                                           Restaurant compared to other restaurants in the area?
 Contact the author at
                                                            Excellent                  6%          4%
                                                            Very Good                  27%
                                                            Good                       34%         49%
Question #1: Do you live in SCSH?                           Fair                       28%
 Full Time                    78%         79%               Poor                       5%          46%
 Part Time                    22%         21%              Question #9: How would you rate the value of eating at
Question #2: How long have you lived in SCSH?              Shadows Restaurant?
 2 years or less            20%         36%                  Excellent                 6%
 3-5 years                  20%         19%                  Very Good                 28%
 5-10 years                 28%         44%                  Good                      35%
 Over 10 years              32%         1%                   Fair                      25%
Question #3: How often do you eat out at a restaurant?       Poor                      6%
 More than once a week      48%          46%               Question #10: Would you like to participate in a focus
 2-3 times a month          42%          35%               group of SCSH residents to assist in improving our
 Once a month               8%           11%               restaurant and enhancing our dining experience?
 Once every 3 months        3%           3%                  Yes                        52%
 Never                      1%           0                   No                         48%

12 | March 2022

Safety Advisory Committee

Learn How to Protect Your Personal Financial Information
Learn How to Protect Yourself in the New Year
  Protecting your personal financial information and
money is important to you. It’s a top priority for your
bankers and fiduciary custodians too, and they want
to make sure you have the tools and information
you need to protect yourself and avoid possible fraud
or scam.

What’s Happening
   A fraudster can contact you any time of the year
by text message, phone, or email; and they may even
impersonate a representative from your banking
institution. They may ask for your personal financial
information, access to your computer, or a passcode.
   They may tell you that they’ve noticed suspicious
activity, such as money being sent from your account          up or don’t respond. Reach out to your banking
to another account and ask you to send money to               institution directly on their website or phone number,
yourself using a facilitator service such as Zelle® to        which you can easily find on the back of your debit
“reverse” the payment. This particular scam is on the         or credit card or statement.
rise and is referred to as the “Pay Yourself” scam.            Financial institutions take their responsibility to
   These are just some examples of how fraudsters will       protect your personal financial information seriously
try to obtain your personal financial information or         and are dedicated to providing you with updated
scam you, but you can take steps to protect yourself.        information regarding ways to protect yourself from
                                                             possible fraud and scams. Contact them if you have
What You Can Do
                                                             concerns about your accounts or need to report fraud.
• Do  not share your PIN, passcode, text message
  code, or any other access information to your
                                                                 Attribution: Wells Fargo Alerts, Jan 13, 2022, 3:21 pm
  accounts with anyone who requests it.
                                                                  Subject: Protect Yourself from Fraud in the New Year
• Know   that legitimate banking institutions will never
  ask you to send money to anyone, including yourself,
  to “reverse a transfer,” “receive a refund,” or anything        Please be a good neighbor and do your
  similar.                                                         part to contribute to community safety!
• Don’t  rely on caller ID. Scammers can make calls,                        See something, say something!
  texts, and emails look like they’re coming from or                                  It really is quite easy!
  imitating real companies.
• Ifyou feel uncomfortable or suspicious with any
  request you receive by phone, text, or email, hang              Contact the author at

