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          SP R I N G 2 0 2 1 • I SSU E 140


 4   EDITORIAL                                                        14 Injecting room turns twenty
 5   NOTICEBOARD                                                          Australia’s first supervised injecting centre is still going strong
                                                                          despite the pressures of gentrification.
 6   NEWS
10   Happy end to work dispute                                        16 Aged care: where sexism and racism
     An unprecedented deal reached between staff and
     management at Newtown bookstore Better Read Than Dead
                                                                         walk hand in hand
                                                                          The royal commission’s final report highlighted the extent of
     has sent shockwaves around Australia’s retail sector.
                                                                          abuse and devaluation of (predominantly) women in residential
                                                                          aged care. For the abuse to stop, systemic change is required.
11 Life on the frontline
     Within a few months of COVID disrupting life in Sydney for a
     second time, the Addison Road Community Centre saw a
                                                                      18 Behind closed doors
                                                                          Crown Towers, at 75 storeys, is now Sydney’s tallest building.
     20 percent rise in food demand every week.
                                                                          But it should not exist, and certainly not where it is — in prime
                                                                          location on the harbour.
12 No going back
     Reacting to the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel
     on Climate Change, Australian scientists warn that — unless we
                                                                      20 Discrimination in the name of faith
                                                                          The religious zealots are on the crusade again, this time hoping
     act now — a hotter, drier and more dangerous future awaits.
                                                                          to resurrect the Religious Discrimination Bill.

2 | Inner Sydney Voice | Spring 2021 | innersydneyvoice.org.au

                                                    12                                                                     20

22 A few bad apples, or rotten to the core?                              31 Who we are
     Seemingly all of a sudden, Australia’s conservatives seem more            As long as we accept injustices perpetrated by the Morrison
     than a little stirred up by Critical Race Theory — so what is it?         government, claiming “this is not who we are” is disingenuous
                                                                               at best.
25 Saving our heritage
     June marked 50 years since the Green Bans saved a significant       32 An invisible divide
     proportion of Sydney’s historical buildings and parklands from            Sydney once saw itself as a city free of class divides and open
     destruction and high-rise development.                                    to social advancement. But your postcode can predetermine
                                                                               your life outcomes.
28 Sydney in the thirties
     A collection of photographs by prolific amateur photographer        34 Three refugees share their stories
     Percy James Bryant has been added to the City of Sydney                   June recognised Refugee Week — Australia’s peak annual
     Archives.                                                                 activity celebrating the positive contributions made by
                                                                               refugees to Australian society. Here, three refugees share their
30 Public protest or selfish ratbaggery?                                        stories.
     Free speech doesn’t give you the right to endanger other
     people’s health —or to biff horses.                                 35 CITY GLIMPSES/FROM THE VAULT

COVER Volunteers pick-and-packing at the Addi Road Food Relief Hub PHOTO Mark Mordue

                                                                  innersydneyvoice.org.au | Spring 2021 | Inner Sydney Voice | 3

           SPRING 2021 | ISSUE 140
Inner Sydney Voice is the journal of the Inner     With news announced that                  school closures. Families without wifi or
Sydney Regional Council for Social
Development Inc. We are a non-profit
                                                   Sydney’s lockdown is to be                unable to afford laptops have found
organisation committed to the idea of              extended well into September,             themselves excluded from online
information as a tool for community                I’m mindful to keep calm, carry           learning. Meanwhile, families reliant
development. Inner Sydney is defined as the         on, and stay sane. After all, I           upon school meals to provide adequate,
LGAs of City of Sydney, Bayside, Randwick,         count myself blessed: I’ve an             nutritious food for their children have
Waverley, Woollahra, and Inner West.
                                                   income, able to work from                 become dependant on volunteer food
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY                         home, and live kid-free. Others           relief groups (see page 11).
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the         aren’t so fortunate. Because —                This widening of inequality is likely
traditional custodians of the lands across the     while viruses such as COVID-19            to persist for some time, even after —
areas we service, particularly the Gadigal         should skip social status and             fingers crossed — the pandemic
people of the Eora Nation, traditional
custodians of the land on which our office is
                                                   cultural backgrounds — as                 recedes. Those children who have
located. We pay our respects to Elders, past       we’ve seen, rather than helping           fallen behind fellow classmates in
and present.                                       to level out inequalities in              education because they struggled to
                                                   society, the pandemic                     access lessons online could suffer the
EDITOR Christopher Kelly                           continues to discriminate by              effects of this later in life unless they
                                                   hitting the disadvantaged the             are offered additional catch-up support.
Hugh Breakey | Percy James Bryant                  hardest.                                  The economic effects of the pandemic
Pep Canadell | Nat Cromb | Kathy Eager                 People already marginalised before    are also likely to linger for longer than
Joelle Gergis | Chris Gibson | Michael Grose       the coronavirus materialised —            the virus itself, especially for the low-
Mark Mordue | John Moyle | Anna North              international students, refugees,         paid. For Sydneysiders unable to work
Luke Pearson | Tim Ritchie | Dallas Rogers
                                                   asylum seekers, single parents, people    from home, income has been lost and
Jess Scully | Alec Smart | Jennifer Wilson
Anita Westera                                      living with disabilities, and low-
                                                   income families — have been
DESIGN Stevie Bee                                  further disproportionately
                                                                                             Rather than
                                                   impacted by the responses                 helping to level
                                                   deployed to tackle the crisis.
Saskia Eichler-Cheney
                                                   Most of the official advice on            out inequalities
PRINTING Goliath                                   COVID-19, such as who should
                                                   isolate and who should
                                                                                             in society, the
WEBSITE innersydneyvoice.org.au                    vaccinate, has focused on                 pandemic
                                                   those vulnerable to the virus —
Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social           the elderly or those with                 continues to
Development Inc trading as Inner Sydney Voice      chronic illnesses. Official advice        discriminate
ABN 86 770 127 254                                 tends to overlook those
Rear 770 Elizabeth Street Waterloo NSW 2017        disadvantaged by                          by hitting the
PHONE 9698 7690
EMAIL admin@innersydneyvoice.org.au
                                                   socioeconomic position or
                                                   language barriers.
FACEBOOK facebook.com/innersydneyrcsd
TWITTER @innersydneyrcsd                               Non-English speakers tend             the hardest.
                                                   not to engage with television
DISCLAIMER + COPYRIGHT                             for their primary source of
The opinions expressed in Inner Sydney Voice       information, for example. Rather than     financial stress intensified.
magazine do not necessarily represent the
views of the publisher, the publication nor our
                                                   being glued to Gladys at 11am every          With continuing waves and variants
funders. Unless stated otherwise, opinions         day, non-English speakers turn to the     of COVID undoubtedly emerging in the
belong to contributors, not the organisation       internet for advice — particularly from   future, it is crucial that important
or group with which they work. While every         Facebook and other social platforms.      lessons are learned now. Namely, that
effort has been made to ensure the accuracy        This leads to people gathering            the vulnerable are not forgotten and
of the information, no responsibility can be
accepted by the publisher for any contributions.
                                                   information from dubious sources.         that marginalised groups are not left
Copyright belongs to the contributors.                 As was seen in the 2020 lockdown,     behind. Come to think about it, viruses
                                                   those from poorer communities with        don’t discriminate. They just expose the
Join and subscribe: Please see back cover          children are particularly hard hit by     inequalities that already exist . . .

