Honors Convocation Wheaton College 2021

Page created by Richard Simpson
Wheaton College 2021
Table of contents
2021 Departmental Award Recipients             1
  Anthropology 1
  Visual Art 1
  Art History 1
  Business and Management 1
  Biology 1
  Chemistry and Physical Sciences 1
  Classics and Latin 2
  Economics 2
  Education 3
  English 3
  German 3
  History 3
  Mathematics and Computer Science 3
  Music and Performance 4
  Philosophy 4
  Physics 4
  Political Science and International Relations 4
  Psychology 5
  Religion 5
  Russian Studies 5
  Science 5
  Sociology 5
  Spanish 5
  Theatre and Dance Studies 6
  Women's and Gender Studies 6

Scholarships and Special Awards          6
Senior Class Faculty Appreciation Award             7
Balfour Scholars      8
Honor Societies      9
  Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society 9
  Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society 9
  Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society 9
  Sigma Iota Rho National International Relations Honor Society 9
  Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society 9
  Psi Chi National Undergraduate Honor Society in Psychology 10
  Dobro Solvo National Slavaic Honor Society 10
  Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society 10
  Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society 10

Wheaton Hymn        11
Wheaton Anthem           12
2021 Departmental Award Recipients
ANTHROPOLOGY                                          BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT

The Paul F. Cressey Prize in Anthropology             The Diana Davis Spencer ’60 Prize
                                                      in Business and Management
  James Margotta ’21
  Brooke Musial ’21                                     Troy Duffy ’21
Established in 1965 by friends of Professor Paul F.   This prize recognizes students with the
Cressey, teacher of Anthropology and Sociology        highest grade point average in the Business and
from 1932 to 1964. This prize is awarded to a se-     Management major.
nior major for general excellence in Anthropology.
                                                      The Citizenship Award for
                                                      Business and Management
                                                        Mia Len ’21
Miriam F. Carpenter Prize in Visual Art                 Sha-neek Roper ’21
  Maggie Chen ’21                                     This award recognizes a student who has made
                                                      significant contributions to the Business and
  Lucy Williams ’21
                                                      Management Program outside of the classroom.
Established by students in 1944 in honor of Miss
Carpenter, Dean of the college from 1929 to 1944.
This award is presented to students who have          BIOLOGY
done the best body of work in one area of Visual
Art.                                                  The Clinton V. MacCoy Prize in Ecology
                                                        Melissa Jernakoff ’21
The Maria Victoria DeLuca
Forsythe Prize in Visual Art                          Established by Mrs. Barbara Young Bodden ’56
                                                      in honor of Professor MacCoy, teacher of Biology
  Margaret Daly ’21                                   from 1944 to 1970, this prize is awarded to senior
Established in 1984 in honor of Maria Victoria        Biology majors for depth of interest in Ecology,
DeLuca Forsythe, wife of Professor Sidney             range of courses and intention to continue in the
Forsythe, through gifts from faculty and friends,     field of Biology after graduation.
this prize is awarded to the best all-around
student in Visual Art.                                The Tri-Beta Biological Sciences
                                                      Honor Society Award
ART HISTORY                                             Julia Centola ’21
                                                      Awarded to a senior who has made significant
The Friends of Art Prize                              contributions to Tri-Beta in leadership, communi-
                                                      ty service and scientific research.
  Whitney O’Reardon ’22
The Friends of Art Prize in the History of Art, is
awarded at the discretion of the Art Department,      CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES
for the most outstanding paper written for any art
history course.                                       Elita Pastra-Landis Prize in Biochemistry
                                                        Eva Pet ’21
The History of Art Prize
                                                      Created upon the retirement of Professor Elita
  Emily Gray ’22                                      Pastra-Landis after 44 years of teaching, this
Established in 1934 by Mrs. Genevieve Teachout        prize is awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry
Madden of the Class of 1935, this prize is awarded    major who has performed outstanding work in
for best overall performance in the History of Art.   their field.

