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                                                    JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
                                                                                     ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
                                                                          VOLUME 7, ISSUE 6, June. -2021
                                        Shobha Singh Thakur
                               Designation- Assistant Professor of law,
                               Kalinga University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

                                       Deshant Singh Thakur
                          Designation-BALLB, Pandit Ravishankar University

“At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the whole world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.”
(1) – Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.

ABSTARCT:                                               one needs to understand the origin and causes of
         As we touch the 73rd year of Indian            it, thus, in this limb of the article, we have tried
independence, the injustice against women               to draw the reader’s attention to the social
only seems to increase. The question arises             positioning of women in ancient India in order to
as to who is actually accountable for the pain          understand the origin of rape culture in India. In
of every other woman who is raped,                      a culture where the Devadasi system, the Sati
assaulted, sodomized or burned to death                 Pratha have been so prevalent, we think it is but
every 21 minutes, regardless of her age, caste          natural for a condition like this to arise. Since
or creed. Today, India, ironically symbolized           time immemorial, women in India have been
as mother India, stands to be one of the most           looked upon as second grade citizens, regardless
insecure countries for women. In spite of               of what the constitution of our country provides.
that, the punishments for outraging the                 The ancient Indian system appears to be flawed
modesty of women do not include chemical                when it comes to building an egalitarian society.
castration, bobbitization or death sentence.            This senseof inequality has been passed on to us
      Through this article, we have aimed to            by our ancestors and has, as result, become
shed light on the fact that the government of           deeply rooted in our minds.
our country has faltered in providing
adequate justice to women whose lives have              THE GRADUAL TRANSITION IN THE STATUS
been destroyed. We have tried linking the               OF INDIAN WOMEN:
shortcomings of our government with the                         The economy of a country serves as it
age-old patriarchal system. We have laid                underpins. Monetary possessions determine the
emphasis on the fact that every government              power of an individual. Even in ancient India,
officer is just as responsible for the pain of an       economy played a major role and determined the
Indianwoman as is a stalker, rapist or any              social positioning of women.
other man who tries to outrage her modesty,                   Indian history can be divided into three
as they all arethe products of our impaired             fragments, namely- Early, Medieval and Modern.
society and its principles and hence, share             Each limb has witnessed different roles and
the same patriarchal ideology.                          statuses of women. The plight of the Indian
                                                        females was a result of nothing but the invasions
THE SOCIAL POSITION OF WOMEN IN ANCIENT                 of different communities, which through their
INDIA:                                                  respective ideologies and cultures attacked our
      To understand the flaws in any system,            golden, egalitarian society.
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                                                   JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
                                                                                    ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
                                                                         VOLUME 7, ISSUE 6, June. -2021
      In the primitive Indian society, the             system. The birth of this evil system blew the
condition of Indian women was much better              conch shell of the superiority of men over
than other primitive cultures or communities           women. By 1000 BC, several advancements had
across the globe. Rather, it was beyond what we        started taking place in agriculture. Plough was
could have expected or imagined. Women played          invented. This invention eliminated the
a crucial role in the society as mothers. They         significance     of women         as   productive
were not only in charge of the household chores        participants in the economy. This transition in
but they also participated in the agricultural         the division of labor put men in a favorable
work along with men. Their participation in both       position as all the significant developments now
agricultural and domestic work, was viewed as a        took place under their sphere. With this new
major contribution to the economic production          advancement, man assumed the ownership of
of the society. Thus, they were highly respected       the economic means of production. As a result,
by all. They were indeed equal to men and              the females could only share the wealth of males
walked shoulder to shoulder with them, be it           and thus, did not have any control overit. This
contributing to the economy or attaining               was the first instance of dependency of women.
education. Such was the egalitarian Indian                     Secondly, the Varna system introduced
society.                                               lower castes and hence, slavery came into
        However, the advent of the Aryans can be       existence. All the lowly activities were now
considered as the beginning of the end of              performed by these slaves. The agricultural tasks
freedom enjoyed by women. The Aryans brought           which could havebeen given to women were now
with them, the idea of a patriarchal society.          a responsibility of the lower classes. This
Although women were still enjoying their rights        practice confined women to their households.
as before, but this idea of male dominance was                 Thirdly, polygamy was introduced. A man
somewhere planted in the minds of people,              brought female slaves, concubines and other
which turned into a bigger evil afterwards.            wives despite the existence of his first wife. This
        The Aryan society also advocated a             resulted in distribution of authority of a single
simple division of labour between the two sexes,       womanand the power that she formerly enjoyed
whereby, women were given the domestic                 over the domestic activities was now dissipated.
