Updating your animal control ordinance

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Updating your animal control ordinance
Out of the
Updating your animal control
By Cory A. Smith for Animal Sheltering Magazine
July/August 2012

How long has it been since your local animal
control ordinance was updated? Was Clinton
still president? Were people wearing skinny
jeans - for the first time around? Did the radio
station play a lot of Burt Bacharach – or
maybe Bing Crosby?

Just as times change, laws can and should
change along with them. When it comes to the
protection of citizens and animals in a
community, an up-to-date, effective animal
control ordinance is essential. It not only
outlines the basic expectations for those who
want the privilege of keeping companion
animals, it sets a tone for the community’s
attitude towards pets, their guardians, and
public safety.                                          When it comes to the
A comprehensive and well-considered animal           protection of citizens and
control ordinance can help ensure immediate        animals in a community, an
as well as long term results – and as with
other local laws, animal control ordinances
                                                   up-to-date, effective animal
should be tracked and assessed over time as                control ordinance is
pet ownership trends and other community
dynamics shift.

Updating your animal control ordinance
An27effective ordinance should:
   Protect public safety through      Deal with the protection as         Be well-understood by the
   mechanisms for preventing          well as the control of animals,     people enforcing it, so that
   animal bites, vehicular            supplementing the state animal      problems can be addressed in a
   accidents, and other dangers       laws to establish proper            proactive, productive manner.
   caused by free roaming and         standards for animal care in
   improperly confined animals.       your jurisdiction.                  Allow for strong intervention,
                                                                          implementation, and
   Protect public health through      Treat dogs and cats as the          enforcement procedures.
   mechanisms designed to             primary concern, but also
   prevent the spread of zoonotic     provide for the control and
   diseases, especially rabies.       protection of other species, like
                                      small mammal pets, wildlife, and
   Create means to ensure that        captive exotics.
   every pet is traceable to its
   owner in order to foster pet       Anticipate and provide
   owner accountability and           remedies for animal-related
   increase the numbers of lost       problems likely to occur within
   pets reunited with their owners.   the community.
                                                                          Ask the right
   Regulate the behaviors of          Incentivize pet owners to
   those selling, boarding,           comply with the law (via
   displaying, or otherwise using     licensing fees that recognize
   animals.                           responsible behaviors, etc.), and   When assessing whether your
                                      penalize those who violate it.      current animal control
                                                                          ordinances need an update, it is
                                                                          important to keep in mind how
                                                                          laws are to be implemented,
                                                                          enforced, tracked, and
                                                                          measured to ensure efficacy –
                                                                          and how all these elements will
                                                                          be funded.

                                                                          Some ordinances work better in
                                                                          some communities than others,
                                                                          and some laws sound better on
                                                                          paper than they actually are in
                                                                          terms of measurable impact on
                                                                          pet populations and animal

                                                                          There is no cookie-cutter
                                                                          approach to creating an effective
                                                                          animal control ordinance. When
                                                                          considering new ordinances, it’s
                                                                          really important to think them
                                                                          through carefully from start to

By Cory A. Smith for Animal Sheltering Magazine July/August 2012                    animalfarmfoundation.org.
Updating your animal control ordinance

    Ask questions like:
    How will this make our
    community better?

    Will this help our agency to
    work smarter, not harder?

    Will this have a backlash effect
    that we haven’t thought of yet?

    If so, is it one we can avoid by
    promoting and explaining the
    reasons for the ordinance in
    advance of its passage?

    How will this affect our staff
    budget and time?

    Outside of our agency, who else
    will this impact, and do we have
    their buy-in?

    Do we have partnerships with
    other groups who might have
                                       Consider the practical                governments can take
    valuable input on these laws?
                                       implementation of a new law,          incremental steps towards a
                                       whether there are adequate            comprehensive, progressive set
    Will we be able to enforce this
                                       resources in place to support the     of laws, building an atmosphere
    fairly and consistently?
                                       measure, and what real change         that supports the joys of pet
                                       may come as a result.                 companion- ship while
    Does the animal cruelty statute
                                                                             protecting the public and animal
    in place for our community
                                       Animal control agencies should        health and safety across the
    provide adequate protections,
                                       adopt a tiered approach to the        board.
    or do we want to enhance
                                       laws that govern their
    elements within our local animal
                                       community’s relationship with
    control ordinance?
                                       animals. Starting with the most          A tool for
    Are there barriers to
                                       basic laws, such as leash laws           prevention
                                       and proper confinement laws, is
    compliance that we have not
                                       the first step in building a strong      An animal control ordinance
                                       foundation.                              provides requirements and
                                                                                regulations for the community.
    Are there laws already in place
                                       Once these basic functions of            But at its best, it also empowers
    that cover the same territory
                                       animal control are in place and          agencies by allowing for new
    that could be enforced better or
                                       the community has accepted               approaches to animal
    differently with the same
                                       them as the standard, local              management based on
                                                                                prevention tactics.