                                                                Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021 1
The Evans-Marshall Prize in Chemistry                The Jennings Family Prize in
                                                      the Physical Sciences
    Matthew Goodwin ’21
 Established in 1959 by Chemistry alumnae of the        Ishaan Madan ’22
 classes of 1929 through 1959 in honor of Professor   Established in 2014 by Professor Emeritus Bojan
 Mildred W. Evans, teacher of Chemistry from          Jennings, this prize is awarded to an academ-
 1929 to 1962, and Professor Maud Marshall, teach-    ically stellar student majoring in chemistry,
 er of Chemistry from 1934 to 1973. This prize is     biochemistry, physics or biology at the end of
 awarded to a junior or senior Chemistry major of     the junior year. Professor Jennings hoped that
 singular promise who has shown imagination,          this prize would encourage talented students to
 independence, and initiative.                        continue in the sciences.

 The CRC Press Freshman Chemistry
                                                      CLASSICS AND LATIN
 Achievement Award
    Prisha Dani ’24                                   The Faculty Prize in Classics
    Katie Lavoie ’24                                    Dalton Adams ’21
 Dating back 62 years, this award is presented        Awarded to an academically excellent junior
 to an outstanding freshman chemistry student         or senior who has contributed the most, both
 and is meant to encourage and sustain student        in and out of the classroom, to the Wheaton
 interest in the sciences.                            Community’s knowledge and appreciation of the
                                                      worlds of Greece and Rome.
 The Undergraduate Award in
 Analytical Chemistry                                 The Edward F. O’Dowd Prize
    Melissa Jernakoff ’21                             for Excellence in Latin
 Awarded by the Division of Analytical Chemistry        Sierra Proft ’21
 of the American Chemical Society, this award         Established in memory of Edward F. O’Dowd, a
 recognizes students for outstanding work in          graduate of Boston Latin and Harvard University,
 Analytical Chemistry.                                in recognition of Boston Latin School’s 350th
                                                      anniversary and Wheaton College’s 150th
 The Undergraduate Award in                           anniversary, this prize recognizes academic
 Physical Chemistry                                   achievement in Latin.
    Sarah Calkins ’22
 Awarded by the Division of Physical Chemistry        ECONOMICS
 of the American Chemical Society, this award
 recognizes students for outstanding work in          Jean Mulcahy Keefe ’44 Prize in Economics
 Physical Chemistry.                                    Kirsten Chambers ’21
 The POLYED Award for Achievement                       Eva Pet ’21
 in Organic Chemistry                                   Gyana Srivastava ’21
    Jeanne Specht ’23                                 Established in 1985 in memory of Jean Mulcahy
                                                      Keefe ’44, by her husband Harry V. Keefe, Jr.,
 Sponsored by the American Chemical Society           this award is given to outstanding Economics
 and Polymer Education Committee, this prize          majors for graduate study, based on the students’
 is awarded to recognize and honor students for       cumulative grade point average for all courses
 outstanding performance in the two-semester          taken in Economics through the first semester of
 organic chemistry sequence for chemistry             the senior year.
                                                      The Catherine Filene Prize in Economics
                                                        Kirsten Chambers ’21
                                                        Eva Pet ’21
                                                      Established in 1919 by Catherine Filene Shouse,
                                                      Class of 1918. This prize, the oldest at Wheaton, is
                                                      awarded for excellence in Economics.

2 Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021
EDUCATION                                            HISTORY

