Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.

Page created by Tommy Carlson
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.

                                                By Randy Clark Charlotte, NC

       The preparation of a workable potting mixture in            eliminated, but also fine dust, which would plug up air
which to grow bonsai is certainly not the most exciting            holes between soil particles and inhibit proper drainage.
or interesting aspect of the art, but it is just as certainly      Screening and mixing soil is mostly common sense and
one of the most critical. Because the growing space in a           not rocket science. This is an important point to remember,
bonsai container is limited, it is important that soil placed      because it is possible to get so involved in the creation of
into it should perform perfectly. The health and well-being        the world’s most perfect soil mixture that one can lose site
of the tree are dependant on it.                                   of the principal objective... perfect drainage and aeration.
       The right recipe for bonsai soil is like the right recipe         The actual components and the amount of each
for spaghetti sauce. Everyone has a slightly different idea        component used in any soil mixture can vary from region
of what should go into it, but the basic ingredients gener-        to region and garden to garden. Exactly what should be
ally remain the same. Bonsai people will argue for hours           included in the final preparation is an individual matter.
about which ingredients will work the best. The actual             Components included in the mixture will be determined by
fact is that most thoughtfully prepared mixtures perform           several factors. First, what types of materials are read-
fine so long as they provide for excellent aeration and            ily and economically available in the grower’s immediate
drainage. The objective here is not to describe an exact           area. Second, what are the demands made by the local
mixture for making bonsai soil, but rather to discuss the          growing conditions, i.e., do you live in a desert or a rain
principals and elements necessary for an effective potting         forest? Third, How large is the container into which the
mix so that readers can construct a workable medium                tree is to be planted, i.e., shallow pots will dry out more
tailored to their own individual needs and growing condi-          quickly than deeper pots. Finally, what is the moisture and
tions.                                                             pH preference (acid or base) of the particular variety of
                                                                   bonsai being planted into the soil mix.
       Bonsaists spend a great deal of time sifting various
soil components through a series of sieves. The objec-                   Any usable soil mixture must always meet two basic
tive is to make all components approximately the same              requirements if it is to have any hope of success. First,
size. In the process not only are larger unusable chunks           the mixture must drain water quickly. This is generally
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
A properly prepared soil mix for use with
                                                                                   bonsai will contain ingredients of a uniform
                                                                                   size. This is done to provide for perfect
                                                                                   drainage of water from the container and to
                                                                                   allow vital aeration of the root system.

                                                                                  gradually trim away heavier roots, thereby
                                                                                  making more space for the growth of fine
                                                                                  feeder roots which are better able to nourish
                                                                                  the plant. It is the development of these fine,
                                                                                  hair like, feeder roots that a good bonsai
                                                                                  mixture is designed to encourage.
                                                                                        This concept is fairly simple to under-
                                                                                  stand. As proof, consider the kind of potting
                                                                                  mixture which plant propagators use for
                                                                                  the rooting of cuttings. Normally it is coarse
                                                                                  sand or perlite. Both of these substances
                                                                                  have a uniform particle size, drain water ex-
referred to as “perfect drainage.” Second, it should be es-                       ceptionally well and have no fine dust which
sentially pH neutral... that is, neither wildly acidic or basic.   would inhibit air movement through the soil (aeration).
A pH value somewhere in the 6.5 to 7.5 range seems
                                                                        These are exactly the same characteristics on which
best. There are all kinds of pH testing kits available on the
                                                                   a workable bonsai mix is based. The actual ingredients
market. It is a good idea to get one and use it to test soils.
                                                                   from which you assemble your soil mixture are certainly
Local agriculture extension agents also offer soil testing
                                                                   important, but regardless of the components,... if the final
services for a modest fee.
                                                                   mixture does not have good drainage and aeration, it is

