Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL

Page created by Laurie Reeves
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL
ASLEF                                                    JOURNAL
The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                                    APRIL 2021
                                                                                 Free to members

  Flower of Scotland

                                                      Special report: Kevin Lindsay,
                                                      Jim Baxter, and Anas Sarwar
                                                      on the railway in Scotland

                                                                           The train drivers’
                                                                           union since 1880
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL
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Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL
ASLEF                                                   JOURNAL
The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                            GS Mick Whelan

                                                                           We’re on the road
                                                                           back – to a new
                                                                                                                                ‘I thank you for your
                                                                           industrial normal                                    support, in re-electing
                                                                                                                                me general secretary’

                                                                                    AM incredibly humbled to be re-elected, once more, as your
                                                                             I      general secretary. We have, collectively, met many challenges
                                                                                    over the years, and we shall have to be unified, and ready to
                                                                           meet all the post-pandemic challenges, but I want to thank you all
                                                                           for your support.
Flower of Scotland: a special four page railway report                         We continue to be hopeful that the continued roll out of the
                                                                           vaccination process will take us, as a society, and as an industry, on the
                                                                           path to normality. But it will be a new normal, which will be radically
l Latest news on Castlefield corridor campaign                         4   different, economically and industrially, to what we have known.
l Angie Geddes-Smith steps down after 20 years                         5       We have a government which misleads Parliament on investment –
  as branch secretary at Birmingham New Street;
  plus Off the Rails: Mick Jones bunking trains;
                                                                           which has been cut, not increased – and the commitment to rail
  Iain Pattinson; TPE and the Duke; the Journal                            undermined by announcements in relation to short-haul airlines and
  cover is all Welsh to me; and John ‘Scot’ Hay                            billions of pounds dedicated to roads.
l It’s the best job on the railway but has its risks                   6       Simply, we will not see a return of footfall in the short- or medium-
l Franchise system fell at first (covid-19) hurdle                     7   term. The recent RPI increase in fares will not help and, as we have said,
l The People’s History Museum in Manchester
                                                                           publicly sends out the wrong message. The companies being in
                                                                           emergency measures and/or furlough due to no or little income from
Features                                                                   the fare box leaves the industry in a state of flux.
l As, post-covid, people start to flee the city for
                                                                               Rightly, we are all dismayed at the government’s 1% pay rise for all
  the countryside Chris Proctor looks at the state                         those they regarded, not so long ago, as NHS heroes, and the public
  of rural bus services after Tory privatisation                           outcry is not likely to stretch to the government edict that you, as key
l DO2 Kevin Lindsay and EC3 Jim Baxter reflect                       11    workers, cannot expect any government-funded pay rises for last year
  on the railway, the pandemic, and Stonehaven                             and this. We have pointed out that they have no role in our free
l Archie Barr; Andrew Foster; James Glew;     12-13                        collective bargaining and will continue to press the point where we
  John Hay; Rab Lang; Rab Wicksted; and ScotRail                           can. It cannot be forgotten that we are – as we would and should be as
  company council report on the TOCs and FOCs
                                                                           if nationalised – being fully funded by the government at circa £22
l Anas Sarwar and John Finnie on the future of                       14    million a day, some £10 billion by June, unlike other industries.
  Scotland’s railways post-pandemic
l Gregor Gall ponders whether the public money 15
                                                                               Future full timetables are not going to happen, going forward, until
  poured into UK companies during the covid-19                             footfall returns, which might take years and will be seen by many as
  crisis will change Britain’s economic model                              counter-intuitive, as limiting capacity may make us less attractive.
                                                                           Uncertainty reigns and, obviously, the previous model, which had
Regulars                                                                   failed and collapsed, cannot be sustained with the massive shortfall in
l Obituaries
                                                                           income, and the industry will have to consider change to survive to
                                                                           grow again.
l Letters                                                            20
                                                                               The question is how this can be done protecting jobs and futures.
l Points & Crossings and Classified Ads                              21    This, and not knowing who we may, or may not, be dealing with in the
l Last Word: Books to read post-coronavirus                          22    post-Williams world, against a background of economic uncertainty,
l On Track: James This House Graham writes                           23    with increased unemployment and changes to commuter working,
  his way out of covid; Prize Crossword; Legal                             which will not be replaced by leisure traffic, especially with the
  Services; and your Change of Address form
                                                                           naturally expected reduction in disposable income.
EdItoR Mick Whelan, general secretary l dESIgNER Michael Cronin                The companies are expressly working to the behest of the
PRINtER College Hill Press, London, SW19 4HE l AdvERtISINg ASLEF
Journal, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN. Contact Keith Richmond
                                                                           government and DfT and are reliant on them for income and funding
on 020 7324 2407 or richmondk@aslef.org.uk l cLASSIFIEd AdS                and there is little point in highlighting how much money they have
journal@aslef.org.uk or call 020 7324 2400. The acceptance of a display
or classified advertisement does not necessarily imply endorsement of      made in the past. It is up to us to work and – if necessary – fight for the
that product or service by ASLEF chANgE oF AddRESS Please post             best future possible, for ourselves and for our industry. Please be safe.
your details to ASLEF, 77 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, EC1M 4NN

                                                                           Yours fraternally,
   The ASLEF Journal is published every month by:
   ASLEF, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN
   Tel: 020 7324 2400 l email: journal@aslef.org.uk
   website: www.aslef.org.uk l twitter: @ASLEFUnion
                                                                           Mick Whelan, general secretary, ASLEF
                                                                                                                   April 2021 l The ASLEF Journal     3
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL

                                                                                                                                             Ec3 John
Castlefield corridor –                                                                                                                       Metcalfe
                                                                                                                                             launches our
                                                                                                                                             campaign in
consultation ‘a sham’                                                                                                                        the Journal
                                                                                                                                             (left); Lisa
                                                                                                                                             Nandy tells
          SLEF is turning up the        railway; savagely slashing direct                                                                    grant Shapps
 A        heat in the battle over
          the Castlefield corridor.
                                        services to Manchester airport
                                        means passengers will have to
                                                                                                                                             she is
The Manchester recovery task            change more frequently, and no                                                                       by the
force consultation exercise by the      account has been taken of                                                                            proposals (far
Department for Transport,               disability access issues, or the lack                                                                left); and
Network Rail, and Transport for         of station staff to assist; building                                                                 do3 Andy
the North – into chaos in the           the Ordall chord without                                                                             hourigan is
Castlefield corridor – has              improving capacity from Oxford                                                                       working to
enormous implications for               Road to Piccadilly was pointless,       involvement of the                                           resolve the
passengers and train crew.              and there is nothing about much-        Liverpool city region combined                               issues
    DO3 Andy Hourigan and EC3           needed improvements in                  authority is remarkable given how
John Metcalfe have serious              infrastructure; local (NTL) services    interdependent transport links
reservations about suggestions          are delayed beyond normal               between the two cities are.           north of England, especially the
for what is described, rather           signalling protocol to give priority        Wigan 107 branch committee,       corridor between Ordsall Lane
optimistically and                      to TPE services; a claim that           meeting on Sunday 7 March,            and Manchester Piccadilly.’
euphemistically, as ‘capacity           ‘defensive driving techniques’ are      passed a resolution in respect of         And Lisa Nandy, Labour MP for
enhancement’: proposed much-            one cause of congestion attacks         the consultation, calling on the GS   Wigan, has written to Transport
reduced timetables leave no             the fundamental safety culture of       and EC to campaign ‘for the           Secretary Grant Shapps calling for
wriggle room if more people,            the railway of which we are,            reintroduction of funding for         ‘this sham consultation’ to be
post-pandemic, return to the            justifiably, proud; and the lack of     infrastructure projects in the        dropped.

