Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...

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Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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 OLLI     for adults 50+
          Serving Kent & Sussex Counties                            FALL 2019 | SEPT. 3–NOV. 18

        Learning for
        the fun of it!

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                                                     Fall 2019 Calendar
                  Tuesday, July 23 and              Lewes Open House, Walk-in Registration and ID Photo Session,
                  Wednesday, July 24                Fred Thomas Building, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.
                  Tuesday, August 6                 Dover Open House, Walk-in Registration
                                                    Wyoming Church, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.
                  Thursday, August 15               Priority Registration Deadline, 2 p.m.
                  Tuesday, August 20                Dover Instructor Orientation and Member ID Photo Session,
                                                    Wyoming Church, 10–11:30 a.m.
                  Wednesday, August 28              Ocean View Instructor Orientation,
                                                    Ocean View Town Hall, 10–11:30 a.m.
                  Thursday, August 29               Lewes Instructor/New Member Orientation and ID Photo Session,
                                                    10-10:30 a.m. coffee social; 10:30–11:30 a.m. orientations
                  Monday, September 2               Labor Day, office closed
                  Tuesday, September 3              First Day of classes
                  Week of September 9               Dover Bring a Friend week
                  Wednesday, September 11           Happy Hour, Irish Eyes, Lewes, 3–6 p.m.
                  Tuesday, October 8                Second session begins
                  Wednesday, October 9              Happy Hour, Irish Eyes, Lewes, 3–6 p.m.
                  Tuesday, October 15               Homecoming picnic, No classes
                  Monday, November 11               Veterans Day, No classes
                  Wednesday, November 13            Happy Hour, Irish Eyes, Lewes, 3–6 p.m.
                  Monday, November 18               Last day of classes

                 NEW! OLLI is coming to Bridgeville this fall!

            Join us for a great line-up of courses at beautiful Heritage Shores
                    Become an OLLI member at any OLLI Kent-Sussex location to sign up for unlimited classes
                           at the new Bridgeville location, as well as Dover, Lewes and Ocean View.
                                        Drawing Realistically (p. 7)    ·   Essential Oil Use (p. 10)
                                  Hamilton: The Man and the Musical (p. 11)         ·   Delawhere? (p. 12)
                 Everything Google: An Introduction (p. 22)      ·     Create Your Own Website with Google (p. 22)
                                                  Drones—Know Before You Fly! (p. 29)

                              Heritage Shores Clubhouse, 1 Heritage Circle, Bridgeville, DE 19933
Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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     Osher Lifelong Learning Institute                                                                                                                   Follow us!
     at the University of Delaware in Kent & Sussex Counties                                                                              www.facebook.com/OLLIDover
     A program of the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies

       Lewes/Ocean View Council                             Dover Council                                            Contents
       Chair—Bill Sharkey                                   Chair—Rosemary Engle
                                                            Vice-Chair—Patrick Weaver                                Fall 2019 Calendar............Inside front cover
       Vice Chair—Peter Feeney
                                                            Secretary—Caroline Baxter                                Fall 2019 Courses......................................................5
       Secretary—Katherine Henn                             Joe Bailey • Marge Felty • Ronnie Grady
                                                                                                                     Fall 2019 Course Schedule by Day........2
       Bob Comeau • Connie Benko                            Phyllis Handler • Bob Heifetz
       Paul Collins • Sabatino Maglione                     Susan McLaughlin • Madelyn Wright                        Fall 2019 Course Selection Form..........44

       Karen Schaub • Gerri Stephenson                      Dover Committee Chairs                                   Fall 2019 Registration Form........................43
                                                            Joe Bailey/Pat Weaver—Member
       Bud Zimmerman
                                                              Relations                                              Gifts ......................................................................16

       Lewes/Ocean View                                     Marge Felty/Bobbie Neaton—                               Gift Certificates ..........................................14
       Committee Chairs                                       Special Events
                                                            Ronnie Grady/Phyllis Handler—
                                                                                                                     Guests ................................................................18
       Ruth Barnett/Marie Isola—Library
                                                              Academic Affairs                                       How to Register ............................................4
       Connie Benko—Social                                  Ronnie Grady—Scholarship
                                                                                                                     Identification Badges ..............................4
       Paul Collins—Development                             Madelyn Wright—Travel
       Peter Feeney—Long Range Planning                     University Staff                                         Inclement Weather Policy ..................14

       Lynn Kroesen—Catalog/                                George Irvine—Interim Associate                          Instructor Bios ..............................................33
         Communications/Newsletter                            Vice Provost, Professional and
                                                              Continuing Studies                                     Member Benefits ........................................4
       Sabatino Maglione—Scholarship                        Anna Moshier—Manager, Osher                              Membership ....................................................4
       Karen Schaub—Finance                                   Learning Centers
                                                            Renee Moy—Program Coordinator                            Refunds ................................................................4
       Joan Sciorra—Travel
                                                            Diana Faison—Administrative                              Scholarship Application ......................42
       Gerri Stephenson—Community Relations                   Assistant—Dover
       Bud Zimmerman—Academic Affairs                       Lisa Seifert —Administrative                             Textbooks and Supplies..........................4
                                                              Assistant—Lewes                                        Travel......................................................................4
       Lewes/Ocean View Academic                            Bill Ashmore—Instructional/
       Affairs Subcommittees                                  Tech Support—Ocean View                                University of Delaware Policies ......4
       Paul Collins—Health/Psychology/                      Wayne Kling—Instructional/                               Volunteer Opportunities ......................17
        Information Technology                                Tech Support—Dover/Bridgeville
       Peter Feeney—Art                                     John Lafferty—Instructional/
                                                              Tech Support—Lewes                                                                               On the cover:
       Bill Fintel—Science/Math                                                                                                                                Artwork by
                                                            Chet Poslusny—Instructional/
       Phil Fretz—History/International Studies               Tech Support—Lewes                                                                               Elaine
       James McMahan—Economics/Finance                      Paula Wood—Instructional/                                                                          Simmerman
                                                              Tech Support—Dover
       Lee Mussoff—Humanities/Language
                                                            Joe Zito—Instructional/
       Jon Newsom—Performing Arts/Music                       Tech Support—Lewes
       Carol West—Life Skills/Recreation

     Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Delaware in Kent & Sussex Counties
     Fred Thomas Building, 520 Dupont Ave., Lewes, DE 19958 • Phone: 302-645-4111 • Fax: 302-645-4112 • Email: LLL-lewes@udel.edu
     The advertising in this catalog subsidizes the cost of printing. The University of Delaware receives no profit from it, nor does the University endorse any of the
     products of the advertisers. The University of Delaware is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and Title IX institution. For the University’s
     complete non-discrimination statement, please visit www.udel.edu/home/legal-notices. CEP 6294 6/19

Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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        Lewes Fall 2019 Course Schedule by Day
        Sept. 3–Nov. 18 (No classes October 15 and November 11)