                                                                                                    March 2022 | 13


                                                               and an unexpected guest, the granddaughter of the
                                                               deceased actress and owner of the home, show up to
                                                               add life and uplifting fun to this delightful comedy.
                                                                 The Performing Arts club began work on the play in
                                                               October 2021, with not only the 9 characters on stage
                                                               script-reading and memorizing lines, but 17 other
                                                               residents beginning the many tasks, including some
                                                               heavy lifting, that would bring this show to fruition. A
                                                               partial list of the crew members includes:
                                                                 • Director: Jan Briggs
                                                                 • Assistant Director/Stage Manager: Cathie van Blerk
                                                                 • Producer: Earl Warner
   There may be as many as 17 or more working                    • Cast Party: Annette Sevedge
components in the successful production of any play.             • Construction: John Bennoch
It’s easy to conclude that auditioning and casting are           • Costumes: Suzy Voss
two of the most important steps. Yet, perhaps the                • Flyer Distribution: Jeff Moses
most crucial step is determining what play to select.            • Green Room Refreshments: John & Colleen Crawford
What play might win the hearts and minds of our                  • Hair and Makeup: Teri Waters and Elaine Oswald
                                                                 • House Managers: Donna and Gene Gambale
audience, the residents of this community?
                                                                 • Lighting: Jean McKee
Fortunately, the Sun City Shadow Hills Performing Arts
                                                                 • Program: Mary Gilliana
Club read playwright Bob Rinfret’s Old Hams and                  • Props: Shirlee Daidone
recognized this riotous work has something for us all,           • Set Design: Marlys Costello
and they selected this play for production here well             • Sound: Roy Rede
before March 2020.                                               • Ticket Manager: Mary Moses
   Produced by resident Earl Warner and directed by              To give recent club members the opportunity to act,
resident Jan Briggs, Old Hams is set in the Ophelia L          and offer fresh, new faces to our community, Director
Davis Home for Actors, Musicians, and Singers, where           Briggs made it a point to audition club members with
some residents have been living for as long as 40 years.       a view to casting people we have not yet seen on
The Davis home is a 20th century manor in Burbank,             stage. She had 19 people read for each of the nine
doomed for extinction. It is scheduled to be replaced          characters before deciding who would play each part.
by a 21st century shopping mall unless its cadre of              Old Hams is age-appropriate and ideally suited to
retired entertainers can outwit Ms. Davis’ attorney and        the Sun City Shadow Hills audience. See for yourself:
one or two people working on the inside.                       tickets are $15, on sale in the Montecito Clubhouse
   Against these nearly insurmountable odds are                lobby every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from
thrown the latent talents of all sorts of geriatric resident   10 am to 1 pm. All seating is reserved. You will be
performers, and er, patients. Among others, there is a         thoroughly entertained!
former leading man who never could remember his
lines; a mystic whose seances produced not one nearly                     Contact the author at
accurate outcome; two elderly (and giddy) sisters, Iris     
and Rose; a man of 999 faces; and the home’s nurse, a
sinister character indeed. Fortunately, a young attorney

14 | March 2022

  The Coachella Valley History Museum, which seeks to     practitioners in Indio. After the Society had raised
share the unique history of our desert and the pioneers   sufficient funds and curated its collections, the museum
who forged through this difficult environment, is only    finally opened its doors in October 1984.
a few short miles from our Sun City Shadow Hills             Since then, the museum has been operated by an
community. A 1926 adobe home at the heart of the          exceptional group of volunteers, some who have been
campus has been converted into a gallery with a           with the institution since it began. Volunteers are always
variety of exhibits, including the Cahuilla Room that     welcome to serve as docents, gift shop clerks, archive
highlights Native Americans who graced the Coachella      assistants, school tour guides, gardeners, and leaders
Valley hundreds of years ago, a water and agricultural    for children’s art and history programs.
room, heritage room, railroad room, an authentic             The adobe home campus is located at 82-616 Miles
1920s kitchen, and a unique museum gift shop.             Avenue, just east of Monroe Street. The museum is
                                                          open from 10 am to 4 pm on Monday, Friday, and
                                                          Saturday. Hours on Sunday are 1 pm to 4 pm. The tour
                                                          costs $8 for adults and $6 for seniors; active-duty
                                                          military and guests under 18 years old are free. The
                                                          museum is closed from June through September.