“That Gravel You
                                                                   There Is No Soil in Bonsai Soil
Plant Your Trees In”
                                                                         The term “soil” is really somewhat of a misnomer.
       The appearance of a correctly prepared bonsai               The components normally used to create a good potting
potting mix is so radically different from the heavy black         mixture are, in fact, soilless. They are designed to provide
dirt the public usually purchases for their general potting        an ideal environment for root growth. Unfortunately, in
needs that newcomers often describe bonsai potting mixes           creating this “perfect” environment we also create a few
as “that gravel you plant your trees in.” They are not far         problems for ourselves.
wrong in this assessment, but what they fail to realize is
that there are some very specific reasons for preparing the              Obviously the soil mix described thus far will dry
soils in the manner we do and some very specific advan-            out much quicker than the sticky black potting soil most
tages to be gained by doing so.                                    people are familiar with. Most of the components used are
                                                                   aggregate (rock of one kind or another). This means there
        Why do bonsaists insist on a very loose well draining      are virtually no nutrients in a properly prepared bonsai pot-
soil mixture? The answer is simple. When god created               ting mix and that the container will hold onto only enough
little green apple trees... and all other plants for that mat-     moisture for its immediate needs. Both of these aspects
ter... his plan was to grow them in the ground. It was man         are unfortunate, but necessary if any soil mixture is to be
who devised the idea of putting them in containers. Hor-           successful.
ticulturally speaking, our bonsai are being asked to grow
roots in what is essentially an unnatural environment... the             Watering and fertilizing then become critical elements
small confines of a bonsai pot. Even though the container          for the development of healthy bonsai. Since the mix used
may suit our artistic vision for a bonsai masterpiece, it is       will hold neither nutrient or moisture, a failure to establish
an alien environment insofar as the tree’s root system is          regular, effective programs for both will quickly cause trees
concerned.                                                         to weaken and die. Likewise, an effective fertilization and
                                                                   watering regime will cause a tree planted in a good bonsai
      When a loose, well draining soil mixture is used, it         mix to respond with a growth and vigor that could not be
creates an environment into which the tree can easily grow         achieved using any other kind of potting preparation. Wa-
new roots. Vigorous root growth translates into vigorous           ter and fertilization are subjects for another article. Suffice
top growth and overall plant health. Because the growing           to say that both must be done on a very regular basis and
space in a pot is limited, bonsai practitioners attempt to         never, ever, neglected.
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
A bonsai potting
                                                                                                            mix for use with
                                                                                                            smaller, shohin
                                                                                                            and mame class
                                                                                                            plants. This
                                                                                                            particular recipe
                                                                                                            contains pine bark
                                                                                                            chips, fired clay
                                                                                                            particles and river
                                                                                                            rock which have
                                                                                                            been screened to
                                                                                                            eliminate dust and
                                                                                                            produce particles
                                                                                                            of 1/8 to 1/16 inch
                                                                                                            in size.

Bonsai Soil Composition                                          it... crushed lava rock. The inert ingredient(s) can vary
                                                                 greatly.... but generally fall into three categories: hardened
       A good general bonsai mixture should be composed          clays, expanded aggregates and non-porous aggregates.
of about 75 per cent inert aggregate and 25 per cent or-
ganic materials. What aggregate and what organic material
becomes a matter of personal choice and often consider-          Hardened Clays
able debate between bonsai people. The best suggestion
is to use materials that are available in the local area. This
will allow the grower to keep costs down and hassle to a              Akadama and Kanuma are particles of pelletized
minimum.                                                         clay which the Japanese use extensively for potting their

Inorganically Speaking
       Aggregate is the largest and most critical component
and will comprise an average of 65 to 85 percent of the to-
tal soil mass. Aggregate is the best term to describe these
substances, although, rock, gravel and drainage material
will also work. The aggregate portion of the mix may be
composed of just a single component or a combination of
components. The only requirement is that the aggregates
used have a uniform particle size and a neutral pH value.
It is not necessary to ship such materials across the
country or around the world in order to obtain a workable
potting mix. In all probability, they will be easily available
      As one travels and meets bonsai growers in other
locations they quickly discover that soil components
change by region based upon what is available in a
particular location. People in Florida use a lot of sand in
their soil mixtures. That’s because they have got a lot of it.
Colorado bonsaists can obtain all the decomposed granite         All components of a good bonsai mix must be screened
they want from the sides of their mountains. In Hawaii the       through several grades of mesh to eliminate both fine dust
primary inert component in a soil mixture is... you guessed      and large particles .
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
Two examples
                                                                                                            of hardened clay
                                                                                                            products. At left:
                                                                                                            Turface and on
                                                                                                            right: Japanese