4 | Inner Sydney Voice | Spring 2021 | innersydneyvoice.org.au
Looking after your mob
Acknowledging the pain                                                                           just have to be yourself and
and suffering of First                                                                           ask, in your own way, so you
Nations people and the                                                                           look after your mob.”
higher rates of suicide in
Aboriginal and Torres                                                                             Be emergency-
Strait Islander                                                                                   prepared
communities has                                                                                   Emergencies can happen at
prompted suicide                                                                                  any time, and often when
prevention organisation                                                                           we least expect. Floods,
R U OK? to launch a                                                                               storms, fires, and heatwaves
targeted campaign                                                                                 can damage your home and
aimed at Indigenous                                                                               force you to leave your
Australians.                                an issue of major concern for many        home for a period of time. Such events
    The ‘I ask my mob, in my way, are       communities and a public health           are disruptive, yet we can reduce the
you OK?’ campaign encourages First          priority. “These numbers represent our    stress and hardship that follows by
Nations people to engage and offer          loved ones; relatives, friends, elders    taking some simple steps now.
support to their family, friends and        and extended community members               The Emergency Preparedness
colleagues who may be struggling with       who are all affected by the tragedy of    Handbook for people living in social
life. “The message is so simple and         these deaths,” says Satour. Dr Vanessa    housing is your guide to becoming
powerful. It is steeped in our cultural     Lee-Ah Mat is the chair of the R U OK?    ‘emergency prepared’. It was
practice of being a community and           Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander     developed by Inner Sydney Voice in
ensuring no one is left behind,” says       Advisory Group. “Nationally, Indigenous   conjunction with the Redfern and Surry
campaign manager — and Pitjantjatjara,      people die from suicide at twice the      Hills Community Resilience committee,
Yankunytjatjara and Pertame man —           rate of non-Indigenous people,” says Dr   including emergency services and
Steven Satour. “It’s really about asking    Lee-Ah Mat. “We know that starting        government agencies.
the question and being prepared to          conversations early can stop little          Inner Sydney Voice believes that
listen. It’s not always about fixing the     problems growing into big ones.”          residents’ local knowledge and lived
problem right then and there. Being             Included among the free suite of      experience of their community should
able to articulate your feelings and just   resources — available at ruok.org.au —    be at the centre of decision making,
have someone listen is a really             are videos highlighting the many ways     therefore we also worked closely with
powerful way to show your support.”         Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander     the community in the development of
    Developed with guidance from the R      peoples can ask, “are you OK?”. Kevin     this handbook which contains valuable
U OK? Aboriginal and Torres Strait          Yow Yeh is a Wakka Wakka and South        information on how to prepare for an
Islander Advisory Group — which             Sea Islander man who has lent his         emergency.
provides professional counsel and           voice to the campaign. “When I know a
voices of lived experience to guide the     friend or a family member is going        n If you would like to receive a printed
campaign — the resources feature            through some hard time, I                             copy email admin@
engaging and authentic stories that         reach out by saying, ‘You                             innersydneyvoice.org.au.
promote a sense of connection, hope         right or what?’ That allows                           This resource is also
and identity. “The resources give us the    them to answer yes or no,                             available for download at
opportunity to get conversations            but also open up about                                cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au in
started with individuals, organisations,    what’s going on in their                              seven community
and communities across Australia,”          life,” says Yow Yeh. “The                             languages — Chinese
says Satour.                                most important thing for                              Simplified, Chinese
    Reducing deaths by suicide and          mob to remember,” adds                                Traditional, Russian,
suicidal behaviour among Aboriginal         Satour, “is that you don’t                            Vietnamese, Spanish,
and Torres Strait Islander Australians is   have to be an expert. You                             Indonesian, Korean.

                                                         innersydneyvoice.org.au | Spring 2021 | Inner Sydney Voice | 5

Elections postponed again
A new date for the local                    announced its choice of candidate to          government changed legislation in a
government elections has been               challenge Clover Moore for Sydney lord        bid to bolster the business vote by
set for Saturday 4 December                 mayor: lawyer and executive, Shauna           allowing two votes to property owners.
2021. The decision was made                 Jarrett. Conceding it is highly unlikely      Although the Liberals managed to
in response to the ongoing                  she will unseat the long-serving              increase the roll by 20,000 businesses,
COVID-19 pandemic.                          incumbent, Jarrett says her aim is to         it failed to translate into an increased
   “We have taken this step to              win up to four council seats.                 turnout. Whilst coming second in the
postpone the election to ensure the             “Nothing is impossible in politics, but   poll, the Libs scored just 18.95 percent
safety and wellbeing of our                 it is not about me becoming lord mayor        of the votes in 2016, compared to
communities, voters, polling staff and      of Sydney,” said Jarrett. “It is about me     Moore’s 57.83 percent.
candidates,” said local government          leading the team and doing a refresh of           Jarrett joins Labor councillor Linda
minister, Shelley                                                                                                  Scott, Greens
Hancock. The                                                                                                       candidate and
state’s 5.2 million
                                                                          125                                      former
voters will be able                                                       COUNCILS                                 Marrickville
to cast their                                                                                                      councillor Sylvie
ballots in person,                                                        5,000                                    Ellsmore, small
by post or online
— using the
                                                                          CANDIDATES                               business
                                                                                                                   advocate Angela
electronic voting                                                         5,200,000                                Vithoulkas, and
system, iVote.                                                                                                     Indigenous leader
   In addition to
                                                                          VOTERS                                   Yvonne Weldon in
making iVote                                                                                                       challenging
available for the first time in local        the City of Sydney.” Jarrett was              Moore — who is seeking a historic fifth
council elections, the NSW government       officially endorsed at the top of the         term — for the mayoralty.
has implemented changes to reduce           Liberal ticket in July. Married to former         Candidate nominations were set to
congestion on polling day by ensuring       NSW finance minister Greg Pearce,              open on 26 July, but have been
voters have 13 days to cast their ballot.   Jarrett said the upcoming election was        delayed until 25 October. Nominations
The government has committed $37            about laying the groundwork for the           will close on 3 November. This year’s
million to ensure the election is           Liberals to boost its presence on City        election will see around 5,000
delivered in a COVID-safe way.              council, and be ready for “next time”.        candidates vie for 1,200 councillor
   Meanwhile, the Liberal Party has            Ahead of the 2016 election, the NSW        positions across 125 local councils.