Hat-trick for Mick                                                                                           TWEETS OF THE MONTH

                                                                                                                 You cannot run a railway, let alone a
Mick Whelan,               Midland region, in        company council                                             complicated integrated transport
Willesden branch, has      1984. He was, first, a    secretary EWSI, before                                 operator like @tfl, on hand to mouth
been re-elected,           member, and then a        he was elected District                                piecemeal funding. The government is
unopposed, as              rep, for the NUR. When    6 Organiser in 2000.                                   playing a party political game at the
general secretary for a    Mick became a freight         Mick was elected                                   expense of London’s recovery from the
third term. Mick has       driver in 1988 he         GS in 2011 and, since                                  pandemic. @FinnBrennan
spent 37 years on the      joined ASLEF, the train   then, has worked hard      ASLEF’s gS was
railway, and 37 years      drivers’ union, and       to engage with the         recently re-elected               PM plans new charity backed by rich
as an active trade         became a local rep,       other rail unions, and     unopposed, as he                  donors to pay for lavish revamp of
unionist. He began in      then company council      the rest of the labour     was five years ago          private flat. @MailOnline
the industry as a          secretary Railfreight     movement, the Labour
guard, on British Rail’s   Distribution, and         Party, and other           September 2017, he                Congratulations to Boris Johnson for
                                                     stakeholders in the rail   was elected to the                the first act of charity he wasn’t forced
                                                     industry. He became        national executive of
Monarch of the Glen                                  chair of LabourUnions,     the Labour Party.
                                                                                                            into by Marcus Rashford. @JimMFelton

                                                     which co-ordinates the     Mick’s third five year           As it’s revealed 8,000 test & trace staff
Bro Glen Elvin passed away on Saturday 20
                                                     activities of the 12       term begins on 5                 face the axe, Dido Harding reveals
February, aged 55, after being admitted to
                                                     trade unions affiliated    December 2021 and           they were actually ‘let go’ in August but the
hospital after testing positive for covid-19 only
                                                     to the Labour Party, in    runs until 4 December       system only notified them this morning.
three weeks earlier. Glen joined ASLEF in
                                                     2016; and, in              2026.                       @haveigotnews
December 1985 when he started on the
footplate with British Rail at Ayr. After
privatisation, and the reduction in freight          ZOOM! IT’S VIRTUALLY AAD                                     £37 billion to their pals for test & trace
traffic, the depot was shut and Glen                 ASLEF’s annual assembly of delegates –                       that doesn’t even work. £3.50 a week
transferred to England to retain his driving job,    which was to have been held in cardiff last            for nurses. This government’s priorities
along with his twin brother Miller who had           year – was cancelled because of the                    could not be clearer. @davidschneider
also joined the footplate, and ASLEF, at Ayr.        coronavirus crisis. this year AAd will be
The twins moved to various depots and                held, as a virtual rules conference, by Zoom,               GB News is owned by a company
branches together, including spells with DB          from Monday 17 to Friday 21 May.                            called All Perspectives. It’s a limited
Cargo’s mobile driver grade at many locations.                                                              company so its full name is All Perspectives
Eventually they returned to Scotland to work                                                                Limited. I laughed so much I’ve given myself
out of DBC’s Scottish hub and transferred into            QUOTE…                                            a headache. @MrNishKumar
Motherwell branch. His funeral was held on                ‘Vaccination express arrives in the
Tuesday 9 March. The members of Motherwell                nick of time – now please inoculate us                  I was born a female. I identify as a
branch wish to pass on our condolences to all             from train metaphors’ – Madeline                        female. But according to Tesco’s sticky
Glen’s family and friends, especially Miller, at          Grant, Daily Telegraph                            toffee pudding I’m a family of four.
this extremely sad time.                                                         …UNQUOTE                   @KazzJenkins
Andy Jones Motherwell 137 branch sec

4 The ASLEF Journal l April 2021
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL

                                                  commitment. It has
Angie, Angie, ain’t it                            been an honour and

time we said goodbye?
                                                  a pleasure to have
                                                  you as our branch
                                                                             off the Rails
                                                  secretary. Enjoy your
         FTER almost     her cool, calm,          free time now, you’ve                  MICK JONES of The Clash who, fresh from

 A       20 years
                         collected and friendly
                         nature made for an
                                                  earned it!
                                                      We would also like
                                                                                         recording Sandinista! co-produced Ian Hunter’s
                                                                                         album Short Back’n’Sides, cheerfully recalls life
Geddes-Smith has         excellent branch         to wish our new                        on the iron road as a teenage fan of Mott the
decided to step          secretary. Everyone in   secretary, David                       Hoople: ‘In the early ’70s there was a group of
down as secretary of     141 branch would         Kingscott, all the best                us, from Strand Grammar in Brixton Hill, and
Birmingham New           like to thank you,       in his new role.                       Mott was our band. We’d scan the gigs in Melody
Street 141 branch.       Angela, for all your     Debbie Insull 141         Maker and go to Mott’s shows wherever we could. The
She’s worked very        hard work and            branch reporter           furthest I went was one Saturday gig in Liverpool. We’d try
hard to keep the                                                            and bunk the trains as one of our group’s dad worked for the
branch running                                                              railway. He had a concession card and, boy, did we work that
smoothly, which                                                             card, hiding in toilets and passing it between ourselves. As
takes enormous                                                              the train came into the station, we’d all jump off as it slowed
personal                                                                    down and leap over the fence alongside.’
commitment, and
made it look easy,                                                                               IAIN PATTINSON, master of the double
which it isn’t, as 141                                                                           entendre, scriptwriter on I’m Sorry I Haven’t
branch has several                                                                               a Clue, ‘the antidote to panel games’, and,
different locations,                                                                             according to the show’s original host,
and the coronavirus                                                                              Humphrey Lyttelton, ‘first class purveyor of
crisis made things                                                                               blue chip filth’, loved pricking pomposity.
especially                                                                                       Once, when he checked into a particularly
challenging –                                                                                    smart provincial hotel before a recording of
conducting branch                                                           the Radio 4 show, the front desk was clearly unimpressed
meetings by Zoom                                                            that a shabbily dressed writer was staying as a paying guest.
and reminding                                                               After picking up his keys, Iain asked if Tim Brooke-Taylor had
people to mute their     New branch secretary, david, presents a            arrived. ‘Yes, sir, room 420,’ said the snooty receptionist,
mics! Nothing ever       socially distanced Angie with flowers as a         indicating a telephone. Iain dialled the number and
phased Angela and        small thank you for all her hard work              announced, in a very loud voice that rang around the lobby,
                                                                            ‘Mr Brooke-Taylor? Your prostitute is in reception.’

