Update Monthly FERTILIZER T - J. M. BAXI. & CO - JM Baxi

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Update Monthly FERTILIZER T - J. M. BAXI. & CO - JM Baxi

 Monthly O
 Update 21
J. M. BAXI. & CO.
Update Monthly FERTILIZER T - J. M. BAXI. & CO - JM Baxi
Update Monthly FERTILIZER T - J. M. BAXI. & CO - JM Baxi
October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update               3

  Port Anlaysis

Fertilizers Traffic At Indian Ports (Qty In Million Tonnes)

Fertilizers traffic at Indian Ports- September 2021 (Qty in Million Tonnes)

Major Country-wise Fertilizers  Imports September 2021 (Qty in Million Tonnes)


  Market Overview And Trends


Disclaimer: The information contained in this market update is drawn from wide range of newspapers, business and trade magazines,
government, company and industry association websites. While all possible care is taken to verify the correctness and authenticity of
information contained in this compilation, no claim to independent authorship of articles is implied or intended. Readers are expected
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are believed to be correct, the editors of this compilation or J. M. Baxi & Co. do not guarantee  the quotes or other data and the same is
provided only in good faith.

Update Monthly FERTILIZER T - J. M. BAXI. & CO - JM Baxi
4   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021

Update Monthly FERTILIZER T - J. M. BAXI. & CO - JM Baxi
October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   5
Update Monthly FERTILIZER T - J. M. BAXI. & CO - JM Baxi
6     J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021

                           Fertilizers traffic at Indian Ports (Qty in Metric Tonnes)

    PORT NAME                           APRIL-AUG - 21          APRIL-AUG - 20          VARIANCE Y - O - Y

     ANGRE                                         0.000                 0.022                     -0.022

     BEDI                                          0.561                 0.702                     -0.141

     CHENNAI                                       0.092                 0.152                     -0.060

     COCHIN                                        0.097                 0.108                     -0.011

     DAHEJ                                         0.361                 0.159                      0.203

     DHAMRA                                        0.130                 0.193                     -0.064

     DHARAMTAR                                     0.068                 0.000                      0.068

     GANGAVARAM                                    0.250                 0.317                     -0.067

     HALDIA                                        0.257                 0.204                      0.054

     HAZIRA                                        0.930                 0.740                      0.190

     JAIGAD                                        0.199                 0.054                      0.145

     KAKINADA                                      1.005                 1.502                     -0.497

     KANDLA                                        1.455                 1.651                     -0.196

     KARAIKAL                                      0.113                 0.130                     -0.017

     KOLKATA                                        0.030                0.000                      0.030

     KRISHNAPATNAM                                 0.613                 0.533                      0.080

     MANGALORE                                     0.209                 0.313                     -0.104

     MORMUGAO                                      0.036                 0.011                      0.025

     MUMBAI                                        0.260                 0.140                      0.120

     MUNDRA                                        1.524                 2.110                     -0.586

     PARADIP                                       1.771                 2.299                     -0.528

     PIPAVAV                                       0.426                 0.639                     -0.213

     SAGAR ROADS                                   0.039                 0.000                      0.039

     SANDHEADS                                     0.003                 0.000                      0.003

     TUNA                                          0.299                 0.309                     -0.010

     TUTICORIN                                     0.347                 0.537                     -0.190

     VISAKHAPATNAM                                 1.265                 1.522                     -0.257

     Grand Total                                  12.342                14.432                     -2.090

Update Monthly FERTILIZER T - J. M. BAXI. & CO - JM Baxi
October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update    7

            Fertilizers traffic at Indian Ports September - 2021 (Qty in Metric Tonnes)

Port                                                                  Cargo                   QTY IN MT

 COCHIN                                              ROCK PHOSPHATE                                 41101

                                                                SULPHUR                             27500

                                                     ROCK PHOSPHATE                                 62000
                                                                      UREA                          48300

 DHAMRA                                                               UREA                          52500

 GANGAVARAM                                                           UREA                        169463

 HALDIA                                           MURIATE OF POTASH                                 27514

                                                     ROCK PHOSPHATE                                  9600

 HAZIRA                                              ROCK PHOSPHATE                                 90300

                                                                      UREA                          50857

 JAIGAD                                                               UREA                          54000

                                                  MURIATE OF POTASH                                 50272

                                                    NITRO PHOSPHATE                                 59995
                                                     ROCK PHOSPHATE                                 19050