Residents vote to demerge
The Inner West Council has                  councillor for Marrickville, Colin Hesse,     the Inner West local government area
organised for residents to vote             said: “The continued refusal by the           being de-amalgamated, so as to
on deamalgamation at the                    Labor councillors to support a                restore the former local government
4 December local government                 referendum of residents on the                areas of Ashfield, Leichhardt and
election.                                   amalgamation demonstrates just how            Marrickville?”
   The Local Government Act allows          distanced from the community the                 Since the amalgamations — which
councils to undertake polls on specific      Labor machine is.”                            Hesse described as “undemocratic” —
questions — including at election times.       With the motion carried, the               the role played by local government in
Five Greens and three independent           community will have a direct say in the       planning decisions has shrunk
councillors supported the motion; five       forced amalgamation of three inner            dramatically. “Bigger local government
Labor and two Liberal councillors           west councils in 2016 — Ashfield,              effectively dilutes the community voice,
opposed it.                                 Leichhardt and Marrickville. In the poll,     and that can only suit the already
   Speaking to Green Left, Greens           voters will be asked: “Do you support         powerful,” said Hesse.

6 | Inner Sydney Voice | Spring 2021 | innersydneyvoice.org.au

A ‘step in the right’ direction?
Revised plans for                                                                                    estate. However, calls had
the Waterloo South                                                                                   been made for more than
redevelopment have                                                                                   900 social housing units
been approved by                                                                                     at the site.
NSW planning                                                                                            Reacting to Stokes’s
minister Rob Stokes.                                                                                 sign-off of the plans, Ron
   Responding to the                                                                                 Hoenig, MP for Heffron,
revisions, Sydney lord                                                                               said: “I am outraged that
mayor Clover Moore said:                                                                             the state’s planning
“This is a step in the right                                                                         minister green-lighted
direction. We will                                                                                   kicking out 3,000 public
continue to work closely                                                                             housing tenants from
with the state                                                                                       their homes in Waterloo.
government to ensure                                                                                 This is public land that is
more social and                                                                                      to be handed over to
affordable housing is part of the mix.”   disabilities to access the Waterloo         developers to build 30-storey towers
   The plans were revised in an effort    Metro station.                              for the rich.”
to break a deadlock between the City         Due to go on public exhibition later        The period leading up to the public
of Sydney and the Land and Housing        this year, the plans allocate almost 30     exhibition is an opportunity for the local
Corporation (LAHC) over the scale of      percent (847 dwellings) to social           community to digest the revised plans.
the development. Originally, LAHC         housing — including public housing and      Residents are reminded that they have
proposed height and density even          affordable housing for low-income           not yet been approved and that it is
greater than existing developments in     earners. Currently, there are about 749     highly unlikely there will be any
the CBD. Also, LAHC’s plans did not       social housing units in Waterloo South,     relocations happening within the next
include sufficient green space or         meaning the revised proposal would          year. Tenants will receive six months
adequate road gradient for people with    add 98 social housing properties to the     notice to vacate.

LGBTQ+ not counted in census
LGBTQ+ advocates have                     mental health services, education, and      argue the ABS should have gone a step
slammed the Australian                    community and social services.              further and asked questions on gender
Bureau of Statistics for once                It is well documented that the           and sexuality. “Without these
again failing to include                  LGBTQ+ community is more likely to          questions, the once-in-five-year
questions in the census about             experience discrimination, bullying and     snapshot of the population won’t
sexual orientation, gender                abuse, and be at greater risk of mental     capture the full diversity of our
identity or variations in sex             health issues, self-harm and suicide. “If   community,” said Anna Brown, chief
characteristics.                          the government doesn’t ask questions        executive of Equality Australia.
   “Failing to capture the LGBTQ+         about sexual orientation, gender               The ABS considered including
community in the census data has a        diversity and variations in sex             questions on gender and sexuality in
real and profound effect on us being      characteristics, it won’t understand our    the 2016 census, but decided not to
recognised as part of the Australian      needs and ensure we have access to          after advice from assistant treasurer
population,” said Amnesty                 vital life-saving services,” said Kenny.    Michael Sukkar. By excluding such
International’s Lucy Kenny.                  Although some of the 2021 census         questions, said Kenny, LGBTQ+
   Census night, held on 10 August this   questions on cohabitation and families      Australians are being told that their
year, is the government’s quinquennial    recognised those in same-sex                identity is irrelevant. “Our erasure from
opportunity to gather data to better      relationships, the question of sex only     the census means we are missing a
understand the population’s needs —       offered respondents to choose male,         crucial opportunity for validation. We
particularly in relation to health and    female or non-binary. LGBTQ+ groups         are being told that we do not count.”

                                                        innersydneyvoice.org.au | Spring 2021 | Inner Sydney Voice | 7

Mundey remembered
Urban conservationist and                                                                 the inner city, and guarded
unionist Jack Mundey, who                                                                 valuable historic buildings against
died last year aged 90, was                                                               demolition,” Masselos said.
memorialised at a tree-                                                                      Mundey — who rose to
planting ceremony in                                                                      prominence in the 1970s as an
Centennial Parklands in                                                                   outspoken leader of the Builders
June.                                                                                     Labourers Federation and the
   A Moreton Bay fig has been                                                              Green Bans movement — “fought
planted in a prominent location                                                           for the environment before the
near Anzac Parade in honour of                                                            worth of environmental activism
Mundey’s pivotal role in defending                                                        was recognised”, said Randwick
Sydney’s environment and                                                                  City mayor, Danny Said. “He
heritage.                                pioneered the path-breaking Green           valued the importance of people and
   Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos,    Bans that combined union power with         the power they possess when they
said Mundey’s active leadership in the   the environmental movement and              work together. He is the reason so
preservation of Sydney’s urban           together with building workers and          much of Sydney’s character has been
heritage created a valuable legacy for   community groups saved urban green          retained in the face of
generations to come. “Mundey             spaces, preserved workers’ houses in        overdevelopment.” (See page 25.)