Power of six                                                                                       THAT DREADFUL mistake by
                                                                                                   TransPennine Express – announcing the
                                                                                                   death of the Duke of Edinburgh when
Dave Calfe, Euston       Dave was first                                                            he was only being moved from Bart’s,
branch, and a train      elected to the EC in                                                      where he had a heart op performed by
driver for more          2006. He is the                                                           NHS surgeons, back to King Edward VII’s,
than 30 years, has       second longest-                                                           a private hospital ‘where your journey
been re-elected          serving member of                                                         back to wealth [or health] begins’ brings
unopposed as             our executive, after                               to mind a poster put up on the wall of the newsroom at The
ASLEF’s executive        Terry Wilkinson,                                   Sun by its editor Kelvin ‘The Pig’ MacKenzie. It read: ‘Make it
committee member         and was elected                                    Fast. Make it First.’ Under which one hack, well versed in the
for District 6.          president in             ASLEF Ec president
                                                                            ways of Kelvin, added: ‘And make it up.’
   His four year         January 2019.            dave calfe
term will begin on          ‘I would like to      committee,’ said                                THE COVER of last month’s Journal
1 January 2022           thank all the            Dave. ‘And I look         ASLEF                 caused a little consternation in one or
                                                                            The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                                                                                                               MARCH 2021
                                                                                                                                                             Free to members

and end on 31            branches and             forward to
December 2025.           members in District      representing you             Hen wlad two             places. It was that cover line – Hen
                                                                                                  wlad fy nhadau – that caused the
   This is his fifth     6 for my re-election     during my                   fy nhadau problems. DO8 Finn Brennan muttered,
term of office –         to the executive         forthcoming term.’                              ‘I think my copy must have got mangled
                                                                                                  at the printers, Mick. The front cover is
                                                                                                  just a jumble of letters that don’t make
FREE RADICALS                                                                                     any sense to an ignoramus such as me.’
the People’s history Museum               QUOTE…                            Special report on the railway in the Land of our Fathers.

                                                                                                  And Chris Proctor, once of this parish,
                                                                            Death of a train: Chris Proctor marks but doesn’t mourn the
                                                                            passing of the Pacer. And the latest advice about covid-19
                                                                                                                                                       The train drivers’
                                                                                                                                                       union since 1880

has written to the Ec, thanking           ‘Music is the map: the            wickedly whispered that the words were what Dylan Thomas
us for our donation (see John             veins along which                 offered after a long (and liquid) lunch with Louis MacNeice…
Metcalfe’s report on page 8)              memories can flow and
and adding that, because of its           pump the heart’ – Anna                                                                                                               JOHN HAY, chair of the ASLEF drivers’
size, we have the chance to               Doble, digital editor,                                                                                                               company council at CrossCountry, sent a
‘adopt a radical’. Fortunately            BBC World Service                                                                                                                    cover note with his report (which you can
there are lots, John smiles, from                   …UNQUOTE                                                                                                                   read on the centre pages) for this, our
which to choose…                                                                                                                                                               special Scotland edition. ‘As requested,
                                                                                                                                                                               Kev. Sorry it’s not very positive. Or
                                                                                                                                                                               particularly Scottish. John.’
500 CLUB: Peter Foster, with number 033, won the March draw,
scooping the Retired Members’ Section jackpot of £494.

                                                                                                                                                                                        April 2021 l The ASLEF Journal     5
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL

                                                                                                           The employers’ policies make it clear that
The best job on the railway                                                                             they have a responsibility to create a safe
                                                                                                        working environment, taking into
                                                                                                        consideration your status as a lone worker, and
but driving trains has risks                                                                            provides a structure and the actions needed to
                                                                                                        achieve this. Your company needs to know
                                                                                                        what risks exist to your emotional, physical,
       JOHN METCALFE, executive                                                                         and behavioural wellbeing, what may make
       committee member for District                                                                    those risks worse, and what to do to mitigate
       3, reports on our work with the                                                                  against them.
       RSSB looking at the risks to our                                                                    The guidance for you, as a lone worker,
       health, safety and wellbeing of                                                                  includes nine top tips to restrict the effects of
working alone on the permanent way                                                                      lone working, resources and links for further
                                                                                                        advice, and describes what the employer
          INCE early 2020 I have been part of a                                                         should be providing for you.
  S       Rail Safety and Standards Board
          project team looking at the risks to
                                                                                                           These guidance policies have been
                                                                                                        accepted by ASLEF’s executive committee and
rail workers from working alone. Astonishingly,                                                         your negotiating teams have been instructed
                                                    drivers as a grade work for long periods alone
the industry did not have a definition of who                                                           to place them within the bargaining
or what defines lone working, nor did it have       degree of autonomy, we enjoy our own                machinery, which should bring long-lasting
any clear policy on how to best protect those       company, and the responsibility for making          benefits for drivers into the future.
workers. And, as drivers, most employers did        judgements and decisions based on our                  Driving a train certainly is the best job on
not recognise that, as a grade, we work alone.      professionalism and pride in the job.               the railway, and now it is up to the employers
Just because we sometimes have a guard, or             But the project has identified the risks, too.   to match our professionalism and
revenue staff, on board, mix with passengers        Some are obvious – such as the risk of personal     commitment to the role, with a working
or speak to control, or a supervisor, does not      and verbal abuse from the public, and walking       environment, and protections, that keeps us
mean that, for long periods of time, we are not     to and from work. Less well recognised are the      safe from the risks of both physical and
lone workers and carry all the risks that brings.   psychological risks from being isolated; and        psychological harm and is properly fit for
    The good news is that, from now, guidance       working variable and night turns can impact         the 21st century.
exists to employers and staff and drivers are       heavily on us, and increase a feeling of
very clearly defined as lone workers and that       loneliness, fatigue, and stress. Add to that the
should bring with it additional workplace           sedentary nature of train driving, and irregular        QUOTE…
protection. Basically, a lone worker on rail is     mealtimes, and the role can pose both physical          ‘The Conservatives have not fixed the
defined as ‘someone who works physically            and psychological risks.                                foundations of the economy, merely
alone for a number of hours, with low levels of        The RSSB project has produced three                  papered over the cracks’ – Keir
contact with other colleagues.’                     guidance documents. One general, for the                Starmer, Labour Party leader
    Driving trains – the best job on the railway    employer; one for line managers; and one for                                   …UNQUOTE
– does have its benefits; we have a great           you as a lone worker.