                                                                      UREA                        102130

                                                 AMMONIUM NITRATE                                   22500

                                          DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                                     74500
 KANDLA                                           MURIATE OF POTASH                                 75905

                                                         POLYSULPHATE                                1033

                                                                      UREA                          45355

 KARAIKAL                                                             UREA                          65820

 KRISHNAPATNAM                                                        UREA                          52500

 MANGALORE                                                            UREA                          47250

 MUMBAI                                           MURIATE OF POTASH                                 36750

                                          DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                                     45000

                                                  MURIATE OF POTASH                                 23172
                                                    NITRO PHOSPHATE                                 56555

                                                     ROCK PHOSPHATE                                 52380

                                                                      UREA                        183157

8     J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021

                                                          MURIATE OF POTASH     14000

                                                            ROCK PHOSPHATE     499392
                                                                   SULPHUR      89953

                                                                      UREA      47250

                                                 DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE          66000
                                                                      UREA     160145

    SAGAR ROADS                                                       UREA      30042

    TUNA                                                              UREA      47250

                                                          MURIATE OF POTASH     63000
                                                            ROCK PHOSPHATE      60200

                                                                   SULPHUR      27000

                                                            MOLTEN SULPHUR      10000

    VISAKHAPATNAM                                         MURIATE OF POTASH     33000

                                                            ROCK PHOSPHATE     125245

                                                                      UREA      23000

    Grand Total                                                               2941935
October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   9

          Major Country-wise Fertilizers  Imports September   - 2021 (Qty in Metric Tonnes)

COUNTRIES                                                      CARGO                  SEPTEMBER - 2021

                                              MURIATE OF POTASH                                    135283
                                                NITRO PHOSPHATE                                      56555

 CHINA                                                            UREA                             693795

                                              AMMONIUM NITRATE                                       22500

 EGYPT                                        MURIATE OF POTASH                                      80750

                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE                                    144485

 ISRAEL                                       MURIATE OF POTASH                                      51000

 JAPAN                                           MOLTEN SULPHUR                                  9999.547

                                      DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                                          11000

 JORDAN                                       MURIATE OF POTASH                                      23580

                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE                                    323996

 KUWAIT                                                     SULPHUR                                  27000

 LITHUANIA                                    MURIATE OF POTASH                                      14000

 MOROCCO                                         ROCK PHOSPHATE                                    272326

 OMAN                                                             UREA                             100201

                                                            SULPHUR                                  27500
                                                                  UREA                               33000

 RUSSIA                                                           UREA                               47250

                                      DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                                        174500

 SAUDI ARABIA                                   NITRO PHOSPHATE                                      59995

                                                            SULPHUR                                  54100

 SENEGAL                                         ROCK PHOSPHATE                                      27500

 THAILAND                                            POLYSULPHATE                                1033.173

 TOGO                                            ROCK PHOSPHATE                                      91161

 U.A.E.                                                     SULPHUR                                  35853

 UKRAINE                                                          UREA                             220731

                                              MURIATE OF POTASH                                      19000
                                                                  UREA                               54000

10    J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021

            MAJOR  FERTILIZER  IMPORTERS September  - 2021 (Qty in METRIC TONNES)

                                                                                   September -
     IMPORTERS                                                             Cargo

                                                          DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE         0.028
     CALS LTD.

                                                               MURIATE OF POTASH        0.034

     COROMANDAL FERTLIZERS LTD.                                            UREA         0.053

     COROMANDEL INTL. LTD.                                       MOLTEN SULPHUR         0.010

                                                               MURIATE OF POTASH        0.035

                                                                NITRO PHOSPHATE         0.028

                                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE         0.125

                                                                           UREA         0.033

                                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE         0.041

                                                                        SULPHUR         0.028

     GREENSTAR FERTILIZERS PVT. LTD.                             ROCK PHOSPHATE         0.060

                                                                        SULPHUR         0.027

                                                              AMMONIUM NITRATE          0.023

                                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE         0.386

                                                                        SULPHUR         0.090

                                                                           UREA         0.501

     INDIAN PHOSPHATE LTD.                                                 UREA         0.053

     INDIAN POTASH LTD.                                   DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE         0.047

                                                               MURIATE OF POTASH        0.138

                                                                           UREA         0.262

     INDORAMA INDIA PVT. LTD.                                  MURIATE OF POTASH        0.028

                                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE         0.010
     ERS LTD.