The Kid hits No. 1 in the US
Waterloo-born                                                                                          where he shared a
singer/song-                                                                                           much more concise
writer the Kid                                                                                         expression of
Laroi (pictured                                                                                        excitement: “I. F*CKIN.
left) has scored                                                                                       LOVE. YOU. ALL. WHAT
his first US                                                                                            THE MF.”
number one                                                                                                 During a recent
with a duet with                                                                                       livestream, Laroi
Justin Bieber.                                                                                         revealed to fans that he
Called ‘Stay’,                                                                                         was in quarantine after
the track rose                                                                                         contracting COVID-19.
to the top spot                                                                                        However, while he was
of the Billboard                                                                                       describing his
Hot 100 chart in                                                                                       predicament, Laroi
August.                                                                                                received a text
   Reacting to the                                                                                     informing him he was
news on Instagram, the 18-                                         home              now COVID-free.
year-old said: “This is not                                        because of           The Kid Laroi — real name Charlton
only a big moment for me,                                          COVID but         Howard — becomes the first Australian-
but a really big moment for                                        trust me I        born solo male artist to top the US
Australia. Growing up all I                                        been there        charts since Rick Springfield with
ever wanted to do was                                              in spirit lol.”   ‘Jessie’s Girl’ just over 40 years ago. In
‘make it big’ in America and                                       He also           February, Laroi hit number one on the
show everyone what we                                              celebrated        ARIA albums chart, making him the
have to offer. It’s been a                                         his success       youngest Australian solo artist in
while since I’ve been back                                         on Twitter,       history to do so.

8 | Inner Sydney Voice | Spring 2021 | innersydneyvoice.org.au

Walking on Country
Described as a                                                                                         Our songlines have
“transformative                                                                                        always been there. They
experience for locals                                                                                  are under bricks and
and visitors alike”, a                                                                                 water, but we’re bringing
harbourside walk will                                                                                  them up to the surface,
soon enable people to                                                                                  and what we are adding
take a unique journey                                                                                  to them now is a
on Gadigal Country                                                                                     contemporary voice.”
from Pirrama (Pyrmont)                                                                                     A bara — the
to Woolloomooloo.                                                                                      traditional shell hook
   Devised by Wiradjuri                                                                                crafted and used by
curator Emily McDaniel, the                                                                            Gadigal women for fishing
9km walk — named                       Emily McDaniel on                                               on the harbour — has
Yananurala (Walking on                 the harbourside walk                                            been selected as the icon
Country) — will include audio                                                                          for the walk to be used on
and text-based installations that            hear.” It is, she added, “an               wayfinding signage and maps. Waanyi
highlight the historical and cultural        Acknowledgement of Country in its          artist Judy Watson has created a six-
significance of places along the              truest, most ancient form”.                metre tall bara that will take pride of
harbour foreshore. The walk will also           The name ‘Yananurala’ was chosen        place on the Tarpeian Precinct Lawn
interpret new and old Aboriginal stories following extensive consultation with          above Dubbagullee (Bennelong Point),
and perspectives through public              the City of Sydney’s Aboriginal and        as a monument to the Eora, and one of
artworks at Pirrama (Pyrmont),               Torres Strait Islander advisory panel,     the stops along Yananurala.
Barangaroo, Ta-ra (Dawes Point),             local Aboriginal community                    “Our plans for a walk along the
Warrane (Circular Quay) and                  representatives and the Metropolitan       harbour foreshore will help further
Woolloomooloo.                               Local Aboriginal Land Council. It          recognise Aboriginal spirituality and
   “As you walk the shoreline, interact      derives from the language of the           enduring presence, cultural heritage
with public art and stories, hear            Gadigal people and combines two            and contemporary expression in a
whispers of language and place your          words ‘yana’ (walk) and ‘nura’             prominent and creative way,” said
feet in the water, you are introducing       (country). The ‘la’ adds an instruction:   Sydney lord mayor, Clover Moore. Signs
yourself to this Country so that it will     “So, you go walk Country!”. “Naming        along the habourside walk will appear
remember you,” said McDaniel. “This is brings Country to life,” said advisory           before Christmas and the rest of the
about you seeing what we see, feeling        panel member, Beau James. “I look at       installations will be introduced in the
what we feel and hearing what we             Yananurala as contemporary songlines.      first quarter of next year.

People’s park upgrade
City of Sydney has announced                playground — known locally as
plans to upgrade Redfern’s                  the ‘people’s park’ — was
Douglas Street playground.                  developed from unused land
   The upgrade is part of the City’s        belonging to the Rachel Forster
parks renewal program. Over the next        Hospital in 1975. Local
ten years, council plans to upgrade         residents have called for the
more than 60 parks across the City          park’s history to be
area — from small pocket parks (such        commemorated in the new
as Douglas Street) to larger local parks.   design. Council will hold public
   Following an historic example of         consultations for community
community action, the Douglas Street        feedback early next year.

                                                          innersydneyvoice.org.au | Spring 2021 | Inner Sydney Voice | 9

Happy end to work dispute
An unprecedented deal                                                                                 Evie Wyld and Michelle de
reached between staff                                                                                 Kretser. The letter called the
and management at                                                                                     campaign “a litmus test for
Newtown bookstore                                                                                     Australian literature and for
Better Read Than Dead                                                                                 retail working conditions
has sent shockwaves                                                                                   across the continent”.
across Australia’s retail                                                                                Following the industrial
sector. CHRISTOPHER                                                                                   action, Better Read Than
KELLY reports.                                                                                        Dead’s owners contacted the
                                                                                                      union to resume
            landmark                                                                                  negotiations, and on 27 July