                                                                                                                    Congratulazioni, Marz
Desperate                                                                                                           Marz Colombini,
                                                                                                                    Waterloo Nine
Dann retires                                                                                                        Elms branch, has
                                                                                                                    been re-elected
In these trying times I would like,                                                                                 unopposed as
through the Journal, to inform all                                                                                  the executive
the friends and colleagues I’ve                                                                                     committee
had the privilege to know and                                                                                       member for            Ec1 Marz
work with that my time has                                                                                          District 1. His       colombini
come! I want to thank you for the                                                                                   four year term of office will start
fun, laughter and – sometimes –                                                                                     on 1 January 2022 and end on
tears I have had down the years.                                                                                    31 December 2025.
    I started my railway career in                                                                                     It’s his fourth term on our
March 1978 as a box boy at                                                                                          union’s eight-strong policy-
Orpington signal box, moving in                                                                                     making body; Marz was first
February 1979 to Hither Green                                                                                       elected to the EC in June 2009.
as a second man. In April 1984 I
moved to Selhurst as a driver; in                                                                                   C2C ERMA EXTENDED
July 1985 to Tattenham Corner;                                                                                      The c2c emergency recovery
in April 1991 I went back to                                                                                        measures agreement, in place
Hither Green; and then in                                                                                           since September, but which was
December 2002 to King’s Cross                                                                                       due to finish on 1 April, the
until 31 March 2021 when I retire       cheers,                                                                     intended start date for a new
having completed just over 43           trevor, for                                                                 direct award contract, has been
years on the railway.                   the laughter,                                                               extended by the DfT until 30 May
    It has been an absolute             the great                                                                   ‘to allow both teams more time to
pleasure! Now it’s time to enjoy        fun, and the                                                                complete ongoing discussions on
life with Rose and my family.           (occasional)                                                                the business plan and details of
Desperate Dann signing off              tears                                                                       the direct award agreement’.

6 The ASLEF Journal l April 2021
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL

                                                                                                            overcrowded services. Businesses say the
Franchise system                                                                                            system doesn’t deliver. And the train
                                                                                                            operating companies are just clinging to the

fell at first hurdle                                                                                        wreckage to plunder a profit.
                                                                                                                ‘the failed franchise model fell at the
                                                                                                            first hurdle during the coronavirus crisis and
           S Mick Whelan spoke out after                                                                    that’s why the government has been forced
 G         Keith Williams revealed some of
           the recommendations in his long-
                                                                                                            to tinker with the system. But we believe the
                                                                                                            system needs fundamental change. We
awaited report into Britain’s rail industry at                                                              need to bring Britain’s railways into the 21st
the National Rail Recovery conference on                                                                    century and do what other successful
thursday 25 February.                                    gS Mick Whelan: ‘the tories’ failed franchise      countries – such as germany – do. they
   ‘the tories have, finally, admitted that              system needs fundamental change’                   understand that the railway is a public
privatisation – or, at least, the franchise                                                                 service that should be publicly-owned, and
system introduced by John Major in 1994 –                believe should be run as a public service,         publicly-run, in the public sector.
has failed. But the Williams report – which              and not for private profit.                            ‘We should bring the wheels and the
was finished in November 2019 but put on                     ‘Because it’s not just the tories who,         steel back together in a vertically-
the back burner by this government – does                belatedly, recognise that privatisation has        integrated national network run for the
not address the fundamental problem that                 failed. Passengers are up in arms about sky        benefit of passengers, taxpayers,
rail is a natural monopoly – a monopoly we               high fares and, before the pandemic,               businesses, and staff.’

Making his Mark                                          Pictures of matchstick men
After more than 40           Paddington,
years’ service on the        commuting daily by          Look closely at this
railway Mark O’Neill         train for two years         picture of a picket
has decided to retire.       before returning to         line at Stratford
Mark was just 16             Lawley Street as a          during the 1982 strike
when he joined the           superviser in 1991.         and, as well as the
railway in September         Mark had several roles      ‘Buckton’s Boys’ board
1980 as an apprentice        at Freightliner until       – Ray Buckton was
fitter for Freightliner at   2003 when he joined         ASLEF’s GS at the
Lawley Street,               Central Trains as a         time – you might
Birmingham. In 1985          trainee driver, where       spot, on the denim
he transferred to            he remained for the         jacket of the local rep
Dudley, until it closed      rest of his career. Enjoy   second from the left,
in 1987, when he             retirement, Mark!           a patch (or badge)
returned to Brum. In         Debbie Insull               promoting, er, Status
1989 Mark went to            Birmingham New              Quo. Dicky Fisher,
work at Railfreight          Street 141 branch           now DO6, for that is
Distribution HQ in           reporter                    him as a young man,
                                                         smiles wearily: ‘I have
                                                         to explain to             Richard as a young rebel, denim clad rocker and
                                                         everyone who sees         Buckton Boy (top) and now today (right) as our
                                                         that photo, that the      district 6 organiser sporting collar, tie, and suit
                                                         badge had absolutely
                                                         nothing to do with an     maintaining the          Down, down, deeper
                                                         iconic 1970s rock         status quo of an eight   and down, as the
                                                         band. It references       hour working day.’       Quo army sing…

Enjoy retirement, Mark!

Seventh heaven
Terry Wilkinson, East
Ham branch, has
been re-elected
unopposed as the
executive committee
member for District
8. His four year term
of office runs from
1 January 2022 to 31
December 2025. It is         Ec8 terry Wilkinson
Terry’s seventh term         September 1999,
on our EC – he was           taking up position in
first elected in             January 2000.

                                                                                                                     April 2021 l The ASLEF Journal    7
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL

Power to the people
        EC3 JOHN METCALFE           badges, the museum is a fantastic
        explains why ASLEF’s        and unique place to visit. It has
        executive committee         collections covering popular
        has donated £1,000          radicalism, the rise of trade
                                    unionism in the 19th century, and
to the People’s History
                                    women’s suffrage, extensive
Museum in Manchester                resources on the dockers’ and
                                    miners’ strikes, and much, much
          WAS delighted to back     more. On top of all that it has       returns to our lives, if you are in
  I       our decision to support
          the excellent People’s
                                    fascinating and diverse political,
                                    industrial, and historical
                                                                          Manchester, then please pay the
                                                                          museum a visit. You will not be
History Museum at our February      collections. It is more than a        disappointed.
session. The museum is home to      museum, it’s a place of education
the national centre for the         with its labour history and archive   l The People’s History Museum
collection, conservation,           studies centre.                       – opened by Prime Minister
interpretation, and study of           The museum, like many others,      Harold Wilson as the National
material relating to the working    has been badly hit by the covid       Museum of Labour History in             the People’s history Museum
people of Britain.                  restrictions, and we can be proud,    1975 – is on the Left Bank,             describes itself as ‘the national
   With the world’s largest         as a trade union, that we are         Spinningfields, Manchester,             museum of democracy, telling
collection – 400 – of colourful     doing our bit to help maintain this   M3 3ER. Tel: 0161 838 9190.             the story of its development in
trade union banners, and 7,000      wonderful place. When normality       Website: phm.org.uk                     Britain: past, present, and future’