         MONDAY                                           AA14     Stained Glass—Puch (1) *               THURSDAY
                                                          HU339    Inanna—C. Brown (1)
         Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.)                     HU348                                           Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.)
                                                                   Big Screen—Ackermans (1) *
         AA64 Painting Workshop—Halloran, et.al. *        AA196    Plein Air Drawing—Duggan (2)           HX323 The 50s—Forman
         LS133     Writing Memoir—Tyson                   HU84     Film Festival—Grunders (2) *           LS145 Basic Woodworking—DeFeo *
         RR27      Bridge III—K. Boboshko/Zampini *       IS38     Foreign Service—T. Thompson (2)        RR36      Refresher Bridge—K. Boboshko/
         SS94      Beachcombing—Lord/                     IT133    Computer Evolution—Porta (2)                    Zampini *
                  Mansperger *                                                                            HE108 Medical Topics—Wexler (1)
         HX303 Sea and Civilization—Kirklin (1)           Period 4 (3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.)                  HX327 Women’s Suffrage—Redden (1)
         LS170 International Cooking—Fretz (1) +          RR39     Mah Jongg Beginner—Cont’d *
                                                                                                          HX67      History of Delaware—Hiller (2)
         HX321 Maps and Mapmakers—Kirklin (2)             AA14     Stained Glass—Cont’d (1) *
                                                                                                          IT124-2 Cybersecurity—Riola (2)
                                                          HU348 Big Screen—Cont’d (1) *
         Period 2 (10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.)                                                                 Period 2 (10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.)
                                                          IT92     iPhone Photo—Kiker (1) *
         AA64 Painting Workshop—Cont’d *                                                                  LS145 Basic Woodworking-Cont’d *
                                                          IT120    iPhone iCloud—Kiker (1) *
         HX314 French Revolution—Proto                                                                    RR36     Refresher Bridge—Cont’d *
                                                          IT134    iPhone Wallet—Kiker (1) *
         RR27     Bridge III—Cont’d *                                                                     HE137-2 Strength and Fitness—
                                                          IT135    iPhone Podcasts—Kiker (1) *
         SS94     Beachcombing—Cont’d *                                                                            Bottiglieri (1) +
                                                          HU84     Film Festival—Cont’d (2) *
         IS51     Globalization—Mark (1) *                                                                HU312 Kiddie Lit—Calamia (1) *
                                                          IT94     iPhone Maps—Kiker (2) *
         LS170 International Cooking—Cont’d (1) +                                                         HU330 Basic Whitman—McClenahen (1) *
         HX316 Seeds of Conflict—Simmonds (2) *           WEDNESDAY                                       EC08     Financial Workshop—Clifton (2)
         SS180 Math Problems—Hoover (2)                                                                   EC44     Next Recession—Lokken (1) *
                                                          Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.)
         Period 3 (1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.)                      AA91      Osher Craft Circle—Barbati et.al. *   HU208-2 Trails Way West—Glick (2) +
         HE154 Tai Chi for Health—Weber *                 HE116     (Re)Learn-Continuation—C. Brown       HU335 Science Fiction—Collins (2)
         AA64 Painting Workshop—Cont’d *                  EC21      Elder Law—Procino-Wells/              Period 3 (1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.)
         LA21     French Cinema—Lynch                              Woodland (1) *
                                                                                                          PA93     Romantic Music—Newsom +
         HE188 Mystics of India—Smith (1)                 SS132 Environmental Issues—Tyson (1)
                                                                                                          RR02     English County Dance—Mason/
         HU333 Italian Cinema—Maglione (1) *              SS183 Sustainable Communities—Moser (1)                  West
         HU337-1 Foreign Film—Bradts (2) *                HE140 Meditation—Weber (2)                      HE150 Matter of Balance—
         IS49-2 Media and Politics—Begleiter (2)          LS128 Write Now—Tyson (2)                                Fleischmann (1) *
         Period 4 (3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.)                   SS179 Geo-Engineering—B. Fintel (2)             EC40 Invest in Retirement—Johnston (1) *
         RR35     Go: Strategy Game—Macadam               Period 2 (10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.)                EC43-2 Fraud Prevention—King (1) *
         AA109 Art Free Write—Bennett (1)                 AA91     Osher Craft Circle—Cont’d *            HX322 Historic Cruise—Letcher (1)
         HU333 Italian Cinema—Cont’d (1) *                IS34     Foreign Policy—S. Boboshko/            HU347 Cosmic Creativity—Hemmick (1) *
         IT110    Excel—H. Henn (1)                                Stanford                               LS168-1 Planning Career—Boyce (1) *
         HU337-1 Foreign Film—Cont’d (2) *                SS182 Delaware Coast—Petrone +                  EC27     Your Brain—Jeter (2) *
         SS181    Geometry Topics—Bennett (2)             EC45     IRA Assets—Lokken (1) *                EC29     Understanding Annuities—
                                                          HX318 Wisdom of Washington—Vega (1) *                    Jeter (2) *
         TUESDAY                                          HU240 Writing Poetry—Stoner (2)                 RR43     Advanced Golf—Strub (2)
                                                          LS163 Eat for Planet—Greet (2)
         Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.)                                                                     Period 4 (3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.)
                                                          RR40-2 RV Lifestyle—Massey (2)
         HE99      (Re)Learn—Intro.—C. Brown                                                              PA53     Chorus—R. Brown
         HU329 Colonial Literature—Fisk                   Period 3 (1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.)
                                                                                                          PA78     Music Slow Jam—Hansen
         LA17      Interm. Spanish—Crist                  HX281-2 Hamilton—Pritchett
                                                                                                          PA93     Romantic Music—Cont’d +
         AA10      Beginning Basketry—Weyant (1) *        LS153 Making Tools—DeFeo *
                                                                                                          HU305 Energy Future—Grier-Reynolds (1)
         IS50     Negotiations—Terzuolo (1)               RR16     Mah Jongg—Criaris *
                                                                                                          IS48     Regional Conflicts—Leeds (2)
         HX315 Great Speeches—Proto (2)                   LA30     Parliamo Italiano—Maglione (1) *
                                                          AA199 Basketweavers—M. McGrath                  FRIDAY
         Period 2 (10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.)                          et.al. (2) *
         HX326 Crusading with Boss—K. Henn                RR04     Walk Talk—Mansperger/                  Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.)
         HU344 American Authors—Ramages                            Sullivan (2) +                         AA85 Into. To Pottery—Coleman +
         RR25     Folk Dance—Steele                                                                       AA191 Ready Set Write—Gregor *
                                                          Period 4 (3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.)
         SS129 Weather Wise—Mansperger/Lord                                                               LS05      Kitchen Kapers—Fiegels (2) +
                                                          LS153 Making Tools—Cont’d *
         HE137-1 Strength and Fitness—Bottiglieri (1) +                                                   Period 2 (10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.)
                                                          RR16     Mah Jongg—Cont’d *
         AA10     Beginning Basketry—Cont’d (1) *
                                                          HE187 Dementia—McDermott                        AA191 Ready Set Write—Cont’d *
         SS146 What Lies Beneath—Ball (2)
                                                          IT92     iPhone Photo—Kiker (1) *               AA85 Into. To Pottery—Cont’d +
         Period 3 (1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.)                      AA199 Basketweavers—Cont’d (2) *                LS05     Kitchen Kapers—Cont’d (2) +
         RR39     Mah Jongg Beginner—K. Henn *            RR04     Walk Talk—Cont’d +

        2                + Class held offsite. See course write-up for exact times and locations. *Check course description for exact dates and time.
                                                               (1) First Session: September 3–October 7 (2) Second Session: October 8–November 18
Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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      Dover Fall 2019 Course Schedule by Day
      Sept. 3–Nov. 18 (No classes October 15 and November 11)