A           agreement with
conditions.” That’s how the                  Than Dead were to agree to the
                                                                                                      staff voted unanimously to
                                                                                                      accept the offer, which
                                                                                          included redundancy rights, full
Retail and Fast Food Workers                 demands of the union, then we would          restoration of penalties for working
Union (RAFFWU) described the                 have to close our doors.” The store’s        Sundays, 20 days paid domestic
outcome of a workers’ rights                 owners added that the union’s claims         violence leave, 26 weeks paid parental
crusade at inner west                        were “entitlements the majority of           leave, as well as a suite of health and
bookstore Better Read Than                   workers in Australia are not entitled to”.   safety policies.
Dead. After an almost year-                  They also described the industrial               In a statement, management
long campaign by the store’s                 action as “aggressive” and said the          confirmed that an in-principle
staff (pictured above) and the               strike was “detrimental to genuine           agreement had been reached with
RAFFWU — which culminated                    negotiations”.                               staff. “Better Read Than Dead is the
in industrial action — an in-                   During the action some workers at         first non-university bookstore to have
principal enterprise bargaining              the independent bookstore had “been          achieved such a result and represents a
agreement has been reached                   targeted” with legal threats.                positive move for the entire industry.
with management.                             Commending them on standing up to            The enterprise agreement strikes a
   RAFFWU secretary Josh Cullinan            the intimidation, Cullinan said that, at     good balance between the current
said the move to industrial action was       one time, management appeared to be          difficult financial circumstances that
“outrageous and unprecedented in the         willing to “run the business into the        Better Read Than Dead is experiencing
sector”. It came after initial attempts to   ground rather than negotiate with            and providing job security for the staff.”
negotiate an agreement with the King         workers”.                                        The statement continued: “Whilst
Street store’s owners broke down in             But staff refused to back down. It        Better Read Than Dead was
June. The strike included a ban on           helped to have strong community              disappointed in the manner in which
overtime, handling cash transactions,        support. Customers and local business        the negotiations were initially handled,
refusing to process online orders or         owners came into the shop with               the final result is testament to a more
update the window display.                   flowers; supportive messages were             reasoned approach from both parties.
   Staff claims ranged from improved         posted on social media. “These types         Better Read Than Dead hopes that this
job security, the adoption of anti-          of situations can really worry and upset     agreement sets an example as to
discrimination, bullying and harassment      workers, so the support has been             industrial relations in the entire
policies, and a base hourly rate of $25.     fantastic,” said Cullinan.                   industry.”
Workers also requested “clear                   In the meantime, the workers’                 The historic outcome, said Cullinan,
delineation of roles and                     campaign was attracting attention and        will reverberate across the country’s
responsibilities, with the right for staff   winning support from Australia’s literary    retail sector. “Each of these conditions
to refuse additional duties beyond           community. An open letter of solidarity      is far superior to any major retail or
classification level”.                        was signed by 245 Australian authors         fast-food agreement in Australia.” It is,
   Initially, the owners resisted the        including David Marr, Di Morrissey and       he added, “a pathway to a $25 per-
demands saying that: “If Better Read         Christos Tsiolkas, Melissa Lucashenko,       hour living wage in the future”.

10 | Inner Sydney Voice | Spring 2021 | innersydneyvoice.org.au

Life on the frontline
Within a few months of COVID                   Rosanna Barbero, CEO for Addison        as captain of Australia, Craig explains
disrupting life in Sydney for a            Road Community Organisation says, “I        that in big matches “it’s the first 45
second time, the Addison Road              can feel things ramping up. We have 30      minutes that are the hardest, not the
Community Centre recorded a                shifts, AM and PM, and around 260           second half. Because it’s in the first 45
20 percent rise in food demand             volunteers a week now. As well as all       that you’re trying to establish control.”
every week. MARK MORDUE                    the civil society groups working with           It’s not intentional, but you can hear
reports.                                   us, we also have hampers being              in that analysis something of an active
                                           delivered individually by our volunteers    strategy for facing down the pandemic
        he playlist in the hall            to people’s homes. It’s very hard for       now. It can feel like COVID-19 has no

T       rocks along to Johnny
        Cash’s ‘Ring of Fire’ and
Creedence Clearwater
                                           people and their kids all at home in
                                           heavy lockdown. And it’s privileged to
                                           think you can just go online and order
                                                                                       time limits or shape at all, of course.
                                                                                       And that the lockdown in Sydney will
                                                                                       just drag on. It’s precisely this endless
Revival’s ‘Down on the Corner’.            home delivery as a solution. Not            feeling that a simple but powerful thing
Someone must like their old                everyone can do that.                       like food relief meets and eases.
classics. Volunteers packing                   “We’ve been talking to people and           It does not hurt that Addi Road set
hampers inside the Addi Road               we know in south-west Sydney that the       up the Food Relief Hub last March
Food Relief Hub pick up on the             police are knocking on doors. Teachers      when COVID-19 first hit and we got a
musical tempo. They’re joined              at school are picking up on where there     taste of what a lockdown could be like.
by ex-Socceroo and Addi Road               is a lack of engagement with kids and       The alliance with Craig Foster and his
ambassador Craig Foster, who               letting the police know. The police are     ability to rally donors and volunteers
has been coming here for the               going to these homes to try and help,       through his media connections and
last year promoting our food               as often what is happening is there         #PlayForLives campaign has been
security and social justice                might only be one computer shared           phenomenal. In our ‘first 45’ we were
work.                                      between five or more people. And even        also able to establish strong bonds with
    Local police and a few young ADF       if kids have access to the computer, the    all kinds of wonderful individuals,
soldiers have also come along to see       parents don’t know how to help them         businesses and community groups that
what we are doing and how best to          engage with the online learning             have returned to work with us.
work with us in getting the food           programs. It’s not simple and can be            Now we are back at it, playing our
hampers out there — and simply to          confusing, particularly for primary         second half. As people deal with the
better understand what is going on.        school age children. As best they can,      latest lockdown in Sydney and
Energy, information, plans for future      the police are trying to help.              corresponding issues like job loss or
action . . . there’s a lot being packed        “So you see how complicated it          reduced working hours and economic
together here today.                       gets. The feelings of helplessness.         insecurity, as well as feelings of
    Vans and vehicles have been rolling    Delivering food becomes a way to            isolation and amplified anxiety, we’ve
up all morning to collect around 800       engage and find these things out and         put our team out there again,
boxes of food. Among the community         not frighten people. There is a             answering all these difficulties through
organisations and charity groups           tendency to see these things in terms       the Addi Road Food Relief Hub. We’re
picking up hampers are Newtown             of numbers in the media. But these are      doing our best to ensure families and
Neighbourhood Centre; JNC (The             very human concerns and troubles as         individuals have enough food to get by
Junction Neighbourhood Centre), who        well as logistical, health and inequality   and find some sense of strength and
work with communities everywhere           concerns. And they require a response       unity in the community. In the process,
from Glebe to Maroubra; Lighthouse         on that human level too.”                   we’re trying to make sure we establish
Community Support operating from               Back inside the Addi Road Food          some control over the inequality and
Lakemba across the south west;             Relief Hub, conversation with Craig         fear in the next half of a long hard
Marrickville South Collective, a           Foster inevitably turns to football. With   game we plan to win.
constellation of charity groups; and the   everybody so hands-on and involved
Fijian Association with whom Addi Road     there’s no need to discuss the pandemic     n To donate to the Food Relief Hub, go
has forged very close bonds.               over and again. Asked about his time        to addiroad.org.au/donations/2021

                                                       innersydneyvoice.org.au | Spring 2021 | Inner Sydney Voice | 11

Reacting to the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Australian
scientists warn that — unless we act now — a hotter, drier and more dangerous future awaits.