  The surrounding grounds feature a blacksmith shop,        Add a visit to the Coachella Valley History Museum
a unique “desert submarine” house, pioneer farming        to your “must do” list of activities! You’re sure to learn
tools, a water tower, a historic 1909 schoolhouse         a wealth of history about this area that is now home to
(Indio’s third school), and the world’s only Date         so many Shadow Hills residents! You can find out more
Museum. A variety of beautiful gardens feature plants     about this treasure in our midst by visiting their
that thrive in our desert environment as well as the      website at (or calling 760-342-6651),
oldest cork oak tree in the Coachella Valley.             where you can also learn about the special events they
  In December 1965, a dedicated group of Valley           hold on site, as well as venue rental for private events.
residents formed the Coachella Valley Historical
Society and began collecting artifacts and archives,                 Contact the author at
carefully watching over them until the museum became  
a reality. The Society worked with the City of Indio to
purchase the original adobe Smiley-Tyler House,
named after the doctor and dentist who were the first

                                                                                                  March 2022 | 15

                                                                       An artist’s rendering of the outside of the new arena

  As you undoubtedly know, the           market. As a private entity, there is     and construction, Oak View
Acrisure (formerly Coachella Valley)     little other information available        provides arena management,
Arena is under construction next to      about Acrisure.                           books entertainers and events,
the Classic Club at Varner Road             Oak View Group is building the         handles media and conferences,
and Cook Street. Its development         new arena. Oak View was founded           furnishes security, and generally
promises to help transform our           in 2015 by Tim Leiweke and Irving         conducts all other operations. In
valley from a golf and retirement        Azoff, and it has already grown           2021 they signed a multi-year
mecca to a place where young             into a global leader in sports and        partnership with Ticketmaster to
people can advance their careers         entertainment marketing. Oak View         distribute tickets to the various
with a worldwide company that            manages 34 of the top arenas and          events. The goal is to market all the
focuses on almost all types of out-      nine of the top stadiums in North         arenas they operate to high-end
of-the-home entertainment.               America. Some examples are the            advertisers like Apple and Tesla
  Over the past six months, the          Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle,          and to target affluent customers all
construction cost of the arena           Madison Square Garden in New              over the world.
surged from $300 to $400 million.        York City, and the Cotton Bowl in           The Acrisure Arena will be Oak
The owners are proud that they are       Dallas. Oak View understands how          View’s newest property. Ground
raising all this money privately         good the at-home entertainment            was broken last spring on a very
and just announced that Acrisure         business has become. They know            ambitious schedule, and the plan
has purchased the naming rights.         they have to offer a special              is to open the arena this October.
Acrisure is an insurance company         experience to lure people out of          So far Oak View claims it is
based in Grand Rapids, Michigan,         their homes now, so they are              unaffected by the well known
that claims to have grown revenues       concentrating on providing lots of        supply chain problems others are
from $38 million to $3 billion in less   features that were not available          facing.
than 10 years. The company says          before the technology revolution.           The arena’s main tenant will be
that California is its fastest growing      In addition to overseeing design       the Coachella Valley Firebirds, a