                                                                                                     TOTON OLD BOYS’ REUNION
We will not forget                                                                                   In anticipation of the lifting of all covid-19
                                                                                                     restrictions, the 2021 Toton Old Boys’
         AMILY, friends, and colleagues
  F      attended a very different
         memorial day at Newcastle on
                                                                                                     Reunion will be held at the Sportsman pub,
                                                                                                     Derby Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire, NG10
                                                                                                     4HA, from 19.30 on Friday 29 October. All
Sunday 28 February to remember those
                                                                                                     welcome! Details from Reg Sargeant: email
we lost in the train crash at Great Heck 20
years ago. Gary Arrowsmith (Gateshead &
Newcastle branch secretary), Paul Basham
(LNER company council) and I attended on
behalf of ASLEF. The service was much
                                                Paul (left) and Mark pay tribute at Newcastle        catch a falling Eurostar
                                                central to those who died, and were injured,
smaller than usual, due to covid rules on       in the Selby crash. Photo: gary Arrowsmith
the station, but it was live streamed on the
internet and, during the service, a live        a few hundred metres away as an LNER
stream from the Heck memorial garden            Azuma and a Freightliner engine passed
was introduced when prayers and a               the site of the crash, sounding their horns.
blessing for those who died were offered.       The stream then came back to the station
After the service those at the memorial         for the wreath laying.
garden turned to look toward the railway        EC4 Mark Wakenshaw
                                                                                                     Simon Weller on BBc South East Today

ScotRail is to be nationalised                                                                       AGS Simon Weller explained the importance of
                                                                                                     Eurostar when he was interviewed by Ian
                                                                                                     Palmer on BBC South East Today, the regional
ASLEF has welcomed the announcement by the Scottish government on Wednesday
                                                                                                     early evening news programme for the south-
17 March that, when Abellio’s franchise ends on 31 March 2022, the Operator of Last
                                                                                                     east of England, on Saturday 20 February.
Resort, a public body accountable to the government, will assume responsibility for
                                                                                                     ‘Union concerns about Eurostar’ was the lead
running ScotRail. ‘We welcome the beginning of the end of the failed franchise system
                                                                                                     item as Simon called on the government to
here in Scotland,’ said Kevin Lindsay, ASLEF’s organiser in Scotland. ‘However, never
                                                                                                     step up and support the service.
again should the people’s railway ever be in the hands of the privateers. This move starts
                                                                                                         On the previous day, DO6 Dicky Fisher,
the end of franchising, and the end of a failed Tory experiment. It’s now for all of us in
                                                                                                     together with Paul Nowak, deputy general
the industry to build a railway that’s accessible, affordable, and safe for the people of
                                                                                                     secretary of the TUC, Mick Lynch of the RMT,
Scotland.’ GS Mick Whelan said: ‘The railways in Wales and Scotland have both been
                                                                                                     and Rob Jenks of the TSSA, met Treasury
brought back into public control. England should be next – Westminster take note!’
                                                                                                     officials to press the Chancellor to help after
                                                                                                     the company admitted it is ‘fighting for
RETIRED MEMBERS’ SECTION                                                                             survival’. We are now working with the TUC to
The coronavirus crisis means that head office       QUOTE…                                           put together a formal paper to the Treasury.
is unable to send out letters reminding RMS         ‘Working from home is not a new                      ‘We are calling on the UK government to
members, who pay annually by cheque, that           normal. It’s an aberration that we’re            intervene to prevent Eurostar going to the
your membership is up for renewal. So if you        going to correct as soon as possible’ –          wall,’ said GS Mick Whelan. ‘Boris Johnson, Rishi
know your renewal is due, please post a             David Solomon, chairman and                      Sunak, and Grant Shapps must act to save this
cheque, made payable to ASLEF, to head              chief executive, Goldman Sachs                   service – for passengers, for the men and
office in St John Street. An annual                                         …UNQUOTE                 women who work on Eurostar, and for Britain
subscription is just £15. Thank you!                                                                 and our connection with the continent.’

8 The ASLEF Journal l April 2021
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL
The ASLEF RMS 500 Club

The 500 Club is a fundraising venture for ASLEF’s Retired Members’ Section.

conditions of Membership: Only retired and working members of ASLEF, including district councils and branches,
plus permanent staff employed by ASLEF, can make an application to join the RMS 500 Club. The application form
and standing order form can only be completed and submitted by the ASLEF member, or staff member.

Numbers in the draw cost £4 each per month. To begin making payments into club funds, all you have to do is
complete the standing order form and return it to your bank. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque a year in
advance; the cheque should be made payable to ASLEF RMS 500 club. Payments need to reach the club account
by 1st of every month and the draw takes place on 12th of every month – with the winning number, name, and
prize printed on page 5 of the ASLEF Journal. Once you have arranged your method of payment just complete the
form and return it to Peter J Smith, treasurer, RMS 500 club, 6 devonia gardens, London, N18 1AF.

The Retired Members’ Section committee would like to thank you for your support and wish you luck in the draw!

Yours fraternally, Peter J Smith, treasurer, ASLEF Retired Members’ Section 500 club

                                                                                                                                   STANDING ORDER MANDATE
   ASLEF RMS 500 Club
                                                                                        To              ______________________________               Bank
   application form
                                                                                        Address         ______________________________

                                                                                                                           BANK                     BRANCH TITLE (NOT ADDRESS)                 SORTING CODE NO.
                                                                                        Please pay                 Unity Trust Bank                         Birmingham                           08-60-01
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   I confirm that I wish to purchase ____                                               *Until                                        £
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   (A) I have set up my standing order (£48                                                       Please cancel any previous standing order or direct debit in favour of the beneficiary named above
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   Date............................................                                                     ________________________________________

   Please return this coupon to:
                                                                                        Note: The Bank will not undertake to:      (i)      make any reference to Value Added Tax or other indeterminate element
   Peter Smith, Treasurer, RMS 500 Club,                                                                                           (ii)     advise payer’s address to beneficiary
   6 Devonia Gardens, London, N18 1AF                                                                                              (iii)    advise beneficiary of inability to pay
                                                                                                                                   (iv)     request beneficiary’s banker to advise beneficiary of receipt
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                                                                                        If the amounts of the periodic payments vary, they should be incorporated in a schedule overleaf
   internet bank)

                                                                                                                                                                      April 2021 l The ASLEF Journal                      9
Flower of Scotland ASLEFJOURNAL

Hey bus driver –
keep the change
          Does this bus stop at 82nd
          street? As more and more
          people, post-pandemic, join
          the Great Exodus from
          Britain’s cities to the
picturesque villages of this green and
pleasant land, CHRIS PROCTOR urges
caution. Living in Little Dumpling, he
says, might look like a good idea. But
rural bus services are nigh-on non-
existent since privatisation…