     KPR FERTILISERS PVT. LTD.                                   ROCK PHOSPHATE         0.009

     KRIBHCO BHARATI CO OP LTD.                           DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE         0.039
October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   11

KRIBHCO FERTILIZERS LTD.                                       UREA                 0.051

KRISHI SAMAGRI CO. LTD.                                        UREA                 0.030

                                                               UREA                 0.048

MOSAIC INDIA PVT. LTD.               DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                          0.045

                                             MURIATE OF POTASH                      0.038

                                               NITRO PHOSPHATE                      0.057

                                                ROCK PHOSPHATE                      0.052

NARMADA BIO CHEM PVT. LTD.                                     UREA                 0.054

NATIONAL FERTILIZERS CO. LTD.        DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                          0.028

                                               NITRO PHOSPHATE                      0.032

                                                               UREA                 0.095

PARADIP PHOSPHATES LTD.                      MURIATE OF POTASH                      0.014

                                                ROCK PHOSPHATE                      0.114

                                             MURIATE OF POTASH                      0.037

TOYOTO TSUSHO INDIA                                POLYSULPHATE                     0.001
12   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021   Jan 2020  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   12

October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   13
14   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021

                                                         China’s curbs on fertiliser exports may affect
                                                         India, says report

                                                         KRIBHCO, CSC tie up to market agri-input

                                                         Amid spike in raw material cost, Govt to
                                                         ensure ample fertiliser supplies for Rabi crop:
                                                         FACT chief

October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   15

Farmers in North opt to sow early, face DAP

Govt sets up ‘war room’ on movement of
16   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021

                           China’s curbs on fertiliser exports may affect India,
              01           says report

                           Chinese authorities are imposing new        stable fertilizer supplies and prices
                           hurdles for fertilizer exporters amid       given its importance to agricultural
                           growing concerns over surging power         production and food security. The
The increased              prices and food production, a move          General Administration of Customs
scrutiny comes as          that could worsen a global price shock      added new inspection requirements
                           and food inflation. Some Chinese            on 29 categories of products including
global fertilisers
                           fertilizer cargoes ready to be shipped      urea to ammonium nitrate, according
costs have soared
                           are being held up by local authorities      to a notice this month. Despite that,
to new records,
                           for additional checks or to obtain          the blistering rally in China’s fertilizer
spurred by energy          new export certificates, according          market shows no sign of cooling, with
crises in Europe           to people familiar with the matter.         benchmark urea futures holding near
and China as coal          The supplies will either end up being       a record.
and natural gas            sold on the domestic market or face
are important
             “             delays in being exported, said the
                           people, who asked not to be named
                           as they are not authorized to speak
                                                                       China’s move to curb fertilizer exports
                                                                       will be felt around the world as
                                                                       it is a key supplier of urea, sulphate
                           on the matter. The increased scrutiny       and phosphate, accounting for about
                           comes as global fertilizers costs have      30% of global trade. The biggest buyers
                           soared to new records, spurred by           of China’s fertilizers include India,
                           energy crises in Europe and China as        Pakistan and countries in Southeast
                           coal and natural gas are important          Asia. There are already signs that a
                           feedstocks. The cost increase comes         fertilizer shortage is emerging globally.
                           at a particularly worrying time, with       Farmers in Brazil reported that some
                           global food prices hitting a 10-year        deliveries of fertilizer and glyphosate
                           high. The new measures implemented          have been canceled. France, the
                           by   Chinese     authorities   follow   a   largest European agriculture producer,
                           customs regulation that kicked in on        may     face     difficulties      sourcing
                           Oct. 15 requiring additional inspection     fertilizer   supplies,   an     official   at
                           of fertilizer exports. It also follows a    FranceAgriMer warned last week.
                           notice from the National Development        China’s customs administration didn’t
                           and Reform Commission, China’s top          answer calls seeking comment on the
                           economic planner, that called for           export curbs