16 | March 2022

                                             considered the most exciting sport      rink for the hockey team. The
                                             to watch in person. Television does     developers hope to host events like
                                             not do justice to its speed and         family skating nights, figure skating
                                             complexity. The action moves so         championships, and NHL and
                                             quickly that the typical line shift     NBA pre-season games or training
                                             only lasts 90 seconds or so, which      camps. Look for e-sports to be
                                             simply exhausts the players in that     included in the schedule, too.
                                             time. Unlike many other sports,           The second part of the schedule
                                             there is no standing around.            includes major entertainment acts,
                                                The arena’s designers are            which are expected to perform on
                                             focusing particularly on the interior   more than 30 nights. Co-founder
                                             spaces. Robert Norvell, the chief       Irving Azoff has managed the
                                             architect, wants to create a unique     Eagles super-group for more than
                                             ambiance that mixes desert              40 years along with many other
                                             aesthetics with the Agua Caliente       famous acts like Fleetwood Mac,
                                             Tribe’s history and the valley’s        Bon Jovi, and Lizzo. The arena will
                                             Mid-Century Modernism past.             address a problem that entertainers
         The new team logos
                                             Inspiration comes from landmarks        face before they go on their world
minor league hockey affiliate of the         like Frank Sinatra’s Twin Palms         tours: they have nowhere to do
Seattle Kraken. The season will              home.                                   full-scale dress rehearsals with the
feature 35 home games, plus                     The arena will seat 9,918 for        attendant lighting and special
playoffs. In order to give the               hockey and 11,679 for concerts.         effects. Apartments are being built
developers a little breathing room,          The lower bowl will accommodate         at the arena so that acts can live
the team plans to open on the                about 8,000. There will be 20 suites    there for a week or so to work out
road and not hold its first home             that can each seat 20 people, a         the last-minute adjustments they
game until December.                         private club that can hold 145, a       all make.
  Our Canadian neighbors are                 pair of VIP clubs that can each fit       The third leg of the stool will
excited that they will have a venue          80, and a premium concourse club        be family-friendly events and
for their country’s most popular             that seats 590.                         conferences like Disney on Ice for
sport right here in the valley.                 In addition to the arena, which      more than 30 nights a year.
Casual fans will be interested to            will be solar powered, there will       The owners are also making a
learn that hockey is widely                  also be an attached practice ice        commitment to our community by
                                                                                     sponsoring literacy reading and
                                                                                     roller hockey programs.
                                                                                       The Acrisure Arena will do lots to
                                                                                     raise the profile of our valley. Along
                                                                                     with the Coachella and Stagecoach
                                                                                     festivals, we are gaining worldwide
                                                                                            Contact the author at

 What the arena will look like during ice hockey games.

                                                                                                        March 2022 | 17

  Jeff Kirkpatrick and his wife Carolyn moved from         later retired as Chief of Police for the Seal Beach Police
Fullerton to Sun City Shadow Hills in 2013 after he        Department (Orange County). Jeff briefly came out of
retired from a long, distinguished law enforcement         retirement to serve as Interim Chief of Police for
career. Jeff and Carolyn met in a church group while       Desert Hot Springs with the responsibility to recruit a
in high school and married in 1976. Their daughter,        permanent police chief for the city.
Jennifer, and her family, including two beautiful            Jeff has worked virtually every assignment in law
grandchildren, live in nearby Costa Mesa. Carolyn          enforcement, but his “fun” assignments included
retired from a successful career as the Human Resources    being a SWAT counter-sniper and later SWAT team
Director for Golden West College in Orange County.         leader; serving as department training officer; and
                                                           building cadres of volunteers, disaster preparedness
                                                           programs, and critical incident management.
                                                             As a SWAT commander, Jeff successfully managed
                                                           many critical incidents including hostage takeovers,
                                                           robberies, and narcotics incidents. Jeff led the
                                                           countywide SWAT strike team for the 1984 Olympic
                                                           venues in Orange County. He helped manage the
  Jeff and Carolyn
                                                           tragic 1986 Aero México mid-air collision over La
        Kirkpatrick                                        Palma and Cerritos, CA, and led strike teams to South
                                                           Central Los Angeles during the 1992 Los Angeles
                                                           riots. Jeff also supervised responses to earthquakes,
                                                           major pursuits and collisions, plus wildfires and major
                                                           structure conflagrations. Beginning in 2005, he also
  Jeff was an “Air Force brat” until his father retired    oversaw tsunami and earthquake preparedness along
from the USAF. While his dad served, Jeff (born in         the Orange County coastline.
Anchorage, Alaska) lived in a variety of locations along
with his two younger brothers and absorbed different
cultures and opportunities along the way: Tacoma,
WA; Charleston, WV; Washington D.C.; Tachikawa,
Japan; Charleston, SC; Panama City, Panama; and
Huntington Beach, CA. After high school Jeff became
an avid downhill skier and competed as an amateur ski
racer in local NASTAR races.
                                                                                                     Jeff at the
  While attending community college, Jeff worked as
                                                                                                     FBI National
Disneyland Anaheim’s Main Street Foreman for several                                                 Academy
years before choosing a career in law enforcement,
where he held every rank. He first supervised the
Disneyland Hotel Security Department; was a Special
Agent with the Santa Fe Railway Police Department in
Los Angeles; served for 28 years in the La Palma Police     While in Orange County, Jeff co-founded the
Department (Orange County); and was appointed and          Orange County Police Training Managers Association