       MONDAY                                         AA173   Open Studio Knitting—Dunn               THURSDAY
                                                      PA87    Theatre Appreciation—D. Roberts
       Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.)                                                                   Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.)
                                                      PA112   Play the Recorder—Neild                 HX320 Book The Pinks—Jelich (1)
       EC46 God’s Money—Green (1) *
       HE190 The Brain—Hazzard (1)                    PA144   Mozart—Christensen                      LS129-2 AARP-Basic—Hollopeter (1) *
       AA201 Egg Decorating—Sarnoski (2)              AA200   Exploring Acrylics—Cont’d (1) *         HX317 Book The Tattooist—Neaton (2)
                                                      AA203   Architectural Renderings—Cont’d (1) *   LS130 AARP-Refresher—Hollopeter (2) *
       Period 2 (10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.)
       HU311 Controversial Issues—L. Klepner/                                                         Period 2 (10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.)
                                                      WEDNESDAY                                       AA198 Open Studio Instruction—Gibson
       EC46 God’s Money—Cont’d (1) *                  Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.)                    HX330 Martin Luther King—Pritchett
                                                      HX319 Cars of the 50s—L. Watkins                HU346 Letter of Note—P. Thompson
       HX329 Orphan Train—Aviles (1)
                                                                                                      LS129-2 AARP-Basic—Cont’d (1) *
       Period 3 (1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.)                    HU303 Genealogy—J. Roberts
                                                                                                      RR40-1 RV Lifestyle—Massey (1) *
       HU106 Great Women—Grady                        Period 2 (10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.)                LS130 AARP-Refresher—Cont’d (2) *
       RR103 English Country Dance—McCabe             HU342 Genealogy Workshop—J. Roberts             Lunchtime (Noon-12:45 p.m.)
       TUESDAY                                        AA159 Women in Art—McLaughlin (1)               LS129-2 AARP-Basic—Cont’d (1) *
                                                      HU340 C. S. Lewis—J. Grady (1)                  RR40-1 RV Lifestyle—Cont’d (1) *
       Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.)                   HX324 California Rock—McLaughlin (2)            LS130 AARP-Refresher—Cont’d (2) *
       LA28 French Grammar—Cataldi                                                                    Period 3 (1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.)
                                                      Lunchtime (Noon–12:45 p.m.)
       Period 2 (10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.)                                                               PA92 Music From Movies—Pritchett
                                                      HU131 Lunchtime Novel—Letavish
       LA29 Napoleon—Cataldi                                                                          HE100 Managing Diabetes—Bakoko
                                                      HU338 Life’s Journey—Heifetz                            Bakoru (1) *
       HX328 Spying—Welch (1)
       HU345 Parables—Walston (1)                     Period 3 (1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.)                     HX325 U.S. Immigration—McLaughlin (1)
                                                      HE189 Beginner Tai Chi—L. Watkins/              LS129-2 AARP-Basic—Cont’d (1) *
       Period 3 (1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.)
                                                              S. Watkins                              HU341 Current Events—Baxter (2)
       AA197 Lace Knitting—Dunn
       HX301-1 Delaware?—Baxter                       HU200 Bible as Literature—Heifetz               Period 4 (2:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m.)
                                                      HU343 Virgil’s Aeneid—Christensen               RR105 Trivia Time—Pritchett
       PA116 Recorder Ensemble—Neild
                                                      HX208-1 Trails West—Glick (1)                   HE100 Managing Diabetes—Cont’d (1) *
       AA200 Exploring Acrylics—Trala (1) *
                                                      LS161 Recipe Tasting—R. Klepner/Pasek (1)       HU349 Garbage—Endo (1) *
       AA203 Architectural Renderings—Exum (1) *
                                                                                                      IT123 Computer Skills—L. Watkins (1)
       HU336 African Folktales—Mudiwa (1)             HE105 Seated Exercise—Klepner (2)
                                                                                                      LS129-2 AARP Basic—Cont’d (1)
       LS168-3 Planning Career—Boyce (1) *            Period 4 (2:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m.)                  IT386 User’s Workshop—L. Watkins (2)
       Period 4 (2:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m.)                 HU328 Rabbit Redux—Heifetz                      PA143 Read Christmas—Gardner (2)
       AA155 Renaissance Art—McLaughlin               HU332 Star Trek—S. Watkins

      Ocean View                                                                                      Heritage Shores
      Fall 2019 Course Schedule by Day                                                                Fall 2019
      Sept. 3–Nov. 18 (No classes October 15 and November 11)                                         Course Schedule by Day
       MONDAY                                         WEDNESDAY                                       WEDNESDAY
       Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.)                   Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.)                    Period 1 (9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.)
       HU334 Misses in Scripture—Berger (1)           LS129-1 AARP-Basic—Amer (1) *                   IT387 Everything Google—Cofino (1)
       IS49-1 Media and Politics—Begleiter (2)                                                        IT388 Create Website—Cofino (2)
                                                      Period 2 (10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.)
       Period 2 (10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.)               LS129-1 AARP-Basic—Cont’d (1) *                 Period 2 (10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.)
       HX194 Presidential Seminar—Zimmerman           IT124-1 Cybersecurity—Riola (2)                 HX281-1 Hamilton—Pritchett
       LS148 Happiness Resolution—
                                                      Period 3 (1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.)                     Period 3 (1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.)
              D. Brown (2)
                                                      LS129-1 AARP-Basic—Cont’d (1) *                 AA204 Drawing Realistically—Lividini (1)
       Period 3 (1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.)                    HU337-2Foreign Film—Bradts (2) *                HX301-2 Delawhere?—Various (2)
       EC43-1 Fraud Prevention—King (1) *
                                                      Period 4 (3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.)                  Period 4 (3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.)
       LS168-2 Planning Career—Boyce (1) *
                                                      HU337-2Foreign Film—Cont’d (2) *                RR44 Drones—Faircloth (1)
       HE134 Yoga for Seniors—Pat Wood (2)
                                                                                                      HE145 Essential Oil—Backes (2)

     + Class held offsite. See course write-up for exact times and locations. *Check course description for exact dates and time.                3
     (1) First Session: September 3–October 7 (2) Second Session: October 8–November 18
Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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       Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
       at the University of Delaware in Kent & Sussex Counties

       About OLLI                                    • Audit University of Delaware credit        writing to the OLLI office. A $15
       The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute           courses. (Some restrictions and fees       processing charge will be deducted
       (OLLI) at the University of Delaware            apply. For details, visit olli.udel.edu/   from all refund requests received
       is a membership cooperative for                 lewes/info. More information and           after the first day of classes.
       adults 50+ to enjoy classes, teach,             request forms are available in the         Membership refunds cannot be
       exchange ideas and travel together.             OLLI office.)                              transferred to another semester.
       The program provides opportunities            • Receive student discounts at various       Refunds will take up to six weeks to
       for intellectual development, cultural          venues/retailers.                          process. Please direct any questions
       stimulation, personal growth and              Some benefits require either a UD            to the OLLI office.
       social interaction in an academic             ID card (small fee) or a UDelNet ID
                                                     (@udel.edu email account). These
                                                                                                  Textbooks, Supplies and
       cooperative run by its members                                                             Handouts
       who volunteer their time and talents.         benefits are only available to full-year
                                                                                                  This catalog lists any textbooks or
       In 2010, through an endowment from            members.
                                                                                                  other supplies required for courses
       the Bernard Osher Foundation, OLLI                                                         and any charge for handouts beyond
                                                     How to Register
       at UD joined a national network of                                                         the allocation provided each instruc-
                                                     Register and pay online at
       122 other OLLI programs.                                                                   tor. Members are responsible for
                                                     www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019, by mail,
                                                     or in person at the OLLI office in Lewes     these costs.
       Membership is open to men and                 (Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.–          Travel
       women age 50+ and to members’                 2 p.m.). If registering by mail or in        OLLI sponsors trips to enhance our
       spouses or partners at any age.               person, be sure to complete the              educational experience. Many are
       Whether your formal education                 Registration Form and return to              one-day trips associated with
       ended early in life or includes               the OLLI office at Osher Lifelong            particular courses. Members have
       advanced degrees, we welcome you.             Learning Institute, 520 Dupont               first priority, and a surcharge is
       An interest in learning is all that is        Ave., Lewes, DE 19958. Make checks           required of nonmembers. Please
       required. Registration forms are at           payable to the University of                 direct any questions about travel to
       the back of this catalog and online.          Delaware. Priority registration              the OLLI office.
       The membership fee is $260 for the            deadline is August 15, 2019.
                                                                                                  University of Delaware
       fall and spring semesters combined            Identification Badges                        Policies
       or $175 for the fall semester. Partial        Please wear your identification badge        OLLI is a program of the Division of
       scholarships are available through            at all times. Member and guest               Professional and Continuing Studies
       the OLLI office.                              badges (and temporary badges for             of the University of Delaware. All
                                                     those who forget) are available in the       members must comply with University
       Member Benefits                               OLLI office. Guests, visitors and            policies and procedures, including
       • Register for as many classes as             prospective members who wish to              those that prohibit sexual harassment
         you like.                                   become familiar with our program
                                                                                                  and disruptive behavior. The University
       • Participate in OLLI-sponsored trips.        are welcome to visit on a single day
                                                                                                  of Delaware reserves the right to
       • Utilize onsite wireless internet            with permission from the instructor.
                                                                                                  refuse, for good and sufficient reasons,
         access (Lewes and Ocean View).
       • Get student rates on software.
                                                     Refunds                                      enrollment of any applicant and/or
                                                     Membership fees can be refunded              member. Except for specifically
       • Use UD and Delaware Technical
                                                     for requests made before the end of          designated activities, individuals or
         Community College libraries and
                                                     the second week of the semester.             groups are not permitted to conduct
         online resources. (UD ID card required.)
                                                     Refund requests must be submitted in         sales or solicitations.

Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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      Fall 2019 Courses                                                                        Carefully check the
      No classes October 15 and November 11                                                   day, time and location
                                                                                                 of your courses

                                                  AA64        PAINTING                   AA91      OSHER CRAFT
                                                              WORKSHOP                             CIRCLE
                                                  Mondays, 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.           Wednesdays, 9 a.m.–Noon
                                                  Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 9–Nov. 18    Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 4–Nov. 6
     AA10       BEGINNING                         Instructors: Carol Halloran,           Instructor: Johanna Barbati,
                BASKETRY                            Marie Isola, Ellen Watkins             Diana Beebe, Karen McKinnon
                                                  Location: Fred Thomas Building         Location: Fred Thomas Building
     Tuesdays, 9 a.m.–12:15 p.m.                  Limited to 20 students.                Limited to 14 students.
     Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 3–Oct. 1
     Instructor: Camille Weyant                   Join us for a cooperative workshop     This course is open to any OLLI
     Location: Fred Thomas Building               and gain knowledge from the            students who enjoy each other’s
     Limited to 12 students.                      unique perspective of the artists,     company as they work on their
                                                  learning formal open critique          handicraft. This is not an
     This class is for beginning                  session protocol. Students should      instructional course but a venue for
     basketweavers who have made                  bring their own supplies and lunch,    creative handiworkers to share
     five or fewer baskets. Basket kits           and may bring their own                what they do best while sitting
     are provided. There is a charge for          photographs and reference              with genial folks. If you knit or
     supplies needed to weave two                 material. Some floor easels are        crochet and are looking for a
     baskets, payable to the instructor.          available, but attendees should        project, we can find you one that
                                                  bring their own setup.                 will help a good cause! Join the
     AA14       STAINED GLASS                                                            group as your schedule allows.
                FUNDAMENTALS                      AA85        INTRODUCTION TO
     Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.                            POTTERY                    AA109 ART FREE WRITE
     Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 3–Oct. 1            Fridays, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.                Mondays, 3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
     Instructors: Paul Puch, assisted by          Dates: 6 Sessions, Sept. 6–Oct. 11     Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 9–Oct. 7
       Rodney Lau                                 Instructor: Carmela Coleman            Instructor: Patty Bennett
     Location: Fred Thomas Building               Location: Rehoboth Art League          Location: Fred Thomas Building
     Limited to 10 students.                      Limited to 8 students.                 Limited to 8 students.
     Students will learn the Tiffany              This class is for students with an     Local artists are invited to bring five
     method of stained glass. They will           interest in learning about clay        or six pieces of their art to the
     design a pattern, cut glass, grind,          construction. The instructor will      class. One piece at a time, we will
     foil and solder a project. Class is          demonstrate three hand-building        write our reactions for six to eight
     open to beginners and advanced               techniques to make beautiful           minutes. Then we will share what
     artists. The instructor must approve         ceramic pieces. Please bring an        we wrote and the artist will tell us
     all projects. There will be a $25 lab        apron and old towel. Students are      the real story behind the piece. No
     fee to cover cost of materials.              invited to join the RAL, but this is   previous writing experience is
     Closed-toe shoes are required.               not a requirement. There is a clay,    required, just a laptop or paper and
                                                  glazing and firing fee of $75.         a writing utensil.

      OLLI Office Phone: 302-645-4111 Email: LLL-lewes@udel.edu                                                                5
Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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                                                                                            AA173 OPEN STUDIO—
                Open House, Walk-in Registration and                                              KNITTING
                                                                                            Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
              ID Photo Session for OLLI Lewes Members                                       Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 3-Nov. 12
                        Tuesday, July 23 and                                                Instructor: Kathleen Dunn
                                                                                            Location: Wyoming Church
                     Wednesday, July 24, 2019                                               Limited to 10 students.
             Held at the Fred Thomas Building, Lewes, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.                        This course provides participants
             OLLI members are invited to attend and bring a prospective                     with an opportunity for personalized
             member. University of Delaware IDs are available to full-year                  assistance with knitting or crochet
                 OLLI members only. There is a $10 charge for an ID.                        projects they have underway or
                             (ID cards are not required.)                                   want to finish. Participants are to
                                                                                            provide their own materials.

                                                                                            H New!
                     Open House, Walk-in Registration                                       AA191 READY, SET,
                        for OLLI Dover Members                                                    WRITE—TAKE 2
                         Tuesday, August 6, 2019                                            Fridays, 9 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
                                                                                            Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 6–Nov. 8
                   Held at Wyoming Church, Dover, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.                            Instructor: Roz Gregor
                                                                                            Location: Fred Thomas Building
                      OLLI members are invited to attend and bring a
                                                                                            Limited to 12 students.
                                 prospective member.
                                                                                            If you have taken the first round of
                                                                                            Ready, Set, Write, this is a
       H New!                                        AA159 WOMEN IN ART
                                                     Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.
                                                                                            continuation that includes more
                                                                                            exercises and stories. Come and
       AA155 NORTHERN                                Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 4–Oct. 2      play! If you haven’t taken the first
             RENAISSANCE ART                         Instructor: Art McLaughlin             class but would really love to write,
                                                     Location: Wyoming Church               just be prepared to be a little
       Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m.                                                        patient and your fellow writers will
                                                     Limited to 30 students.
       Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 3-Nov. 12                                                  see you through.
       Instructor: Art McLaughlin                    The course covers the work and
       Location: Wyoming Church
       Limited to 30 students.
                                                     backgrounds of specific women as
                                                     artistic subjects and as artists as
                                                                                            H New!
                                                     well, beginning with representations   AA196 PLEIN AIR DRAWING
       This course focuses on the
                                                     of women in ancient Greek art up             AND PAINTING
       concepts and historical factors that
                                                     to the modern art movement.
       contributed to the development of                                                    Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.
       the transition from the Gothic style                                                 Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 8-Nov. 12
       to the Renaissance style in northern                                                 Instructor: Siobhan Duggan
       European painting. Emphasis is on                                                    Location: Fred Thomas Building
       the well-known painters of                                                           Limited to 10 students.
       Germany and the Netherlands.
                                                                                            From start to finish, students will
       Some of the artists covered include
                                                                                            learn how to set up to work
       Dürer, the Van Eycks, Bosch, Gropius
                                                                                            outdoors, draw on location and
       and Pieter Bruegel the Elder. We
                                                                                            frame their work. Students are to
       will briefly discuss Renaissance
                                                                                            provide their own materials.
       painting in France and England.

Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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     H New!                                       weavers. While this is not an
                                                  instructional course, the leaders       H New!
                                                  and classmates may help with
     AA197 LACE KNITTING                          weaving questions. Before classes
                                                                                          AA203 ARCHITECTURAL
     Tuesdays, 1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.                   begin, class members will be
                                                                                                RENDERINGS FOR
     Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 3–Nov. 12          contacted for supply needs to be              BEGINNERS
     Instructor: Kathleen Dunn                    included in a group supply order.       Tuesdays, 1 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
     Location: Wyoming Church                     Students will be assessed their         Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 3–Oct. 1
     Limited to 10 students.                      portion of that order’s cost.           Instructor: Shelia Exum
                                                                                          Location: Wyoming Church
                                                  H New!
     Students will learn the basic
     techniques for lace knitting                                                         Limited to 7 students.
     including increases, decreases,                                                      This course covers how to develop
     yarn-overs, “reading” your knitting          AA200 FUN EXPLORING
                                                                                          architectural 20/30 rendering
     and working from charts using                      ACRYLICS                          drawings for potential projects.
     lifelines, markers, and techniques           Tuesdays, 1 p.m.–3:45 p.m.              Prerequisite class is Basic Drawing
     for blocking. Students need only             Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 3–Oct. 1       from the spring session. Supply list
     basic knitting skills to participate.        Instructor: Liisa Trala                 will be provided.
     The class project will be a scarf            Location: Wyoming Church
     done in any weight yarn. Students            Limited to 14 students.                 H New!
     are to provide own materials.                Come join in five fun afternoons
                                                                                          AA204 DRAWING
     H New!                                       exploring acrylics. We will use
                                                  several types of acrylics on canvas,          REALISTICALLY
                                                  glass and/or ceramics. All supplies     Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.
     AA198 OPEN STUDIO WITH                                                               Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 4–Oct. 2
                                                  provided at a cost of $5 per class
           INSTRUCTION                            payable to the instructor.              Instructor: Peter Paul Lividini
     Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.                                                     Location: Heritage Shores Clubhouse
     Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 5–Nov. 7                                                   Limited to 16 students.
                                                  AA201 EGG DECORATING—
     Instructor: Cade Gibson
                                                        PYSANKY STYLE                     This course explores basic drawing
     Location: Wyoming Church
                                                  Mondays, 9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.              techniques to use line, shading and
     Limited to 10 students.
                                                  Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 14–Nov. 18      depth to create realistic images.
     Course is for watercolor or oil              Instructor: Bernie Sarnoski             We use regular pencils but also
     painting students. Students will             Location: Wyoming Church                receive instructions and
     bring photographs to class to paint.         Limited to 15 students.                 demonstrations on color pencil
     The instructor will provide                                                          blending. Students will draw from
     instruction, guidance and critique.          Course participants will learn the
                                                                                          both a still life setup as well as their
     A supply list will be provided.              history and process of Eastern
                                                                                          own photographs. A supply list will
                                                  European pysanky-style egg
     H New!
                                                                                          be provided.
                                                  decorating. Using the tools in a
                                                  decorating kit, and with instructions
     AA199 BASKETWEAVERS                          on decorating techniques, each
           CIRCLE                                 participant will create one pysanky
                                                  egg by the end of the course.
     Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
                                                  Required supplies: There is a $13 fee
                                                                                                   Maps to
     Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 9–Nov. 6
     Instructors: Maurice McGrath,                for course supplies payable to the           OLLI locations
       Karen Schaub, Harriett Smith               instructor.
     Location: Fred Thomas Building                                                           can be found on
     Limited to 15 students.
                                                                                               the back cover
     An opportunity for basketweavers
     to create baskets independently                                                           of this catalog.
     while enjoying casual, sometimes
     lively conversations with other

     OLLI Office Phone: 302-645-4111 Email: LLL-lewes@udel.edu                                                                   7
Learning for the fun of it! - for adults 50+ - www.olli.udel.edu/fall2019 - Osher Lifelong Learning ...
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                                                     of trusts to avoid probate. This class   retirement and positioning your
                                                     also covers personal property            portfolio to last. Our goal is to help
                                                     memorandums, jointly owned               make people aware of the
                                                     assets and appropriate beneficiary       challenges in retirement and teach
                                                     designations as well as the ethics       them suitable ways to prepare and
       Information provided to Economics/
                                                     surrounding asset protection planning.   overcome them.
       Finance class participants is
       informational only and should not be
       construed as business, financial,             EC27      YOUR BRAIN ON                  H New!
       investment, legal, regulatory, tax or                   INVESTMENTS
                                                                                              EC43-1 FRAUD PREVENTION
       accounting advice.                            Thursday, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.                      WORKSHOP
                                                     Dates: 1 Session, October 10
                                                                                              Monday, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.
       EC08        FINANCIAL                         Instructor: Robert Jeter
                                                                                              Dates: 1 Session, September 16
                   WORKSHOP FOR                      Location: Fred Thomas Building
                                                                                              Instructor: Eugenija King
                   INDIVIDUAL                        Limited to 40 students.
                                                                                              Location: Ocean View Town Hall
                   INVESTORS                         This class focuses on the                Limited to 40 students.
       Thursdays, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.              intersection between human
       Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 17–Nov. 14            psychology and investing. We will        EC43-2 FRAUD PREVENTION
       Instructor: Derek Clifton                     explore several behavioral and
       Location: Fred Thomas Building                cognitive biases that can affect
                                                     how you view your investments and        Thursday, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.
       Limited to 10 students.                                                                Dates: 1 Session, October 3
                                                     make decisions surrounding them.
       This course covers a variety of               The presentation concludes with a        Instructor: Eugenija King
       financial topics, including                   follow-up discussion.                    Location: Fred Thomas Building
       fundamental concepts of investing,                                                     Limited to 70 students.
       strategies to help build wealth,
       strategies to help guard valuable
                                                     H New!                                   A workshop about romance scams,
                                                                                              computer and email hacking,
       assets and protect pre- and post-             EC29      UNDERSTANDING                  impersonator calls, fraudulent checks,
       retirement income, the impact of                        ANNUITIES                      ATM skimming, tax ID theft and how
       longevity, withdrawal strategies,             Thursday, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.               to protect yourself. A brief Q&A
       anticipating rising costs, reviewing          Dates: 1 Session, October 17             session will take place afterward.
       insurance/long-term care protection           Instructor: Robert Jeter
       and healthcare concerns, tax-free
       investing, and preparing your estate
                                                     Location: Fred Thomas Building           H New!
                                                     Limited to 70 students.
       plan.                                                                                  EC44      PREPARING FOR
                                                     Annuities are complex investment
                                                                                                        THE NEXT
       EC21        ELDER LAW: PLAN                   instruments. This class presents an
                                                     objective and educational look at
                   TODAY TO PROTECT                                                           Thursday, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
                                                     how annuities work, the different
                   YOUR TOMORROW                     types and features of annuities, and     Dates: 1 Session, October 31
       Wednesdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.                 the benefits and downsides to each.      Instructor: Jonathan Lokken
       Dates: 4 Sessions, Sept. 4–Sept. 25                                                    Location: Fred Thomas Building
       Instructors: Michele Procino-Wells,                                                    Limited to 30 students.
                                                     EC40      INVESTING IN
         Amber Woodland
                                                               RETIREMENT                     Class will take a historical look at
       Location: Fred Thomas Building                                                         recessions and lessons learned.
       Limited to 70 students.                       Thursday, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.
                                                     Dates: 1 Session, September 26           Topics include types of recessions,
       Estate planning organizes your                Instructor: Eric Johnston                how recessions and “bear” markets
       affairs to accomplish long-range              Location: Fred Thomas Building           coincide, and investment strategies
       goals for yourself and your family.           Limited to 40 students.                  and opportunities to consider
       We will explore the three stages of                                                    during volatile markets. A current
       estate planning, clarify the role of a        This course covers basic investing       economic and market update will
       power of attorney, unravel the                strategies, focusing on the              be presented as well as “sequence
       probate process and explain the use           importance of planning a successful      of return” case studies.