The Banning-Ford Prize in Education                  The Nancy P. Norton Prize in
                                                     History & American Studies
  Lauren Davidson ’21
  Mikayla Pucci ’21                                    Amy Cummings ’21
Established in 1980 by the Education Department        Jane Cummings ’21
in honor of Evelyn Irene Banning, Professor of       Awarded by the Department of History to a
Education from 1953-1969, and Marjorie Hill          graduating senior for outstanding performance in
Ford, Lecturer in Education and Director of the      History or American Studies during their college
Elisabeth Amen Nursery School from 1956-1976,        career, in honor of Nancy Norton, distinguished
this prize is awarded for excellence in student      member of the Wheaton College History
teaching.                                            Department from 1953 until her retirement in
                                                     1986. In 1993, the prize was endowed by Stephany
                                                     Roller Mandelsohn, Class of ’62, a teacher and
ENGLISH                                              former student of Nancy Norton.
The Anne Louise Knowles ’55
Memorial Prize in English                            MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE
  Olivia James ’21                                   The Madeleine F. Clark Wallace
  Calais Mustoe ’21                                  Mathematics Prize
  David Palombo ’21                                    Mikayla Pucci ’21
  Kavita Premkumar ’21                               Established in 1935 by Madeleine F. Clark, Class of
Established in memory of Anne Louise Knowles         1934, this prize is awarded to the Wheaton senior,
’55 by friends, classmates and family to be award-   selected by the Mathematics faculty, who com-
ed to a senior who shared Anne’s love of English,    bines the greatest depth of study in Mathematics
who has done work of high quality, and who had       with the highest achievement.
done distinguished work in the field of study.
                                                     The Fred Kollett Prize in Mathematics
The Helen Meyers Tate Memorial                       and Computer Science
Prize for Original Verse
                                                       Javier Esteban de Celis ’21
  Mazie Starratt ’21                                   Jackson Reed ’21
  Rosie Steiner ’21                                    Myles Trevino ’21
Established in 1941 by the Class of 1922 in memory   Awarded to honor the memory of Fred Kollett,
of Helen Meyers Tate, this prize is awarded to a     Professor of Math and Computer Science and
student for excellence in original verse.            founding Director of the Academic Computing
                                                     Center from 1979-1997. This prize is made possible
GERMAN                                               by the generosity of Fred’s family, colleagues and
                                                     many friends. The prize goes to an outstanding
Hedda Korsch Prize in German Studies                 student in Math or Computer Science who, in
                                                     addition to an excellent academic record, has
  Sydney Murphy ’21                                  displayed creativity, imagination, and prob-
Established in 1956 by former German students        lem-solving skills outside the classroom.
and past and present faculty members to honor
Professor Hedda Korsch, teacher of German from
1936 to 1956, and is awarded for excellence in

                                                               Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021 3
MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE                                The Tania Frances Richards Sicard
                                                      ’05 Memorial Prize in Philosophy
 The Garabedian Prize in Music
                                                        Maggie Lawless ’21
    Kneeco Hanton ’21                                 Established in 2010 by the generosity of the
    Jackson Reed ’21                                  faculty in Wheaton’s Department of Philosophy,
 Established in 1959 by Trustee Maurice L.            classmates, friends and the family of Tania
 Clemence in honor of Professor Carl Garabedian,      Frances Richards Sicard, ’05, to assure a long-
 organist and director of the choir from 1936 to      lasting tangible remembrance of a student they
 1960, this prize is awarded for outstanding work     knew and admired. In her honor, this prize is
 in music in the fields of history, theory, and       awarded to a student who, like Tania, engages
 practical performance.                               with faculty, other students, and coursework in a
                                                      way that demonstrates exuberance for the subject
                                                      of Philosophy.
 Edna D. Parks Prize in Music Theory
    Jackson Reed ’21                                  PHYSICS
 Established in 1979 by music majors in honor of
 Professor Edna D. Parks, teacher of music from       The H.M. Pastra-Landis Prize in Physics
 1957 to 1976, this prize is awarded to a music
 student who is outstanding in music theory.            Loren Simpson ’21
                                                        Lucy Williams ’21
 The Ellalou Dimmock Award                            Given annually to a physics major or minor who
 in Voice Performance                                 has completed coursework at or beyond the
    Haoyuan Zheng ’22                                 sophomore level in the major and whose work in
                                                      the classroom and the laboratory has consistently
 Established in 1995, in honor of Ellalou Dimmock,    demonstrated a high level of creativity, originali-
 a voice teacher at Wheaton for many years, this      ty, and initiative.
 award recognizes a voice student who pursues
 serious musical training within the context of the
 liberal arts and aspires to the highest standards    POLITICAL SCIENCE AND
 in every part of their education.                    INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
 The Helen Zoe Duncan Prize                           The Daniel Lewin Prize in Political Science
 in Piano Performance
                                                        Christopher Orndoff ’21
    Qianrui “Tammy” Guo ’21                           Established in 1969 by students and alumnae in
 Established in honor of Helen Zoe Duncan,            memory of Daniel Lewin, Assistant Professor of
 Instructor of Piano from 1946 to 1980 and            Political Science from 1963 to 1966. This prize is
 Associate Professor of Music, for her unending       awarded to a Political Science major who has done
 devotion to Wheaton and to her students.             outstanding work in their field.
 This prize is awarded to the student who best
 exemplifies her spirit and determination.            The Darlene Boroviak Prize in Political Science
                                                        Meshal Muzaffar ’21
 PHILOSOPHY                                           Established in 2013 in honor of Darlene Boroviak,
                                                      Professor of Political Science from 1970 to 2013,
 The Holcombe M. Austin Prize in Philosophy           for her many years of selfless dedication to her
    Christopher Orndoff ’21                           students and to this college. This prize is made
                                                      possible by the generosity of alumnae/i, faculty,
    David Palombo ’21                                 staff, students and friends of Professor Boroviak
 Established in 1960 by Sally Terry and Amanda        upon her retirement. It is awarded to the major
 Tevepaugh, Class of 1960, in honor of Professor      who has accomplished outstanding work in
 Holcombe M. Austin, teacher of Philosophy from       Political Science.
 1941 to 1972. This prize is awarded for sustained
 interest and excellence in Philosophy.