18 | March 2022

and developed it to become a benchmark used by             residents, and he is constantly recruiting members for
many California counties and law enforcement training      the team. As a FEMA-certified instructor, Jeff trains
officers. He became a curricula developer for the          team members in CERT skills; basic first aid; CPR;
California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and       “Stop-The-Bleed”; incident command system and
Training (CalPOST), and he also chaired the police         windshield survey team skills; the operation of our
officer recruiting consortium for the Orange County        portable generators; and measures to protect our
Police Chief’s’ Association.                               homes against a multitude of different hazards.
  Jeff developed community-wide Neighborhood                 Jeff also served as a member of the Landscape
Watches, Community Emergency Response Teams                Advisory Committee. He now Chairs our Ad Hoc
(CERT), and disaster preparedness programs in La           Committee studying the feasibility of creating a “for-
Palma and Seal Beach. He designed and conducted            profit” RV storage facility and buildings to house our
readiness training for city staff, residents, and          Security Department, landscape storage, and standing
businesspeople in both communities. In Seal Beach,         Emergency Operations Center.
Jeff assembled a team of 300 volunteers to assist the        Outside SCSH, Jeff was a member of the City of
police department and community. He also organized         Indio’s Citizen’s Financial Advisory Commission. He
the West Orange County CERT collaboration between          currently serves on the Indio Police Chief’s Citizen
eight contiguous Orange County cities, which included      Advisory Commission and is also a Governing Board
over 200 CERT-certified members trained and ready          member for the John F. Kennedy Hospital in Indio.
to deploy to any of those cities.
  Jeff earned a BA (University of San Francisco) and
Master’s (Cal State Dominquez Hills) in sociology, plus
a Master’s in police management (University of Virginia/
FBI National Academy). He also graduated from several
of the foremost national police educational programs
including the FBI Southwest Command College; the
USC Delinquency Control Institute; the FBI Law
Enforcement Executive Leadership Institute; and the
FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Jeff holds
a California Community College Lifetime Teaching
Credential and taught for many years at several
Orange County colleges.
  A recipient of the Police Medal of Valor for his            Jeff exchanging challenge coins with Admiral & Chairman
actions in Orange County’s largest bank robbery                          of the Joint Chiefs Mike McMullen
shootout, Jeff was twice chosen Police Officer of the        In his “spare” hours, Jeff and Carolyn spend as much
Year. He also earned the California Association of         time as possible with their two grandchildren. Before
Tactical Officers Police Executive of the Year Award       the current pandemic, the couple traveled widely
along with many other commendations.                       including Alaska, Mexico, Scandinavia, Hawaii, the
  We are greatly fortunate that Jeff volunteers as chair   Panama Canal, and throughout the U.S.
of our community’s Safety Advisory Committee and             Thank you, Jeff, for your many contributions to our
Emergency Preparedness Sub-Committee. Jeff and             community and for your efforts to keep us all safe!
his team of EPSC volunteers built the current SCSH
Emergency Operations Center, and they work with a
large cadre of specially trained resident volunteers               Contact the author at
to respond to their neighbors in urgent times of         
emergency and disaster. Jeff regularly teaches our
HOA’s FREE Emergency Preparedness-101 seminar for