                  ustralia is                arrived in Australia. This includes in the      The report confirms global warming
                  experiencing               region of the East Australia Current,        is driving a significant increase in the
                  widespread, rapid          where the ocean is warming at a rate         intensity and frequency of extremely
                  climate change             more than four times the global average.     hot temperatures in Australia, as well
                  not seen for                  The report finds even under a              as a decrease in almost all cold
thousands of years and may                   moderate emissions scenario, the             extremes. The IPCC noted with high
warm by 4°C or more this                     global effects of climate change will        confidence that recent extreme heat
century, according to a highly               worsen significantly over the coming          events in Australia were made more
anticipated report by the                    years and decades. Every fraction of a       likely or more severe due to human
Intergovernmental Panel on                   degree of global warming increases the       influence.
Climate Change (IPCC).                       likelihood and severity of many                 These events include: the Australian
   The assessment, released in August,       extremes. That means every effort to         summer of 2012–13, also known as the
also warns of unprecedented increases        reduce greenhouse gas emissions              Angry Summer, when more than 70
in climate extremes such as bushfires,        matters.                                     percent of Australia experienced
floods and drought. But it says deep,            Australia has warmed by about 1.4°C       extreme temperatures; the Brisbane
rapid emissions cuts could spare             since 1910. The IPCC assessment              heatwave in 2014; extreme heat
Australia, and the world, from the most      concludes the extent of warming in both      preceding the 2018 Queensland fires;
severe warming and associated harms.         Australia and globally are impossible to     and the heat leading into the Black
   The report is the sixth produced by       explain without accounting for the extra     Summer bushfires of 2019-20.
the IPCC since it was founded in 1988        greenhouse gases in the atmosphere              The IPCC report notes very high
and provides more regional information       from human activities.                       confidence in further warming and heat
than any previous version. This gives us        The report introduces the concept of      extremes through the 21st century —
a clearer picture of how climate change      Climate Impact-Drivers (CIDs): 30            the extent of which depends on global
will play out in Australia specifically. It   climate averages, extremes and events        efforts to reduce greenhouse gas
confirms the effects of human-caused          that create climate impacts. These           emissions. If global average warming is
climate change have well and truly           include heat, cold, drought and flood.        limited to 1.5°C this century, Australia

12 | Inner Sydney Voice | Spring 2021 | innersydneyvoice.org.au
would warm        hazards due to sea-level rise, changing
                            to between        coastal storms and coastal erosion —        HOW TO FIGHT
                            1.4°C to 1.8°C.   changes highly relevant to beach-
                            If global         loving Australia. This century, for
                                                                                          CLIMATE DESPAIR
                            average           example, sandy shorelines in places         As Anna North discusses, as
                            warming           such as eastern Australia are projected     individuals we’re not powerless — not if
                            reaches 4°C       to retreat by more than 100 metres,         we act collectively.
                            this century,     under moderate or high emissions
                            Australia         pathways.                                   To help stop climate change, we’ve
                            would warm           The IPCC report says, globally,          sometimes been told to change our
                            to between        climate change means oceans are             personal habits: recycle, reuse,
                            3.9°C and         becoming more acidic and losing             take shorter showers, etc.
                            4.8°C.            oxygen. Ocean currents are becoming            But these individual choices are dwarfed
                                The IPCC      more variable and salinity patterns —       by the actions of corporations and countries.
                            says as the       the parts of the ocean that are saltiest    Just 100 companies are responsible for 70
                            planet warms,     and less salty — are changing. It also      percent of the world’s carbon emissions
                            future            means sea levels are rising and the         since 1988, and sweeping changes aren’t
                            heatwaves in      oceans are becoming warmer. This is         possible without government intervention —
                            Australia —       leading to an increase in marine            not to mention the fact that poverty and
                            and globally      heatwaves such as those which have          other factors constrain the choices many
                            — will be         contributed to mass coral bleaching on      people can make in the first place.
hotter and last longer. Conversely, cold      the Great Barrier Reef in recent decades.      But experts say we’re not completely
extremes will be both less intense and           Notably, the region of the East          powerless, and there’s a way to live in an
frequent. Hotter temperatures,                Australia Current which runs south          age of climate change without giving up or
combined with reduced rainfall, will          along the continent’s east coast is         sticking your head in the sand. It’s not
make parts of Australia more arid. A          warming at a rate more than four times      necessarily about going vegan or making
drying climate can lead to reduced river      the global average. The phenomenon is       your home zero waste, either. Instead, the
flows, drier soils, mass tree deaths,          playing out in all regions with so-called   key to fighting despair is to think beyond the
crop damage, bushfires and drought.            “western boundary currents” — fast,         individual and seek community support and
   The southwest of Western Australia         narrow ocean currents found in all          solutions — especially those that put
remains a globally notable hotspot for        major ocean gyres. This pronounced          pressure on governments and companies to
drying attributable to human influence.        warming is affecting marine                 make the large-scale changes that are
The IPCC says this drying is projected        ecosystems and aquaculture and is           necessary to truly curtail emissions.
to continue as emissions rise and the         projected to continue.                         The most important step, many say, is
climate warms. In southern and eastern           Like all regions of the world,           collective action. Around the world, people
Australia, drying in winter and spring is     Australia is already feeling the effects    are already working on communal solutions
also likely to continue.                      of a changing climate. The IPCC             to environmental degradation, and have
   Heat and drying are not the only           confirms there is no going back from         been for generations. Putting pressure on
climate extremes set to hit Australia in      some changes in the climate system.         elected officials is one of the most important
the coming decades. The report also           However, the consequences can be            collective actions people can take. People
notes: observed and projected                 slowed, and some effects stopped,           can urge their political representatives to
increases in Australia’s dangerous fire        through strong, rapid and sustained         support climate investments, public transit,
weather; a projected increase in heavy        reductions in global greenhouse gas         and clean energy. Getting involved in
and extreme rainfall in most places in        emissions. Now is the time to start         communities doesn’t just multiply your
Australia, particularly in the north; and     adapting to climate change at a large       impact — it can also stave off despair.
a projected increase in river flood risk       scale, through serious planning and on-        It’s also important to remember that for
almost everywhere in Australia.               ground action.                              many communities the world over, facing a
   Under a warmer climate, extreme                                                        major threat to the present and future is
rainfall in a single hour or day can          n Authors: Michael Grose, climate           nothing new. Indeed, social movements
become more intense or more                   projections scientist (CSRIO); Pep          from the opposition to apartheid in South
frequent, even in areas where the             Canadell, chief research scientist          Africa to Indigenous rights activism have
average rainfall declines.                    (CSRIO); Joelle Gergis, senior lecturer     seen a lot of reason for despair, and no
   For the first time, the IPCC report         in climate science (Australian National     evidence for hope, and have still figured out
provides regional projections of coastal      University)                                 how to fight the fight.