responsibilities whereas men found them in-                    The situation worsened when the women
charge of hunting and food gathering. Through          were deprived of their right to education. The
such division of labor, women still enjoyed            people were of the view that the age of marriage
authority over an important sphere of the              of the girls shall be reduced. This ended
economy and thus, did not lose their importance        possibilities for girls’ education. Ancient
completely. Equal education was given to both          scriptures such as the YajnavalkyaSmriti states
males     and     females     (Upanayana     and       that a girl should be married before puberty
Bramhacharya). Sarvanukrantika, an ancient             otherwise the guardians were to be held guilty of
scripture, suggests that out of the authors of         the destruction of embryo every month. In
Rig-Veda (India’soldest religious scripture)           addition to that, the Manu smriti states – “In
twenty were women. This depicts that woman             childhood, a woman must be subject to her
could attain formal education and scholastic           father, in youth to her husband and when her
training.                                              Lord is dead, to her sons. Awoman must never
        Nonetheless, such liberty and freedom          be independent.” Such ideology was threatening
could not last longer and it was snatched from         for the widows. Although the Sati system,
the women through the introduction of the caste        wherein a woman sacrificed herself by sitting
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                                                  JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
                                                                                   ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
                                                                        VOLUME 7, ISSUE 6, June. -2021
atop her deceased husband’s funeral pyre, was         objectification of women was inevitable. The
absent but by the 8th century, this custom was        women who did not have security on the
heavily practiced as due to the death of their        economic front, that is, theydid not have a male
husbands and abolition of widow remarriage,           guardian, had to yield to prostitution. Some texts
the widows were only considered asa burden on         have also mentioned that a girl who was raped
the society.                                          by a man, was socially ostracized as she was not
           Worse came to worse when the Muslims       considered eligible to get married and thus, had
invaded the country in the 11th century. The          to yield to prostitution. Another channel
Koranic interpretations deprived women of their       through which women enteredthis profession
liberty and this corresponded to the prevalent        was them being given away to priests, guests
conditions in India. The Muslims introduced the       or Brahmins as gifts on special religious or
purdah system (seclusion of women), polygamy          secular occasions. In fact, the social status of
andunilateral right of divorce for men. On the top    women was degraded to such alarming levels
of it, they completely debarred women from the        that they were exchanged in form of daksinas
religious and legal affairs.                          (sacrificial fees to officiating priests).
         In the early 19th century, the British               The prostitutes did not have any personal
liberal reformism did uproot some evils from the      liberty. Their body did not belong to them but the
Indian society but they could not change the          king of that particular territory. If a king ordered
mindset of Indians. And this is something that        a prostitute to serve a man, she had to do so.
our society witnesses even today. More than a         Failing the orders of the king, she had to face
legislative alteration, our country needs a           strict penal provisions.
psychological transition.                                     The ancient texts also relate that the
                                                      prostitutes were treated with contempt. They
THE AGONY OF THE PROSTITUTES (GANIKAS):               were ostracized from the society and
      “Rajajnayapurusamanabhigacchantiganik           considered impure. The food offered by them
asiphasahasramlabheta;                                was not to beeaten. In fact, if any person had a
pancasahasramvadaudah” – Kautilya.                    sexual intercourse with a prostitute, he had to
       The above verse translates to mean that if     undergo a purification ceremony.
a prostitute refuses to cohabit with a man,           These women were given away as gifts to
despite the orders of the King, she shall receive a   Brahmins, along with items like cattle, chariots
thousand lashes with a whip; or pay a fine of         etc. These women became a charitable
5000 panas (unit of money).                           commodity. The Brahmins and their relatives
       Well, it would not be wrong to say that the    used to enjoy these girls sexually and then
objectification of women has its roots in the         subsequently sell them off as slaves. The women
ancient Indian civilization. The mention of           also used to come with victories as booty for
prostitution can be found in Rig Veda, India’s        serving the king and other government officials.
earliest scripture. The causes of prostitution        Post their servitude to the king, they found
were varied but the root cause of this practice       themselves in the city’s brothels.
was again, theeconomic dependence of women.                   All these instances fairly point out to the
India was an agricultural society, wherein the        fact that objectification of women has its roots in
woman had no social mobility. She had to depend       the ancient Indian history. This ideology that a
upon a male guardian who would look after her         woman belongs to her husband or male
needs and thus, she belonged to a man, be it her      guardians is minacious. The girls of our country
father, brother or husband. Thus, the                 are raped every day because the men still believe
                                                                                               349 | P a g e
                                                     JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
                                                                                      ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
                                                                           VOLUME 7, ISSUE 6, June. -2021
that they are not human beings but merely                country as one. Unfortunately, this concept of
objects that are a source of pleasure to them. And       egalitarianism is alien to our country.
this is the reason why even a small working boy’s        We often accuse the common citizens of our
mother is raped thousand times a day by one and          country for rapes, sexual assaults and all other
all, forevery one verbally abuses him, be it the         heinous crimes. But this accusation and blaming
owner, his co-worker or a customer. A rickshaw           is of no use when those in power are themselves
puller’sdaughter/sister is raped hundred times a         guilty of such offences. And why wouldn’t the
day using foul language against him by bikers,           government officials commit these crimes?