4 Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021
The Abbey McClosky ’92 Memorial                      RUSSIAN STUDIES
Prize in International Relations
                                                     Prudence G. Lusky Memorial
  Emily Dionne ’21                                   Prize in Russian Studies
Established by the family and friends of Abbey
McClosky, Class of 1992, who died a tragic and         Taylor Rooney ’21
untimely death. This award is presented annually     Established in memory of Prudence G. Lusky,
to a graduating International Relations major who    Class of 1976, by her family and friends. This
has done outstanding work.                           prize is awarded annually to an outstanding
                                                     student in Russian.
The Meg L. Kearns ’99 Prize in Psychology
                                                     The Villars Prize in Science
  Maggie Daly ‘21
Established in 2000 in memory of Meg Kearns by         Kellia Karabizi ’22
her family, this prize is awarded to senior majors     Augustina Nguyen ’21
in Psychology who most exemplifies the openness
                                                     Created in memory of Trudy Villars, Professor of
and deep curiosity, the wide-ranging interests,
                                                     Psychobiology from 1980 until her untimely death
and the academic excellence and sustained
                                                     in 1990. Trudy was committed to creating greater
enthusiasm for inquiry that characterized Meg
                                                     opportunities in science for women and people
during her years at Wheaton.
                                                     of color, and the prize is given to a student who
                                                     shows exceptional promise as a scientist.
The David Wulff Prize in Psychology
  Julia Wilkinson ‘21                                SOCIOLOGY
Awarded annually to a graduating major who
has the overall highest academic achievement         The Lucretia C. Mott Prize in Sociology
in Psychology. Reflecting Professor Wulff’s
high standards for student performance, this           Rose Hankes ’21
award acknowledges the senior major who has            Jillian Hirst ’21
accomplished great success while taking a broad
and rigorous selection of Psychology courses.          Lola Robinson ’21
                                                     Established in 1987 by Mr. Thomas Osborne, a
                                                     member of the Wheaton Department of Sociology
RELIGION                                             and Anthropology from 1964 to 1986, with gifts
                                                     from Dr. Osborne and from the Henderson
The J. Arthur Martin Prize in Religion               Foundation. Lucretia Coffin Mott, Dr. Osborne’s
                                                     great, great aunt, was a noted women’s rights
  Oskar Mattes ’22
                                                     advocate and a staunch abolitionist. The prize
Established in 1978 by friends in honor of           is awarded to students who best exemplify
Professor J. Arthur Martin, teacher of Religion      excellence in Sociology
from 1947 to 1978; it is awarded to a sophomore
or junior who has proven to be an exceptional
student in Religion.                                 SPANISH