bonsai. They are virtually unobtainable in the west except         not impair the mixture’s usefulness, but its overall benefit is
from a retail bonsai dealer. There are several different           a matter of debate. In any case, the importation of pellet-
grades and sizes of these clays.. Some have been fired             ized clay from half way around the world as the primary
until they are rock hard like the turface described below.         ingredient for a soil mix will quickly prove to be a very
Other grades are simply small pellets of clay that will break      costly business. If you have a lot of trees, you may want
down when they become wet. In either case the particles            to consider less expensive domestic materials.
will absorb water and nutrient and release it back to the
plant gradually. Purists in the art of bonsai will tell you that        Turface
growing trees in kanuma and akadama is the only way to                     Turface looks a lot like akadama, but is not. This
go and that if you are not using this product, you are not         product is used for the aeration of grass on golf courses
really doing right by your trees.                                  and baseball diamonds. Turface is usually only available
      While certain types of trees like to have a little clay      in fifty pound bags, from turf supply and lawn maintenance
included in the soil mixture (notably wisteria and azalea),        companies and generally not available at local garden
The rush to include akadama and kanuma in western pot-             stores. Essentially it is clay that has been heated in a fire
ting mixtures is somewhat of a fad. Its popularity is based        until it becomes hard and will not break down and turn into
on the belief among many western practitioners that if it          mud with prolonged exposure to water. If you were to take
comes from Japan it has got to be better than anything             a terra cotta pot and crush it up, you would have essential-
available in the west, i.e., Japanese bonsai are very              ly the same thing. Each particle is full of tiny holes which
beautiful. Therefore Japanese soil ingredients must be the         absorb water and release it back to the plant slowly. Its pH
answer to growing beautiful trees.                                 is relatively neutral. Proper sifting of a 50 pound bag will
                                                                   net you about 25 pounds of usable material for bonsai. You
     The inclusion of minor amounts of Japanese clays in           can use the rest to aerate your garden.
a working bonsai mixture may improve and will certainly

            Two examples of non-porous
              aggregate. River rock and
        fragmented granite (Poultry grit).

                                                                                          Three examples of
                                                                                          expanded (porous)
                                                                                          aggregrate. Left: Haydite,
                                                                                          Center: Lava Rock, Right:
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
Lava rock (left) is an excellent example of porous aggregate which contains holes that absorb and release moisture to the
plant. River rock (right) is a non-porous aggregate and does not absorb moisture.

      Although “turface” is the term generally used to de-            Lava Rock
scribe fired clay, it is, in fact, a brand name. Other manu-
factures market similar products under the names such                 Yet another expanded stone product is lava rock.
as Soilmaster or Terragreen. There may be others. Note,         This is usually available in garden centers and is red in
however, certain brands of cat litter and oil absorbent prod-   color. Bonsai people are fond of using lava rock as a
ucts on the market contain fired clay as their prime ingredi-   finishing dressing on the surface of the pot, but it can also
ent. You should be extremely cautious about using such          make an excellent primary aggregate component for any
products because they often contain chemical additives          mix. Like expanded shale and slate, lava rock is full of
which would be detrimental when used in a soil mix.             tiny holes which absorb water and then release it back to
                                                                the plant slowly. Unlike expanded shale and slate, it was
                                                                the volcano gods who did the expanding and not man.
Expanded Aggregates
     Haydite                                                    Non-Porous Aggregates
       Haydite is another brand name and is the rock equiv-           Poultry Grit
alent of turface. Similar products may be found marketed
under names such as permatil and staylite. They come                  We’ve used this substance for years and swear by
in different colors (brown or gray usually) depending upon      it. You can purchase it by the bag from your local feed
where it was made and what kind of stone was used. His-         or farm supply store already separated into the correct
torically, expanded rock is the primary ingredient used in      grades. Poultry grit is composed of fragments of crushed
the manufacture of concrete blocks to make them lighter.        granite which farmers feed to their chickens to help them
Only in recent years has this product’s value as a soil         grind up corn. (As it turns out, chickens have no teeth).
amendment been discovered. Haydite, which is brown in           The particle size in any given bag will vary depending upon
color is expanded shale. Permatil is grey and made from         whether it is intended for baby chicks or full grown turkeys.
slate. The term “expanded” means it has been heated             Unlike clay or expanded rock, crushed granite is dense
to over 2000 degrees which causes these two
types of porous rock to become even more po-
rous. Like the turface it is full of tiny holes which
absorb water and release it back to the plant.
Some research even indicates haydite releases
water more readily than does the turface and is
less inclined to accumulate salts from watering.
Depending upon where it comes from, expanded
rock may be slightly pH acidic. This can be eas-
ily corrected by adding a little horticultural lime to
the soil mix.