By Cory A. Smith for Animal Sheltering Magazine July/August 2012                      animalfarmfoundation.org.
Updating your animal control ordinance
Where 27previous legal               Proper identification is
   prohibitions may be in the way       increasingly seen as another
   of progressive programs,             fundamental element of animal        Considering cats
   ordinance amendments can be          control regulations.
   made to provide animal control                                            Restraint laws have traditionally
   agencies with the green light to     Owned animals should be              been designed for dogs, and
   embark on new initiatives such       required to wear a collar and ID     came about largely as a public
   as legal trap-neuter-return          tag, license tag, or have a          safety measure. But some
   programs for community feral         microchip (ideally an animal         jurisdictions have passed
   cats, the promotion of               should have both, sporting           restraint requirements for cats –
   spay/neuter and humane               visible ID that can be read by       with mixed results.
   wildlife services, and the           both officers and citizens who
   education and training of animal     happen upon her and a                Given that many owners still
   care and control officers.           microchip that can be scanned        allow their cats to roam
                                        by animal control and shelter        outdoors, some cat restraint
   Preventing owned dogs and cats       staff).                              laws can result in an increase of
   from roaming freely is one of                                             cat intake to the shelter,
   the primary elements of basic        This helps animal control officers   resulting in increases in
   animal control management in         determine stray and lost             euthanasia. And, if poorly
   any community. Free-roaming          animals’ origins in order to         worded, some cat laws can
   animals pose a risk to public        return them home, keeping            actually prevent lifesaving
   safety (dog bites, auto accidents,   those animals from long shelter      programs like trap-neuter-
   etc.), to other animals, and to      stays and often keeping them         return.
   themselves.                          from ever entering the shelter.

   Restraint laws generally require
   owners to safely confine pets on
   their property and adequately
   restrain them when off. Proper
   restraint is usually described as
   “secured by collar and/or leash,”
   or “under reasonable control”
   when not on the owners
   property. Restraint/leash laws
   exist primarily on the local level
   – very few states have specific
   leash requirements for pets – so
   they are a fundamental part of a
   good animal control ordinance.

   Reminding owners that they are
   responsible for any physical or
   property damage their animal
   may cause while unrestrained is
   often enough incentive for most
   people to keep their dogs under

By Cory A. Smith for Animal Sheltering Magazine July/August 2012                       animalfarmfoundation.org.
Updating your animal control ordinance

 When considering how to
 approach cat

 Cat overpopulation stands at
 epidemic proportions today.
 Shelters are taking in and
 euthanizing more cats than dogs
 – in most areas, the ration is 2:1
 at least. Approximately 3 million
 cats are euthanized in shelters
 each year.

 It is estimated that no more
 than 2-5 percent of cats picked
 up as strays and taken to a
 shelter will be reunited with
 their owners, compared to 15-30
 percent of dogs. That equals
 thousands of cats and even
 more thousands of dollars for
 local animal control annually,
 and when you multiply it by the
 number of animal control
 agencies nationwide, the figures
                                       Passing unrealistic                 passed ordinances requiring cat
 become startling.
                                       requirements for cat owners is a    identification (collar and tag)
                                       waste of time, and can have         and/or microchipping or
 Given those realities, it’s
                                       tragic results in more cats being   licensing for cats, leading to
 worth considering whether
                                       surrendered, abandoned, and         higher than average return-to-
 requirements that cats be
                                       euthanized. Cat ordinances          owner rates.
 confined will keep them safer, or
                                       should be designed to protect
 result in a greater influx of cats
 to local shelters. The answer
                                       public safety, protect cats, and    Licensed to thrive
                                       provide animal control agencies
 may depend on your
                                       with effective, proactive,          Government-mandated dog
                                       productive tools to manage cat      registration systems to provide
                                       populations and keep cats in        license tags to pet owners in
 An estimated 50 million feral
                                       their homes, while educating cat    exchange for a fee – commonly
 cats live in U.S. communities.
                                       owners about the importance of      called licensing – have had a
 Any ordinances that apply to
                                       spaying/neutering and keeping       positive effect in the United
 owned cats need to make
                                       cats indoors.                       States. Communities with higher
 specific exceptions for feral cats,
 since there are no owners to                                              licensing compliance rates
                                       Most jurisdictions require cats     report better numbers for
 hold accountable. Ordinances
                                       to be vaccinated against rabies     returning animals to their
 that enable nonlethal
                                       since they rank in the top          homes, saving shelters space,
 management of feral cats
                                       listings of vector species. Some    time, money, and keeping pets
 should be considered.
                                       communities have successfully       out of the shelter system.