                                                          innersydneyvoice.org.au | Spring 2021 | Inner Sydney Voice | 13
TURNS TWENTY                            losing a single client, there are calls by   service, and it’s not like we haven’t had
Australia’s first medically
                                        some in the rapidly gentrifying              a few things thrown at us, whether it
supervised injecting centre is          community of Kings Cross/Potts Point         was the media, politics or the
still going strong despite the          to see it either closed or relocated.        pandemic,” Dr Jauncey said.
                                           That is unlikely to happen as the            After many years of lacklustre
pressures of gentrification,             centre’s operators, Uniting, own the         debate by NSW politicians, police and
reports John Moyle.                     building in Darlinghurst Road, and a         religious leaders on how to address the
                                        2016 NSW Health and the Department           growing heroin epidemic in Sydney,

              wenty years ago,          of Justice report concluded that “based      and particularly in Kings Cross, it took a
              Australia’s first          on the evidence of significant ongoing        personal drug tragedy in the life of
              medically-                need in Kings Cross, the current             former NSW Labor premier Bob Carr —
              supervised injecting      location of the service is appropriate”.     whose younger brother Greg died after
              centre (MSIC)                Speaking to the Sydney Sentinel, Dr       a heroin overdose — to force the issue.
opened in Kings Cross. At the           Marianne Jauncey, medical director,          Carr oversaw the 1999 Drug Summit,
time, it was one of around 40           Uniting Medically Supervised Injecting       which paved the way for the centre to
worldwide — and the first in             Centre, says the fact the centre still       open for trials in 2001.
the English-speaking world.             exists is a significant achievement in           For Kings Cross, this happened
  Today, as the centre celebrates 20    itself. “The most obvious success is that    against the background of ambulance
years of continued operations without   we are still here after 20 years of          calls for overdoses every 12 hours and

14 | Inner Sydney Voice | Spring 2021 | innersydneyvoice.org.au
gutters blocked with spent syringes at      became comfortable enough to ask for society about the centre feeds into the
the height of the AIDS epidemic. The        help.                                        fact that anything in any way that is
centre then went through a series of            “Even though I had an addiction, I       undesirable and unpleasant, we are to
three trial extensions over nearly a        was being treated as a human being,          blame.”
decade until the Keneally Labor             and I got referred to the Kirketon Road         In June 2018, the Victorian
government legislated to overturn the       Centre where they had methadone              government opened a medically
trial status and grant the centre           maintenance and I got onto the               supervised injecting centre in North
permanent status.                           subcutaneous patches, which were             Richmond, originally with 3,000
    Justine Muller grew up in               monthly,” Street said. “This freed me up registrations. It did this based on
Woolloomooloo and recalls her               from that daily reminder, kept me out of research and practical assistance from
schooldays. “I used to walk up to the       the Cross, and in my case it allowed me the Kings Cross centre. The Victorian
Cross every day to go to school and I       to volunteer with Uniting.”                  government is now looking at a
would see needles,” she said. “I also           Local historian and musician Warren location for a second MSIC, which begs
remember the controversy when the           Fahey supports the idea of the MSIC          the question as to why, after 20
injecting centre first came about and I      but does not agree with its location on      successful years of operation, are there
remember clearly the huge difference        Darlinghurst Road. “It’s the right service not MSICs being rolled out across NSW,
that it made not seeing those needles       in the wrong place,” Mr Fahey said. “It      which has a growing problem with
around anymore.”                            has an economic impact that people           intravenous drug use?
    The Kings Cross centre is not a drain   refuse to consider because they get             “It doesn’t make sense that there
on the public purse, as some claim,         emotional about it because of the            are not more centres,” Fahey said.
being funded from the Confiscated            service the clinic provides.”                “People in Liverpool are not going to
Proceeds of Crime and, after an initial         Brandon Martignago
set up cost of $1.3 million, its current    is the new chairman of
operational costs stands at around $2.5     the Potts Point                I used to walk up to the Cross
million a year — or an average of $34       Partnership,                   every day to go to school and
per injection.                              representing
    Kevin Street is one of those clients    businesses in the area.
                                                                           I would see needles. I also
who, after a long struggle, has used the    He is also the owner-          remember the controversy
centre to break his link with heroin.       operator of Dulcie’s           when the injecting centre first
Growing up in a dysfunctional family,       small bar located in the
he spent many formative years in state      vicinity of the centre.
                                                                           came about and I remember
training schools for boys where he          He has a different             clearly the huge difference it
suffered under a brutal and sexually        opinion. “It’s really          made not seeing those needles
abusive regime.                             amazing that we still
    On the outside, he quickly went back    have the injecting             around anymore.
to the inside. While incarcerated in        centre and that after 20       Justine Muller, who grew up in Woolloomooloo
Long Bay Correctional Complex, he had       years it still has a place
his first shot of heroin, which gave rise    in the community, and it is one of the       come into the city and back, so they
to an addiction that lasted from 1981 all   things that we need to move forward          don’t benefit.” For Dr Jauncey, it is one
the way through to 2019. “My periods        with,” Martignago said. “Part of the         of the few regrets she has had since
of abstinence would never last more         issue of doing business in the               taking over in 2008. “I am saddened
than six months and it wasn’t about the     community is the injecting centre and        that we are the only one [in Sydney],”
actual drug, it was what the drug           some of the outreach programs that do she said.
offered me in the way of medicating a       a world of good for us.”                        Despite the support of Brad Hazzard,
painful upbringing,” Street, who is now         While the centre’s Darlinghurst Road the NSW minster for health, few other
a former drug user, said.                   location will continue to be debated         politicians will offer more than token
    The average drug user will use for      across various local social media pages support for the centre and will not
around 13 years and will have a number      and groups, those arguing against it         enter into a debate about rolling them
of attempts at quitting before getting      need to know that Uniting has no plans out across the state, where they are
clean. Though his period of use was         of going anywhere. “To suggest that all desperately needed. As with so many
longer than the average, Street’s           the behavioural issues that happen up        other issues in our society, it is time to
pathway to breaking the addiction           and down Darlinghurst Road is our fault drop the stigmas and move forward.
came about in a familiar way. After he      is fanciful,” Jauncey said.
started using the MSIC’s facilities, he     “Unfortunately, the stigma in our            n Courtesy Sydney Sentinel