                                                                         Source: Business Standard

October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update       17

                        KRIBHCO, CSC tie up to market agri-input products

                        CSC e-Governance Services India             Services India Ltd Managing Director
                        has collaborated with Krishak Bharati       Dinesh Tyagi said in the statement,
                        Cooperative (KRIBHCO) to provide            “Our alliance with KRIBHCO is a
   KRIBHCO is           access to fertilisers and agricultural      step ahead in furthering the agenda
   engaged in the       inputs   to   farmers via    four lakh      of the government in serving the
   business of          village level entrepreneurs. Common         farmers and agricultural community.”
   manufacturing,       Services Centres (CSCs) will facilitate     The last mile delivery of fertilisers,
   importing and        the sale and distribution of KRIBHCO        seeds and other agri products is “an
   marketing of         products which include fertilisers like     important aspect of our activities at
   fertilizers, agri
   inputs and seeds.
                        imported urea, DAP, NPK/NPS, bio-
                        fertiliser, city compost, zinc sulphate,
                        certified seeds, hybrid seeds and
                                                                    CSCs and the partnership will help
                                                                    us reach out to farmers and citizens
                                                                    in the villages with timely supply of
                        potash derived from molasses, a             reliable and quality agri inputs,” he
                        statement said. KRIBHCO is engaged          added. Rajan Chowdhry, Managing
                        in the business of manufacturing,           Director,     KRIBHCO,       said      in    the
                        importing and marketing of fertilizers,     statement that this partnership will
                        agri inputs and seeds. Early this year,     usher in a new era where farmers
                        CSC set up an agri services platform        can get cost effective agri inputs at
                        to facilitate agri inputs like seeds,       the click of mouse and smartphones,
                        manure, and pesticides, rent and hire       thereby     promoting       ‘Digital    India’.
                        of farm machinery and implements,           FPOs as agribusiness retailers will
                        and trading of agri produce etc             help the farming community become
                        through its VLEs and farmer producer        “agriculture       entrepreneur”            from
                        organisations (FPOs). Elaborating on        “agriculture producer”, he added
                        the partnership, CSC e-Governance

                                                                       Source: Economic Times

                        Amid spike in raw material cost, Govt to ensure ample
                        fertiliser supplies for Rabi crop: FACT chief

                        The Centre has taken all steps to ensure    raw material cost has facilitated the
                        fertiliser availability in the ensuing      government to enhance the subsidy
Rising raw material     Rabi season amidst shooting up of           to all fertiliser firms to avoid any
prices, a concern for   raw material prices and its shortage.       further hike in product prices, Kishore
                        The Fertiliser Ministry monitors the        Rungta, Chairman and Managing
   fertiliser PSUs
                        situation closely and reviews weekly,       Director, FACT told. The prices of all
                        as the emerging conditions have led         raw materials such as phosphoric acid,
                        to the rise in production cost of all       sulphuric acid, sulphur have doubled
                        PSU fertilisers companies. The rising       in the last year, forcing companies to

18   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021

                           sell their products at lower margins or   Spike in Natural gas price
                           at a loss. However, the hike in subsidy   Asked about the recent spike in
                           to the tune of ₹8,000 per tonne for       natural gas prices, the CMD said. “we
                           NPK and ₹12,000 for DAP has come          have been insulated ourselves till
                           as a relief to the manufacturers, he      August 2022 because of the contract
                           said. The fertiliser demand in the        signed with PSU oil companies based
                           Rabi crop season in the country           on the Gorgon gas price which is
                           is estimated at 21 million tonnes         prevailing at $12-13/MMBtu, below
                           against 20 million tonnes in last year.   the international rates”. He said that
                           Rungta, who is also the chairman of       even the existing gas price is almost
                           Fertiliser Association of India (South    double compared to the availed rate
                           Zone), said the way the raw material      at $6/MMBtu last year. FACT, he
                           prices are moving is a concern as         said, is in the final stages of capacity
                           the country could not afford such a       expansion by adding 0.5 million
                           higher price regime. He attributed        tonnes from the present one million
                           increased consumption of fertiliser       tonnes in the next two years. The
                           in China and Brazil, forcing global       project would involve setting up a
                           fertiliser manufacturers to shift focus   new plant to produce various grades
                           to these countries. The global firms      of fertiliser including DAP. Once it is
                           in Morocco, Gulf nations are allotting    commissioned, he said the turnover
                           comparatively lesser quantities to        would touch around ₹7000 crore from
                           India because of the price parity.        the present ₹3,200 crore in 2020-
                           This coupled with the rising cost of      21. To a question on FACT’s ‘Looking
                           ship charter hire, is also adding to      East’ initiative, Rungta said “there has
                           the woes of domestic manufacturing        been an overwhelming response from
                           companies. FACT has also geared up        Bengal and Odisha while dispatching
                           to import 1.5 lakh tonnes of MoP /        20,000 tonnes of Factamfos and
                           NPKS from November onwards , once         Ammonium Sulphate. The intention is
                           the situation in the global market        to go for a pan India footprint before
                           improves, he said.                        going for capacity expansion”