drivers’ passengers and others even for none of          Afterall, they have grown up in the same society
the faults of the poor. We are a culture of sexual       as the other men have. All their lives, they have
slurs, ofabuse and rape, of bad language against         witnessed their mothers listening to the rants of
women, so much so, that even physical attacks            their fathers, being called jobless even after
on women do not seem to be shameful at all. The          working all day, their sisters being confined to
children witness these activities every day and          their houses. All in all, we have made the men
grow up to eventually become rapists. And then,          realize that they are in a better position than
as a society, we react to these incidents in the         women and they have more liberty than
ugliest of ways, either by assassinating the             women. And in the circumstances where they
character of the victim or blaming her for not           cannot bear working under a woman or having
dressingappropriately.                                   to follow her orders, they either molest their
         It would not be wrong to say that we            wives or rape a girl belonging to a lower social
are a rape culture. The person who commits               class just reaffirm their male self-image which
this heinous crime, the policeman who records            has been encouraged and internalized since their
the accounts of the incident and the judge who           childhood.
sentences therapist, are all the products of this              It shan’t be alarming to realize that a lot of
malfunctioned society. They consist of men               these men include policemen, soldiers and other
who have been feeding off the patriarchal                government officials because the society has
system. If the patriarchal system was not in             actually given them the power to do so, firstly,
existence, incidents like the Nirbhaya rape              by showering the benefits of the patriarchal
horror would have never occurred.                        system on them and secondly, by not designing
                                                         adequate laws to punish these offenders. In
INFLUENCE OF PATRIARCHY ON THE                           2004, in Manipur, a 32-year-old lady named
WORKING OF THE GOVERNMENT:                               Manorama was taken away from home by the
     In a country where men think that it is their       soldiers of Assam who accused her of helping
birthright to demean a woman, where a                    insurgents. A few hours later, her mutilated body
daughter-in- law is treated like a maid but a son-       was found on the roadside, her pelvis riddled
in-law is treated like a king, where daughters are       with bullets. In 2012, a 14-year-old Sonam was
seen as a burden on their families but sons, as          raped and killed inside a police station in Uttar
assets, it is but natural for offences like these to     Pradesh. In 1972, in Mathura, a 16-year-old
occur.                                                   tribal girl by two policemen inside the police
     Our country was not even aware of the               station and the rapists were never convicted
concept of women empowerment or equality                 because the courts said that the girl never raised
betweenmen and women until the constitution              an alarm, she was not injured and as she was
was drafted. The very preamble of our                    sexually active, she would have voluntarily
constitution looks upon every citizen of our             consented to the rape. On January 5, 1986,
                                                                                                  350 | P a g e
                                                      JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
                                                                                       ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
                                                                            VOLUME 7, ISSUE 6, June. -2021
Guntaben, a 22-year-old tribal woman was                  of their dignity or the system would not consider
assaulted in a police truck and again assaulted in        their cases. Our country records the highest
the police station where she was kept for two             number of rape cases every year yet it is quite
days. On her release, she tried to file a complaint       unfortunate that women who are put through
but no one ever lodged the complaint. In fact, she        this pain are never empathized with, rather they
was forced to producea false affidavit, denying           are ostracized from the society.
any offence committed against her. The Prem               It is quite difficult to be able to solve the problem
Chand’s case where agirl who had attempted to             in a society which treats its women as “second-
flee with her boyfriend was kept in custody and           grade citizens” and regards them as inferior to
whilst that, she was raped by two policemen. The          men until the social attitudes change and women
response of the judiciary was even more                   are respected and treated as equals. As sir
shocking than the incidentitself. The apex court          Rabindranath Tagore quoted,
reduced the 10 years’ imprisonment to 5 years
on the grounds that the girl was of a loose               “Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its
character as she had tried to flee with her               way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
boyfriend.                                                Where the mind is led forward by thee
        The one thing that remains common in all          Into ever-widening thought and action
these cases of custodial rape is that the girls who       Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my
were raped were either financially weak or                country awake.”
belonged to a tribal area or the scheduled caste.
Thus, it can be said that it was nothing but an                   If the legislature of our country includes
attempt by men to reaffirm that we live in a              stricter punishments for crimes against women,
patriarchal system and no matter what women               success wouldn’t be too far. Fear of getting
achieve, they will always be inferior to men. And         chemically castrated or bobbitized will certainly
our ‘remarkable’ judicial system, instead of              stop men from committing such heinous crimes.
putting an end to such ideology, encouraged               An alteration in law is imperative to assure
it on unreasonable grounds. Sometimes, the                safety of women in a country like ours. And, the
courts would reduce the punishments,                      laws can never be altered until there is a change
sometimes they would let off the accused on the           in the thinking of the law-makers.
argument that he, belonging to the upper caste
could not rape a woman of the lower caste or the          REFERENCES:
woman was of a loose character. It is quite               1) Jaiswal, S. (1981). WOMEN IN EARLY INDIA:
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them. There might be millions of Aruna                       68, 162-178.
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                                                                                                   351 | P a g e
                                                 JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
                                                                                  ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
                                                                       VOLUME 7, ISSUE 6, June. -2021
   Proceedings of the Indian History Congress,
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