                                                                                                     March 2022 | 19


                        We are publishing this story       everyone finished bathing, the tub was turned over
                        in honor of our friend and         and the water ran through a hole in the floor.
                        contributing writer, Bill Dunn.      When we began construction, my mother’s dad found
                        Bill passed away unexpectedly      the pine logs at a log farm in southern Oklahoma and
                        in December. May the               had them trucked to the farm. They arrived with the
                        “wonderful dreams” of his          bark on and had to be debarked. Then they mildewed
                        life story live forever.           and had to be cleaned with cases of Clorox. The
                                                           construction was memorable. The workers were mostly
                                                           Mr. Eitzman, the family carpenter; my grandfather; and
   Until I became much older, I didn’t realize how lucky   other local laborers. None of them had ever built a log
I was growing up in Tulsa and rural Oklahoma. There        cabin. Dad created the design based on what he had
are several places that were especially important to       seen on the big trip. The floor plan was basically the
me and the source of many wonderful childhood              same as the old cabin but larger, and the fireplace
memories. One of them was our family’s log cabin.          remained in the same place but was also enlarged.
   During my childhood, I spent many wonderful               Dick was our big black work horse. He plowed
summers and weekends on our farm, which was about          vegetable gardens and with Nellie, the other half of
20 miles from our home in Tulsa. On the farm, there        the team, hauled wagon loads of loose hay and kids
was a cabin situated next to a beautiful lake. We didn’t   around on hayrides. They would take Dick to the log
take vacation trips. My dad worked six days a week at      pile and hitch him to a log and take it to the cabin.
his furniture store and, on most Sundays, we went to       Dick walked through every inch of the new cabin!
the farm. The family spent many summers there, and         After the logs were notched, it took every man to lift
Dad would commute to the store during the week.            them into place. Then they were nailed together with
   However, when I was nine, we took a long trip to        huge spikes.
Colorado, Wyoming, and Yellowstone National Park.
Motels were scarce back then, and we stayed in many
private homes that took in tourists. Several were log
construction, and we all became enamored with log
cabins. My parents decided on that trip to replace our
old falling-down cabin by the lake with a log cabin.
   The original cabin was nearly primitive. It had
electricity and running water pumped from the lake,
in addition to a well with a pump. However, the toilet
was an outhouse and the cook stove a coal or wood-
burning stove. There was another stove and a nice
fireplace in the living room for heat. The cookstove
was about 10 feet from the outside wall where you
entered the cabin and provided a warm space for the
“bathing facility,” which was a tin washtub. The water
was heated in a water reservoir in the cook stove, then
dipped out into the tub. Since I was the smallest one
in the family and seven years younger than my sister,
I got second or even third-use bathwater. When