The Lydia J. Dorman Prize in Religion                The Burlingame-Moles Prize in Spanish
  Michael Metz ’21                                     Ida Mae Danforth ’21
Established in 1926 by Mrs. Maud Dorman Brewer         Carly Patterson ’21
of Branford, CT, this prize is awarded to the most   Established in honor of Professor Frances Marie
distinguished student in the classes of Religion.    Burlingame, teacher of Spanish from 1943 to 1961,
                                                     and Professor Lucinda Moles, teacher of Spanish
                                                     from 1956 to 1973, by members of the Spanish
                                                     Department, this prize is awarded for general
                                                     excellence in Spanish.

                                                               Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021 5
THEATRE AND DANCE STUDIES                             The Theatre and Dance Studies
                                                       Award for Dance
 The Lillian Hellman Prize in
 Theatre and Dance Studies                               Emma Girouard ’21
                                                         Margaret Morey ’21
    Madi Jo Abdul ’21
                                                       Established in 2008, the Department of Theatre
 Established in 1977, this prize is awarded to         and Dance Studies prize for dance is awarded
 a senior for excellence in direction, practical       to students who demonstrate excellence in
 performance, or technical theatre.                    performance or choreography.

 The Theatre and Dance Studies
 Award for Excellence in Acting                        WOMEN'S AND GENDER STUDIES
    Ian Hamilton ’21                                   Maimu Seepere Yllö Prize in
 Awarded by the Theatre and Dance Studies              Women’s and Gender Studies
 faculty to students who have made outstanding
 contributions as actors.                                Krystal Ssonko ’21
                                                       Established by Kersti Yllö, Professor of Sociology
 The Theatre and Dance Studies Award                   and Women’s Studies from 1981-2016, this prize
 for Technical and Design Excellence                   is awarded in honor of Prof. Yllö ’s mother Maimu
                                                       Seepere Yllö, who was a political refugee from
    Benjamin Campbell ’23                              Estonia, a scientist and a life-long feminist. It is
 Awarded by the Theatre and Dance Studies              given annually to a senior who has done outstand-
 faculty to the outstanding student in scene,          ing academic work and activism on women and
 lighting, or costume design or production.            gender equality.

                           Scholarships and Special Awards
 The Phi Beta Kappa Grace F.                           The Linda Frances Epstein ’82 Award
 Shepard Scholarship
                                                         Eva Pet ’21
    James Margotta ’21                                 Established in honor of Linda Epstein ’82 who was
 Established in memory of Grace Shepard,               a scholar and athlete, this award is presented to
 Professor of English at Wheaton from 1913 to 1940     a graduating senior who has demonstrated both
 by her sister, Edith May Shepard, this scholarship    academic excellence and dedicated performance
 is awarded to a member of the senior class in the     in athletics.
 Humanities pursuing an M.A. or Ph.D.
                                                       The Sally Gale Gilman Award
 The Phi Beta Kappa Graduate Scholarship
                                                         Angel Bird ’21
    Juan Felipe Riano Landazabal ’14                     Kimberly Ekstrand ’21
 Established in 1934, the Phi Beta Kappa Graduate        Garrett Maggio ’21
 Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior or
 to a graduate entering the first or second year of    Established in 1986 at the bequest of a member of
 study leading to an M.A. or Ph.D.                     the Class of 1962; it is awarded to the graduating
                                                       seniors who best exemplify those qualities
                                                       of leadership, scholarship, and service that
 Phi Beta Kappa Ruth Redding
                                                       Wheaton College expects of its graduates.
 Graduate Scholarship
    Chelsea Schroeder ’21
 Established in honor of Ruth Redding ’34, this
 scholarship is awarded to either a member of the
 senior class or to a graduate entering the first or
 second year of graduate study. It is awarded for
 graduate work leading to the Ph.D. degree.