           AKE extra care if you’re crossing a                                                                       the thatcher government’s
  T        road leading out of a city. There’s a
           strong likelihood that you’ll be
                                                                                                                     privatisation of Britain’s buses in
                                                                                                                     1986 killed off many rural
knocked over by a removal van. There are                                                                             services – but made a fortune for
hundreds of them buzzing round the                                                                                   her friend, the homophobic
bypasses. All part of the ‘leave the city’                                                                           Stagecoach boss Brian Souter
movement that hasn’t been so popular since
New Age travellers set out to music festivals at        If there is to be a trend towards home          imaginative ‘total transport’ solutions for rural
Glastonbury and Stonehenge in the 1960s.            working and rural living, someone needs to be       areas. We could be considering integrating
    It’s been brought on by the virus. Half the     out there planning it. Otherwise there’s a          taxis into the area’s payment system,
population have decided they can work at            disaster on the horizon. You can’t just populate    employing canal barges, or re-opening the
home and, seduced by memories of a day trip         an area without updating its infrastructure:        lines closed by Dr Beeching. If the countryside,
to a hayrick, are desperate to move to the          and that means improving public transport           and its refugees, are not to be left in transport
sticks. Where they will live in natural bliss in    links as well as providing schools and              poverty, we have to busy ourselves creating
vibrant communities with friendly locals – of       encouraging local shops.                            integrated transport systems that link all
both the human and public house variety.                                                                transport forms and timetables.
They will sit at the side of empty roads            RETURN TO LITTLE DUMPLING PLEASE                        The problems stem from Margaret
scanning a little William Wordsworth as they        I remember 20 years ago taking a tram out of        Thatcher’s privatisation. Commercial bus
wait for their children to exit a sparsely          Amsterdam to the end of a route where a new         companies are not interested in providing a
populated school. Birdies will tweet rather         suburb was being built at Ijburg. When we           public service; only in running well-used
than sirens wail.                                   alighted at the terminus, there was… nothing.       routes where they can make lots of money.
                                                    Work on homes hadn’t begun. The central             Everyone else, and that includes the suits
MOVERS MAY BE JUMPING THE GUN                       tram authority, the Gemeentelijk                    stranded at the railway station, can go and
Since the virus began, people leaving London        Vervoerbedrijf, saw the need to provide             whistle. Because bus companies are no longer
have spent £27.6 billion snapping up 73,950         facilities before the newcomers arrived. Our        public services, you know…
homes outside the capital. In the last three        approach to a move out of town is more of the
months country house prices in the West             ‘cross your fingers and hope’ variety.              WHAT’S THAT, DAD? A BUS, DARLING
Midlands rose by 3.7% and in Surrey by 3.1%.             Everyone needs two or three cars they can’t    Also, bus companies are subsidised by local
Last January saw 67% more homes on the              afford: one for ferrying children, one for          authorities, which might not see many votes in
market in Edinburgh than the previous year.         hypermarket duties, and one to rust in the          spending extra money to pander to ‘in-comers’.
    Some of these location changers may be          station car park. And, when you have a car, you     And the new ruralists won’t be in sufficient
jumping the gun. We have no idea how much           are obliged to use it. To justify the purchase      numbers to be influential. I foresee excursions
home working will be feasible in the long           you have to drive around inflicting traffic jams    of home-working rural-types to city centres at
term. Most jobs aren’t eligible: you need to        and increasing pollution.                           the weekend, in search of calm, fresh air, and
turn up if you’re a nurse, a shop worker, or a           The Great Exodus, if it continues, shouldn’t   solitude. Offspring will point in wonder at the
train driver. Also, most people don’t have a        make too much difference to existing rail           large vehicles that pass them in the street.
spare room that they can use as an office; and      commuting routes because, even if people               ‘What is that, daddy?’
you can only work at home in jobs you are           come into the office less frequently, they will        ‘It’s called a bus.’
trained for and know well.                          journey further when they do. No, the                  ‘Well, I wish we had one of them here in
    And, despite the allure of the countryside,     problems start when our rail job is done and        Surrey, daddy.’
there are problems living in Little Dumpling.       the infrequent office workers return to Little
One is public transport. There isn’t any. Public    Dumpling to find a transport desert.
transport, post-privatisation, halts at Britain’s        There are solutions: but, sadly, they would       CHRIS PROCTOR has written for The
city limits.                                        all involve the government spending money              Guardian, The Times, the Morning Star,
    The Campaign for Better Transport reports       on public services. After the virus the Tories         New Statesman and Tribune as well as
that more than 3,000 local bus routes have          will claim there is no money left for anything         spending eight years ‘before the mast’
disappeared over the last ten years. Local          except, perhaps, tax relief for the very rich and      in the policy department of ASLEF,
authority funding for buses fell by more than       assistance grants for the fabulously wealthy.          where he helped the gS – first Keith
40%, and central government grants by 19%.          There will certainly be nothing left over for          Norman and then Mick Whelan – to
Rural buses are as endangered as Cosnard’s          social services or public transport.                   put together the Journal each month.
net-winged Beetle.                                       If there was, we could be talking about

10 The ASLEF Journal l April 2021

                                                                                                   sectors of the economy reopening very few
The railway and the                                                                                people will travel on trains.
                                                                                                       And we need people on trains to protect
covid-19 pandemic                                                                                  not just employment but also the
                                                                                                   environment. The pandemic has shown us
                                                                                                   that governments can support workers and
             KEVIN LINDSAY, ASLEF’s                                                                workplaces. We should be eliminating the
             organiser in Scotland, who                                                            working poor and delivering a real living
             contracted the coronavirus,                                                           wage. As we’ve seen throughout this
             opens our special four page                                                           pandemic some of our key frontline workers
             report by reflecting on this         make all workplaces as safe as possible.         are also some of the poorest paid. Shop
             strangest of years                      As a union we’ve been very proactive          workers, delivery drivers, fast food outlets,
                                                  throughout the pandemic. The challenges          and restaurants have worked throughout the
          LL of us who have been fortunate to     have been difficult but I believe we have        pandemic but the majority of these people
 A        live through the pandemic will look
          back on 2020 as probably the
                                                  done well not to see widescale redundancies.
                                                  Here in Scotland we have an agreement with
                                                                                                   are on minimum wage. Our NHS staff have
                                                                                                   been called heroes but have suffered years of
strangest year of our lives. More than            ScotRail for no compulsory redundancies          pay freezes or below inflation increases. We
120,000 people in Britain have lost their lives   and have had no member furloughed. Our           should put people before profit; this is a
from the coronavirus, and countless others        members also got a 3% increase in salary as      moment for the governments at Westminster
have been, and still are, suffering from the      part of a two-year productivity deal and         and Holyrood to reflect on their policies.
effects of covid-19 but, remarkably,              we’ve secured an enhanced rest day working           We don’t need private companies to run
throughout this period we’ve kept the             payment. No other grades or trade unions         our public services. Mail, rail, and the utilities
railway running. It’s been an amazing effort      have managed to secure any of this.              should all return to public ownership. The
from everyone involved.                              The challenge going forward is how we         railway has been heavily subsidised
    Every ASLEF rep has contributed; the          get our lives back to some normality. We         throughout this pandemic but our political
general secretary and assistant general           need the four governments of the UK to plan      masters continue to allow private companies
secretary have been involved at national          not just to get us out of lockdown, but for a    to run our railways through management
level at the RICF; the EC has been coming up      comprehensive economic recovery.                 contracts, making large profits. This has to
with ASLEF policy and producing the                  That recovery cannot be just about one        stop. Every penny out that ends up in the
bulletins; DOs and CC reps getting company        sector. We need all parts of Scotland’s          pockets of shareholders is lost to the
agreements; LLCs acting on implementing           economy, and that of the rest of the UK, to be   taxpayer. It’s time for our services to be
these agreements; and our health & safety         given support and help to rebuild. Without       returned to public ownership and run for the
reps have done an incredible job trying to        offices, shops, restaurants, bars, and other     people by the people.