20 | March 2022

   After the construction was complete, a huge number       cocktail sauce, and she made some into gumbo.
of nails were hammered into the spaces between              She also cooked the fish we caught and made hush
the logs to hold the concrete chinking. The nails were      puppies. My two sons were in heaven. They loved the
purchased by the keg. The concrete would shrink,            farm and lake activities plus eating Chloe’s cooking.
leaving a gap which was filled by hammering oakum           They fished until dark and ate fish until it came out
into it with a chisel. Then it was caulked, and the         their ears.
chinking painted white.                                        In Tulsa, I grew up next door to a renowned portrait
   The masonry work on the fireplace and other areas        and landscape painter named Claude Montgomery,
was performed by two Cherokee masons from the               who was my very good friend. His daughter Nancy was
Tahlequah area. My dad asked them to bring me some          a childhood friend and is now a wonderful email
sofkey. This is a corn and lye drink made by all the Five   correspondent. He painted a picture of the cabin on
Civilized Tribes. I remember having lunch with them         an incredibly beautiful fall day, one of those rare
by the lakeside and all of us drinking the cool sofkey      Oklahoma days when the air is like champagne and
from a quart fruit jar. It was wonderful. They also         the fall colors of yellow, gold, and bronze are radiant.
brought a black locust bow with arrows that they made       That painting is over the mantle in our living room. In
just for me.                                                the wintertime, I sit in there with my son, he lights a
   The cabin was finally finished and beautifully           fire in the fireplace, and we reminisce about the farm.
furnished with wagon wheel furniture. It was a work of      He came to love it as much as I do, and together we
art. My mother hosted many family dinners, which            look at that beautiful log cabin painting and dream
sometimes included fried fish from the lake. Fourth of      wonderful dreams.
July was special. Cousins and friends came, and we
shot off firecrackers during the day. There was a big
dinner on the screen porch with fresh corn on the cob,
green beans, and huge ripe tomatoes from the garden,
topped off with hand-cranked fresh peach custard ice
cream. At night we would all gather by the dam and
watch my dad shoot off fireworks over the lake.
   I used to sleep on the screen porch in the summer,
listening to the many night sounds including owl
hoots, cricket chirps, and tree frog songs. My favorite
activity was fishing on the lake with my dad. He taught
me to cast an open-face casting reel and eventually to
avoid backlash. He taught me how to fly rod cast and
I enjoyed using flies and catching a perch with almost
every cast. I have a picture of me at a very young age
with a 7-lb. bass about my size, my first big catch. I
think the best part, however, was just being with my
dad and learning from him. He was a master fisherman
and a master dad.
   One summer, years later, my Aunt Chloe and Uncle
Charles came from Corpus Christi and spent a week at
the cabin with me and my two sons, Bill and John. I
taught the boys to fish, and we fished nonstop. Once        Contact the author’s wife, Janice,
John caught a 7-lb. bass, the only fish from the lake to           at
be mounted. It’s on the wall at our place in Big Bear.
Aunt Chloe brought a lot of shrimp. We ate some with

                                                                                                  March 2022 | 21

   As I began to write my life’s journey, my thoughts       on a nickname, or a logo name, J-DL, Inc.
turned to how many times a woman changes her                  For 21 years, I wrote a name with 26 strokes, Mary
name. I’ve had a moniker for each stage of my life.         Agnes Jordan-DeLaurenti. Imagine signing that on
Most of us start out in this world with two names as        checks! Of course, when I sold the company I dissed
did I: Aggie, my nickname that my family called me          that epithet, and officially took on my birth name.
from birth, and a baptismal designate, Mary Agnes             It didn’t take long, though, before I had another
Jordan. The latter is still the handle on my license, tax   name, a nom de plume. Broadway Books made it
returns, social security, and bank statements. Well, not    official. They put Aggie Jordan, Ph.D., on the cover of
quite, the credit cards drop the middle name. I also        The Marriage Plan. I’m not even sure it’s legitimate to
had a confirmation name, Christina, which I have never      tag Ph.D. to a nickname, but they did it.
used. Then I joined the convent and I got a nun’s title,      So how many names have you officially? If you are a
Sister M. Clara. I was no longer a person with a family.    male, probably one, or maybe two, unless you’re in
Officially I was just a nun with no past.                               the witness protection program. But if
   In the late 60s, my convent name                                          you’re female and married more than
changed back to my family name                                                   once, you definitely have a line of
for a short time but with Sister                                                    tags.
still preceding it. When I left                                                          I wonder if the FBI has an
the convent, I dropped the                                                              accounting of all my official
Sister. By the way, all these                                                             names with change dates. I
are names on official                                                                      know the IRS seems to be
documents. No aliases.                                                                     able to find me. When I
Or were they?                                                                              was a protesting nun
   Then in 1974, I married                                                                 during the Vietnam war
Robert DeLaurenti and,                                                                     and a graduate student, I
like many women, I                                                                        refused to pay the Federal
wondered if I should change                                                              phone tax which was set up
my name to my husband’s                                                                to pay for the Vietnam war.
name. I had not made up my                                                           The IRS did eventually catch up
mind, but the company I was                                                       with me.
working for in Orlando changed it for                                           One good thing about having a
me. I soon got a paycheck with                                            number of names is when I get those
DeLaurenti. They even sent in a change to the                     marketing calls: “Is Mary there?”, I truthfully just
Feds, so soon I had a social security card with             say, “Sorry. Nobody here by that name.” If they don’t
that name on it. I was not happy. I wanted my name          ask for Aggie, I don’t want to talk to them.
back, so I filled out all that paperwork to tell the
Feds that was a big mistake. Done. I was back to my                         Contact the author at
original name.                                                   
   Shortly after we moved to Texas and I started my
training company, I hired a lawyer who decided we
should name the company Jordan-DeLaurenti, Inc.
And further that I should hyphenate my name.
Hyphenation was the thing then in the late 70s, so I
went along with it. Eventually even the company took