6 Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021
The A. Howard Meneely Prize                          The Jane E. Ruby Fellowship
  Kirsten Chambers ’21                                  Michelle Riccio ’09
  Helene Xijun Mantineo ’21                          Established in 1978 by alumnae and friends in
                                                     honor of Professor Ruby, a member of the History
  Eva Pet ’21
                                                     Department from 1954 to 1976 and Provost from
Established in 1964, this prize is awarded to        1976 to 1978. It provides support to a senior or
the senior with the highest grade point average      graduate to begin, continue or resume profession-
who has been enrolled in the college since their     al or other advanced training in any field.
freshman year.
                                                     The Joseph M. and Susan Stampler
Julia R. Lange Fellowship                            Paresky ’68 Fellowship
  Scott Moody ’14                                       Rose Hankes ’21
  Colleen Sedney ’20                                 Established in 1986 by Joseph M. and Susan
  Galina Smith ’16                                   Stampler Paresky for graduate study in a graduate
                                                     or professional program leading to an advanced
  Carol Teran ’21                                    degree. This award is given to a senior who
  Andrea Wood ’19                                    has excelled academically, made a significant
Established in 1972 through the bequest of           contribution to the campus community and
Matilde M. Lange, Professor of Biology and           demonstrated exceptional personal growth
Zoology at Wheaton from 1921 to 1949, in memory      during their time at Wheaton.
of her mother, Julia R. Lange, his Fellowship is
presented to Wheaton seniors or graduates for        Wheaton Scholar Prize
advanced study in medicine or the biological
                                                        Hope Netolicky ’21
                                                        Greta Reilly ’21
The Helen and Irma Wieand Fellowship                    Marcelle Zaccour Cabal ’21
  Jonathan Raymond ’21                               Established in 1987 by former Wheaton Scholars.
                                                     This prize is awarded to a current Wheaton
Established in 1961 by Helen Wieand Cole, a
                                                     scholar who through their work has achieved the
member of the Classics Department from 1911
                                                     highest ideals for interdisciplinary scholarship.
to 1925, trustee from 1936 to 1965, and wife of
President Samuel Valentine Cole. This Fellowship
is awarded annually to a senior or graduate to       The Gerald Zuriff Graduate Fellowship Award
support graduate studies in the Humanities.             Anoushka Agrawal ‘20
                                                     Established in 2007 with gifts from friends,
                                                     colleagues, and students in honor of Professor
                                                     Emeritus Gerald Zuriff upon his retirement
                                                     from the Psychology Department. The award
                                                     is presented to Psychology graduating seniors
                                                     or alumnae/i who have been accepted to or are
                                                     currently in a graduate program related to the
                                                     field of Psychology.

                  Senior Class Faculty Appreciation Award
                          Winter Jade Werner, Associate Professor of English
Chosen by the senior class each year, the Faculty Appreciation Award is presented to the professor that
has made the most positive impact on the senior class during their time at Wheaton.