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     H New!                                                                                HE105 SEATED EXERCISE
                                                                                           Wednesdays, 1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.
     EC45       MANAGING IRA                                                               Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 9–Nov. 6
                ASSETS IN                                                                  Instructor: Rita Klepner
                RETIREMENT                        Information provided to Health/          Location: Wyoming Church
                                                  Psychology class participants is         Limited to 10 students.
     Wednesday, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
     Dates: 1 Session, October 2                  informational only and should not be     This video-based activity includes
     Instructor: Jonathan Lokken                  construed as advice.                     stretches and lightweight conditioning
     Location: Fred Thomas Building                                                        guided by a respected trainer who
     Limited to 30 students.                      HE99         (RE)LEARN HOW               specializes in senior physical health.
                                                               TO MOVE WITH                With gradually increased intensity,
     Class covers Roth and traditional
                                                               FELDENKRAIS®—               sessions target the hands, back,
     IRAs and how to best utilize them
                                                               INTRODUCTION                neck, arms and shoulders.
     during retirement. Topics include
     distribution strategies, potential           Tuesdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
     legislation changes, conversions,            Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 3–Nov. 12
                                                                                           HE108 CURRENT
     tax implications, beneficiary                Instructor: Claire Brown                       MEDICAL TOPICS
     considerations, strategies in gifting        Location: Fred Thomas Building           Thursdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
     money, required minimum                      Limited to 12 students.                  Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 5–Oct. 3
     distributions and stretch IRAs.                                                       Instructor: Ira Wexler
                                                  Lie on the floor and make unfamiliar
     Foundational information will be                                                      Location: Fred Thomas Building
                                                  movements. Get up and notice a
     provided as well as case studies                                                      Limited to 20 students.
                                                  difference in the way you move. No
     and scenarios.                                                                        Each week in a roundtable setting,
                                                  experience needed. These lessons
     H New!                                       reactivate infant learning skills to
                                                  increase your ease in moving.
                                                                                           participants discuss news articles
                                                                                           that pertain to medical/health
     EC46       MANAGING                          Gradual, incremental changes bring       issues that have the potential to
                                                  long-term improvement; (re)learn         affect our well-being. This is not a
                GOD’S MONEY
                                                  with your body, not your head! Wear      didactic course. We all participate
                (FOUNDATION FOR                                                            since we are experts on what
                                                  loose, comfortable clothing and
                STEWARDSHIP)                      bring a blanket or quilt.                matters most to our health and the
     Mondays, 9 a.m.–11 a.m.                                                               health of our families.
     Dates: 2 Sessions, Sept. 9–Oct. 14           HE100 MANAGING
     Instructor: Gary Green                                                                HE116     (RE)LEARN HOW
     Location: Wyoming Church                                                                        TO MOVE—
     Limited to 15 students.                      Thursdays, 1 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
                                                  Dates: 6 Sessions, Sept. 5–Oct. 10                 CONTINUATION
     Through discussion and slide                 Instructor: Zoe Bakoko-Bakoru            Wednesdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
     presentation, we will explore topics         Location: Wyoming Church                 Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 4–Nov. 6
     including what is wealth, stewardship,       Limited to 15 students.                  Instructor: Claire Brown
     perils of money/things, debt,                                                         Location: Fred Thomas Building
     hoarding, motives for accumulating           Targeting caregivers, family members
                                                                                           Limited to 12 students.
     wealth, sharing and who deserves             and friends of people with diabetes,
     help. Practical household budget             this self-management program             This class is a continuation of HE99
     and techniques presented with                empowers participants to use the         and builds on that work. It is a
     opportunity for individual budget            tools learned during the six sessions.   continuing exploration for people
     spreadsheets.                                                                         who would like to learn more from
                                                                                           and about themselves and to
                                                                                           continue enhancing movement.
                                                                                           The lessons incorporate Feldenkrais®,
                                                                                           Cortical Field Reeducation, and
                                                                                           Integrated Awareness. You must
                                                                                           have completed HE99 or another
                                                                                           Feldenkrais® class to take this course.

     OLLI Office Phone: 302-645-4111 Email: LLL-lewes@udel.edu                                                                  9
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       HE134 YOGA FOR SENIORS                        HE140 THE PRACTICE OF                     through group discussion, mutual
       Mondays, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.                           MEDITATION                          problem-solving, exercises to
       Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 14–Nov. 18                                                      improve strength, coordination and
                                                     Wednesdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
       Instructor: Pat Wood                                                                    balance, and home safety evaluation.
                                                     Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 9–Nov. 6
       Location: Ocean View Town Hall                Instructor: Marjorie Weber
       Limited to 20 students.                       Location: Fred Thomas Building            HE154 TAI CHI FOR HEALTH
       Classic yoga with modifications,              Limited to 12 students.                   Mondays, 1 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
       incorporating gentle postures and                                                       Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 9–Nov. 18
                                                     Whether you are new to
       chair yoga if necessary. Emphasis                                                       Instructor: Marjorie Weber
                                                     meditation or already practicing it,
       on balance, building and                                                                Location: Fred Thomas Building
                                                     this course is intended to inspire by
       maintaining muscle strength and                                                         Limited to 12 students.
                                                     providing a place to discuss what
       breath. Bring a yoga mat and/or               masters say about the benefits of         The class focuses on basics of the
       a blanket.                                    meditation and share our own              tai chi 24 form, yang style, for
                                                     experiences. Each session ends with       beginning students and students
       HE137-1 STRENGTH AND                          20 minutes of silent meditation.          who are familiar with the form and
               FITNESS FOR                                                                     includes learning the form step-by-
               SENIOR CITIZENS                       HE145 ESSENTIAL OIL USE                   step through demonstrations and
       Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.               Wednesdays, 3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
       Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 3–Oct. 1
       Instructor: Debbie Bottiglieri
                                                     Dates: 4 Sessions, Oct. 9–Oct. 30
                                                     Instructor: Nina Backes
                                                                                               H New!
       Location: Factory Sports,                     Location: Heritage Shores Clubhouse       HE187 DEMENTIA: CARING
         17543 Nassau Commons Blvd.,                 Limited to 20 students.                         AND COPING
         Lewes                                       We will learn all about using essential   Wednesdays, 3:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
       Limited to 10 students.                       oils for your health and wellness.        Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 4–Oct. 2
                                                     Discover how to incorporate them          Instructor: Amy McDermott
       HE137-2 STRENGTH AND                          into your daily routine and create a      Location: Fred Thomas Building
               FITNESS FOR                           healthy home. Course also covers the      Limited to 30.
               SENIOR CITIZENS                       chemistry of oils and how to become
                                                                                               In this course, students will learn
       Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.              a DIY master at making your own
                                                                                               how to build skills to meet the
       Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 5–Oct. 3             essential oil products.
                                                                                               needs of seniors with dementia and
       Instructor: Debbie Bottiglieri                                                          how to address behavioral symptoms.
       Location: Factory Sports,                     HE150 A MATTER OF
         17543 Nassau Commons Blvd.,
                                                           BALANCE                             H New!
                                                     Thursdays, 1 p.m.–3 p.m.
       Limited to 10 students.                       Dates: 8 Sessions, Sept. 5–Oct. 24        HE188 WISDOM FROM THE
       All participants will be screened in          Instructor: Monica Fleischmann                  MYSTICS OF INDIA
       accordance with National Fitness              Location: Fred Thomas Building            Mondays, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.
       categories in gender and age. They            Limited to 16 students.                   Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 9–Oct. 7
       will be taught the value of strength          “Aging in place” is a term used to        Instructor: Rosanne Smith
       training to prevent falls and                 reference being able to live at home,     Location: Fred Thomas Building
       functional strength. Weight training          despite issues that may decrease          Limited to 30 students.
       techniques, balance and flexibility           your mobility. A Matter of Balance        This course explores the teachings
       are taught in all classes.                    tackles two areas of aging in place       and practices of the masters and
                                                     by increasing your mobility with          mystics from India and how their
                                                     exercise and looking at your home to      ideas may hold wisdom for our
                                                     make improvements to prevent falls.       western society. Film and group
                                                     Sponsored by Volunteer Delaware           discussion is used to discover any
                                                     50+, the class is specifically designed   application today.
                                                     to stop the fear of falling cycle and
                                                     improve activity levels among adults