    The world turned on its head                                                                              remain in limbo, for the time
                                                                                                              being. the freight industry is
                                                                                                              back to pre-covid figures; but
                 JIM BAXTER,            to make sure the railway           lives – ASLEF member Brett         that is nowhere near good
                 the EC member          continued to function so that      Mccullough, conductor              enough, and we need to
                 for Scotland,          key and essential workers          donald dinnie, and                 continue to push for more
                                        could get to and from their        passenger christopher              freight on rail. We also have
                 argues that,
                                        places of work and also that       Stuchbury – was felt               the issue of infrastructure
                 coming out of
                                        essential goods could              throughout the industry. the       and making sure it is fit for a
    covid, we have to build a           continue to be moved around        work that all our                  modern railway. We’ve had
    railway fit for purpose –           the country.                       representatives did at this        the landslide at carmont, the
    and fit to serve our society           this meant that non-            time was remarkable; each          bridge parapet collapse near
                                        essential training was             and every one of them went         Montrose, two landslips near
              ELL, no one saw that      stopped and, in the case of        way beyond what is                 Largs, and continued concern
     W        coming, did they?
              When I wrote my
                                        ScotRail, all new driver
                                        training stopped. We worked
                                                                           expected. I wish to thank
                                                                           Kevin Lindsay, our district
                                                                                                              with the West highland line.
                                                                                                              We must make sure that the
    article this time last year, I      industrially and politically to    organiser, the ScotRail            investment that is needed is
    never for a minute thought I        keep these trainees fully          company council, and our           in place to keep our railway
    would be spending the next          employed, not furloughed, in       local reps – Stewart Sinclair,     infrastructure safe.
    11 months, as far as union          the hope that, as soon as it       Brian Wood, and cliff Wright –        And as a union we need to
    duties go, working from             was safe to do so, we could        who worked through their           be prepared, and organised,
    home. the world has been            get them back into the             own grief to make sure their       to deal with whatever
    turned on its head and I do         workplace, and back training,      members and other staff            changes the future holds.
    not think anyone foresaw the        and that is still the aim. ASLEF   were okay and had the              Prepared to work with all
    drastic changes to our private      has also created an online         support they required.             within the industry to make
    lives and, of course, our work      training and learning policy          What does the future hold       sure the railway we build
    lives. the saddest part of the      that supports employers and        for the rail industry in           coming out of covid is fit for
    pandemic was the loss of            trainees in delivering training    Scotland? clearly, we cannot       purpose and fit to serve our
    members to covid-19.                in a remote manner.                expect any big political           society. But we also need to
       As we went into lockdown            the tragedy that befell         decisions to be made prior to      be organised well enough not
    in March the covid-19               Aberdeen members, in               the holyrood elections in          to accept change, for
    decision-making process             August, with the crash at          May. So as far as the ScotRail     change’s sake, and not at the
    went into full swing. We had        carmont and the loss of three      franchise is concerned we          expense of our members.

                                                                                                            April 2021 l The ASLEF Journal       11

A year like no other
          cotRAIL company council would like        temp testing, and training bubbles to try and
  S       everyone to reflect on all those we
          have lost – family, friends and
                                                    get our trainees back into the workplace
                                                    safely. Unfortunately, this has proved very
colleagues – as the worldwide pandemic has          difficult, with the constant lockdowns, and
impacted on everyone’s daily life since the         restrictions put in place; training is still
first lockdown back last March. Everyone has        suspended, and only essential training is
made adjustments and, from the very first           being done to keep services running.
reduction in services, to the latest                currently the service is vastly reduced at 67%.
restrictions in place since december, we               tragedy came to Scotland in August with
would like to thank all the reps for all the        the needless loss of life of Bros Brett
hard work they have put into trying to keep         Mccullough, donald dinnie, and passenger
some normality to our daily grind with roster       christopher Stuchbury. Six others were
and diagram changes.                                injured, and our condolences go to all the          It’s going to be tough
    We have tried to put in place the best          families. the investigation into the accident is               WELVE months since the first
mitigation we possibly could to protect
members, and have worked closely with our
                                                    ongoing, with several organisations involved
                                                    including Network Rail, the BtP, the oRR, the         T        lockdown there may be light at the
                                                                                                                   end of the tunnel with the roll out
do, Ec member, and LLcs to try and deliver a        RAIB, ASLEF, and ScotRail. It is a painstaking      of the vaccine. Our thoughts go out to the
safe working environment, with social               process with every detail pored over with a         families of those lost to this terrible virus.
distancing, reduced numbers in bothys,              fine toothcomb. the findings will be                   The business situation has been dire with
longer walking times, reduced spares, SB in         published later this year and we sincerely          CrossCountry running 60% of the services
house, and lots more. We have tried to kick         hope nothing like this will happen again.           with only 10% of the ticket revenue. Driver
start training, putting in place PcR testing,       ScotRail company council                            safety has been the highest priority. With
                                                                                                        the assistance of the RICF guidance we have
                                                                                                        made temporary changes to how we work,
                                                                                                        with the emphasis on having the lowest
    drivers’ job security comes first                                                                   number of drivers possible in the
              ET’S hope we’re moving towards some sort of normality, with better                           The company bucked the trend with a
    L         expectations for this year, after suffering the way we have in dealing with covid
              this last year. The lockdown restrictions, and associated safety measures in our
                                                                                                        three year direct award which, in a small
                                                                                                        way, would have allowed us to move
    workplace, haven’t been easy to negotiate and agree, but the way in which our members               forward, but for the DfT stepping in with
    on LNER, and all over the UK, have coped has to be applauded. We continue to function,              revenue support and blocking any progress
    with weekly meetings taking place on a virtual basis, which in turn allows company                  for the grade that would add to the wage
    council, and your h&s reps, to monitor the safety set up, and ensures that LNER                     bill. In fact, the 2020 pay claim has still not
    maintains these safety measures.                                                                    been settled as we wait on dates. When we
       Unfortunately, because of covid, we face a problem that we’ve never faced as drivers,            eventually get to meet it’s going to be tough
    or reps, since privatisation. Train operating companies have profited with the foot count           to extract a way forward from a DfT-backed
    revenues provided by passengers; this allowed us all to share in some way some of the               employer. Looking for something positive,
    profit TOCs made through negotiated pay rises. This is no longer the case due to covid              our trainee driver programme, after being
    restrictions and the massive reduction of passengers travelling by rail.                            subject to covid-19 delays, has resumed
       First, and foremost, train driver job security has to be maintained. LNER has advised            with cohorts 5 and 6 due to start shortly on
    us that there will be further recruitment this year, throughout the route, which can only           their driver apprenticeship courses.
    be welcomed by all of us as drivers. We will, of course, continue to do the best we can,            John Hay CrossCountry company
    moving forward, and will continue to address all of the above.                                      council chair
    Rab Wicksted LNER company council rep, Edinburgh