                                                               Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021 7
Balfour Scholars
 Class of 2021                       Class of 2022                Class of 2024
  Dalton T. Adams ’21                 Mackenzie J. Blaney ’22      Saijal Bedi ’24
  Hannah Arkin ’21                    Elizabeth M. Eaton ’22       Eleanor A. Cerra ’24
  Nellie R. Boling ’21                Lauriina Heinonen ’22        Ciara M. Connor ’24
  Cody M. Cavanagh ’21                Kellia G. Karambizi ’22      Kareena A. Dogra ’24
  Julia E. Centola ’21                Caiden M. Kumar ’22          Vidhan Rasiklal Gadiya ’24
  Kirsten E. Chambers ’21             Haley E. McCreight ’22       Abigail J. Hinckley ’24
  Allison L. Chaves ’21               Diego J. Medina ’22          Katie J. Lavoie ’24
  Thomas M. Cosgriff ’21              Mia T. Murray ’22            Joshua Mathew ’24
  Amy E. Cummings ’21                 Jadyn Ruzzano ’22            Lily C. McDowell ’24
  Jane E. Cummings ’21                Ian Tracy ’22                Emerson K. McEvoy ’24
  Ida Mae C. Danforth ’21             Chloe Van Dyne ’22           Madison A. Medbury ’24
  Lauren C. Davidson ’21              Elizabeth A. Williams ’22    Erin L. Moynihan ’24
  Emily R. Dionne ’21                Class of 2023                 Alara S. Nelson ’24
  Amelia K. Dunn ’21                                               Christopher P. Taranto ’24
                                      Sage E. Bohl ’23
  Kimberly L. Ekstrand ’21                                         Diane M. Tran ’24
                                      Erin Bowes ’23
  Angela Frechette ’21                                             Allison R. Weston ’24
                                      Natan Chalem ’23
  Caroline Genther ’21
                                      Nina Christenson ’23
  Alyssa M. Gerencer ’21
                                      Leah R. Dickman ’23
  Kyla M. Goux ’21
                                      Erica A. Drufva ’23
  Rose Hankes ’21
                                      Madeline L. Eller ’23
  Olivia A. James ’21
                                      Nomin Enkhtsetseg ’23
  Melissa G. Jernakoff ’21
                                      Lillian G. Erickson ’23
  Elysse M. Ladjevic ’21
                                      Arianna Fabiani ’23
  Garrett J. Maggio ’21
                                      Jack D. Gavin ’23
  Helene Xijun Mantineo ’21
                                      William Griese ’23
  Margaret A. Morey ’21
                                      Jennifer L. Hodel ’23
  Samantha S. Pashoian ’21
                                      Alizabeth Jewell ’23
  Mary T. Quinn ’21
                                      Olivia A. Kulevich ’23
  Sydney R. Rainone ’21
                                      Sydney M. McClaren ’23
  Jackson J. Reed ’21
                                      Laura E. Molesworth ’23
  Chelsea M. Schroeder ’21
                                      Elise Morley ’23
  Ellen K. Shaw ’21
                                      William Patten ’23
  Sidney K. Sipes ’21
                                      Cole J. Paul ’23
  Saralynn Spear ’21
                                      Alice Riiska ’23
  Taylor L. Szot ’21
                                      Adele J. Rossignol ’23
  Nicholas J. Tarzanin ’21
                                      Jade T. Shockley ’23
  Danielle K. Trudeau ’21
                                      Paige E. Tagg ’23
  Colby Weik ’21
                                      Saachi S. Tapse ’23
                                      Katie Vidic ’23
                                      Patrick Walsh ’23
                                      Julia K. Warren ’23
                                      Margaret Whitcomb ’23
                                      Sophie E. Wilhelm ’23