By Cory A. Smith for Animal Sheltering Magazine July/August 2012                        animalfarmfoundation.org.
Updating your animal control ordinance
       These programs have been              Some jurisdictions have begun        understandings of the pet
       most successful in communities        to incorporate microchips into       population.
       that spread the message that          their licensing programs as a
       licensing is a pet protection         requirement, and most                One way to engage the
       service rather than a                 jurisdictions scan incoming          community in helping reduce
       burdensome tax. Pet owners            animals for microchips whether       the need for sheltering services
       are usually not opposed to            they are a requirement or not.       and the problem of euthanasia
       shouldering some of the               But collars and tags are still the   is via differential licensing
       financial responsibility for          No. 1 means for a lost animal to     programs, which require a
       animal care and control               be returned home, whether by a       higher payment to license
       programs when they value the          neighbor, Good Samaritan, or         unsterilized animals. This can
       programs and services.                animal control agency.               serve as an incentive for pet
                                                                                  owners to have their animal
       Higher pet registration fees,         When efficiently run, licensing      spayed or neutered, while
       coupled with promotional              programs can provide                 shifting more of the burden of
       strategies and stricter               community pet population             animal control cost to pet
       enforcement, almost always            records, and when your               owners who create the need for
       results in greater revenues.          government knows how many            increased services.
       Licensing fees will not usually       pets are in your community, it
       cover the full cost of an effective   makes budgeting and setting          Charging pet owners who allow
       animal control program, but           program goals much easier.           their pets to contribute to the
       they can be a key supplemental                                             surplus of companion animals in
       source of income.                     Your public education efforts,       the community, directly
                                             record keeping, and ability to       impacting homelessness rates
       Ordinances should specify the         target problems in the               and animal control costs, is a
       requirement that dogs wear the        community will be much more          sensible tactic that educates the
       license tag on their collars.         effective with better                pet-owning public, but allows
                                                                                  people to keep their pets intact if
                                                                                  they choose.

                                                                                  Estimates indicate that more
                                                                                  than 80 percent of counties and
                                                                                  cities in the United States have
                                                                                  differential licensing structure in
                                                                                  place. Some states require that
                                                                                  local governments impose at
                                                                                  least a minimal differential;
                                                                                  while others leave it up to the

                                                                                  Most licensing fees for altered
                                                                                  animals fall within the $5-15 per
                                                                                  year range and unaltered
                                                                                  animals fees in the $30-200 per
                                                                                  year range. In recent years the
                                                                                  trend has been towards
                                                                                  increasing the differentials.

By Cory A. Smith for Animal Sheltering Magazine July/August 2012                          animalfarmfoundation.org.
Updating your animal control ordinance

       The majority of               dog or cat over the age of 3   residents throughout the
       communities across the        months without a valid         year.
       country require proof of      rabies vaccination.
       rabies vaccination before                                    These services can be held in
       issuing a license and         Rabies control laws should     conjunction with other
       registration tags. Some       also address quarantine        community events and can
       jurisdictions require that    requirements in case of        include other public
       veterinarians report rabies   animal-to-human bite           education on animal care
       vaccinations to the animal    incidents, domestic animal-    and management issues.
       control agency, and           to-animal bite incidents, or
       incentivize veterinarians     contact between domestic       An animal control ordinance
       for selling licenses from     animals and wild animals.      has the chance to set the
       their practice, which has     Rabies control should be       tone for pet ownership
       been shown to increase        considered one of the          within your community and
       compliance rates.             primary functions of an        for the animal care and
                                     animal control agency, so      control agency itself.
       Ordinance sections            government should budget
       pertaining to rabies should   for and organize free or
       make it unlawful for any      reduced-cost rabies
       person to own or harbor a     vaccination clinics for

By Cory A. Smith for Animal Sheltering Magazine July/August 2012          animalfarmfoundation.org.
Updating your animal control ordinance
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