                                                        innersydneyvoice.org.au | Spring 2021 | Inner Sydney Voice | 15
The royal commission’s final           in terms of equal rights, opportunities,   rights, opportunities and wellbeing of
                                      respect . . . But the last few months      Australian women. Members of
report highlighted the extent         have highlighted just how misguided        parliament have been stood aside, and
of abuse and devaluation of           we’ve been. There has been widespread      a major reshuffle within the federal
                                      condemnation of these situations and       coalition cabinet has resulted in an all-
women in residential aged             their perpetrators. And rightly so.        time high number of women sitting
care. As Kathy Eager and                  Around the same time these high-       within the inner sanctum. These are all
                                      profile sexual assaults started making      welcome changes. However, none are
Anita Westera explain,                headlines another report was               likely to impact on the one sector of
for the abuse to stop,                published, the substance of which also     society where women are the most
                                      highlighted the extent of abuse and        vulnerable — the aged-care sector.
systemic change is required.
                                      devaluation of (predominantly) women:
                                      the aged care royal commission’s final      Women’s work

                    e’ve heard a      report. You may recall it received a       As is widely acknowledged, the aged-
                    lot of horror     brief window of media attention after      care sector is underfunded and so are
                    stories in        being released by the prime minister,      the staff who work in it. Like childcare,
                    recent months     together with the health and aged care     aged care is traditionally ‘women’s
                    about women       ministers, at short notice on a sunny      work’. Women represent 87 percent of
being abused. It seems each           Sydney day following a week of high        workers in the residential aged-care
new day brings yet another            speculation regarding the historical       sector and 89 percent of workers in the
news item where a man (and            rape allegations against a current         homecare sector. Men represent just 12
they are invariably males) has        cabinet member. The final report was        percent of registered nurses in aged
used his position of power and        titled Care, Dignity and Respect, the      care and 14 percent of personal care
influence to denigrate and             antithesis of the interim report which     workers. It is no wonder pay rates are
abuse a female colleague,             had been titled Neglect.                   so low. No one could seriously argue
student, partner, acquaintance,           In the months since, there has been    that funding and pay rates would be so
client or worker.                     significant public outrage, debate and      low if aged care was traditionally
   We thought we’d come a long way,   national demonstrations regarding the      ‘men’s work’.

16 | Inner Sydney Voice | Spring 2021 | innersydneyvoice.org.au
Women live longer and need                   of incidents were unlawful sexual            their specific care needs thought about
more aged care                               contact. Extrapolating from that study,      or listened to”. The estimated
Two-thirds (64 percent) of all people in     this equates to more than 1,700 cases        prevalence of physical abuse is five
receipt of aged care are women.              of unlawful sexual assault per year or       percent. This includes people being
Women live longer and require aged-          33 cases every week. This study further      physically restrained against their
care support for longer. While both          investigated incidents “displaying           wishes, not being allowed out of their
sexes want to age at home, men are           perpetrator behaviours of rape, sexual       bed/chair/room or outside, and/or
more likely to be able to do so. Reflecting   assault, including touching the              being hurt or treated roughly by staff.
stereotyped relationships, the typical       resident’s genital area without consent”
pattern is of a wife looking after her       and specifically looked at the victim         What will it take to get from
husband until he dies before her.            impact for these incidents.                  neglect to care, dignity and
   The older you are, the more likely        Extraordinarily, 58 percent of these         respect?
you are to be a woman who lives on           were assessed by aged-care staff as          The priority for additional funding is
her own. Given this, no one should           having “no impact” on the victim. This       clear: more funding is required to make
seriously expect demand for residential      is a shocking statistic. It is alarming in   residential aged care safer and kinder.
aged care to reduce into the future. An      what it says about the culture of the        This requires adequate staff ratios, a
increasing number of women are living        aged-care sector.                            better mix of skills, improved staff
for longer with no partner or family to                                                   continuity and more effective clinical
look after them. This is already             Elder abuse in aged care                     governance. At the same time, more
reflected in residential aged care. While     The recent aged-care royal                   funding is required to address the
women represent about half of people         commission tried to get to terms with        community aged-care waiting list. But
in aged care who are under 75 years,         this issue. They produced                    these changes alone will not be
the female percentage increases              “experimental estimates of the               sufficient. We need to understand that,
steadily with age. There are more than       prevalence of elder abuse in Australian      just like women’s rights issues
30,000 people aged between 95 and            aged care facilities”. They estimated        everywhere, systemic change is
106 years in aged-care homes this year.      that the prevalence of elder abuse in        required. The task is to end decades of
78 percent are women.                        Australian residential care is 39            neglect due in large part to a culture
                                             percent. This estimate only includes         underpinned by sexism and ageism.
Aged care is unsafe, especially              people reporting emotional abuse,               The community is now standing in
for women                                    physical abuse and/or neglect. They          judgement waiting for the government
Aged care is unsafe for many residents,      were unable to estimate the prevalence       to seriously address the systemic
mostly women. While most incidents           of financial, social, or sexual abuse.        issues underpinning sexual assault and
are between residents, residents are            They estimated the prevalence of          abuse in parliament house and in the
also assaulted by staff and visitors.        neglect to be 31 percent. This included      broader community. In the same way,
Aggression can take many forms,              people who reported concerns about           the community must now also stand in
including physical, verbal, sexual and       how they are helped with daily living        judgement waiting for the government
material aggression. Extrapolating from      tasks such as showering, eating,             to seriously address the systemic
a study of 178 services, the best            toileting and getting around. It also        issues underpinning the abuse and
available estimate is that there are         included concerns about how                  neglect of women in the aged-care
close to 40,000 reportable incidents         “medication is managed, wounds are           system.
and 15,000 non-reportable incidents in       looked after, catheters are used and/or
aged-care homes each year. This              pain is managed; concerns about              n Professor Kathy Eagar is Professor
equates to more than 100 reportable          accessing a GP, dentist, mental health       of Health Services Research and
incidents every day.                         services, and/or other allied health         Director of the Australian Health
   The Aged Care Act 1997 requires           services; and/or care staff rarely being     Services Research Institute (AHSRI) at
providers to report allegations, or a        able to spend enough time attending to       the University of Wollongong.
suspicion, of a “reportable assault” on      the person’s individual needs”.
a resident. But the act allows for              The estimated prevalence of               n Anita Westera is a research fellow
exemptions including when a reportable       emotional/psychological abuse is 23          with the Australian Health Services
assault is “perpetrated by a resident        percent. This includes people who            Research Institute (AHSRI), University of
with an assessed cognitive or mental         reported feeling “forced to be               Wollongong and has worked in aged
impairment . . .” In this case, the home     dependent on staff, treated like a child,    care policy, research, advocacy and
does not have to report the incident.        forced to wear continence pads, being        governance roles for over three
   This study reported that 4.4 percent      shouted at by staff, and/or not having       decades.

                                                         innersydneyvoice.org.au | Spring 2021 | Inner Sydney Voice | 17
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