                                                                                                        overcome obstacles
                                                                                                                  HIS has been     satisfactory. DRS
Light at the end of the tunnel                                                                            T       a tough year;
                                                                                                                  covid has
                                                                                                                                   completed a successful
                                                                                                                                   rail head treatment
          WOULD like to pass on our condolences, on behalf of our drivers at Avanti, to ScotRail        dominated the              programme, although
   I      colleagues regarding the terrible accident at Stonehaven.
              This past year was without precedent; covid-19 has impacted our lives every day, and
                                                                                                        changes to our lives
                                                                                                        but we have continued
                                                                                                                                   from the outset this
                                                                                                                                   could have been a lot
led to significant reductions in the travelling public which, in turn, has affected our business. But   to overcome many           different. After
with the steady distribution of the vaccine, there is light at the end of the tunnel.                   obstacles to ensure        accepting a bubble
    Our company has entered into an emergency measures agreement with the DfT, which has been           that ASLEF members         agreement, a number
challenging. In regard to delivery of service, in line with government guidelines, we have introduced   have been safe whilst      of managers wanted to
training bubbles, telephone medicals, and roster changes at short notice.                               keeping services           send drivers out on
    On a more positive note, we have managed to keep all drivers at work, rather than being             running. Initially, this   RHTT without
furloughed. There have been a number of commitments made. For instance, the opening of new              was a battle with the      precautions. After
drivers’ depots at Crewe and Holyhead, and the company is introducing a new Hitachi train fleet. The    company, which tried       protracted
drivers’ council, and our lead officer, will be involved. Funding has been made available to upgrade    to dismiss rep input       negotiations with the
the training school and drivers’ accommodation at Polmadie and the company has pledged to hire a        but, eventually, we        DRS directorship, the
minimum of 60 new drivers. Overall, this year has been tough. However, moving forward, we hope          negotiated agreement       company council and
to get back to normality and not only get the railway back to what it once was, but improved.           to ensure covid-19         lead officer Andy
Archie Barr Avanti West Coast CC rep, Polmadie                                                          measures were              Hourigan reached an

12 The ASLEF Journal l April 2021

                                                                                                                    Ready for the challenge
Keeping you safe from harm                                                                                                     UST over 18 years in the railway, 16 in

          IRST I want to offer our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Glen Elvin,                   J        the fleet driver grade, the last two on
                                                                                                                               company council, and I can safely say
 F        Scotland hub driver, and Motherwell branch member, who passed away recently far too
          young. Another victim of this terrible pandemic. RIP Glen.
                                                                                                                    the last year has been like no other. Two years
                                                                                                                    ago my first company council meeting was
   Training of new recruits continues at DBC in Scotland, made possible by training bubbles and                     very different, with more than a dozen folk
covid testing which has moved on from the pin prick method to lateral flow testing. Drivers are now                 round a table, now it’s Microsoft Teams calls
permitted to undertake the tests themselves, at home, prior to taking duty, thus avoiding potential                 and the same faces with kitchens, living rooms,
virus transmission in the workplace. The relevant time to do this is still diagrammed.                              and home offices...
   A busy period is ahead, with spring bringing the start of weed spray season in addition to our                      I’ve been pursuing, for a number of years,
normal contracted work. Ongoing training is vital to keep this work covered.                                        the implementation of a team leader grade for
   At national level, we have a few issues and, for the first time in years, have several items sitting at          the yard co-ordinator at all fleet locations
avoidance of dispute level due to a lack of resolution over extended periods. We have also been                     which was finally recognized as a specialist role
engaged in talks about the way we represent you. On review, there is no way the changes presented                   with a high level of responsibility for both train
so far could be acceptable as it would vastly diminish our ability to represent the membership at all               movements and the people involved.
levels. Our aim is always to keep you, our members, in secure employment, earning a fair and decent                    Along with my h&s colleagues the last
salary, with terms and conditions that improve year on year, whilst keeping you safe from harm in                   couple of years have been spent trying to
the workplace. We hope a resolution can be found and we can continue working collaboratively                        acquire a shunting vehicle at Haymarket as we
with the company, as we have done since the ill-fated Project Charles era. Since then we have                       are, and have been for the last three years, an
navigated our way through the company’s financial difficulties, driver shortages, training issues, and              HST depot, without a shunting vehicle!
pension funding problems. This has never been more important than trying to work our way,                              Pay talks for 2020/21 were recently allowed
collaboratively, through the global pandemic.                                                                       to commence, another difficult challenge, but
   Rest assured, your company council and lead officer are working hard to resolve these matters                    challenges in the railway are quite often
and working towards a more secure future for all. We will keep you informed via local reps and                      difficult. Hopefully a time for some well-
branch meetings. Whilst not the biggest fan of the online meeting format, Zoom branches have                        deserved recognition of how difficult the last
been well attended and the engagement from members has been superb. I am optimistic that we                         12 months have been for all fleet drivers when
are on the home straight now, with the vaccine, and an end to lockdowns, so, by summer, we will be                  we have been coming to work from day 1 of
able to meet in person again. Stay positive.                                                                        covid restrictions. Also some recognition of
James Glew DB Cargo company council secretary                                                                       how we have transferred our long-honed skills
                                                                                                                    of shunting Sprinters and 170 Turbostars into
agreement, initially on    lateral flow antigen         The agreement also           insist that ASLEF              shunting HST Class 43 and empty coaches. I
trial, with the blessing   test. As agreed, this will   allows the company           members have                   will continue to campaign for our members in
of the EC, to run RHTT     only be used by              council to monitor the       continually managed to         fleet over the next few years, to improve our
services whilst            members who wish to          numbers of drivers at all    keep services moving           conditions in the workplace, with the challenge
operating in a safe        do so. The company           depots to ensure that        during this pandemic           looming of new franchise holders, whether a
manner by forming a        council has also been        the correct numbers of       and demand                     private company or Transport Scotland.
bubble. After the tragic   busy agreeing a new          staff are at all locations   recognition of that               The next challenge for all of us is the
incident at Stonehaven,    health & safety guide        so they cover the duties     during the forthcoming         recovery of the railway, and the country’s
DRS was heavily            for reps. And there is       required.                    talks. Finally, I would like   economy at large, in which the railway will play
involved in providing      now an agreement for             The company              to wish our company            a big role. ASLEF will continue to be at the
drivers and                every depot within DRS       council and our lead         council secretary Kevin        forefront of members’ interests across the fleet
locomotives for the        to elect an h&s rep.         officer will shortly be      Bell best wishes for his       driver grade.
recovery and, later, to        In December, our         entering negotiations        recovery from illness.            Looking at the last two years, who really
route prove once the       negotiators agreed an        with DRS on the 2021         He is sorely missed and,       knows what the immediate and long-term
line had been repaired.    establishment model          pay submission. We           I hope, will be writing        future holds for the railway?
    We agreed to use a     based on ASLEF best          sent correspondence to       the DRS report this               Maybe that’s part of the attraction; you
blood prick test to form   practice. This will          all DRS reps asking          time next year, fully          never know what’s at the other end of the
a bubble to aid            ensure that the              what they would like to      recovered, and back in         tunnel. But one thing’s for sure; ASLEF is always
training. This will soon   appropriate number of        see in an award, and         the driving cab.               ready for the next challenge.
be replaced with a new     train crew will be at all    received great               Rab Lang DRS                   Andrew Foster Fleet drivers company
procedure using a          locations within DRS.        feedback. DRS reps           company council                council rep

                                                                                                                            April 2021 l The ASLEF Journal       13
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