22 | March 2022

   As the lights dimmed, the five men took their positions
on stage. They paused, motionless silhouettes, waiting
for the muted audience chatter to cease. Slowly the
stage lights brightened their appearance, and there
was a quiet stillness before the music began.
   The jazz was quick, lively, and rhythmic. The notes
and cadence pulsed through the theatre inspiring
feelings of freedom and movement. The music ignited
toe-tapping animation, and many in the room were
energized by the sound. The musical bursts of
dynamism produced an atmosphere of excitement.
And yet, there was a stillness on the stage.
   The pianist, seated with his back to the audience,        from it. When the music demanded, his body would
seemed almost immovable. The only observable                 swing and oscillate with each musical phrase.
motion was this hint of movement from his hands.               Each time the volume increased, he would strike the
Frozen in that position, he remained stationary. Seated      appropriate bars, not only with a downward thrust of
nearby, the drummer triggered thundering explosions          the mallets, but with what looked like a full body blow.
from his instruments but was rooted behind the drum          Starting in an upright, straight-as-an-arrow posture, this
set. The drumsticks moved rapidly, but his body was          musician would bend at the waist and powerfully strike
still. His outstretched arms, reaching for a cymbal, only    the required notes with swift yet graceful movements
occasionally changed his position.                           that were agile and elegant. His dance continued and,
   The two guitarists were in close proximity, one seated,   as he was framed in the spotlight, his body changed
the other standing. Both were sedentary, with limited        position as each musical phrase dictated.
mobility; only their hands were visible, strumming or          Carl Rigoli danced to every piece performed. His
plucking each string.                                        choreography changed to accommodate the mood of
   But ho — the musician playing the vibraphone was          each one. Whenever there was a brief hiatus in his
alive with effervescence and spirit! He stood by his         playing, still he danced on, gracefully and smoothly
percussion instrument and danced. At times, the dance        moving in his seat behind the vibraphone. Then, with
was slow; and he lovingly touched the tuned metal bars       a light touch, he selected the mallets needed for his
gently with the mallets. He’d lean in and softly caress      upcoming notes and returned to his former stance.
each bar and glide his hands over the surface and            Before striking the bars, he held the mallets almost like
quiet the resonator tube and butterfly valve. His hips       batons, and then slowly, with fluid and diminutive
would move into the frame, and his body swayed with          movements, placed them in the proper position in
his movement. Next he’d glide into another step,             each hand.
placing a foot on the sustain pedal, controlling the           Listening to good music is a joy, but nothing
vibration of the damped strings.                             compares to seeing it performed. At that moment I re-
   His arms were in constant motion, at times gracefully     alized: he is not only a musician; he is a dancer!
arching high into the air and waving in anticipation of
hitting the next gleaming aluminum bar. As he raised
first one and then the other arm, he would rock and                    Contact the author at
then list from side to side, swaying as the music carried  
him. As the melody reached a crescendo, he’d bend
into the instrument, head forward, and then retreat

                                                                                                     March 2022 | 23
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