   Commercial bonsai dealers often offer a variety
     of pre-screened and pre-mixed soils and soil
     components for use in transplanting bonsai.
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
Organically Speaking
                                                                                  There are some bonsai growers who be-
                                                                            lieve a good bonsai soil mix need not contain any
                                                                            organic ingredients whatsoever. They maintain
                                                                            that drainage and aeration are the two single most
                                                                            important aspects of a good bonsai mix and that
                                                                            you, as the grower, have the responsibility for sup-
                                                                            plying all the nutrients and moisture your bonsai
                                                                            may require.
                                                                                    This is absolutely true, but it sounds a
                                                                            little too much like hydroponics for most people.
                                                                            Although there is some merit to the argument,
                                                                            the preference among most bonsai growers is
                                                                            to include something in the finished soil mixture
                                                                            which, at least, looks a little like “dirt.” The organic
                                                                            component in an average soil mix is usually about
                                                                            20 to 30 percent of the total volume. This organic
                                                                            will decompose gradually and in so doing, re-
Pine bark is a good organic component to include in a
bonsai soil mix. In this case the bark has been passed             lease nutrient for the tree’s use. In addition, it will retain a
through three sets of screens to yield particles suitable for      bit more moisture than the inert components and will also
standard potting needs (on the right) and shohin potting           absorb more fertilizer.
                                                                           The exact nature of the organic component used
                                                                   is largely up to the grower. One of the most popular is
                                                                   pine bark because it is inexpensive and easily obtainable
and solid. It absorbs no water, is completely inert, neutral       in fifty pound bags from local garden centers. One bag
in pH and has sharp edges on each particle which cause             yields about 25 pounds of usable material after it has been
fine feeder roots to split and divide when they hit them. A        passed through three sets of screens. Some people use
word of caution. Make sure the chicken grit you are buying         oak leaf mulch, some garden soil, old compost, or even
is granite. We have found certain brands that are com-             decomposed sawdust. The list can get quite long. Re-
posed totally of crushed sea shells, which might be fine for       member that the organic component is simply a vehicle for
the chickens, but would be highly pH basic and disastrous          dispersing nutrient and moisture and that it should be pH
in a bonsai soil. We have also seen chicken grit manufac-          neutral. You should also avoid using anything that might be
tured from pink granite with white flecks. It works fine me-       too “hot” (too much nutrient) for tender young roots, such
chanically, but like perlite, is not aesthetically pleasing on     as cow manure or fresh compost.
the surface of a pot. If you can’t find poultry grit, check with
your local stone quarry. You may be able to buy the same
product, but will have to sift it through several screens to
obtain the necessary particle sizes.
     Construction Gravel
       This is the substance most often included in a good
bonsai soil mix. It is basically river rock and is the ingredi-
ent usually mixed with cement to make concrete. You can
find it “down by the riverside;” or at your local construc-
tion site; or at the local concrete manufacturer; or in bags
from building supply centers. (If you purchase it by the bag
make sure it is all rock and not a rock/cement mix which
would only compound drainage problems the first time
you watered.) Seriously,... river rock, a.k.a. - construction
gravel, is one of the best products you can include in your
soil mixture. It is non absorbent, dense, inert, pH neutral
and readily available in most areas. Don’t get it confused
with the children’s play sand and the blasting sand also
available in home centers.
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
Amendments such as activated charcoal, horticultural lime
                                                              and peat moss may be used to adjust pH or other qualities of
                                                              a soil mix.