8 Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021
Honor Societies
Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
 Amy Elizabeth Cummings ’21          Olivia Alicia James ’21            Jackson James Reed ’21
 Jane E. Cummings ’21                Melissa Grace Jernakoff ’21        Chelsea Mae Schroeder ’21
 Kevin E. Elkhoury ’21               James Phillip Margotta ’21         Saralynn Spear ’21
 Alyssa M. Gerencer ’21              Eva Pet ’21                        Lucy B. Williams ’21
 Jillian Hirst ’21                   Sierra Halley Proft ’21
Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society
Future Inductees                     Doria Gedraitis ’21                Emma Hert ’22
 Nicole Toppses ’23                  Chelsea El-Hajj ’22                Eva Pet ’21
 Jessica Cully ’22                   Eleanor Ruhlin ’22                 Caroline Genther ’21
 Ashley Wechsler ’22                 Oceane Caporal ’23                 Chloe Deubner ’21
 Mary Quinn ’21                      Caiden Kumar ’22                   Camille Beckwith ’21
 Yassmine Raoui ’22                  Kevin Fischer ’22                  Meghan Reed ’22
 Kaitlin Gossart ’22                 Nathan Ruel ’22                    Robby Black ’21
 William Gan ’21                     Paige Nowlin ’22                   Sidney Sipes ’21
 Tristan Keller ’22                  Hannah Brunelle ’23                Veronica Fisher ’21
 Kyla Magalhaes ’21                  Maddie Lambert ’22                 Ben Hanna ’21
 Alyssa Gerencer ’21                 Jayna Thornley ’23                 Lindsy Hardy ’21
 Troy Eakman ’22                     Madison Cyr ’22                    Melissa Jernakoff ’21
 Samer El Khatib ’23                 Kellia Karambizi ’22               Emma Candelaria ’22
 Julianna Bauer ’22                  Dhruval Thakkar ’22                Benjamin Flaum ’21
 Garrett Maggio ’21                 Current Members                     Kevin Elkhoury ’21
 Ashley Schofield ’22                Julia Centola ’21
 Barret Laplante ’22                 Alissa Carey ’21
Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society
 Kirsten Chambers ’21                Rebekah Lajoie ’21                 Gyana Srivastava ’21
 Thomas (Teg) Cosgriff ’21           Samantha Pashoian ’21              Blake Stevens ’21
 Mark D’Augelli, Jr. ’21             Eva Pet ’21                        Peiqing Wang ’21
 Troy Duffy ’21                      Joshua Phillips ’21                Sarah Yates ’21
 Ziren Fei ’21                       Samuel Spaulding ’21
Sigma Iota Rho National International Relations Honor Society
 Emily Dionne ’21                    Cameron Murray ’22                 Kiran Pfitzner ’21
 Mae Flibotte ’22                    Meshal Muzaffar ’21                June Raymond ’21
 Kyla Goux ’21                       Lauryn Parent ’21
Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society
 Alyssa Armstrong ’21                Izzy Eggleston ’21                 Brody Pelletier ’21
 Jeanne Bedard ’22                   Meshal Muzaffar ’21                Katie Steinberg ’22
 Abby Cook ’22                       Christopher Orndoff ’21            Victor Trepanier ’22

                                                               Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021 9
Psi Chi National Undergraduate Honor Society in Psychology
  Jena Casman ’21                     Cameron Glick ’22       Erin O’Brien ’21
  Weiman Chen ’22                     Kyla Goux ’21           Jordyn Paul ’21
  Maya Clifton ’22                    Natalie Greene ’22      Yared Ras-Work ’21
  Nora Cyr ’21                        Moira Griffin ’21       Mikaela Savarese ’22
  Emily Darling ’21                   Grace Hamel ’22         Gyana Srivastava ’21
  Margaret Daly ’21                   Marissa Kanakry ’22     Artie Street ’21
  Jessica DiFranco ’22                Elysse Ladjevic ’21     Brianne Terrence ’21
  Veronica Fisher ’21                 Jasmine MacDonald ’21   Margaret Walker ’22
  Kayleigh Foley ’22                  Haley McCreight ’22     Julia Wilkinson ’21
  Angela Frechette ’21                Hannah Melville ’22
 Dobro Solvo National Slavaic Honor Society
  Taylor Rooney ’21                   Cassandra Smith ’20     Nicholas Lekkas ’20
 Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society
  Katie Brown ’22                     Emma Haggerty ’21       Jenna Kleiman ’21
  Kim Dugan ’22                       Izzi King ’22           Pierre Morse ’22
 Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society
  Anisa Antonio ’21                   Jane Kim ’21            Carly Patterson ’21
  Jackson Berry ’21                   Ida Mae Danforth ’21    Nolan Teixeira ’21
  Sabrina Buxeda ’22                  Francisca Ibarra ’21    Brianne Terrence ’21

10 Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021
Wheaton Hymn
 Words by J. Edgar Park
Music by Herbert J. Jenny

                     Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021 11
Wheaton Anthem
                                              Words and Music by
                                               Carlton T. Russell

12 Wheaton College, Honors Convocation 2021
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