                                                                       Source: The Hindu Business Line

October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   19

                       Farmers in North opt to sow early, face DAP crunch

                       The crunch is also being felt due to the
                       rise in import prices of raw materials       China’s restrictions
                       such as phosphoric acid, congestion          “For reasons not known, China has
Shortage of            at ports, surging freight rates and          imposed restrictions on DAP exports.
di ammonium            distribution being hit by the farmers’       As a result, supplies have shrunk,
phosphate (DAP) is     stir against the farm laws. According        triggering a challenge for us,” an official
being felt in some     to the Dashboard of the Department           at a large fertiliser-making firm said. In
                       of Fertiliser, total requirement of DAP      addition, global prices have surged to
parts of North
                       for the current rabi season has been         $750-800 a tonne from $650 a tonne
India due to high
                       estimated at 58.71 lakh tonnes (lt).         two months ago. The price of Muriate
demand as farmers      Supply of DAP during October 1-21            of Potash (MOP), which was contracted
there are taking       has been higher at 20.12 lt against          at $280 a tonne earlier, is now sold at
up early sowing of     a requirement of 12.25 lt. However,          $500 a tonne. This has forced domestic
mustard and potato     sales during this period have been           manufacturers of NPK to cut their
in view of good soil   reported at 8.21 lt. For the remainder       production. Suppliers of phosphoric
                       of the season ending March 31 next,          acid from Morocco have hiked prices
moisture following
                       the requirement is estimated at 50.49        from $1,160 a tonne to $1,400 due to
recent unseasonal

rains, according to
                       lt. But, the stock availability as on
                       October 21 was 18.67 lt. The current
                       situation is despite the Centre hiking
                                                                    sharp surge in demand. The subsidy
                                                                    has to be increased by ₹300-400 a bag
                                                                    for NPK to cover up the cost increase,
                       the subsidy for the phosphatic and           the executive said. Given the current
                       potassic nutrients by ₹28,655 crore.         subsidy, it will not be viable to import
                       Rising international prices of fertiliser    and sell at Government fixed price.
                       and key raw materials have proven to         “The lopsided subsidy favouring DAP
                       be a major challenge for India, which        has hampered domestic production
                       relies on imports to meet its rising         and worked against Atma Nirbhar
                       demand. Inventories of fertilisers have      Bharat. The government should either
                       been one of the lowest at the start          increase the NPK subsidy or allow
                       of this rabi season, while distribution      producers to pass on the incremental
                       of imported fertiliser in the northern       cost to farmers. The ideal solution
                       States has been affected by frequent         would be to remove the subsidy
                       blockades organised by farmers,              difference between DAP and NPK,”
                       said a senior executive of a fertiliser      the official said. In the North, at least
                       company.                                     20-30 per cent of the farmers can
                                                                    switch between DAP and NPK as per
                       Low inventories                              availability and cost. Apart from these
                       DAP inventories at the start of the          problems, it takes 50-60 days for the
                       rabi season were a low 15 lt against 40      material to arrive at ports and dispatch
                       lt during the same period a year ago.        to end consumers
                       NPK complex fertiliser stocks were
                       30 lt against 36 lt a year ago. Besides,
                       the decline in availability of DAP from
                       countries such as China has added to
                       the industry’s woes. China was the
                                                                       Source: The Hindu Business Line
                       major source for India’s DAP imports.