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     HE189 BEGINNER TAI CHI                                                              HX208-1 TRAILS:
     Wednesdays, 1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.                                                                THE WAY WEST
     Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 4–Nov. 6                                                  Wednesdays, 1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.
     Instructors: Larry Watkins,                                                         Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 4–Nov. 6
       Susan Watkins                                                                     Instructor: Ray Glick
                                                  HX67         HISTORY OF
     Location: Wyoming Church                                                            Location: Wyoming Church
     Limited to 10 students.
                                                                                         Limited to 40 students.
                                                  Thursdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
     Learn a modified 24–step yang                Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 10–Nov. 7
     style form using tai chi                                                            HX208-2 TRAILS:
                                                  Instructor: Amy Hiller
     fundamentals in a relaxed                    Location: Fred Thomas Building
                                                                                                 THE WAY WEST
     atmosphere. Videos and live                  Limited to 70 students.                Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.–Noon
     demonstrations are used to                                                          Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 5–Nov. 7
     complement classroom instruction.            This course presents basic
                                                                                         Instructor: Ray Glick
     Previous tai chi experience is               information to those who may not
                                                                                         Location: The Moorings
     recommended. Ability to stand                be familiar with the history of
                                                                                         Limited to 70 students.
     required. Please wear loose-fitting          Delaware. We begin by looking at
                                                  Delaware today and then see its        In-depth coverage of the American
     clothes and sneakers.
                                                  history through the years.             western migration from 1830 to
                                                                                         1870. Details on several trails
     HE190 THE BRAIN:                                                                    including the Oregon and
           THE THREE-POUND                        HX194 PRESIDENTIAL
                                                                                         California. Also included will be the
           WONDER                                       SEMINAR
                                                                                         cattle drive trails of 1860 to 1890.
     Mondays, 9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.                   Mondays, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
     Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 9–Oct. 7            Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 9–Nov. 18
                                                                                         HX281-1 HAMILTON:
     Instructor: Roger Hazzard                    Instructor: Bud Zimmerman
                                                  Location: Ocean View Town Hall
                                                                                                 THE MAN AND
     Location: Wyoming Church                                                                    THE MUSICAL
     Limited to 15 students.                      Limited to 12 students.
                                                                                         Wednesdays, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
     Why did I do that? Sound familiar?           This course uses DVDs from the
                                                                                         Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 4–Nov. 6
     In this class we will take a look at         History Channel and the University
                                                                                         Instructor: Dan Pritchett
     the sources of human behavior with           of Virginia Miller Center of Public
                                                                                         Location: Heritage Shores Clubhouse
     an emphasis on the workings in the           Affairs to look at presidents from
                                                                                         Limited to 100 students.
     brain. We will explore the structure         George Washington to Barack
     and function of the brain, sensation         Obama. Additional content may be
                                                  provided by class members as we        HX281-2 HAMILTON:
     and perception (and how it changes                                                          THE MAN AND
     as we age), influences of drugs–legal        learn about the presidents and their
                                                  legacies.                                      THE MUSICAL
     and not so much, and age-related
     problems. Discussion and personal                                                   Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.
     experiences are encouraged.                                                         Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 4–Nov. 6
                                                                                         Instructor: Dan Pritchett
                                                                                         Location: Fred Thomas Building
                                                                                         Limited to 70 students.
                                                                                         This class examines the remarkable
           Instructor Orientation for OLLI Ocean View                                    life and public career of Alexander
                                                                                         Hamilton, until recent years the
                  Wednesday, August 28, 2019                                             most forgotten of our “founding
                   Held at Ocean View Town Hall, 10-11:30 a.m.                           fathers.” His story is brought to life
                                                                                         and enriched by enjoying the
                                                                                         words and music of the current
                                                                                         Broadway sensation and discussing
                                                                                         how it both illuminates and distorts

     OLLI Office Phone: 302-645-4111 Email: LLL-lewes@udel.edu                                                                11
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                                                                                          H New!
              Instructor Orientation and ID Photo Session
                                                                                          HX314 THE FRENCH
                             for OLLI Dover                                                     REVOLUTION AND
                       Tuesday, August 20, 2019                                                 NAPOLEONIC ERA
                                                                                          Mondays, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
                    Held at Wyoming Church, Dover, 10-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                          Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 9–Nov. 18
            OLLI instructors are encouraged to attend. University of Delaware             Instructor: Ralph Proto
             IDs are available to full-year OLLI members only. There is a $10             Location: Fred Thomas Building
                       charge for an ID. (ID cards are not required.)                     Limited to 70 students.
                                                                                          This course covers “the best of times”
                                                                                          and “worst of times” in European
                                                                                          history. It explores the French
                Instructor Orientation and New Member                                     Revolution and the Napoleonic Era
                                                                                          with its impact on Europe and
                    Orientation and ID Photo Session                                      beyond. The course also examines
                             for OLLI Lewes                                               the relationship between Napoleon
                                                                                          and the Revolution with its effect on
                        Thursday, August 29, 2019                                         Europe into the 20th century.
               Held at Fred Thomas Building, 520 Dupont Ave., Lewes,
                            10–10:30 a.m.—Coffee social                                   H New!
                       10:30–11:30 a.m.—Orientation programs                              HX315 GREAT SPEECHES IN
              OLLI instructors and new members are encouraged to attend.                        AMERICAN HISTORY
            University of Delaware IDs are available to full-year OLLI members            Tuesdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
             only. There is a $10 charge for an ID. (ID cards are not required.)          Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 8-Nov. 12
                                                                                          Instructor: Ralph Proto
                                                                                          Location: Fred Thomas Building
       HX301-1 DELAWHERE?
       Tuesdays, 1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.
                                                     H New!                               Limited to 70 students.
                                                                                          Speeches from the Revolutionary
       Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 3–Nov. 12           HX303 THE SEA AND                    Era to the 20th century are
       Instructor: Caroline Baxter                         CIVILIZATION                   discussed and analyzed in terms of
       Location: Wyoming Church                                                           their effectiveness and their impact
                                                     Mondays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
       Limited to 25 students.                                                            on the United States. (e.g.
                                                     Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 9–Oct. 7
                                                     Instructor: Wayne Kirklin            “Newburgh Speech” by George
       HX301-2 DELAWHERE?                            Location: Fred Thomas Building       Washington and “Cross of Gold” by
       Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.                  Limited to 70 students.              William Jennings Bryan.)
       Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 9–Nov. 6
                                                     Our understanding of history tends
       Instructor: Various
                                                     to be very Eurocentric. We are
       Location: Heritage Shores Clubhouse
                                                     going to look at evidence of pre-
       Limited to 100 students.
                                                     Columbian ocean travel to see if
       Each week a speaker will present              this changes the way we view
       an aspect of Delaware’s culture,              history.
       history, environment and government.

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     H New!                                       H New!                                legends behind the famous
                                                                                        Pinkerton Detective Agency. Read
                                                                                        about the lives and careers of the
     HX316 SEEDS OF                               HX318 THE WISDOM OF                   women who broke out of the cult
           CONFLICT:                                    WASHINGTON AND                  of true womanhood in pursuit of
           PALESTINE 1917-1948                          EISENHOWER                      justice.
     Mondays, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.               Wednesdays, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
     Dates: 6 Sessions, Oct. 7-Nov. 18            Dates: 8 Sessions, Sept. 4–Oct. 23    H New!
     Instructor: Nick Simmonds                    Instructor: Jo-Ann Vega
     Location: Fred Thomas Building               Location: Fred Thomas Building        HX321 MAPS AND
     Limited to 35 students.                      Limited to 30 students.                     MAPMAKERS
     This course provides a historical            Washington and Eisenhower were        Mondays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
     background to the Israeli-Palestinian        the first and last of 12 generals     Dates: 6 Sessions, Oct. 14–Nov. 18
     conflict. It will trace the history and      elected president. Each was swept     Instructor: Wayne Kirklin
     origins of the conflict beginning            into office, served the country for   Location: Fred Thomas Building
     with Palestine under the Turks, the          decades and prepared farewell         Limited to 70 students.
     geo-strategic consequences of                messages that codified what they      This course is about maps, the
     WWI, the rise of Zionism and Arab            had learned about the continuing      ultimate communication tool!
     national movements, and the                  American experiment in self-          Discover how maps stimulated
     evolution of British and Great               government. What did they have to     exploration yet also limited
     Power policies up to the                     say? How current are their            investigation of some areas. Learn
     establishment of the State of Israel.        messages?                             about the history and development
     Suggested reading: Crossroads to
                                                  H New!
                                                                                        of maps and mapmaking
     Israel by Christopher Sykes ISBN:                                                  (projection, scale, etc.). The course
     100253201659.                                                                      ends with a current Google map
                                                  HX319 CARS OF THE 50s
     H New!
                                                                                        viewing of the world.
                                                        AND 60s
                                                  Wednesdays, 9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.         H New!
                                                  Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 4–Nov. 6
           TATTOOIST OF                           Instructor: Larry Watkins             HX322 A HISTORIC CRUISE
           AUSCHWITZ AND                          Location: Wyoming Church                    DOWN THE
           AUSCHWITZ                              Limited to 15 students.                     DELAWARE RIVER
           LULLABY                                This class presents the cars built    Thursday, 1:30 p.m.–3 p.m.
     Thursdays, 9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.                 during this period and the car        Dates: 1 Session, September 19
     Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 10-Nov. 7            culture that produced them. Feel      Instructor: Gary Letcher
     Instructor: Bobbi Neaton                     free to bring your own stories and    Location: Fred Thomas Building
     Location: Wyoming Church                     join us for a serious trip down       Limited to 70 students.
     Limited to 46 students.                      memory lane.                          Dutch settlers called the Delaware
     Students will read The Tattooist of
     Auschwitz by Heather Morris and              H New!                                River “the finest and pleasantest
                                                                                        river in the world.” From Lenape
     Auschwitz Lullaby by Mario Escobar.                                                settlements, through Revolutionary
     Discussion will center on the real-
                                                  HX320 BOOK CLUB:                      War battles, to disputes over dams
     life experiences of a Slovakian Jew                THE PINKS                       and power plants, the Delaware
     and a German national forced to              Thursdays, 9 a.m.–10:15 a.m.          has been marked by important
     work for the Nazis and the suffering         Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 5–Oct. 3     events and controversies. Join us on
     they endured in the Romani                   Instructor: Elizabeth Jelich          this illustrated cruise through time
     barracks of Auschwitz.                       Location: Wyoming Church              down the historic Delaware.
                                                  Limited to 46 students.
                                                  Students will learn about the first
                                                  woman detective in America and
                                                  how she helped establish the