                                                                Adding Something Extra
                                                                       Above and beyond the materials already discussed,
                                                                there are numerous other additions which some growers
                                                                may or may not choose to include in their mix. Activated
                                                                Charcoal is one addition because of its ability to purify and
                                                                neutralize any impurities which may get into the soil. For
                                                                growers who are working with acid loving plants such as
                                                                azaleas (pH of 7.5 or higher) the inclusion of peat moss
                                                                in a potting mixture is a good idea. Some azalea growers
                                                                actually include the peat moss as the primary organic in-
                                                                gredient in the base mix. For plants that like alkaline soils,
                                                                the addition of one or two handfuls of horticultural lime is
Tailor Mix To Your Needs                                        a useful addition. Many growers like to add a couple of
                                                                scoops of bone meal (a mild, organic fertilizer) to a base
      All components in a bonsai soil MUST be screened.         mix. As noted in the beginning, the right mixture for a
You will need a variety of screens ranging from one half        working bonsai soil is largely a matter of personal prefer-
inch mesh through one sixteenth. You can purchase ready         ence, but remember when adding ingredients not to impair
made bonsai sieve sets from local bonsai suppliers or           efficient drainage.
make your own by visiting the hardware cloth section of
the local building supply store. For a normal sized bonsai
container (about 11” wide by 1 or 2 “ deep) the compo-          A Couple Of Tips
nents described above should be screened to provide
particles which are about a quarter inch or less in diam-             Moss - Decorative ground covers such a moss can
eter. Mixes for smaller bonsai (shohin and mame class           add a great deal to a bonsai’s appearance. They can also
plants) should be screened to produce particles which are       be dangerous. Dry moss will actually shed water away
between one eighth and one sixteenth inch. In both cases,       from the plant. If you use moss on your bonsai make sure
fine dust particles should be removed.                          that the moss does not cover the entire surface of the
                                                                pot and that you are always able to inspect the moisture
      A little common sense is the best approach when           condition of the soil. There is a Japanese rule which says
deciding what soil mixture is right for you. A recipe which     moss may be permitted to touch only three sides of the
is composed of three quarters aggregate and one quarter         container. If followed it means that you will always be able
organic materials will produce a mix which is good for all      to inspect the condition of your soil easily.
evergreens and most types of deciduous bonsai. How-
ever, quite often varying the components and ratios in a
mix to accommodate particular varieties of
plants can be a good idea. Likewise, if the
plant prefers a damp soil mixture (larches and
bald cypress) more organic material, which
holds more water, may be called for. If the tree
prefers a dry soil, (pine, ficus, juniper) more
aggregate may be advisable.
      Take a look at the growing conditions in
your back yard. If you have a shaded location
you may have problems with pots staying con-
tinually wet. In such a case it might be wise
to increase the aggregate content of your soil
mix and thus cause it to dry out more quickly.
On the other hand, if your yard is exceptional-
ly sunny, you might want to add more organic
ingredients which will cause the soil to retain
more moisture.
Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
Old Soils - Try to insure that as much of the old soil                    Standard Bonsai Mix - Components should be
as possible is removed when transplanting. Incompatible                   passed through two sets of screens to produce particles of
soil mixtures can cause problems in maintaining adequate                  about 1/4 to 1/8 inch in diameter. Eliminate dust.
moisture levels and fool you into thinking the soil is com-
pletely saturated when it is not. The success of a good soil                   Haydite - 1 part
mix can be severely impaired if it is not uniform throughout                   Granite or River Rock - 1 part
the pot. If the old soil mass holds onto more moisture than
the new soil mix it may remain too wet and a condition of                      Turface - 1 part
root rot will set in. Likewise, if the center of the root ball is
hard pack clay it may resist absorption of water and roots                     Pine Bark - 1 part
will not grow. Such problems are usually only encountered
with plants collected in the wild. Trees that have been
grown in a proper bonsai soil mixture for a number of years                     Shohin & Mame Bonsai Mix - Components should
normally “release” most of their old soil particles upon                  be passed through three sets of screens to produce par-
transplant making the job of soil replacement much easier.                ticles of 1/8 inch to 1/16 inch. Eliminate dust.
This is another advantage of growing trees in a properly
prepared bonsai mixture.                                                       Haydite - 2 parts
                                                                               Turface - 1 part

Soil Composition Protocol                                                      Pine Bark - 1 part

      What follows is the recipe for the soil mixture used in
a hot sunny garden in North Carolina. These ingredients
in the ratios indicated make an excellent general purpose
potting mixture. They are, by no means, the only mixture
or combinations possible. You may wish to amend these
ingredients or alter the ratios to suit your own specific
growing conditions. Remember that the best general com-
binations of components will be 75 percent inert aggregate
material and 25 percent organic material. Consider the
climate and growing conditions in your own back yard and
create a soil mixture which will fit you and your bonsai’s
specific needs.

                                    NOTE: This article and images it
                             contains were written and photographed
                             by Randy Clark, resident bonsai artist at
                             the Bonsai Learning Center in Charlotte,
                             NC. They are intended for private use
                             only. Reproduction of this material for
                             commercial purposes is strictly prohibited
                             without the written consent of the author.

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Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil. Guidelines For Creating Bonsai Soil.
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