20   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | October 2021

                           Govt sets up ‘war room’ on movement of fertilisers

                           On October 17, three railway rakes         at present are mainly to Aligarh,
                           carrying     di-ammonium      phosphate    Mathura, Agra, Mainpuri, Etawah,
                           (DAP) were dispatched from Gujarat’s       Farrukhabad, Kanpur, and other rake
Shortage                   Mundra, Pipavav, and Kandla ports          points near the state’s potato- and
situation forces           to Kanakpura, a station in Rajasthan       mustard-growing tracts.
                           catering    to   the    mustard-growing
Centre to plan
                           areas of Jaipur, Tonk, Ajmer, and Sawai    “The rakes to Kanakpura were listed
supplies based on
                           Madhopur districts. The permission         low in the seniority of indents. But
real-time district
                           for moving these rakes, the first two      after anticipating heavy demand from
and crop level             of 2,600 tonnes each and the third of      East Rajasthan’s mustard farmers, we
             “             4,000 tonnes, was secured on an “out
                           of turn” basis — that too, on a Sunday.
                           This level of minute planning and
                                                                      sought special permission to allow
                                                                      them to jump the queue,” the official
                                                                      said. The DOF is currently operating a
                           prioritisation of fertiliser movement      “24/7 war room” in close coordination
                           by the Centre is happening for the first   with the Railway Board, fertiliser
                           time, in response to an unprecedented      companies,    and   state   agriculture
                           shortage situation, both domestic          departments. The DOF has assessed
                           and globally. As The Indian Express        the DAP requirement at 17.13 lt in
                           had reported, all-India stocks of DAP      November, 9.48 lt in December, 5.46
                           and muriate of potash on September         lt in January, 4.06 lt in February, and
                           30 were less than half of a year-ago       4.47 lt in March, adding up to 58.71 lt
                           levels, even as international prices of    for the season. The same for complex
                           fertilisers and inputs have surged to      fertilisers (containing combinations
                           their highest since 2008-09. “We were      of nitrogen, phosphorous, potash
                           earlier simply sending material based      and sulphur) has, likewise, been
                           on the month-wise requirements for         placed at 12.86 lt in October, 12.26
                           the season given to us by the states.      lt in November, 11.09 lt in December,
                           (Rabi plantings start from October.)       9.93 lt in January, 7.86 lt in February,
                           But now, we are finding out district-      and 6.84 lt in March, totalling 60.86
                           wise requirements and the crops            lt. “We were till October 15 moving
                           where sowing is taking place. The          an average of 50 rakes daily, which
                           field demand thus assessed is then         has since increased to 55 (30 of DAP/
                           sought to be addressed by mobilising       complexes and 25 urea). This will
                           rakes to those locations,” said a          further go up to 60 by October-end.
                           senior official of the Department          That is when wheat sowings would
                           of Fertilisers (DOF). On the ground,       also start in Punjab, Haryana, and
                           this means mustard and potato,             Madhya Pradesh, while only after
                           which are planted in October, taking       mid-November in UP,” the official
                           precedence over wheat. Thus, more          added. He denied that Punjab was
                           rakes are being moved to Rajasthan         facing a shortage of DAP: “They have
                           and railheads such as Rewari, Khori,       1.2 lt stocks lying with retailers now.
                           and Jhajjar in Haryana’s mustard belt.     Their requirement for potato (largely
                           In Uttar Pradesh too, the allocations      grown in Jalandhar, Kapurthala, and

October 2021  |  J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   21

Hoshiarpur) was already delivered in        in vegetative and tillering stages. India
late September to early October. We         has some 2.8 lakh fertiliser dealers
have so far this month moved 35 rakes       receiving supplies from 45-odd plants
of DAP/complexes (roughly 1.5 lt) to        and 21 ports. Around 80 per cent of
the state and will do another 15 (45,000    the material is moved by rail to 940
tonnes) within the next one week. All       rake points covering an average
this is for wheat”. Farmers apply DAP,      distance of 750 km. Never before
containing 46 per cent phosphorous          has this logistics system — reaching
necessary for root establishment and        adequate quantities of fertiliser at
growth, at the time of sowing. Urea,        the required place and time — been
the most-widely consumed fertiliser         tested as it is being done currently.
having 46 per cent nitrogen content,        More so with Assembly elections in
is generally given first around three       UP, Punjab, and Uttarakhand barely
weeks after sowing when the crop is         four months away

                                               Source: Indian Express

Other Reports for October 2021

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Agri Products Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Automotive Logistics Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Cement Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Chemical Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Coal Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Container Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Cruise Shipping Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Edible oil and Extractions Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Fertilizer Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly LNG & LPG Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Mineral and Metal Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Oil and Petroleum Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Port Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Project Cargo Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Seafarers Insights Update

 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Steel Update

Research Cell

                                          J. M. Baxi & Co.
Godrej Coliseum, Office No. 801, 8 Floor, “C” wing,  Behind Everard Nagar, Off. Somaiya Road, Sion

                                  East.  Mumbai - 400022 INDIA.

   Telephone: +91 . 22 61077100  |  Ext 161/145  |  Mobile: + 91 . 7506004224 / 7045659111
                   Email: jmbreports@jmbaxi.com  |  Website: www.jmbaxi.com
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