     OLLI Office Phone: 302-645-4111 Email: LLL-lewes@udel.edu                                                               13
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                                                                                             H New!
          Weather Closings
                                                                                             HX325 HISTORY OF U.S.
          Dover—When Wyoming Church closes, all classes are                                        IMMIGRATION
                                                                                             Thursdays, 1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.
          Lewes—When Cape Henlopen School District classes                                   Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 5–Oct. 3
          are canceled, OLLI classes are canceled. When the                                  Instructor: Art McLaughlin
          school district has a delayed opening, OLLI activities will
                                                                                             Location: Wyoming Church
          begin on time.
                                                                                             Limited to 30 students.
          Ocean View—When Indian River School District classes are canceled,
          OLLI classes are canceled. When the school district has a delayed                  This course presents the history of
          opening, OLLI activities will begin on time.                                       United States immigration through
                                                                                             discussion of laws and newspaper
          For all other locations, contact the instructor.
                                                                                             editorial cartoons. The history of
          Check for information:                                                             the Statue of Liberty and the
          Phone: 302-645-4111 (recorded message) • Web: www.olli.udel.edu                    Mexican Repatriation of 1930-33
          TV: WBOC or www.wboc.com, weather closings                                         are included.

                                                                                             H New!
          Even when OLLI is open, members should come to classes only if they
          personally judge it is safe to do so.

                                                                                             HX326 CRUSADING WITH
                                                                                                   MY BOSS
          Gift Certificates                                                                  Tuesdays, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
                                                                                             Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 3–Nov. 12
          Gift certificates for memberships are available in the
                                                                                             Instructor: Katherine Henn
          OLLI office. Memberships make thoughtful gifts for
                                                                                             Location: Fred Thomas Building
          retirements, birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.
                                                                                             Limited to 30 students.
          Gift certificates are nonrefundable. For details, visit
                                                                                             “Just War” and “Jihad” clashed in
                                                                                             the enterprise of crusading as
                                                                                             Jews, Christians and Muslims

       H New!                                        HX324 HISTORY OF                        battled for Jerusalem, each ones’
                                                           CALIFORNIA                        holy land. Explore this turbulent
                                                                                             history and how it continues to
       HX323 THE 50s: OUR TIME                             ROCK ‘N’ ROLL
                                                                                             impact us today. Course features
       Thursdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.                  Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.       Kean University’s Chris Bellitto, an
       Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 5–Nov. 7            Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 9–Nov. 6        award-winning historian and
       Instructor: Stuart Forman                     Instructor: Art McLaughlin              frequent TV commentator.
       Location: Fred Thomas Building                Location: Wyoming Church
       Limited to 30 students.                       Limited to 30 students.
       From Rock Around the Clock to the             Through the use of videos and
       Red Scare, McCarthy to MacArthur,             lecture we will explore the history
       atomic to hydrogen bombs, a hot               of leading rock ‘n’ roll artists and
       war in Korea to the Cold War,                 bands which were based in
       Truman’s Fair Deal to Eisenhower’s            California. Artists include The Beach
       New Look Policy, the 50s saw                  Boys, Grateful Dead, Jefferson
       arguably revolutionary changes in             Airplane, the Eagles, Linda Ronstadt,
       international relations, economic             Creedence Clearwater Revival,
       growth, housing patterns, gender              Warren Zevon and others.
       roles and racial politics.

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     H New!                                       H New!
     HX327 WOMEN’S                                HX329 THE ORPHAN TRAIN
           SUFFRAGE IN THE                              MOVEMENT OF
           U.S.                                         1854–1929
                                                                                           HU84      FILM FESTIVAL
     Thursdays, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.                 Mondays, 10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.
     Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 5–Oct. 3            Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 9–Oct. 7
     Instructor: Eileen Redden                    Instructor: Donna Aviles                 Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
     Location: Fred Thomas Building               Location: Wyoming Church                 Dates: 5 Sessions, Oct. 8-Nov. 12
     Limited to 50 students.                      Limited to 46 students.                  Instructors: Betty and Gary Grunder
                                                                                           Location: Fred Thomas Building
     We will explore how women                    During the Orphan Train Era, over
                                                                                           Limited to 65.
     obtained suffrage in the United              250,000 homeless children were
     States and discuss the leaders of            transported from the streets of the      Many independent and foreign films
     the movement, their methods and              East Coast cities to farming             screened at film festivals receive
     beliefs. Using films, discussions and        communities of the Midwest in            enthusiastic audience support but
     lectures, we will relate suffrage to         search of stable homes. In addition      fail to be widely distributed. Some
     other historical events and movements.       to the history of this 75-year “social   of the films go “direct to DVD” or
                                                  experiment,” this course presents        show for a week or two in select art
     H New!                                       the stories of five orphan train         house theatres. We have chosen
                                                  children to highlight and discuss the    five films from recent festivals to
     HX328 SPYING DURING                          various outcomes for the many            share with this class which is a new
           THE AMERICAN                           riders. Audio recordings and             version of the course given in 2018.
           REVOLUTION                             personal narratives are explored,        Some films will have subtitles and
     Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.              and the importance of both as a          may contain adult content and
     Dates: 5 Sessions, Sept. 3–Oct. 1            means of preserving social history       language.
     Instructor: Tom Welch                        are addressed.
     Location: Wyoming Church                                                              HU106 GREAT WOMEN IN
     Limited to 30 students.                      HX330 MARTIN LUTHER                            AMERICAN LIFE—
     Featuring lecture and discussion,                  KING JR. AND THE                         PART III
     the course focuses on espionage                    STRUGGLE TO SAVE                   Mondays, 1 p.m.–2:15 p.m.
     during the Revolutionary War, with                 AMERICA                            Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 9–Nov. 18
     primary emphasis on George                   Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.         Instructor: Ronnie Grady
     Washington as spymaster and how              Dates: 10 Sessions, Sept. 5–Nov. 7       Location: Wyoming Church
     he organized networks and then               Instructor: Dan Pritchett                Limited to 25 students.
     successfully used the intelligence to        Location: Wyoming Church                 We continue to examine the lives
     defeat the British. Related reading          Limited to 50 students.                  and contributions of great American
     material will be suggested by the                                                     women. Each week we invite a
                                                  This class looks back at the
     instructor.                                                                           guest speaker to present an
                                                  unforgettable life and times of
                                                  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his       American woman who has made
                                                  heroic and inspiring crusade to          an impact or significant contribution
                                                  have our country truly adopt and         in the arts, sciences, humanities or
                                                  practice our noblest ideals of           civic life. You don’t want to miss
                                                  justice, freedom, human equality         meeting these great women.
                                                  and moral leadership.

     OLLI Office Phone: 302-645-4111 Email: LLL-lewes@udel.edu                                                                   15
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